
更新时间:2023-08-05 19:32:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1.Excuse me! 打扰了,对不起(1)

2.Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你(5)

3.What nationality are you? I’m Chinese.你是哪国人?我是中国人(7)

4.What’s your job? I’am an egineer.你是做什么工作的?我是工程师(7)

5.How are you? I’m well/ fine…你好么?我很好(9)

6.Nice to see you! 见到你很高兴(9)

7.Is this shirt Ti m’s?这件衬衫是蒂姆的吗?(11)

8.Perhaps it is.也许是(9)

9.What color is your new dress? 你的新连衣裙是什么颜色的?(13)

10.It’s the same color.一样的颜色(13)

11.Are your friends tourists too? 你们的朋友也是来旅游的吗?(15)

http://www.77cn.com.cne and meet our employees.来见见我们的雇员(17)

13.Who is this young man?这个年轻人是谁?(17)

14.What’s the matter with…?…怎么啦?(19)

15.Are you all right now? 你们现在好些了么?(19)

16.There is an ice cream man. 有个卖冰淇凌的(19)

17.Give me a book, please. 请拿本书给我(21)

18.Which book? 那一本?(21)

19.Which glasses? 那几只?(23)

20.Whose shirt is this?= Whose is this shirt?这是谁的衬衫?(11)

21.No, not that one. The red one. 不,不是那个,是红色的。(21)

22.It is on the left/right. 它在左侧/右侧(25)

23.There is a table in the middle of the room. 房间中央有张桌子(25)

24.What must I do? 我应该做什么?(30)

25.Put these clothes in the wardrobe. 把这些衣服放进衣柜里去(29)

26.Make the bed. 整理床铺(29)

27.Where is she? 她在哪儿?(31)

28.What is she doing? 她在干嘛?(31)

29.She’s sitting in the garden.她正坐在院子里。(31)

30.What about the dog? 那么狗呢?(31)

31.It’s running after a dog.它正在追一只猫。(31)

32.This is a photograph of our village. 这是一张我们村庄的照片。(35)

33.It’ s between two hills.它在两座小山之间。(33)

34.Some children are coming out of the building. 一些孩子正从楼里出来。(35)

35.Some of them are going into the park. 他们中有几个正走进公园。(35)

36.What are you going to do? 你打算去干什么?(37)

37.What color are you going to paint it? 你打算把它漆成什么颜色?(37)

38.It’s for my daughter.它是给我女儿的。(37)

39.Pink’s my favorite color.粉红色是我最喜欢的颜色。(37)

40.What are you going to do with it? 你打算怎么处理它?(39)

41.Don’t drop it!别摔了!(39)

42.Can you make the tea? 你会沏茶么?(43)

43.Hurry up! 快点!(43)

44.Can you come here a minute please? 请你来一下好吗?(45)

45.Do you want a cup? 你想要一杯吗?(47)

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46.Do you want any sugar? 你要些糖吗?(47)

47.Do you like biscuits? 你喜欢饼干吗?(47)

48.My husband doesn’t like chicken. 我丈夫也不喜欢鸡肉。(49)

49.To tell you the truth, I don’t like chicken either.说老实话,我也不喜欢鸡。(49)

50.Where do you come from?= Where are you from? 你从哪儿来?(51)

51.What’s the climate like in your country?你们国家的气候怎么样?(51)

52.What’s the w eather like in spring? 春天的天气怎么样?(51)

53.Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?(53)

54.The sun rises early and sets late. 太阳升得早而落得晚。(53)

55.It’s our favourite subject of conversation.它是我们最喜欢谈论的话题。(53)

56.Their father takes them to school every day. 他们的父亲每天都送他们去上学。(55)

57.He arrives home late. 他到家很晚。(55)

58.What’s the time?=What time is it?几点了?(58)

59.Is all that? 就这些吗?(59)

60.Do you want the large size or the small size? 你想要大号的还是小号的?(59)

61.What else do you want? 你还要什么吗?(59)

62.What’s the matter with him?他怎么啦?(61)

63.He feels/looks ill. 他感觉/看起来病了。(61)

