凯文国际商务酒店客房部标准工作程序sop(中英文)修改版 2 - 图文

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GENERAL 总述 Task No: Description 1. Grooming and Appearance


2. Check Uniform and How to Grooming Standards 制服检查及仪表仪容标准 3. Body language and attitude 肢体语言及态度 4. How to Conduct Briefing 怎样主持例会 5. Communicate with Housekeeping Department


6. How to Greet the Guest


7. Occupational Health and Safety



9 Lost and Found Procedure


10. Monthly Linen Inventory 月度布草盘点

11. Master Key Sign Out Procedure 万能钥匙签领程序 12. Sign in Procedure 签到程序

13. Sign out Procedure 签退程序

14. Guest Room Amenities & Supplies Set-up 客用品配放

15. “Do Not Distribute” Procedure for Rooms


16. Clean Room Procedure


17. How to Clean Electric Kettle


18. How to Clean the Glasses


19. How to Clean Ice Bucket 怎样清洁冰桶


20. How to Change Pillow Case 怎样更换枕套

21. How to remove laundry wooden boxes / hangers 撤出送衣篮及衣架

22. Reporting to the Guest Floor 到楼层报到

23. How to make up bed 怎样做床

24. How to Clean the Bath Room Floor 怎样清洁浴室地板

25. How to Clean the Mini Bar 怎样清洁小酒吧

26. How to Dust the Furniture 怎样给家具擦尘

27. How to clean the mirror 怎样清洁镜子

28. How to Clean the Bath Tub 怎样清洁浴缸

29. How to Clean Shower Room 怎样清洁淋浴间

30. How to Clean the Bath Room Wall 怎样清洁浴室墙面

31. How to clean the vanity top and hand basin 怎样清洁面台和面盆

32. How to Clean / Polish the Bathroom Fittings 怎样清洁和抛光浴室电镀配件 33. How to Clean the Toilet Bowl 怎样清洁马桶

34. How to Vacuum the Carpet 怎样给地毯吸尘

35. How to Clean the Telephone Set 怎样清洁电话机

36. How to Handle Wake up Call 怎样处理叫醒服务

37. Guest Shoe Shine Service 擦鞋服务

38. Safe Deposit Box needs to be opened in Checked out guest room 当客人离店后要检查保险箱必须打开 39. How to Handle the Left Guest Room vine card 怎样处理无用的客房钥匙卡 40. Extra Bed and Baby Cot Procedure 加床和婴儿床处理程序

41. Guest Laundry Pick up During Room Check 查房同时收取客衣


42. Guest Laundry Pick up Requirement via Receiving Call 客人电话要求收取洗衣 43. Fold Towel 毛巾的折叠

44. How to Remove Room Service Basket 怎样撤出送餐的餐具

45. How to Clean Guest Floor Corridor 怎样清洁走廊

46. How to Assist Guest with Luggage/Parcel 怎样协助运送客人行李 47. Mini-bar consumption check 小酒吧消耗检查

48. Mini-bar daily replenishment 每日补充小酒吧

49. How to Handle “Open Door” Request 怎样处理开房门的请求

50. Breakage, Loss and Damage Procedure 遗失损坏处理程序

51. How to Check Guest Floor Corridor 如何检查走廊

52. How to Inspect Bathroom 如何检查卫生间

53. Care and Handling of Guest?s Belongings 小心照看客人财产

54. Returning Keys and Worksheet 交还钥匙和工作表

55. Check into Housekeeping Office 在客房部办公室报到

56. Vacuum carpet after washed 洗过地毯后的吸尘

57. How to Escort Guest to Elevator 怎样护送客人至电梯

58. Cleaning chemical using in Housekeeping 客房部常用的清洁剂

59. How to polish wooden surface 如何给木制表面抛光

60. How to use and clean a vacuum cleaner 如何使用和清理吸尘器 61. Guest Laundry Emergency 紧急洗衣 62. Super clean program


63. One Entry Room System



64. Zero Room Defects 零缺陷的房间 65. Turn down Service 开床服务


66. Push brush sweeping 扫地 67. Dust mopping 推尘 68 Wet mopping 湿拖 69 Wall washing by hand 手工洗墙壁 70 How to Clean the A/C Grill 怎样清洁空调口 71 How to shampoo carpet --- extraction 抽洗地毯 72 How to Clean Upholstery Fabric 怎样清洁沙发及软包墙面 73 How to Clean Wall-paper 怎样清洁墙纸 74 Cleaning of Office 清洁办公室 75 Cloak Room Procedure 衣帽间的程序 76 Staircase cleaning 清洁楼梯 77 How to clean windows 怎样清洁窗户 78 Stone floor scrubbing 擦洗石制地面 79 Locker room cleaning 更衣室的清洁 80 How to polish wooden surface 如何给木制表面抛光 81 How to use and clean a vacuum cleaner 如何使用和清理吸尘器 82 Dry foam shampoo on carpet 干洗地毯 83 Cleaning of outlets 各餐饮场所的清洁 84 Inspection of back of house


后区的检查 85 Cleaning of lobby 大堂的清洁 86 PA. Store room PA的仓库 87 Cleaning supplies and equipment return 返还清洁用品及设备 88 How to clean urinal bowel 怎样清洁小便池 89 How to polish brass 怎样给铜器抛光 90 How to clean skid proof and dustproof pad 如何清洁防滑垫及防尘垫 91 How to crystallization for marble floor 怎样给大理石地面做晶面处理 92 How to maintain and clean leather surface 如何保养和清洁皮革表面 93 How to clean telephone 怎样清洁电话 94 Cleaning of pantry/store room 清洁工作间和储藏室 95 Washroom Care 公共卫生间的清洁 96 Check into public area service associates PA员工报道的检查 97 Prepare daily work allocation 准备日常工作分配 98 Lobby inspection 大堂的检查 99 Inspection of lifts 检查电梯 100 Inspection of restroom 检查洗手间 101 Inspection of outlets 检查各餐饮场所 102 Inspection of back stairs 检查后楼梯 103 Inspection of pantry/store room 检查工作间及储藏室


