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Lesson 1 A private conversation 【New words and expressions】 ★private ① adj. 私人的

private life 私生活 private school 私立学校 ② adj. 普通的 private citizen 普通公民 I‘m a private citizen. (citizen n. 公民) private soldier 大兵《Private Ryan》《拯救大兵瑞恩》) public adj. 公众的,公开的(private的反义词)

public school 公立学校 public letter 公开信 public place 公共场所 privacy n.隐私

It‘s privacy. 这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的) ★conversation n.谈话

have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式subject of conversation 话题 They are having a conversation.

talk 内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人 Let‘s have a talk.

dialogue 对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈 China and Korea are having a dialogue.

chat 闲聊,就是北京人说的―侃‖,无关紧要的事。 gossip 嚼舌头, 说长道短

★theatre n.剧场, 戏剧cinema n.电影院 ★seat n.座位

have a good seat/place,这里的seat指place(指地点),而不是chair.

take a seat/take your seat 坐下来, 就坐 Is the seat taken? 这个位置有人吗? 请坐的3种说法 :

Sit down, please. (命令性) Take your seat, please.

Be seated, please. (更礼貌) 作为动词的seat与sit的区别

sit(sat,)vi. 就座He is sitting there.他坐在那儿。 seat vt.让某人就座Seat yourself. seat sb. 让某人就坐,后面会加人 You seat him.你给他找个位置.

When all those present(到场者)_D_ he began his lecture.A. sit B. set C. seated D. were seated

sit down 坐下;be seated=take a seat 就坐 ★angry adj. 生气的

★angrily adv. 生气的 angry =cross I was angry. /He was cross. annoyed: 恼火的;

be blue in the face 脸上突然变色 程 I was annoyed. 度 I was angry/cross. 加 I was very angry.

深 I am blue in the face. (脸色都青了,相当生气) ★attention n. 注意

Attention ,please. 请注意(口语)

pay attention 注意pay attention to … 对……注意 You must pay attention to that girl.

pay a little attention 稍加注意pay much attention 多加注意pay more attention 更多注意pay no attention 不用注意pay close attention 特别注意 ★bear(bore, born) v. 容忍 ① vt. 承受,支撑,承担,负担 Can the ice bear my weight?


Who will bear the cost? 谁来承担这笔费用? ② vt. 忍受(与can/could连用于疑问及否定句中) She eats too fast. I can‘t bear to watch/watching her. How can you bear living in this place?

bear =stand =put up with I can't bear/stand you. endure:忍受,容忍、put up with :忍受

I got divorced(离婚).I could not put up with him bear/stand/endure 忍受的极限在加大 bear n.熊 white bear 白熊

bear hug :热情(热烈)的拥抱give sb. a bear hug ★business n. 事, 生意

① n. 生意 business man :生意人/do business: 做生意 go to some place on business:因公出差 ② n. 某人自己的私人的事情

It's my business. (指私人的事, 自己处理的事) It's none of your business. 不关你的事。 ★rudely adv. 无礼地, 粗鲁地rude adj. ★pay vt. &vi. 支付 ① vt. &vi. 支付(价款等)

You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds… 您可以先付30英镑的定金……I‘ll pay by installments. (pay…for sth. 花/支付……(钱)买……) ② vt. &vi. 给予(注意等);去(访问) They did not pay any attention.

We paid a visit to our teacher last Sunday.

③ n. 工资,报酬I have not received my pay yet. 【课文讲解】

1、Last week I went to the theatre.

动词go的原义是离开一个地方去另一个地方,与介词to连用后,常加上主语所要去的目的来代表主语的动作目的。 go to the +地点 表示去某地干嘛

go to the theatre = go to the theatre to see a play去剧场看戏go to the cinema =see a film去电影院看电影 go to the dairy 去牛奶店

go to the + 人 + 's 表示去这个人开的店

go to the doctor's 去看病;go to the butcher's 买肉 以下短语中名词前不加冠词: go to school 去上学;go to church 去做礼拜;go to hospital(医院) 去看病;go to bed 上床,睡觉;go home(跟home相连一定表无事情可做,回家休息) I am at home. 在家休息 2、I had a very good seat.


the front seat of a car 汽车的前座 Take a seat, please. 请坐。 3、I did not enjoy it.

① enjoy +n. 喜欢,从当中得到一种享受(后面不能跟人I enjoy the music. /the dinner/film/program/game ② enjoy oneself/代词 玩的开心 We always enjoy ourselves.

③ enjoy +动名词Jane doesn‘t enjoy swimming. 4、I got very angry.

get在这里有―逐渐变得‖的含义,接近become,是个表示过程的动词,表示状态的变化。而I was very angry则仅表示当时的状态是生气,并不暗示过程。

I am/was angry. 是一个事实、I got angry. 强调变化过程It is hot.、It got hot.

got取代be动词,got是半系动词,可直接加形容词。 5、I could not hear the actors. I turned round.


I could not hear you. Beg your pardon?

I couldn't hear you./I couldn't hear a word./I couldn't catch your words.

I couldn't hear you clearly./I couldn't catch your words. Beg your pardon? /I couldn't catch your words. turn round =turn around 转身 6、In the end, I could not bear it.

in the end 最后,终于,表示一段较长的时间之后或某种努力之后 She tried hard to finish her homework by herself. In the end, she had to ask her brother for help. 7、I can't hear a word! I can't hear a word.

美音:肯定I can [???] 否定,I can't[????]?它的,/t/是吞进去的, 在读音上很难区别, 只能根据上下文来定 hear a word of sb. (a word 等于一句话) He didn't say a word.

May I speak to Jim?/May I have a word with Jim? 8、It's none of your business.

one‘s business 指某人(所关心的或份内)的事

It's none of your business./None of your business./It's my business. 不关你的事。

It is my business to look after your health. none相当于not any或no one,但语气较强。

She kept none of his letters. none of 这个短语有时可以表达一种断然、甚至粗暴的口气,尤其是在祈使句中:None of your silly remarks! 别说傻话了! 【Key structures】 简单陈述句的语序


1 ---主语,一般由名词、代词或名词短语构成,通常位于动词之前,动词必须与主语一致,即主语决定动词的单复数形式

2 ---谓语,由动词充当

3 ---宾语,一般为名词、代词或名词短语

4 ---副词或介词短语,对方式或状态提问,往往做状语 I like her very much

5 --地点状语,一般在方式副词之后,时间副词之前 6 ---时间状语,可以放在句首或句末 简单陈述句一定不能少的是主语, 谓语.

如果问何时何地,是一个固定搭配 when and where [Multiple choice]

7 The young man and the young woman paid ___d___ attention to the writer.

a. none b. any c. not any d. no

none——代词,没有任何东西、没有任何人 None knows./None of us knows.

not——否定词,要放在非实义动词后面 not any=no He didn't pay attention. no——形容词、修饰名词

I don't have any friends./I have no friends. I have no time./I don't have any time.

11 The writer could not bear it. He could not ___c___ it. a. carry b. suffer c. stand d. lift bear 忍受=stand

suffer 遭受,忍受 (精神或肉体上)痛苦,suffer后面必须加一种痛苦I suffer the headache.(肉体上的痛苦)He often suffers defeat.(精神上痛苦)

Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?


【New words and expressions】(5) ★until prep.直到 until用于表示动作、状态等的持续,可译为―一直到……为止‖或―在……以前‖。在肯定句中,它与表示持续性状态的动词连用,表示持续到某一时刻:

I‘ll wait here until 5. 我会在这里等到5点钟。


She cannot arrive until 6. 她到6点才能来。 His father didn't die until he came back.


For he ___A(C)___(wait) until it stopped raining. A. waited B. didn't wait

A. leave B. left C. didn't leave ★outside adv. 外面(作状语) He is waiting for me outside.

★ring(rang. rung) v.(铃、电话等)响

① vt. 鸣,(铃、电话等)响(这种响是刺耳的, 往往是提醒人做某事)

Every morning the clock rings at 6. The telephone(door bell) is ringing.

而风铃等响要用jingle,jingle (bell) (铃儿) 响叮当 ② vt. 打电话给(美语中用call) ring sb. 给某人打电话 ③ n. (打)电话give sb. a ring

Remember to give me a ring. /Remember to ring me. ④ n. 戒指

★aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅妈(所有长一辈的女性都用这个称呼)男性则是uncle: 叔叔 他们的孩子:cousin 堂兄妹(不分男女)cousin的孩子:nephew 外甥;niece 外甥女 ★repeat v. 重复

① vt. 重复Will you repeat the last word? ② vi. 重做,重说Please repeat after me. 【课文讲解】 1、It was Sunday.

it指时间、天气、温度或距离,it被称为―虚主语‖(empty subject)。作为第三人称单数的中性代词,it可以指一件东西、一件事件或用来指是什么人: It is a lovely baby.

2、I never get up early on Sundays.

on Sundays: 所有的星期天,每逢星期天,与一般现在时连用,表示经常性的行为。

介词on一般用于表示某一天的时间短语中:on Monday,on Monday morning,on that day

当使用last,next,this,that时,介词(以及定冠词)必须省略:I‘ll see you next/this Friday.

never 从来不 (可以直接用在动词前面)=助动词+not (变成否定句,前面一定要加助动词) I don't like her.=I never like her.

3、I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. 在表达卧床时bed前不需加冠词: It‘s time for bed now.

You must stay/remain in bed for another two days. 4、Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. just then: 就在那时

如果不知道对方性别, 他/她可以用it取代Who are you?/Who is it?

5、I've just arrived by train,

by 直接加交通工具(不能有任何修饰词, 复数);如果加修饰词, 就要换掉by用in或on

I go out in/on two buses. (指具体的两辆车介词用in/on)如果是特指的交通工具,则要加冠词或其他限定词:My aunt left by the 9:15 train.

by air 乘飞机 by bicycle/bike 骑自行车by boat乘船by bus 乘公共汽车by car 乘小汽车 by land 由陆路by plane 乘飞机 by sea 由海路by ship乘船by train 乘火车 6、I'm coming to see you. 我将要来看你.

用 come 的现在进行时态 be coming 表示一般将来,表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。同样用法的动词有:go,come,leave,arrive,land,meet,die,start,return,join… 7、Dear me!天哪!英国人说Dear me!或My dear! 美国人说 : My god! (发啊的音)美英的发音不同. 【Key structures】 现在进行时和一般现在时


I am working as a teacher. \现阶段\He is still sleeping. (现在还在睡觉) Jane is just dressing up. 简正在打扮。

一般现在时表示习惯性动作, 真理, 是过去、现在和未来都会发生的事情。一般现在时一般与频率副词often,always,sometimes,never,frequently,rarely,ever等连用。

Helen never writes to her brother Tony. She sometimes rings him.

频率副词往往放在句子中的实义动词前, 非实义动词后;如果既有实义动词又有非实义动词, 要放在两个之间;疑问句中副词往往放在主语后面。在否定句中not必须放在always之前,而且也出现在generally、normally、often、regularly和usually之前;not必须出现在sometimes和frequently之后。表示肯定的速记可以用在句尾;在特别强调和需要对比时,frequently、generally、normally、sometimes、usually等副词可用于句首。I get paid on Friday usually. very often the phone rings when I‘m in bath. 非实义动词 : ① 系动词(be)

② 帮助动词构成时态的助动词

③ 情态动词(must, can, may) 除此外皆实义动词. I frequently go to bed hungry. (形容词作状语) He went to school hungry.饿着肚子上学. You must come here hungry.空腹来这里. 【Special Difficulties】 以what开头的感叹句:

在英语中可用what引导的感叹句来表示惊奇、愤怒、赞赏、喜悦等感情,在感叹中主谓语采用正常语序。What 对名词感叹,结构:What +a/an (+adj.)+n.(+主语+谓语)!What a good girl (she is)! (主、谓可省)有上下文和一定的语境, 才能省略形容词。一般省形容词表示批评或不大好的意思。 What a thing to say! 多么难听的话啊! What (a lot of) trouble( he is causing)! 【Multiple choice questions】

8 He ___a___ out of the window and saw that it was raining.a. looked b. saw c. remarked d. watched

look 表示看的动作,后面一定要加介词 see 表示看的结果,后面直接加宾语

watch 表示观看,后面直接加宾语, 但宾语一定是能够活动的东西

look at pictures (对);watch pictures(错)


11 Breakfast is the first ___d___ of the day. a. food b. dinner c. lunch d. meal lunch 中餐 food 食物 dinner 正餐

一天中最丰盛的那顿饭, 可能是中餐, 也可能是晚餐, 但决不会是早餐. meal 一顿饭

Lesson 3 Please Send Me a Card 【New words and expressions】(11) ★send v. 寄, 送

send sth. to sb. /send sb. sth. 给某人送(寄)东西

send/take children to school:take强调某人亲自送;send则是通过第三人去送, 如美国的校车 take flowers to his wife 自己送

send flowers to his wife 叫店里的人送 ★postcard n. 明信片


name card /visiting card 名片

Here is my name card. (口语常用, 同时伴随着递出的动作) ID card 身份证 (ID 身份) credit card 信用卡

cash card 现金卡储蓄卡工资卡(不能透支) ★spoil(spoiled,spoilt) v. 使索然无味, 损坏

① vt. 弄坏,损坏,糟蹋 The rain spoiled the school sports. ② vt. 宠坏,惯坏,溺爱

Don‘t spoil your children. 不能太惯孩子。

spoil: 把东西质量变差; 生活中不顺心的事;宠坏, 溺爱;break: 打破; break the windows 打破玻璃 damage: 破坏, 程度不一定很重 destroy : 破坏, 彻底摧毁

以上三个指物理上的破坏;spoil主要指精神上的 ★museum n. 博物馆Palace Museum 故宫 ★public adj. 公共的

① adj. 公共的,公众的,社会的 There is a public library in this town. I always sit in public gardens on Sundays. ② adj. 公开的,众人皆知的

Their secret meeting was made public 20 years later. public house(酒吧简称pub public place 公共场所 in public 公开的;in private 私下里的

Let‘s have a conversation in private.让我们私下谈谈?--Why not have a conversation in public? 为什么不公开谈呢?(当面说呢?)

③ n. 公众,群众,大众

The public is/are pleased with his explanation. 公The museum is open to the public on Sunday. ★friendly adj. 友好的

friendly是形容词,单独使用时一般做定语;作状语表人做什么事情很友好, 用短语in a friendly way He always greets me in a friendly way.


★waiter n. 服务员, 招待员

waiter(男服务员), waitress(女服务员), 只出现在餐馆里chief waiter 领班

shop assistant 商店里的店员

attendant n. (其他公共场所的)服务员 ★lend v. 借给

lend to(借出):lend sth. to sb/lend sb. sth. borrow from(借进):borrow sth. from sb./borrow sth. (borrow不

能用 borrow sb sth.)

He borrowed my pen yesterday. ★decision n. 决定

make /take a decision作出决定

It was not easy for me to make/take this decision.

make a big/great decision (big:重大;great:伟大, 更重大) decide v. 决定

★whole adj. 整个的

a whole bottle of milk 一整瓶牛奶

the whole…,the whole day 整天 ,two whole weeks 整整两星期

all th…,all the day (the可省略) 整天

all of后面如果加代词, 代词前面不需要修饰词;一旦要加名词, 前面一定要加the

all of us;all of the students

★single adj. 唯一的, 单一的反义词double 双倍的 【课文讲解】

1、Last summer, I went to Italy. last:① adj. 上一个last summer

② adj. 最后一个,表示―最后一个‖时要加冠词the

the last day 最后一天 (具体到一天及一天的早中晚都要用on)

2、A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Italian于Italy 注意重读音的位置不同 teach sb. sth. 教某人做某事

He teaches our English.(错)He teaches us English.(对)

语言不可数, 所以要用a little Italian或a few words of Italian I can speak a little English/a few words of English.

a few可与复数可数名词连用,表示肯定,含有some,a small number of(一些,少数几个)的意思。

The police would like to ask him a few questions. 警察要问他一些问题。

3、Every day I thought about postcards.

think about/of 考虑, 思考,指某一段时间一直在想/考虑某事, think of还可指想到

What do you think of TV program last night? think over 仔细考虑,反复思考 What‘s the weather like today? cold, chilly(非常非常冷), freeze I'll freeze.我要冻僵了

4、I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!

spend与表示时间的词或短语连和时,意思为―花(时间)‖、―度过‖. spend+时间+地点 : 在什么地点我花费/度过了多少时间 I spend three hours in the sea.

I spend my weekend at my mother's.

I spend a lot of time in traffic jam.(交通堵塞) spend还可以表示―花钱‖

I can‘t spend any more on this car. 【Key structures】 一般过去时

一般过去时通常表示过去发生的而现在已经结束的事件、动作或情况。它通常指动作何时发生,而不指动作持续多久。 Do you ever catch a cold in the winter? Yes, I caught a cold last winter. 【Special Difficulties】 直接宾语与间接宾语



后,间接宾主前必须加―to‖(表示动作对什么人做)或―for‖(表示动作为什么人而做)。give sb. sth./give sth to sb

间接宾语在后面时, 其前必须加to(对……而言)或for(为……而做)。可以翻译为―给‖、―替‖、―为‖的,就用for;如果只能翻译为―给‖的, 就用to

与to相连的give, take, pass, read, sell, buy,pay,hand,bring,show,promise,offer,owe take flowers to my wife.

与for相连的 buy, order, make, find I buy a book for you ./make a cake for you find sth. for sb./do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙

Do me a favor please./Do a favor for me? 帮我个忙 Can I order something for you?

Can I buy you a bottle of beer ?我请你喝杯酒的意思 【Multiple choice questions】

4 ___a___ him a few words of Italian? The waiter. a. Who taught b. Who did teach c. What did he teach d. Whom did he teach 人做主语提问——who 对宾语提问——whom

who既可以对主语提问也可以对宾语提问, 而whom只能对宾语提问如果对主语提问, 则句子的语序和陈述句语序一样;如果对非主语来提问, 则句子要使用特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的语序

7 He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room ___c___ day.

a. the hole b. the all c. all d. all of all (the) day

all of 后面如果加代词, 代词前面不需要修饰词all of us;一旦要加名词, 前面一定要加the

all of the friends all of my friends all of the students 11 He made a big decision. He ___b___ .

a. thought about it b. made up his mind c. changed his mind d. made a wish

think about:考虑、思考、想 make up one's mind:下定决心change one's mind:改变主意 make a wish : 许个心愿, 愿望, 许愿

Lesson 4 An exciting trip

【New words and expressions】(6) ★exciting adj. 令人兴奋的

exciting adj. 令人兴奋的;excited adj. 兴奋的 -ed: 自己感到 / -ing:令人感到 The news was exciting.

exciting boy 令人兴奋的男孩I am excited. excite v. 激动 (这类动词的宾语一定是人,让后面的人感到……)The news excited me.

interesting adj. 令人感到有趣的;interested adj. 感到有意思的interesting man

interest v. 对……感兴趣

The book interests me. 那本书让我感到很有趣 ★receive v. 接受, 收到 ① vt. 接到收到,得到 ② vt. 招待,接待

You need a large room if you are going to receive so many guests.

receive是―收到‖,指的是一个被动的动作,主观上接受与否不清楚。receive/have a letter from sb. accept 同意接收

This morning I received a bunch of flowers from a boy,but I didn't accept it.


I received a beautiful pen from my uncle. My brother took it from me yesterday. take 也可以作收到

take the exam 接受考试; take advice 接受建议 ★firm n. 商行, 公司 company n. 公司 ★different adj. 不同的

① adj. 不同的,相异的(经常与from连用) We are planning something different this year. 我们今年有不同的打算。 My room is different from yours. ② adj. 各种各样的,不同的

This department store sells a large number of different things.这家百货商店出售许多各种各样的东西。

He has visited many different places in China. ★abroad adv. 在国外(副词, 直接和动词连用)

go abroad 去国外/live abroad 国外定居 study abroad 国外学习 【课文讲解】

1、I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.

同位语:一个名词(或短语等)与另一个名词(或短语)并列而作为其说明或限定成分时称为同位语。同位语与它所补充说明的成分之间用逗号隔开。在译成汉语时,同位语或者插入主句中,或者另译为一句,很少像英语中那样用逗号隔开。 This is John, one of my best friends. 这位是约翰。他是我最好的朋友之一。

Mrs. Smith, my neighbor, has never been abroad. 我的邻居史密斯夫人从来没有出过国。 2、He has been there for six months.

one month;two months注意读音 将/?/省略

I have arrived in Beijing. (arrive 是瞬间动词不能和段时间连用) has been + in 地点

He has been in Beijing for one year.

3、He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. work for 在……上班/任职,强调work I am working for a school.

work in 强调地点(在哪个地方上班) I am working in the New Oriental school.

work at 上班 She works at a department store.

a number of后面一定要加可数名词复数;通常number前有great,large,good,small,certain等形容词,数量大小也随之改变。a great number of 类似于, 约等于a lot of; A large/great number of our students are Danish.

There are a small number of spelling mistakes in your homework.

a lot of 可加可数名词也可加不可数名词

4、He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. has gone to 去了某地没回来

has been to 曾经去过某地, 现在不在那个地方 5、My brother has never been abroad before, so he is fending this trip very exciting.

before在句子后是副词, 译为―在此之前‖,是现在完成时态的标志

find作―发现‖、―发觉‖讲时宾语往往带补足语(一般为形容词),说明宾语的状况、性质等。 find +宾语+形容词做宾补 find the room clean/find her happy be finding在口语中经常使用


I'm finding... . . We‘re finding... ...

下面表示状态、感觉、情绪、精神活动的动词不可用于进行时:believe,doubt,see,hear,know,understand,belong,think,consider,feel,look,seem,show,mind,have,sound,taste,require,possess,care,like,hate,love,detest,desire 【Key structures】 现在完成时

现在完成时表示动作现存的结果,或者过去发生的事对现在的影响。常与现在完成时连用的副词和副词短语:before (now)(以前);it‘s the first time(第一次);so for(到目前为止);so far this morning(到上午为止);up to now(直到现在);up to the present(直到目前);just(刚刚);recently(最近);already(已经);lately(最近);now(现在);for 一段时间;since+时间;still(还;仍);at last(终于);finally(最终);疑问句和否定句中常用ever,yet,never,not…ever等。

I‘ve planted fourteen rose bushes so far this morning.

I have lived here for several years now and I‘ve made many new friends since I have lived here.

现在完成时还可和表示频度的副词连用,表示反复和习惯性动作,如often(经常),frequently(屡次),three times(三次)等。 I‘ve watched him on TV several times. 【Multiple choice questions】

3 Tim is in Australia. He went ___a___ Australia six months ago. a. to b. in c. at d. into

at… 表示位置(be at是典型表示位置的介词短语)

go to… 只要有to这个感念, 它的后面一定要有宾语, go to the theater

go in… (in 做副词)很少加宾语 He went in.

go into… 有去向的动作, 还有进入的动作 go into the room

move常用的意义是―动‖、―移动‖,在表达―搬家‖这个意思时move可以单独使用,也可组成短语move to,move into,move in,move out。

move in:搬进来、move to the new house:正在搬 move into :搬进去了/move out 搬走

11 He will soon visit Darwin. He will visit Darwin_c_. a. quickly b. for a short time c. shortly d. in a hurry quickly 指的是动作上的快He went quickly . for a short time 不久, 表示动作延续一段时间

soon = shortly 不久以后, 表示在这段时间之后,强调的是时间上的快

in a hurry:匆忙的(指动作)

Lesson 5 No wrong numbers

【New words and expressions】(7) ★pigeon n. 鸽子

It's not my pigeon. =None of my business. ★message n. (口头或书面的)信息

Here is a message for you from your sister. an oral/written message 口信/便条 leave sb. a message 给……留便条 I'll leave you a message.

take a message for sb. 替某人捎口信

Can I take a message for you? 我能替你捎个口信吗? Can you take a message for me?

take a message to sb. 给某人口信 打电话 :

Hello!--?May I have a word with Tom ?/May I speak with/to Tom?--?Can you take a message for me? information n.信息(不可数)

messenger n. 送信人,信使 Can you show me another? ★cover v. 越过;覆盖 other(+名词) adj.其它的(可加单/复数名词) ① vt. 盖,覆盖 the other 两个之中的另外一个 She covered the child with a coat. one…the other… 一个……另一个……

② vt. 行过(一段距离),走过(通常不用被动语态)cover+距离 One is watering the flowers, and the other is reading. 越过…… others(不用再加名词)= other + 名词复数

You can cover the distance to the museum in ten minutes. ③ n. Some boys are playing football, and others are rowing/(going 覆盖物,盖子,罩子,套子 boating). Put a cover on the box! 2、Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot ★distance n. 距离 keep distance 保持距离 get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve distant adj.远距离的 pigeons. importance n. 重要 important adj. 重要的 介词from在这里表示距离上相隔,作―距……‖、―离……‖讲,difference n. 不同 different adj. 不同的 常与away连用 ★request n. 要求, 请求 It is far (away) from here. ① n. request for 对……有请求, 有需求 Bus stop is only one mile from school/here. I have a request for the cake. Bus stop is only one mile (away). He granted my request for more time. 他同意了我延长时间How far...? 多远(对距离提问) 的请求。 How far(away) is the bus stop? She sent a request for help to Gary. 她向加里求助。 How far is your home(from here)? ② v. 要求, 请求 My home is ten miles away from here. request sb.to do sth. =ask sb.to do sth.要求某人做……require get a telephone 得到电话, 安装电话 sb.to do sth. 要求某人做…… 3、Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to You are required/asked to do sth. (对人要求习惯用被动语Silbury. 态) carry v. 带着, 携带(其强调所携带的东西不会着地)I ★spare adj. 备用的 carried my son. (背或抱着) ① vt. 抽出(时间等),让给 take v. 带着I take my sister to the cinema. Have you got five minutes to spare? from…to…表示从一个地方到另一个地方 ② vt. 饶恕,赦免The robbers spared his life. He looked at the girl from head to foot. ③ adj. 多余的,空闲的,剩下的,备用的 The news spread from house to house. 家家户户都得知了You can sleep in the spare bedroom. 这条消息。 Where can I get spare parts for this machine? 4、The bird covered the distance in three minutes. ?Have you any old clothes that you do not want?‘ he cover the distance 飞过那段距离 asked.=?Have you any old clothes to spare?‘he asked. 5、Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare ★service n. 业务, 服务 parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. service作不可数名词时通常用于表示旅馆、餐馆以及商店等up to now =up till now 到目前为止,到现在为止(作时间状对旅客、顾客等的侍候、接待或服务;作可数名词时可以表语,时态多用现在完成时,相当于until/till now) request for 示为帮助他人所采取的行动或所做的工作。The service in that 对……的需求 hotel is quite good. a great many(+可数名词复数) 许多…… You have done me a great service. a great many可以做形容词短语: service既可以指公用事业的业务,如:the mail service(邮政A great many trees were destroyed in the storm. 业务)、the telephone service(电话业务);也可指办这些业务的也可作代词短语:

机构,如:a travel service(旅行社)、a news service(通讯社)。 He has read a great many of the books in this room. At your service. = Glad to be at your service. = I am glad to be at a great number of(+可数名词复数) 许多…… your service. urgent adj. 紧急的something urgent 紧急的事情 我很乐意为您效劳. 【Key structures】 serve v. 服务, 接待 一般过去时与现在完成时 ——Thank you. 在表示过去某个特定时间发生的事情或动作时,要用一般过——You are welcome.(下次又需要再来找我)/Not at all.(根本去时。在表示刚刚或者已经完成一个动作并且对现在有影响完全不用谢)/That's (all)right./That's ok.(绝对正确, 绝对过时,则要用现在完成时,时间状语可以是不特指的now,just时)/(It's) My pleasure.(我很高兴这么做, 把自己放得很低, 把或者for引导的一段时间,或者不加任何时间状语。 对方抬得很高) 一般过去时与现在完成时的共同点:动作在过去都做过了;Thank you for your listening.在讲课, 演讲结束时说, 即感谢区别:过去式只能强调过去的事, 和现在没有任何关系. 大家的合作的概念(应以鼓掌回应) I ate a piece of bread. 情急之下, 可用No thanks.回答 现在完成时, 强调过去的事情对现在产生的影响. ——Sorry. ——No sorry. I have eaten a piece of bread this morning. I'm not hungry. 【课文讲解】 The clock stopped. 陈述事实

1、Mr. James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just The clock has stopped. 过去的事实对现在造成影响 bought another garage in Pinhurst. It snowed yesterday. garage n. 车库, 车行(英美读音不同) It has snowed yesterday. 强调对现在造成影响 another(+单数名词) 其它的很多个中的一个, 【Special Difficulties】



in the way 按照,以……方式

Do your work in the way I have shown you. 按我给你示范的方法来做你的工作。

I do the work in the way you showed me. I fly the kite in the way you showed me. in the/one‘s way 挡路;妨碍(某人)

Sorry, you are in the way.(在口语中很少用, 一般直接用Excuse me.就可以了)

Don‘t stand in the way. I can‘t see the blackboard. in this way 这样,以这种方式

He saves old envelopes. In this way, he has collected a great many stamps.

in a way 从某种意义上来说,在某种程度上 In a way, you are kind.

in a friendly way 用友好的方式

in the family way 怀孕了, 快有小孩了(have a baby)The woman is in the family way.

by the way 随便说一声, 随便问一下(插入语,改变话题时用) By the way, have you seen Harry recently?

on the/one‘s way(to) 在去……的途中(陈述句) : on the way to school/the office;on the way home out of the way 让路

Get out of the way! 你给我滚出去!

get one's own way 随心所欲 (at one‘s pleasure) Children get their own way during the holidays.

