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她约他见面,地点选在北京豪华的旋转主题餐厅。她烫着时髦的“大波浪”;穿着刚刚上市的香奈儿;手里拿着爱马仕奢侈提包。雍容典雅,尽显尊贵。与十年前白衣白裙的土气女孩,早已判若两人。 相比较她的华丽蜕变,他似乎还在原地踏步。早已洗的发白发皱的牛仔裤,配上宽大肥松的地摊运动衫,身上还有一股淡淡的鱼腥味,时光在他身上仿佛没有雕刻下痕迹,还是十年前的穷酸样。




菜还没上,趁这个间隙她补了一下妆。他看得有些痴,时光拥有奇妙的魔法,以前那个常年素颜朝天的女生,恐怕只存在于记忆之中了。 看着他魂不守舍的呆样,她哑然失笑:“这些年过的好吗。”她神采奕奕。顾盼生姿。

他呷口水苦笑道:“苟延残喘,也就是饿不死而已,跟你是没法比。” 她微笑着连连摆手:“别这么说,每个人都有不同的人生轨迹,比较不来。”





她笑靥如花轻拂腕间的手镯:“这是今年我儿子生日,我老公送我的礼物,说是感谢我为他生了这么可爱的宝宝,卡迪亚新款,好看吗。” 他目不转睛的盯着,小心翼翼的说道:“这个手镯得五千块钱吧。” 她口中的红酒险些喷出:“你再添一个零够买一半。”


她看出他的异样,话题一转:“别净说我了,你怎么样,孩子几岁了。” 他面呈痛苦之色:“我还没结婚呢,怎么会有孩子。”



十一年前,相同的女孩对相同的男孩说:“我要的幸福有你已足够。” 十年前,同样的女孩对同样的男孩说:“对不起,你给不了我想要的生活。”









Tell me the tales that to me were so dear


Long, long ago; long, long ago.


Sing me the songs I delighted to hear 请你给我唱那动人的歌曲

Long, long ago; long ago.


Now you are come, all my grief is removed 你已归来我忧愁全消散

Let me forget that so long you have roved 让我忘记你漂泊已多年

Let me believe that you love as you loved 让我深信你爱我仍如前

Long, long ago; long ago


Do you remember the path where we met? 可记得我们相会的那条路

Long, long ago; long, long ago


Ah yes, you told me you never would forget 你告诉我你将永不忘怀

Long, long ago; long go


Then to all others, my smile you preferred 我的微笑能使你常留恋

Still my heart treasures the praises I heard 你每句话都打动我心弦

Still my heart treasures the praises I heard 赞美的话仍藏在我心间

Long, long ago; long ago


篇三:ever after《灰姑娘(很久很久以前)》经典英文台词


:Baroness Rodmilla De Ghent: Darling, nothing is final 'til you're dead, and even then, I'm sure God negotiates.

Captain Laurent: Prince Hey suffers from an arranged marriage, signore, among other things...

Danielle: A bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?

Danielle: FLY!

Danielle: Forgive me your highness, I did not see you.

Danielle: I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens.

Danielle: I shall try.

Danielle: I would rather die a thousand deaths than to see my mother's dress on that spoiled, selfish cow!

Danielle: If you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners corrupted from infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded, sire, but that you first make thieves and then punish them?

Danielle: It is not fair, sire. You have found my weakness, but i

have yet to learn yours. Danielle: Just breathe...

Danielle: No, the part where you said my name

Danielle: Only when I am around you. Why do you like to irritate me so?

Danielle: Say it again

Danielle: Says who?

Danielle: The prince has read Utopia.

Danielle: What bothers you more ,stepmother? That I am common? Or that I am competition?Danielle: What?

Danielle: Where are the tapestries, and the candlesticks, and the silver? Perhaps the dress is with them.

Danielle: Why do you delight in torturing me so?

Danielle: You are the only mother I have ever known. Was there a time, even in its smallest measurement, that you loved me at all?

Danielle: You, sir, are supposed to be charming.

Grand Dame: And though Cinderella and her prince did live happily ever after, the point, gentleman, is that they lived.

Grand Dame: My great-great-grandmother's portrait hung in the monastery up until the Revolution. By then, the truth of the rumors had dissolved into a simple fairy tale. And, while Cinderella and her prince did live happily ever after, the point, gentlemen, is that they lived.Gustav: Have you lost your marbles?

Hey: And love without trust?

Hey: You swim alone, climb rocks, rescue servants, is there anything you don't do?Jacqueline: Me? Boil water? Oh i knew it! I just knew it!

Jacqueline: Why don't I just pull the carriage while I'm at it. Jaqueline De Ghent: Mother, it is only a ball.

Jaqueline: Mother, it's only a ball.

Jaqueline: Of course not, mother, I'm only here for the food. Jaqueline: Worse, your majesty.

King Francis: Are they always like this?

King Francis: I will simply deny you the crown and live... forever!

King Francis: Silence, both of you!

Leonardo da Vinci: A woman always is.

Leonardo da Vinci: Horseshit.

Leonardo da Vinci: I know that a life without love is no life at all.

Leonardo da Vinci: Then I shall have to make you wings. Leonardo da Vinci: Yes, I shall go down in history as the man who opened a door!Leonardo da Vinci: You cannot leave everything to Fate, boy. She's got a lot to do. Sometimes you must give her a hand.

Leonardo da Vinci: You learn to pay attention!

Louise: Why, that was pure genius!

Marguerite: You're welcome to look, your highness.

Margurite: I said I wanted four minute eggs. Not four one minutes eggs and where in god's name is our bread!

Margurite: Why don't you sleep with the pigs cindersoot if you insist on smelling like one.Paulette: Oh, bite your tongue! The

only throne I want her sitting on is the one I have to clean everyday.

Prince Hey: And we, princess, are supposed to live happily ever after.

Prince Hey: And what happens if the person you're supposed to be with never appears, or she does, and you're too distracted to notice?

Prince Hey: But I should think it was quite obvious.

Prince Hey: Danielle!

Prince Hey: How do you do it?

Prince Hey: I feel as if my skin is the only thing keeping me from going everywhere at once.

Prince Hey: I kneel before you not as a prince, but as a man in love... I would feel like a king if you, Danielle De Barberac, would be my wife.

Prince Hey: I offered you the world and at the first test of honor I betrayed your trust.Prince Hey: I was born to

privilege, and with that comes specific obligations.

Prince Hey: I'm sorry

Prince Hey: Live each day with this kind of passion. Don't you find it exhausting?Prince Hey: Speak of this to no one, for all shall reveal its course in due time.

Prince Hey: Then I shall wait all day.

Prince Hey: Why do you rise to the occasion?

Prince Hey: You know, I don't know.

Prince Hey: You told me it was a matter of life or death. Prince Hey: You're looking well, Marguerite.

Prince Hey: Your aim would suggest otherwise.

Queen Marie: Choose wisely, Hey. Divorce is only something they do in England.Rodmilla: Some people read because they cannot think for themselves.

Young Danielle: That's what I am, half-wit!

Young Gustave: Yeah, but today you look it!

Young Gustave: You look like a *girl*!

[After DaVinci opens a locked door by removing the pins from the hinges]

[After the Baroness and Marguerite bicker]

[asking when they can meet again]

[Jacqueline is complaining about having to dress up like a horse

