
更新时间:2023-09-01 15:58:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. How many layers does the ISO/OSI mode have? (seven )

2. External devices are linked to a small computer system through (interfaces ).

3.CPU has only two fundamental sections: the arithmetic and logic unit and (the control unit ).

4. Objected-based logic models are used for (describing data at the conceptual and view levels)

5. arithmetic and logic unit executes instructions

6. Which is an simply the application of internet technology within an internal or closed group? ( intranet)

7. CD-ROM belongs to (optical laser disk )

8. A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics and data

constraints is a (data model )

9.The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)reference model is based on a proposal developed by ( ISO )

10. The software that allows one or many persons to use and/or modify this data is a (DBMS )

11. The physical components of a computer are collectively called (hardware ).

1. 12.. The most popular processor interconnection topology is the (hypercube ).

13. The part of an instruction that tells the processor what to do is the (operand ).

14. The part of an instruction that tells the processor what to do is the (operation code ).

15.The permanently useful data is stored in ( the ROM )

16. The interference that distorts electronic signals transmitted over a distance is called (noise ).

17. All functions in spreadsheets start with (an equal sign).

18. An E-mail server can be considered as a (powerful operating system)

19. A programming technique that allows you to view concepts as a variety of objects is called (object oriented programming )

21. A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an (address )

22. A bus that is used to control the access to and the use of the data and address bus is called (control bus)

23. A location in memory is accessed by its (address).

24. A small piece of code that can be transported over the Internet and executed on the recipient’s machine. The sentence describes (applet)

25. An E-mail server can be considered as a (high-configuration computer ) .

26. A protocol is a set of (regulations).

27. Which networks usually span tens of kilometers?( Metropolitan area )

28. A computer system has input, output, storage, and (CPU ).

29. All Intranet related documents are written in ( HTML )

30. The WWW is based on which of the following standards? (client-server model )

31. WWW stand for World Wide Web

32. All functions in spreadsheets start with (an equal sign ).

33. Programmers write (source code ).

34. Primary storage provides the CPU with temporary storage for programs and data

35. When a CPU needs the data to operate, it goes where first? (the cache ).

36. When hypertext pages are mixed with other media, the result is called(hypermedia )

37. The ―brain‖ of a computer system is (CPU )

40. What does a worksheet mean? (a working area framed by letters and numbers )

41. Before typing in any data, a user needs to (select the cell).

42. A computer system has four parts, they are output, storage, processing components and (input )

43. Another name for primary storage is (RAM ).

45. The basic output device on a small computer is a (display screen ).

46. To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two models: (User mode and monitor mode )

47. A data model is a collection of conceptual tool for describing (data, data relationship, data semantics, data constraints )

48. What kind of computer would apply several instructions to each datum it fetches form memory? (MISD )

49. What is a computer program? (a set of instructions )

50.A communication pathway connecting two or more devices is a (channel )

51. How many basic units do today's digital computers consist of? ( 4 )

52. LCD is based on TFT

53. Optical laser disk includes CD-ROM, magneto-optical disk and (WORM disk )

54. A special type of primary storage which cannot be altered by the programmer is called (ROM )

55. A list of protocols used by a certain system , one protocol per layer, is called a (protocol stack )

56. The realization of the mobile internet relies on a new set of standards ,known as the (WAP )

57. What does A worksheet mean? (an EXCEL program )

58. How many different types of Entity relationships are there?( 4 )

59. What kind of computer would apply one instructions to each datum it fetches form memory? (SISD )

60.Cache memory is employed by computer designers to increase computer system (throughput )

61. The Central Processor has only two fundamental sections (the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit)

62. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model is based on a proposal developed by (ISO ).

