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Part two: reception &housekeeping service第二部分:总台及客房服务。 101) What kind of room would you like (or prefer)?您希望要什么样的房间? 102) Do you want a single room or a double room? 你想要单人房还是双人房?

103) Would you like a room with bath or shower? 您想要浴缸的还是淋浴的房间?

104) How long do you plan to stay here?你打算住多久? 105) For how many nights 你要住几个晚上?

106) How many people are there in your party?你们一起有几个人? 107) I can book you a single room with shower for the 26th. 我可以为您在26日订一个带淋浴的单人间。 108) What time will you be arriving? 您将何时到达?

109) Unfortunately, we are fully booked for the 21st 遗憾的是21日的客房全部订满。

110) We won’t be able to guarantee you a room for May 6th . 我们不能保证5月6日给您一个房间。

111) For a single room the price would be 35 dollars 单人房的价格是35美元。

112) There is a small charge of 25 cents a day extra. 每天要收25美分附加费。

113) There’s a reduction for children.


114) Could you fill in this form, please? 请填写这份表格。

115) Could you sign your name,please? 请签上您的姓名。

116) Give me your passport,please,We need it for registration. 请把护照给我,我们登记时需要。 117) Have you got any identification? 你有身份证吗?

118) May I see your passport,please? 请把护照给我。

119) Would you please complete this registration form? 请您填写这张登记表好吗?

120) What’s your occupation,please? 请问您的职业?

121) What’s your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍?

122) What’s your address in your native country,please? 请问您在本国的住址?

123) Your room number is 246 on the second floor. 您的房间号码是二楼的246室。

124) Number 246 is an air-conditioned room with a private bath. 246号是带空调和独用浴室的房间。 125) Here’s your key card.


126) Here’s your key to Room 246. 这是您246号房间的钥匙。

127) I’ll get the porter to take your luggage up. 我会叫行李员把您的行李搬上去。

128) The porter here will take your luggage and show you the way. 这里的行李员会为您提行李,并为您领路。

129) We’ll extend the reservation for you.我们可以为您延长预订。 130) We’ll make the change for you. 我们可以给您换个房间。

131) You may keep the room till 3 p.m,if you wish. 如果您愿意,可以将房间保留到下午三点。 132) How much longer would like to stay? 您想再住多久?

133) If you want to keep your room this afternoon, we’ll have to charge you 50% of the price. 如果您需要再住一个下午,我们要向您收50%房费。

134) I’m afraid you’ll have to vacate your room by 11. 恐怕要请您在十一点以前搬出房间了。 135) Are you checking out today, Mr. Smith?史密斯先生,您今天可以结帐吗?

