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1.主语的选择 (1)

Alarm began to take possession of him. 他开始惊恐不安起来。 (2)

His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.

他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热,于是赶紧就近找个合适的阴凉处坐下来休息。 (3)

Improved housing has also contributed to a sharpened sense of aesthetics.

改善住宅条件有助于提高审美意识。Cf: 住房条件的改善也促使人们的审美意识得到了改观。 (4)

When something a little out of the ordinary takes place at a bar, the sense of it spreads quickly.

酒吧间发生的事情稍微有点异常,人们很快就会感觉出来。 (5)

Careful comparison of them will show you the difference. 仔细比较便可知其不同之处。 (6)

A glance through his office window offers a panoramic(notes: bird’s-eye) view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.



Passage 1. Getting along with each other

Meanwhile Lucilla, the children’s grandmother, sat having tea with her maid Ellen in her fire-lit drawing-room. Her daughter Margaret was at a meeting at the Vicarage(教区牧师住所), and the children had gone to meet David, so only Ellen was with her. She liked this, for a strange peace came over her when she and Ellen were alone. They had been together for sixty years now, ever since Lucilla had come back from her honeymoon, and what they didn’t know about each other wasn’t worth knowing. It was their utter knowledge that gave them their happiness together; that and the fact that they saw eye to eye in the matter of always having the window open a little bit, but not too much, and always having a wood fire burning in the grate(壁炉) unless there was actually a heat wave on. More happy homes have been wrecked, Lucilla was apt to say, by not seeing eye to eye about how much window to have open than other controversy known to man. It is quite possible to live happily with a person who does not think as you do about the eternal verities, but it is not possible to live happily with someone who wants the window open when you want it shut, or with someone who likes a fire when you don’t. Lucilla

and Ellen were utterly at one about the fire. The drawing-room was beautiful, but it was damp, and it was no good saying it wasn’t…They lit the fire. 译文 相处之道

此刻,在燃着壁炉的起居室里,孩子们的祖母露西拉和女仆艾伦正坐着喝茶。他们的母亲玛格丽特到教区牧师处参加聚会去了,孩子们则是外出接大卫去了,因此只有艾伦在家陪她。她很喜欢这样,和艾伦单独在一起时她便感到一种特别的安宁。自从露西拉度完蜜月回来,她俩就生活在一起,至今60年了,彼此非常了解。即便还有不了解之处,那也是微不足道的/不值一提。正是由于她们相知甚深使她俩一起相处感到很幸福。还有,在开窗子这件事上,她俩有着相同的看法。那就是窗子总要开那么一点点,但又不能开得过大;还有壁炉里总要烧点柴火,除非天气确实热。露西拉常说/喜欢说,家庭幸福/和谐受到破坏,更多的原因是在窗户开多大这类问题上意见不一, 而非在其它问题上的争吵。在永恒真理问题上和你意见不同的人完全可以和你在一起生活得很愉快,但是当你要关窗时他偏要开着,不要他生火是他却要生火,和这样的人你就没法愉快地相处了。露西拉和艾伦在生火的问题上完全一致。起居室很漂亮,却有些潮湿,硬要说它不潮湿也没啥好处??于是她们将火点燃了。

Teacher’s lecture notes:






如无表人的词语,可以试试能否加上“人们” “你”之类泛指词做主语,如句4,可译为“酒吧间发生的事情稍微有点异常,人们很快便能感觉出来”;



1. 保存原主语,如句3,“住宅条件改善也有助于提高审美意识”。

2. 译成无主句,句5,句6都可去掉“你”:仔细比较便可知其不同之处;


2. 上下文及动词性名词 (1)

When Delia reached home her excitement gave way a little to prudence and reason.

德娜到家时就不那么兴奋了,开始变得理智和谨慎起来。 (2)

Jane's kindly and gentle nature could not but revolt[反叛,反感] at her sister's callous[heartless or insensitive] behavior.

珍妮生性温和善良,对她妹妹这种冷酷无情的行为,实在看不顺眼。 (3)

Her husband's murder shook her faith not only in the legal system, but in people as well.

她丈夫遭人杀害,不仅动摇了她对法制的信念,而且使她对人也不那么信任了。 (4)

All employees must have a complete understanding of and dedication to the aims of the company.

凡本公司之雇员均须彻底理解公司之宗旨并为之献身。 (5)

Classic democracy stems from the French revolution and represents achievement of power by the bourgeoisie [bu??wɑ:'zi] after their oppression during feudalism and absolutism.