关于系动词 : 一般来说, 如be become 一定不单独使用, 往往要在后面加上表语, 我们称它为系动词. 但另外还有一些系动词同时又是不及物的实义动词, 常见的: seem, look, appear, sound, taste, feel, smell, stay, remain, keep, grow, turn, go, run, get, prove, stand等, 这些词有的书上称为半联系动词. 【Multiple choice questions】

4 Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage. ___b___ he has just bought twelve pigeons.

a. That's so b. That's why c. Because d. For so表示前面是原因, 后面是结果

That's why+从句 那就是……原因, 前者是原因, 后者why后面是结果was caught in the traffic jam. That's why I was late. That's后面的表语从句常常用特殊疑问词引导, 再加一个句子.That's when we can start class. That's where we will have a meeting. That's how I get to school.

Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His ___b___ garage is in Pinhurst

.a. another b. other c. else d. different 在语法上, 冠词(an/a)、形容词性物主代词(his/my/your)、名词所有格(my mother's)不能同时并存的, 一般要用只能用其中一个

another=an +other 另外一个,强调的是剩下的还有好几个当中的一个, 强调的是有三个以上

other 其它的, 加单数就表示一个, his取代the的位置语法的范围正在放宽松, his another 也对, 但不太好else 其他的,放在被修饰词的后面, 会修饰两种词, 疑问词和不定代词 修饰疑问代词: who else,… What else can I do for you?

修饰不定代词:anyone else, anything else

Lesson 6 Percy Buttons

【New words and expressions】(4) ★beggar n. 乞丐


beg v.乞求I beg your pardon? beg for 乞求得到 ask for 请求得到(ask sb. for sth.向某人索要某物) ★food n. 食物(不可数)a lot of food ★pocket n. 衣服口袋

inner pocket 内口袋;jacket pocket 夹克的口袋;coat pocket 大衣口袋pocket book 袖珍书

pocket dictionary袖珍词典pocket pick 车上的小偷 pocket money (小孩的)零花钱

change 零钱get exact change准备好正确的零花钱 beer money (男人的)零花钱 ★call v. 拜访, 光顾

① vt.&vi. 叫,喊I heard someone calling. call out =shout 大声喊

② vt. 呼唤,召唤Lucy is sick. Please call a doctor. ③ vi. 访问,拜访;(车、船等)停靠 Amy called (at our house) yesterday.

The train calls at large stations only. 这列火车只停大站。call on sb. 拜访某人

call at+地点=visit someplace 拜访某地 ④ vt.&vi. 打电话

call sb =call up sb. 给某人打电话 call back 回某人电话

Can you take a message for me? =Can you tell him to call back? call in sb. 招集和邀请某人

For the project, the government called in a lot of experts. 【课文讲解】

1、Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.

★knock ① vi. 敲门I knocked, but no one answered.. knock at 敲(门、窗等)

knock at the door;knock at the window

② vt.&vi. 碰撞You always knock things off the table. 你总是碰掉桌上的东西。

Jim was knocked over by a bus this morning. 今天上午吉姆被一辆公共汽车撞倒了。

She has knocked a cup over again.她又碰倒了一杯子。③ vt. 把(某人)打成……状态

He knocked Tom out yesterday. 他昨天把汤姆打昏过去了。 ④ 与off连用时有一些特殊含义,一般用于口语 vt. (价格上)减去,除去,打折扣

They knocked five dollars off the price of the coat.

The shop assistant knocked 10% off the bill.(He reduced the price by 10%.)

vi. 下班,停止,中断(工作等)

When do you usually knock off? 你一般何时下班?

He knocked off for lunch at half past eleven. 他十一点半休息吃中午饭。

2、He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.

ask (sb.) for sth =request for sth. 问某人要什么东西

(for为了这个目的去请求某人, sb.更多的时候不出现, ask for sth.)

The boy asked (his parents)for money again. 3、In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. in return for this 作为对……的回报,作为交换 I'll buy a present for him in return for hospitality. in return 作为回报

In return for your help, I invite you to spend the weekend with my family.

He doesn't want anything in return. 他不想得到任何回报 stood on his head 倒立

stand on one's hands 用手着地(hand单数就是一只手, 双手复

数)stand on one's knees 跪着, 膝盖 lie on one's back 仰面躺着

lie on one's side 侧躺/lie on one's stomach 趴着 4、Later a neighbour told me about him. 介词about可以和一些动词连用,以表示―关于……(的)‖、―涉及……(的)‖

Please tell me about the accident.

tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事(about关于, 通过其他事自己得出的结论)

tell you about the word 解释这个单词的意思 tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某件事(把事情直接告诉) 5、Everybody knows him.

everybody作主语一定作单数看待, 属于不定代词

所有的不定代词作为主语一律为单数看待 : somebody,anybody,everything等

6、He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. calls at 光顾,拜访

in the street(英国)/on the street(美国)

once a month 一个月一次, 单位表达方式

once adj. 表示每……一次(表示频率时后面直接加表示时间的名词), 计量单位 ―/‖ (每……) five kilometers an hour

He goes back to the South once a year. 【Key structures】 A, The and Some

当表示不确定的某个人或物时,用不定冠词a/an(单数, 可数名词);当表示不可数的名词时,则需要由不定冠词加量词组成词组。


A tiger is a dangerous animal. /Tigers are dangerous. Salt is necessary for/to us all.



a和the的区别:a是泛指, a man;特指, the man

在文章当中第一次出现名词的时候往往用a和an修饰, 第二次出现的时候用the

A man is walking towards me. The man is carrying a parcel. The parcel is full of meat.

She always buys flour, sugar and tea at the grocer's.

一般姓名前一般不能加冠词,表示―某某一类人当中, 具有这种特征当中的一个‖,加不定冠词a a Mr. Zhang 张先生这类人 【Special Difficulties】 短语动词

某些动词的后面加上介词或副词以后就会改变词义, 这种新的组合称作短语动词

put v. 放put on 穿上,戴上 take v. 拿走take off 脱掉,摘掉 look v. 看look at 看;look for 寻找;look after 照顾;look out 当心;look out of 向外看 call :call at;call on;call in;call back; call for 去取某物, 去接某人;需要

The problem calls for immediate action. 这个问题需要立即采取行动

knock v. 敲knock at 敲门


knock off 下班He knocked off earlier. knock off 打折 Knock 10% off the price.

把……撞倒,如果有地点,用介词off;无地点,用介词over knock sth. off+地点

I knocked the boy off the bicycle.

knock over A car knocked the boy over.

knock out 打晕, 在拳击场合中, 把人打倒在地叫knock out(专用术语) He did not know how to fight, but he knocked the boxer out.

【Multiple choice questions】

6 Everybody knows him. ___a___ know him.

a. They all b. Each c. Every d. All they all of us, we all 我们所有人

every +n. 每一个(书, 本, 人等) every person likes…

each adj.&pron. 每一个

each +n;each 直接作主语或者宾语 each person likes.../each likes...

every只能是形容词性,强调整体,常用来指一个大的、不确定的数目,不能直接做主语;each既可作形容词,又可作代词,强调个体,常用以一个确定的并通常是有限的数目,在作代词时,直接作主语或宾语,使用第三人称单数 Every child enjoys Christmas. Each of us has his own work to do. They each have a share.

10 She gave him a piece of cheese. He put the ___a___ of cheese in his pocket. a. bit b. bar c. block d. packet a bit of /a piece of 在英文中经常互用

bar 门闩 : 长条状 : a bar of chocolate/soap block n. 房子;块, 一大块;v. 堵塞 packet 一包

12 All the houses in our ___a___ are the same age and size. a. street b. way c. road d. route same age and size 同年代同样式

street 两边有房子的街道, 强调城市里的街道

way, on the way, in the way 挡住某人的路(强调方向) road 路的通称

road home 通往家的路 (《我的父亲母亲》英文名) route 路线 〖语法精粹〗

2.The girl even won't have her lunch before she__D__her homework.

A. will finish B. is finishing C.hadfinished D. finishes 状语从句中, 用一般现在时取代将来时.

3.Those who have applied for the post__A__in the office. A. are being interviewed B. are interviewing

C. interviewing (光动词+ing不能构成谓语) D. to be interviewing (不定式不能构成谓语动词) apply for 申请 interview 面试

4.The old scientist __C___to do more for the country. A. is wishing B. has been wishing C. wishes D. has been wished D为被动语态,从语法上说合理, 但不合情

表示状态、感觉、情绪、精神活动的动词不可用于进行时态.wish sb. to do 希望某人做某事

Lesson 7 Too late

【New words and expressions】(13)

★detective n. 侦探detective story 侦探小说

★airport n. 机场 would try to steal the diamonds. ★airfield n. 飞机起落的场地 a few hours earlier 几个小时以前 port 港口;airport 航空港at the airport 在机场 = a few hours before/a few hours ago field 田野;airfield 停机坪on the airfield在停机坪上★expect would +do 过去将来时,间接方式, 转述, 站在过去看未来 v. 期待, 等待 3、When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting ① vt.&vi. 预计,预料 inside the main building while others were waiting on the Jim has failed in mathematics as his teacher expected. airfield. 正如他老师所预料的那样,吉姆数学考试没及格。 代词others常常和some连用,表示―有些(人)……,也有些② vt. 等待,期待,盼望(心理上的等待) (人)……‖或―有的……,其余的……‖ They are expecting guests tonight. 今晚有人要去他们那里作one…the other… 一个……另一个…… 客。 some…others… 一些……另一些…… expect所表示的等待一般暗含着根据某些信息或规律而作出 Some students are very hard-working, others are not. 相应反应的意思,而wait for主要接续―等待‖这个动作本身。 others=other+名词复数 expect sth.I expect a letter from Jimmy. 5、Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the expect sb.to do sth. 期待某人做某事 Customs House. I expect you to write back. take sth. off…=take sth. away from… wait for sth./sb. 动作上的等待I wait for my mother. and carried it into…carried 表示看得很重 ③ vt. 认为,猜想(一般用于口语) Customs House 海关 I expect so./I think so. 我希望如此[口语] 6、While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two I expect you‘ve heard the news. 我想你已经听到这个消息了。 others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel ★valuable adj. 贵重的★precious adj. 珍贵的 was full of stones and sand! value n.&v. 价值;valuable adj.有价值的 …were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. sth.is valuable/sth.is precious 表面上是分工, 两个动作同时发生, 不是同时开始同时结束, precious adj. 珍贵的(带有一定的感情色彩) 延续时间不一致, 长一点时间的动作用进行时态, 短时间的precious photo 珍贵的照片 动作用过去时. -less 表否定; When someone knocked at the door, I was having dinner. priceless adj. 没有价格的, 无价的 keep guard守卫 valueless adj. 没有价值, 不足道的 They kept a close guard over the thieves. worthless adj. 无价值的 at the door 在门边(固定搭配) ★diamond n. 钻石diamond ring 钻石戒指 two others=two other detectives precious stone 宝石;crystal 水晶;jade 玉 to one's surprise,让某人惊讶的是 ★steal(stole,stolen) v. 偷 To one‘s +表情绪名词to one's joy/to one's excitement ① vt.&vi. 偷盗,行窃 be full of ...装满My bag was full of books. 英语中―偷‖用steal和rob来表达,宾语是物,用steal;宾语【Key structures】 是人,用rob;跟地点相连,也用rob 过去进行时 steal sth. 偷(某物)My wallet was stolen. 过去进行时的构成:be的过去式+现在分词 rob sb. 抢(某人) rob the bank 过去进行时和一般过去时经常同在一个句子里使用。过去进② vt. 巧妙地占用,偷偷地弄到手 行时表示过去正在进行的动作或情况,一般过去时则表示比He has stolen away Mary‘s heart. 他已赢得玛丽的芳心。③ vi. 较短暂的动作或事件。正在进行中的动作或情况往往由连词偷偷地行动,悄悄靠近 when,while,as,just as等引导。 He stole into the room. 他悄悄地进了房间。 when,while 当……时候(强调动作同时发生) ★main adj. 主要的 while+从句, 动词一定是延续性动词 main building;main street;main sentence;main idea when+延续性动词/瞬间动词 main不能与人连用 while能用when代替,但是when却不一定能用while代替。★guard n. 警戒, 守卫 while通常只引导持续时间较长的动作,并且主句和从句可以life guard 救生员/body guard 保镖 同时用过去进行时,而when和as一般不这么用。 keep guard 守望,警戒 John was watching TV while his wife was talking with a They kept a close guard over the thieves. 他们对小偷们严加neighbour over the phone. 看管。stand guard 站岗,放哨 Just as I was leaving the house, you came in. 【课文讲解】 when也可引导较短暂的动作,while和as一般不行。 1、The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport We were having supper when the lights went out. all morning. 过去进行时往往与表示一段时间的状语连用,如all morning,all一般直接加表示时间的单数名词构成副词短语,如:all all night,all day,all evening,the whole week等,表示这段day,all night,all week,all winter,all year等。但不说all hour。 时间一直在干什么。

whole在表达同样的意思时一般要加冠词或数词,如a whole What were you doing all evening? I couldn‘t find you anywhere. day/year,two whole weeks。 过去动作同时发生的时态 all morning=all the morning ① 过去两个动作同时发生, 习惯上一个用一般过去时, 另一detectives 没有强调一些侦探或者那些侦探, 强调侦探这种个用过去进行时;动作长用过去进行时, 动作短用一般过去人,笼统感念, 可不加some, the 时; 分工的情况, 动作的开始时间和结束时间几乎相同, 均2、A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves 用过去进行时;


I was listening to the radio, my sister was dancing.

When my mother was doing the housework, my father was watching TV.

② 两个动作在同时段进行, 在不同时间结束, 先发生的动作未结束, 另一个动作发生, 先发生的动作用进行时态, 另一个动作用过去时.

When I was opening the door, the telephone rang.先开门/When the telephone was ringing, I opened the door. 电话先响

③ 瞬间动词(如:arrive)没有进行时态, 所以两个动作同时发生, 延续性动词用进行时态, 瞬间动词使用过去时态. When he arrived, I was having dinner. I am arriving 进行时态表示将要 【Special Difficulties】 短语动词中的小品词

许多动词加上介词或副词后就会改变词义,这些介词和副词通常被称为小品词。它们没有词形的变化。有些小品词既可以作介词又可以作副词。判断一个小品词是副词还是介词要看小品词有没有带宾语。有宾语的是介词,没有宾语的是副词,介词的位置相对固定,不能变动。 ① vi.&vt.+ prep./adv.+宾语(n.) She is walking up the hill. ② vt.+宾语(n./pron.)+adv.

take off the coat =take the coat off =take it off

put on your shoes =put your shoes on =put them on I always take money with me.我身上总带些钱 【Multiple choice questions】

9 The parcel was valuable. It was ___c___ . a. worth b. worthy c. precious d. value valuable= precious value n. 价值

worth v. 值得……,后面一定要加词 something is worth…

The book is worth reading. (动名词) The book is worth three dollars. worthy adj. 有价值的 be worthy of… 值得……

This book is worthy of being read [to be read]. acts worthy of punishment 应该受处分的行为 worthless adj. 无价值的

something is worthless(后面不加任何东西)

Lesson 8 The best and the worst 【New words and expressions】(5)

★competition n. 比赛,竞赛(暗地里的竞争) race n. 比赛,竞赛car race match n. 比赛football match contest n. 比赛(更广泛)

baby contest 宝宝大赛;beauty contest 选美 game : 游戏, 运动

★neat adj. 整齐的, 整洁的,井井有条 clean adj. 干净的neat=tidy tidy (up) the room 整理房间

★pool n. 水池(人工的) swimming pool 游泳池pond 池塘(天然的)《golden pond》—金色池塘 【课文讲解】

1、Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.=Joe's garden is the most beautiful. Bill's garden is the largest.

Bill‘s garden is larger than Joe‘s. (比较的东西都是同类的事物 joe‘s 的―‘s‖不能省略)

2、Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition'


each year, but Joe wins every time.

nearly和almost意义相似,表示―几乎‖、―差不多‖、―差点儿‖的意思。I have nearly forgotten his name. enter for 报名参加(各种竞赛,考试等活动) win(won,won) v. 赢 ① vi. 赢I win. /I lose. (输了)

② vt. 赢得……win something 后面往往是奖品,不能接对手I win the book.

win a prize 赢了奖win a prize for…因为……而获奖 defeat+对手 I defeat you.

3、Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's.


4、He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.

make和build在这里是同义词,―修建,建造‖。make的词义比较笼统、广泛,可解释为―做、作出、制造‖等,而build主要限于建筑业,指―建造,建设,盖房子,修筑(桥梁)等‖ Have you made the skirt by yourself? They have made a road along the river.

【Key structures】


比较级相当于汉语中―比……更……‖这种句型,最高级则表示在某个范围―最……‖的概念。最高级在使用时前面通常要加定冠词the,并有一个短语或从句限定其范围。 1、比较级和最高级的构成:

① 单音节词和少数双音节词在词尾加-er,-est,以辅音加-y结尾的词变-y为-i,再加-er,-est ② 以-e结尾的词加-r,-st

③ 以一个辅音字母结尾的单音节词要双写最后一个字母,再加-er,-est

④ 三个或者是三个音节以上(多音节) 比较级的构成 : more+原级 最高级的构成 : the most+原级

有一些双音节词既可在单词结尾加-er,-est,也可与more/less和most/least连用,如narrow,clever,common,pleasant等。 clever— cleverer— more clever

fun adj. 快乐 more fun (美国人用) ⑤ 有些构成是不规则的:

good/well(better best);bad/ill(worse worst);many/much(more most);little(less least);

far(farther further , farthest furthest)

(farther:距离上远和更远further:程度上更进一步) further more(更有甚者) old(older elder, oldest eldest)

older 比……大 She is older than somebody elder 做定语修饰其他名词elder sister (年长的)姐姐 2、比较级和最高级的用法


My room is cleaner than the one next door. 如果比较级之所指很清楚,它可独立存在: Which house do you prefer?I prefer the older one.

最高级的限定范围一般用of,among,in等介词短语;限定范围也可以是从句;如果范围很清楚,则可以省略。John is the tallest of the three brother.

Mary is the most intelligent person I‘ve ever met. 【Special Difficulties】

every构成的合成词 ① vt. 使集拢,集合,召集

every和one,body,thing可以构成复合不定代词everyone,He gathered a large crowd of people round him. everybody,everything。Everyone和everybody一般可以替换② vt 收集,采集,收(庄稼等) 使用,后面的代词既可以用单数,也可以用复数,但它们本The children are out in the field gathering flowers. 孩子们在身均被视为单数。 外面地里采花。 Everyone/Everybody knows what he has to do. It has taken me a lifetime to gather all these books. =Everyone/Everybody knows what they have to do. 每个人都③ vi. 集拢,聚集,集合 知道自己必须做什么。 They gathered under the Town Hall clock. Everything is going well. 一切都很顺利。 people gathered 人们聚集在一起, 尤指自发性的 each和every均可译为―每一个‖,两者常可互换。every只能★hand n. (表或机器的)指针;手 是形容词性,强调整体,常用来指一个大的、不确定的数目,minute hand;second hand;hour hand 不能直接做主语;each既可作形容词,又可作代词,强调个second hand 二手的,旧的,秒针 体,常用以一个确定的并通常是有限的数目,在作代词时,wait me a moment/wait me a few seconds(for a few secs.) 直接作主语或宾语,使用第三人称单数 (secs.是seconds的缩写) Every/Each time I wash the car it rains. ★refuse v. 拒绝 Enter and Enter for ① vt. 拒绝(接受、服从等)She refused the gift. enter① vt.&vi. 进入enter+地点名词 ② vt. 拒不,不肯,不愿 Always knock on the door before you enter. John refused to change his mind. 约翰拒不改变主意。③ vi. ② vt.&vi. 参加,加入 拒绝,不接受

We‘ve entered into an agreement. 我们已达成一项协议。He I offered to pay him for his help, but he refused.。 soon entered their conversation. ★shout v. 喊叫 scream 尖叫 enter for+表示比赛、竞赛、考试的名词 报名参加, 强调报名 call out 大声喊叫cry out 大声哭喊 enter for the exam 【课文讲解】

She entered (her name/herself) for the mathematics competition. 1、A cold welcome 冷遇 她报名参加数学竞赛。 cold adj. 冷的, 寒冷的, 冷淡的 take part in 真正的参加 cold fish 冷漠的人My brother is a cold fish. 2 Will you enter ___for___ this week's crossword competition? lucky dog 幸运的人 crossward 文字游戏 2、On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall.

3 Many athletes have entered ___for___ the Olympic Games morning,afternoon,evening前如果加修饰词则用介词on,this year. 否则用in .Town Hall 市政厅 【Multiple choice questions】 3、It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time. 8 Joe wins every time. He always ___b___ Bill Frith. ★strike v. 打,击;敲,弹(钟,乐器等) a. wins b. beats c. gains d. earns ① v. 打,击She struck the man in the face. 对手关系不能用win ② v. 敲,弹(钟,乐器等) defeat v. 击败 defeat sb. beat v. 打败;打 strike the clock(人)敲钟clock strike 钟自己响 gain =get sth. earn vt. 挣得 earn money Listen, the clock is striking.

9 Joe grows more flowers. More flowers ___a___ in his garden. strike twelve 数字表示敲击的次数 a. grow b. grow tall c. grow up d. grow big minutes'名词所有格,用来表达时间 grow vt. 种植: grow sth; grow flowers… 名词所有格表示时间或距离 vi. 生长: sth. grow; flowers are growing It will leave in five minutes'time. grow tall/grow big 变得……(一般不加形容词) in twenty(minutes'time)名词所有格可省略 grow up 只和人连用, 表示人的长大 How far is the school from here? 3 minutes' walk. 三分钟路程。 Lesson 9 A cold welcome 4、We waited and waited, but nothing happened. 【New words and expressions】(7) waited and waited 等啊等啊, 强调动作的重复(walked and ★welcome n. 欢迎;v. 欢迎 walked;run and run) ① n. 欢迎 a cold welcome 冷遇 happen vi.事情做主语, 事情发生 ② v. 欢迎 welcome to+地点 What happened? Nothing happened. welcome to China;;welcome home;welcome back 5、It was true that+从句 ……是一个事实 ③ adj. 受欢迎的You are welcome. 6、The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. You are welcome to+地点 refuse to do sth. 拒绝去做某事 ★crowd n. 人群 7、At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing. at that ① n. 人群 in the crowd 在人群中 moment = just then 就在那时 I spotted him in the crowd. 我在人群中一眼就认出了他 at the moment = now 现在, 此刻, 在此时 a crowd of people 一群人,没有次序的人群, 拥挤的人群a 【Key structures】 group of people 一群人,有次序的人群 引导时间状语的介词in/on/at/during/till与until ② v.拥挤, 挤满 1、用in的时间短语有: a large crowd of people 一大群人 ① 表示一天中的某段时间:in the morning;in the afternoon;crowds of people 许多人, 人山人海 in the evening ★gather v. 聚集 ② 表示周、月份、年份:in a week;in January;③ 表示季


节:in summer;in spring;in autumn; in+表示时间长度的短语可以表示―在某段时间之内‖,这时可以与现在时、过去时或将来时连用,一般与完成某动作有关;还可译为―……时间之后‖,一般与将来时连用。根据时态判别in 表示的含义 in twenty minutes' time 20分钟之后 We will finish class in half an hour. 2、用on的时间短语有:

① 表示星期:on Monday;on Friday

② 表示日期:on June 1st;on 23rd March(在书写日期时没有冠词,但在口语中则分别读为:on June the first;on the 23rd of March)

③ 表示星期+日期:on Monday, June 1st

④ 表示具体时间:on Wednesday evening on that day 3、用at的时间短语有:

① 表示确切的时间:at five to twelve;at ten o'clock ② 表示用餐时间:at lunch/dinner time;at teatime ③ 表示其他时刻: at noon;at midnight;at that time


He has phoned four times during the last half hour.

I met him sometime during the week.(不能用in代替) 我是在这一周的某天遇到他的。

during the holiday 强调假期的从头到尾 He enjoyed himself during his holiday.

in the holiday 强调这段时间其中某一点时间, 并不表示自始至终

I was caught in an accident in the holiday. 5、from…till… 指一段明确的时间: The tourist season runs from June till October. 6、until prep.&coin. 直到……时候,直到什么时候为止, 直到什么时候才

until主句和从句两个都用一般过去时对(最习惯的一种用法), 主从句任何一个用过去完成是也对

I can't enter for the sports meeting until tomorrow. We hadn't disturbed him until he finished work. We didn't disturb him until he had finished work.

We didn't disturb him until he finished work.(更习惯于这种用法)

7、时间表示方法 : What‘s the time?/What time is it? A整点 : A o‘clock A点B分(B<30): A B / B past A A点15分 : A fifteen / fifteen past A / a quarter past A A点30分 : A thirty / half past A

A点B分(B>30) : A B / (60-B) to (A+1)

A点45分 : A forty-five / a quarter to (A+1) / fifteen to (A+1) 【Special Difficulties】 Any,Not...Any and No

any 用于否定句和疑问句中, some用于肯定句(或要求得到肯定回答的疑问句)

Do you have any friends?/I don't have any friends. not 用在非实义动词后面, 实义动词前面.

not any=no 用在名词前面,no比not any的语气要强,但这两种否定的意义是相同的。 I have no friends.