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-001 GROOMING AND APPEARANCE 主题:仪表仪容 OBJECTIVE 目的 Maintain a clean, tidy and fresh appearance during your work. 在你的工作中保持干净,整齐,清新的外貌 PROCEDURES 流程 -Keep clean and be optimistic during work time. 在工作时间保持干净及乐观的态度 -Make self-check and grooming check at any time. 随时进行仪表仪容的自我检查 -Wear tidy uniform with all buttons buttoned up. Pay attention not to roll up cuffs or sleeves. 穿系好纽扣的整齐的制服,不能挽起衣袖 -Change the uniform in time if it is stained, crumpled, dirty or smelly. 及时更换有污渍,褶皱,脏的,有异味的制服 -Wear your name tag correctly with your uniform, the name tag is part of your uniform. 将名牌别在制服正确的位置,名牌也是制服的一部分 -Pay attention that uniform has no damages. 留意制服不要有破损 -Wear shoes and socks as issued: 穿规定的鞋袜 -Black shoes and black socks for male. 男士穿黑鞋黑袜 -Black shoes and neutral color stockings for female. 女士穿黑鞋肉色长袜 -Check your shoes: shoes should be clean, polish and in good condition. 检查你的鞋:是否干净,光亮,并处于完好状态 -Check your socks and stockings: they should be clean, odor free and no holes. 检查你的袜子:是否干净,无异味和破洞 -Check your uniform: it should be clean, well pressed and have no tears or damage, No missing buttons. 检查你的制服:是否干净,熨烫整齐,无破损或纽扣丢失


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: CHECK UNIFORM AND HOW TO Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-002 GROOMING STANDARDS GROOMINGANDAPPEARANCE 主题:制服检查及仪表仪容标准 OBJECTIVE 目的 Ensure that our staff always maintains a good appearance during work Make sure standards are followed at all times. 确保我们的员工在任何工作时间内保持良好的仪表仪容 PROCEDURES 流程 -Supervisor have to check their associate?s uniform and grooming in the briefing and conduct spot checks any time during the day during work 主管在例会时需检查他们员工的制服和仪表仪容,并在工作时间随时抽查 Standards 标准 -The uniform pressed without stains, tears and odor 制服熨烫整齐,无污渍,破损,异味 -Button up all buttons 系上所有纽扣 -Don?t roll up sleeves, to change if the uniform does not fit 不要卷起袖口,如果不合适就去更换 -Wear name tag correctly. 正确的佩戴名牌 -Black shoes and socks for male black shoes and body color socks for female. Ensure that shoes and socks are without tears or damage To check grooming and appearances. 男士穿着黑色鞋袜,女士穿着黑色鞋子,肉色丝袜。并检查确保无破损 -Hair to be combed and brushed For male, the hair should not cover eye brow and the back should not touch collar or be over the ears. 男士头发须梳理整齐,前不得过眉,后不得过衣领,鬓角不得盖过耳朵 -Make sure arrival at Office is 15mins in advance. 提前15分钟到办公室 -For female, long hair should be coiled up at the back wit hairnet, short hair should not cover the shoulders, and all hair pins are to be black in color. 女士长发要用发网盘起,短发不过肩,发卡只限于黑色 -Nails should be closely trimmed, nail polish is allowed but in natural color only 指甲油只限于透明色,并保持光亮和平整 -Large or hanging earrings are not allowed, bracelet chain is also not allowed. 7

夸张和悬挂式的耳环是不允许的,手镯也是不被允许的 -No rings except engagement or marriage ring 不可戴戒指,订婚或结婚戒指除外 -Remind associates to check for bad breath. 保持口腔无异味 -Supervisor will also be responsible to spot check PA Cleaner?s uniform, appearance and to correct it at any time during working time 主管要在工作时间随时抽查PA员工的制服,仪表 -Pay particular attention to check if their uniform is worn correctly, such as if any buttons is opened, if the sleeves are rolled up etc 检查制服时要注意细节,例如纽扣没系好,袖子卷起来等 -Keep reminding PA Cleaners to pay attention to their appearances. 提醒PA员工注意他们的外表 -


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-003 BODY LANGUAGE AND ATTITUDE 主题:肢体语言及态度 OBJECTIVE 目的 Good and polite manner shows respect to our guests. 良好及礼貌的举止显示我们对客人的尊重 PROCEDURES 流程 - -Maintain good manners at any place and at any time when at work, pay attention to your cleanliness. Wear your name tag at all times. 工作期间在任何时间,地点保持良好的礼貌,注意个人清洁,佩戴名牌 -Do not put your hand into your Pockets. 手不要插在兜里 -Do not lean against the wall at any time. 任何时间不要倚靠着墙站着 -Do not smoke, pick teeth, spit or clean your nails in public. 在公共场所不许抽烟,剔牙,吐谈或剪指甲 -Walk quickly but not run. 走路要快,但不要跑 -When walking shoulder to shoulder with guests, let guest go first. 当与客人并排时,请客人先走 -When talking with guest, be polite and smile. 当与客人谈话时要有礼貌并保持微笑 -Maintain a respectful distance with guest when speaking. 与客人谈话要保持一定的距离 -Stand straight, never cross your arms. 要站直,双臂不能交叉在胸前 -Maintain eye contact with guest. 保持与客人的眼神接触 -Listen earnestly to guest and do not disturb when guest is talking. 当客人说话时要认真听,不要随便打断。 -Do not bring bad mood to work. Politely provide your best service. 不要带着情绪工作,要优雅的提供你最好的服务