古典民主产生于法国大革命,以资产阶级摆脱封建和专制压迫后取得政权为标志。 (6)

Memory, as time goes on, is a selective thing. Somehow the presidential candidates forget all the agony—the demeaning【低三下四的,降低身份的,有辱人格的】scramble 【an unceremonious and disorganized struggle】 for money, the vicious charges of their opponents , the unfeeling and often frivolous【轻佻的,妄动的,琐碎的,不严肃的】criticism of the press, and the endless plane and bus rides, the stumbling into bed and wondering how they can get through it all again next day.



Passage 2 Kitchen

We spend a fair amount of time in the kitchen, and this suits me very well. I have always thought of the kitchen as the heart and hub of the home. In my early days, in the Black Country①, the kitchen meant something quite different from what it means now, in most modern suburban homes. It was a room for living in, not just a machine for cooking in. Other rooms were for “company” a social gathering of guests or companions, and although having company was always jolly and exciting, it was also rather artificial, and our most “real” and most intense(frequent,substantial) family life was lived in the kitchen. That was where we had all our rows(if two people have a row, they have a noisy unpleasant argument;used mainly in informal British English)=quarrel, for instance, and our reconciliations also---which were always dra’matic and tempestuous[notes:if you describe a relationship or a situation as tempestuous, you mean that very strong and passionate emotions, especially anger, are involved]. (We lived highly theatrical lives although we rarely went near a theatre.) In a word, the kitchen was the place in which we were most our true selves, most nearly without constraint.

Of course, in these enlightened days, and very understandably, the kitchen has tended more and more to become a place where you simply do the cooking and washing-up and nothing else. I suppose that this is a step along the road to gracious living, but there is a loss as well as a gain, I think.. Notes: Black Country

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Black Country is a loosely defined area of the English West Midlands conurbation, to the north and west of Birmingham, and to the south and east of Wolverhampton, around the South Staffordshire coalfield. It has a combined population of around one million.

By the late 19th century, this area had become one of the most intensely industrialised in the nation. The South Staffordshire coal mines, the coal coking operations, and the iron foundries and steel mills that used the local coal to fire their furnaces, produced a level of air pollution that had few equals anywhere in the world.

It is popularly believed that The Black Country got its name because of pollution from these heavy industries that covered the area in black soot. There is an anecdote (of dubious authenticity) about Queen Victoria ordering the blinds lowered on her carriage as the royal train passed through. However, histori``ans suggest that it is more likely that the name existed even before the Industrial Revolution; outcroppings of black

coal scarred the surface of the local heath, and the presence of coal so near the surface rendered the local soil very black.

The Black Country is also known for its distinctive dialect, which differs slightly in various parts of the region.

Despite its close proximity to Birmingham, the vast majority of the Black Country's population refuse to claim membership of the city, and are fiercely proud of their area's identity as a separate region. 译文:



我一直认为厨房是家庭生活的中心和枢纽。早年我住在英格兰中部黑烟地区,当时的厨房和现在城郊大多数现代住宅的厨房在含义上很不一样。那时厨房也是生活场所,不只是放烧饭机器的地方。其他的房间是“陪客的”,虽然有客人来令人愉快兴奋,但多少都要做做样子,最“真实”、最紧张忙碌的家庭生活还是在厨房里过的。比方说,我们吵架全是在厨房里——都是疾风骤雨式的,很富戏剧性。(虽然我们很少戏剧的边,但我们生活却很富有戏剧性。)总之一句话,正是在厨房里我们真正的自我才显露出来,而且几乎毫无拘束地表现出来了。 当然,处于今日文明时代,厨房越来越成为仅仅用于烧饭和洗碗的地方,这也是容易理解的/想来也是说的过去的/想来也是很自然的事。我想这是沿着文明优裕生活的道路迈进了一步,但我同时也认为这是得中有失。

3. 抽象名词具体化


The delight of the children at the sight of some dish on the table showed that it was a rarity.一看到桌上的某道菜孩子们就笑逐颜开/兴高采烈/喜笑颜开/眉开眼笑,可见这是他们平时难得吃到的东西。

The hotel is a massive effort of stone,wood and concrete.这家旅馆是用石头、木料和混凝土建成的巨大建筑物。

She is a valuable acquisition to the firm.她是这家公司不可多得的人才。 Colour schemes, and interior decoration were modern, but still Chinese, and much more beautiful than the attempts I had seen in 1982 to produce a \in some hotels.色彩的配置,内部的装饰都是现代化的,然而仍具有中国特色,比1982年我看到的有些饭店模仿西方建起来的酒吧、迪斯科舞厅和餐厅可漂亮多了。 Perhaps it was the emotion welling up from the huge welcoming throng, perhaps it was the memories of his youth, but when he spoke to the crowd


(3) (4)