63. The basic output device on a small computer is a (display screen ).

64. How many parts are there in URL? (3 )

65. All Intranet related documents are written in (HTML )

66. A computer system has five parts, they are input, output, processing components , control unit and (storage ).

67. What does HTTP stand for? (Hypertext Transfer Protocol )

68.How many record-based logical models are widely used ?( 3 )

69. How many different types of Entity relationships are there?( 4 )

70. Normally, how long does a user need to wait until his/her E-mail account is ready if he/she applies for it from an ISP ? (no time )

71. A bus that is used to designate the source or destination of the data on the data bus is called ( address bus )

72. . Output devices don’t include (scanner )

73.What does IC stand for? (Intelligent Circuit )

74.The software which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware is (operating system )

75.The protocol which downloads files free of charge from thousands of computers around the globe is (FTP protocol )

76. Output devices don’t include (mouse )

77. Data and program instructions are stored in (memory ).

78. How many main categories of optical laser disks are there? (3 )

79. A protocol is a set of (regulations ).

80. What is a set of programs that manipulate encoded knowledge to solve problems in a specialized domain that 81.normally requires human expertise? (Expert system )

82.. How many layers does the TCP/IP layering model have? (5 )

83.. Another name for primary storage is (RAM ).

84. How many basic operating system types are there? (3 ).

85.Which one can be rewritten? (U-DISK )

86.If an object inherits its attributes from a single parent, it is called(single inheritance )

87. The ―brain‖ of a computer system is (CPU )

88. How many classes are the data models divided into?( 3 )

89. What does the WWW stand for? (World Wide Web )

90. A computer system has five parts, they are input, output, storage, control unit and (processing components ).

91.The way each object combines its member data and member functions into a single structure is called (Encapsulation )

92. The standard query language of relational database is (SQL )

93. Creating the database and its table structure uses ( data definition )

94. LCD is based on which of the following? (TFT )

1.class hierarchy类层次



4.data bus数据总线

5.Operating system操作系统


7.Neural Networks 神经网络

8. topology analysis拓扑分析

9.ADO ActiveX数据对象

10. multiprogramming 多道程序设计

11. ODBC 开放数据库互连

12.VR 虚拟现实

13.cache memory 高速缓冲存储器


15.system bus系统总线

16. GUI 图形用户界面


18.object-oriented programming面向对象编程

19.virtual reality虚拟现实

20.主存 (Main memory )

21.调制解调器 (modem )

22.可编程只读存储器 (PROM )

23. off-line operation 脱机操作

24.客户端/服务器 (Client/Server )

25.多媒体 (Multimedia )

26.虚函数 (virtual function )

27. neural network 神经网络

28..VDT 视频显示终端

29.EDI 电子数据交换

30.CAM 计算机辅助制造

31. RDBMS 关系型数据库管理系统



34.工具条 ( toolbar )

35.统一资源定位符 ( URL )

36.统一资源标识符 ( URI )

37.人工智能 ( Artificial Intelligence )

38. KDD 数据库中的知识发现

39.面向对象 (Object Oriented )

40.图形用户接口 (Graphical user interface )

41.中央处理器 ( CPU )

42.计算机网络 ( computer network

43.国际互联网 ( Internet )

44.计算机辅助制造 ( CAM )

45.软件工程 (software engineering)

46.视频压缩 (video compression )

47.算术逻辑部件 ( ALU )

48.计算机应用 (computer application )

49.电子商务 (Electronic Business )

50.虚拟现实 (virtual reality )

51. EJB 企业Java Beans

52.图形用户接口(Graphical user interface )

53.应用编程接口 (API )


55. memory stick 记忆棒

56.传输控制协议/互联网协议 ( TCP/IP )

57.万维网( WWW )

58.地理信息系统( GIS )

59. RAP 快速应用程序原型技术

60.只读存储器 ( ROM )

61.系统软件 ( system software )

62.磁盘操作系统 (DOS )

63.结构化查询语言 ( SQL )

64.虚拟专用网 ( VPN )

65.开放式系统互联 ( OSI )

66.个人数字助理 (PDA )

67. VLSI 超大规模集成电路

68.带宽 (bandwidth )

69.集成电路 (integrated circuit )

70.结构化编程 (Structured programming )

71.复杂指令集计算机 ( CISC )