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: HOW TO CONDUCT BRIEFING Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-004 主题:怎样主持例会 OBJECTIVE 目的 Check and ensure that all required work can be covered in order to meet all standards and ensure guest delight To create a good work 检查并确保所有必需的工作符合标准,确保创造一个良好的工作环境 PROCEDURES 流程 -Check your associates according to Sign-in sheet and schedule. 检查你的员工是否按时签到 -Greet your associates by saying “NinHao” 问候你的员工“您好” -Check each of your associates appearance and grooming . 检查你每个员工的仪表仪容 -Check name tags and correct any standards that are not met. 检查名牌是否符合标准 -Take all the necessary reports and log books to conduct the morning briefing. 主持例会,报告必要的事项及交接本所记录事宜 -Meet associates all together in housekeeping office. 在客房部办公室跟员工一起会面 -Ensure that everyone has a pen to take notes. 确保每个人用笔记录下相关事宜 -Discuss special tasks for the day. 讨论当天特别工作安排 -Discuss guest and VIP arrivals and special remarks. 讨论预抵的客人及VIP,和特别的注释 -Discuss any group arrivals. 交待所有预抵的团队事宜 -Discuss any guest?s special requests and projects. 交待任何客人特别的要求和计划 -Review guest comments. 回顾客人意见 -Discuss any problems that arose. 讨论任何可引发的问题 -Review any follow-up that needs to be done 回顾任何需要跟办的事项 -Inform associates of any special events, banquet events, and general hotel events. 告知员工所有事件,宴会,及常规的酒店活动 10

-Before ending the briefing check whether associates has any questions and that they know what to do. 在例会完毕之前,要问员工是否有问题,及他们是否知道该怎么做 -Check your associates for clear understanding of assignments. 检查你的员工是否完全明白他们的工作分配 -Ask if any thing is unclear. 如果有任何不清楚就问 -Get feedback or suggestion from your associates. 你的员工要有反馈或建议 -Report any major concerns to the AM. 汇报主要的顾虑给副经理 -Always pick up some areas for improvements for associates during their daily work and correct them in a 15 minutes short training. 为改进工作,经常在员工的日常工作区域进行15分钟以内的简短培训


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: Ref: COMMUNICATE WITH HOUSEKEEPING 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-005 DEPARTMENT 主题: 与客房部沟通 OBJECTIVE 目的 Ensure communication with guest and colleague so as to show our sincerity and respect to him/her. 确保讯息传达给客人和同事,并表示出我们的真挚和尊敬 PROCEDURES 流程 -Housekeeping Office takes important role in communicating with guests or among departments. If it does not work well, it will affect service quality, work efficiency and hotel reputation. 客房部办公室在与客人及部门的沟通中扮演极为重要的角色。如果不能运作良好的话,将会直接影响服务质量,工作效率及酒店声誉。 -When the telephone rings, you should stop all work to answer the telephone (within 3 rings). 当电话铃响起时,你要停止手边一切工作,在3声之内接起它 -When answering the telephone, speak politely: NinHao,This is xxx from Housekeeping, may I help you. ” 当接起电话时要说:您好,客房部,我是×××,有什么可以帮您? -Always remember to communicate with other Departments via Housekeeping Office and also to report any special activities. 永远记住通过客房中心与其他部门联系及报告任何特殊活动


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: HOW TO GREET THE GUEST Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-006 主题: 怎样问候客人 OBJECTIVE 目的 Show your great respect and courtesy for the guest. 对客人显示你的礼貌和尊重 PROCEDURES 流程 See . 参照个人仪表仪容标准 -Do not fold arms; put hands in pocket when working. Stand straight and do not slouch. 不要卷起袖子,或手插兜。站直不要懒懒散散的 -Greet the guests with smile and in a clear voice & say “NINHAO” 微笑着问候客人,用清晰的声音说“您好” -Stop walking or working. 停止走路或工作 -Smile. 微笑 -Make eye contact with the guest. 跟客人有眼神的接触 -Stand straight. 站直 -Let guest go first. 让客人先走 -To greet the guest by saying “NINHAO” Use guest?s name if you know. 问候客人要说“您好”尽量称呼客人姓名,**先生或**女士


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: Occupational Health and Safety 主题:职业健康卫生及安全 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-008 OBJECTIVE 目的 Take care your health and safety first 健康安全第一 PROCEDURES 流程 -Read and understand the instruction of all kinds chemical 阅读和理解所有类型的药剂 -Be sure you understand and how to use product 确保你明白和如何使用 -Always try little area to see the effect 永远先试一点的区域看看效果 -Incase drop into you eyes, have to wash immediately or see doctor 万一不慎入眼,立即清水冲洗并看医生 -Do not bare hand to use strong chemical. e.g. “Rust Go” ( a kind of strong chemical to remove the yellow mark).. 不要裸手使用比较厉害的药剂,如“Rust Go”(一种强去渍剂,去除黄斑的)


