英语资料 彭显阳

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Unit 1 Nice to meet you


Hello! what’s your name?

My name is Wang Li. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too.

What’s this?= What is this? It’s Ted.=It is Ted. It’s a book.=It is a book. Zhou Lin’s pen.

Is this your bag? No. It’s Andy’s bag.


我的名字叫王丽。很高兴见到你! 我也很高兴见到你。


这是特德(特德在文章中指的是乌龟) 这是一本书。 周林的钢笔。




pen:钢笔 book:书本 bag:书包 pencil:铅笔 pencil-case:铅笔盒 ruler:尺子 eraser:橡皮 三、课后练习



k g h y w q v b r a d 2.单项选择。

( )①What your name? A.am B.is C.Is ( )②It’s bag.

A.Andy B.Andy’s C.Andys’ ( )③My is Zhou Lin.

A.name B.pen C.bag ( )④What’s this?

A.It’s a pen. B.It’s pen. C.It a pen. ( )⑤Is this your pen ?

A.No, it’s my pen. B.Yes,it’s Andy’s pen. C.No,it’s Andy’s pen. ( )⑥Hello. What’s your name?

A.Nice to meet you. B.Hello. C.Hi,My name is Qin Tian. ( )⑦Goodbye.

A.Bye. B.Good night! C.Good morning. ( )⑧Nice to meet you.

A.Hello. B.Nice to meet you ,too. C.I’m fine,thanks.






①Hello. I Wang Li. is

to ②Nice meet

this ③Is pen?

④What’s name? you

⑤Is this your pencil?

No , it’s Andy’s pencil.


too you your Yes

you your your

5. 情景对话。

( )①你初次见到一个人,你应该说什么?

A.What’s this? B.Goodbye. C.Nice to meet you! ( )②你想知道别人的名字的时候,你应该怎么说?

A.What’s your name? B.Is this your book? C.What’s this? ( )③你想告诉别人你叫什么名字的时候,你会说:

A.My name is...... B.What’s your name? C.Nice to meet you! ( )④你想问别人这个书包是不是你的,应该怎么说? A.What’s this? B.Is this your bag? C.It’s Amy’s bag. ( )⑤与别人道别时,你会说:

A.Hello. I’m...... B.Goodbye C.It’s a joke. 6. 读一读,选择正确的答句。 ( )①Nice to meet you. ( )②Hello.I’m Zhou Lin. ( )③What’s your name? ( )④What’s this?

( )⑤Is this your pencil?

A. Yes,it’s my pencil. B. Hi,I’m Wang Li. C. It’s a bag.

D. My name is Amy. E. Nice to meet you,too.

Unit 2 Let’s play a game


Hello,Zhou Lin! How are you? I’m fine, thanks.

Let’s play a game!=Let us play a game One,touch your nose! Two,touch your mouth! Three,touch your eye! Four,touch your ear! Good morning,class!

你好,周林,你好吗? 我很好,谢谢。

让我们来玩一个游戏吧! 一,摸摸你的鼻子 二,摸摸你的嘴巴 三,摸摸你的眼睛 四,摸摸你的耳朵 早上好,同学们!



二、重点单词 one:一 two:二 three:三 three:三 four:四 five:五 six:六 seven:七 eight:八 nine:九 ten:十 eye:眼睛 nose:鼻子 ear:耳朵 mouth:嘴巴 foot:脚 head:头 face:脸 hair:头发 leg:腿 tail:尾巴

arm:手臂 hand:手

三、课后练习 (1)单项选择

( )1.Letplay a game!

A. Us B. is C. us ( )2.your nose.

A. touch B. Touch C.Play ( )3.What’s your name? name is Wang Li.

A. My B. my C.Your ( )4.Good morning!

A. Good morning! B. How are you? C. Nice to meet you! ( )5.What’s your name?

A. My name is Amy. B. Good morning. C. I’m fine, thanks. ( )6.How are you?

A. I’m fine, thanks. B. I’m Amy. C. Nice to meet you! ( )7.One,touch your nose.Three, touch your eye.

A. One, touch your ear. B. Two, touch your ear. C. Three, touch your ear. ( 2)根据中文意思写单词 眼睛鼻子耳朵嘴巴头发手


Play play 1.Let’s a game.

are is 2.How you?

