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牛津英语 7Aunit5 短语、句型、语法


1、Let ’ s celebrate the Spring Festival 让我们庆祝春节

2、Chinese New Year celebrations 春节庆祝活动

3、have a guess 猜一猜

4、dress up as a ghost 装扮成鬼

dress sb 给某人穿衣

dress up as+ 形象装扮成

dress up in + 服饰穿服饰来打扮(相当于wear)

5、She is interested in the interesting story. 她对这个有趣的故事感兴趣。

6、your favourite festival 你最喜欢的节日

7、around the world/all around the world 全世界,世界各地

8、a list of sth. 一张清单

9、at Christmas 在圣诞节at the Chinese New Year 在中国的新年at the Dragon Boat Festival 在龙舟节at Halloween 在万圣节at the Mid-Autumn Festival 在中秋节 on Thanksgiving Day 在感恩节

10、Why don’t you do /Why not do (表示建议)为什么(你)不做

11、get together 团聚

12、get lots of nice presents 收到许多漂亮的礼物

13、on that day 在那天

14、have a big dinner 吃一顿大餐

15、eat moon cakes 吃月饼

16、enjoy the full moon 赏满月

17、be full of 装满,充满

18. thank sb for sth/doing sth

19、tell sb about sth 告诉某人有关某事

tell sb. sth./ tell sth. to sb

tell sb (not) to do sth.

20、like best 最喜欢

21、have lots of fun playing on that day 在那天玩得很开心

22、wear masks 戴面具

23、paint our faces white 用颜料把我们的脸涂成白色

24、make (our own) pumpkin lanterns 做( 我们自己的 ) 南瓜灯

make lanterns out of pumpkins 用南瓜做灯笼

25、visit houses 拜访左邻右舍

26、play a game with people inside 和里面的人玩游戏

27、knock on/at the door 敲门

28、shout to sb. 对某人大声喊叫(因距离远或声音小)

shout at sb 对某人大喊大叫(态度不友好,生气,愤怒)

29、give us some candy as a treat 给我们糖果作为招待 =

give us a treat of some candy

give sb sth as a treat 给某人某物作为招待

give sb a treat(n.) / treat(v.) sb 招待某人

30、play a trick on sb/ play tricks on sb 作弄某人

31、have/hold a party 举办聚会

32、on the evening of October 31 在 10 月 31 日的晚上

33、enjoy nice food and drinks 享受美味的食物和饮料

34、play a game called “ trick or treat ”


35、the girl in a red coat 穿红外套的女孩

36、What a nice cake (it is)! 多好的一个蛋糕啊 !

How beautiful our school is! 我们的学校多漂亮啊!

37、the other ( 两者中的 ) 另一个 the others ( 一个整体中的 ) 其余的人 / 物

38、find out 发现,找到 39、on the radio 通过收音机,通过无线电广播

40、rice dumplings 粽子 41、go out for a birthday dinner 外出吃生日宴42、at a restaurant near my home 在我家附近的餐馆 43be on holiday 在度假

44、get sth as birthday presents 收到某物作为生日礼物

45、give each other presents/give presents to each other 互赠礼物

46、some other nice things 其他一些漂亮东西

47、watch the lion dance 观看狮舞

48、take a lot of photos 拍许多照

49、have a nice Chinese dinner 吃一顿美味的中餐

50、a music and dance show 歌舞表演

51、have a nice day 祝你愉快

52、seem very happy 似乎十分高兴

seem (to be)+ 形容词似乎 , 显得 He seems to be happy.

seem to do sth 似乎要做某事 , 好像做某事 He seems to stand up.

They seem to know the answer to the question.

He seems to like the idea.

it seems (to sb) +(that) 句子在某人看来

It seems to me that Mr. Brown will not e again.

It seems that no one knows what happened in the park.