72.短信消息服务 ( SMS )

73.PCI 外围设备互连

74.. real time operating system 实时操作系统

75.OODBMS 面向对象的数据库管理系统

76.abstract data type 抽象数据类型

1. CD-R recorders are used to duplicate CDs( T )

2. The system clock is the brain of a computer. ( F )

3. Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T )

4. Internet resources are stored on Web servers. ( T )

5. Windows 2000 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense.( F )

6. We can view an operating system as a resource manager. ( T )

7. You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )

8. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )

9. Keyboard and mouse are both the input devices of the computer. ( T )

10. Cache memory is more expensive than RAM.( T )

11. Both the user names and the passwords must be unique for E-mail accounts.( F

12. ALU is one of the components of CPU.( T )

13. JAVA is a Object-Oriented programming language.( T )

14. You can connect 120 devices to a computer by USB. ( T)

15. PROM is the abbreviation of portable read –only memory. ( F )

16. Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. (T )

17. Microsoft Windows 2000 is an operating system of the computer. ( T )

18. PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F )

19. Printer is the input device of the computer. ( F )

20. The system clock sends out pulses regularly. ( T )

21. FTP is a protocol of the computer network. ( T )

22. HTTP stands for High Transportation Port. ( F )

23. A cache runs as fast as a RAM. ( F )

24. CPU has only one fundamental section: the control unit. ( F ) )

25. Hard disks and floppies operate in different ways. ( F )

26. Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T )

27. VDT stands for video display terminal. ( T )

28. System bus provides a path for moving data between system modules. ( F )

29. CD-ROM stands for compact disk read-only memory. ( T )

30. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )

31. Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. ( T )

32. WWW stands for World Wide Web. ( T )

33. There 3 main categories of optical laser disks: CD-ROM, DVD and VCD. ( F )

34. You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )

35. JAVA is a Object-Oriented programming language. ( T )

36. An OS is the software which acts as an interface between a user and a computer. ( T )

37. Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. ( T )

38. Microsoft SQL server 2000 is an operating system of the computer. ( F )

39. Microsoft Office 2003 is operating system software. ( F )

40. FTP is a protocol of the computer network. ( T )

41. The Web browser is used to display the data stored on the Internet. ( T )

42. PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. (F )

43. A buffer's capacity is low and price is high, and it runs as fast as a RAM. ( F )

44. Primary storage provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (T)

45. The wide of the bus is also called the "word length". ( T )

46. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )

47. A CPU includes the ALU and the controller. ( T )

48. MS-DOS refers to Microsoft Disk Operating System. ( T )

49. CD-R recorders are used to duplicate CDs ( T )

50. You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )

51. Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T )

52. Printer is the I/O device of the computer. ( T )

53. DVD provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (F )

54. JAVA is a structured programming language. ( F )

55. C is an Object-Oriented programming language. ( F )

56. Internet resources are stored on Web servers. ( T )

57. You can connect 127 devices to a computer by USB. ( T )

58. MS Office 2000 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense. ( F )

59. We can view an operating system as a output hardware. ( T )

60. PDA is one of the components of CPU. ( F )

61. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. (F )

62. Keyboard and mouse are both the input devices of the computer. ( T )

63. Cache memory is less expensive than RAM.( F )

64. The user name must be unique for E-mail accounts. ( T )

65. ALU is one of the components of CPU. ( T )

66. Keyboard and mouse are both the input devices of the computer. ( T )

67. PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F )

68. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )

69. You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )

70. We can view an OS as a resource manager. ( T )

71. Windows 95 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense. ( T )

72. CD-R recorders can be used to duplicate CDs( T )

73. Microsoft Office 2003 is an operating system software. ( F )

74. WWW stands for World Wide Web. ( T )

75. Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. ( T )

