
更新时间:2023-04-08 17:22:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载






5. How many computer lessons does the boy have every week?

A. Only one.

B. Two.

C. Three.

6. What did the man learn from the woman?

A. Tourist information

B. Health information.

C. Job information.

7. What lesson did they have yesterday?

A. English.

B. History.

C. Chinese.

8. Where was Tony born?

A. He was born in England.

B. He was born in Australia.

C. He was born in America.

9. When will they meet again?

A. Tomorrow.

B. Next Wednesday.

C. Next weekend.

10. What should the man do at the first crossing?

A. Turn left.

B. Turn right.

C. Go straight ahead.



11. Why does Peter want Jane’s address?

A. To write her a letter.

B. To send her a birthday card.

C. To send her a book.

12. What is Jane’s address?


A. 10 Hill Road.

B. 10 River Street.

C. 20 Hill Road.

13. A. in front of the school gate B. outside the museum C. in the classroom.

14. A. on foot B. by bus C. by bike

15. A. sports shoes B. warm clothes C. the student card


16. When was Maggie Cheung born?

A. On 21st, September, 1965.

B. On 20th, September 1964.

C. On 28th, September 1954.

17. Where was Maggie when she was 10?

A. In England.

B. In Hong Kong.

C. In France.

18. What did Maggie do after she returned to Hong Kong?

A. She became a model.

B. She became a college student.

C. She became a film star.

19. Where did Maggie work after she won the Beauty Contest?

A. In a model company.

B. In a film company.

C. In a TV station.

20. When did Maggie earn the Best Actress Award?

A. In 1964.

B. In 1989.

C. In 1966.


21. —Did Tom’s parents go to the meeting yesterday?

—Yes, _____ of them did, but _____ spoke.

A. each, none

B. both, none

C. neither, both

D. both, neither

22. _____ a GPS will make _____ easier for you to visit a strange place.

A. Take; it

B. To take; that

C. Taking; it

D. Take; that

23.. He often says, “I _____one million smiles in my heart _____one billion dollars in my pocket.”

A. don’t like; but

B. prefer; than

C. would rather; than

D. prefer; to

24.Could you tell me __________________?

A. Where is the museum

B. what is the matter with you

C. he will come to see us

D. if you would go to see him

25. —________difficulty did you have ________ this problem? — _______ .

A. What, to solve; None

B. How much, solving; None

C. What, solving; Nothing

D. How much, to solve; Nothing

26. —I didn’t see you and your sister at Miss Brown’s party. — Neither of us ______.

A. has been invited

B. invited

C. is invited

D. was invited

27. I never doubt ______ he can do the job well, but 1 doubt _____ he will get here in time.



A. if; if

B. that; that

C. that; if

D. if; that

28. —As an engineer you can’t be too careful. — I agree. ______.

A. Life is like a race

B. A miss is as good as a mile

C. Actions speak louder than words

D. Think twice about everything

29. My mother had ____ sleep last night so she felt _____ sleepy today.

A. a bit; a little

B. bit; little

C. a little; a bit

D. a little; a bit little

30.一Thank you for sharing your delicious food with me.

一________. That ’s what friends are for.

A. It doesn’t matter.

B. Don’t mention it.

C. Never mind.

D.With pleasure


通读下列短文,从每题所给的A, B, C, D 四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

People think that even less than 2-year-old children can help with

chores(家务) 31 parents say to those children, "Just look at the

paper on the floor," they will pick it up.

Some parents think childhood is just for playing, so they don't ask

their children to do chores. Other parents say, "I know it's not 32 ,

but it's quicker to do it by myself!" However, most parents believe that

doing chores is a way of teaching kids responsibility(责任心).Doing

chores helps 33 children's independence(独立).Children learn to help, share and care about 34 by doing chores. And they can 35 the importance of working hard. Things like 36 a pet or a baby and helping make meals are some examples of helping others.

Here are some reasons for doing chores:

1. To learn responsibility: Most people 37 that doing chores is good for kids.

2. To share the workload: Kids who can help to clean won't make big 38 .

3. To learn skills: Kids will learn 39 to cook, clean and do other things in the house.

Doing chores is good. Anyway, it is also a kind of 40 . So start to help your parents with the chores. You will learn a lot by doing them.

31. A. because B. when C. though D. since

32. A. right B. personal C. easy D. hard

33. A. depend B. support C. appear D. develop

34. A. other B. another C. much D. others

35. A. decide B. praise C. realize D. imagine

36. A. getting out of B. giving away C. taking care of D. worrying about

37. A. admire B. doubt C. require D. believe

38. A. difference B. trouble C. decision D. plan

39. A. what B. when C. how D. where

40. A. training B. hobby C. feeling D. stress


请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D




41 .You should first if you get burned seriously.

