Module 1--exercise BEC资料

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1.1 ways of working



1—F(via email,phone or the Internet)

2—H(another person does it for the other part) 3—A(during different parts of the day) 4—G(not full-time,part-time与之相对) 5—C(without a permanent contract) 6—I (give specialist advice)

7—D(you decide when you start or finish)

8—E(don’t have a permanent place or office to work at)


It’s great because I’m my own boss, but I still work with lots of different people. (freelance/temping/consultancy)

I wish I had my own space. I have to carry everything around in my bag and sometimes there’s nowhere to sit. (hot-desking)

I like it because it’s only for a couple of months and I’m saving up to go round the world. (temping)

The only problem is sleeping. Your body never knows if it’s night or day. (shift work)

It can get a bit lonely at times. And I miss my colleagues and all the office gossip. (teleworking)

My children are at school so it lets me spend more time with them. (part-time/teleworking)

When one of us wants a week off, the other person does a few extra days so it’s fairy flexible. (job-sharing)



(1)Open your mind(敞开心胸)从”Bosses should consider requests for flexible working…”可看出要求管理者考虑有孩子的员工要求弹性工作制的诉求及”embrace the benefits…”要求管理者有远见

(2)Plan for disaster(有备无患)从”always discuss the worst-case scenarios”可推断出

(3)Get organized(安排有序)从Plan the system for handing working carefully…整段可推断出 (4)Set your limits(规定限度)从管理者应让员工知道他的要求及标准可推断出

(5)Put pen to paper(签订协议)从”agree in writing arrangements for holidays…经过协商,以书面形式签订休假、产假、退休等安排的协议可推断出

(6)Don’t feel guilty(勿感愧疚)从”don’t …to make up for”可看出

(7)Two become one(合二为一)从”…like a marriage-one voice, one unit.”可看出

Listening(Page134 and you can find the answer,but you need to summarize it.) Working from home

1.1.Have a timetable and stick to it..

2.Advantages : She thinks she can spend more time with the children More flexibility

The company saves money on office space No commuting(不用乘车上下班) Disadvantages:Sometimes you work in the evening. You miss people and office news.

2 1.

8:30—take kids to school 9:00—start work 12:00—have lunch 14:30—finish work

2.She has been with her current employer since she left school;

she has been home-working for 5 year.

(so how long have you been doing this kind of work? For about five years. I’ve been with the same company since I left school…)this kind of work指的是她现在的”working from home”这种工作方式

3.She’s going to the office every day to meet visitors. (I’m going in nearly every day this week because we have visitors from another company…)


1—B从’always”可看出是”a routine activity”

2—D从I’ve been doing this kind of work for…可看出”过去在做现在也还在做这种工作,强调是活动

3—A从I’ve been with the company since…可看出过去我在这家公司,现在也在这家公司,强调是状态

4—C从”I’m going into the office nearly every day this week”的”this week”可见是最近发生的活动

4.(Page 128)

1—Present simple (一般现在时)同上

2—present perfect continuous(现在完成进行时)从”I’ve been doing…for about five years”可看出

3—present perfect simple(现在完成时)从I’ve been with…since…可看出 4—present continuous(现在进行时)从”I’m going into…”可看出



3.have escaped(now that和you’ll still need可知应用现在完成时)

4.have been working (Once… for a while,由此情景中可知工作是仍在进行的,故用现在完成进行时)

5.have been(for a few hours,从整句话看是在一般情况在电脑面前已经坐了一段时间,建议外出走走可知用现在完成时) working(后文有at the moment而且是拒绝朋友的正在进行的邀请) 7.answer

1.2 Making contacts



1—A(attend a conference参加会议的意思)

2—B(coffee break是指工作中的休息时间,并非仅用来喝咖啡,更多的时候是闲聊) 3—C(下文有”who is responsible for the group”) 4—C(固定搭配be responsible for) 5—B(固定搭配get involved in)

6—A(run有“开办、经营、管理”等意) 7—B(we couldn’t find anything for people with no experience可看出她们想认识其他人及后


8—C(标题中有”making connections”以及她们开朋友聚会时为了建立关系)

9—A(women tend to think of networking as后填的应与networking的意思是相近的) 10—C(从后面的It’s amazing…可知她们的活动取得了很大的成功)


6.1—C(We’ve spoken on the phone/take a seat/would you both like a coffee)

2—A(have you enjoyed this morning?/the first speaker/the company pays /if the location is good)

3—D(you were doing this course)

4—B(but the food is too traditional/on Sunday,I often bring my family here…)

7. 1—D

2—I 3—C 4—J 5—A 6—E 7—K 8—L 9—F 10—G 11—H Writing


1. The e-mail and post-it note are not related to her work.

2. The letter and the memo are formal because they are giving information and replying to a customer with a complaint. The language uses quite long and fixed expressions.

3. The memo is, because it was sent within the company. Everyone in the company received it.

4. The memo uses the To/From/Date/Subject headings. It doesn’t require an opening saluation line (Dear…) or closing saluation (Best…/Yours…)It often have only one paragraph. 5. Tel.



(1)I am writing to

(2)Further to our previous meeting (3)With regard to your letter (4)How about

(5)I would like to apologize for (6)I’m sorry that… (7)We are pleased to (8)Unfortunately (9)Can you…

(10)Do you want me to… (11)May I remind you (12)Don’t forget

(13)We look forward to working with you again (14)See you soon (15)Yours sincerely

1.3 Speaking

Exam practice


B 改”interesting”为”interested” C改I from为I’m from

D改I’d like work为 I’d like to work

E改I’m just finish my degree为I’m just finishing my degree F改since为”for”


(1)--O (2)--C (3)--E (4)--B (5)--D (6)--A (7)--F

6.(1)I suppose that

(2)can you repeat (3)I think that (4)In my opinion

1.3 Speaking

Exam practice


B 改”interesting”为”interested” C改I from为I’m from

D改I’d like work为 I’d like to work

E改I’m just finish my degree为I’m just finishing my degree F改since为”for”


(1)--O (2)--C (3)--E (4)--B (5)--D (6)--A (7)--F

6.(1)I suppose that

(2)can you repeat (3)I think that (4)In my opinion

