2016-2017学年牛津译林版英语7B Unit4提优测试卷含答案 - 图文

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7B Unit4 Finding your way提优卷

(满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)


题号 答案 题号 答案 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 1. ─You've dropped \ ─Oh, letter \

A. a; a B. an; a C. an; the D. the; the 2. Next to the school a road and across the road some fruit shops. A. are; is B. is; are C. are; are D. is; is 3. ─Can you tell me where the post office is? ─Sure. It's on side of the street.

A. every B. each C. the other D. another

4. Tom, to your teachers carefully in class,and you it easy to study well. A. listen; will find B. listens; find C. listen; find D. listens; will find 5. ─Which turning do I need to ? ─The first one on the left.

A. take B. walk C. turn D. go 6. your friend Jenny afraid of in front of her classmates? A. Is; speaking B. Is; to speak C. Are; speaking D. Are; to speak

7. The USA is the south of Canada and the east of Japan. A. to; in B. on; to C. in; beside D. at; on 8. ─Excuse me, where is the hospital ,please?

─ the hospital,turn right when you come to the first crossing. A. Get to B. Get C. To get to D. To get 9. The sun is so bright our heads but it is 15℃. A. on; below B. above; under C. over; below D. over; under 10. ─Is there going to a concert in the hall tonight? ─Yes. And the last performance will be given by Jay Chou.

A. have B. give C. play D. be 11. When the class begins,all the students must and listen to the teacher.

A. stop to talk B. stop talking C. to stop talking D. talking 12. ─Why does Joe look so today? ─Because he got an \

A. exciting B. sad C. happy D. angry

13. I don't think can solve(解决)the Maths problem. Some may find it very hard,I think.

A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody 14. ─May I ask you a question? ─ . What's it?

A. I'm sorry B. Sure C. Of course not D. I see 15. ─Would you like to come to my party this afternoon?

─ . I will have to help my mother look after my little brother. A. Good idea

B. I'd love to,but I can't C. Sorry to hear that D. See you then

二. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

题号 答案 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Nick and Mary have been married(结婚)for more than 60 years. They keep 16 secrets from each other except that Mary has a shoe box under her bed. Mary tells Nick 17 to open or ask about it.

For all these years,Nick never thinks about the 18 . But one day Mary gets very 19 and the doctor says she will never get better.

Mary says it is time that Nick should know 20 is in the box. The old man takes the shoe box to his wife's bedside.

When he opens it,he finds 21 beautiful doilies(装饰小垫)and some money. The money is $25 , 000.

\we get married, \Mary says,\grandmother tells me that the 22 of a happy family is never to fight. She tells me if every time I get angry with you,I should just keep quiet and make one doily.\

The old man is so moved(感动) 23 only two doilies are in the box. He thinks she is only angry with him 24 in all those years.

\ 25 what about all the money? Where does it all come from?\ \,\,500


16. A. some B. any C. no D. many 17. A. always B. never C. seldom D. often 18. A. money B. woman C. box D. shoes 19. A. tired B. healthy C. happy D. sick 20. A. what B. who C. why D. how 21. A.one B. two C. three D.some 22. A. reason B. secret C. way D. price 23 .A. after B. before C. because D. so 24 .A. many times B. three times C. once D. twice 25 .A. Also B. If C. But D. Or 三. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)

题号 答案 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 A

Once upon a time, there were two seeds(种子). They were good friends: They often talked with each other when they were free. One day, they had nothing to do. They lay on the ground. They looked up at the sky and had a chat with each other.

The first seed said,\,it grew. It had a chance to enjoy the sun and the rain.

The second seed said,\ I grow,I have to live in the soil . Little animals may come up to me and eat me. How terrible! If I become a beautiful flower, a child will come and pick me. It is much better for me to wait. It's a dangerous way to be alive.\It did nothing and refused to grow.

Spring came soon. A duck came up to the seeds. It ate the second seed and went away. See? We shouldn't act like the second seed. We should face our life bravely. 26 .What did they do one day? A. They fought.

B. They played by the river. C. They flew in the sky.

D. They had a chat with each other.

27 .The first seed wanted to grow because . A. it could enjoy the sun and the rain B. it wanted to be small C. it could help each other D. it could go everywhere

28. In the third paragraph,the underlined word \ \

A.油 B.土壤 C.样式 D.社会 29 .From the passage, we should . A. face our life bravely B. hide ourselves

C. run away when we are in trouble D. refuse to grow


A person spends three whole years of his life in the toilet. It's funny, isn't it? Toilets are very important in our life. But we don't care them too much. There is a special day for toilets. November 19 is World Toilet Day. It is a day to learn about toilets.

There are some different kinds of toilets around the world. In Western countries,most people have toilets and running water in their homes. In Japan and South Korea,some people have special toilets. The toilets have heaters and can even play music. But, in some places, toilets are outdoors and they are called \you can find some outhouses on the street. Some cleaners work there to keep them clean.

When you use the toilet,you should keep some manners(礼仪).Here are some good manners. Flush the toilet after you have finished using it. Wash your hands before you leave the restroom. If you need to go to a public toilet,don't forget to wait in line. 30 .When is World Toilet Day?

A. On November 9. B. On November 19. C. On November 29. D. On December 19.

31. The underlined word \指的是) \ \ A. the heaters B. the cleaners C. the toilets D. the countries

32. Here are some manners of using toilets. Which is a good manner? A. Flush the toilet before you use it. B. Wash hands before you leave the restroom. C. You don't need to wait for your turn.

D. Invite one of your friends to go to the restroom.

33 .Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. We don't care toilets too much.

B. Some westerners have toilets and running water. C. Some toilets can even play music. D. All the toilets are indoors. 34 . What's the best title for the passage? A. Learn about Toilets B. World Toilet Day

C. Outdoor Toilets D. Toilets with Heaters


35. Julia is at Roosevelt. She wants to go to Baseball Field. She should change lines at . A. Grand

B. Cliton

C. Reno

D. Randolph

36. Louis is going to Medical Centre from Damen. He should get off at the stop. A. third

B. fourth

C. fifth

D. sixth

37. To go to Airport from Youth Centre, you should take underground lines in this order: . A. Blue Line → Green Line → Red Line C. Blue Line → Red Line → Green Line 四.阅读表达(共6分)

Two Englishmen are in Boston for a visit.One morning they go to look for a famous church(教堂),but they don’t know how to get there.They stop a man and ask. “Excuse me.can you tell us the way to the North Church?”

“Go three blocks(街区)and turn to your left,”he says.“You can’t miss it.” So the Englishmen walk three blocks and turn to their left.but they don’t see any church.Then they ask a second man.

“Excuse me.but we are trying to find the North Church.” This one says.“Go three blocks and turn to your left.”

But again they can’t find the church.In the end they ask a third man,“Excuse me, could you please tell US how to get to the North Church?”

B. Red Line → Green Line → Blue Line D. Red Line → Blue Line → Green Line