A. go to the hospital

B. call the police

C. put oil on the burn

D. clean the burned area

42. Where might you find these tips?

A. Book review.

B. Fashion magazine.

C. First aid handbook.

D. Local newspaper.


Alex Winter is a rock climber. He spoke to Craig Jackson from Out and About magazine.

Imagine hanging on a rock face, with nothing between you and the ground hundreds of meters below. For Alex Winter this is just another normal(正常的)day. I visited him at his home in Fresno, California.

Craig: When did you first become interested in rock climbing?

Alez: Well, Fresno's not far from Yosemite National Park in California. That's one of the best places for climbing in the world. Both my parents love rock climbing, and I started learning the basics(基础)at a very early age.

Craig: What advice would you give people who want to start rock climbing?

Alez: The best way to learn how to climb is to do it. You can' t learn climbing just from books.



Practice on easy low climbs first, until you know the right moves. You need a good teacher. For me, that was my parents ‘And always use good quality equiptncnt(装各).Your life depends on it. Probably the most important piece of equipment is the ropes. You really don't want them to break. Craig: ?

Alex: I've had a few falls, but the ropes have saved my life every time. If you lose your hold, the ropes are fixed to the rock and they take your weight.

Craig: For you, what's the best thing about rock climbing?

Alex: When I'm climbing, I forget everything else in the world. The only thing that matters is my next move up the rock face. I never get bored with doing it. I don't like staying at home.

43. Where did Alex take the interview?

A. In Fresno, California.

B. At Craig's office.

C. At Craig' s home.

D. In Yosemite National Park.

44. What can we know about Alex from his answer to the first question?

A. He was afraid of his parents.

B. He started rock climbing when he was young.

C. He hoped to move to California.

D. He learned rock climbing himself.

45. Alex thinks the best way to learn how to climb rocks is to .

A. practice doing it

B. read a lot about it

C. find a good teacher

D. use good equipment

46. Which of the following can be put in ?

A. How often do you climb

B. Do you have any other hobbies

C. Have you ever had any accidents

D. What was your first rock climbing like


You are walking alone down the street. Suddenly, you hear footsteps(脚步声). Is someone following you? How do you know the footsteps are someone else's and not your own?

You can tell because your brain(大脑)has the ability to ignore(忽略)certain sounds, according to a study from New York University in the US. Because of this, we often ignore our own footsteps. But we may easily hear others' footsteps.

Scientists tested this on mice. They found that when mice became familiar(熟悉)with the sound of their own footsteps, they developed a "sensory filter(感觉过滤器)", according to David Schneider, one of the lead authors of the study. This allowed the mice to ignore the sounds of their own footsteps. They could more easily notice the sounds of their environment.

"For mice, this is really important." Schneider told

Science Daily. "They need to listen for a cat getting

close to them, even when they're walking and making


Our brains don't just ignore our footsteps. We also

ignore some other sounds that we make ourselves,

including the sound of eating, breathing heavily and

typing on a keyboard. Being able to ignore these

unimportant noises lets us pay attention to



important and dangerous ones. For example, we are quick to notice the sound of a baby crying. So we can rush to make sure they are okay and keep them alive. The same idea applies to humans screaming. When we hear this sound, we can quickly go to help the screaming person.

47. What help(s) mice ignore the sounds of their own footsteps?

A. The environment.

B. Their sensory filters.

C. Cats' footsteps.

D. Scientists.

48. What do human brains normally ignore?

A. Others' footsteps.

B. Self-made sounds.

C. A baby crying.

D. Screaming.

49. Being able to ignore some sounds helps humans .

A. give attention to more important things

B. stay calm

C. stay healthy and strong

D. do dangerous things

50. What can we learn from the article?

A. Human brains don't have the ability to ignore footsteps.

B. Mice can't ignore the sounds of their own footsteps.

C. Ignoring certain sounds helps mice survive.

D. Water flowing and baby laughing are annoying noises.


Michael Faraday(迈克尔·法拉第)was one of the most famous

scientists in history, and is known as "Father of Electricity(电)". He

discovered electromagnetic rotation, benzene, electromagnetic induction,

etc. Without the work of this British scientist, many of the things we live

with, such as computers, fridges, wouldn't be here.

Faraday's achievements seem more wonderful when we realize that he

had very little schooling. He was born in 1791 in London. His father was

too poor to send him to school. So the boy went to work at a bookstore, where he became interested in books on science.

One day young Faraday attended a lecture(讲座)given by a famous scientist, Sir Hump Davy. Faraday took very careful notes at the lecture. Back at the bookstore he made diagrams(图表) to explain what Davy had said. Then he made the notes and diagrams into a book and sent it to the great scientist. In a letter he also told Davy that he was very interested in science.

Faraday received the excitement of his life when, on the day before Christmas in 1812, a messenger(邮递员) came to the bookstore with a note asking him to call on Davy the next day. As a result of that visit, Faraday became an assistant(助手) in Davy's laboratory. At first, Faraday only washed chemistry glassware and kept the laboratory clean, but later he was given more important work to do. It was in Davy's laboratory that Faraday received the training that enabled him to become one of the world's greatest scientists.

