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课程名称 捷进英语综合教程2 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 《捷进英语综合教程2 教师用书》
Teaching Plan 教 学 Unit 5 Dinner Table of the World 单 元 单 元 主 题 ? Feeding the world ? Foods with meaning ? Complaining in restaurants ? Reading for learning Feeding the World 教 ? Reading for Doing 学 Foods with Meaning 内 容 ? Guided Writing An Apology Letter ? Audio/Video Lab 课 时8 安 排
教学环节主要特色 Warm-up (热身) ? This section starts with identifying cause and effect relationships. It ? The first task encourages students to form an understanding of cause and effect relationships. When doing Task 2 set a quick time limit to encourage students to ? This section introduces the food around the world and issues related to food. 教学活动安排建议 ? Depending on the time you have available, you could ask students to design a table showing a typical Chinese table of food for a week. also encourages Ss to identify time references and to scan for numbers. ? Vocabulary and Grammar Task 1 works on the meaning of thematic words from the text. Tasks 2 and 3look at words describing change and cause/effect. The grammar section looks at can, could and be able to. ? Beyond the Text Students look at how changes in food supply in China. scan. Task 3 can be referred back to when dealing with the grammar section later. Tasks 4 tests the detailed understanding of the text. Task 5 is a translation task. You can provide reference after students have finished. ? The first vocabulary task draws on topic vocabulary from the text. ? The last two vocabulary tasks can easily be extended if need be with work on change and cause/effect. This is particularly useful if you have students doing tasks such as describing graphs. ? The Grammar Focus part looks at can, could and be able to. There is lots of potential for personalisation with this grammar point. For example, students can write their own sentences to describe their abilities in their past and present. ? Beyond the text This section should be handled sensitively in case students have any personal issues with food. ? This section should take less time than section B as the texts are less complicated. They focus on developing students’ everyday reading skills. ? If you have more time, you could develop the discussion and work on food traditions in China. Reading (阅读) Reading for doing Reading for learning ? Ss read an article describing food traditions around the world. Guided Writing ? Students write an apology letter. ? Before the lesson you could find examples of apology letters on the internet to show students. ? When doing Task 6 you might need to provide a model for more support. ? Students listen to various situations in which people ? For each part of the video you might want to play it twice. Audio/Video Lab are complaining. ? They practice listening for phrases and vocabulary from context. Wrap-up ? This section provides a quick review of the vocabulary, grammar, writing and theme of the unit. ? Tasks could be set for individual work or done in pairs. ? Tasks 4 and 7 provide good opportunities for drilling students on common language. ? For Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3 on the language work, you might want to set them up as a team game or class quiz. ? For Task 4, it could be set as small group discussion task. 课后学习设计 作业 ? Finish all the tasks in Unit 5. ? Read the two texts in this unit again and try to summarise their contents. ? Role-play a conversation between waiter/waitress and customer. 课后总结与反思
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