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Module1 Unit1

1.让我们给“世界奇观”打电话,参加讨论吧。Let’s callWonders of the world and join inthe discussion.


I think natural wondersare more interesting than man-made ones.

3.关于某事同意某人agreewith sb. about sth.


on the eastern coastof Northern Ireland


most of them with six sides


You can hear the loud noise a few kilometers away.

7. 在我看来in my opinion

8. 2000千多岁more than/ over2000 years old


It produces electricityfor millions of people

in China.



That sounds great, thoughI think Victoria Fallsis even more fantastic.


I looked to the west,the sky was becominggrey.

2.我下了汽车,经过一个大门,沿着一条小路向前走。I got out of the car, wentthrougha gate and walked along a path.


A strangerappeared besidethe path.

4.走了正确的路go the right way

5.回答问题reply to/answerthe question replied

6.我向岩石上面看过去,但是它是寂静的,没有任何它的迹象。I looked overthe rock, but it was silent,there was no sign of it.

7.云消散了。The clouds cleared.


9.太阳在我身后升起,照射在岩石上。The sun rose behind me and shoneon the rocks. shine-shone-shone rise-rose-risen10. 远远的在我的下方,地面向下倾斜,下到一条

Far below me, the ground fell away河流。and down to a river.

11.一条银色的小溪a silver stream

at the bottom ofthe canyon12. 在峡谷的底部

13.眺望峡谷的另一边look across tothe other side of the canyon

on both sides14.在两边

15.在峡谷附近逗留remainby the canyon

16.在彼此的顶部on top of each other

17.我看看我的左边,再看看我的右边I looked to my left and to my right.

China’s National Day 1.中国的国庆节

2.中华人民共和国是在1949年10月1日被创立的。The People’s Republic of China was foundedon1st October 1949.

since then3.自从那时起


There are national flagseverywhere.

a three-dayholiday5.一个三天的假期

6.我们将呆在那里直到假期的结束。We’ll stay there until the end of the holiday.

Independence Day7.独立日

8.一个公共的假期a public holiday

have one day off9.休息一天

onthat day10.在那天


all kinds of holiday activities


the start/beginning of the vacation season


Most people take a vacationsometimein July or August.

have fun doing sth.14.尽情地做某事

15.观看乐队演奏音乐watch bands play music


My family always go somewhere interestingas soon asthe holiday begins.

8.接下来的一年the followingyear

by doingsth.9.通过做某事


Celebrate Thanksgiving with a traditional dinner

11.最拥挤的房间the most crowdedroom

help prepare the food12.帮助准备食物

laythe table lay-laid-laid13.摆放餐桌

14.当它都结束的时候,每个人都帮忙洗盘子。When it is all over, everyone helps wash the dishes.


During the festival, there are plenty of things to seeand do.

watch the parade16.观看游行

1.一个在广播上的人a person on the radio

2.选择某人去走某事choose sb. to do sth.


one ofthe best table tennis players

4. 她训练得很努力,因此她后来成为一名伟大的选手。She trained hard,

so she became a great player later.

5.她赢了许多场比赛,包括四枚奥林匹克金牌。She has won many competitions,

including four Olympic gold medals.

6.去国外上学attenduniversity abroad

7.又一次once again

8.完成博士学位complete the doctor’s degree


Whatevershe does, she never gives up.

10. 惊讶的,极好的amazing


She is not cleverer than anyone else.

12.有很强的毅力have a strong will

13.并且,还as well as

14. 她帮助使北京奥林匹克运动会对于世界运动获得胜利。She helped makethe Beijing

Olympics a victoryfor world sport.


She is simply the best.

16.一个真正的英雄a truehero

Module3 Unit2

1.一个加拿大医生a Canadiandoctor

2.为中国人而死die forthe Chinese people

3.在战争期间治疗受伤的士兵treat the wounded soldiers during the war

4.死动词/死的形容词/垂死的形容词/死亡名词die dead dying death

5.研制照顾病人的新方法develop new ways of taking care ofthe sick

6.发明特殊的医疗器械invent special medical tools

so that=in order that7. 以便,为了

8.他的发明救了许多生命。His inventionssaved many lives

9.在抗日战争期间during the Anti-Japanese War

10.那时没有医生,因此他不得不独自努力工作。At that time, there werefewdoctors, so he had to work hard on his own.

useful / useless11.有用的/无用的

12.为当地的医生和护士开发培训课程。develop training coursesfor local doctors and nurses.

13.他经常努力工作而不休息或者照顾自己。He worked hard without resting or taking care ofhimself.

14.设法完成某事manage to dosth.

15.最后,他因他的伤口而死。In the end,he died ofhis wound.


He cut his finger during an operation, but he continuedhis work without treatingit.

17.他为中国人所做的工作使他成为一个英雄。His work for the Chinese people made him a hero.


continue/go on doing sth.

continue/ go on withsth.


continue/ go on to dosth.

Module4 Unit1


The train is leaving fromPlatform 2.


miss two weeks of school


Be especially careful withthe door.

4.当你在家时把门关上,当你出去时,把门锁上。Shutthe door when you’re in andlock it when you go out.


Make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

6.烧简单的饭菜cook simplemeals


There won’t be anybody to wake you upin the morning.

8.我的钟声音是如此响以致于一定能吵醒我。My clockringssoloudly that it will certainly

wake me up.

9.将要做某事be about to do sth.


send me a text message=send a text message to me

11.旅游愉快have a good trip


see you in a couple of weeks

13.发出很响的噪音make a loud noise

14.出席会议attenda meeting


advisepassengersto goimmediately to the platform

Module4 Unit2

1.实际上,我的父母安排了我生活中的每一分钟。Actually, my parents managed every minute of my life.

