
更新时间:2024-04-30 00:08:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载









有下列情形之一者,当年不能申报: (一)前一年度考核不合格;


(三)谎报教学、科研成果,弄虚作假,剽窃他人成果; (四)违反职务聘任工作纪律; (五)出国擅自逾期未归。 二、外语和计算机要求

参加国家出国人员外语水平考试,并取得学校规定的有效成绩;在国外有一年以上学习和工作经历的可视为外语合格。 达到学校规定的计算机应用水平要求。





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[注 12]



(二)近五年来,工作业绩达到本级职务的局域标准。 (三)系统主讲过两门专业课程(其中至少一门是本科生












(六)完成学院安排的教学、科研及人才培养工作。 (七)完成学校的公益性工作。





※注 释

[注1] 指课堂讲授工作量。计算因公出国教师年均完成本科生教学工作量时,因公出国时间不计算在内。

[注2] 主要成员,指列入批准书并在该项目中分配4万元及以上经费者。

[注 3] A类项目:指国家社科基金重大项目,国家自然科学基金重点以上项目,教育部人文社科重大项目。

[注 4] B类项目:指国家级项目,即国家自然科学基金项目(含西部项目、青年项目),国家社科基金项目(含重点项目、西部项目、青年项目),国家自然科学基金重大项目的子课题。1968年1月1日以前出生的教学型副教授或教学评价优异者申请教授职务者B类项目:指省部级以上科研项目

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[注 5] 其他国家部委项目能否替代教育部人文社会科学项目,由学院学术委员会根据项目来源和经费数量认定。

[注 6] SCI、SSCI论文的通讯联系人限于与第一作者为师生关系或第一作者为学院成立的高水平科研团队负责人时。高水平科研团队指由萃英讲席教授或客座教授领导的,学院青年教师参加的以发表高水平SCI、SSCI论文为目标的国际学术导向的科研团队。高水平科研团队发表的SCI、SSCI论文,论文第一作者第一署名单位须为兰州大学管理学院或School of Management, Lanzhou University。

[注 7] 高水平学术论文分为国际高水平学术论文和国内高水平学术论文。高水平论文的要求为国际高水平学术论文C级及以上论文1篇或国内高水平学术论文A级1篇或国内高水平学术论文B级2篇(其中专著仅计1部)。国际高水平学术论文、国内高水平学术论文的论文目录和分级标准见附件。

[注 8] 省部级只计前两位,国家级计证书所列所有人员。 [注 9] 作为第一完成人获得省级教学成果一等奖1项;或获得省级教学成果二等奖2项;或作为前3位完成人获省级教学成果一等奖,其中第2、3位须同时有作为第一完成人获得的省级教学成果二等奖1项;或作为参加人获得国家级教学成果特等奖、一等奖;或作为前3位完成人获国家级教学成果二等奖。

[注10] 作为主要成员参加教育部教学改革和研究重大、重点项目;主持教育部教学改革和研究一般项目。

[注11] 指未获得博士学位且选择教学型副教授岗位类型的副教授。

[注12] 承担本科生、学术型研究生、专业学位研究生教学工作,教学质量综合评价结果为“优秀”(满分100分,指90分以上)且排名在前5%以内,若获得国家、省、学校教学奖励,排名要求可降至10%以内。





凡1972年1月1日以后出生的教师,原则上要有从事学生思想政治工作(指担任班主任、兼职辅导员)的经历。 有下列情形之一者,当年不能申报:



(三)谎报教学、科研成果,弄虚作假,剽窃他人成果; (四)违反职务聘任工作纪律; (五)出国擅自逾期未归; 二、外语和计算机要求

参加国家出国人员外语水平考试,并取得学校规定的有效成绩;在国外有一年以上学习和工作经历的可视为外语合格。 达到学校规定的计算机应用水平要求。











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※注 释

[注1] 计算因公出国教师年均完成本科生教学工作量时,将因公出国时间不计算在内;计算在职攻读外校博士学位教师年均完成本科生教学工作量时,攻读博士学位的第一年不计算在内。