64.We must call the doctor. 你必须请医生。(61)

65.He must stay in bed for a week. 他必须卧床一周。(61)

66.You mustn’t get up yet. 你还不应该起床。(63)

67.He must remain in bed for another two days. 他必须再卧床两天。(63)

68.You must keep the room warm. 你必须保持房间温暖。(63)

69.Was he absent from school last week? 他上星期上学了么?(67)

70.We are going to spend three days in the country. 我们打算到乡下去三天。(67)

71.There were hundreds of people there. 许许多多的人到在哪儿。(69)

72.You can see us in the crowd. 你可以在人群中看到我们。(69)

73.What’s he like?他怎么样?(71)

74.She can’t speak to you now!他现在不能和你说话。(71)

75.She does not know London very well. 她对伦敦不熟悉。(73)

76.She lost her way. 她迷路了。(73)

77.Can you tell me the way to …你能告诉我到…怎么走么?(73)

78.Then he put his hand into his pocket and took out a phrasebook. 然后他把手伸进衣袋里掏出了一本手册。(73)

79.Can you get a pair for me? 您能为我找一双吗?(75)

80.I’m afraid that I can’t. 我恐怕不行。(73)

81.They were in fashion last year. 它们去年时兴。(75)

82.Do you have an appointment? 您约好了吗?(77)

83.Is it urgent? 很急吗?(77)

84.Can’t you wait till this afternoon ? 你就不能等到今天下午吗?(77)

85.I’m making a shopping list. 我正在写购物单。(79)

86.We need a lot of things this week. 这星期我们需要很多东西。(79)

87.We haven’t got much tea or coffee. 我们的茶叶和咖啡不多了。(79)

88.We haven’t got any meat at all. 我们一点肉都没有了。(79)

89.He is having a bath. 他正在洗澡。(81)

90.I’m nearly ready. 我马上就好。(81)

91.I’ve already had lunch. 我已经吃过午饭了。(83)

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92.Excuse the mess! 屋里很乱,请原谅!(83)

93.I stayed at home. 我呆在家里。(83)

94.Have you just been to the cinema? 你刚去过电影院吗?(85)

95.What’s on? 上映什么电影? (85)

96.Have you ever been there? 你曾经去过那儿吗?(85)

97.It rained all the time. 一直在下雨。(85)

98.Just like London! 就像伦敦。(85)

99.When did you bring it to us? 您是什么时候送来的?(87)

100.Have your mechanics finished yet? 你们的机械师修好了吗?(87)

101.Let’s go into the garage and have a look at it. 让我们到车库去看一看吧。(87)

102.They’re trying to repair it! 他们正设法修呢!(87)

103.I believe that this house is for sale. 我想这房子是要出售吧!(89)

104.How long have you lived here? 你住这多久了?(89)

105.How much does this house cost? 这座房子卖多少钱?(89)

106.It’s worh every penny of it. 它确确实实值这么多钱!(89)

107.Has he moved to his new house yet? 他已经迁进新居了吗?(91)

108.We’ll all miss him! 我们所有人都会想他的。(91)

109.Please give him my regards. 请带我问候他!(91)

110.He has already been to nearly every country in the world. 他去过世界上几乎每一个国家。(93)

111.We’ve got plenty of time. 我们的时间很宽裕。(95)

112.There is a bar next door to the station. 车站旁边有一个酒吧。(95)

113.We had better go back to the station. 我们现在最好回到车站去。(95)

114.I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day. 几天前我把一只箱忘在开往伦敦的火车了(97)

115.Let me see it. 让我看看。(97)

116.This case doesn’t belong to me! 这箱子不是我的。(97)

117.What else does he say? 他还说了些什么?(101)

118.I hope you are all well. 我希望你们都身体好。(101)

119.He doesn’t say very much, does he? 他没写很多,是吗?(101)

120.The English and Maths papers weren’t easy enoug h for me.英语和数学试题对我来说很不容易(103)

121.They were too difficult for me. 它们对我来说太难了。(103)

122.The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. 坐在我旁边的那个人只在卷纸顶端写了自己的名字。(103)123.Tell her to come at once. 告诉她马上来。(105)

