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2018 年中考押题卷(十)

注 意 事 项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项 1. 本试卷共10页,满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。 2. 答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔填写在试卷及 答题卡上指定的位置。 3. 答案必须按要求填涂、书写在答题卡上对应位置,在试卷、草稿纸上答题一律无效。 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共60分)


( )1. About ______ two thirds of the engineers in the company were born in _____ 1990s. A. a; the

B. /; /

C. /; the

D. the; /

( ) 2. —Why did your brother buy a second-hand car?

—He couldn’t afford a new one, but even an old one is better than ________. A. neither B. none

C. no

D. either

( ) 3. The world-famous British physicist Stephen Hawking passed away ____ March, ____ the age of 76.

A. on; in

B. in; in

C. on; at

D. in; at

( ) 4. —Leon, how was your listening and oral automated test last month? —I couldn’t feel _______. I made few mistakes in it.

A. worse

B. worst

C. better

D. best

( ) 5. The city government has decided to control the of the population and to have

not more than 10 million people by the year 2020.

A. shape

B. style

C. speed

D. size

( ) 6. Don’t make your son do too much homework. , he is only seven. A. After all

B. Above all

C. First of all

D. In all

( ) 7. —________ important information is to everyone around the world! —I agree with you. The world is always changing. A. What

B. How

C. What an

D. How an

( ) 8. Tiangong-1 ______ space on September 29, 2011. It re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere on April 2, 2018.

A. was sending into

B. was sent by

C. sent into

D. was sent into

( ) 9. With WeChat becoming more and more popular in China, it seems that we are _____

the art of chatting face-to-face.

A. enjoying

B. improving

C. losing

D. reminding

( ) 10. —It’s said that the school network will be shut down for safety reasons.

—Well, that doesn't worry me at all. I'm not a net-worm, ________. A. anyway

B. instead

C. besides

D. anywhere

( ) 11. —Do you watch “Super Brain” every week?

—Yes. I never miss it _______ I have something really important to do. A. until

B. but

C. unless

D. although

( ) 12. —Must I take the pills after the meals?

—No, you ________. It’s OK if you take them before the meals. A. mustn’t B. can’t

C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

( ) 13. —Daniel, I didn't see you at the beginning of the party last night.

—Oh, I on my history report.

A. worked

B. was working

C. am working

D. have worked

( ) 14. —Do you know _______, boys and girls? —Of course. From June 14, 2018 to July 15, 2018.

A. when will the 2018 FIFA World Cup take place B. when the 2018 FIFA World Cup will be held C. how soon will the 2018 FIFA World Cup take place D. how soon the 2018 FIFA World Cup will be held

( ) 15. —My friend has achieved his goal after years of hard work. —Great! ________.

A. Where there is a will, there is a way

B. One tree can't make a forest

C. Many hands make light work

D. A friend in need is a friend indeed


请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Dad and I disagree with each other from time to time, and when I reached my teen years, our 16 really heated up. Our biggest fight was about my chosen 17 . “People like us aren’t writers!” Dad would shout.

“Maybe people like you aren’t writers,” I would shout 18 , “but people like me are!” I grew up in a nice house with a lawn(草坪)and lots of rooms. All I had to do was to get good grades and stay out of trouble. Dad spent his youth living in an old building and 19 money to support his family. But he drew a curtain over his 20 , never speaking of his growing-up days. No one knew what he had 21 . But not knowing Dad’s past, I could never know what drove him to want so much safety for me.

As I insisted on writing, Mom told me Dad read and re-read 22 I got published, although he never mentioned my work to me. Instead, he continually tried to drive me into a career he considered 23 —nursing or teaching.

But in the last days of his life, Dad 24 . It was as if he suddenly realized that he should make the truth known. He talked about everything—how it felt to carry heavy baskets of coal upstairs and 25 one bathroom with five other families, and how worried he was that his family wouldn’t have enough warm clothes for winter. Dad told me 26 he’d wanted to protect me from poor life in order that I’d never have to 27 what he had. When he said sorry for trying to break off my wings, I told him that he was the very one who’d given me the chance to 28 . Dad smiled and tried to nod. On the last day of his life, as Mom and I sat by him 29 his hands, he signaled to the nurse to come close. “You know my daughter,” he said with great 30 . “I just want you to know—she’s a writer.”