一句通常只能有一个否定词(包括never,hardly等) 【Multiple choice questions】

8 How many times did the clock ___d___ ? a. hit b. beat c. knock d. strike 敲门用knock;敲钟用strike


hit(轻)和strike(重hit hard)在一定的时候可以互换, 一般表示打一下beat v. 连续不断的打 beat drums 敲鼓

12 It refused to welcome the New Year. It ___c___ . a. denied it b. wanted to c. didn't want to d. wished to deny v. 否认, 拒绝去承认, 后面一般加名词 deny the fact/ I denied that I had stolen the bicycle.

Lesson 10 Not for jazz

【New words and expressions】(11) ★musical adj. 音乐的

musical student 有音乐天赋的人 music student 学音乐的人

★instrument n. 乐器=musical instrument


★clavichord n. 古钢琴, 不是现代的piano a kind of instrument

★recently adv. 最近(=lately) ★damage v. 损坏 ① n. 损害,损失,伤害

The storm has done a lot of damage to the village. ② vt. 损害,毁坏,损坏

The car was badly damaged in the accident. ★key n. 琴键

① n. 琴键 ② n. 钥匙,答案 key to the door 门钥匙

Do you know the key to the question? ③ adj. 关键的key structure

★shock v. 使不悦或生气, 震惊 ① v. 使不悦或生气, 震惊

跟人的情绪有关的动词的宾语往往是 ―人‖ (以sth.为主语)The news shocks me. 这个消息使我震惊 ② adj. 令人震惊的It is shocking. ③ adj. 感到震惊

凡是能够用 ―人‖ 做宾语, 又是表示人的情绪活动的动词, 有两个形容词形成:令人……(V+ing);感到……(V+ed)I'm shocked.

④ n. 震惊get a shock /sb. get a shock 某人很吃惊 shock 必指坏事, 令人不悦, 生气的

surprise 好事坏事都可以, 只要你没有料到的 I want to give you surprise.

★allow v. 允许, 让allow doing sth. Smoking is allowed.=people allow smoking allow sb. to do sth. / sb.be allowed to do sth. allow常用于被动语态 ★touch v. 触摸 ① vt.&vi. 触摸,碰

You are not allowed to touch the vase. ② vt. 谈及,涉及,关系到

A rise in the cost of living touches everyone. 生活费用的增加与每个人都有关系。 【课文讲解】

1、It is called a clavichord.


call sb.sth./sb.be called 称某人为……,什么被称为… What do you call this? 你们把这称为什么?

2、It has belonged to our family for a long time.


用于进行时,常用的时态是一般现在时和现在过去时。This farm belongs to me and it belonged to my father before me. 3、She tried to play jazz on it! play n. 玩,演奏(乐器等) ① 跟球类连用, 直接+球类;

② 跟乐器连用, +the+乐器, 演奏乐器而非音乐 ③ play music on + 乐器 , 一定要用 ―on‖ 【Key structures】 被动语态


被动语态由be的一种形式和过去分词构成。主动语态的时态用法规则也适用于被动语态。动词作及物动词用时才能构成被动语态。如果要说明是什么人或什么东西做了某事,则用―by+行为主体‖结构。―行为主体‖也可以不表示出来。 【Special Difficulties】


made in表示产地或时间 It was made in Germany.

made of用某种材料制成(通常指制造后不变该材料原来的性质或形状)The tea pot is made of silver.

made from用数种材料制成或是制造后改变了材料原来的性质或形状 Paper can be made from wood.

made by由谁制造This cake was made by my sister. be made into 被制成…… The gold is made into a ring.

双重所有格/双重属格 : 名词+of+名词所有格(名词性的物主代词)


He is a friend of mine. 含有―他是我的一个特殊的或惟一的朋友‖之意。

He is no friend of mine. 含义是―我根本不认识他‖或―他是我的敌人‖

强调很多当中的一个或几个的时候, 选用双重属格结构a friend of my father/my father's friend(s) 只有一个朋友a friend of my father's 很多朋友中的一个It happened to a friend of mine. 我的很多朋友中的一个 【Multiple choice questions】

9 It's kept in the living room. That's where we ___a___ it. a. have b. hold c. lift d. carry keep(kept,kept) v. 保持,保存

keep sth.+地点 在某地放……(状态)

put v. 放(动作);lift v. 举起;carry v. 扛着, 背着, 抱着 hold v. 拥有, 持有, 握着;have v. 拥有 That's后面+以特殊疑问词引导的从句 That's where 那就是……的地方 That's why 那就是……的原因 10 The visitor damaged it. She ___c___ it.

a. hurt b. pained c. broke d. destroyed damaged:可以修复destroy:无法修复

pain:有身体的疼痛broke:打破, 打断, 打碎 I broke my leg.

★hurt ① hurt oneself/身体的某个部位 ……受伤 ② 身体的某个部位+hurt ……疼痛 My hand hurts.

③ hurt feelings 伤害……感情,……受伤


Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 【New words and expressions】(6) ★turn n. 行为, 举止

turn n.(帮助或损害他人的)举动、行为

Yesterday George did me a good/an ill turn. 乔治昨天做了一件对我有利/不利的事。

He is always ready to do a turn for others. ★deserve v. 应得到, 值得

① deserve + n. 应该得到……,值得……,应得(奖赏、惩罚等)

He deserves praise. 他应该得到表扬 Yor deserve the best. 你应该得到最好的

He deserved a promotion. (promotion n. 提升) ② deserve sth./to do sth. 应该…… She deserved to be punished.

Good work deserves good pay. 多劳多得

★lawyer n. 律师lawyer's office 律师事务所 ★bank n. 银行rob the bank 抢银行 ★salary n. 工资

pay n. 工资(salary+wage,通用)

salary n. 薪金,薪水(月薪, 年薪,通常指职员、脑力劳动者(如律师、教师、医生等)有固定工作或管理阶层的收入,数额比较固定,一般按月支付)

My salary is paid on the 28th of the month.

wage n. 工资,工钱(按小时, 周计算的,通常指技工或一般体力劳动者,不稳定的工作人的收入,按周或天支付。一般用复数形式wages)。

When I worked as a waiter, the wages were low, but the tips were good.我当侍者时工资不高但小费可观。 bonus n. 奖金, 分红

collet v. 搜集, 领取 collect salary/wage 领工资 ★immediately(= right away =at once) adv. 立刻 right now 现在 【课文讲解】

1、One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来, 善有善报one bad turn deserves another 恶有恶报

2、Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank.

work for…强调工作work in… 强调in后面的地点 working at a bank

(some/several) years ago 名词-s,前面省略了some

3、He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.

The teachers in the New Oriental school can get a good salary. borrow sth. from sb. 从……借…… never=not 前面不需要加助动词 pay在这里的意思是―偿还(债务等)‖,还可解释为―付,支付(价款、账单)等‖。Pay既是及物动词也可以是不及物动词。How much did you pay for that dress? paid the bill. pay back 还钱 4、Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. and连接三个并列的动词

at the same table 坐在同一张桌子旁边 at table 吃饭at the table 坐在桌子旁边

5、'I have never borrowed any money from you,' Tony said, 'so now you can pay for my dinner!'

pay for 为……而付钱I have paid for you a dinner. ask (sb.) for sth. 问……要…… It's my treat. 我请客

This time is your treat. Next time is my turn.

Let's go dutch. AA制

【Key structures】 复习动词时态:p53 D 【Special Difficulties】



I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.

I want to speak to John./I‘d like sb. to do sth. I‘d like to do sth.

还有一些动词后面用不定式作宾语时,其后通常必须有一名词或代词。这类动词有allow,advise,help,teach,tell,request等,这类动词不但可用于主动语态,也可用于被动语态: We were not allowed to see the picture. hope一定不能说hope sb. to do sth.,正确用法是hope to do (希望自己)或hope that(希望别人) 【Multiple choice questions】

8 He gets a good salary. His salary is very ___a___ . a. good b. well c. fine d. beautiful

good salary 不错的薪水beautiful 美丽,漂亮的 well表示好的时候一般用作副词 fine用来形容天气好, 质量好

10 Tony must pay the money back. He must ___c___ .a. pay it again b. pay it c. repay it d. pay it once more

pay back 还钱;pay something 付钱;pay again 再次付钱;pay it 付钱

once more=again repay it =pay back

Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 【New words and expressions】(6) ★luck n. 运气, 幸运

good luck =break your leg 祝你好运

bless you 保重(比如在别人打喷嚏时说的话) lucky adj. 幸运的lucky dog 幸运儿

lucky day 幸运日 It‘s my lucky day.今天我真幸运 luckily adv. 幸运地unlucky adj. 不幸的 ★sail v. 航行

① vi. (船)航行,扬帆行驶 The ship is sailing for New York.

② vi. (人)乘船航行I want to sail around the world. ③ n. 帆,篷This boat has white salis. ★harbour n. 港口

port n. 港口 air port 航空港 ★proud adj. 自豪,自满

be proud of 以……为自豪,为(某人)感到自豪 Parents are proud of their children.

pride n. 自豪take pride in 以……为自豪

★important adj. 重要的importance n. 重大 【课文讲解】

1、We'll meet him at the harbour early in the morning.

在表示时间的短语in the morning,in the afternoon等前面可以再加上early,late等副词,以便确切地表示时间.early in the morning 一大早

late in the afternoon 傍晚

2、It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.


the Atlantic =the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 once,twice,three times…


表示次数的时候, for 一定不能加 I do something twice.

3、Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock, so we'll have plenty of time.

set out/set off/begin something 出发,动身 plenty =enough 相对多,充足的,足够的 plenty of 足够多的……

I have plenty of money. a lot of 指客观上的多

4、We'll see his boat and then we'll say goodbye to him. see = visit 参观 Can I see it?

say goodbye (to sb.);say hello to (to sb.);say sorry to (to sb.) 5、He will be away for two months.

瞬间动词不是不能用完成时态, 而是指不能与段时间连用, 一旦要用段时间就要将其变为 ―系表结构‖ 即 ―be + 形容词或介词短语构成‖

He has been away for two hours. =He left two hours ago.点时间

有的动词可用be+形容词系表结构表状态来代替 arrive= be here/there ;leave= be away ;die = be dead ;join(也是瞬间动词) = be a soldier/in the army

6、He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.take part (in) 参加,参与(某项活动) enter for 报名参加

I have entered for the meeting,but now I don't want to take part in the meeting.

an important race across the Atlantic 横渡大西洋的比赛(介词短语做定语放在被修饰词的后面) the person at the door

be in the race = take part in the race 参加比赛 at the race 在比赛场地观看比赛 【Key structures】 一般将来时

1、一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态 2、 ① 基本结构: shall/will + 动词原形

shall常用在第一人称I或we的后面,而will可用于所有人称,缩略为‘ll,否定式中,will not可缩略为‘ll not或won‘t,shall not缩略shan‘t(在美语中很少用shall)

② be going to do sth./ be gonna do sth.(美语) 打算做某事; 与will一般可以互换,但与打算无关含义的句子, will与be going to do 不能互换

I‘ll miss you. (不能用be going to)

He'll lose. 他要输了。(不能用be going to)

I'll be sixteen years old next year(不能用be going to)

③ be + to do sth. 表示计划安排在某事或用来征求意见 I am to have a holiday.

④ be about to do sth. 即将做某事. ⑤ will be doing 表示将要做某事

⑥ be doing (瞬间动词) 用进行时表示将来时态.动词有:go,come,arrive,leave,die,land,join

⑦ be 一般现在时表示将要发生If it rains, … 【Special Difficulties】 be+副词构成的表语


be in 在家;be out 出去;be away 离开;be on 上映;be back 回来;be over 结束;be up to sth.胜任某件事情, 能够做某件事


set out 出发,动身 When‘ll you set out for London? set off 出发,启程 I‘ll set off for home the day after tomorrow.

set up 创立,建立;(a record)创造……记录 Has Tom set up as usual 象往常一样,照例 a new world record? difficult这里解释为―难对付的‖、―费劲的‖,指麻烦比较多。 have a good time 玩得开心 Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys have a hard time 生活得艰辛 【New words and expressions】(5) have a difficult time 日子不象平时那样惬意 ★group n. 小组, 团体a group of 一群或一个团体 6、They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on group n. 组合,指合唱团(如Back Street 后街男孩)band n.these occasions. 乐队(如零点乐队, 只有一个主唱) try to do sth. 设法做某事, 尽力做某事 ★pop singer 流行歌手 order常用的意义是―次序、顺序‖,也可当―治安、秩序‖讲keep pop adj. 受欢迎的,通俗的,流行的,大众的(popular的缩order 维持次序 写)pop song(music)流行音乐 public order 治安 ★club n. 俱乐部night club 夜总会 当用occasion表示在某个/些场合时,它与介词on连用on ★performance n. 演出 these occasion(s)每逢这种场合 ① n. 执行,完成,履行He is praised for the excellent the same 表示情况相同 performance of his duties. 注意同一意思的多种表达方式

② n. 表现,工作情况His performance in the mathematics Why are you late? = What took you so long? exam is not very good. 【Key structures】 ③ n. 演出,表演 将来进行时 The pop singers will give five performances. 将来进行时由will/shall+be+现在分词构成,通常用于表示最-mance 名词后缀 perform v. 演出 近或很久的将来正在进行的动作。将来进行时常用来表示说★occasion n. 场合 话人设想已经安排好的事。 中文 : 在某种场合, 某种条件下, 某种环境中 I‘ll be working for my exams next month. 下个月我将用功英文 : occasion = time 某个时候 看书准备考试。 this occasion;on the(this) occasion 在这种时候 By this time tomorrow, I‘ll be lying on the beach. occasionally =sometimes 有时候, 偶尔 将来进行时与一般将来时有时表达的意思差不多,但一般将【课文讲解】 来时中的will经常具有蓄意为之的含义(如表示主语的意愿、1、At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. 决心、许诺等),将来进行时不具有这些含义,只表示单纯的at present =now 目前,现在 nowadays adv. 目前 将来,或者说只陈述将来的事实,但它语气比单用will时委up to now =so far 到现在为止 婉客气。 visit v.拜访、参观;(歌手)巡演 When will you finish these letters? (如上司对下属)When will all parts of the country 全国各地(all在这里的意思是―各种you be seeing Mr. White?(如下属对上司) 的,各个‖) Mary won‘t pay this bill. (她拒绝付帐) in all parts of the world 在全世界各地 Mary won‘t be paying this bill. (将来的事实)

2、They will be coming by train and most of the young people in Won‘t you join us for dinner? 你来和我们一起吃饭好吗?the town will be meeting them at the station. (邀请) Won‘t you be joining us for dinner? 你会和我们will be doing 将来进行时态,用来表示最近的将来正在进行一起吃饭吗?(将来的事实) 的动作或说话人设想已经安排好的事情,将来进行时态的意【语法精粹】 思往往等于一般将来时态. 1.\We will be acting. 我们将要行动了 \most of the young people in the town 镇上的大部分年轻人A. it will be B. there'd be C. there will be D. there is (介词短语作定语) schedule 按计划;delay n. 延迟, 拖延和耽误it be 它most of + the… 大多数的……(一定要加?the‘) 是,be动词的后面一旦加名词, 往往认为主语和名词之间是most of the books; most of the time 等号关系 most of the young people = most young people 2.He'll leave for Paris before you___C__next week. most students = most of the students. A. will come back B. will be back C. come back D. came back ★meet 3.Our next meeting__C___on 1st December ① vt.&vi.(偶然)遇见,遇到We met at a restaurant. A. has been held B. will hold C. is to be held D. is holding ② vt.(约定地点或时间)和……会面,迎接 be to,将来的标志, 是将来还是被动 meet sb. +地点 去某地接某人 4.Where__C___a will,there is a way. Who will be meet you when you arrive in London? A. there will have B. has been there see sb. off 送行, 目送 C. there is D. there has been. ③ vt.(经介绍)和……相识/见面 是个谚语―有志者事竞成‖where 引导地点状语从句 I‘d like to meet your brother. 5.It__B___be Wednesday tomorrow.

3、Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club A. is going to B. will C. is about to D. is to 在工人俱乐部 Will和be going to一般可以互换, 遇上没有办法打算和计划4、The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During 安排的, 只能用will be(单纯的表将来) this time, they will give five performances. be about to 计划打算; be to 计划打算; be going to 计…will be staying here for five days 逗留五天 划打算 …give five performances 演出五场 【Special Difficulties】 5、As usual, the police will have a difficult time. 名词所有格:



① 在单数名词及不以 -s 结尾的人名后加 -'s; ② 在以 -s 结尾的单数名词后加 -'s;

③ 在规则的复数名词的 -s 后面加所有格符号 '; ④ -s 结尾的人名后可用 's 也可用所有格符号 ';

⑤ 如果是用and连接的两个人名,则在第二个人名上加-'s;也可以同时有两个所有格:

My brother‘s neighbour‘s sister is a nurse. 我兄弟的邻居的姐姐/妹妹是一名护士。

⑥ 有些无生命的物体后面也可以用所有格,如与时间有关的:in twenty minutes' time。3 minutes' walk(drive) 走路或开车三分钟的路程 a month‘s salary


I want ten pounds' worth of minced meat. (minced meat 碎肉) How much damage was there? 哪儿有多大的损失? There was a hundred pounds'worth of damage. 【语法精粹】 I want ( C ).

A.a dollar worth candy B.candy a dollar's worth C.a dollar's worth of candy D.a dollar worth's candy 【Multiple choice questions】

5 During this time, they will give five performances. That's what they'll do ___a___ this time. a. in b. on c. of d. while during this time: 在这段期间

during和in之间有区别, 但是它们之间却是近义词 during this time=in this time (this time 这一次)

12 It's always the same on these occasions. It's always the same at ___d___ like this.

a. situation b. conditions c. place d. times on these occasions:在一个时候 situation: 情况, in the situation

condition: 状态, 条件, in the condition

11 The Greenwood Boys will give five performances. They will give five ___a___ . a. recital b. executions c. play d. songs recital n. 朗诵,(对外公开)的演出

execution n. 演出(倾向技巧);play n. 戏剧;

Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 【New words and expressions】(7) ★amusing adj. 好笑的, 有趣的 The story is amusing. (好笑的)

amused adj. 感到好笑的(要笑出声)

amuse v. 使发笑,使愉快The story amused me.

funny adj. 好笑的(不一定要笑出声可以指贬义),开心的,令人开心的interesting / funny story

★experience n. 经历(可数);经验(不可数) ① n. 经历(可数)He has a lot of experiences.

② n. 经验,体验(不可数)Does she have any experience in teaching?③ vt. 经验,体验The village has experienced great changes since 1980.

experienced adj. 有经验的,经验丰富的 He is an experienced doctor.

★wave v. 招手wave to sb. 向某人招手

★lift n. 搭便车A give B a lift. 让某人搭便车

take a bus/taxi/lift 乘公共汽车/乘出租汽车/搭便车 B wants


to take a lift. 某人想搭便车

thumb lift 拇指便车(向过路车辆竖起拇指表示要求免费搭车)

★reply v. 回答 reply与answer的区别:

① 作为不及物动词是一样的 :He answered/replied. ② 作为及物动词就不一样了 : answer sth. answer the letter 回信

reply to sth. I will reply to the letter. 回信 ★language n. 语言

native language 母语mother tongue 母语(口语中用) My mother tongue is Chinese.

★journey n. 旅行 所有的旅行,偏重于陆地旅行 go on a journey;3 days' journey(三天路程)

trip n. 短距离旅行或出差(时间或距离上较短) go on a trip = go on business

travel n. 周游(长途旅行)tour n. 游玩(为了玩) tourist n. 游客 voyage n. 旅行(海上) flight n. 空中飞行 【课文讲解】

1、After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.

after引导的从句如果一个是过去时,一个是过去完成时,那一定是从句用过去完成时;before引导的从句表示―在……之前‖,主句发生在从句之前, 主句用过去完成时。 drive on 继续开往(on加在动词的后面表示继续) My heart will go on 《我心永恒》

副词on紧跟在动词后面时可以表示―向前‖、―继续下去‖等意义:He talked on until everybody had gone. 他滔滔不绝地讲到大家都走了。

表达方位的表达方式一共有3个介词, in(在……里面),on(接壤),to(没有相接的, 是相离的)

A is to the east of B (A B不相接)A is on the east of B (A B接壤)A is in the east of B (A在B里面)

2、On the way, a young man waved to me. on the way 在路上, 在途中 wave to sb. 冲某人挥手 3、As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him

in French and he replied in the same language. as soon as 一……就……,后面一定要加一个句子(时间状语从句), 强调两个动作几乎是连在一起的,―一‖ 后面的先发生

只要是状语从句, 一旦遇到将来时, 变为一般现在时As soon as you arrive,you must call me.


I speak English. I say a word in Chinese.

reply 要想加宾语要加 to (+要回答的内容),而in the same language 在句中作状语, 不是replay所应回答的问题(宾语), 故用in

4、Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. apart from… 除……以外 not … at all 一点都不,表强调

5、I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, \nearly 将要

when的翻译要看具体情况, 在这里译为―就在此时‖

I had nearly reached home when I found my mother standing there.

Do you speak English? 你说英语吗? 你是说英语国家的人吗?(问的是一个事实,不是问会说英语吗) Do you swim?


Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?

6、As I soon learnt, he was English himself!'

I learn 我得知; I know 我知道(我本来就知道)

As+主语+动词,从句 (As my mother said/As I heard/ As I learnt) 正如……

As we know,the New Concept English is very good. 正如我们所知……

As I think,it is the coldest day in the year. As he said, English is easy to learn.

himself反身代词单独放在句尾, 起强调作用 I read English myself. 【Key structures】 过去完成时

过去完成时:由had+过去分词构成,它表示过去某时或某动作发生之前已经完成的动作或情况,即―较早的过去‖。过去完成时一定要以一个过去时态作铺垫, 这个动作一定要发生在had done之后。

在用过去完成时态的句子中,常用连词when,after,as soon as,until,by that time等。常与现在完成时连用的副词如already,just,never,never…before也常与过去完成时连用,以强调事件发生的先后次序:I didn‘t know that she was a famous actress until you had told me.

在那些用过去完成时的句子中没有明确的时间状语,但通过上下文可以看出动作发生的先后。 Exercises D (用正确的时态填空)

1 The moment he had said this, he ______ (regret) it.

the moment = as soon as 一……就……,后面直接加从句2 It ______ (begin) to rain before she took a taxi.before从句用一般过去时, 主句用过去完成时 【Special Difficulties】 Ask与Ask For:

ask v. 问,询问;请求,要求,邀请

ask a question/ask sb. 问(一个问题)/问某人 I asked (Mary) a question.

They asked Tony to sing a song. ask for 要,要求(某样东西)

I asked for a cup of coffee, but they gave me a cup of tea./You are always asking for help.

Except, Except for与Apart from

三者都表示―除……以外‖,有时可以互换,但except不用于句首,except for和apart from则可以。

Everyone has helped in some way apart from/except for/except you.

Apart from/Except for you, everyone has helped in some way. apart from习惯上喜欢放句首, apart from=except/besides

如果认为整体之中做这件事情的人除了整体之外,还有这个人也做了(包括),是加号=besides;如果认为整体之中做这件事情的人除了整体之外,这个人没有做(排除),是减号=except;如果放在句首,统一用apart from代替except/besides All the passengers are millionaire except us. (减号)

I invited everyone except George. / Except for George I invited everyone.

Except for/apart from this, everything is in order.

except for含有对整体中的某一个方面不满意,except for 可以不放在句首, 强调整体当中某一方面除外, 剩下的整体都不错

The article is very good except for his handwriing. Except for his height, he is very excellent. Which of,Either of,Neigher of与Both of



either of 两者当中的任何一个neither of 两者都不which of 那一个both of 两者都

① 当询问在两个或更多的人或事物中偏爱哪一个或选择哪一个时,可用which .I like both of these bags. Which of the two do you prefer?

② either与neither都是对两个人或物而言(后接单数名词)。either指one or the other(不是这个就是那个),either和neither后跟of时则指两个事物中的每一个 either of sb. 当中的任何一个

neither of sb. ……当中的任何一个都不.

③ both只指两个人或物。当它用在名词前时,of 可有可无;当用在代词前面时,其后必须加of

Both books/Both of the books are interesting. Both of us/them left early.

④none of 三者或三者以上之间都不 Exercise

5 He could not answer(neither of)(either of)the questions I (asked)(asked for).

either of(前面有not, 故只能选either of) , asked 【Multiple choice questions】

6 I speak a few words of French. I don't know ___b_ French a. many b. much c. plenty of d. a little plenty of 足够多的;not…plenty of 不够多 not much = a little 一些not a little = much 很多 7 Neither of us spoke. We ___c___ . a. neither spoke b. either spoke c. both didn't speak d. neither didn't speak

11 He replied in French. He ___b___ the writer in French.a. responed b. answered c. returne d. remarked


9 The young man waved to the writer. He ___c___ him.a. salute b. greeted c. signalled to d. nodded salute v. 行军礼, 军人的问候

The soldier saluted his officer. 士兵的问候 greet v. 问候 ; signal v. 发出信号 10 He asked for a lift. He was a ___b___.

a. tramp b. hitch hiker c. passenge d. foreigner

tramp n. 流浪汉 ;hitch hiker 搭便车的人 ;passenger n. 乘客(指要付车钱的那种)

12 The writer had ___b___ reached the town when the young man spoke.

a.often b.almost c.sometimes d.just as almost=nearly just as+时间从句 正当……时候

Lesson 15 Good news

【New words and expressions】(5) Secretary/secret n. 秘密

★nervous adj. 精神紧张的 ① adj. 神经质的,神经紧张的

She is a nervous woman. Do you see that nervous smile on her face?

② 紧张的,担心的,情绪不安的

He had never spoken in public, so he was very nervous. nervous adj. 精神紧张的(事情发生时)

worried adj. 担心的(为以后的事情) upset adj. 不安的 (对以前的事情) irritable adj. 易怒的,急躁的

Mary is an irritable old lady. She gets angry easily.

★afford v. 负担得起

① vt. 买得起(常与can/can‘t连用)afford sth. ② vt. 担负得起(损失、后果等),花得起(时间)(常与can/can‘t连用)afford money/time

I can afford the hoilday. (有时间去) I can only afford one week for the trip. afford to do sth..

I can‘t afford to be ill again. 我不能再病了。 ③ vt. 提供,给予

Joe afforded us a room for the night. ★interrupt v. 插话, 打断

disturb v. 打扰某人Sorry to disturb you. interruption n. 中断,打断 【课文讲解】

1、The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me.would在这里不是表示单纯的过去将来时,而是表示―想……‖、―要……‖的意思: What would you like to have?

2、He did not look up from his desk when I entered. look up表示原先在埋头干什么,之后抬头看

He looked up (from his book) when he heard a noise. look down 往地上看(look up的反义词) look down upon/on sb. 瞧不起某人

3、He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.

collect salary 领薪水 pay salary 支付薪水 large一般指东西的数量大

so的后面加形容词或副词;such的后面加名词, 容许在该名词前面加修饰词

4、I knew that my turn had come. turn n. 轮流,轮班,(依次轮流时各自的)一次机会It is my turn. 轮到我了(口语常用形式)

5、'Mr.Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice. in a … voice 用……的声音

in a loud(大声)/low (低声)/weak(强调心里不踏实)/strong(理直气壮) voice 6、Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!