124.I’m sorr y about that. 对此我感到很抱歉。(105)

125.Here is a little present for you. 这里有一个小礼物送给你。(105)

126.Would you like to try it? 你愿意试一试吗?(107)

127.I’m afraid this green dress is too small for me as well. 我恐怕这件绿色的我穿也太小了。(107)

128.It doesn’t suit me at all. 它根本不适合我。(107)

129.I’ d like a cig arette. 我想抽支烟。(109)

130.What a pity! 真遗憾!(109)

131.Eat more and smoke less! 多吃点,少抽点!(109)

132.That’s very good advice. 那是极好的建议。(109)

133.It’s not as good as the expensive one. 他没有价钱高的那种好。(111)

134.Can we buy it on instalments? 我们能用分期付款的方式购买吗?(111)

135.You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years. 您可以先付30英镑定金,然后每月14英镑,3年付清。(111)

136.None of our passengers can change this not. 我们的乘客中没有人能换开这张钞票。(113)

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137.So have I. 我也有(113)Neither have I. 我也没有(114)

138.Everything’s very quiet. 毫无动静。(115)

139.I’am sure there’s no one at home. 肯定家里没有人。(115)

140.They invited us to lunch. 他们邀请我们吃午饭。(115)

141.Look through the window. 从窗子往里看看。(115)

http://www.77cn.com.cne and have something to drink. 来喝点什么。(115)

143.There’s none left. 一点都不剩了。(115)

144.She’s only joking ! 她只是在开玩笑!(115)

145.There were coins everywhere. 到处是硬币。(117)

146.While we were having breakfast, Tommy found two small coins on the floor. 正当我们吃早饭的时候,汤米在地上找到了两个硬币。(117)

147.It happened to a friend of mine a year ago. 这是一年前发生在我的一个朋友身上的故事。(119)

148.After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room.他们进到屋里后,走进了饭厅(119)

149.What’s up? 干什么?有什么事?(119)

150.The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.小偷扔下手电筒,飞快地逃了。

151.Go back to sleep. 继续睡觉吧!(119)

152.I forgot to take them with me. 我忘了拿走了。(121)

153.This is a photograph I took during my trip to London.这是我到澳大利亚旅行时拍的一张照片(123)

154.I must water the garden first. 我必须先给园子浇水。(125)

155.What a nuisance! 真讨厌!(125)

156.I had to water it every day. 我不得不每天都浇水。(125)

157.I’ll have tea by myself. 我一个人喝茶了。(125)

158.You don’t need to water the garden. 你不必给花园浇水了。(125)

159.It must be ... 那一定是 (127)

160.I t can’t be. 那不可能。(127)

161.Let me have another look. 让我再看一下。(127)

162.She must be at least forty. 她一定四十多岁了。(127)

163.The policeman’s waving to you. 警察正朝你挥手呢。(129)

164.You must have been driving at 70 miles an hour. 你刚才一定是以每小时70英里的速度开车。(129)

165.I can’t have been. 一定没有。(129)

166.We may go abroad. 我们可能到国外去。(131)

167.We can’t make up our mind. 我们还拿不定主意。(131)

168.It takes a long time. 花的时间长。(131)

169.We might not go anywhere. 我们可能哪儿也不去。(131)

170.I wonder why! 我想知道为什么!(133)

171.Let me introduce him to you. 让我把他介绍给你们。(135)

172.What will you do if you win a lot of money? 要是你赢了许多钱,你打算做什么?(137)

173.I don’t know when I will finish. 我不知道什么时候才能结束。

174.I was invited to a children’s party. 我被邀请参加一个儿童聚会。(141)

175.She was very excited, because she had never travelled on a train before 她非常激动,因为她从未坐过火车。(141)176.The lady was dressed in a blue coat. 这位妇女穿着一件蓝色的大衣。(141)

177.To make myself beautiful. 为了把自己打扮漂亮。(141)

178.What I saw made me very sad. 我所见到的一切使我非常难过。(143)

179.I went for a walk in the woods. 我到树林里去散步。(143)

180.The ground was covered with ... 地上堆满了 (143)

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