51.How many of Faraday's discoveries are mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A. 2.

B. 3.

C. 4.

D. 5

52. Faraday showed interest in science .

A. when he was at school

B. before he went to school

C. as he was working at a bookstore

D. after he listened to Davy's lecture

53. What happened on Christmas in 1812?

A. Faraday paid a visit to Davy.

B. Faraday became a teacher.

C. Faraday got a book from Davy.

D. Faraday made a present for Davy.

54. What can we infer from Faraday's experience of working in Davy's laboratory?

A. Faraday was a tidy person.

B. Faraday was a slow learner.

C. Davy pushed Faraday too hard.

D. Davy was pleased with Faraday.

55. Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. A Great Friendship.

B. Father of Electricity.

C. A Life-changing Visit.

D. The Most Important Discovery.



In many cultures white often means something positive(积极). A white-collar job, for example, is the kind of job many people look for, working with your brain and not your hands.

White represents purity. 1 Women wear white on their wedding day. Sometimes white is used in expressions that are not good, like "white wash". 2 However, it means something different today: to hide or to cover up mistakes or failures. 3 In ancient Thailand, a white elephant was regarded as a sacred(神圣的)animal, 4 The kings of those days gave a white elephant to the people they wanted to ruin(毁掉).Once they received this holy, royal animal as a gift, they were not allowed to sell or kill it. 5 In America, when people want to get rid of(丢弃) their furniture or clothes, they often have a "white elephant sale".

1._________ 2_________ 3_________ 4__________ 5.________



姓名__________ 班级______ 学号______


1.Without treatment, she will ___________(必定的,无疑地)die.

2. As young (先锋),we should do what we can to help others.

3. Our monitor is often (表扬)for helping us in study and life.

4. Your ______________ (建议) are quite useful and valuable.

5. In Suzhou, Underground Line 1 is (连接)with Line 2 at South Guangji Road Station.

6. China has a long history of building bridges, which have become an important symbol of

(古代的)Chinese civilization.

7. The teacher (分)the whole class into 6 groups to do the activity yesterday.

8. The (决定) you have made don’t seem so good. You need to be more thoughtful to improve their study.

9. Mary said she (更喜欢) reading a book to watching TV.

10. You should build a good (关系)with all your neighbours.

11. —You seem worried. What’s the matter?

—I’ve made little p ___________ in my Maths recently. I don’t know what to do.

12. 一What do you think of the film? 一Excellent. It is __________ seeing again.

13. 一Is everyone here today, Tom?

一No, Mr Wu. Kate caught a cold yesterday, so she is .

14. 一W hat do you think of your new English teacher?

一He is much with us. He asks us to get to school before 7 every day.













Dear Helen,


Thanks for your last letter. Yes, I’m enjoying myself on my exchange program in France.It’s even better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family are really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. And you wouldn’t believe how quickly my French has improved! I’m feeling very comfortable when speaking French now. Although I still make lot s of mistakes. I t doesn’t make me worried as it used to. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. As you can imagine, things are really not the same as the way they are at home. For example, you shouldn’t put your bread on your plate. You should put it on the table! I thought that was very strange at first, but now I’m used to it. Y ou shouldn’t eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit!(You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork.)Another thing is that it is very rude to say you’re full. If you don’t want any more food, you should just say, “It was delicious.”Also, it’s rude to put your hands in your lap. You should always keep your hands, but not your elbows(肘部),on the table. I have to say, I find it difficult to remember everything, but I Hi gradually(渐渐地)getting used to things and don’t find them so strange any more.

I’ll write soon and tell you more about life in France.Hope you’re having a good school year. Yours,

Li Ying

1.How does Li Ying feel while she is speaking French now?(1分)


2.When can Li Ying eat things with her hands there?(2分)


3.Do you want to take part in this exchange program? Why or why not?(3分)




要求:1. 短文必须包括上述所给内容,可作适当发挥;

2. 词数:90词左右(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数);


Tommy is a member of my team called Moonlight. ________________________________














2. pioneers

3. praised

4. suggestions


6. ancient

7. pided

8. decisions 9. preferred 10. relationship 11. progress 12. worth 13. absent 14. stricter


1.It is said that people born in the Year of the Snake are easy to work with.

2.Neither his parent nor the general manager pays attention to the speech.

3.He has no choice but to give up studying abroad.

4.I wonder how soon so many emails will be replied to.

5.Can you tell me how to achieve a balance between hobbies and schoolwork?


1.Very comfortable.

2.She can eat things with her hands when she has bread.

3.Yes.Because I want to learn the language/improve the language,/1earn the culture/make friends/visit the famous places.

No.Because I'm afraid I won’t get used to the life there/I can't get along well with my host family



