新概念二习题Lesson 19-20

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Lesson 19 Sold Out 票已售完

I. 语法与词汇知识

1. If they won’t help us, we ______ finish the task within one month. A. mustn’t B. can not C. need not D. couldn’t 2. The road is wet. It ______ last night. A. must rain B. can’t rain C. must have rained D. can’t have rained 3. — ______ I use your pen?

— No, you mustn’t. A. Must B. Need C. Will D. May 4. Tickets for the film were sold ______ quite a while ago. A. out B. up C. off D. on 5. All the Chinese people ______ with excitement. A. cried B. said C. exclaimed D. called 6. Please carefully fill out this form and ______ it to me. A. have B. return C. keep D. get 7. He sounds reasonable, so we might ______ listen to his advice. A. as well B. so well C. as good D. so good 8. He left ______ hurry to catch the bus. A. in a B. in C. at a D. at 9. We ______ enough discussions about this topic by now. A. had B. have C. had have D. have had 10. I am going home to ______ my tickets for the concert.

A. buy B. take C. get D. sell

II. 阅读理解

A bar owner locked up his place at 2 a.m. and went home to sleep. He had been in bed only a few minutes when the phone rang. “What time do you open up in the morning?” he heard an obviously inebriated (醉醺醺的) man inquire.

The owner was very angry. He slammed down the receiver and went back to bed. A few minutes later there was another call and he heard the same voice ask the same question. “Listen,” the owner shouted, “there’s no sense (没用) in asking me what time I open because I wouldn’t let a person in your condition in.”

“I don’t want to get in,” the caller interrupted him. “I want to get out.” 11. Why did the bar owner become angry? A. The bar closed too late.

B. The drunk man disturbed him. C. The telephone was broken. D. He didn’t have time to have a rest. 12. The bar owner thought that ______. A. the drunk man was stupid

B. the drunk man couldn’t express himself clearly C. the drunk man hoped to go into the bar to have a drink D. the drunk man didn’t want to pay for his drinks in the bar 13. The drunk man called because ______. A. he was locked in the bar

B. he just wanted to talk with the owner C. he had a question for the bar owner

D. he just had a wrong number III. 翻译

14. at any moment 15. a ticket office 16. What a pity! 17. at once

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

18. buy tickets for the film

19. 他存折丢了,赶紧去银行挂失。

He lost his bankbook, and ________ the bank to report it. 20. 问题肯定会解决,只是时间而已。

The problem will ________ be solved. It’s merely a question of time. 21. 今天下午,我得回公司参加一个会。

I will ________ the office to attend a meeting in the afternoon. 22. 她泪水涟涟的,哭得特别伤心。 She was full of tears and ________.

23. 正在这个时候,上课铃响,史密斯先生得上课了。

________ the bell rang and Mr. Smith had to start class.


Lesson 20 One Man in a Boat 独坐孤舟 I. 语法与词汇知识

1. ______ with fire is dangerous.

A. Play B. Playing C. To play D. Played 2. He turned left suddenly in order to avoid ______ the boy. A. hit B. being hit C. to hit D. hitting 3. We succeeded in ______ him to give up his plan. A. persuading B. persuade C. persuaded D. to persuade 4. I think you should only ______ about your own problems. A. make B. speak C. worry D. interest

5. Chinese people prefer to use chopsticks instead ______ a knife and fork. A. in B. of C. for D. at

II. 连词组句:请将下列词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次 6. favorite, is, your, dish, Japanese, what

____________________________________________________________? 7. word, to, great, saying, surprise, he, without, walked, my, out, a

____________________________________________________________. 8. the, out, John, go, in, doesn’t, even, summer

____________________________________________________________. 9. good, graduating, he, to, find, job, a, hopes, after

____________________________________________________________. 10. passerby, I, place, am, and, only, about, a, know, all, nothing, at, this ____________________________________________________________. III. 完形填空

The English people like take-away food. The most (11) ______ food is fish and chips. They usually go to a fish and chip shop. They (12) ______ the food in paper bags, and take it (13) ______, (14) to their work place. (15) ______ lunch time, many people (16) ______ take-away food in the park. Chinese take-away food is (17) ______ very popular in England. People in (18) ______ USA and Australia like Chinese take-away food, too. (19) ______ the most popular food in the USA is (20) ______ chicken. 11. A. nice B. popular C. good D. favorite 12. A. bring B. have C. put D. make

13. A. home 14. A. so 15. A. In 16. A. cook 17. A. also 18. A. an 19. A. So 20. A. frying

IV. 翻译

B. at home B. but B. At B. sell B. even B. a B. But B. fry C. to home C. and C. On C. eat C. ever C. / C. If C. fried D. in home D. or D. For D. get D. never D. the D. Since D. to fry

21. a waste of time 22. be interested in 23. sit in a boat 24. catch fish 25. give up

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

26. 我们没有意识到情况有多么危急。

We ________ how dangerous the situation was. 27. 就是因为你,我们去宴会都要迟到了。 We will get late to the party ________. 28. 他丢了钱包,真是太倒霉了。

He ________ enough to lose his wallet.

29. 我今早离开的时候忘记把垃圾拿出去了。 I forgot to ________ when I left this morning. 30. 实际困难比我想象的要少。 There is much ________ I thought.