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-009 LOST AND FOUND PROCEDURE 主题: 失物招领程序 OBJECTIVE 目的 To unify the administration of Lost and Found to ensure the safety of guest?s belonging is to show respect to guest 统一管理失物招领,确保客人财产安全显示出我们对客人的尊重 PROCEDURES 流程 Any Lost and Found item is to turned into the Housekeeping office immediately. 任何失物必须及时交到客房部办公室 -Housekeeping Office is responsible for the administration of all Lost and Found 客房部办公室负责管理所有失物招领事宜 -Anything in a C/O room should be treated as L&F item Call Housekeeping Office immediately when any item is found. The guest may call to inquire at all times. 任何离店房被发现有遗留物品时必须马上给客房部办公室打电话,客人也许会随时来询问 -Housekeeping Department clerk should record it on the L&F record sheet. 文员必须如实记录在相关单据上 -Hand it over while you go for lunch. Never put any found item at the pantry. 当你吃饭时遗留物品要做交接,千万不要随便放在工作间 -When turning in the Lost and Found, please note the accurate place or room number where item is found. Pls. sign on the L&F sheet for acknowledgement, handover the item to Office. 上缴遗留物品时要写清正确的房号或位置,并签字确认,在交接给办公室 -Don?t leave any Lost and found item on the floor pantry or in other locations. All items must be turned in to the Housekeeping Office at your lunch time or whenever you go down to Office. 不要有任何遗留在楼层工作间或其他地方,所有失物必须及时上交,你可以在吃饭的时候带到办公室或当你有事去办公室的时候带下来。 -If you have any questions about Lost and Found, you should contact your Supervisor right away. 如果你对失物招领有任何疑问,你可以马上联系你的主管 -In order to handle inquires and ease of locations, the Administrative Associate of Housekeeping Department is responsible for the Lost and Found logbook, the logbook includes the date, the place, guest?s name, the article?s name and the finder for all items. 为了处理询问和方便定位,客房部管理人员有责任制定失物招领登记簿,内容包括:日期,地点,客人姓名,物品名称,和发现人 -All details must be recorded down right away after she/he receives call from Guest Assistant Manager of reporting 当他/她收到来自值班经理的电话时要汇报所有的被记录下来的细节 -Register all the information in the Lost and Found form and attached it to the bag. Pay attention to attach it securely to avoid losing it. 15

Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: How to Clean the Telephone Set 主题:怎样清洁电话机 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-035 OBJECTIVE 目的 By providing clean facilities for the guest, we show our respect to them and make them feel that safety and hygiene are important. This shows our care for them. 为客人提供干净的设备显示我们的尊重,让他们感到安全和卫生是非常重要的,这也显示了我们关注他们 PROCEDURES 流程 Remove any dust, pay attention to the mouth piece of the receiver, using a used tooth brush. 去除所有灰尘,注意听筒部分要用牙刷 Spray all-purpose cleaner on damp cloth. 在抹布上喷上万能清洁剂 Wipe the entire telephone body including underneath, the cord phone and the receiver. 擦拭整个电话机包括底部,电话线,听筒部分 Wipe it clean by using a damp cloth. 用湿布擦干净 Wipe it dry with a dry cloth. 再用干布擦干 Check all stickers and face plates to make sure they are in good conditions. 检查标贴和按键盘确保功能良好 Spray disinfectant solution on a dry cloth. 在干布上喷些消毒剂 Wipe the phone, receiver and the body. 擦拭电话,听筒和机身 Use alcohol to wipe the receiver and mouth piece. 用酒精擦拭听筒和受话器部分 Test the telephone if it is working by listening for the tone. 测试电话是否能正常接听和打出


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: How to Handle Wake up Call 主题:怎样处理叫醒服务 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-036 OBJECTIVE 目的 To provide caring service so as to delight the guest. 提供人性化服务使客人满意 PROCEDURES 流程 -Sometimes Operator requests the assistance of Housekeeping Department to wake the guest up .有时总机会请客房部的员工去叫醒客人 -If the DND sign is on, inform the Operator and ask for further advice. 如果门上有DND标志,通知总机寻求建议 -Stand in front of the door to check whether the guest is inside, try not to disturb the guest if it is not urgent, press the door bell 3 times and wait for response or allow the guest to open the door. 站在门外,不论客人是否在里面,试着不要打扰客人,如果没有紧急事情的话,按3次门铃,等待客人回答或来开门 -If guest is in the room, wake him up by saying “NINHAO, this is xxx from Housekeeping, this is a morning call, Sir/Madam.” 如果客人在家,说“先生/女士,我是客房部×××,这是您的叫醒服务”来叫醒他/她 -Inform Operator that guest has been woken up or he/she is out of the room already. 通知总机客人已被叫醒


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Subject: Guest Shoe Shine Service 主题:擦鞋服务 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-037 OBJECTIVE 目的 To meet guest?s needs and provide good service. This shows our respect for our guest. 处理客人的需要和提供良好的服务是显示我们对客人的敬意 PROCEDURES 流程 -Knock on the guest room door and enter as per procedure, or the shoe already place outside the door. 按进入房间程序敲门,或客人的鞋已经摆放在门外了 -If the guest has called you then take the shoes he gives you, phrase to be used : “, NINHAO, may I collect your shoes please”? 如果客人打电话叫你来收鞋,你要说:“您好,我能拿取您的鞋吗? -Should you be servicing the room, than check the shoe basket for shoes needing shoe shine. 如果是你提供服务,在房间要检查鞋筐里是否有需要擦亮的鞋 -Take shoes to pantry. Don?t put at any place, even for a short time. 将鞋拿到工作间,不要随便放置,哪怕是很短的时间也不行 -Mark the sole of the shoes with the room number. 在鞋底用粉笔写上房号 -If you are unsure about shoe leather or material check with your Supervisor before cleaning. 如果你不能确定鞋的皮质或材料,你在擦鞋之前要先跟主管确认一下 -Inspect shoes for type of leather. 检查鞋的皮质种类 -Never use polish on suede type shoes. 不要给绒面皮革抛光 -If leather is snake skin, use only a neutral cream polish. 如果是蛇皮的,只能使用自然色鞋油抛光 -If shoes are made of fabric, Use soft brush only. 如果鞋是布面的,只能使用软刷 -Remove excessive dirt with soft brush. 先用软刷将鞋面的灰土刷掉 -Choose the colour that will match with the shoes. 选择跟鞋相配颜色的鞋油 -If you do not have that colour then uses a clear or neutral cream. 如果你没有相应颜色的鞋油,你可用自然色鞋油 -Take a clean cloth and apply shoe polish to shoe. 用干净的布来擦鞋 -Let shoe polish dry. 48