53、have shows about different festivals around the world


54、at the school hall 在学校礼堂 55、let off fireworks 燃放烟花

56、an import holiday 一个重要的节日

57、most Chinese families 绝大多数中国家庭

58、at this time of year 每年这个时候59、family members 家庭成员

60、a great Spring Festival Gala on TV 电视上播放的春节晚会

61、get sth ready for sb 为某人准备某物


1. Let ’ s celebrate. 让我们庆祝。

2.What is your favourite festival? =What festival do you like best?


3.All my family get together and have a big dinner.


4.Thank you for telling me about the Mid- Autumn Festival.


5.Children have lots of fun on that day.


6.It ’s really a special day.


7.Family members get together and give each other presents.


11.We have shows about different festivals around the world.


12.How do you usually celebrate your birthday?


13.What do you get as birthday presents?


14.The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.


15.I am on holiday in New York.


16.What do you do to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijing?


17.Out of sight, out of mind.


18.There is no smoke without fire.


19.There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every year.


20.Children have lots of fun on this day.


c2b559630e22590102020740be1e650e53eacf07ually our parents get new clothes ready for us.


22.We get red packets from our parents.


23.They are really wonderful.





who 谁问人的身份,He is LiLie Who is he ?

姓名等He is my brother. Who is he ? whom 谁问人的身份,I can ask him the question.

姓名等 ( 问宾Whom can you ask the question?


what 什么问人的职业或He is a worker. What is he?

事物是什么He has a book. What does he

have ?

which 哪一个问一定范围内The big box is mine. Which box is


The girl at the door is Ann. Which

girl is Ann?

whose 谁的问所属关系This is her book. Whose book is

this ?

This book is hers. Whose is this


what 什么颜问颜色(表语) My skirt is red. What color is your color 色skirt?

What 几点问点时间We play games at five in the

time afternoon ?

What time do you play games?

when 什么时问时间We play games in the afternoon ?

候When do you play games?

where 什么地问地点(状语)We play games at home on Sunday ?

方Where do you play games on Sunday? why 为什么问原因He isn't at school today because he

is ill.

Why isn't he at school today ?

how 怎样问健康状况、He is fine/strong. How is he ?

做事的方式等I go home by bike. How do you go


how old 多大几问年龄He is ten. How old is he ?

how many 多少跟复数名词,There are thirty boys in my class.

问数量How many boys are there in your


how much 多少跟不可数名词There is some milk in the bottle.

问数量或价钱How much milk is there in the


how far 多远问路程It's five kilometers away from


How far is it from here?

how soon 多久问 in+ 一段时He can finish it in half an hour.

间How soon can he finish it ?

how long 多久问一段时间,He has lived here for a year.

问物体的长短How long has he lived here?

The desk is one meters long.

How long is the desk ?

how 多久问频率I go to see my parents once a month. often (一次)How often do you go to see your




疑问词 +谓语 +其他成分?(整个句子是陈述句语序)

She is their teacher.


Who is their teacher?



疑问词 +主语(即定语所修饰的名词) + 谓语 +其他成分?(整个句子是陈述句语序)My book is over there.


Whose book is over there ?



疑问词 +表语或宾语(画线部分所修饰的名词) +一般疑问句(省略画线部分和它所

修饰的名词) ?

I'm looking for my watch..


Whose watch are you looking for ?

疑问词宾语一般疑问句(省略掉my watch)


疑问词 + 一般疑问句(省略掉画线部分)?

He lives in Beijing .


Where does he live ?

疑问词一般疑问句(省略掉画线部分in Beijing)


, 省略掉宾语) 疑问词 (What)+ 一般疑问句(其中谓语动词要用do 的相对应形式代替

He watches TV in the evening What does he do in the evening?

He watched TV yesterday evening. What did he do in the evening?

He is watching TV now.What is he doing now?

He was watching TV at that time?. What was he doing at that time?

He is going to watch TV this evening. What is he going to do?

He has seen the film.What has he done ?