[注2] 主要成员,指列入批准书并在批准书中名列前三位。1968年1月1日以前出生的教学型教师名列前五位。


[注4] 省部级科研项目指教育部人文社会科学项目,甘肃省自然科学基金项目,甘肃省社科规划项目,其他国家部委的项目由学院学术委员会根据项目来源和经费数量认定。

[注5] 以本人为主,指高水平学术论文(见[注6])排名前3位的作者,国家自然科学基金委管理科学部认定的重要学术期刊、EI期刊论文、CSSCI期刊论文、权威出版社出版的专著排名前2位的作者。1968年1月1日以前出生的教学型教师指:以本人为主,指权威期刊论文和权威出版社出版的专著排名前3位的作者,CSSCI期刊论文和省级出版社出版的专著排名前2位的作者;或排名在以本人为主之后,但有相关成果(如发表论文、参加学术会议、参加科研项目、获得奖励等)支撑者。

[注6] 高水平学术论文指国际高水平学术论文C级及以上论文、国内高水平学术论文B级及以上论文。国际高水平学术论文、国内高水平学术论文的论文目录和分级标准见附件。

[注7] 主要完成人,指省部级一等奖的前4位,二等奖的前3位,三等奖的主持人,国家级证书所列的所有人员。

[注8] 指未获得博士学位(含在职攻读博士学位)且选择教学型讲师岗位类型的教师。

[注9] 承担本科生、学术型研究生、专业学位研究生教

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1)美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UT Dallas)发布的全球商学院前100名研究排名参考的24种顶级学术期刊(简称UTD 24种期刊)(见附录1);

2)英国金融时报(Financial Times)顶级商学院研究能力排名参考的45种管理类一流学术期刊(简称FT 45种期刊)(见附录2);

3)英国商学院协会(Association of Business School, ABS)出版的高质量学术期刊指南(见附录3);

4)公共管理国际高水平学术期刊目录(见附录4); 5)学院学术委员会认可的其它管理类SSCI检索期刊。 2.国内高水平学术论文:指学院教师发表在以下期刊上的专业性学术论文和专著。


2)兰州大学管理学院认定的重要期刊(见附录6); 3)国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部认定的A类重要学术期刊(见附录7);


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级别 分级标准 A+ UTD 24种期刊;FT 45种期刊;公共管理4级期刊 ABS4级期刊;ABS/公共管理 3级期刊且被SSCI/SCIA 检索期刊 国际高水平学术论文 ABS/公共管理3级期刊;ABS/公共管理 2级期刊且被B SSCI/SCI检索期刊 ABS/公共管理 2级期刊;ABS/公共管理1级期刊且被C SSCI/SCI检索期刊;其它管理类SSCI检索期刊 A 兰州大学管理学院认定的重要期刊 国家自然科学基金委管理科学部认定的A类重要学术期国内高水平学术论文 刊;兰州大学认定的权威期刊;《新华文摘》、《中国社会B 科学文摘》全文转载的学术论文;全国百篇优秀管理案例 注:同一期刊若被分到不同级别,则按照较高级别确定。



UTD 24种期刊

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Journals Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review Administrative Science Quarterly Information Systems Research Journal of Accounting and Economics Journal of Accounting Research Journal of Consumer Research Journal of Finance Journal of Financial Economics Journal of International Business Studies Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Operations Management Journal on Computing Management Science Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Marketing Science MIS Quarterly Operations Research Organization Science Production and Operations Management Strategic Management Journal The Accounting Review The Review of Financial Studies ABS Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four * Grade Four * SCI SSCI Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Grade Four 一区 Grade Three 三区 Grade Four * Grade Three Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * 二区 Grade Three 一区


FT 45种期刊

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Journals Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Baylor University, Waco, Texas) Harvard Business Review (Harvard Business School Publishing) Human Resource Management (John Wiley and Sons) Journal of Applied Psychology (American Psychological Association) Journal of Business Venturing (Elsevier) Journal of Consumer Psychology (Elsevier) Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Financial Economics (Elsevier) Journal of International Business Studies (Academy of International Business) Journal of Management Studies (Wiley) Journal of Operations Management (Elsevier) Organization Studies (SAGE) Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes (Academic Press) Quarterly Journal of Economics (MIT) Review of Accounting Studies (Springer) Academy of Management Journal (Academy of Management, Ada, Ohio) Academy of Management Review (Academy of Management) Accounting, Organisations and Society (Elsevier) Accounting Review (American Accounting Association) Administrative Science Quarterly (Cornell University) American Economic Review (American Economic Association, Nashville) Econometrica (Econometric Society, University of Chicago) Information Systems Research (Informs) ABS Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four SCI SSCI 一区 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four 一区