2.对某人感到有一点不高兴feel a bit unhappy with sb.

3.把电视打开/关上/声音调低/调高turn on/off/up/downthe TV

4.我对他们的命令感到如此的厌烦,以致于我希望他们让我单独一个人。I became sobored withtheir ordersthat I wished they would leave me alone.

5.某人担心某事sb. be worried aboutsth. / sb. worry aboutsth.

on business6.出差

eat snacks7.吃零食

8. 高兴地把书包扔到沙发上。

happily throw the schoolbag on the sofa


play computer games until midnight

10. 醒来晚了wake uplate


hurry toschoolwithout breakfast

asksb. forsth.12.想某人要某物

hand inthe homework13.上交家庭作业


With an empty stomach, I was unable to play basketball.

all day long15.整天

16. 把米饭烧焦了burnthe rice burn/burnt/burnt


dropthe cup drop--dropped

18.我发现我自己在简单的做饭方面很差劲。I found myself bad at simple cooking tasks.

19.帮助某事某事help sb.withsth.

20.讲滑稽的笑话tell funny jokes

21.我意识都独自一个人在家并不总是完美的。I realisedbeing home alonewas not always perfect.


do taskslike cooking and tidying up

Module5 Unit1

1.禁止大声喧哗No shouting.

2.禁止进入No entry.

3.禁止吸烟No smoking.

4.禁止拍照No photos.


onthe secondfloor of a museum

6.楼上的动物室the animal room upstairs

7.猴子展览the monkey exhibition

8.违反规定(介词短语)againstthe rules

9.违反规定(动词短语)breakthe rules

10.处于麻烦中in trouble

11.不要过那个绳索Don’t cross the rope.

12.看那个标志read the sign

13.那不合适。That’s no good.

14.难怪no wonder

15.不要粗鲁Don’t be rude.


My mobile phone ismissing.


go downstairsto the lost and found office

18.我必须找到它,否则我妈将会惩罚我的。I have tofind it,or my mum will punish me.

19.陷入困境get into trouble

20一只长尾巴的猴子a monkey witha long tail

Module5 Unit2


the differences betweenthe two museums

2.和…不同be different from

3.在大多数博物馆里,禁止大声喧哗和奔跑。In mostmuseums, there is no shoutingand no running.


There are some verynoisymachines as well.

the answer tothe question5.问题的答案

6.在第二和第三层on the second and third floors


learn about communicationsand the environment

8. 从地下挖煤digcoalfrom the ground dig/dug/dug digging

9.用煤炭创造能源use coal to createenergy

10.他们甚至解释X光如何让你看你的身体里面。They even explain howX-rayslet you see inside your body.

do an experiment11.做一个实验

physics/ chemistry12.物理/化学


I fillthe bagwith sand.14.包里装满了沙。(两种)

The bagis filled withsand.

The bagis full ofsand.

Module6 Unit1


spend too much time playing the guitar

fail the exam2.考试不及格

play musicalinstruments3.演奏乐器

stopsb. (from) doingsth.4.阻止某人做某事

5.和某人达成协议make a deal withsb.


agree withsb’ssuggestions

7.如果我饭后我开始,我将会在睡觉前完成它。If I startafter dinner, I’ll finishit before I go to bed.

8. 养成一回家就做作业的习惯

get into the habit of doingyour homework as soon as you come home from school.

9.学业后的休息have a rest from schoolwork

10. 做义工do volunteerwork


It is necessaryto do sth.

12.那真如果你做憾!That’s a shame.

13.不行No deal.


If you do all these other things instead of doingyour homework, you won’t have time to study.

15.帮助社区help the community

16. 增长世界的知识increase theknowledge of the world

17. 那不是我的想法/观点That’s not the point.

18.考虑做某事consider doingsth.

19.那是我的最终决定。That’s my last word.

20.真遗憾…It is a shamethat…

21. 不如…重要less important than…

Module6 Unit2

ask foradvice1.征求建议

come round2.拜访


useit for work useit to dowork

4.原因是如果我在电脑上玩游戏的话,将会出错The reason is thatsomething will go wrong, if I play games on it.

try outa new game5.试试一个新的游戏

6.把它复制到电脑上copyit tothe computer

7.把它从电脑上卸载下来take it offthe computer

start the computer8.启动电脑

9. 他不再能够在任何地方找到文件了。

He could no longerfind the documents anywhere.He couldnot find the documents anywhere any longer.

10.生某人的气be angry withsb.

11.因为某事而生气be angryat sth.

12.一个电脑修理店a computer repair shop

13. 取回某物get sthback

14. 付钱修理电脑pay to repairthe computer

15. 足够糟糕bad enough

16.甚至更糟糕even worse

17. 讲实话tell the truth

18.真的形容词/真地副词/ 真话名词

trueadj. / truly adv./ truth n.

19.至少at least

20.一个诚实的男孩不诚实的anhonest boy dishonest

21. 如果你告诉他实情,他将会生你的气,但是至少你表明了你是诚实的。If youtell him the truth, he will be angry withyou, but at leastyou show that you are honest.


23.为修理电脑买单pay the billto repair the computer

24. 如果你主动提出放弃你的零花钱,你的爸爸将会明白你是非常抱歉的。If you offer to give upyour pocket money, your father will realisethat you are really sorry.

best wishes25.最美好的祝福


warn sb. not to do sth.27.错误地

by mistake

