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专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学

课程名称:语言学及翻译(804) 共 5页 第1 页


Linguistics (100 marks)

I. Studying linguistics, we have come across a lot of technical terms, some of which are listed below. Please write out the most acceptable definitions for each of them. (10 %)

1) applied linguistics 2) displacement 3) cultural transmission 4) open class words 5) free morpheme 6) syntax 7) superordinate 8) locutionary act 9) acronyms 10) intercultural communication II. Studying linguistics we have been acquainted with many linguists, some of whom are listed below. Write out a phrase that may best represent their contributions to linguistics. (10%)

1) Ferdinand de Saussure ; 2) M. A. K. Halliday; 3) Edward Sapir; 4) Paul Grice ; 5) Noam Chomsky.

III. Linguistics as a specified discipline has its own technical ways of operation. Try to fill the blanks to demonstrate your technical sense of linguistics. (15%) 1. The study of 1)__________ used in linguistic communication led to the

establishment of phonetics.

2. When the study of meaning is conducted, not in isolation, but in the context of

language use, it becomes another branch of linguistic study called 2)___________.

3. Language exists in time and changes through time. The description of a language


专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学

课程名称:语言学及翻译(804) 共5页 第2页

at some point of time in history is a 3) _____________ study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a 4) ____________ study. 4. Please give the phonetic symbol for each of the following sound descriptions:

voiced labiodental fricative: 5)________; voiceless alveolar stop: 6)________; voiced bilabial nasal: 7)__________.

5. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a

register, which is determined by three social variables: 8) ________ of discourse, 9) _________ of discourse, and 10) _______ of discourse.

6. In sociolinguistic studies, speakers are regarded as members of social groups. The

social group that is singled out for any special study is called the 11)________ ___________.

7. A 12) ________ _________ is a linguistic variety used by people living in the

same geographical region while 13)________ _________, which is characteristic of a particular social class, has to do with separation brought about by different social conditions.

8. An American linguist, Martin Joos, distinguishes five stages of formality, namely,

(1) 14)_________, (2) casual, (3) consultative, (4) formal, (5) 15) _________. IV. To be a student of linguistics, one needs to develop a sense of critical thinking. Please answer the following questions to demonstrate your critical potentials. (35%)

1. From the generally accepted definition of language, we learn that “Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.” How would you explain that language is arbitrary? Is language entirely arbitrary?

2. Explain the ambiguity of the following sentence by providing two sentences that


专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学

课程名称:语言学及翻译(804) 共5页 第3页

paraphrase two of the different meanings conveyed: The Seniors were told to stop

demonstrating on campus.

3. Language performs several functions. Could you name and briefly illustrate three

basic functions performed by language? 4. First consider the following utterance:

He has made a lot of academic achievements, but he is quite modest.

Now the question is: Can you point out the conversational implicature of this


5. Human language differs from animal communication in many ways. Could you illustrate the differences in terms of cultural transmission?

V. Write two short essays on the following topics to demonstrate your potential of doing linguistics. (30%)

1. As we know, in the course of communication between Chinese learners of

English and English native speakers, breakdowns sometimes occur due to pragmatic failure. Write a short essay about your understanding of pragmatic failure.

2. English language in its development has managed to widen its vocabulary by

borrowing words from other languages. Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, Arabic and other languages have all played an active role in this process. Can you find some loan words in Chinese from other languages and briefly discuss this linguistic phenomenon?


专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学

课程名称:语言学及翻译(804) 共5页 第4页

Translation (50 points)

VI. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (25 points)

Being middle class is the very heart of the American Dream. In practical terms, it’s having a job that pays enough so you can own a home and a car, take a vacation once a year, and enjoy a few luxuries without worrying too much. Statistically, for a two-parent, two-child family, it’s having a household income in the range of about $50,000 to $122,000 a year. But most important of all, it means believing that our children can have an even better life than our own.

In 2011, our faith in a brighter future, and in the power of hard work to get us there, is being tested daily. Trapped in the worst economy since the Great Depression, millions of us have turned from the great, enduring goal of getting ahead to the task of merely surviving. We are saving less and borrowing more because our incomes have stagnated while our expenses have soared. Housing, health care, and transportation are all much more expensive than a few years ago. Child care is an additional burden, and the cost of college, public and private, has skyrocketed. Ultimately, this crisis is about jobs— good-paying jobs that enable not just our optimism but also the growth of our economy.

Job growth in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics industries over the past decade has been three times faster than growth in other fields, and people in these professions earn 26 percent more than others. Every year, more than a third of U.S. workers change jobs. In a 2010 report, these recommendations were made: Increase ties between schools and research centers so, among other benefits, students can see scientists at work; train teachers to get younger students interested in science and technology at an early age; and do a better job of identifying students with science and math skills, especially those from lower-income backgrounds.

VII. Translate the following passage into English. (25 points)



专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学

课程名称:语言学及翻译(804) 共5页 第5页