以下词都可表示 ―再, 又‖ 的意思, 注意用法 : ① an extra thousand(作名词看) 数量+extra+名词 再有多少

On Sundays, I usually get some extra sleep.

Last month, he was paid an extra hundred pounds. ② two others = two other +名词 ③ two more

Give me two extra/other/more books.再给我两本书。 once more: 再一次

④ another three days 另外三天(只有another 的数词在后面) 【Key structures】 间接引语

把某人所说的话告诉另外一个人时,应该使用间接引语。间接陈述句的时态往往受引述动词的影响。引述陈述句时最常用的动词是say和tell,tell后面必须跟表示人称的间接宾语(tell sb.),而say后面则可跟或不跟to+讲话对象。 1、主从一致 : 主句和从句的时态一致

① 主句的动词为一般现在时, 从句为任意时态

② 主句的动词为一般过去时, 从句为相对应的过去时态(时态倒移)

2、人称变化:主要是第一和第二人称变化 3、只要属于宾语从句, 引导词that可以省略


【Special Difficulties】 Office, Study, Desk

office n. 办公室 study n. 书房desk n. 课桌

Exercises :1 We shall use the spare room in our new house as a ______ .study

5 Since his illness he has been very ______ . He is always losing his temper. (irritable) 【Multiple choice questions】 10 It's your turn ___c___ .

a.It's your line b.It's your row c.You're next d.It's your chance

12 The writer would receive an extra £1,000 a year. He would get £1,000 a year ___b___ . a. less b. more c. over d. up

more可以放数词和名词之间, 甚至可放在整个名词的后面two more eggs,once more;extra和other一定放在数词和名词之间, another一定放在数词前面 over sth. 超过(多余)什么东西 【语法精粹】

间接引语:如果是现在进行时在直接引语当中变成间接引语, 极有可能选用过去完成时

1.My brother__A__while he____his bicycle and hurt himself. A.fell/was riding B.feel/was riding

C.had fallen/rode D.had fallen/was riding fell(跌下来),ride(骑自行车)

2.He__ C __his leg as he_____in a football match. A.broke/played B.was breaking/was playing C.broke/was playing D.was breaking/played 3.My father will be here tomorrow. I thought that he__ A __today.

A.was coming B.is coming C.will come D.comes be coming表示将要


4.Jack was going out of the shop when he collided with an old woman who__ B __. Collide

A.come B.wascoming C.hadbeencoming D.hadcome 5.Mike couldn't come to the telephone when Mr.Smith called her because she___C__in the lab. A.had been working B.has been working C.was working D.worked

Lesson 16 A polite request

【New words and expressions】(9)

★park v. 停放(汽车) parking area 停车场 ★traffic n. 交通 traffic police 交通警

traffic lights 交通灯,另义为拐弯口, 红绿灯, 十字路口traffic jam 交通堵塞

I spend a lot of time in traffic jam heavy traffic 繁重的交通

I was ordered to drive in heavy traffic. (交通拥挤) first crossing/turning 叉路口, 拐角 ★note n. 便条; n. 纸条, 纸钞 make notes 做笔记 message n. 消息 ★area n. 地段

area n. 场地, 地段(一块对方), 大地点, 小地点都可以place n. 地点region n. 地区(交战, 开火)In this region, there were a lot of wars. 战火连绵

★reminder n. 提示(可以指人,也可以指物,

remind v. 提示, 提醒

remind sb. of sth. You remind me of your mother. remind sb. to do sth.

★fail v. 无视, 忘记,失败

① vi. 失败 fail+宾语 做某事失败

fail (in) doing sth. 在某些方面失败 (in可省略) He failed (in) examination.

② vi. 不及格③ vt. 使……不及格

The teacher said he would fail me if I don‘t work harder.

④ vt. 未能……,不能……,忘记……(后接不定式)fail to do sth. 没有能够做某事,忘记做…… not fail to do sth. 一定能够某事

You can not fail to drive it. 你一定能够驾驶

If you arrived in Beijing, you cannot fail to find the New Oriental School. 【课文讲解】

1、If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.


One can never know what will happen tomorrow.

If you make a journey around the world, you‘ll see many beauty spots.

in the wrong place 不合适的地方

wrong adj. 不合适的, right adj. 合适的 He is the right person who you are looking for.

the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.

2、You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. let (sb.) go 放开,释放,使自由让(sb)去The man won‘t let go (of) my arm.抓住胳膊不放。

without a ticket=without giving you a ticket

If 引导的叫条件句, without后面的名词也叫条件 without+n. 如果没有Without water,fish cannot live. 3、However, this does not always happen. however=but 然而,however常常放在句首或句子中都可以,but习惯放在两个句子之间;but转折性语义比较强,however转折语义比较弱

4、During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a \Parking\area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.' on my car 指车的外面 welcome sb. to+地点 欢迎某人来某地 Enjoy your stay here. 祝你玩得开心 only a reminder==not a ticket

―No Parking‖在句中作area的定语,由若干个词合成的词组型定语有:

a never-to-be-forgotten day一个永远也不能忘掉的日子a well-to-do family 一个富裕的家庭 【Key structures】

条件句(Conditional sentences)

if引导的条件从句指能够发生、可能发生或可能发生过的事件。如果认为将来的事件很可能会发生,那么if从句中要用一般现在时(有时也用其他形式的现在时),主句中用will(或shall)加动词形式或其他形式的将来时。 If he is sleeping,don't wake him up.

条件句的主句中的will表示肯定如此或几乎可以肯定会如此。如果觉得其―肯定‖程度达不到使用will的程度,或者如果想表达建议等其他意思,就可以用别的情态助动词来代替will;条件句中的主句还可以用祈使语气等表示请求、建议等。 You can post these letters if you want to.


Exercises C

5 If he ______ (enjoy) concerts, why doesn't he come with us?.enjoys, why doesn't跟第三人称连用, 是一种建议; why not连在一起表示建议

【Special Difficulties】

Police and Traffic Police traffic police 交通警 police n. 警察

① n. 警察部门,警方(与the连用) Ring the police if there is a burglary. ② 警察(复数)

The police are questioning a foreign tourist.

③ 如果要单指一名警察,可以用policeman或policewoman There is a traffic policeman over there. Pay attention to,Care,Take care of,Look after pay attention to (思想上)注意 notice (眼睛上的)注意

care 关心, 在意I don't care. 我不在乎。 Who cares? 我不在乎(谁在乎!)

I don‘t care if he breaks his neck! 他就是折断颈骨,我也不在乎!take care of==look after 照顾, 照料 Remind and Remember remind v. 提醒

remind sb. of sth., remind sb. to do sth. remember v. 记起, 记得

Remember? 记得吗?(可以单独用) remember to do sth. 记得要去做…… remember doing sth. 记得已经做了

remember sb. to sb. 前者向后者表示问候

Remember me to your mother. 代我向你母亲问好 Exercise (选择正确的词)

1 You can only learn if you(look after)(pay attention). 【Multiple choice questions】 6?No Parking‘means ___a___ .

a. don't leave your car here b. without parking c. don't stop d. there's no room to park here park v. 停放(侧重放)

stop v. 让运动中的东西停下来

leave v. 离开, 留下来, 丢在某地(一定要加宾语和地点) leave sth. Here/I left keys at home.

7 This note is only a reminder. It's ___d___ .

a. nothing b. no one c. nothing extra d. nothing more nothing是不定代词,修饰词要放在不定代词的后面 It is nothing. 他什么都不是.

extra做定语时,一定要放在被修饰词前面,如one extra thousand;而more可以放在被修饰词前面或后面,如two more.../...more nothing extra : × ; nothing more : √ 9 You will enjoy your stay. It will ___d___ you. a.amus b.enjoy c.laugh at d.please enjoy的典型用法是―主语从宾语身上得到享受‖ laugh at(sb.) 嘲笑某人 amuse(sb.) 让某人笑出来 please(sb.) 让某人高兴; 取悦 可以直接加人的动词:shock,surprise,amuse,please,worry,其共同特征是和人的感觉相连 be worried about 为……担心

Lesson 17 Always young

【New words and expressions】(5) ★appear v. 登场, 扮演

① vi. 出现,显露(反义词是disappear)

The plane appeared./The plane disappeared. ② vi. 当众露面;登场(演出等) I can‘t appear in this dress at the party. appear as 扮演……角色

He appeared as a prince. (prince n. 王子) appear on the stage as… (扮演的确切表达) My aunt appeared on the stage as a young girl.

③ vi. 似乎,看起来好象(与seem同义),显得(系动词,后面直接加形容词)

He appears nervous. 他显得很紧张(看起来) She appears to know you.

★stage n. 舞台on the stage 在舞台上 in the stage 在某一阶段(时期)

★bright adj. 鲜艳的bright red 鲜红色; bright yellow 明黄色; bright blue 宝蓝色 【课文讲解】

1、My aunt Jennifer is an actress.

以-ess结尾的是女性;以-or、-er结尾的是男性 Actor/ actress waiter / waitress prince 王子/princess 公主 lion/ lioness

doctor /woman doctor god 神/ goddess 女神 (God 上帝,注意 ―G‖ 大写)

2、She must be at least thirty-five years old. 年龄的两种表示方法:

① 数字+years old,作表语thirty-five years old ② 数字+-year-old,作定语my four-year-old daughter must + 动词原形 不得不, 必须;(对现在的)推测 She must be a model.

She must be fifteen years old. 她很可能五岁 She must be at most fifteen years old. 她最多十五 at least 至少, 最少 at most 最多

3、In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. in spite of 不管,尽管 (―of‖ 为介词, 后面一定会加名词、代词或从句)

In spite of this, I still like school. (school前不加―the‖表示上学,加―the‖只表示学校)

4、Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. join 参加了某一种团体

join sb./sth. join the army 参军join the party 入党 join us (口语)加入我们(这个团体)中来

take part in 参加某一种活动take part in the race 参加比赛 take part in a play

attend 出席attend the meeting 参加会议, 出席会议attend the party 出席宴会 attend the class 上课

Thank you for your attending.谢谢大家的出席(到来) 5、This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. 两种年龄的表达:

She is eighteen years old./She is a girl of eighteen.

6、In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. in (+颜色、衣服) 穿着……样的衣服,用介词短语取代动词,避免了一句话中出现两个动词

7、If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!' ever = at any time 任何时候(时间副词) be grown-up 作为一个成年人 grow up (人)成长

当有人问你年龄时,你可以这样回答: It is a secret. / It is privacy./I forget it.


【Key structures】 情态助动词must Must译为―必须‖,可以表示―必要,命令或强制,邀请,决心,不可推卸的责任‖等多处含义。它没有时态和人称变化,通常只用于现在时和将来时。在其他时态时,must的有些含义可以用have to或have got to。这三种形式一般可以互换,但用于第一人称时,have to(have got to)强调客观的要求或外在的原因,must则强调主观的要求或表示说话的人认为自己有权做某事。

have to和have got to往往可以互换,但与always,sometimes等频度副词连用时,用have to往往比用havt got to好。have got to比have to更口语化。

在过去时的句子中, 要用have to 来表示 ―必须‖,have to可以有任意时态have to作为实义动词, 否定式为don't have to;will not have to;didn't have to

在表达―难道你不能不(做……)‖时,一般用―Must you…?‖,而不用―Do you have to…?‖

Must you leave now? 难道你非得现在就走吗? I‘m afraid so. I have to study for an exam.

must可以表示推测,must do表示对现在的推测;must have done表示对过去的推测

在 I think…/he thinks…的从句中,一定要用事实说话. (不能说成 ―I think he must be a fool.‖ ) must be的否定式为can‘t be(不可能):

Someone‘s using the phone, it must be John.It can‘t be John. He promised me he wouldn‘t use it today. 【Special Difficulties】 As的用法

① 作为介词,可以表示―作为‖、―以……身份‖等 As a mechanic, he can‘t always keep himself clean.

② 作为连词,可以表示―因为‖、―正当……时候‖、―以……方式‖或―如同……那样‖等

You must take care of the bady tomorrow as I am going to London.(因为,由于)

As we were talking about him, he knocked at the door. Do as you are told.

③ ―担任……工作‖ I work as an engineer. Dress, Suit, Costume

dress n. 裙子,晚礼服,连衣裙(女式)

suit n. 套装(男式)My brother never wears ready-made suits. 我的弟弟从来不穿成衣。

costume n. 演出服,民族服装,某一年代所穿的服装 All the actors wore fifteenth-century costumes. 所有演员都穿着15世纪的服装。

Grow and Grow up

grow vi. 生长,成长,发育

Trees of the kind don‘t grow in our country. How tall you‘ve got! You‘ve grown a lot.

grow up 长成,成熟(其被动态表示长大成人) Lucy has grown up a lot since I last saw her. Exercises

3 She hired a(suit)(costume)for the fancy-dress party. Costume fancy-dress-party 化妆舞会; 【Multiple choice questions】

3 She must be at least thirty-five years old. In my opinion she ____b__ . a. has b. is c. can d. must

in one's opinion =sb. think 就某人看来(后面一定是事实)in one's opinion 常常取代sb. think, I think太强调个人观点

8 She often appears as a young girl. She ___a___ on the stage as a young girl.

was/were able to 表示这个动作在过去成功地做 be accustomed to doing sth. 习惯于做某事. will be able to =can 将来可能会成 be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 比较:I used to get up early but I don't anymore. 我过去常Lesson 44 Through the forest 早起, 但现在不再早起了。 【New words and expressions】(9) devote to doing sth. 奉献给某事, 把…奉献给…… ★risk ① n. 危险,风险 devote oneself to doing sth. (全身心投入做某事) John took/ran the risk of damaging his bus and drove it into the object to doing sth. 反对做某事 back of the thieves‘car. get/be tired of doing sth. 对……厌烦, 作为系动词get可与John saved me at the risk of his own life. be 替换 believe in 信任,信仰

② vt. 冒……危险,使……遭受危险We‘d better take a taxi. believe in + sb. 表示信任某人,信仰某人 We can‘t risk missing the plane. believe in + doing sth. 表示我的信条是... ★breath n. 呼吸out of breath 上气不接下气 accuse sb. of doing sth. 因某事控告某人(accusevt. 控告;指waste one's breath 白费口舌 控) in one breath 片刻, 转眼间 3、在start,begin,continue等后面,既可以用不定式又可以He finished water in one breath. 他一口气把水喝完了. hold 用动名词,区别不大: one's breath 屏住呼吸 4、在love,like,prefer等动词后,用不定式和动名词意义有bad breath 口臭 You have a bad breath. 所区别。 ★contents n. (常用复数)内有的物品(具体的东西) hate,love,like+doing sth. 表示一种习惯(always) contents of the bag 包里的书 hate,love,like+to do sth. 表示某一次性的行为(now) More contents! (口语) 在吃饭时要求再加些饭菜时可以would love /like to do sth. 表示想要, 习惯于在前面加 这样说. content n. 内容(抽象) would.餐厅服务员习惯会问: ―Would you like to…?‖,而不会【课文讲解】 用 ―Do you like…?‖,他只关心你现在想吃什么,而不管你平1、Mrs. Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking 常吃什么。 when she ran through a forest after two men. I hate to do sth.… 不喜欢……

think of… 考虑,思考take a risk(of doing) 冒……风险run I hate to say but I really have something important to do. 你想after 追赶;追随;追求 run behind 在某人后面跑run to 拒绝别人的邀请时可用的句型 跑向 prefer…to…结构中只能用动名词 2、They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the I prefer walking to driving. edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag. 5、在need,want之后,动名词形式具有被动的含义,相当rush up to sb. 迎面冲向某人up向上,面对面,与说话人相于被动的不定式: 反方向;down方向相同,与说话人相同方向 go down 接如果以物体做主语,可以直接加动词-ing,表达被动的含义 着往前走,不用回头 【Mutiple choice questions】 up to可以表示地点、时间等―一直到……‖ 4 They were going through the contents of the bag. ___c___she have a picnic 野餐 ran straight at them. at the edge of 在……的边上 a. For this b. That's because c. That's why d. That's so 3、In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their that's后一般加特殊疑问词引导的从句,或that's all加从句for possession, both men started running through the trees. in one's 加句子的时候, 习惯上放在主句之后,表示―由于某个理由‖,possession = in the possession of sb. 为某人所拥有…… 不说for this 而说for this reason

4、When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat 5 They got such a fright. They were ___c___.

down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she ran a.so frightful b.such frightened c.so frightened d.such straight at them. fright frightful=terrible adj. 糟糕 go through (仔细地)搜查,在……中搜寻,浏览,翻看(速so +adj./adv.;such +n. (d 应为 such a fright) 度较快的看). catch up with sb. 追上,赶上(强调结果) Lesson 45 A clear conscience contents of the bag 包里的东西 【New words and expressions】(6) run (straight) at (at 强调瞄准,一般与straight相连都用at) ★conscience n. 良心, 道德心 【letter writing】 a clear conscience 问心无愧 信封上的地址的书写方式:收信人的姓名和地址必须在信封a guilty/bad conscience 问心有愧(guilty adj.犯罪的, 有罪的心的中央,称呼总是和姓名连在一起的: 虚的)I have a guilty conscience.我问心有愧★wallet n. 皮夹, Mr. James Thompson;James Thompson Esq.;Miss H. 钱夹 (一般指的是男用的那种皮夹) purse钱包(女士用) Thompson;Mrs. D Thompson;Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, handbag n. 手袋billfold 皮夹, 钱包(美语) (意为纸币折叠形Esq.? Esquire写信时对男性的尊称(放在人名的后面),等同成的, 很形象) 于Mr. 但位置不同Mr.and Mrs.(已婚),一般夫妇一起邀请.★savings n. 存款 先写人名,再写地址,写信人的地址写在信封背面,或放在savings account 存款账号(有利息的, 有点象活期存款) 信中 checking account 存款(没有利息) 【Key structures】动名词 deposit n. 定金deposit account 存款(有利息, 有点象定期1、动名词可以做主语、宾语、介词宾语等 存款)ATM (auto teller machine) 自动取款机 self-service That‘s no excuse for not mending the chair! machine 自助银行 2、动名词还可以用于―动词+介词‖之后 cash card 取款卡 look forward to doing sth. 期待、盼望做某事 IC ① interchange 高速公路转换出入口


② integrate circuit [电]集成电路,指令计数器 a. sent b. has sent c. was sent d. had sent 【课文讲解】 send/take/give sb. sth. (send=take/give),双宾语一般用离动词1、The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had 最近的宾语来做被语动态的主语 been lost. sent sb. sth. -> 变被动 sb. be sent sth. village在这里为总称,指―村民‖,the whole village指―全村的send sth. to sb. -> 变被动 sth. be sent to sb.

人‖,后面通常跟单数动词(有时也可视为复数) The whole 10 How much did it contain? How much___b___ ? village was excited by news. a. did it consist b. was there in it c. did it include d. had it learn v. 得知,获悉 contain/container 与容器有关,或类似于容器的东西的包含the whole world learnt… 全世界都知道…… include指一种抽象的包含 a large sum of… 一大笔…… 12 ___b___, all Sam's money was returned. 2、Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking a. At times b. After a time c. With the times d. A long time his savings to the post office. a time一段时间, 不译为 ―一次‖ , 一次用 ―once‖ while doing是现在分词短语用于连词之后,作用相当于一个for a long time after a time = after some time 时间状语从句。现在分词这样用的前提是两个动词的主语是 同一个,并且这两个动作通常是同时发生(即这句话一定要是Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 进行时态)。如果主语不一致则必须用从句。 【New words and expressions】(12) 这句话完整的应为: while he was taking his savings… ★unload v. 卸(货)load v. 装货

3、Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his ★extremely adv. 非常, 极其,把一个形容词或副词推到了wallet outside his front door. 极限,达到了无以复加的程度 三种表示一段时间以后,另外一件事情发生的方式: ★occur ① vi. 发生When did the accident occur? ①…passed, and then ② vi. 被想起,被想到 ② some time later It occured to sb. that… 某人想起了…… ③ some time passed before… It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人想起了…… 4、It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. money he had lost, together with a note which said: 'A thief, yes, 突然一个工人想到打开箱子看看 but only 50 per cent a thief!' wrap up 包裹 sth. occur to sb. 某人突然想起某件事 (从后面往前面翻)A It had been wrapped up in newspaper by somebody. (用报纸包good idea occured to me. = I have a good idea. happen vi. 用in,不能用by) 发生 half the money =half of the money 钱的一半(half 直接加在What happened/occured ? 名词前表示 ―一半‖ ) It happened to me… 这件事发生在我身上 half an hour 半个小时 , half a year 半年 What happened to you? = What's wrong with you? Half the bread/half of the bread was bad. ★astonish vt. 使惊讶 together with… = with… 随它一起的还有……(介词短语作状如果一个动词跟人的情绪有关,则它的宾语是人,其形容词语) 有两个:令人 –ing;感到 –ed astonishing adj. 令人惊讶 a note said… 纸条上说……the picture said… 图片上astonished adj.感到惊讶的 说……newspaper said… 报纸上说…… I am surprised.-->astonished-->astounded-->shocked 惊讶5、In time, all Sam's money was paid back in this way. 程度递增surprise最常用,但意思肤浅astonished 难以置信in time = in the end 最终,最后,经过一段时间 的事astound vt. 使惊骇, 使大吃一惊 (非常吃惊, 目瞪口pay back 还回来in the way 以这种方式 呆)shock不快的事 【Special Difficulties】 ★discover v. 发现 (属于那种以前你不知道的事现在知Steal and Rob 道了)discovery n. 探索,发现 steal (something from someone or somewhere) 偷(从某人或某★admit ① vt. 承认,供认 处) steal (sth.) from (sb.) admit sth. / admit doing sth. 承认做某事 rob (someone of something )(a building,a blank,a house,etc.) admit that… 承认…… 抢(某人的某物)(大楼、银行、房子等)rob (sb.) of (sth.) deny sth. /deny doing sth. 拒绝做…… rob后跟人或地方 ② vt. 准许……进入,准许……加入 Pay back ① 偿还 Without a ticket you won‘t be admitted into cinema. ②报答;向……报复(pay sb. back) ★confine v. 关在或局限在某个地方(一个狭小的空间里) I‘ll pay you back for what you did to me.你对我这样,我一定会sb. was confined to +地点 某人被关在某个地方 报仇的。 【课文讲解】 【Multiple choice questions】 1、When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers 3 Sam was taking his savings to the post office ___a___ he lost began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained his wallet. clothing. a.when b.while c.as d.just as a number of… 许多,若干…….

while doing 两者同时发生(while sb. was doing 当……时候),unload 的含义为―卸(货)‖,它的反义词为load(装货)。与形容能用while、as(as等同于while)的地方就可以用when,反之词uncomfortable,unsmiling等相似,有些动词加前缀un可则不一定。when后的时间表达即可以是点,也可以是段;while以表示做相反的动作。 后的时间表达只可以是段 clothing服装的总称,不可数名词,在分类时强调衣服这一种7 Some more money was sent to Sam. Sam ___c___ some 类,可包括鞋、帽等;clothes一般指衣服,表\衣服\的单数more money. 名词的复数形式, 表许多衣服。


2、No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy.

No one could account for the fact that… 谁也弄不清楚……这样一个事实

account for = explain= give the explanation 说明原因、作出说明(或解释),但也有区别,account 的解释必须是令人满意的,而explain 却只要是一个解释就行 How do you account for the battered car?

that后面的从句为fact的同位语从句,说明fact的具体内容。一个句子跟在一个名词后,可以是定语从句,也可以是同位语从句。两者的区别是同位语从句后的that是起解释说明的作用,而定语从句是起修饰作用;that在从句中做主语或宾语成分,则是定语从句,that在从句中不能做主语或宾语成分,则是同位语从句 3、It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. sth. occurred to sb. 某人想起某事 open up 打开

4、He was astonished at what he found.

sb. be astonished at sth. 某事使/让某人吃惊

5、A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of wooden goods.

a pile of 一堆……piles of snow 一堆堆的雪 on top of 在……之上(与顶端有接触面)

at the top of 在……上方(at the top of之前的词属于其之后的词的范围之内)

6、He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours. over = more than

have a trip = go on a trip

be confined to 把……限制起来 for在文中这里强调事实, 而非原因

7、The man was ordered to pay $3,500 for the cost of the trip. pay…for… 为……付钱,为……付出代价 cost of… ……的花费, 费用 the cost of government 政府开支 【Key structures】

与 to, at, for和 with连用的动词 与to连用的动词:accustom(ed) to(习惯于);amount to(达到);appeal to(呼吁);apply to /for(适用于);attach(ed) to(附属于);attend to(参加);belong to(属于);challenge to(向……提出挑战);compare to /with(比较);condemn(ed) to(判刑);confess to(承认);confine to(限制);consent to(同意);convert to(改信(某宗教));entitle(d) to(享有权利);listen to(听);mention to(提到);object to(反对); occur to(想到); prefer to(更喜欢);react to /against(对……反应);reply to(回答);respond to(响应);see to(注意);submit to(服从于); surrender to(向……投降);turn to(转向);yield to(屈服)。

I prefer listening to music to reading newspapers. I shall see to the dinner tonight. 今晚我做晚饭。

与at连用的动词:amused at/by(对……感到有趣);arrive at/in(到达);astonish (ed) at/ by(感到惊愕);exclaim at(惊叫);glance at(对……看一眼);guess at(猜测);knock at(敲);look at(看);point at/to(指向);shock(ed) at / by(感到震惊);stare at(盯着……看);surprise(d) at /by(感到惊讶);wonder at/about(感到惊异);work at/on(钻研)。

at通常用于表达感情的一些词后,并且这些词往往用被动语态,at用于其它动词之后一般为主动语态。 与 for连用的动词:account for(说明(原因));ask for/of(请求);act for/on(代表);apologize for(因……而道歉);blame for(责备);beg for(乞求);call for(需要);charge for(收费);exchange


for(交换);hope for(希望);look for(寻找);mistake for(误认为);mourn for(哀悼);pay for(为……付款);prepare for(准备);provide for(提供);search for(寻求);thank for(感谢);vote for/on 投票支持;wait for/on(等候)。

与with连用的动词:agree with(同意);begin with(以……开始);communicate with(与……联络);compare with/to(与……比较);compete with/against(同……竞争);comply with(同意;confuse with(误作);contrast with/to(形成对照);cope with(对付);correspond with(与……一致);disgust(ed) with(使……讨厌);finish with(完成);help with/ in(帮助);interfere with/in(干扰);mix with(混合);occupy(ied) with(从事于);part with(放弃);please(d) with(对……满意);quarrel with/about(争论);reason with(规劝);satisfy (fied) with/by(感到满足);threaten (ed) with(威胁)

【Multiple choice questions】

4 Which boxes contained clothing? ___d___. a.The wooden b. The wood

c. The woody ones d. The wooden ones

the wooden 木头的; the wood 木头(表示木头制的东西用wooden)woody adj. 多树木的, 木本的, 木头般的, 木制的

Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost

【New words and expressions】(9) ★thirsty adj. 贪杯的;adj. 渴的

be thirsty for = be hungry for 渴望得到(如饥似渴) ★ghost n. 鬼魂

ghost强调魂,并不是邪恶的象征 ★haunt v. (鬼)来访, 闹鬼

haunt=visit 但不能应用于人的拜访,只能用在ghost the ghost haunt 闹鬼

The ghost haunted the house. 这个房子闹鬼 ★block v. 堵The pipe was blocked.