76. PROM is the abbreviation of portable read –only memory. ( T )

77. ROM is the abbreviation of read of memory. ( F )

78. Hard disk provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (F )

79. MS-DOS is a Object-Oriented programming language. ( F )

80. OS is the software which acts as an interface between a user and a computer. ( T )

81. MS Windows 2000 is a hardware component of computer. ( F )

82. FTP is not a protocol of the computer network. ( F )

83. C++ language is a structured programming language. ( F )

84. Linux is an operating system. ( T )

85. To format a floppy means that magnetic areas are created. ( T )

86. A scanner belongs to the output device. ( F )

87. URL is used to locate Internet resources. ( T )

88. E-mail is a method of sending and receiving messages on the Internet. ( F )

89. HTML is used to write Web pages.( T)

90. CD-Rrecorders are used to duplicate CD( T )

91. XML is used to write Web pages.( F )

92. The CPU is the brain of a computer( T )

93. Cache memory is as fast as RAM. ( T )

94. C++ language is a structured programming language.( F )

95. Linux is an operating system. ( T )

96. HTTP is used to locate Internet resources. ( F )

97. PCI is abbreviation of peripheral component interconnect.( T )

98. A U-disk belongs to the output device.( T )

99. E-mail is a method of sending and receiving messages on the Internet. ( F )

1. is sometimes called lightweight process.

2. collection.

3. A is a program that is designed to check an entire computer system for known viruses

or suspicious activity.

4. is a list of items that are accessible at only one end of the list.

5. is the integration of IT and particularly the Internet into business processes to

change organizations and create new ones.

3. Cache memory is employed by computer designers to increase the computer system of system resources and allocates them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks.

can be categorized as either CSMA/CD or full-duplex repeaters.

6. carrier frequencies to allow independent signals to travel through a medium.

7. The is a graphical language for visualizing , specifying ,

constructing , and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system.

8. uses a set of commands to explore the database contents and allows the user to convert the raw data

into useful information.

9. Another important object-oriented concept that relates to the class hierarchy is that common messages can be sent to the is an object , which can be uniquely distinguished from other objects.

6.Remote teleworkers also have the option to have an ISDN line installed to their home or office , linking them to the is given a name , which is followed by the list of arguments.


13.The MAC sublayer defines the Carrier Sense Multiple Access protocol , which made Ethernet famous.

14.Pages are viewed with a .

15. An expert system’ sources and coded in a form suitable for the system to use in its inference or reasoning processes.

manage the devices used to exchange information between applications and users.

are similar to the functions of procedure-oriented programming.

or pattern for creating objects.

section of a class limits the availability of data or methods to the class itself.

is intermediate between EPROM and EEPROM in bith cost and functionality.

in object-oriented programming allows a class to inherit properties from a class of objects.

21.The is based on a perception of a real world which consists of objects called entities and relationships among these objects.

22.Linux is an , which acts as a communication service between the hardware and the software of a computer system.

provides a pool of jobs which have been read and waiting to be run.

uses a set of commands to enter , correct , delete , and update data within the database tables.


observed that the number of transistors that could be put on a single chip was doubling every year and 27. , each one built upon the one below it.

28.correctly predicted that this pace would continue into the near future.

1. In each of these statements , there is a list of individuals , which is given by the argument list , together with phrases that describe certain relations among or properties of the individuals mentioned in the argument list.


2. Another reason commonly given that languages like Lisp, TCL, and Smalltalk are good for prototyping is that they don’t require you to pin down decisions early on------ these languages are semantically rich.


3.We have systems which can see well enough to ―recognize‖ objects from photographs , video cameras and other sensors. 现在有些系统的视觉好得足以“识别”照片上、摄象机和其他传感器拍摄得图像上得物体。

4. In the meantime , the lure of a cheaper and easier-to-maintain intranet infrastructure brought about by the use of a relatively standard Web client has many IS managers enthusiastic about using Web browsers.


5. Work parts are automatically loaded at central locations on to the handling system and are routed to the proper machine tools.


6.In each of these statements , there is a list of individuals , which is given by the argument list , together with phrases that describe certain relations among or properties of the individuals mentioned in the argument list.