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Journal of Accounting and Economics (Elsevier) Journal of Accounting Research (University of Chicago) Journal of Consumer Research (University of Chicago) Journal of Finance (Blackwell) Journal of Marketing (American Marketing Association) Journal of Marketing Research (American Marketing Association) Journal of Political Economy (University of Chicago) Management Science (Informs) Marketing Science (Informs) MIS Quarterly (Management Information Systems Research Centre, Unviersity of Minnesota) Operations Research (Informs) Organization Science (Informs) Review of Financial Studies (Oxford University Press) Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley and Sons) Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) California Management Review (UC Berkely) Contemporary Accounting Research (Wiley) Journal of Business Ethics (Kluwer Academic) Sloan Management Review (MIT) Journal of the American Statistical Association (American Statistical Association) Production and Operations Management (POMS) Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Four * Grade Three Grade Three Grade Three Grade Three Grade Three 二区 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Rand Journal of Economics (The Rand Corporation) Grade Three Grade Four 一区 Grade Three 一区


ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide


Accountancy 会计学 Business History 管理史 Economics 经济学

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 企业家精神和小企业管理 Business Ethics and Governance 企业伦理和治理 Finance 金融

General Management 管理学

Human Resource Management and Employment Studies 人力资源管理和雇佣研究 International Business and Area Studies 国际商务和区域研究 Information Management 信息管理 Innovation 创新

Management Development and Education 管理发展和教育 Marketing 市场营销

Operations, Technology and Management 运营、技术和管理 Operations Research and Management Science 运筹学和管理科学 Organization Studies 组织研究 Psychology 心理学

Public Sector Management 公共管理 Sector Studies 部门研究 Social Science 社会科学 Strategic Management 战略管理

Tourism and Hospitality Management 旅游和酒店管理 分级标准

Grade Four 4级(最高级,带星号的为大多数评价标准公认的顶级期刊) Grade Three 3级 Grade Three 2级 Grade One 1级


Grade Four Journal of Accounting Research * Journal of Accounting and Economics * Accounting Review *

Accounting, Organizations and Society * Review of Accounting Studies

Grade Three Contemporary Accounting Research Abacus

Accounting and Business Research Accounting Forum

Journal of Accounting Literature European Accounting Review Critical Perspectives on Accounting

Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal British Accounting Review Management Accounting Research Financial Accountability and Management Journal of Accounting and Public Policy International Journal of Accounting Accounting Horizons

Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Behavioral Research in Accounting

Grade Two Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory International Journal of Auditing Journal of Applied Accounting Research British Tax Review

Advances in International Accounting

Journal of Management Accounting Research (AAA) Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation

Accounting and Finance

Journal of International Accounting Research

Grade One Managerial Auditing Journal Accounting in Europe

Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change International Journal of Accounting Information Systems International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation (IJAAPE)


Grade Four Business History

Grade Three Labor History Enterprise and Society Business History Review

Grade Two Accounting, Business and Financial History Accounting Historians Journal

European Journal of the History of Economic Thought Financial History Review Accounting History Journal of Transport History

Grade One Historical Studies in Industrial Relations Management and Organizational History European Review of Economic History Journal of Management History


Grade Four Econometrica *

Journal of Political Economy * American Economic Review * Quarterly Journal of Economics Review of Economic Studies Journal of Economic Literature Journal of Econometrics Journal of Monetary Economics Journal of Economic Theory Review of Economics and Statistics International Economic Review Journal of Economic Perspectives Economic Journal

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Games and Economic Behavior Journal of Risk and Uncertainty

Journal of the European Economic Association

Grade Three RAND Journal of Economics Journal of Labor Economics

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization Journal of International Economics Journal of Urban Economics Journal of Development Economics European Economic Review Journal of Health Economics

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Journal of Human Resources Journal of Public Economics Journal of Industrial Economics

American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Economic Theory Econometric Theory Ecological Economics World Bank Economic Review Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Journal of Applied Econometrics

International Journal of Industrial Organization Journal of Comparative Economics Labour Economics