抛光至干爽 -Select soft brush. 选择软刷 -Buff shoes to a high gloss. 高速摩擦至光亮 -Return shoes to room number marked on the soles. 根据鞋底的房号将鞋送回 -Remove chalk with a cloth. 擦掉鞋底的粉笔字 -Any DND should put out side the door. 房间是DND的,鞋要放在门外 -Overnight shift should polish the shoes immediately and return; put back outside the room?s door. Mark as record. 夜班员工的擦鞋服务要及时完成,并立即送回房间,放在门外,并做记录


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Subject: Ref: Safe Deposit Box Needs to be Opened in 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-038 Checked out guest room 主题:当客人离店后要检查保险箱必须打开 OBJECTIVE 目的 To ensure any property left behind by guest will take care of to show our natural and warm care for our guest. 确保客人留下的任何财产会被我们照料,显示我们对客人的温馨和关照 PROCEDURES 流程 Service Associate to inform Housekeeping Administrative Associate the room number once any locked safe in a checked out guest room is found 客房服务员通知办公室,有哪间离店房的保险箱被锁住了 -The Administrative Associate should note down the room number on the log book and report to Duty Manager immediately 文员要在记录本上记录下房号,并汇报给值班经理 -The Duty Manager is required to call back Housekeeping Administrative Associate to advise all the rooms? safe have been opened, so that this particular room can be released as saleable room as soon as possible. 值班经理打开保险箱后,要通知客房办公室保险箱已开,尽快将房间释放出来 -If any things left behind should be call/deliver to the guest 如果在保险箱里有遗留物,要联系送还给客人


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Subject: Reporting to the Guest Floor Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-022 主题:到楼层报到 OBJECTIVE 目的 Seize the time to provide service as soon as possible so as to show your hospitality to the guests. 尽快抓紧时间提供服务是显示你对客人的殷勤好客 PROCEDURES 流程 -Sign in the attendance record book. See “Sign in”. 在签到簿上签到。 参照“签到”程序 -Go to the assigned floor or area by associate?s elevator after briefing. 参加完例会后,乘员工电梯到被分配的楼层或区域 -Prepare the cart and vacuum cleaner for work. 准备工作车和吸尘器 -Do not stay for a long time in the pantry. 不要在工作间耽搁太长时间 -Do not converse in a loud voice with your colleagues in the guest areas. 在客人区域与同事说话时,声音不要太大 -Do not waste time in talking with your colleagues. 不要把时间浪费在与同事聊天上 -Pull the cart and vacuum cleaner to the side against the wall. 将工作车和吸尘器靠着一边墙放置 - Do not pull cart and vacuum cleaner along the middle of the corridor. 不要将工作车和吸尘器放置在走廊中央


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Subject: How to make up bed 主题:怎样做床 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-023 OBJECTIVE 目的 To maintain a high standard of Cleanliness in order to delight guest. 保持最高的清洁标准使客人满意 PROCEDURES 流程 Remove guest belongings from the bed and place them on table. 将客人物品从床上移至桌上 -Bed sheet and quilt must be stripped one by one in order not to wrap up guest clothing. 为了不把客人的衣物卷到布草里,床单和被子要一张一张撤 -Bed should be aired for minutes. 让床上空气流通一分钟 -Put quilt and pillows on chair instead of carpet for hygiene reasons. 为了卫生理由,被子和枕头要放在椅子上而不是地毯上 -Folded soiled linen into the basket instead of carpet. 将脏布草叠好放到工作篮里而不是地毯上 -Change mattress pad if it is stained and change if necessary. 如果必要,更换污染的床护垫 -Turn mattress according to schedule. 根据计划翻床垫 -If mattress pad is stained it must be changed, ensure the size is correct. 如果更换脏的床护垫要确保尺寸正确 -Lay it out and ensure it lies flat. Hook the elastic bands under the mattress at the 4 corners. 将床护垫平铺在床垫上,将4角的松紧带固定在床垫的4个角下 -Center the sheet to make sure you have an equal amount on either side of the bed. 将床单放在在床上,确保4边距离基本相等 -Tuck in the sheet along on side on the bed , take the loose end of the sheet at about 30cm from the corner of the head of the bed. 将折叠好的床单从底部抖开,松散的部分仍到床头,并多出30厘米 -Pull it straight to from a flap. 将床单利用气流原理平铺于床上。 -Pull up so that the flap is straight 将床单拉直 -Tuck in the free part at the corner. 将4个角包好,多余部分塞入床垫 -Take the upper closed end 2 corners and place them level with the duvet corners. 将被底部2角向上放置在与床尾角平行的地方 32