★furniture n. 家具, 设备, 储藏物(不可数名词) a piece/ set of furniture 一件家具 一套家具 ★whisky n. 威士忌酒

Scotch n. 一种上等的威士忌wine n. 果酒,如葡萄酒,石榴酒beer n. 啤酒brandy n. 白兰地 ★suggest ① vt. 暗示,(间接地)表明 ② vt. 建议,提议suggest +that从句 suggest +doing sth.

★shake(shook,shaken)① vt.&vi. 摇,摇动,抖动Mr. Thompson shook his head.

② vt. 同……握手Dan shook hands with him.

★accept v. 接受accept = receive sth.with pleasure) 【课文讲解】

1、A public house which was recently bought by Mr. Ian Thompson is up for sale.

a public house 酒吧、酒店,口语缩略为pub

up for sale 有待出售,供出售(up为形容词,―已提出的,供……的)

be up for 有待于……,为了某一目的

This problem is up for discussion.这个问题有待于讨论on sale 打折卖 for sale 拿出来卖的

2、He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. hear sb.doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事


者在意义上区别不大,现在分词表示动作正在发生,不定式则表示动作发生了:bar为酒吧或酒店中卖酒的柜台 3、Though Mr.Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning.

on为形容词,表 ―开着的,接通的‖,反义词为off。

4、He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. the night before 前一天晚上 , last night 昨天晚上 the week before 前一个星期 , last week 上个星期 the day before 前一天 , yesterday 昨天 the next day 下一天 , tomorrow 明天

直接引语变成间接引语时间状语要改变。now——>then,last night——>the night before,two days ago——>two days before/earlier,today——>that day,tonight——>that night,tomorrow——>the next/following day,last night——>the night before等。

5、The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.

even if he gives it away 即使他白送人

even if 即使,它引导的让步状语从句含有很强的假定性give away 捐献,免费的送,赠送 【Multiple choice questions】

7 The ghost must have drunk the whisky. In Mr. Thompson's opinion, the ghost ___a___ whisky.

a.must drink b.has got to drink c.has to drink d.should drink in one's opinion 就某人看来,以某人观点,某人认为;I think…太过强调个人的主观性, 一般用in one's opinion更让人接受

Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? 【New words and expressions】(6)

★pull ① vt.&vi. 拉,拖,牵,扯(反义词push vt. 推) pull one's leg 开某人玩笑

You are kidding. 你在开玩笑No kidding! 不要开玩笑了!You are joking.(joke n.笑话, 玩笑 v.(和……)开玩笑) ② vt.&vi. 拔,抽

You‘re pulled out the wrong teeth!

★collect v. 搜集★collection n. 收藏品, 收集品 collect salary 领工资;collect money 筹集资金; collect stamp 集邮;collect children 收养孩子 ★nod ① vt.&vi. 点头,点头示意/招呼

When we meet each other in the office, he always nods at me. ② vi. 打盹,打瞌睡(常与off连用)

As he was very tired, he nodded over his reading. 因为他很累,所以他一边看书一边打盹。

★meanwhile adv. 同时= at the same time = in the same time用法和 however 一样,不能连接两个句子,但是意思上有承接概念


1、Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer.

impossible通常不以人作主语,而以不定式或从句作主语:It is impossible for him to help you. =It is impossible that he will help you.

2、In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.

in answer to… 作为对……的回答;响应……的请求 in return for 作为对……的报答 3、Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.

meanwihile 在此期间,与此同时


be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 search out 找出,搜寻 where = 介词 + which


4、When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.

remove可以表示―拿去,除去,去掉‖,通常结构为―remove +名词 +from‖,也可以单独使用: I‘ve removed that picture from the wall.

Lesson 49 The end of a dream 【New words and expressions】(13) ★tired adj. 厌烦的

be/get tired of sth./doing sth. 讨厌做某事 ★real adj. 真正的 (强调东西不是假的)

true adj. 真挚, 真诚, 符合标准 (强调符合某个标准)real man 真人;true man 男子汉,好汉 ★spring n. 弹簧n. 春天;泉水 fountain n. 人工喷泉

★mattress n. 床垫mat n. 垫子 (如杯垫) cushion n. 座垫

★gust一阵(阵)风a gust of anger (一阵)无名火 Breeze n. 微风gale n. 大风,(突发的)一阵风(风力比gust强)wind n. 风的总称

★sweep (swept[swept],swept) ① vt. 扫,打扫

② vt. (风)吹;刮A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof. sweep sth. away 把……刮走 blow v. 刮

★smash ① vt.&vi. 打碎,摔碎,(使)碎裂 The cup smashed on the floor.

smash sth. into pieces 把……摔成碎片 The bed was smashed to piece. crash v. 受挤压而变碎

cut sth.into pieces 切碎,剪碎tear sth. into pieces 撕碎break v. 打碎crack v. 裂开不碎 ② vt.&vi. 重击,殴打,猛砸/撞

Why didn‘t you smash the man with your fist? ★courtyard n. 院子

court n. 院子,庭院;法庭 yard n. 院子 backyard n. 后院 ★glance v. 扫视

glance at 扫了一眼(有意识地看)glare at 瞪着(生气) stare at 盯着gaze at 盯着(无限神往, 羡慕地看)

★promptly =at once, immediately adv. 迅速地 【课文讲解】

1、Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed.

be tired of 对……感到厌倦,在这句话里省略了现在分词being,用形容词短语直接做原因状语,其作用相当于原因状语从句as he was tired of…。

I always go to bed hungry. (用形容词直接做状语) I went home. I am tired. => I went home tired save up 攒钱,储蓄 2、For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress.

for the first time in one's life 平生第一次 3、Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house.

on to(onto) 类似与 in to(into),用于表示动作方向而不用于表

示静态的位置,不但有―去‖的概念还有把它放到―on‖(上面)的概念。onto/on to有时可用on代替,但表示位置的on不可用onto代替:

Lift sth. on to the cart.

The pen is on the table. (不能用onto/on to)

Mr. Thompson is jumped onto the stage. 汤普森先生跳上了台上。Mr. Thompson jumped on the stage. 汤普森先生在台上跳了跳。

4、He slept very well for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up.

for the first two nights 头两天晚上 for the last three nights 最后三天晚上

blow up 风越刮越大(程度在加深),(指暴风雨)出现并加剧;刮起speak up 大声点

5、A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below. gust表示―一阵强风,一阵狂风‖,既可单独使用,也可用a gust of wind形式:

A gust (of wind) blew my hat off.

She set off even though the wind was blowing in gusts.虽然当时阵阵狂风吹着,她还是出发了。 off = down/away from

below 直接放在被修饰词之后作定语

crashing into the courtyard below是现在分词短语,作宾语补足语。crash (不及物动词)直接用主动形式,smash(及物动词)可用被动

一个句子中不能出现两个动词,如果出现了两个动词,要用and或but连接;或者把其中一个作为非谓语动词to do(表目的),-ed(表被动),-ing(表主动)。

6、The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground.


7、Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt.

although 尽管;though 虽然,意义差不多,以从句出现 to pieces 粉碎地,成碎片地

8、Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house.

glancing为现在分词,引导的短语相当于一个时间状语从句after he glanced at…。动词的ing形式一定强调某一个名词之间的主动关系。

glance v. 看一眼,扫视

Joe glanced through the newspaper while talking to me. 乔一边和我聊天,一边浏览报纸。 bits = pieces

lie (lay,lain) 不及物动词,后面一定要加―around‖,不能说成―lay him‖

【letter writing】

大多数书信都以―dear‖开头,后接姓名,―dear‖这个词一定要在信纸的左手边顶格。第二行如要退格是退5个字符, 现在西方都是顶格写。 【Key structures】 复合句的语序

复合句可用两种方法构成:一是用连词把从句与主句连接起来;二是用分词结构或不定式。 1、用连词连接的复合句

① 在复合句中,从句可以是名词从句(即起名词的作用)。在



② 从句可以是关系(或形容词)从句,关系代词通常有who,whom,that,which和whose。

③ 从句可以是状语(或副词)从句,时间状语连词有when,after,before,as soon as,until,while,as,since等;地点状语从句连词有where,everywhere,anywhere等;方式状语从句连词有as或短语in the way (that)等,方式状语从句在动词be,feel,seem,appear等后面也可以由连词as if和as though来引导;原因状语从句由because,as等引导;条件状语从句可由if及其他连词引导;让步状语从句使句子具有对比的因素,它们一般由连词although,though,even though,even if等引导;目的状语从句可由so that,in order that等连词引导;结果状语从句描述结果,可由so+形容词+that引导,也可由such (a) +(形容词) + 名词 + that来引导;比较状语从句结构包括as +形容词/副词 + as,not so/as … as,形容词/副词的比较级 +than,more…than,less…than等 2、分词结构的复合句

① 用现在分词结构可以代替时间从句、原因从句、关系从句等,现在分词结构的这种用法仅限于两个动作的主语一致的时候。用它代替时间从句时,分词结构表示的动作如果发生在前,则分词结构要位于主语前;如果两个动作同时发生,那么分词结构既可以位于主句前,也可以位于主句后。分词结构位于主句前面时,要用逗号隔开。 Feeling tired, I went to bed earlier than usual. ② 过去分词结构常用于比较正式的文体,往往代替被动语态 Followed by his mom, he went there. (被动概念,) 3、不定式结构的复合句

这种结构通常可以代替表示目的或表示条件的状语从句:To get into university you have to pass a number of examinations. 【Multiple choice questions】 6、Where was the courtyard? c

a. Down. b. Under. c. Below. d. Bottom. down adv. 在……下(向下)go down, sit down

under 介词必须加宾语below adv. 下面, 表示一种状态bottom n. 下面

7、He looked at the bits of wood and metal ___c___ around him. a. laying b. laid c. lying d. lie laying(lay) vt. 放 (lay the egg(下蛋)) lying(lie vi. 躺 lie in bed)

lie(lied,lied) 撒谎过去分词属于非谓语动词, 做定语时与被修饰词形成被动关系

8 A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof. The wind blew very ___a___.

a. hard b. fast c. quickly d. soon a gust of wind一阵风hard 修饰动词, 表示程度大

9 The bed crashed into the courtyard. It ___c___ the courtyard. a. smashed b.knocked c.struck d.exploded

crash vi.从上往下掉, 摔碎;smash vt. 摔碎;knock v. 敲击;explode v. 爆炸;struck v. 撞击

11 He glanced at the bits of wood and metal. He ___a___ the bits of wood and metal.

a. looked quickly at b. had a glimpse of c. stared at d.watched glance at (漫不经心的)扫视,(主动的看)look quickly at 快速地看had a glimpse of (无意识的)看stare at 盯着看watch 注视, 密切关注

Lesson 50 Taken for a ride

【New words and expressions】(4)

★ride n. 旅行(不走路的);v. 骑(车, 马)

a. is presented b. points c. show d. seems appear v. 扮演,本意为 ―出现, 显示‖ ;seems v. 看起来, 似乎show v. 显示, 给……看 be on show 展览, 演出

be presented 出席 √(过去的习惯用法)

be present 出席(反义词为be absent 缺席) 12 She is grown up. She is ____d__ . a. very old b. an adolescent c. a teenager d. an adult grown adj.长大的,成年的,长满某物的

grown up adj. 成年的,成熟的;n. 成年人 grow up 成长

adolescent adj. 青春期的(13-16岁),青春的;n. 青少年adolescent criminal 青春期犯罪

teenage n. 十几岁的人(10-20岁)男女青少年 adult n. 成年人

Lesson 18 He often does this! 【New words and expressions】(3)

pub n. 小酒店landlord n. 店主bill n. 帐单 【课文讲解】

1、After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag.Pub是public house(酒店,酒店)的缩写

2、I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there!leave除了―离去,离开,出发‖的意思,还可以表示―把(人、物)留下,遗留,丢下‖等。 Have you left anything in the car?

3、'I'm very sorry,' he said. 'My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!' he指店主的狗,英语国家人士常用人称代词he或she指自己喂养的宠物。

【Key structures】 have的用法


2、have还可以作完全动词,当作―具有、拥有‖讲时,它和have got通常可以互换。have做 ―有, 患病‖ 概念时, 可作为实义动词, 也可作为非实义动词。在英国英语中的疑问句和否定句中have(具有)的用法与be相同,即可以不用助动词do或did;在美国英语中,常用do助动词和have一起构成疑问句和否定句。

I don‘t have a pen/a headache. I haven‘t a pen /a headache.

三种情况have 可以用 have got取代 have to== have got to

have作―具有,拥有‖讲时是状态动词,不能用于进行时态或被动语态,通常用于一般现在时。在其它时态中,一般用have而不用have got。

You can have these apples if you want them. I‘ve got a lot more.

He must be very fond of animals to have five dogs. 他一定非常喜欢动物,才会养五条狗。


have dinner,have a cigarette/ coffee/a holiday/a good time/a swim/a rest Exercises C

在下面哪几句话中可用have got来代替have? 1 He had a drink before dinner. ⑴...不换...

2 Mrs. Sullivan has a lot of money. ⑵...换... 有钱


3 He had to leave early. ⑶...换...

4 We have had a long conversation. ⑷...不换...进行 5 My mother has a headache. ⑸...换... 患病 6 They had a good time at the party. ⑹...不换... have a good/long time : 过的愉快(固定短语) 7 This sock has a hole in it. ⑺...换...

8 She has to be patient with him. ⑻...换... has to 9 I have a bath every day. ⑼...不换...

10 10 This room has four windows. ⑽...换... 11 He has a farm. ⑾...换...

12 We had a letter from Jill yesterday. ⑿...不换... have a letter from==receive a letter from 收到 【Special Difficulties】 give的几个固定搭配


gave away 赠送give in上交呈交,屈服,让步,投降He gave away all his books to the library.

Give in your examination papers after you‘ve finished. You can do what you like. I will never give in.

give up doing sth. 放弃,抛弃 give up 交出,让出 Jack has given up the watch he stole last week.

Three of our officers gave themselves up to the enemy. 我方的三名军官向敌人投降了。 Beside and Besides

beside pron. 在……旁边,在……附近 Come and sit beside us. besides adv. 而且,并且,此外;pron. 除……之外(还)I‘m quite busy. Besides, I‘ve got a bad cold.

There were a lot of people at the party besides us.

Lesson 19 Sold out

【New words and expressions】(6) ★hurry v. 匆忙

① vi. 赶紧,赶快,匆忙he hurried to the office. ② n. 急忙,匆忙,仓促

In his hurry, he dropped some coins on the floor. in a hurry 匆忙 (时间、动作上的紧急) If you are not busy. 如果你不忙(行为上的匆忙) in no hurry 不匆忙I am in no hurry. 我不急 hurry up 快点hurry to 匆匆忙忙地去 come in 进来hurry in 匆匆忙忙地进来 go out 出去hurry out 匆匆忙忙地出去 ★pity n. 令人遗憾的事 What a pity! 真遗憾!

It is a pity to be grown up. (it做形式主语)

I am sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很遗憾 注意 sorry 与 pity 词性上的区别 ★exclaim v. 大声说

① vt.&vi.(由于痛苦、愤怒、惊异、欣喜等)叫喊,惊叫When she saw the gift, she exclaimed in delight. ② vi.(表示抗议等)大声叫喊

She exclaimed against the rudeness of the young man. shout =cry =call out 大声喊 ★return v. 退回

① vi. 回,返回Tim has just returned from Australia. return to 回来 return to China/Beijing 回到中国 ② vt. 把.送回,归还,退回return to you 退回你 He returned the books to the library.

return money =pay back =repay 还钱 ★sadly adv. 悲哀地, 丧气地

涵盖了所有悲哀 【课文讲解】

1、'The play may begin at any moment,' I said. at any moment 在任何时候, 随时 It may/might rain (at) any moment. at the moment =now

at that moment =just then 就在那时

I will help you at any time. 我随时都会帮你 must,can't,may+动词原形, 表示对现在、未来的推测 ;+ have done,表示对过去的推测

2、I hurried to the ticket office. 'May I have two tickets please?' I asked.

Can(May) I...? 我……可以吗?(表示―……可以吗?‖,第一人称可以和can或may相连)

May I have a ticket ? (英文中的问句, 常常起礼貌作用)May I have your name? (比 ―What‘s your name?‖ 更有礼貌些)Could I...? 我现在可以...吗?

(在问句中更委婉的说法, 比can I 更礼貌些,但在时间上与can没区别)

Can you...? 你可以...吗? (第二人称不能用may来表示―……可以吗?‖,只能用can)

have 是最活跃的词, 可以指任何的意思.

have coffee 喝咖啡have ticket买票 (习惯用法)

I'll have/take sth. 我买……(一般不用―buy‖,用―have‖习惯用法)

3、'I'm sorry, we've sold out,' the girl said. sell out (店主)售完(某种货物),(货)被售完 They have sold out of eggs.

Tickets for tonight‘s performance are sold out.

4、'Certainly,' the girl said, 'but they're for next Wednesday's performance. Do you still want them?'

for next Wednesday's performance,用名词所有格来取代时间,―……时间的‖

用介词for, 起修饰作用ticket for+事情 ……的票ticket to+地点 去……的票

still adv. 还,可以和任意时态连用 still, yet 都和完成时态连用(原先认为) 5、'I might as well have them,' I said sadly.

may/might as well+动词原形 还是……好(无可奈何),不妨…I might as well take the umbrella with me. had better+动词原形 最好……(积极心态) 【Key structures】 Can and May

1、can和may都可以表示请求,can可以用could,may可以用might代替,语气更委婉,更有礼貌,但时间上没有区别 Can /Could I use your phone please? May I use your phone please?/Might I use your phone please? 含有情态动词的普通回答: 肯定:Of course you can/may. 否定:No, you can‘t/ may not.

2、may和might还可以表示推测,―可能……‖。may可以用might代替,语气更委婉,更有礼貌,但时间上没有区别may/might +动词原形:表示对现在或未来事情的推测may/might +have 动词过去分词:表示对过去事情的推测 3、may/might as well+动词原形:还是……好(无可奈何),不妨……

Do you think he‘ll pass that exam?

He‘ll never pass. He might as well give up. 【Multiple choice questions】 2 The writer ___d___ .


d. wasn't too pleased to get tickets for next Wednesday's performance

be pleased to do 对做什么事感到很开心 文中用了 ―might as well‖ be too pleased to 太高兴

not too…to… 太怎么样以至于还是做了 not too old to learn 不是太老还可以学

3 The play may begin at any moment. It ___c___ . a. has begun b. won't begin for a long time c. hasn't begun yet d. began a long time ago may+动词原形;对现在或未来动作的推测

has begun 已经完成,说明已经做了;won‘t begin for a long time 好久都不会开始;

Lesson 20 One man in a boat 【New words and expressions】(5) ★catch v. 抓到

① vt. 捉住,逮住,捕获

The police have caught the thief.

② vt. 抓住,握住Can you catch the ball? ③ vt. 及时赶到,赶上catch a bus 赶车 ④ catch的一些固定用法

catch a cold 染上感冒catch one's breath 摒住呼吸 catch sight of = see 看见catch fire 着火 catch one's eyes 吸引某人注意力

★boot n. 靴子a pair of boots 一双靴子 ★waste n. 浪费

① n. 浪费 a waste of… 浪费…… It is a waste of time/money/food/water. ② vt. 浪费You are wasting time. ★realize v. 意识到

① v. 认识,知道,明白,意识到

I went into the wrong room without realizing it. ② v. 实现(希望、目标、愿望等)

realize one's dream 实现某人的梦想 ③ 使变为事实,使发生(常用于被动语态) This plan can never be realized. 【课文讲解】

1、Fishing is my favourite sport.

fishing动名词,可以作主语或宾语★fish ① n. 鱼(不可数名词),鱼的种类(可数) There are a lot of fishes(表示种类)in the sea. ② v. 钓鱼, 捕鱼

2、I often fish for hours without catching anything. for+时间 表示一段时间

for hours=for some hours 数小时

without catching anything作为状语而出现, 表示结果状语。without是介词,后面一定要加宾语, 动名词catching作without的宾语,without 后面的动作是主语来做的。动名词也有动词的特性,可以有自己的宾语。


I can‘t repair the car without your help.

They tried to leave the restaurant without paying. 3、But this does not worry me. ★worry

① v. 烦恼,担扰

worry sb. 某人为……烦恼,担扰(作动词一定要加人作宾语, 翻译时从后往前翻,宾语担心)

The house worried me. / My daughter worried me.

① adj. 担心be worried about ……为……担心

4、Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.instead of… 我原准备做……但是后来做了……(instead of 后面的词一定是没有做的, 可以放在主句后面)without强调没有做某件事, instead of强调这件事没做成而做成了另外一件事

副词instead―作为替代,反而‖,单独使用时一般出现在句尾If you don‘t want a holiday in England, why don‘t you go to Australia instead?

5、I am even less lucky.

less是little的比较级,意为―不及,不如,更少‖ I spend less time on English than on French. less+原形 A is less…than B A不如B

6、After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag.

spend+时间+在某地 在某地度过……时间 after +从句 在……之后

after +名词/动词的ing形式 ……之后(从句主语必须是主句的主语时两种形式可互换)

After I go to school, I learned a lot of knowledge. (用一般式表示一个事实, 不用 ―went to‖ )

After going to school, I learned a lot of knowledge.

介词after的宾语的动名词having spent所表示的动作发生在谓语动词go之前,所以用完成形式。 with an empty bag注意连读 with sth. 有……的,持有……的,随身带着……(状语)Who‘s the man with the beard? without sth. 没带……

I always go home without angthing. 什么都没带回家 7、'You must give up fishing!' my friends say.

give up doing sth. = stop doing sth. 放弃做某事 8、I'm not really interested in fishing.

be intersted in sth. / doing sth. 对……感兴趣 【Key structures】 动名词


3、利用介词/副词+动名词可以把两个句子连成一个句子apologize for (not) doing sth. 为什么事情而道歉I must apologize. I interrupted you. I must apologize for interrupting you. (for interrupting强调interrupt这个动词)

I must apologize for having interrupted you.(for having interrupted强调interrupt这个动词先发生,强调时间 (having done))


congratulate (sb.) on doing sth. 因……祝贺(某人)

动名词用表示完成时的having+过去分词结构往往强调动名词的动词发生在前面。 4、跟动名词的短语

be keen on doing sth.(热忠于……),be fond of,be interested in,enjoy doing sth.,congratulations on doing sth. (祝贺……)be afraid of

be up to=be capable of (capable adj.有能力的, 能干的, 有可能的, 可以...的)可以带动名词的介词有:before,after,without,instead of等


Exercises C(用括号中的词来连接下列句子, 如需要可对原句进行必要的改动)

2.She bought a pair of boots. (instead of) She did not get a pair


of shoes.

4.(After) She heard the news. She fainted. after+从句; after prep.+doing

6.(On) I saw the plane coming towards me. I dashed for cover on (prep.)+doing 一……就……(两个动作必须是同一个人)as soon as 一……就……

the moment +从句 一……就…… 以上两个主语不一定是同一个人 【Special Difficulties】

Interested and Interesting. Excited and Exciting.


Fishing is not interesting. I am not interested in it. Realize and Understand realize vt. 意识到……

He didn't realize that he had made a mistake. understand vt. 明白……I don't understand English. Exercises(选择正确的词填空)

3.There was some (excited) (exciting) news on the radio. exciting news

on the radio 在广播上

I got news on the radio/on TV/on the telephone/on the line(在线,在电话里).

5.He is an explorer. He leads an (excited) (exciting) life. an exciting life

explorer n.探险家, 探测者, 探测器

lead a life 过着……日子lead a happy life 【Multiple choice questions】

6 His bag is empty. He has ___b___ . a.a empty bag b.an empty bag c.empty bag

d.one empty bagan 指一个, 强调名词;one 一个,强调数量I sent a letter. (强调信)

I wrote one word. (强调一个字)

His bag is empty. 强调包是空的而不是一个空包。

7 I am only interested in doing nothing. That's __c_ I'm interested in. a.only b.the one c.all d.the only (that's/the) only 一般加名词

that+从句, 从句往往以特殊疑问词引导 that's why…;that's when…

that's all 那就是一切 That's all I can remember. the one 指东西, 不指事情

11 He always goes ___d___ with an empty bag. a.to home b.to house c.to the house d.home go home 习惯用法, 最佳答案 go to the house 语法正确


Where are you going? (更习惯这么说) Where are you going to?

Lesson 21 Mad or not?

【New words and expressions】(4) ★mad adj. 发疯 sb. is mad ―为……而疯狂(着迷)‖的表示方法: be mad about…I'm mad about English. be crazy about…

go insane adj. 患精神病的,精神病患者的,极愚蠢的)I slowly go insane/go crazy/go mad/go bananas.

go bananas (go+adj. 变得……)

They are going bananas. =go crazy=go mad (变疯了) ★reason n. 原因for this reason 由于这个理由、原因 For this reason,I was late.

as+句子because+句子 由于……

★sum n. 量a sum of +不可数名词 一笔…… a large sum of 大笔的…… (large 指数量的大) a large sum of money 一大笔钱 a great many + 可数名词复数 a great number of + 可数名词复数 plenty of… 足够多的……

★determined adj. 坚定的, 下决心的 be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事 make up one's mind 下定决心

decide to do sth. 决定做=make a decision to do sth. determine v.下定决心 【课文讲解】

1、Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. drive sb. mad 逼某人发疯

2、I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.

night and day 日日夜夜,夜以继日 (注意连读)

passing planes 过往飞机 (passing是现在分词,作定语,起形容词作用,修饰planes,―经过的(路过),过往的‖) He forgot the man with passing time. 随着时间的消逝,他忘掉了那个人。

3、The airport was built years ago, but for some reason it could not be used then.

years前不加确定的数词时,一般表示―许多年‖years ago = many years ago,weeks等的用法与它相似

some+不可数名词/可数名词复数 一些…… some+可数名词单数 某一… for some reason 由于某个理由

We‘ll talk about it some other time. 我们改日再。 4、Last year, however, it came into use.

however 然而(用于句首, 句中, 用逗号隔开)

come into use 启用,开始被使用(主动概念,没有被动式)When did the train come into use?

5、Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise.

must have been done 过去发生, 表示推测,被动 away from 从某地离开(away 离开某地) out of somewhere 从某地出来 6、I am one of the few people left.

one of… ……之一(表示特指的一群人/一些东西中的一个,后面的名词用复数)

left表示被留下来的,leave 过去分词, left作定语放在被修饰词的后面

left 剩下的……东西,相当于―Who are left (by the others) 其他人走了留下他们‖I have a bag left.

7、Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. knock down 撞倒

offer v. 提供(相当于given) 双宾语的被动语态中,主语有两种可能; 以sb.做主语或以sth.做主语give sb. sth.——>被动 sb. be given sth.give sth. to sb.——>被动 sth. be given to sb.双宾语在变被动时用离动词最近的宾语做主语

原文句型结构 sb. be offered sth.


【Key structures】 被动语态

被动语态可以和大部分情态动词连用(包括具有情态功能的will和would)。He may have been told the news.The shops must have been closed now.