7. Even though one can argue that all programs exhibit some degree of intelligence , an AI program will go beyond this in demonstrating a high level of intelligence to a degree that equals or exceeds the intelligence required of a human in performing some task.


8.Geographic information systems are one of the fastest growing business applications and later this decade may be as common as word processing software and spreadsheet applications.


9. Warehouse data is often gathered from sources throughout an enterprise , including different applications , databases ,

and computer systems , and is likely to be fragmented and inconsistent.


10. To transport a CAD system running in one operating system to another operating system is not as trivial as recompiling the software.


11.All users see the same image; thus, other team members view the scene from an incorrect perspective with the resulting distortion depending upon differences in location within the immersive room.


12.A handheld’s constraints(局限性) mean that it’s usually impossible to directly port a desktop application to a wireless handheld device. For the same reasons, it’s difficult to directly access most Web sites with a handheld device. Web applications are traditionally designed based on the assumption that visitors will have a desktop computer with a large screen and a mouse. 手持设备的局限性意味着它通常不能直接把台式应用程序移植到无线手持设备上,出于同样的理由,用手持设备直接访问多数Web站点也很困难。Web应用程序传统上是基于访问者拥有带大屏幕和鼠标的台式计算机这样的假设而设计的。

13.A new concept called the Storage Area Network(SAN)(存储区域网络)could offer an answer to the increasing amount of data that needs to be stored in an enterprise network environment. By implementing a SAN, users can offload storage traffic from daily network operations while establishing a direct connection between storage elements and servers.


14. A Storage Area Network(SAN,存储区域网) does not need to be a physically separate network, either. It can be a dedicated sub-network, carrying only the business-critical I/O traffic between servers and storage devices. A SAN, for example, would not carry general-purpose traffic such as e-mail or other end-user applications. This type of net avoids the unacceptable trade-offs inherent in a single network for all applications


15. Plug and Play(即插即用)——basically a set of PC architecture specifications---is an effort by hardware and software vendors to design intelligence into PCs to handle installation and configuration tasks automatically and without user intervention.

With a plug-and-play system, users can install devices into or remove them from a desktop or mobile PC; dock and undock desktop PCs from a network; and optimally configure the system for different applications without modifying configuration parameters or expansion-card jumper settings.



16.IPV6——the next-generation networking protocol——promises to change the way corporate networks and the Internet work.IPv6 (also referred to as IPng or ,simply,v6)will eliminate some of IPv4's shortcomings that have appeared as a result of the global Internet explosion.IPv6 is a much-needed improvement, promising easier-to-obtain IP addresses, cheaper and faster routing, and such features as quality of service(QOS, 服务质量) and encryption(加密).


17. RISC processors, because they are software-programmable, provide the flexibility to adapt to the rapidly evolving data communications market. However, they lack ASIC-level performance because of their generalized(归一化的) architectures. ASICs solve the performance problem but can take 12 to 18 months to develop; require scarce, specialized engineering talent to implement; and have fixed functionality. Modifying an ASIC can cost six to nine months in time-to-market and, even worse, can force forklift upgrades on customers who own equipment based on out-of-date silicon(硅).


18. Hand-held devices(手持设备) are more limited than desktop computers in several important ways. Their screens are small——perhaps a few inches square or able to display only a few lines of text-and they’re often monochrome instead of color. Their input capabilities are limited to a few buttons or numbers, or entering data takes extra time, as happens with a personal digital assistant’s (PDA) handwriting-recognition capabilities. They have less processing power and memory to work with, and their wireless network connections have less bandwidth and are slower than those of computers hard-wired to fast LANs.


19. Digital subscriber line technology comes in a bewildering variety of flavors, but they all have one thing in common——they use various modulation techniques to turn those plodding "last mile" loops of copper between the customer premises and the telco's(电信公司) central office into high-speed data and voice carriers. Most of the focus has been on ADSL(asymmetric digital subscriber line),which delivers rates of 32 Kbps to 8.192 Mbps downstream, and 32 Kbps to 1.088 Mbps upstream to the network, while providing phone service at the same time on the same line.