-Flip the duvet cover over the duvet and give it a sharp shake. 将被套盖住被子 -Maintain a hold on the corners with one hand and pull down the sides so that the duvet cover slides down to the end of duvet. 用一只手握住被角,另一只手将被套套住整个被子 -Lay duvet and duvet cover on the mattress and straighten out the sides so that the duvet fills the cover neatly and fully. 将被套和被子铺在床上,整理平整,使被充满被套的边角 -Make sure the flap is well tucked in over the duvet at the foot end. 拍打使其确定被子塞入被套底部 -The duvet should not be tucked in under the mattress. 被子不用塞入到床垫下 -The pillow inlet should be changed automatically in all check-out rooms. 所有离店房都必须更换枕套 -Fold pillow in half lengthwise and insert the pillows into the pillowcase, tuck in the loose ends. 将枕头纵向折叠一半,塞入枕套 -Use your hands to insert the pillows properly into the pillowcase. 将你的手伸进枕套里适当的整理 -There are 4 pillows per twin bed and 4 per king bed 双床和大床都配4个枕头 -Place the foam pillow first in an upright position, leaning slightly back at an angle against the headboard. 硬枕横着垂直靠放在床头板上,稍微倾斜的位置 -Place the soft pillow in front of it. 将软枕放置在硬枕前面 -Ensure the pillows are centered. 枕头在居中的位置 -Smooth the pillowcase neatly. 整理平整 -Step back to check that the appearance of the bed is neat crisp. 退后一步检查一下整体的美观情况


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Subject: Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-024 How to Clean the Bath Room Floor 主题:怎样清洁浴室地板 OBJECTIVE 目的 We must ensure to provide a clean and hygienic facility. Maintaining high standard of cleanliness and hygiene shows our guest we are sincere in our efforts to please them 我们必需确保提供干净卫生的设施,保持最高的清洁卫生标准来展现我们对客人的努力和真诚,并使他们满意 PROCEDURES 流程 -Remove any spots and dirt on the bathroom floor with chemical. 用清洁剂去除地面所有污渍 -Use the cleaning chemical with the sponge to scrub the floor. 用海绵布蘸清洁剂擦洗地面 -Scrub the floor from inside to outside and pay attention to the following areas: 由里向外擦洗,并注意一下几个地方: a. floor under vanity 面盆下面 b. area around and beside the toilet bowl. 马桶四周 c. all corners. 所有边角 d. area behind the bathroom door. 浴室门后 Remove the cleaning chemical with hot water. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all chemical residues. 用热水将清洁剂去除,确保没有遗留清洁剂残余 Wipe the water on the floor with the damp cloth. 用潮布将地擦干净 Ensure the floor is bright, has no spots and dirt. 确保地面光亮,没有污渍


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Subject: How to Clean the Mini Bar 主题:怎样清洁小酒吧 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-025 OBJECTIVE 目的 Guests will be comforted when they see all items are within the validity date. This shows that we are sincere to our guest by via our careful work. 通过我们细致的工作,显示我们的诚挚, 客人看到所有食品饮料都在保质期以内就会感到很欣慰。 PROCEDURES 流程 -Remove all drinks from the mini-bar refrigerator and put them on a condemned cloth on the floor. 将所有饮料从小冰箱里移出放置在铺好垫布的地面上 -Turn the temperature control to “Off” and cut the electricity. 将温度开关转到“关”的位置上,并切断电源 -Ensure that the refrigerator is completely empty and the ice has melted completely. 确保小冰箱被完全的腾空,并且结的冰也完全溶化 -Spray cleaning chemical on to the surface with the spray bottle. 用喷壶将清洁剂喷在冰箱里外 -Lightly wipe the top, inside, and the bottom the frozen area. 轻轻的擦拭顶部,内部,和底部 -Remove the cleaning chemical thoroughly with a clean and damp cloth to avoid leaving any odor in the mini-refrigerator or the room. 用干净潮湿的抹布将清洁剂擦干,避免给小冰箱或房间留下异味 -Wipe the surface of each and all drinks and put them back according to the standard. 擦干净所有表面和每个饮料后,根据标准将它们摆放回去 -Check the date on all items for the expiry date. 检查所有食品饮料的保质期 -Replace any items that are beyond the expiry date. 更换快到期的食品饮料 -Set the temperature back to the standard and close the door. 接通电源,将温度开关转到标准的温度,关上冰箱门


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Subject: How to Dust the Furniture 主题: 怎样给家具擦尘 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-026 OBJECTIVE 目的 A clean, properly maintained guest room will show the guest we are sincere in our desire to Please them. 干净和得到适当保养的房间显示出我们为了让客人满意所付出的诚挚 PROCEDURES 流程 Prepare the clean cloth and fold it neatly, then spray cleaner on it. Keep spray with you in case the dust cloth becomes dry. 准备好干净和折叠好的抹布,并在抹布上喷上清洁剂,拿好喷壶以防抹布变脏 Spray the proper cleaning chemical on to the cleaning cloth on to the furniture, if it is very dirty. 用喷好清洁剂的抹布擦家具,如果它很脏的话 Start at the door and work your way clock wise. 按顺时针方向,从门开始工作。 Remove the cleaning chemical on the furniture with damp cloth in case there is cleaning chemical left on the furniture. 用干净的潮布去除家具上的清洁剂,以防家具上留下清洁剂的残留 Regularly take care of the furniture to protect and extend the usage time. 有规律的保养家具可使其使用年限增长 Used damp dust cloth to dust the furniture. 用潮布擦去家具上的尘土 Rub it in a circular movement with the drying cloth to make the furniture bright and clean. Pay attention to the edges. 用干抹布在家具上反复擦拭,使其光亮和干净。注意边角