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Economic Development and Cultural Change Public Choice

Journal of Mathematical Economics Economic Policy

Journal of Agricultural Economics

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Land Economics

Review of Economic Dynamics Kyklos

Review of Income and Wealth Cambridge Journal of Economics Oxford Economics Papers Economic Inquiry Econometrics Journal

Journal of Population Economics Economica

Scandinavian Journal of Economics Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics Southern Economic Journal Canadian Journal of Economics IMF: Staff Papers Economics Letters Manchester School

International Journal of the Economics of Business Review of International Economics

Grade Two Health Economics Econometric Reviews Real Estate Economics Social Choice and Welfare

International Review of Law and Economics History of Political Economy Experimental Economics Energy Economics World Economy

Journal of Evolutionary Economics Resource and Energy Economics Environmental and Resource Economics European Review of Agricultural Economics Economics of Education Review Economic Record

Journal of Economic Surveys

Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Review of World Economics

Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics World Bank Research Observer Oxford Review of Economic Policy Journal of Regulatory Economics Journal of Macroeconomics Journal of Post Keynesian Economics Macroeconomic Dynamics Agricultural Economics Contemporary Economic Policy Scottish Journal of Political Economy Applied Economics Empirical Economics Defence and Peace Economics Review of Industrial Organization Economic Modelling

Fiscal Studies

Journal of African Economies

Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics Managerial and Decision Economics International Review of Applied Economics European Journal of Political Economy Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics Journal of Economic Studies Bulletin of Economic Research

Economics of Innovation and New Technology Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance National Institute Economic Review Journal of Economic Methodology Contributions to Political Economy Journal of Developing Areas Journal of Public Economic Theory Economic Issues

Grade One Economics and Philosophy Economics of Transition, The Information Economics and Policy Journal of Economic Issues Journal of Housing Economics South African Journal of Economics Open Economies Review Post-Communist Economies Applied Economics Letters Intereconomics

Journal of International Development Economics of Planning

Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics Review of Political Economy Journal of Economics and Business Comparative Economic Studies

International Journal of Management European Business Journal Business Horizons

Singapore Management Review

Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management


Grade Four Human Resource Management (USA)

Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society British Journal of Industrial Relations Work, Employment and Society

Grade Three Industrial and Labor Relations Review

International Journal of Human Resource Management Work and Occupations Gender, Work and Organization European Journal of Industrial Relations International Labour Review Economic and Industrial Democracy New Technology, Work and Employment Human Resource Management Journal(UK) Industrial Law Journal

Grade Two Journal of Labour Research Industrial Relations Journal Personnel Review

International Journal of Manpower Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations Sociologie du Travail Employee Relations

Human Resource Development International Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources Human Resource Development Review Labor Studies Journal

Human Resource Management Review Human Resource Development Quarterly Journal of Industrial Relations

Grade One Gender in Management: An International Journal Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: an International Journal Career Development International Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations Review of Public Personnel Administration

Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations International Journal of Employment Studies


Grade Four Journal of International Business Studies

Grade Three Journal of Common Market Studies

Journal of World Business (formerly Columbia JWB) International Business Review Management International Review

Grade Two Asia Pacific Business Review China Economic Review China Quarterly Europe-Asia Studies

Journal of International Management Thunderbird International Business Review

Transnational Corporations Journal of World Trade

Grade One Multinational Business Review

Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal International Journal of Cross Cultural Management Critical Perspectives on International Business Journal of East European Management Studies Journal of East-West Business

Global Business and Economics Review

Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies Emerging Markets Review

European Journal of International Management

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management


Grade Four MIS Quarterly *

Information Systems Research *

Grade Three Journal of Management Information Systems Information Systems Journal

European Journal of Information Systems IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Communications of the ACM Information and Management Journal of Information Technology Decision Support Systems

Journal of the Association of Information Systems Expert Systems with Applications

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)

Information Processing and Management International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Journal of Strategic Information Systems International Journal of Electronic Commerce INFORMS Journal on Computing

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction Information and Organization

Grade Two ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology Annual Review of Information Science and Technology Journal of Information Science

Journal of Global Information Management Information Systems Management Information and Software Technology Interacting with Computers