动词+宾语+不定式结构中既可以动词用被动语态,也可以在不定式中用被动语态:在句型―动词+间接宾语+直接宾语‖中,这两个宾语都可以成为被动句的主语。但由于间接宾语通常是人,所以间接宾语成为被动句主语的时候要多些: 【Special Difficulties】 Drive的用法

① v. 开车, 驾驶 (drove, driven, driving)

drive to…开车去往某地I drove to Tianjing yesterday ② vt. 赶,驱赶,围赶(猎物、敌人等) drive sb. away from 把某人赶走 drive sb. out of 把某人赶出去

drivesb.back 撵回去Our army drove the enemy back. ③ vt. 逼迫,迫使drive sb. mad 逼疯 Home and House

home n. &adv. 家,家庭,家园(着重指所居住的人,常有爱、温暖、舒适、安全等隐含意义有感情色彩) I have a sweet home.

house n. 房子,房屋,住宅(指建筑物) 【Multiple choice questions】

5 Over a hundred people must have been driven away. ___a___ they were.

a. I think b. I'm sure c. Certain d. Of course 9 I have been offered a large ___a___ of money. a. amount b. number c. some d. piece a large number of +可数名词(不能加不可数名词) an amount of+不可数 一大笔…… some of/plenty of 前面是不加 ―a/an‖

10 I am determined to stay here. I ___d___ stay here. a. am will to b. want to c. may d. am going to be going to 打算、计划

want to 来自心里的一种想, 喜好,喜欢……

Lesson 22 A glass envelope

【New words and expressions】(4) ★dream v. 做梦, 梦想

① vt. 做梦,梦见dream that +从句 I dreamt/dreamed (that) I was in Scotland. ② vi. 做梦,梦见(与of,about连用)

dream on 继续做梦, 痴心妄想(做你的梦去吧!别痴心妄想了!)dream of/about sth. 梦想 dream of doing sth. 梦想

I dreamed of flying in the sky. think of 想,考虑,想起

③ n. 梦;梦想,幻想have a dream = dream a dream 做了个梦Have a good/sweat dream祝你做个好梦! Have you heard of the American Dream?

dream boat 梦中情人, 梦寐以求的(物, 人) daydream 思想开小差,做白日梦 She is daydreaming.

★age n. 年龄teengager n. 十几岁的人adolenscent n.青春期(一般指成年以前由13至15的发育期) ★throw(threw,thrown) v. 扔, 抛

① vt. 投,扔,抛Don‘t throw stones at the dog. Throw the ball to Tom. throw away 扔掉

② 把……对准目标,向……作出举动

George was very happy today. Julie had thrown a smile at him in the morning.

The boss threw him an angry look. 【课文讲解】

1、My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland.

…of one's own age 同年龄的…… receive…from… 从……收到…… 2、Both girls write to each other regularly now. write to sb. 给某人写信 write (a letter) to me

each other 相互,彼此,往往强调两者之间的相互(注意连读)有时这个短语也可用来指许多人之间―互相‖We must all help each other.

one another 强调三或三者以上的相互,有时可替代each other 3、Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster.

cost意为―(使)花费,价钱为……‖,其主语通常为某物或某件事情It costs a lot to buy a house.

sth. cost (sb.) ……花了某人……(钱)

more即可做形容词, 又可做代词,文中的 ―more‖ 为代词 = more money

give me more 再给我一点

a little 稍微,可以修饰比较级;much修饰比较级,译为―多得多‖

【Key structures】

跟of, from, in和on的动词


1、后接of的动词:accuse of(控告);approve of(赞成);assure of(让……放心);beware of(谨防);boast of/about(夸耀), complain of/about(埋怨);consist of(由……组成);convince of/about(使信服);cure of(治愈);despair of(丧失……希望);dream of/about(幻想);expect of/from(期望);hear of/from(听到……消息);be/get rid of(摆脱);smell of(闻到);suspect of(对……猜疑);think of/about(思考);tired of(对……感到厌烦);warn of/against(警告……有危险)

Someone must warm him of the difficulties. Don‘t expect too much of your child.

He must have spoken of the matter to John.

2、后接from的动词:borrow from(从……借);defend from/against (保护……使免于);demand from/of(向……要求);differ from(有别于);dismiss from(解雇);draw from(从……中得出);emerge from(从……出现);escape from(从……逃出);excuse from/for(允许不……);hinder from(阻止);prevent from(妨碍);prohibit from(不准许);protect from/against(向……提抗议);receive from(接到);separate from(把……分开);suffe from(受难)

He has already received money from three aunts. 3、后接in的动词:believe in(信仰);delight in(喜欢);employ(ed) in (从事);encourage in(鼓励);engage(d) in(正做);experience(d) in(在……有经验);fail in(没有尽到);help in/with(帮助);include in(包括);indulge in(沉醉);instruct in(教导);interest(ed) in(对……感兴趣);invest in(投资);involved in(卷入);persist in(坚持);share in(分享)She delights in working hard. 她喜欢努力工作。

He failed in his French test.

4、后接on的动词:act on(遵守);based on(在……基础上);call on(拜访);comment on(评论);concentrate on(集中于);congratulate on(祝贺);consult on/about(商量);count on(依赖);


decide on(决定);depend on(依靠);economize on(节约);embark

on(从事);experiment on(尝试);insist on(坚持);lean on/against(倚靠于……);live on(靠……为生);operate on(起作用);perform on/in(扮演);pride(oneself) on(为……感到自豪);rely on(依靠);vote on a motion/for someone(对……表决(投……的票));, write on/about(写……的事);.

I think he wrote on the cost of living. 我想他写的是关于生活费用方面的。

He finally decided on going home. 他最后决定回家。 【Multiple choice questions】

8 We were travelling across the Channel. We went on a ___c___ across the Channel. go on a trip 进行旅行 a. sail b. travel c. trip d. run

9 Jane wrote her name and address on a ___d___ of paper. a. lump b. bar c. tube d. sheet

a lump of paper 一团a bar of 一条, 一块 a tube of paper 一桶(管)纸

a piece of paper/a sheet of paper 一张纸

Lesson 23 A new house

【New words and expressions】(4)

★complete v. 完成 (喜欢与建筑工程连用) ① vt. 完成,结束complete the building

Work on the new school will be completed next year. ② adj. 完整的,全部的

《鲁迅全集》中的 ―全集‖ 就用 ―complete‖ This is a complete family.

③ adj. 十足的,彻底的,绝对的 There is complete silence in the room.

finish v. 完成 finish/complete homework finish/complete doing sth. 某事做完了

★modern adj. 新式的, 与以往不同的,现代的 modern history/art 现代史/ 现代艺术 modernization n.现代化

★strange adj. 奇怪的(表示因为对一个东西不熟悉而觉得奇怪, 陌生的)

① adj. 外地的,异乡的

Living in a strange land is not always a pleasant thing. ② adj. 陌生的,生疏的

That morning, he saw a strange face in the classroom. be strange to sth. 对……不习惯, 对……陌生 This city is quite strange to me. stranger n. 陌生人

③ adj. 不平常的,奇特的,奇怪的,古怪的 The house looks strange to some people.

★district n. 地区,行政划分的区域, 城市内的

district n. 地区,行政区,地域,地带,通常隶属于某个整体或具有某些地理特征

The Lake District of Northern England is very beautiful. 英国北部的湖区非常美丽。 area n. 地段

region n.地带,区域,地方,(世界上某个特定的)地区, (艺术,科学等的)领域, (大气, 海水等的)层 【课文讲解】

1、If she comes, she will get a surprise.

get a surprise 感到惊奇(这里surprise是可数名词,指―令人惊奇的事,意想不到的事‖)

It‘s a surprise to me that they can‘t sell their flat. surprise也可以作不可数名词,表示―惊讶‖ She looked at the man in surprise.

to one's surprise = I get a shock. 吃了一惊

2、We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. a beautiful new house离一个名词最近的词跟该词的关系最密切, 冠词肯定是放在最前面的

spare old cloth 不穿的旧衣服a big red flag 大红旗3、Work on it had begun before my sister left. work(工作,作业)是抽象的不可数名词,―……的工作‖后面必须用介词on

4、In my letter, I told her that she could stay with us. stay with 跟……暂住在一起(stayvi. 暂住,逗留) 【Special Difficulties】 There is and It is

在说明或询问人或物等的存在时可用there be结构。这种结构可以用一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时及现在完成时等时态。在用there表示过存在后,就必须用it或人称代词作进一步说明:

There‘s a bus coming, but it‘s full. it作为―虚主语‖表示时间、距离、天气等概念时,不能用there be结构It‘s fifteen miles to the station. Exercise(用it或there填空)

3 ______ were some men digging up the road outside my house. there : There+be+sb.+doing+地点 : 某地有某人正在做某事(典型句型)

digging up: 挖出, 找出

4 Look at those clouds. I think ______ will be a thunderstorm.there : 在表示天气的时候, 后面如果是动词或形容词, 用it, 如果是名词, 用there be. It is raining(动词)/It is cold(形容词).

There be +名词 : There is a rain. 那儿有一场雨 9After dinner ___will be a long discussion on politics. 10 When will __ it ___be convenient for you to come? 什么时候对你来说最方便?

Lesson 24 It could be worse 【New words and expressions】(7)

★manager n. 经理(用能力, 办事的) boss n. 老板(有钱)

head n. 头儿,领导(表示重要,系亲密的人物) ★upset不安(事后)nervous adj. 紧张,不安(事前) ★complain v. 抱怨

① vi. 抱怨,发牢骚,诉苦(常与of,about连用) complain of/about …(to sb.) 对某人/向某人抱怨 I compianed of my salary to my boss. ② vi. 控告,抗议(与of,about连用)

The people in that district complained to the police about the noise from that factory.

★wicked adj. 很坏的, 邪恶的 ① adj. 邪恶的,坏的(道德上的坏,可用 ―evil‖ 替代)She saw a wicked smile on his face.

② adj. 淘气的,顽皮的(尤指小孩) Don‘t be so wicked, Tom. ③ adj.(天气)恶劣的

★contain v. 包含, 内装(强调用容器装)

container n. 集装箱,容量contain v. 用容器装 The cup contains water. = The cup is full of water. The bag contains books. include v. 包含

★honesty n. 诚实honest adj. honestly adv. 诚实地 【课文讲解】

1、I entered the hotel manager's office and sat down. the hotel manger‘s office 名词可以修饰名词


telephone number 电话号码

the village fair 乡村集市 (the fair of the village = the fair in the village)

2、I had just lost $50 and I felt very upset. lose vt. 遗失,丢失(宾语一般为钱物)

feel +形容词一般指心情―觉得……,感觉到……‖

3、The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. could do nothing about it 对此事无能为力 I could do nothing to help you.

4、'Everyone's losing money these days,' he said. days可以指―时期,时代‖,如in his boyhood days(在他的童年时代)。these days指―现今‖用进行时态取代一般现在时, 在英文是一种修辞方法, 表示不满, 一种感情。 【Multiple choice questions】

6 Where did she find the money? ___a___ the room. a. Outside b. Out of c. Out d. Without outside adv&prep. 在外面

out of 从…到外面去,要和有实在意义的动词连用 get/go/come out of

out adv. 在……外面, 副词不会加名词

10 He lost his money. His money was ___b___ . a. losing b. missing c.going away d. disappearing

lose v. 丢失 sb. lose sth. 人丢失东西(宾语一般为钱物)miss v. 怀念, 错过, 丢失

missing adj. 丢失的My keys are lost/missing.

My child is missing. (人丢了只能用missing,不能用be lost)missing boy 失踪的孩子 go away 离开(人走) sb. go away

be gone 不见了My book is gone. 我的书不见了 Gone with wind》 《飘》(随风而逝),

disappear vi. 不见了(瞬间动词), 没有被动语态, 也很少用进行时态His money disppeared.

表示东西不见了的几种表示:lose sth./sth. be lost;sth. is missing;sth. is gone.;sth./sb. disappear/disappeared

Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? 【New words and expressions】(5) ★several quantifier 几个

several=a number of… 一些,只能修饰可数 several times 许多次(不能说some times)

some 一些, 即可以修饰可数, 又可以修饰不可数

a great number of… 大量的some time 一段时间 some time ago 一段时间以前

sometime adv. 某时 I will defeat you sometime. sometimes adv. 有时, 偶尔 ★wonder v. 感到奇怪

① n. 奇迹,奇观,奇才;惊奇,惊讶

the seven wonders of the world in ancient times

② vi.&vt. 感到惊讶,感到诧异,对……事情感奇怪They wondered that there was a modern building in district. wonder at sth.

I wonder at the beauty of the old town.

③ vt.&vi.(对……)感到疑惑/怀疑,想要知道

wonder +if +从句 是否……I wonder if you have any spare time. wonder +特殊疑问词 +从句 I wondered where you were going.

Could you tell me how to get to?/I wondered how to get there. 问路

no wonder 难怪 wonderful adj. 极好的 【课文讲解】

1、Do the English speak English?


The English often talk about the weather.


2、I arrived in London at last.

arrive at 小地点;arrive in 大地点

reach vt. 到达……(后面一定要加宾语) get to+宾语 到达……

home/there都是副词,副词跟动词连用的时候不需要加介词,arrive也一样;但一般不用―reach home/there‖,如一定要这样写则把―home‖看作名词,―there‖当代词看, 不作副词看 get home 到家;get there 到那

3I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. the way to … 通往……路

know sth. well 对…很熟悉I know the boy well.

4、I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well.

not only...but...as well= not only…but also… 不但……而且……

I can speak not only Chinese but English as well.

Not only you but also I will go there.主语并列(一般不这么用) not only喜欢放在动词的前面,一般遇到实义动词和非实义动词的时候, 习惯放在两者之间

I can not only speak Chinese but English as well.(更习惯的说法)

as well本身的含义是―也、又、还‖

5、He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. neither…nor… ……既不,也不…… 6、To learn English well is to study hard.

但在口语中 To learn English well is study hard. 【Letter Writing】

写信人的地址位于信纸的右上角,被称为―信头‖,地址后面总是接写日期St.是 Steet的缩略 逗号在地址里表示前者属于后者 I am in class 1,Grade 1.

在日期里, 月和日之间不需要逗号,且月和日的顺序可互换,但在年代之前要有逗号,日期是以序数词出现的,月份一定要是英语字母

February the fourth, 1998 =the fourth of February, 1998 Haidian District,(海淀区) BeiJing,

China.(最后一个地点要打上句号) 【Key structures】 并列句中的语序



however 用在句号的后面, 单独成句, 于前边的句子只有意思上的承接, 没有语法上的承接, 语法上的承接表转折只能用 but。一些并列句的连词:and,and then,but,so,yet,or,not only…but…as well 不但……而且……,neither…nor… 既不……也不……,either…or…或者……或者……,both…and… 两者都yet adv. 然而放在句末或句中, 与否定句, 疑问句相连, 并且与现在完成时用得比较多Have


you finished yet?

yet=but 连词,放在两个句子间, 起转折作用 or adv. 或者, 否则


当主语由 neither...nor,either...or,not only...but also 或or 连接时,谓语动词与nor,or,but also后面的词一致,在英语语法中,这被称之为―就近原则‖,离动词最近的名词是单数, 整个主语就视为单数;离动词最近的名词是复数, 整个主语就视为复数


1.They ___B____ the trip until the rain stopped. A. continued B. didn't continue C. hadn't continued D. would continue


2.The local peasants gave the solders clothes and food without which they __A___ of hunger and cold. (without 在这里表示条件)

A. would die B. will die

C. would be dead D. would have died虚拟语气

3.It was not until then that I came to know that the earth __D__around the sun.

A. moved B. has moved C. will move D. moves

It was not until that是强调结构,首先将―It was…that‖去掉,再将―not‖移到―that‖后句子中。

4. When all those present(到场者)__D__he begin his lecture. A. sit B. set C. seated D. were seated

seat vt. 做动词的时候两种情况① seat sb.;② sb. be seated sit vi. 坐 sb. sit down

Lesson 26 The best art critics 【New words and expressions】(13)

upside down 上下颠倒地(两个同样的音连在一起时, 前面的音声去不读)

★art n. 艺术art student 艺术系的学生

English studen学英语的学生student of England 英国学生art gallery 艺术画廊(gallery n. 长廊, 游廊;画廊) black art 巫术 artist n. 艺术家 artiste n. 艺人 ★critic n. 评论家

criticise v. 批评, 批判(主要指批判, 但不完全是责备的意思)He criticised my painting.

criticism n. 批评, 批判critical adj. 挑剔的 critically adv. 爱挑剔的 ★paint v. 画

draw a picture 用线条画paint a picture 强调油画 painting n. 画oil painting 油画 ;Chinese painting 中国国画Beijing opera 国戏, 京剧

★pretend v. 假装pretend to do sth. 假装 ….pretend that +从句 假装…… ★pattern n. 图案

① n. 图案pattern drills ② n. 模式, 典范

★material n. 材料listening material 听力材料 ★appreciate v. 鉴赏 = understand and enjoy appreciate sth. 感激……

appreciate doing sth. 我很喜欢做某事 enjoy v. 欣赏,得到享受,乐趣

I like/love/enjoy/I appreciate…(程度一个比一个深) I like sth.I like sth. very much. I like sth. better.I like sth. best.

★notice v. 注意到

① vt. 注意到,察觉到(不用进行时)

You never notice what‘s going on around you.

notice 细节上的注意, 往往是别人没注意的东西, 你注意到了, 细节上的东西

I notice the beauty spot.(美人痣) pay attention to 思想上的注意

② n. 注意,察觉The girl in red caught his notice. ③ n.(书面的)通知,布告,海报 ★whether conj. 是否

if在表示―是否‖的时候可以被whether所取代;if在表示―如果‖的时候不可以用whether取代 whether…or not =if

If it will rain… (不是条件状语从句, 故可以用将来时will)=Whether it will rain…/Whether it will rain or not…(可以加 ―not‖ )

I wondered if it will rain.(不加 ―not‖ ) ★hang v. 悬挂, 吊

① vt.&vi(将……)悬挂,吊hang — hung — hung A pretty curtain hangs over the window.

hang — hanged — hanged v. 绞死, 吊死 ② vt.&vi 垂下

He sat in a chair and hung (down) his head. ③ vt.&vi安装……使能转动/摆动

Have you hung the door? 你把门装上了吗? ★upside down 上下颠倒地

① 上下颠倒When he stands on his head, everything appears upside down to him.

② 乱七八糟,混乱不堪

My little boy always makes the room upside down. 【课文讲解】

1、They are just pretty patterns. just在此处指―只是,仅仅(是)‖ It was just a wrong number.


It‘s just six o‘clock./ I‘ve just heard the news.

2、We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material.

pretty curtain material 漂亮的窗帘布

in the same way that =as… 正如……一样

The son walked in the same way that/as his father walked. in a way 以某种方式

3、I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else.

else跟在anyone,anything 等不定代词的后面,表示―另外/加、其它/他的、不同的‖,else也可跟疑问代词连用,如 who else,what else

I can find nothing else here excep an old dictionary.

better than anyone else 比其他任何人(表示最高级的含义) 用比较级表示最高级:

The teacher is taller than anyone else. (―else‖不能少, 把主语从―anyone‖中排除)

4、My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not.

连接词whether…or not可以表示选择:

I don‘t know whether you are interested (in it) or not. You must help him, whether you like him or not. 5、'I'm hanging this picture on the wall,' I answered.

the windows in the wall /picture on the wall 注意介词的不同 6、'It's all right,' she said, 'but isn't it upside down?'


Isn‘t it upside down? =It‘s upside down. 否定疑问句,没有否定的意思,起肯定作用,起强调作用,表达一种情绪Aren't you lucky? 你真幸运

【Key structures】一般现在时


和人的情绪相连, 跟人的状态相连, 跟人的思维活动相连的动词都不用进行时,而用于一般现在时,这些动词是:appear,appreciate,be,believe,feel,find,forget,hear,know,like,look like,notice,remember,resemble,see,think,understand 等等

【Special Difficulties】 Speech marks引号

在书面语会话中,用引号(单引号或双引号)把实际的对话括起来。引号在英文当中第一次出现是单引号, 第二次出现是双引号, 英文当中的书名号用引号来替代 注意事项 :

① 引号位于一行之上, 它们应在句尾其他标点符号—如逗号、句号、问号—之外. ② 引语的第一个词以大写字母开头. ③ 在said, asked等词后面用逗号, 只有当它们位于句尾时, 才在它们的后面用句号. ④ 当said, asked等词置于引语之间时, 句子的后半部分以小写字母开始. ⑤ 当一个新的说话人开始讲话时, 要另起一个段落. 【Multiple choice questions】

4 What is it about? Tell me ___b___ . a. what is it about b. what it is about c. what about it is d. what about is it 疑问句的直接引语变间接引语要注意:

① 特殊疑问句由特殊疑问词引导② 时态:主句的谓语动词是过去时时, 其从句的谓语动词应为相对应的时态 ③ 疑问句变成间接引语时, 要变成陈述句语序④ 人称的变化 5 She tells me ______ my pictures are good or not. a. weather b. that c. if d. unless


6 Do you like my picture? It's ___d___ .

a. a new b. one new c. new one d. a new one A 缺名词;B 缺名词或位置错误;C 缺冠词 one 可以作代词, 还可以作数词

10 Young children often appreciate modern pictures. They ___d___ them.

a. estimate b. esteem c. value d. understand and enjoy

estimante v. 评估,评价;esteem v. 尊敬;value v. 认为……有价值

9 This curtain material is very good ___b___ . a. clothes b. cloth c. substance d. matter clothes n. 衣服(读音省略[?] 的音)cloth n. 布 11 They notice more. They ______ more. a. remark b. observe c. say d. take care 在此句中, notice=observe

12 It's upside down. It isn't ___d___ .

a. up b. down c. the right way down d. the right way up. not the right way down = the right way up upside down与the right way up意思相反

Lesson 27 A wet night

【New words and expressions】(15) ★field n. 田地, 田野

in the field 在田野里in one's field 在……领域 football field 足球场地airfield 飞机场(介词用on) ★smell (smelled,smelt) v. 闻起来 ① vt. 嗅,闻I can smell something burning. ② vi. 闻起来有……气味,散发……气味 You smell of soap. 你身上有肥皂味。 smell 系动词, 接表语, 接形容词 taste v. 尝起来sound v. 听起来 feel v. 感到

① 心理感到 I feel ill.

② 用手的感受The blackbroad felt cold. 感官动词:look,taste,sound,smell,feel ③ n. 气味I can‘t stand the smell in this room. ★wonderful adj. 极好的Fantastic! Great ! (与物相连,口语中用得更多) Excellent ! adj.卓越的, 极好的(与人相连) Outstanding ! (人) 好得站了出来

Brilliant! adj.灿烂的, 闪耀的, 有才气的 ★campfire n. 营火, 篝火

fire 可数也不可数 (一堆堆的火为可数, 炉子里的火为不可数)

★creep (crept,crept) v. 爬行 (蹑手蹑脚的) 也是平行的爬 creep out 蹑手蹑脚(别人不注意, 偷偷摸摸的) climb v. 爬climb up or down (上下爬) crawl v. 平行地爬

★sleeping bag 睡袋

动词加ing 变成形容词作定语有两个意思 : ① 正在…… 如:sleeping dog ② 用来做…… 如:leeping bag

★soundly adv. 香甜地sleep soundly 睡得很甜

表示睡觉的短语:go to bed 上床/go to sleep 睡觉/fall asleep坠入梦乡(fall为半联系动词)/sleep well睡得很好/sleep deeply 睡得很沉/fall fast asleep 睡得好香(fast asleep熟睡) ★leap v. 跳跃, 跳起jump v. 跳 jump up and down 原地跳跃

leap v. 跳跃, 有距离(如从沟的这边跳到另一边, 位置变化)Look before you leap. 三思而后行 leap year/month 闰年/月

skip v. 课文行的跳过去,单词,文章 ★heavily adv. 大量地

rain/snow heavily 一般与雨雪连用 smoke heavily 烟瘾重

★form ① vi. 形成,产生

②形状外形The ice cream is made in the form of a ball .③ n. 表格

★wind (wound;wound)

① v. 蜿蜒 wind one's way 蜿蜒而行 ② n. 风;v. 刮风 ★right adv. 正好

right 做副词时强调后边的形容词、副词、介词短语,不强调动词,可用just来替换 Right here. 就在这儿

just like 正好; just as 正如

后边加代词时只能用just,如:just you 就是你了,不能用―right‖代替 【课文讲解】

汉语与英文只有意义的对等, 没有字的对等

My idea is the same as yours. 我的想法与你一样的 I agree with you.(口语)I think so.(口语) 1、A wet night


英文中表示 ―湿‖ 的词:wet,damp,moist (湿的程度减少) wet adj. 湿淋淋的(反义词是dry) damp adj. 让人感觉不太舒服

moist adj. 潮湿的; n. 潮湿,稍湿(给人感觉舒服,如湿润)moist cake 松软的蛋糕moist eyes 水灵灵的眼睛dreamy eyes 梦幻般的眼睛

humid adj. 指气候比较潮湿

2、Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.

late in the afternoon 傍晚 early in the morning 清早

put up =set up 搭建(强调搭,如搭个草棚等) build 建(强调精心设计并且建造)

build a car 制造汽车 (一般不用 ―make a car‖ ) make a desk

in the middle of 在……当中,在……中间(相对两边,既可以用于表示地理位置,又可以用于表示时间或在某个过程当中) in the center of 在……中心,在……中部/中央(相对四面,一般用于表示地理位置,腹地) 在陆地的腹地用 ―center‖

3、As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire.

open fire 在野外生的火, 篝火,盆火(指无遮盖的、没有围起来的火)cook a meal 做一顿饭

4、After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.

表示―在……之后‖的句式:after+从句/doing/n. 在……旁边:at the door 门边, (紧挨着的) sit at the table 桌边

by 在……旁边,靠近 (不会紧挨着的, 但也不会很远,通常指距离非常近)Come and sit by me.

next to He sits next to me./who is the next? (紧邻) the next door to my house(next door 在隔壁) beside = next to 与……相邻near 在附近

5、The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.

put out 人为的熄灭火be out 火自动熄灭

6、In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting.

in the middle of the night=midnight

at midnight 在午夜he mid-autumn day 中秋节wake up 醒来(主语自己醒)wake sb. up 唤醒

开始干:begin doing/start doing/begin to do/start to do 7、It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field.