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Subject: How to clean the mirror 主题:怎样清洁镜子 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-027 OBJECTIVE 目的 Ensure the mirror is bright and clean so as to show respect and hospitality to guests. This makes the guests feel at home. 确保镜子干净光亮显示我们对客人的尊重和好客,使客人感到宾至如归 PROCEDURES 流程 Spray glass cleaning agent on the mirror. Use glass cloth to wipe. 将玻璃清洗剂喷在镜子上,用镜布擦拭 Remove any large stains or spots from the surface of the mirror with one side razor. 用单面剃刀将镜子上大块的污渍或斑点清除 Wash the surface of the mirror from top to the bottom, from left to the right, using cleaning solution and sponge. 用海绵由上至下,由左至右将镜子表面清洁 Wipe edges of frame with damp cloth. 用抹布擦边角 Rinse the mirror with hot water. 热水冲洗镜面 Remove all cleaning solution. 去除清洁剂泡沫 Wipe the mirror by dry cloth so it is free from stains and water marks. 用干布擦干,没有水渍和污渍 Wipe the mirror bright by using the mirror cloth. 用镜布将镜子抛亮 Make sure no lint or water mark is left on the mirror. 确保没有布毛或水渍留在镜子上


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南 Subject: How to Clean Shower Room 主题:怎样清洁淋浴间 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-029 OBJECTIVE 目的 Provide clean and hygienic facility to show our sincerity to guest and make him/her feel homely. 提供干净卫生的设备展现我们对客人的诚挚,并让他们感觉在家一样 PROCEDURES 流程 -Use the hand shower to wet the walls. 用喷头将玻璃墙壁弄湿 -Spray multi-purpose cleaner on the sponge and scrub down from top to bottom. 在海绵喷上万能清洁剂,从上到下擦洗 -Sponge down the taps and shower head as well as soap dish. 擦洗水龙头,喷头,皂托 -Scrub the floor. 擦洗地面 -Check that the drain is clean and no residue is left. 检查排水口通畅,没有残留 -Rinse the cleaning residue with hot water, scrub the wall, water tap switch, shower sprayer, shower frame and handler with cleaning cloth. 用热水冲洗干净残留物,刷洗墙面,水龙头开关,喷头,支架 -Take a cleaning cloth and dry shower from top to bottom. 用干布将它们从上至下擦干 -Buff and polish chrome fixtures and shower head. 抛光电镀和喷头 -Dry the floor, starting at the inner most edge and working outwards. 擦干地面,从最里边向外擦 -Spray glass cleaner on the door. 在淋浴门上喷上玻璃清洁剂 -Wipe down with glass cloth. 用镜布擦干 -Wipe the upper and lower edges. 顶边和底边都要擦 -Buff and polish the door hinge. 抛光合叶及把手


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Subject: How to Clean the Bath Room Wall Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-030 主题:怎样清洁浴室墙面 OBJECTIVE 目的 Provide clean facility for guests to use so as to show our welcome and respect. 提供清洁的设施供客人使用显示我们的欢迎和尊重 PROCEDURES 流程 If there is heavy dirt or stain on the wall, clean it with a one sided razor. 如果墙面很脏,用单面刀片先清洁一下 Spray the cleaning chemical on the sponge washing the wall from top to bottom, from left to tight. 在海绵上喷上清洁剂从上至下,从左至右擦洗墙面 Scrub with scrubbing pad when required. 需要的话使用百洁布 Take note of the cleanliness of the wall under the soap basin behind the toilet bowl & under. water taps. 注意皂托底下,马桶后边,和水龙头下边的墙面清洁 Rinse the cleaning chemical with hot water by scoop or by sponge. 使水舀或海绵用热水冲洗 Dry the surface of the wall with cleaning cloth to ensure the wall surface is dry, clean and with out water stains, non-watery stain and no dirt. 用干布将墙面擦干,确保干净,无水渍,污渍。 Check the walls for cleanliness to ensure no scum or stains. 检查墙面清洁状况,确保没有遗留的泡沫或污渍


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Subject: Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-031 How to clean the vanity top and hand basin 主题:怎样清洁面台和面盆 OBJECTIVE 目的 Ensure guest delight by taking care with the details of our work. 用我们细致的工作使客人满意 PROCEDURES 流程 Collect required tools, all purpose chemical. 准备必要的工具和清洁剂 -Remove all movable items from the vanity top. 将面台上可移动的物品挪开 -Clean soap dishes, vanity top, water taps, basins and stoppers by using sponge and all-purpose cleaner, remove all dirt, soap stains and water residua 用海绵和万能清洁剂清洁皂碟,龙头,面盆和水堵,去除所有脏物,皂渍和水碱 -Remove stopper and clean thoroughly. 拿出水堵,彻底的清洁 -Rinse vanity top, water taps, soap dishes and basins thoroughly with clean water. 用清水彻底冲洗面台,龙头,皂碟 -Wipe them dry with cleaning cloth, wipe all chrome parts to shine. 用干布擦干,抛亮电镀 -Dry and replace stopper. 擦干水堵,放回原处 -Put back soap dishes, towel Basket, amenities tray. 将皂碟,毛巾篮,洗漱用品架放回原处 -Replenish soaps, towels and amenities according to the standard 根据标准补充香皂,毛巾和客用品 -Replace flowers if needed. 如果需要,更换鲜花 -If guest bring along his/her amenities, tidy them up & put them on amentias mat. 如果客人自己带有洗漱用品,将它们码放整齐放在洗漱用品垫上 -To report immediately if any maintenance problems found while in cleaning. 在清洁过程中发现的工程维修问题要马上报告


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Subject: Ref: How to Clean / Polish the Bathroom Fittings 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-032 主题:怎样清洁和抛光浴室电镀配件 OBJECTIVE 目的 Ensure cleanliness standards in order to please our guests. 为使客人满意,要确保清洁标准 PROCEDURES 流程 - Prepare dry cloth and chemical. 准备干布和药剂 - Spray the cleaning chemical on to the dry cloth. 在干布上喷上药剂 - Wipe the surface of all the fittings. 在电镀表面反复擦拭 - Wipe the surface with a dry cloth to make the surface bright and clean. 直到把电镀表面擦干净并且光亮 - Take care not to use any acidic cleaning chemicals to avoid damaging the fittings. 注意不要使用酸性清洁剂以免损坏电镀表面