Good Nice 3. morning!

Play Touch 4. your eye.

Li Xiao fine 5.I’m,thanks.


( )1.你想要想别人问好时,你会说:

A. What’s your name? B. Goodbye. C. How are you? ( )2.早晨刚上课时,老师会对你们说:你们会回答:

A. Goodbye, class; Goodbye B. Good morning; Goodbye C. Good morning; Good morning ( )3.如果你想和朋友玩游戏,你会说:

A. Nice to meet you! B. How are you? C. Let’s play a game! ( )4.当别人问候“你好吗?”你应该怎么回答:



A. I’m fine, thanks. B. Good morning. C. How are you? ( )5.别人指着你的书问你“这是你的书吗?”你会回答:

A. No, it’s not my book. B. Yes, it’s my book. C. Yes, it’s Andy’s book. (5)读一读,选择正确的答句。 ( )1.What’s your name? ( )2.How are you? ( )3.Let’s play a game. ( )4.Good morning. ( )5.Goodbye. A. Goodbye.

B. My name is …… C. Good morning. D. I’m fine, thanks. E. OK.

Unit 3 It has two big eyes

一、重点句型 What’s in it? 这里面有什么? Guess! 猜! A toy turtle? 一只玩具乌龟? No.It has two big eyes。 不是的。他有两只大大的眼睛。 A toy panda? 一只玩具熊猫? No.It has long arms and long legs. 不是的。他有长长的手臂和长长的腿。 A toy monkey! 一只玩具猴子。 二、重点单词

panda:熊猫 monkey:猴子 cat:猫 dog:狗 pig:猪 duck:鸭 horse:马 fish:鱼 bird:鸟 snake:蛇 ant:蚂蚁 bear:熊 rabbit:兔 tiger:老虎 lion:狮子 turkey:火鸡 sheep:绵羊 fox:狐狸

hen:母鸡 giraffe:长颈鹿 elephant:大象 mouse老鼠 turtle:乌龟

三、课后练习 (1)单项选择 ( )1.is in it?

A. What B. How C. what ( )2.two big eyes.

A. It, have B. it, has C. It, has ( )3.toy turtle?

A. a B.A C. Is ( )4. The monkey hasarms.

A. one, big B. two, long C. two, small ( )5. What’s in bag?

A. you B. your C. it ( )6. What’s in it?


A. pen, a B. pens, two C. pen, two



( )7. Look!A small turtle. It has small legs. A. two B. three C. four ( )8. What’s in your bag?

A. Guess. It has two big eyes. B. No, it has two big eyes C. Yes, it has two big eyes. (2)根据汉语意思写出相应的单词 熊猫猴子猫狗猪乌龟手 (3)选词填空

1. what’s in ? in your 2.monkey? A An 3. Ita big head. have has

4. The monkey has two arms. small long 5. I havetoy andpens. a three (4)情景对话

( )1.你想让别人猜时,你会说: A. Look. B. Guess C. What?

( )2.你想说“是玩具猴子吗?”你会说:

A. A toy panda? B. A toy monkey? C. A toy turtle? ( )3.你想问“这里面是什么?”的时候,你会说:

A. What’s in it? B. What’s your name? C. What’s in your bag? ( )4.当你想谢谢别人时,你会说:

A. Goodbye. B. Guess. C. Thank you. ( )5.当你想让别人看物品时,你会说:

A. Guess. B. Look. C. Hello. (5).读一读,选择正确的答句。 ( )1. Nice to meet you.

( )2. Good morning, Li Xiao. ( )3. What’s in your bag?

( )4. Guess. It has two big eyes ( )5. A toy panda?

A. Good morning, Zhou Lin. B. It’s a book.

C. Nice to meet you, too.

D. No, it has long arms and long legs. E. A toy panda?

Unit 4 Is this your pen?

一.重点句型 Who is she?

She is Ms Xu.She is a new teacher. Who is he?

He is Mr. Liu. He is our teacher.



她是许老师。她是一位新老师。 他是谁?