如果强调某东西自动形成, 则可以用主动态, 如果强调某东西是人为的, 用被动态,在这里river formed 河流是自动形成 The door opened. 强调门自动开

The door was opened. 门被打开, 强调人为的 【Composition】

I am very tall(so)(but)I must be careful. Doorways are often low(and)(but)I usually(beat)(knock)my head against them. My head always(hurts)(pains). I have never(met)(recognized)a tall architect. Have you?

so,and,knock,hurts,met doorways n. 门栏

knock/beat:knock 大声地撞;beet 持续的撞击/打

against prep. 相对作用的力 (在政治上叫 ―反对‖ )hurt/pain:身体的某一部位+hurts,表示某一部疼痛;pain 表示疼痛的名词

My hand hurts./I have a pain in my hand. 词短语,后面不可以跟从句,只能跟名词、代词或动词 【Letter writing】 ―-ing‖.be able to 的主语一般都是人, 表示有能力去做;can信头各部分的顺序如下:门牌号码、街名、城市名称、地区、表示天生的或学到的能力时,只能用于现在时和过去时国家和日期。只有给居住在国外的人写信时,才需要写上国(could),而不可用于将来时。将来时中表示能力时必须用be 名。地址的每一行都以逗号结尾,最后一行用句号。在日期able to。在现在时和过去时中,can/could与be able to一般可后面不用标点符号。 以互换,在完成时中一般用be able to。 【Special Difficulties】 get sth. into 把……弄进 与put有关的短语动词: drive the car into 把车子撞上…… put up with 容忍,忍受 even once 甚至一次(even 起强调)

put up ① 搭建,搭建; ② 安排住宿,为……提供膳宿,4、But none of them has been turned to stone yet! 夜宿put out 扑灭put on 穿上 none of,neither of做主语时做单数看待 put away 把……收好,放好put off 推迟,拖延put down = 【Composition】 write down 记下,写下,记录下 My wife (drives) (leads) a car. She has (driven) (ridden) a car for 【Multiple Choice】 many years (and) (but) she says that women drivers (do not 9 The boys had put out the campfire. The fire wasn't ___d___ . deserve) (are not worth) their bad reputation. Yet, on the road, a. switched on b. on fire c. on d. alight she often (criticizes) (judges) other women drivers. be on 上演, 亮着的(一般指灯亮着的). drives/driven/and/do not deserve/criticizes switch n. 开关;v. 用开关 reputation n.名誉, 名声 on fire 起火alight以a开头的形容词为表语形容词 judge n.法官, 审判员, 裁判员, 鉴赏家, 鉴定人, (J-)最高的 审判者 vt.审理, 鉴定, 判断, 判决, 断定, 认为 vi.下判断, Lesson 28 No parking 作评价 【New words and expressions】(7) 【Key structures】 ★rare ① adj. 罕见的 指世界上都少有 Wht has happened? 现在完成时 rare animal 稀有动物;rare bird 珍稀鸟类;rare illness 疑难与现在完成时连用的副词和副词短语:before(now),so far,杂症 up to/till now,just,already,now,ever,never,since和forscarce adj. 缺乏的,不足的,稀有的,不充足的(少有的,表等,since一般与一个时间点连用,for一般与时间段连用。 示某个时间段或某个地方少有) 【Special Difficulties】 Watermelon is scarce in winter. 关系从句及关系代词 ② adj. 几乎是生的 关系从句又可称为定语从句或形容词从句,它像形容词一样well done 全熟medium adj. 半生半熟的 可以形容人、物及事件。关系从句可分为限定性关系从句(不★ancient adj. 古代的, 古老的 带逗号)和非限定性关系从句(带逗号)。表示人的关系代词:antique adj. 古代的,古玩,古董,古老而有价值的antique who,whom,that,whose(口语中whom经常由who代替) furniture 古董家具 表示事物和动物的关系代词:which,that ★myth n. 神话故事fairy n. 神仙故事 关系代词可以有四个概念 : ★trouble ① n. 麻烦 ① 代人的, 做主语或宾语who,只做宾语的whom I'm sorry to put you in trouble. 我很抱歉给你带来麻烦(口语) ② 代物的, 做主语或宾语 which ask for trouble 自找麻烦 ③ 代人的也可以代物的 做主语或宾语 that have trouble in doing sth. . ④ whose其代表的东西由其在句子中的成分决定(不一定指② v. 麻烦 Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you. 人 ) 永远不要自寻烦恼 关系代词后面要加从句,先行词放在定语从句前面, 而且是Let sleeping dog lie. 不要自找麻烦 两句话共同含有的词, 还是被定语从句修饰的词I have a ★effect n. 结果, 效果 book that/which he likes.( ―book‖ 为先行词 ―that/which‖ 为关have an effect 有效果have no effect 没有效果 系代词) have effect on 对……有效果 关系代词有两个功能 : 一是承上, 一是启下(如上句中的 【课文讲解】 ―book‖ 作从句的宾语)

1、Jasper White is one of those rare people who believe in The boy who is standing at the door is my brother. ancient myths. I can do anything that I can do. believe vt. 相信,认为 I have a house whose windows are broken. believe in 信任,信赖(人格、力量等);信仰;相信……关系代词在关系从句中作宾语时往往可以省略,作主语时则的存在,相信……的价值 不可以。whose 后面一定要加一个名词, 然后这个部分共同 I believe in God. 我信仰上帝。 做主语或宾语

2、He has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he The pilot whose plane landed in a field was not hurt. moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners. Exersise(在需要的地方填上who, which, that或whose) ever since =since 从那以后一直(ever since的语气比1 The only games ______ I play are football and tennis.先行词since强,主句一般用完成时) 如果用only, 序数词, 形容词最高级修饰, 其后边的关系词只have trouble doing 做……有麻烦 用that have trouble with sb. 和某人相处有麻烦 4 This is the hotel at ______ we are staying.

3、Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into 介词后加物的话, 只加which,加人的话, 用whom, 都不可用his garage even once. that,who也不能 because只能作连词用,后面接从句 because of 由于,介6 That is the horse ______ won the race.


句子中用词避免重复, 句首已有了一个 ―that‖ , 故选 ―which‖ 而不是 ―that‖

Who is the man that is helping you? 谁是那个正在帮助你的人?(不用―who‖避免重复)

7 He is the sort of person ______ everyone admires. 【Multiple choice questions】

7 ___b___ of them has been turned to stone. a. No one b. Not one c. No d. Even one no 是形容词, 后加名词

no one =nobody (―nobody‖ 指的是人, 它将 ―cars‖ 排除了是不对的),不定代词后不用of

可以用的有 : neither of/none of/both of/all of none of =not one of

12 The signs haven't had any effect. They haven't ___a___ anyone.

a. affected b. effected c. resulted in d. imposed effect n. 影响have effect 有效果 affect v. 影响

Lesson 29 Taxi!

【New words and expressions】(10)

★taxi n. 出租汽车taxi driver 出租车司机 take a taxi,take a bus,take a lift ★land vi. 着陆 ★plough v. 耕地

plough n. 梨;v. 耕, 犁, 犁耕, 费力穿过, 艰苦前进, 在考试中淘汰farm n. 农田,家场

★lonely adj. 偏僻的, 人迹罕见的(地方) lonely adj. 孤独的, 孤僻的(人)

alone adj. 单独的, 独一无二的, 孤独的, 独自的;adv. 独自地

★roof n. 楼顶(从外面看)

raise the roof v. 喧闹, 大声抱怨

ceiling n. 天花板(从里面看)hit the ceiling勃然大怒, 暴跳如雷, 怒发冲冠(美口语)

★block n. 块, 一座大楼

★flat n. 公寓房a block of flats 公寓楼 (英国英语) a block of apartments 公寓楼(美语,apartment n. 公寓)office block 办公楼 写字楼

★desert v. 废弃 n. 沙漠, 不毛之地 【课文讲解】

1、The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'. called a ?Pilatus Porter‘是过去分词短语,作aeroplane的定语。一般过去分词短语作定语时要放在所修饰的名词/代词之后,而一个单独的分词作定语时则往往放在所修饰的名词/代词前面。

He landed in a deserted car park. a race across the Atlantic

call sb. sth. 叫某人……be called 被称为…… 过去分词做定语时是作为被动状态来翻译的 a ploughed field 被耕过的田; a deserted car park 被废弃的车场written English 书面语 ;spoken English 口语colloquial language 口语

2、Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places.

since then 从那时起(强调起点)so far =up to now 强调终点

★fly ① vi. 飞,飞行② vt. 空运(乘客) fly sb./sth. To… 开飞机送某人/物去…… He has flown his car to France.


drive sb. to… 开车送某人去……

3、Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park.

once…and on another occasion 一次……还有一次……

4、Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a

businessman. request from sb. 来自某人的请求request for sth. 要求得到

5、The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous. take sb. to … 送某人……

too 在副词或形容词前表示否定含义,强调程度大到了人们不愿去做very 强调程度深 【Composition】

The plane (not only) (neither) (flew) (threw) close to the river, (but) (or) also flew under a bridge. (Then) (However) it (climbed) (ran) into the air. The people on the bridge (waved) (shook) to the pilot (and) (yet) he did not (notice) (look after) them.

not only,flew,but,Then,climbed(ran也对, 但没有climb表达更确切),waved,yet,notice 【Key structures】 一般过去时和现在完成时

一般过去时往往强调动作本身,而现在完成时则表示始于过去并持续到现在的动作或表示过去不确定的时间发生过的并与现在有某种联系的动作。 【Special Difficulties】 Refuse and Deny

refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

deny doing sth. / deny that +从句 否认(指控、做过某事等).当refuse作为及物/不及物动词表示―拒绝接受‖时,不可与deny混用;当refuse作为及物动词表示―拒绝给予、拒绝要求‖时,它与deny可以互相替换。 All those not holding tickets will be refused /denied entry. 无票者不得入内。 Bring,Take与Fetch

bring v. 从某处将某物―带来‖,离说话人越来越近take v. 拿走,离说话人越来越远fetch v. 去某地将某物―取来‖,是个双程动作,去了再来

9 The ploughed field is ready for ___b___ . a. sewing b. sowing c. seeding d. growing be ready for/to… 为……作准备

―seed‖种植,只与播种子相联系, 一般作名词, 强调把种子种下去;而―sow‖种植,只说明把...种下去, 并不一定是 ―种子‖

Lesson 30 Football or polo? 【New words and expressions】(8) ★cut ① vt. &vi. 切,割,剪

cut one's hair = have a hair cut 理发

cut down the tree = cut the tree down 砍倒树 cut the head off 砍脑袋 (off = away from) cut off electricity 切断电源

cut sth. into pieces 把……切成小片(碎) ② vt. 割破,划破cut oneself 割伤自己 ③ vi. 横穿,穿越(介词用across/through) cut across/through 直着穿过 cut a corner 走捷径,超近路 No pains, no gains.

★row ① vt.& vi. 划船

My brother is rowing. 划船 (row强调动作) go boating 去划船(强调玩) ② vt. 划船载运

Can you row me up/across the river? 你能划船将我送到河的上游/对岸吗? ★kick v. 踢

kick me 踢我一脚 kickback n. 回扣, 佣金 I get a kickback of 2000 Yuan. kick upstairs 明升暗降

well to go (美语) = well done (英语) 做得不错 ★sight n. 眼界, 视域 catch sight of… 看见

out of sight 在视线之外in sight 在视线之内 Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见心不烦

long sighted 眼光长远, 远视眼short sighted 目光短浅, 近视 【课文讲解】 1、Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat, but he did not hear them.

call out 大声呼叫,叫喊 call out to sb. 对……大声喊

2、The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water. so…that… 如此……以致于…… (that 引导的结果状语从句)so的后面跟副词或形容词, 如后跟名词时要用such +n. +that…


The wind(threw)(blew)his hat into the river. He(put)(took)out his hand (and) (but)tried to (reach)(catch)it(so)(but) he could not(so) (but) he(jumped) (fell) into the river(and)(but) got it.

blew 吹 ,take out 拿出(put out 扑灭), and,reach够得着(catch 接住 抓住), but,so,jump 自己跳 (fall 掉进去),and

【Summary writing 】

4.The man in the boat neither saw the ball nor heard people shouting.

6.However,the man was not angry and he threw the ball back to the bank.

but连接两个句子, 中间可用逗号隔开;however只是副词, 只表示意思上得转折, 它可以放在句首也可以放在句中, 只是用一个逗号把它和其他的词隔开就可以 【Key structures】 The, Some and Any


Do you want some? / Would you want something?

Do you want any drink?你想要喝点什么吗?(不愿意给别人喝) 在姓名、地名、国名(非复合词)前面通常不加任何冠词。但在特指的海洋、河流、山脉以及部分复合词形式的国名前,一定要用定冠词the;在表示世界上独一无二的东西时,通常要加定冠词the.

Many great cities are built on rivers. Paris is on the Seine, London is on the Thames and Rome is on the Tiber. 许多大城市都建在河岸上. 巴黎在塞纳河上, 伦敦在泰晤士河上, 罗马在第伯尔河上.

Exercises D (在必要的地方填上冠词a或the)

1 ______ refrigerators are necessary in ______ hot countries. 2 Which river is ______ longest, ______ Nile, ______ Amazon, or ______ Mississippi?

3 Heyerdahl crossed ______ Pacific on ______ raft.

4 Why is ______ Britain sometimes called ______ United Kingdom?

5 We sailed up ______ Red Sea and then went through ______ Suez Canal.


1.不填in hot countries: 指的是炎热的那类国家, 故不用 the2. the,the,the,the Nile 尼罗河 ; Amazon 亚马逊河 ; Missisippi 密西西比河

3.the,athe Atlantic 大西洋raft n. 木筏子(如用by,则不用加任何修饰by raft,用―on,in‖一般都要加―the,a/an‖,这里指的是这一类,没特指,故加―a‖) 4. \\,the 如果以单个的词作为国家, 基本上不加the,比方说China,America,Britain,一旦这个词成为缩略形式, 前面就要加the,如:the USA

5.the,the横渡海峡用―across‖;和运河相连介词用through,不用 ―across‖

【Multiple choice questions】

4. It cuts across the park. It goes ___a___ it. a. through b. over c. round d. along round 围绕 ;along 沿着 across 从……的表面穿过 through 从……的内部穿过 over 在……上方,与下面没接触,over 在用于穿越讲时,表示穿过弧形over the bridge, over the mountains, over the hill

Lesson 31 Success story

【New words and expressions】(8) ★retire v. 退休

retire =stop working =stop doing this ★company n. 公司firm n. 商行 corporation n. 责任公司

limited corporation 有限责任公司(缩略形式:Ltd.Co)business n. 生意,公司

★save ① vt. 挽救,救助,拯救save one's face 挽会面子② vt. 积蓄,储蓄

西方人不喜欢提钱, 所以用 save up 表示存钱

Save it for a rainy day. 未雨绸缪, 为将来需要而做好准备 ★workshop n. 车间(工作并且可以拿出来卖) workhouse n. 感化院(强迫劳动的地方)

★helper n. 帮手, 助手assistant n. 助理 ★employ v. 雇佣

employee n. 雇员 ;employer n. 雇主

trainer n. 教练 ;trainee n. 接受训练的人 【课文讲解】

1、Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.

head是―首领、头目‖的意思,―the head of+名词‖的意思是―……的老板,头‖

used to do sth. 过去常常, 但是现在不做 work…as… 作为……工作.

as a boy = as he was a boy (as是―当……的时候‖)

2、In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. in one's -ies 在某人几十岁的时候

in one's twenties/thirties/forties/fifties/nineties,十的倍数的复数形式可用于表达近似的、非确定的数量,与所有格形容词连用时表示大约的年龄。

in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代

3、Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success.

one‘s hard early years =early in one‘s life 某人的早年艰辛(生活)

the long road to success 通往成功的长路

There is a long way to go. 还有很长的路要走。 remember v. 记得, 回忆起

memory n. 记忆 ;memorize v. 记住 【Key structures】


过去进行时表示过去某个时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作,和一般过去时经常在一个句子里使用。与一般过去时相比,它更强调动作的持续性,一般过去时则表示比较短暂的动作或事件。在叙述故事时,过去进行时往往用来表示背景。 When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.

As I was getting on the bus, I slipped and hurt my foot. used to do

used to do表示过去有过但现在已不存在的习惯,以便将过去与现在形成对照。它后面经常用由but now…,but not…any more/any longer等构成的、用了一般现在时的句子以强调过去和现在的不同之处。 I used to smoke, but I don‘t any more/longer.

used to仅用于一般过去。它的疑问句和否定句形式可以不用助动词do而用used本身。

Used he to smoke? He usedn‘t /used not to smoke. 但比较常用的形式是did和didn‘t

Did he use to smoke?He didn‘t use to smoke. 在针对used to提问时,一般也用did: 【Special Difficulties】

Experience① n. 经历(可数名词)② n. 经验(不可数名词)③ vt. 经验,体验

experienced adj. 有经验的,经验丰富的 Save① vt.& vi. 救助,搭救,拯救 save one's life 挽救某人的生命 ② vt.& vi. 储蓄,积攒

save money 存钱(多余的钱)

save it for a rainy day 未雨绸缪

economize .经济,节省(能不用就不用,节衣缩食) Work and Job

work和job都翻译为―工作‖,job为可数名词,一般与―职业、职位‖有关,或表示某人的―份内事‖;work作―工作‖讲时是不可数名词,常指具体的―劳动、作业‖或―(待做的)工作或事务‖等,也可能表示―上班‖。John is looking for a new job. I‘m looking for work as a driver. 【Composition】

Frank (not only) (neither) (repaired) (made)his grandson's bicycle, (but)(also)went for a ride on it(as well)(both).He(said)(told)melater:?I(make)(do)aeroplanes, (and) (but) I prefer bicycles.‘

not only / repaired / but /as well / told /make/ but go for a ride/go for a walk 骑车出去/出去散步 ride a car/bicycle/horse

go for a ride on sth (对自行车只能用 ―on‖ ) 出去骑车prefer vt.更喜欢, 宁愿

【Multiple choice questions】

4 He used to work fourteen hours a day. He did this ___c___ day. a. one b. some c. each d. a every day / each day 每天

one day 有一天 ; some day 某一天 ; a 作为计量单位的一部分

8 Frank is the ___a___ of a business company. a. director b. headmaster c. superior d. leader

leader n. 起带头作用的人headmaster n. 校长director n. 管理公司或单位整个事务的人superior n. 监理 12 He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife ___c___.

a. went in b. entered in c. entered d. entered into

into 后面一定要加地点enter 既是及物动词, 也是不及物动词enter=go in/come in go in 与 come in 都可以用enter代


替, 但go in(离说话人越来越远) 与 come in(离说话人越来越近) 方向不一样,文中强调的是 ―进去‖ 而非 ―进来‖

Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 【New words and expressions】(6) ★once adj. 曾经, 以前

① once = long long ago 很久以前

② once 一次I③ once 连接从句,表示―一旦‖ ★temptation n 诱惑

temptation to do sth. ……的诱惑

resist the temptation to do sth. 抵抗不了……的诱惑 (resist vt. 抵抗, 反抗, 抗, 忍得住)

★article ① n. 文章 This is a good article.

② n. 物品, 东西(强调的是商店里的一个一个的东西, 是可数名词, 单独的东西, 独立的个体)

thing n. 指任何的东西(和article不可相互取代)cargo n. 船货, (车、船、飞机等运输的)货物

goods n. 货物, 商店里的货物的总称 ★wrap v. 包裹

wrap sth. up 把……打包

pack v. 打包(指为了携带, 运输的方便而打包)

I will take/get/have it. Please wrap them for me. /★simply adv. 仅仅simply = only = just ★arrest ① vt. 逮捕,扣留

(criminal n. 罪犯, 犯罪者;adj. 犯罪的, 犯法的, 罪恶的)② n. 逮捕,扣留sb. be under arrest 某人被逮捕control/under control 控制/被控制

③ vt. 吸引(注意等)arrest one's attention 吸引某人的注意 【课文讲解】

1\\People are not so honest as they once were.

as…as… 和……一样(as+ adj./adv. +as +比较对象) as…as…的否定形式是not so…as…/not as…as… I am taller than you/you are not as tall as I.

less +原级 +than=not as…as…=not so…as… 不如……那样……(比较状语从句)


2、The temptation to steal is greater than ever before--especially in large shops.

The temptation to smoke is strong for him. 要表现现在与过去的比较, 有两种方式 :

① they are 与 they were 或 it is /it was等在用不同时态比 they are 与 they were 在用不同时态比

You are more beautiful than you were. You look better than you were. (省略句 : You look better.)

You were worse. (表示You are better.你过去更差劲, 表示现在比以前更好了)

I think 我想……I thought 我原以为…… ② 用短语than ever before

People are not so honest as before. = People are not so honest as they once were.

3、A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings.

watch v. 观察, 监视; 当心(口语中)watch the enemy. watch sth. 当心 Watch your head! (威胁)

―well+动词的过去分词‖组成复合形容词,做定语 well-designed 设计得不错well-educated 有教养的

4、One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective to watch her.

as usual 象平常 ;than usual 比平常

It be动词+形容词+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做什么事……out of politeness 出于礼貌 (politeness n. 有礼, 优雅) 5、After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.

after a little time 过了一会儿

hand…to… 递给(比较有权威的人)

(前一个以 ―o‖ 结尾, 后一个以 ―元音‖ 开头的, 读时需再在它们之间加一个[?]音, 又如:my heart go on. [??????? ])

pass sth. to sb. 一个一个的传递(更常用)

hand in 上交wrap sth. up for sb. 为某人打包……as … as possible 尽可能……

6、When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter.

find out 发现……(后跟的宾语一般是抽象的) find out the truth 发现真相

find sth. 找到……(sth. 是看得见, 模得着的, 具体的) 7、The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress once a week ! free adj. 免费的

fee adj. 交费 fee parking 收费的停车场 ―once a +表示时间的名词‖可以表示频率: 【Key structures】 比较状语从句

比较状语从句含有或暗含有―与……相比‖的意思。除了than…或more…than…这种结构外,它还包括as+形容词/副词+as…,not so/as…as…,less…than…等结构。当句子里两动词相同、时态也一样时,则第二个动词可省略,比较从句就成了含蓄的从句。如果对比的东西很明显,那么为了避免重复,从句中有些成分、甚至整个从句都省略,因此这类句子往往不完整 People aren‘t so kind as they used to be. little和few的用法

little和a little与不可数名词一起使用。little表示否定,有―几乎一点儿也没有‖的含义,在口语中常用not much;a little表示肯定,具有some的含义。

few和a few与复数可数名词连用。few表示否定,与little相似,在口语中多用not many;a few表示肯定,有some的含义。little的比较级为less,few的比较级为fewer。 【Special Difficulties】 A and One

不定冠词a通常用于表示不确定的人或事物以及第一次提到的人或事物,a强调的是后面的名词; one强调的是 ―一个‖ 的意思.不表示强调时,a和one有时可以互换:叙述故事时常将one+表示时间的名词用于句首,而不用a: 【Multiple choice questions】

9 The woman first bought a few small articles. She bought some small ___a___. a. things b. pieces c. bits d. parts 10 The assistant wrapped it. She ___d___ it. a. papered b. turned c. enveloped d. made a parcel of made a parcel of 制作一个包裹 12 The dress was free. It ___c___.

a. was priceless b. was worthless c. cost nothing d. was grateful

priceless adj.无价的, 极贵重的

worthless adj. 不值钱的(Something cost money.) free adj. 免费的 (I pay nothing.) grateful adj.感激的, 感谢的

Lesson 33 Out of the darkness


【New words and expressions】(12) ★darkness n. 黑暗

in the darkness 在黑暗中(在没有光线的情况下) ★explain v. 解释, 叙述explanation n. 解释 Could you give me an explanation?

interpret v. 解释, (强调翻译)语言之间的解释

interpreter n. 解释程序,解释者,口译人员,翻译员,讲解

员interpretation n. 解释, 阐明, 口译, 通译 interpretress n. 女翻译员

★coast n. 海岸(地理意义上的海岸, 海岸线等, 感觉旁边是岩石, 很陡峭

seashore n. 海岸(跟游玩有关系, 为了游玩的)

seaside n. 海边 seashore/ seaside 给人的感觉是旁边是沙滩, 可以进行日光浴的感觉

bank n. 河岸,坝,堤(两边比水面高) ★storm n. 暴风雨 (只解释为―风暴‖)

Snowstorm n. 暴风雪thunderstorm n. [气]雷暴,雷雨rain heavily 表示雨下得很大

pour v. 灌注, 倾泻, 涌入, 流, 倾盆大雨 The rain is pouring. 倾盆大雨 It's raining cats and dogs. 滂沱大雨 ★towards prep. 向, 朝, 接近

towards 强调nearer and nearer(强调越来越近) ★rock n. 岩石, 礁石 rock 表示huge stone ★ahead adv. 在前面

a开头的词(asleep,awake,alive,ahead,alight…)往往是表语形容词。不管是作表语形容词,还是副词,都放在名词的后面,一般形容词放在名词前面 ahead 的用法:

① 放在被修饰词的后面作定语, 定语后置 light ahead 前方的灯光 ② ahead of… 在……前面

He went ahead of me. 他走在我前面

③ go ahead 朝前走;请随便(回答请求时用)

--Would you mind my using your telephone? / Can I use your telephone?--Ok, go ahead. ★hospital v. 医院

hospital前面是否加the,和它的功能有关系,一旦+the, 只表示地点go to hospital 看病 ; go to the hospital 去医院(看望病人)

in hospital 住院 ; in the hospital 在医院 【课文讲解】

1、Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. nearly adv. 将近 ―一段时间以后‖句型: sometime later…

Three days later, my mother returned. (强调某人做某事,简单句)Three days passed and then my mother returned. 并列句, 既强调某人做某事, 又强调时间(有多久)…passed before… Three days passed before my mother returned.

强调时间(这么久的时间, 时间状语从句, 后面是从句)be able to强调有能力, 且能够成功(还强调成功);can 只表示能力 2、One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.

set out = set off = begin a journey 出发 set out from… 从……出发

be caught in+灾难 (突然)遇到/上(风暴等)

He was caught in a rain when he left. 遇上人用meet, 遇上灾

难用be caught in…

3、Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. towards evening 天越来越晚 strike强调的往往是猛烈的撞击

4、Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.

―to‖强调朝那个方向去, 但没有强调越来越近;―towards‖朝那个方向去,强调距离越来越近

5、During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.


The bird covered the distance in three minutes.

a distance of+具体长度 多长的距离,表示具体的距离the red army covered a distance of 25000… 6、Early next morning, she saw a light ahead.

a light ahead 前方的一盏灯(ahead 放在被修饰词的后面) 7、On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.

―on +动名词‖相当于一个由as soon as=the moment或when引导的时间状语从句,as soon as=the moment后面要加句子,on 后面一定要加动词ing, 承认动词是由主句主语做的

―…up the cliff towards the…‖用两个介词起到动词的作用,up在此处为介词,表示―沿着……往上‖ 8、That was all she remembered. all作表语,是先行词, she remember 修饰 all 作定语从句, 省略 that

9、When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital. find +宾语+宾补 发现……(宾补可以由形容词或介词短语充当)

【Key structures】


① 表示―上、下‖的两对小品词是on和off,up和down Jim‘s standing on the roof. I hope he won‘t fall off. Tom‘s climbing up the tree. I hope he won‘t fall down.

② 表示―来、去‖的一对小品词是from和to;towards(强调越来越近)的意义和to(强调目标)相近,表示―朝,向,接近‖等;for在有些动词后面也表示―往,向‖的意思 He went for home.

leave for… 动身到某地(强调离开,出发) set out for… 动身到某地 head for/to 前往 (强调―去‖)

③ 表示―进去,出来‖这两种方向的介词为into(进、入)和out of(从...出来);表示―在某个地方‖或―在……里面/外面‖可用at(含有一种瞄准的概念,方向性),in,out of等;表目的地或位置往往用at

aim at,fire at(瞄准开火),throw at,threw to the bank ④ 表示―穿过,越过,绕过‖等动词时,往往用through,across,under,over,round等介词 How did you get over the wall? 【Special difficulties】 Pass and Past

pass和past的区别主要是词义上的区别,pass是动词,其过去式为passed,过去分词是passed或past。当作及物动词用时,可表示―经过,通过(考试),超过‖等,作不及物动词用时可表示―(时间等)消逝‖。 I‘ve passed/past my French test. A month has passed/past since I left home. past可以作形容词、介词、名词等,作形容词时表示―以前的,过去的‖等;作介词时表示―经过,超出范围等)‖;作名词时表示―过去,昔时,往事‖等。Frank is proud of his past experience.