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: How to Clean the Toilet Bowl 主题:怎样清洁马桶 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-033 OBJECTIVE 目的 Make sure that guests feel that our Toilet is clean and hygienic, this shows our respect and care for our guest by providing high standards of cleanliness and by showing our care for their health. 确保让客人感到我们的马桶干净和卫生,显示对客人的尊重和关注,提供高标准的清洁也显示我们在乎客人的健康 PROCEDURES 流程 Put on rubber gloves when cleaning the toilet. 清洁马桶时要戴上手套 -Take the toilet brush and scrub inside thoroughly. 彻底的用马桶刷来刷洗 -Flush the toilet. 冲水 -Pour some all-purpose cleaner around inner bowl. 在马桶里到入一些万能清洁剂 -Push the brush under the upper rim to remove all deposits. 用力将马桶内部上圈的污渍刷掉 -Push the brush down to the bottom to clean edges and corners. 刷掉底部,边角的污渍 -Flush toilet and rinse brush while flushing. 冲水并冲刷干净 -Wipe the toilet seat and cover, including hinges. 擦干净马桶坐垫,盖板包括合叶 -Wipe the pipes behind the toilet. 擦干净马桶后的水管 -Pay particular attention to the rubber stoppers, note any that are missing and report to Housekeeping Office. 特别留意水箱里的胶皮水堵,记录下任何遗失,并汇报办公室 -Clean the toilet outer rim by using sponge and all-purpose cleaner. Pay particular attention to the hinges. Ensure thoroughly 用海绵和清洁剂擦洗马桶外圈边,注意要彻底的清洁合叶 -remove urine stains and yellow build up. 去除尿碱和黄渍 -Clean toilet body and base with sponge and all-purpose cleaner. Ensure that all dirt and stains to be thoroughly removed. 用万能清洁剂和海绵清洁马桶本身及底座。确保彻底的清楚污渍 -Clean toilet inner rim, inner body, especially around the holes by using toilet brush 42

and toilet cleaner. 用马桶酸和马桶刷清洁内圈,内壁,特别是下水喉周围 -Flush toilet, rinse toilet brush. 冲水并冲刷干净 -Wash all areas by using sponge and clean water. 用海绵和清水洗干净所有地方 -Thoroughly rinse toilet cover, seat and outer part by using sponge and clean water. 用海绵和清水冲洗马桶盖,坐垫,外表部分 -Make sure that all parts are thoroughly rinsed. 保证所有部分被彻底的清洗 -Take the cleaning cloth and dry the toilet, starting from the top and working down wards. 从上至下用干布将马桶擦干 -Buff all chrome fixtures. 抛光所有电镀部分 -Flush toilet one more time. 再次冲一下马桶 -Close the toilet cover. 关上马桶盖 -Replenish toilet paper and tissue paper according to standard. 根据标准补充卫生纸和擦手纸 -To report immediately if any defects are found while cleaning. 在清洁过程中发现的缺陷和维修问题要马上报告


Housekeeping – Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南

Subject: How to Vacuum the Carpet 主题:怎样给地毯吸尘 Ref: 参考号:RMS- HSKP-SOP-034 OBJECTIVE 目的 Providing clean carpet will make our guest comfortable and they will be satisfied with our service. 提供清洁干净的地毯让我们的客人感到舒适,并且对我们的服务满意 PROCEDURES 流程 -Make sure machine is functioning and not damaged, especially the plug and cord. 确定吸尘器功能完好,没有损坏,特别是电源线部分 -Before starting to vacuum, check the carpet and pick up any loose Debris. 开始吸尘前,先检查地毯,捡起比较大的碎渣 -Plug into the nearest socket. 接通较近的电源 -Don?t use the plugs over the desk. 不要使用写字台上边的电源 -Start vacuuming from the innermost part of the room. Work your way backwards towards the door. 从最里面开始吸尘,倒退着向门的方向进行 -Move the furniture to ensure that all the dust is picked up. 挪开家具,确保所有地方的尘土被吸走 -While near the sofa and chair, vacuum the edges of the carpet. 当靠近沙发和椅子时,吸一下地毯边 -Use the hand wand to vacuum the edges of the carpet. 用手吸管吸地毯边 -Pull back the curtains and vacuum behind them as well. 拉开窗帘,吸一下后边 -Pay attention not to bump against the base board sofa or desk legs, or any furniture. 注意不要磕碰踢脚板,沙发,桌子腿,或任何家具 -Pass vacuum cleaner in the bathroom using the wand to pick up loose hair, but never vacuum a surface that has water. 可以用吸尘器管吸一下卫生间散落的头发,但不要吸任何有水的表面 -Don?t immediately unplug the machine when it is not switched off yet. 当吸尘器开关没关闭时,不要马上拔出插头 -Place chairs and tables back to position according to the standard. 根据标准,将桌椅复位 -Unplug the vacuum cleaner by grasping the plug and pulling it out of the socket. 握住插头将其从插座里拔出 -Never leave the cord tangled and knotted as this can cause the cord to break and induce electrical 44

shocks. 将电源线捋顺,负责容易打结造成电源线破裂导致漏电事故 -If there is a burning smell, sparks or smoke coming from the equipment, turn it off immediately and advise the Supervisor. 如果闻到焦糊味或发现火花,烟从机器冒出,马上关闭电源,报告主管 -Never use electrical equipment when standing in wet areas or if you have wet hands. 不要在潮湿地方或手上有水时使用电器设备 -Do not pass a dry vacuum cleaner to pick up water, you will burn the motor. 不要用吸尘器吸水,会烧坏马达