It was the proudest moment of my life. 16. A. discussions 17. A. work 18. A. once

B. arguments B. career B. again B. sparing B. last

C. movements C. subject C. around C. wasting C. present

D. conversations D. topic D. back D. earning D. future

19. A. saving 20. A. past

21. A. done

B. supported B. everything B. easy

C. suffered C. anything C. special C. stood up C. share C. when C. write C. fly

D. achieved D. nothing D. challenging D. stepped up D. build D. where D. experience D. work D. bringing D. sadness

22. A. something 23. A. safe

24. A. stayed up 25. A. handle 26. A. how

B. opened up B. clean B. what B. practise B. live

27. A. organize 28. A. desire 29. A. reaching 30. A. pains

B. rising B. help

C. holding

C. pride

三、阅读理解 (本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Welcome to Sun School Admission(招生) of students 2018/2019 Sun School founded in 1911 Expectation Happiness, Confidence, Love and Hope Features Our teaching to cultivate in the students a state of sound mind and a balanced outlook on life and values Different ways of teaching and practice to let the children have fun in learning OBJECT We are accepting children from kindergarten and primary students born on or before 31-December-2015. PROCEDURES 1. Enroll(报名) through DSEJ Central Registration(注册)between 5th and 20th May, 2018. (no need to hand in an enrollment form to school) 2. The interview date and time will be published on 2nd June, 2018 3. The school admission interviews will be processed on 10th and 17th July, 2018. 4. The admission result list will be informed by SMS (short messaging service) on 9th and 10th August, 2018. 5. Parents of children on the admission list hand in the “Registration Paper” between 11th and 14th August, 2018. (during school office hours). REMINDERS 1. The enrollment form can be downloaded from our website or get it directly from our office. 2. Fill in the enrollment form properly together with a 1.5 inch recent ( )31. How can the parents get the admission result? A. They can get it from the school website. B. They may get it by short messaging service. C. They may receive a letter from the school. D. They may get a call from the school.

( ) 32. If students are accepted, parents can hand in the “Registration Paper” to the school


A. on Tuesday at 9:00, July 17th, 2018 B. on Thursday at 11:30, August 9th, 2018 C. on Monday at 11:30, August 13th, 2018 D. on Saturday at 16:00, August 11th, 2018

( ) 33. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. An 18-month-old girl can be accepted by Sun School. B. Parents need to hand in the student’s ID on the interview day. C. The school aims to help children practise the exam skills.

D. Parents can get the enrollment form from the website or the school office.


You and I can tell one face from another easily, but can computers do the same with few mistakes? At an earlier time, many people thought it was impossible, but now progress in facial recognition(识别) software has made it come true. Technology is quickly catching up with human ability to read faces.

Some facial recognition systems use a digital picture and measure(测量) different points on the face. Measurements include the distance between the eyes, the width of the nose, the length of the jaw(下巴) line and more. A detailed map, or faceprint of the face is developed, stored and later used as a basis for comparison and matching.

Some government agencies, airports and banks use facial recognition technology for safety purposes. Apple and Facebook use it to provide the users with added convenience. For example, Apples’ new iPhone is expected to use it to unlock the home screen. Other companies use it to help them in better recognizing their customers’ needs. For example, some stores are checking into

the use of the technology to catch sight of return customers. Then they can offer special deals, based on the customers’ buying habits.

In America, facial recognition is used by universities to check students’ attendance. This year, Welsh police use it to catch a terrorist outside a football game. In China it checks on the identities of the ride-hailing drivers, permits tourists to enter some places of interests quickly and lets people pay for things with a smile.

While some systems are used with knowledge of the persons, others aren't, and that raises worries. For many people, however, convenience is more important than the worries, so facial recognition technology is probably to stay here. ( ) 34. Which is TRUE according to Paragraph 1? A. Computers now can read faces with few mistakes. B. Humans never make mistakes in reading faces.

C. Some people can’t tell one face from another easily.

D. Computers have a stronger ability to read faces than humans.

( ) 35. According to the passage, stores use facial recognition technology to ________. A. keep the store safe

B. catch thieves quickly D. improve the convenience

C. know customers’ needs

( ) 36. It can be inferred from the passage that the writer feels ______ about the facial

recognition technology.

A. moved

B. doubtful

C. worried

D. hopeful

( ) 37. What’s the main idea of the article?

A. To show the importance of facial recognition. B. To encourage the use of facial recognition. C. To introduce the technology of facial recognition. D. To predict the development of facial recognition technology.


A disease called “Panama” is threatening(威胁) supplies of the world’s most popular fruit – banana. Two years ago, the United Nations warned that the “Panama disease” could destroy “much of the world’s banana crop.” Since then, things have not gotten better. A new outbreak was discovered last year in Australia. The disease started in Asia in the 1990s, and later spread to