20. But even without a new OS, these features can be utilized. Leveraging Windows' driver model, specialty vendors will offer drivers that can fully exploit these integrated features. Thus providing dramatically improved——or arguably, finally usable-video and speech capabilities. Of course, this Pentium-Windows chasm provides an opportunity for other operating system vendors such as Red Hat and Be Inc. That is assuming that they can react like the Microsoft of old.

但即使没有新的OS,也能利用这些特性。通过利用Windows的驱动程序模型,专业公司将提供全面利用这些内在特性的驱动程序,从而提供戏剧性改进了的——或者还有争议,但最终能使用的视频与语音功能。当然,这场Pentium-Windows的角逐为其它的操作系统公司,如Red Hat公司和Be公司提供了机会。这是假设他们能像过去的微软公司那样工作。

21. Given the relative quickness of software development, one would think that software solutions would lead the computing agenda for many years. But as software delays have become more profound and commonplace, hardware-featured solutions are beginning to offer better solutions than their software counterparts. And given the improving capabilities of hardware development, hardware vendors will become the clear leader in this race.


22. Linux是不是像Windows那样太大以及需要系统资源太多,以致于不能满足嵌入式系统的约束要求呢?与Windows不同,Linux本来就是模块化的,并且能够很容易缩减成紧缩配置,这种配置几乎与DOS差不多大,甚至能放到一张软盘上。此外,因为Linux源码是免费可用的,所以可以按照独特的嵌入式系统要求改编该操作系统。



Is Linux , like Windows , too large and demanding of system resources to fit the constraints of embedded system? Unlike Windows , Linux is inherently modular and can be easily scaled into compact configurations ,barely larger than DOS ,that can even fit on a single floppy. What’s more, since Linux source code id freely available, it’s possible to customize the OS according to unique embedded system requirements.

It’s not surprising, then, that open source Linux has created a new OS development and support paradigm wherein thousands of developers continually contribute to a constantly evolving Linux code base. In addition, dozens of Linux-oriented software companies have sprung up eager to support the needs of developers building a wide range of applications, ranging from factory to intelligent appliances.

23. 对许多嵌入式系统,为了适应诸如RAM、固态盘、处理机速度,以及功耗的约束,嵌入的Linux的主要任务是,使系统所需的资源最小。嵌入式操作可能需要从一个芯片盘或紧凑闪存固态盘上自举;或者自举和运行在没有显示器和键盘的环境,或经由以太网连接,从远程设备装入应用程序。



For many embedded systems , the main challenge in embedding Linux is to minimize system resource requirements in order to fit within constraints such as ,RAM solid state disk(SSD), processor speed, and power consumption . Embedded operation may require booting from a DiskOnChip or CompactFlash SSD ; or booting and running without a display and keyboard ; or loading the application from a remote device via an Ethernet LAN connection.

There are many resources of ready-made small foot-print Linux. Included among these are a growing number of application-oriented Linux configurations and distributions that are tuned to specific applications. Some examples are routers, firewalls ,internet/network appliances ,network servers ,gateways ,etc.

You may also opt to create your own flavor of embedded Linux ,starting from a standard distribution and leaving out modules you don’t need. Even so ,you should consider jump-starting your efforts by beginning with someone else’s working configuration ,since the source code of their version will be available for that purpose . Best of all ,this sort of building on the efforts of others in the Linux community is not only completely legal but also encouraged!


A long tem goal could be to develop interactive program transformation systems that assist programmers in parallelizing programs and provide feedback and guidance. The problem with this idea is that the approach of semiautomatic program transformations is still an object of active research, even for sequential programs. In the medium terms, a production-quality transformer for deriving realistic, parallel programs is unlikely to appear. The traditional method of teaching algorithms is likely to be more successful, especially since the body of known parallel algorithms is large and growing rapidly. Initial indications seem to be that writing parallel software is not significantly harder than writing sequential software, provided the languages and support tools are adequate.

