最新精品人教新课标高中英语必修5 测试题第二单元检测(课标卷)

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英语·必修 5(人教版)第二单元综合检测

第一部分 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。

Being a teenager is a tough challenge.You will have__1__connected with your parents who don't understand your needs—that you always want to be__2__like a bird.You frequently oppose your parents,suggestion and__3__them,challenging parental power and then depending on it.Parents often do not know what to expect.Usually,they find it__4__to understand your growing need for independence.

新 课 标 第 一 网

It's easy to understand why many teenagers find this a__5__time,but once it's over,you will realize that most of your parents “annoying”__6__was caused by feelings of love and concern.It is no doubt that adolescence can be a suffering time,but how to make this period less unhappy and find more__7__.Here are a few tips.

Be honest with your__8__.Your parents are a great resource of support and knowledge,but they don't know what's going on in your life if you don't__9__them.If your parents upset you by setting a curfew(宵禁),don't__10__take the aggressive side.If you start shouting or crying,you won't be able to express your important feelings.

Calm down and tell your parents what's on your__11__.Try not to use “you” statements like,“You don't give me enough freedom,” or “You're__12__happy with anything I do”,for these types of__13__statements will only cause more conflict.Instead,use“I”statements such as“When I go out with my friends,your early curfew makes me feel as if you don't trust me,”or“Sometimes I feel__14__when you don't give me credit for being responsible.” 新 课 标 第 一 网

Listen to what your parents have to say.If they say something you disagree with,don't overreact at once.Give them a chance to express their feelings and then calmly explain why you may__15__with them.


1.A.ambitions B.memories C.ideas D.problems



2.A.nice B.joyful C.attractive D.free

解析:根据下文like a bird及倒数第二段freedom可知,你总是希望像鸟儿一样自由。


3.A.support B.disobey C.love D.concern



4.A.difficult B.necessary C.impossible D.easy



5.A.wonderful B.modern C.hard D.old

解析:根据文章首句tough challenge可知,年轻人认为青春期是一个困难(hard)时期。


6.A.desire B.experience C.characteristic D.behavior

解析:根据上文的setting a curfew(宵禁)可知,父母的一些行为(behavior)会使你感到“厌烦”。


7.A.opportunity B.conflict C.fun D.help

解析:根据前一句的less unhappy,再结合连词and可知,这里表示相反的意思——快乐(fun)。


8.A.tips B.feelings C.scores D.suggestions

解析:根据下文your important feelings可知,如果你们不把真实感受如实告诉(inform)家长,家长就不会知道,所以要对自己的感受坦诚(honest)相待。


9.A.inform B.need C.hide D.discover

解析:参考上题解析。 答案:A 10.A.violently B.naturally C.properly D.immediately

解析:根据最后一段第二句overreact at once可知,如果你不同意某些事情,不要马上(immediately)过度反应。


11.A.mind B.memory C.way D.body

解析:根据上一段最后一句中的express your important feelings可知,要告诉父母你的心中(mind)所想。


12.A.always B.finally C.never D.still