I go past the garden.

Can you tell me something about your past? Next and Other

next表示时间顺序上―紧接的,下一个‖,如果以现在为基准,则next前一般不加the;如果以过去或将来的某一时间为基准,则next前面要加the或其他修饰词。 next day 第二天

the other day =a few days ago (几天前), the other day 出现一定是过去时;next day有可能是过去式, 有可能是将来式

【Multiple choice questions】

4 She swam to the shore ___a___ the night in the water. a. having spent b. having spending c. when spending d. had spent

只有谓语动词才有时态,句子中如果没有连词, 但有两个动词, 要把其中一个动词变成非谓语动词

从语法上讲 a, c 都对.用―when +doing‖句型(when 是连词的标志)时主语要跟主句的相同,谓语动词含有be doing 结构 (两个条件必须满足)

5 How ___c___ was the shore? Eight miles. a. away far b. far from c. far away d. long far from +地点(必须加)

对距离提问:How far away…? (away可省略) What's the distance…?

Lesson 34 Quick work

【New words and expressions】(2)

★station n. (警察)局 (一定是与军方, 警方有关系的)post office 邮局 police office 警局I went to the police. 我去警察局

communication bureau 交通局 (bureau n. 局) ★most adv. 相当, 非常

① adj. 用于最高级,表示―最……‖

This is the most beautiful car I‘ve even seen.

② adj. 大多数的大部分的Most doctors don‘t smoke.③ adv. 非常,很(相当于very,但通常用于表达主观感情、见解等) 只有加―the‖时为―最‖加―a‖或什么也不加时译为―非常,相当‖(―very‖ 的概念),常与形容词作用的过去分词连用。a most interesting book 非常有趣的书 【课文讲解】 1、Quick work

quick adj. 动作的快; fast adv. 速度的快; soon adv. 时间快have a quick meal quick freeze 速冻

2、Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. the local police 当地警察局

local adj. 地方性的,当地的,本地的 local color 当地色彩, 地方色彩

local people 当地人 ; local call 市话 native n. 土著人;adj. 土生土长的

3、In the letter he was asked to call at the station. call at (some place) 拜访某地call on sb. 拜访某人

ask/tell/expect/want/allow/request/order sb. to do sth. sb. was told 某人被告知;有人告诉某人

4、Ted wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried any more. want用于被动语态时可以表示―想与(某人见面、谈话等)‖或―缉拿,追捕‖

Please wait a minute. I‘m wanted on the phone. 请等一下,有我的电话。

This is the man (who is) wanted by the police.

11 He___d___ as if he had never lived in England before. and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hosptial for a. made b. did c. conducted d. behaved another two weeks.

do as I did 按我所做的做seem as if 看起来象……act as if for another two weeks 又两个星期 行为象……一样 look as if 看起来象……一样conduct=another作为限定词表示―另一个,再一个‖的时候,通常与可behave可以做动词,表示行为,但conduct为不及物动词, 如数的单数名词连用,不和复数形式连用;但是后面可以跟基果作及物动词, 加oneself 数词/few+复数名词(它们被当成一个整体): He conducted himself well. 他表现的很好 【Key structures】 He behaved (as) well. 直接引语和间接引语 直接引语的疑问句变为间接引语的疑问句时引号和问号不再Lesson 39 Am I all right? 使用,且直接疑问句中的倒装语序在转述疑问句里要还原为【New words and expressions】(10) 陈述句语序(主语+动词),有必要还要改变时态。转述一般疑★following adj. 下一个 问句时必须使用if或whether,不可省略,助动词do/does和the next day, the following day 第二天 did在转述疑问句里消失了。ask,want to know,wonder等后★alone adj. 独自的 强调人孤单一个 面的if和whether通常可以互换,但是whether表示的怀疑程Leave me alone. 我烦着呢, 别理我 度比if稍大。 I wonder if/whether he‘s phoned the doctor.在表★exchange n. (电话的)交换局 示两者挑一时更常用whether:She asked me whether I wanted ① vt. 换,更换,调换(指同类事物之间) tea or coffee. I want to exchange the red skirt for a blue one. 转述疑问句中带有or not时,通常用whether引导,不用if② vt. 交换,互换 引导:在转述特殊疑问句时,通常用原来的疑问词。在针对I met Frank at a bus stop this afternoon and we exchanged a few 主语提问的间接疑问句中,时态和情态助动词照常有变化,words. 但语序保持不变。 ③ n. 电话交换台 如果直接引语是问句,变为间接引语时,主句不说He said,★inquire ① vt. &vi. 打听,询问 而用He asked;told可以后跟问句,还可以跟陈述句:直接inquire sth. of sb. 从某人那打听 引语是表示命令、请求、建议的祈使句通常可用适当的动词insquire about sth. 打听某事 后跟不定式来转述,常用的这类动词有advise,ask,tell,order,② vi. 调查,查问He didn‘t tell the truth when the police command,warm,invite等,这些动词后往往有间接宾语,inquired into the accident. 在转述这类祈使句的否定形式时,必须将not放在带to的不③ vi. 求见(某人),要找(某人) 定式之前:She reminded/told me to turn off all the lights.tell sb. She inquired for the manager. 她想见经理。 to do sth./ask sb. to do sth. ★certain adj. 某个 动词suggest和insist用于转述建议、要求时,其结构为certain后面的名词的数量由它前面的数词来定 suggest/insist +that从句(用should): 某一个a certain +n.(单数) He still insisted that we should help him. a certain patient = some patient 某个病人 【Multiple choice questions】 某两个two certain + n.(复数) two certain patients 7 He will have to stay in hospital. That's what he ___b___. some+可数名词单数时表示某个(某一个) a. has done b. must do c. must be doing d. must have done for some reason 由于某个理由 a、has done 已经做的; b、must do必须做的 ;c、must be doing 【课文讲解】 must+ v.(原形)=have to 不得不;很可能(对现在或者将来的1、Am I all right? 推测)must +原形, +be doing, +have done属于推测句型的三种all right指人的健康状况表示―安然无恙的,良好的‖ 结构must be doing 对说话的当时的正在进行的行为的推测 2、While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to must have been doing 对过去的正在进行的动作的推测 tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the He must have been sleeping. doctor refused to do so.

So在这里是代词,代替前面的动词不定式(to tell him Lesson 40 Food and talk whether…)。它一般出现believe,do,expect,hope,say,tell,【New words and expressions】(6) think,appear等之后: ★hostess n. 女主人 3、The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. host n. 男主人;v. 作为主人, 主办 the following day = the next day,这里following表示―紧接着actor n. 男演员; actress n. 女演员 的,其次的‖。 ★unsmiling adj. 不笑的(un+smiling, 但并不一定表示―严ask for 请求,索要,要求(得到某个东西) 肃‖)serious adj.严肃的, 认真的, 严重的 bedside telephone 床头电话 ★tight adj. 紧身的 4、When the doctor answered the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was tight jeans 紧身牛仔裤 inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. The shoes are small/tight. (夹脚, 很紧)

Certain在这里没有―肯定的,确实的‖等含义,而表示―某一,tights n. 贴身衬衣, 紧身衣, 女用连裤袜 某位‖,暗指说话者或说话对象可能对这人/这事不大清楚/熟★fix ① v. 使……固定、安装 悉,或所指的这个人身份不大清楚:a+人名前面, 表示某一She fixed a handle on the door. 个拥有这个特征的人或我不认识的某某人,这种情况下a通fix on 使(目光、注意力等)集中于,盯着 常与表示―某一‖的certain连用: fix one's eyes on sth./one's eyes be fixed on sth. 盯着……He is a Leifeng. 表示具有雷锋的特征 目不转睛(习惯用被动) A certain Mrs. Hart is waiting to see you. ② v. 修理 5、He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home ★globe n. 地球,球状物, 如地球仪;adj. 全球的


global problem 全球性的问题

earth n. 地球global ―阁楼宝‖,一种灭蟑螂的药名 ★despair n. 绝望, 失望, 令人失望的人(事物);vi.绝望 in despair 绝望的

sb./sth. is the despair of… …让……感到绝望

The boy is the despair of his parents. 那男孩的父母对他感到绝望了。This boy is his mother's despair. 这个男孩使他妈绝望了。

The examination was the despair of me. = The examination was my despair.我对考试已经绝望了。 disappoint vt. 使失望 【课文讲解】 1、Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold.

dinner为不可数名词,―at a dinner party‖中的―a‖并不修饰―dinner‖而是 ―party‖,have dinner不加―a‖ ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事 next to 与……相邻,挨着(既可表示座位挨着也可以表示地理位置上挨着)

2、Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.

unsmiling表示bad mix,很难与人融合。unsmiling的反义词为smiling(微笑的,喜气洋洋的)。有些形容词前面可以加上前缀un-来表示相反的意义:comfortable(舒服的)/ uncomfortable(不舒服的),true(真实的)/untrue(不真实的),interesting(有趣的)/ uninteresting(无趣味的,乏味的)。 in在这里表示―穿着、戴着‖:

A young man in a blue dress is inquiring for you. (inquiring for sb. 要找(某人),求见某人)

3、She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. take a seat 坐下,比sit要正式

take one‘s seat 表示位置事先已安排好

4、'if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!‘


You can either go out or stay here. 【Composition】

1 She refused to answer any questions. She did not ask any questions. (not only…but…either)

2 She was not interested in the theatre. She was not interested in travel. (neither…nor)

1 She not only refused to answer question but she did not ask any question either. =She not only refused to answer question but ask no question either.

but…as well 可以加肯定也可以加否定 ; but…either只能加否定

as well, either 在此句中可省略

2 She was interested in neither the theatre nor travel.

=She was interested neither in the theatre nor in travel.(更好, 介词短语的并列)

【Key structures】



If you help me,I will be gratefull. 如果你帮我, 我会感激你 (正常语气)

If it rains, I will not go. 正常语气(不一定会去)


第2类条件句,if从句谈论想象的情况(假设与现在事实相反),主句则推测想象的结果。 从句使用一般过去时, 主句使用would+动词原形。尽管第2类条件句使用过去时,却并非指过去的时间,所以,if之后的过去时用法常被称为―非真实的过去‖,整个条件句也被称作非真实条件句。 If you helped me,I would be grateful.

假如你能使他改变主意, 你会使他免了许多麻烦.

如果if从句中的动词是be, 那么应该在第一和第三人称单数名词之后用were。If I were you这种说法常用于提出建议。If I were you, I‘d accept their offer.

第2类条件句有时也可代替第1类条件句来描述颇有可能发生的事情,但比第1类条件句较为―无把握‖。第2类条件句经常用来描写完全不可能的事情。 If I had longer legs, I‘d be able to run faster.

【Special Difficulties】 Make的用法

及物动词make的原义为―制造‖,但它经常用于一些固定的结构,最常见的为make+(冠词)+名词形式:make progress(取得进步);make the bed(铺床);make conversation(找话题);make a noise(吵闹);make a promise(保证);make trouble(捣蛋,制造麻烦); make money(挣钱); make a speech(演讲);make a mistake(犯错误);make up one's mind(下定决心,拿定主意) Do的用法

完全动词do也有一些固定短语: do one's best(尽最大努力);do one's homework(做作业);do sb. a favour(帮忙);do a job(干家务);do work(做家务);do exercise(做练习);do business(做生意) do还可以与动名词连用:do some shopping(买东西,购物);do swimming(游泳);do some reading (读书)

【Multiple choice questions】

5 I took my seat beside her. I___a___ beside her. a. sat b. seated c. was sitted d. was seating

seat一定要加宾语, 如果后面没宾语, 就用seat的被动语态(及物动词) : seat yourself / be seated是及物动词,sit是不及物动词, 没有被动语态, 后面不能加宾语,坐下:sit down 9 Her eyes were fixed on the plate. She ___b___it. a. was glancing at b. was staring at c. was thinking about d. was stuck to stuck to 粘在……上面

glance at 扫了一眼stare at = fix one's eyes on 盯着看look at 从头来看see 看见

watch vt. 观看(看活动的) watch TV / watch sb. Doing notice 强调的是眼睛的注意, 看一些别人不太注意的事情 glimpse of / have a glimpse of 瞥了一眼 catch sight of= see 看见 be in sight 看见 read v. 阅读(看与文字有关的东西)

read loudly, read aloud 大声朗读, 汉语中的读 go through 浏览

12 Are you enjoying your dinner? Is it ___d___? a. enjoying you b. amusing you c. entertaining you d. giving you pleasure enjoy sth. 表示在后者当中得到了一种享受 enjoy 主语是人 enjoy oneself

sth. amuse 好笑 entertain sb. 娱乐 amuse,entertain后面会加人

entertainment n. 款待, 娱乐, 娱乐表演

Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? 【New words and expressions】(6) ★rude adj. 无礼的(强调故意的)

impolite adj. 不礼貌,表示没有注意到礼节性的问题, 所以显得有些不礼貌(polite的反义词,以p开头的形容词的否定前缀为im)

cheeky adj. 无礼, 没礼貌的(表示小孩对长辈) Don‘t be cheeky! 不得无礼!naive adj. 天真的 ★mirror n. 镜子

look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子

mirrot of… ……的写照,……的真实反映 ★hole n. 孔hole in+地点 地方)有个洞 ★remark v. 评说 主要指说, 当say 来理解 ★remind ① vt. 提醒

remind sb. of sth. / remind sb. to do sth. / remind sb. that… 提醒某人做某事

② vt. 使……想起She reminds me of her sister. reminder n. 提醒物 【课文讲解】

1、Do you call that a hat?

―Do you call that +(冠词)+名词‖这个结构可以表达一种轻蔑的含义:

Do you call that a house/? 你把那个叫房子/? 2、You needn't be so rude about it. be rude about sth. 对事很粗鲁 be rude to sb. 对人很粗鲁

3、I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. on the chair 在椅子上

4、We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was still in front of the mirror.

名词修饰名词, 一般用单数:bookstore书店,drugstore药店, 5、I regretted saying it almost at once.

regret doing sth./名词/that从句 后悔已经做了某事,表示对做过的事感到遗憾

regret to do sth. 表示对现在或将来要做的事感到对不起、遗憾,比be sorry to do sth.要正式:

6、'You needn't have said that,' my wife answered. 'I needn't remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.'

needn't have done 原本不必做, 但是做了, 强调过去的动作不必做。

needn't do 现在的动作也不必做

remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人想起某事 7、'I find it beautiful,' I said.

动词find经常用于―动词+宾语+宾语补足语‖这种结构:I find this book very interesting.

8、A man can never have too many ties.

can never…too…=cannot…too… 无论……也不为过I can never thank you too much. 感激不尽。 【Key structures】

Must, Have (got) to and Need

情态动词must(必须,不得不)的否定式 mustn't(不能、不准),must还可用于表示推测:

① 对现在和将来的推测:must +动词用原形 ② 对正在发生的事情的推测:must be doing ③ 对过去的推测:must have done

④ 对过去正在发生的事情的推测:must have been doing

用must的一般疑问句可以用must/have to或needn‘t来回答,而不用mustn‘t:

Must I set off now?Yes, you must / have to. No, you needn‘t.

mustn‘t表示绝对禁止,在说话人看来,根本没选择余地: ―不必要‖可用needn‘t,don‘t have to来表示: needn‘t = don‘t have to


needn‘t have done = didn‘t have to

You needn‘t / don‘t have to work such long hours.

英语中的need有两种词性,一个是普通动词(需要),一种是情态动词。need的否定形式对应也有两种: needn't 不必(情态动词need的否定); don't need 不需要(普通动词need的否定)。

need I...?(情态) / do I need...? 实义动词

在实义动词后面再加一个实义动词, 就在后面加to do.Need I go out? = Do I need to go out? 情态动词后面不能直接用名词做宾语,实义动词后面可以直接加名词, 故need 后面如是名词, 则这个need 为实义动词 例 : He__c__follow me .

a doesn‘t need b needn‘t to c didn‘t need to d. needs need用于疑问句时,问者往往希望得到否定的回答: Need you leave so soon? 你有必要这么早就走吗?

用need的一般疑问句的肯定形式的回答可以用must/had to,否定形式的回答可以用needn‘t: Need I type this letter again? Yes, you must. / No, you needn‘t.

Need you have told him about my plans? Yes, I had to. / No, I needn‘t have.

表示必要时,must的语气比need要强: I must go to the dentist this moring.

这种句型可用来表示说话人让对方选择或允许对方可以不做某事的主观意图。它的完成式和过去式分别为needn‘t have,didn‘t have to和didn‘t need to:

I needn‘t have gone to the office yesterday.

I didn‘t have to / didn‘t need to go to the office yesterday. need doing sth. 需要被做(用主动表达被动含义)

① 这里need属于实义动词, 动词ing相当于名词来理解 ② 有时态和人称变化,否定式为: don‘t need doing

③ need doing 表达被动含义, 如: Your shoes need washing. 你的鞋子需(被)洗了

另外want doing也是用主动表示被动含义,它们的主语一定是物, 不是人Your hair needs cuting. need to be done---主语是人,也可以是物 对比 mustn't和 needn't:

You musn‘t read it bed. It‘s bad for your eyes. (be bad for… 对……有害)

Smoking is bad for your health. 抽烟有害你的健康

You mustn't make a noise. The children are asleep. You needn't drive so quickly. We have plenty of time.

=You don't have to(haven't got to) drive so quickly. We have plenty of time.

【Special Difficulties】 Remark, Observe and Notice


?You‘re looking very well!‘She remarked/observed.


He observed me carefully. (He looked at me.) Did you notice how she was dressed?

I‘ve noticed/observed that he telephones her oftener than before.

make rude remark / call one's name / say F words (F 指 fuck) 讲粗话,骂人

fail to do sth. 没有能够 not fail to 表示强烈地肯定

I had changed the furniture round that you can not fail to notict it.我已经把周围的家具都换了。 【Multiple choice questions】

3 Do you have to buy this hat? No, I___c___. It isn't necessary. a. mustn't b. won't c. needn't d. don't need

英文中要么助动词之后所有的东西都省略, 要么省到不定式标志, ―don‘t need to‖ 也对 Would you like to do sth?

Yes, I'd like to. / No,I don't / No,I don't need to. (to 不能省略) Do you want to go to school? Yes,I do. / Yes,I want to.

Would you like some bananas? Yes, I‘d like. (后接名词) Do you need the hat? No, I don‘t need.

7 A man can never have too many ties. It's ___b___. a. unable b. impossible c. improbable d. incapable can never =can't 不可能

be able/unable to do sth. (unable adj.不能的, 不会的) impossible 不可能improbable 不太可能

probably 很有可能incapable adj.无能力的, 不能的be capable of / be incapable of

8 She looked in the mirror and saw her ___a___. a. reflection b. idol c. imagination d. picture

reflection n.反射, 映象, 倒影, 反省, 沉思, 反映(reflect v. 发射)idol n.偶像, 崇拜物, 幻象, [逻]谬论imagination n.想象, 空想, 想象的事物, 想象力, 听觉picture n. 照片, 图象

11 His wife was wearing a hat. She ___c___. a. was dressing it b. was putting it on c. had it on d.was carrying it wear/dress/put on/have on穿

wear 穿着(强调状态)dress sb. 给某人穿衣服(强调动作)put on 穿上(强调动作)

have sth. on 穿着(强调状态) (have……on 让……东西在……上面 )be in+衣服(状态)

12 It looked like a lighthouse. It ___b___a lighthouse.

a. appeared similar b. resembled c. matched d.likened match 与……相配liken vt.把……比作

compare/liken sth to another thing 把前者比作后者 We liken the hat to a lighthouse.

resemble vt. 象, 类似 a resemble b appear 显得 similar 与……相似 be similar to (to 不能少)

Lesson 42 Not very musical

【New words and expressions】(13) ★market ① n. 市场,集市

② n.(商品的)市场,销路,需求(可数名词) market for… ……市场 ★pipe n.(吹奏的)管乐器

pipe n. 两头通的东西, 如下水管道, 老爸的烟斗,或一节两头通的竹子都可以叫pipe ★glimpse n. 一瞥

have a glimpse of 瞥了一眼,映入眼帘(犹如汉语中的―惊鸿一瞥‖) (无意识的看)

glance at 扫了一眼(有意识) ★movement n. 动作

move v. 移动action v. 采取行动 ★continue v. 继续

begin/start/continue to do sth. begin/start/continue doing sth. continue +sth.


★dance v. 跳舞

dance to the music 随着音乐跳舞 ★obviously adv. 显然=clearly ★difference n. 差别

tell the difference between A and B 区别差异 different adj. 不同的be different from differ vi. 不一致,不同 【课文讲解】

1、As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest.

stop to do sth. 停下其他活动去做不定式表示的动作stop doing sth. 停止做某事

2、When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake.

play a tune(tune 可数名词);play music(music 不可数名词)have/get/catch a (first) glimpse of… 一瞥,一看take a glimpse at 瞥见

at the first sight 一见钟情 3、It rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe.

rise(rose,risen) vi. 升raise(raised vt. 提高

4、We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz and modern pop songs.

很少用very much 放在一起修饰surprise, 一般用very surprised 或 most surprised 5、It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!

tell表示―辨别、分辨、识别‖时常与can,could,be able to连用。表达这些意义时,tell可以单独使用,也可以与from构成词组:。表示两者之间的―差别、差异‖时常用difference between: It makes no difference whether you believe me or not. 【Key structures】

―have +名词‖代替普通动词

―have +名词‖代替普通动词表示―完成该动作‖:have a bath=bathe ;have a swim=swim;have a walk=walk;have a look=look;have a rest=rest;have a smell=smell等,类似的动词有dance,fight,ride,talk,sleep,wash: I had two dances with Lucy.

一个动词的后面会加介词(如果这个动词是不及物动词),动词能加什么样的介词,名词也可以加什么样的介词:look at->have a look at; walk across->have a walk across;succeed in doing sth.-> be successful in->success in

【Special difficulties】 Pick的用法

pick up 拿起、捡起;意外地找到;(偶然地)学会;开车去接;pick sb. up (顺路)接某人(meet sb.+地点 专程接)pick up a lot of English =learn a lot of English;pick up the radio program = the program on the radio 在广播上收听节目 pick out 挑出,选出,辩认出 【Multiple choice questions】

3 We stopped at a square ___d___have a rest.

a. so to b. in order c. in order that d. in order to so as to 为了,表示目的

in order 在秩序中, 有秩序的, 有次序的, 整洁的, 整齐的Keep your room in order

in order to do sth. in order that+从句 为了…… 【语法精粹】

1. Julie went to the___C___to buy a pair of shoes.

A.shoes store B.shoe's store C.shoe store D.shoes' store表


2.As a safety precaution,all city cab drivers carry only enough money to make change for a___A__bill.

A.ten-dollar B.ten-dollars C.tens-dollar D.ten-dollar's cab drivers(美语)=taxi drivers(英式)

bill纸币.有连字符连接的单词没有复数,连字符单词做定语,不会加 ―‘s‖

3.Recently,he has lost all his__D__at cards. A.wage and saving B.wages and saving C.wage and savings D.wages and savings wage 薪水(可数);saving 积蓄(可数) 4.I want___C__.

A.a dollar worth candy B.candy a dollar's worth C.a dollar's worth of candy D.a dollar worth's candy a dollar's worth of… 价值……钱的东西

5.The surroundings a child grows up in usually __A__an effect on his development. A.have B.had C.do D.has have an effect on… 对……有效果 grow up 成长

the surroundings 做主语 (surroundings n. 环境),a child grows up 定语从句修饰 ―the surroundings‖

孩子成长的环境常常对他的发展有影响. 用一般现在时

Lesson 43 Over the South Pole

【New words and expressions】(13)

★pole n.(地球的)极Pole Star 北极星 the South Pole 南极;the North Pole 北极 ★flight n. 飞行fly v. 飞

★explorer n. 探险家, 探测者, 探测器 [计]Windows资源管理器

explore v.探险, 探测, 探究

exploration n.(科研相关)探险,探求,开发 adventure n.冒险(追求刺激)

venture n. 冒险(为了财富,没有生命保障)

★lie ① vi. (lay[lei],lain[lein]) 处于,位于(+地点) ② vi. (lay[lei],lain[lein]) 躺,(平)卧 lie 现在分词--> lying

stay in bed = lie in bed 躺在床上

③ vt.(lied,lied) 撒谎tell a lie 撒谎

You lied. = You lied to me.你骗人! 你撒谎! You,liar! 你, 骗子! (liarn.(惯于)说谎者) ④ n.谎言

lay (laid,laid)① vt. 放,放置

② vt. 下蛋, 产卵lay an egg 下一个蛋 hang(hung,hung) 挂,悬挂 hang(hanged,hanged) 绞刑 ★point n. 地点

point 点,一般指从飞机上向下看的点

地点 place,spot sina.com中的 ―.‖ 读为dot(点) @读为at

★seem v. 似乎,看起来

seem + as if 看起来似乎……

seem + adj./seem to be/seem that… 看起来似乎…… ★crash v. 坠毁(从上向下掉);n. 冲突, 撞击声, 抵触 aircrash 空难 , carcrash 车祸 strike v. 撞击

collide vi.碰撞, 抵触(两个都运动的东西相撞)

★clear v. (凌空、不接触地)越过, 跳过,没有接触面的飞跃The horse cleared the fense. (fense n.篱笆,栅栏,墙 v.围住,



over adv. 越过(距离) go over飞跃

★plain n. 平原mountains n. 高山 plain girl 平凡的女孩 【课文讲解】

1、In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time.

for the first time 第一次(time表示―次,回‖,还可以说this time,last time,next time,another time,each time,for the last time等)

2、Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble.


take a photograph of… 拍……的照片 run into trouble = get into trouble遇到麻烦,陷入困境3、At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. at one point 在某一地方,在某一时刻(point也指时间上的某一点)


4、It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. rise to …上升至……

5、The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet.


I missed the train by ten minutes. 我晚了10分钟,没赶上火车。 He is younger than me by two years. 【Key structures】 Can and Be able to

情态助动词can/could用于表示请求别人允许或答复时的情况:Can/Could I borrow you pen?

can有时可以表示可能性:在表示天生的或学到的能力时,can/could可用于现在时和过去时,can/could与be able to通常可以互换,表示将来的―能力‖时,则用will be able to:在谈到说话时正在发生的事时,一般不用be able to:Look! I can stand on my head.

在表示成功地完成某一具体动作时,通常不用could,而用be able to;如果表示某一动作没有取得成功则可用couldn‘t:It‘s pity he couldn‘t visit Mary. Oh, didn‘t you know? He was able to visit her after all.在问及过去某一具体活动时可用could,但回答是肯定的时候则不能: 【Special Difficulties】 含有介词at的词组

at与许多词可以构成固定词组,其中表示时间的有:at first(开始时,最初),at once(马上,立刻),at present(目前,现在),at last(最后,终于),at times(有时),at the moment(现在);表示地点的有:at home(在家),at school(在学校);表示程度的有:at least(至少),at any rate(不管怎样);其它词组有at heart(内心里,实际上),at a loss(困惑不解,不知怎么办)等。 【Multiple choice questions】

5 The plane was then able to rise. This means it ___d___.

a. could rise b. might rise c.might succeed in rising d. rose could rise 有可能,不知道结果might rise 可能 might succeed in rising 可能成功地做

6 Byrd knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole. It would be ___d___.

a. impossible b.necessary c. able d. possible