International Journal of Information Management Information Society

British Journal of Educational Technology Computer Journal

Behavior and Information Technology Internet Research

Expert Systems: the Journal of Knowledge Engineering Information Systems Frontiers Information Technology and People Journal of Computer Information Systems

Communications of the Association for Information Systems Database

Grade One IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine Industrial Management and Data Systems IIE Transactions Information Research

Knowledge Management Research and Practice

Journal of Organizational and End User Computing IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

International Journal of Information Technology and Management Information Resources Management Journal

IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C (Applications and Reviews) Computer Supported Cooperative Work Journal of Enterprise Information Management Logistics Information Management

Information Management and Computer Security


Grade Four Journal of Product Innovation Management

Grade Three R and D Management Technovation

Grade Two International Journal of Innovation Management Industry and Innovation

Grade One European Journal of Innovation Management Creativity and Innovation Management

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM) Journal of Techology Transfer


Grade Three Academy of Management, Learning and Education Management Learning Studies in Higher Education

British Educational Research Journal

Grade Two Journal of Accounting Education Journal of Higher Education Journal of Education Policy Teaching in Higher Education

British Journal of Guidance and Counselling Innovations in Education and Teaching International Accounting Education

Advances in Developing Human Resources Higher Education Quarterly Journal of Management Education Journal of Education and Work Journal of Marketing Education Issues in Accounting Education

Grade One Journal of European Industrial Training Education and Training Industry and Higher Education

Educational Management Administration and Leadership Journal of Vocational Education and Training Journal of Management Development Active Learning in Higher Education

International Journal of Management Education (IJME) Journal of Further and Higher Education Quality Assurance in Education

International Journal of Training and Development Journal of Workplace Learning


Grade Four Journal of Marketing *

Journal of Marketing Research * Journal of Consumer Research * Marketing Science * Journal of Retailing

Grade Three International Journal of Research in Marketing Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science European Journal of Marketing Journal of International Marketing Industrial Marketing Management Psychology and Marketing International Marketing Review Journal of Advertising Journal of Business Research Marketing Letters

Journal of Advertising Research Journal of Marketing Management

Grade Two Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing Quantitative Marketing and Economics Journal of Interactive Marketing (formerly JDM) International Journal of Advertising Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing International Journal of Market Research Journal of Strategic Marketing Journal of Services Marketing Consumption, Markets and Culture Advances in Consumer Research Journal of Consumer Behavior Journal of Marketing Communications Marketing Theory Journal of Macromarketing

Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management

Academy of Marketing Science Review

Grade One Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research

Marketing Intelligence and Planning International Journal of Consumer Studies International Journal of Bank Marketing Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Journal of Product and Brand Management

International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing Marketing Review

Journal of Brand Management Journal of Financial Services Marketing Journal of Euromarketing Electronic Markets

Journal of Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing Australasian Marketing Journal Journal of Customer Behavior Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing Corporate Communications: An International Journal Irish Marketing Review


Grade Four Journal of Operations Management

Grade Three Production and Operations Management International Journal of Production Economics

International Journal of Operations and Production Management

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Reliability Engineering and System Safety Manufacturing and Service Operations Management IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Journal of Scheduling

International Journal of Production Research Production Planning and Control

Grade Two Computers and Industrial Engineering

International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Journal of Productivity Analysis

International Journal of Technology Management Total Quality Management and Business Excellence International Journal of Project Management

International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management International Journal of Logistics Management

International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management Integrated Manufacturing Systems Project Management Journal

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management Journal of Business Logistics

Grade One Business Process Management Journal

Proceedings of Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture Knowledge and Process Management Managing Service Quality

Benchmarking: An International Journal

International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management

International Journal of Agile Systems and Management Human-Computer Interaction

European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management International Journal of Business Performance Management International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development

Journal of Supply Chain Management


Grade Four Management Science * Operations Research *

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Methodology) Journal of the American Statistical Association

Grade Three Mathematical Programming Mathematics of Operations Research Decision Sciences

European Journal of Operational Research

Omega: The International Journal of Management Science International Journal of Forecasting OR Spectrum

Journal of the Operational Research Society Journal of Applied Probability Naval Research Logistics Group Decision and Negotiation Journal of Forecasting

Grade Two Computers and Operations Research

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans

