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Research Plan for CSC Scholarship Program, AA

姓名/Name 性别/Gender 所在学院/College 国内导师/Domestic supervisor

留学院校/Hosting foreign institution 国外导师/Hosting foreign supervisor

Xxxxxxxxx Male Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx

学号/Student ID 出生年月日/Date of birth 所学专业/Major

xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx

留学国别/Hosting foreign



留学院系/Hosting faculty


or department

学习期限/Duration of study

xxx months (from xxxxx to xxxxx)

研究课题名称 Research Title:

Minimization of energy requirement for producing solid fuel from sewage sludge employing hydrothermal


科研课题背景介绍Research Background:

In China, over 1.58×10 tons of dewatered sewage sludge, with 80% water content, was generated from wastewater treatment plant in 2008. About 60% of the organic substances, removed during the wastewater treatment process, become concentrated as sludge. Traditional disposal methods used by municipal solid waste treatment facilities, including landfills, composting, and incineration, are unsuitable for sludge disposal because of its high moisture content. Few proper sludge treatments or disposal methods are currently applied in China. The treatment and disposal of sewage sludge are significant environmental problems and have therefore become a major focus of current environmental protection policies.

Sludge incineration has received worldwide attention as an effective approach to reduce the quantity and toxicity of sludge. In Japan, most of burnable wastes are incinerated. However, direct sludge incineration is not cost-efficient and creates unstable burning which generates large amounts of gaseous pollutants. Currently, bio-energy is an excellent energy recycling technology with bright prospect, given its ability to turn refuse into energy. As such, in recent years refuse-derived fuel (RDF) technology has become a refuse processing technology adopted by advanced nations in Europe, America, and Japan etc.

In China, sewage sludge was mixed with auxiliary fuels, sulfur-fixating agents, and preservatives. The blends were granulated generating sludge-derived fuel (traditional SDF, T-SDF). Most researchers focused mainly on the T-SDF technology and have made important contribution to understand the combustion characteristics of T-SDF. However, all these technologies relied mainly on adding a large number of coals (about 50%) to improve the heat value and lower the moisture content of fuels. The heat value of T-SDF depends merely on the quantity and proportion of auxiliary fuels, not the reduction of water content of sludge. In some extent, this process realizes sludge recycling and harmless treatment. However, the volume and weight of T-SDF are also increased, resulting in increase of operating cost. Moreover, the small proportion (about ~40%) of sludge in the T-SDF leads to a lower capacity that cannot meet the needs of sludge treatment. Therefore, it is urgent for us to find a cost-effective and energy-saving way to realize sludge recycling, harmless treatment and reduction.

The core issue to produce solid fuel from sewage sludge is how to efficiently remove the water from sludge. The object of this project is to minimize the energy requirements for producing cost-effective and applicable solid fuel from sewage sludge.

Hydrothermal treatment (or thermal hydrolysis) is a process in which the sludge is heated as an aqueous phase to


temperatures (normally) varying between 120 and about 400°C. The hydrothermal treatment process aims to disintegrate the sludge and result in a formation and accumulation of dissolved products. This makes it possible to recover and recycle useful resources from the sludge, such as volatile fatty acids, phosphorous compounds, organic compounds for enhanced anaerobic biogas production, and coagulants. After hydrothermal treatment, the sludge and other waste biomass can be dehydrated by mechanical methods and dried under natural circumstances easily, used as substituted fuel which we called it novel sludge-derived fuel (N-SDF) in this research.

His research will study the influence of hydrothermal conditions on natural drying characteristics of sewage sludge and other waste biomass, the drying mechanisms of hydrothermal treatment sludge and waste biomass. This research will not only drive the development of sludge treatment technologies but also lend a hand to other waste biomass treatment.

In previous studies, we found that the N-SDF produced from sewage sludge by employing the hydrothermal treatment is easier when drying under natural circumstances. After 24h natural drying, about 50% water was removed. Comparing with raw sludge, the drying is faster. Obviously, the heat value of N-SDF can be improved further, which increase the stability of combustion. However, some factors are still unclear and needed to be studied further, limiting its popularization and applications. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct this research.

xxxxxxxx is developing and commercializing total technologies to convert unutilized resources such as solid wastes and biomass into high value added energy resources (solid fuel, gaseous fuel, liquid fuel and electric power) by combining various technologies which have been jointly developed with many companies. We have done many work and made some progress in the field of Waste-to-Energy in xxxxxxx. Because of our outstanding contributions to the development of waste-to-energy technologies, With the co-advising of Prof. xxx and I, this project can be finished on time.


Wang, W., Luo, Y.X., Qiao, W. 2010. Possible Solutions for sludge dewatering in China. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China,

1:102-107. Doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-001-z.

Jiang, J.G., Du, X.J., Yang, S.H. 2010. Analysis of the combustion of sewage sludge-derived fuel by a thermogravimetric

method in China. Waste Management, 30: 1407-1413.

Chen, W.S., Chang, F.C., Shen Y.H., Tsai, M.S. 2010. The characteristics of organic sludge/sawdust derived fuel,

Bioresource Technology, doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.11.007.

Jiang, Z.L., Meng, D.W., Mu, H.Y., Yoshikawa. K. 2010. Study on the hydrothermal drying technology of sewage sludge.

SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 1:160-163. doi: 10.1007/s11431-009-0423-7.

Neyens, E., Baeyens, J. 2003. A review of thermal sludge pre-treatment process to improve dewaterability. Journal of

Hazardous Materials B, 98:51-67.

Yoshikawa. K. 2009. Hydrothermal Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste to Produce Solid Fuel. 7th International Energy

Conversion Engineering Conference, Aug 2009, Denver, Colorado.

Namioka. T., Morohashi. Y., Yamane. R., Yoshikawa. K. 2009. Hydrothermal Treatment of Dewatered Sewage Sludge for

Fuel Production. Journal of Environment and Engineering, 1:68-77.

Namioka. T., Yoshikawa. K. 2005. Innovative Pretreatment Technology for Wet Biomass Utilizing Middle Pressure Stream.

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Nenji Taikai Koen Ronbunshu.3:259-260.

Morohashi. Y., Yamane. R., Namioka. T., Yoshikawa. K. 2008. A Study on Improvement of Dehydration Performance of

Sewage Sludge by the Hydrothermal Treatment. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Part B. 744:1814-1820.

Morohashi. Y., Yamane. R., Yoshikawa. K. High Efficiency Dehydration of Sewage Sludge by the Hydrothermal Treatment

and the Press Filter, 26th Annual International Conference on IT3, May 14-18, 2007, Phoenix, AZ.

Zhao, P.T., Ge, S.F., Chen, Z.Q. 2011. A Study on the Improvement of Sludge Dewaterability by Thermal Conditioning.

ICEICE. Wuhan. Accepted.

申请人国内科研准备工作概述Theoretical Review:

In recent two years, his main work is related to sludge recycling, and that's his interest. He has done some related research in sludge recycling.

In the project of sludge drying and incineration, he used a rotary dryer to dry sludge, and then the semi-dry sludge with 40% moisture content was incinerated in coal-fired boiler. To overcome the defects of wedge-shaped paddle dryer in sewage sludge drying, we designed the horizontal disc rotary dryer and did some research on the characteristics of viscous zone of sludge drying. The sewage sludge drying process could be divided into three stages: paste, viscous, and granular. In viscous stage, the moisture content of sludge is about 55%.

To study the mechanism of sludge dewatering, the main parameters SRF characterizing sludge dewaterability were experimentally investigated and a paper has been accepted by Journal of Southwest University (Natural Science Edition). The sludge flocculation process was studied through fractal dimensions which were determined by image analysis. Two-dimensional fractal dimensions Df and one-dimensional fractal dimensions D1 of flocs formed at different flocculation time and the filtrate speed and specific resistance to filtrate (SRF) of conditioned sludge were determined to assess sludge dewaterability. Based on the change of fractal dimensions, the sludge flocculation process was divided into three stages: primary particles form flocculi; flocculi collide with each other, group together to form flocs; equilibrium stage. The critical watershed flocculation times are 45s and 150s respectively. At the very end of flocculi stage and the beginning of flocs, the time is generally set as 45s and when a subsequent dewatering step is applied, lower moisture content sludge cake would be obtained. These researches will provide a theoretical basis for this application.

We used the saturated steam to conditioning sewage sludge and applied the steam explosion to crush the cell walls and transform bond water into free water for improving sludge dewaterability. A pilot scale experimental device has been built and operated in Yangzhong, Jiangsu province, in September 2010. He has also done some lab scale experimental study on sludge thermal conditioning. He investigated the factors affecting sludge dewaterability by thermal conditioning experimentally, and found that the major factors for improving sludge dewaterability by thermal conditioning are conditioning temperature and residence time. He also found that the optimal temperature and residence time for treating municipal sludge are 180°C and 60mins, respectively. The moisture content of sludge cake is 50.88% after pressure filtration for 50 minutes. Thermal conditioning transforms organic compounds of sludge into soluble substances and greatly increases the COD of the separated water. After thermal conditioning at 180°C, the COD of the separated water is about 420 times of the original sludge. Thermal sludge conditioning has the advantage of low energy consumption and can help us achieve the goals of sludge reduction, harmlessness and efficient utilization.

He used dewatered sludge (20% DS), leaves and straw (unbroken) as raw materials, applied the hydrothermal and hydrothermal treatment/steam explosion to produce sludge derived fuel. The biomass (leaves, straw etc.) is not pre-broken. The final product is almost odorless, and the heat value of dry solids didn’t change after hydrothermal treatment. The process integrates advanced sludge dewatering and sludge derived fuel together and is easier to implement. Compared with T-SDF technologies, this process incorporates the advantages of advanced sludge dewatering and sludge derived fuel. The heat value of N-SDF depends mainly on the water removal of sludge not the adding of auxiliary fuel, the proportion of sludge can be highly increased. The production cost of fuel is reduced because sludge drying and auxiliary fuel are no longer required. With a moisture content of 60%, the low heat value of the fuel is 8500 KJ/kg and can be easily burned in a coal-fired boiler. These researches provide a basis for an experimental study of the


He is very interested in what he has done and what he will do. With the co-advising of Prof. Yoshikawa, Prof.Ge and I, I am sure he can finish this project on time and make a progress in his research. 出国学习预期目标The Goals Of The Research:

(1) To learn some energy conversion technologies, especially waste-to-energy technologies.

(2) To study sludge recycling technologies systematically, and do some research on minimization of energy requirement

for producing solid fuel according to Prof. Yoshikawa’s lab facilities, find an efficient method suitable for China’s national conditions to realize waste-to-energy.

(3) To evaluate and characterize the performances of N-SDF, using life-cycle assessment (LCA) to access the economic

feasibility of solid fuel produced from sewage sludge and some other waste biomass. 科研方法The Experimental Methods:

(1) Mechanisms of Hydrothermal Treatment Improving N-SDF Drying Properties:

The influence of hydrothermal conditions (Temperature, Pressure, and Residence Time) on particle Size Distribution: The moisture content of the dewatered sludge would be determined first and then some certain sludge will be placed in the reactor (MMJ-500, OMLAB-TECH CO., LTD., Tochigi, Japan). Three main parameters-(1) Pressure (1.2-2.6Mpa), (2) residence time (10-90 min), (3) Temperature (120-250°C) are varied to understand the characteristics of hydrothermal-treatment sludge. After hydrothermal-treatment for a certain time, 5 samples formed under different hydrothermal conditions will be diluted 100 times with distilled water. Particle size distribution (PSD) was determined by particle measuring systems’ two-sensor particle counting system, which allows a user to measure particles in most liquids quickly and efficiently within the range of 0.2–125.0 μm. The particle 10 counter provides up to 30 user-selectable sizing channels, allowing a very complete analysis of the particle size distribution and simultaneous measurement of various quality assurance standards. The Particle Measuring system incorporates two LiQuilaz? volumetric particle counters combined with the LS200 Syringe Sampler. The two LiQuilaz? particle counters detect particles suspended in liquid between 0.2 and 125.0 μm. The first particle counter that samples the liquid is a LiQuilaz S02, which measures particles ranging from 0.2 to 2.0 μm. The second particle counter, the LiQuilaz E20P, detects particulates ranging from 2.0 to 125.0 μm. By combining these two particle counters, the user has up to 30 user-selectable channels for collecting information on the samples. After then, the N-SDF will be dried in an electric oven at 378k until the mass difference reached less than 0.5%. Ultimate analyses will be conducted with an elemental analyzer (PerkinElmer, 2400 Series II CHNS/O System), and the heat values will be measured with a calorimeter (Shimadzu, CA-4PJ).

Data Analysis: Although the use of arithmetic-mass mean has been identified more properly to provide a wide scale for differentiate mean sizes of different PSD; this study will use the geometric-mass mean particle size.

Natural Drying Characteristics of N-SDF: To study on the natural drying characteristics of N-SDF, the dewatered sludge will be first dehydrated by a cylinder pressure dewatering device to form a reference sample. And then 5 samples formed under different hydrothermal conditions and the reference sample will be dried 24h under natural circumstances. The weight of these samples at different drying time will be recorded to calculate the drying speed used to access N-SDF drying properties.

Inner Structure of N-SDF: The dewatered sludge and hydrothermal treatment sludge will be pressed by a cylinder pressure dewatering device firstly and then dried under natural conditions until the mass difference reached less than 0.5%. The changes of materials surfaces will be recorded by a CCD camera equipped with a microscope. These images will be analyzed by computer software (Image Pro-Plus) to calculate the porosity of the materials surfaces. The dried N-SDF will be broken to measure the BET specific surface area and inner porosity.

Water distribution in N-SDF: The total water content was determined by drying at 105 ?C until a constant weight was reached. The bound water content was measured using the dilatometric method. It is based on the assumption that free water freezes at temperatures near the freezing point of pure water whereas bound water does not freeze even at temperatures as low as -20°C. The volume expansion observed when cooling sludge to temperatures down to -20°C is therefore solely due to the water–ice transformation of the free water. Its measurement allows the determination of both the free water content and the bound water content of the sample knowing its total water content. Volume expansion measurements were performed using xylene as an indicator fluid between room temperature and -12.5 °C. It was checked that no further volume variation due to the water transformation occurred for temperatures down to -20°C. (2) Combustion/ Co-combustion Characteristics of N-SDF:

Combustion Characteristics of N-SDF: The samples were first dried in an oven under 105°C. The ratio of the weight loss between the mass weights is the water content. Then the dried samples will be sealed in the crucible and heated in the muffle under 600°C for 2h. The weight loss is the volatile matter. The samples will be put in the muffle under 800°C in an oxidizing atmosphere for 2h, and the residues are the ashes. The fixed carbon can be calculated by 1 - the volatiles content and the ash content. Thermogravimetric analysis could be done with a thermogravimetric analyzer. Several granules would be randomly picked, dried, ground into powder and screened through 80 mesh screen. Around 10 mg of each sample will be then analyzed in the thermogravimetric analyzer with a heating rate of 10°C /min from ambient to 700°C under an air flow of 150 mL/min. Perkin-Elmer 2400 Series II CHN organic element analyzer will be used to ultimate analysis of these fuels.

Co-Combustion Characteristics of N-SDF and coal: Thermogravimetric tests will be performed in a SHIMAZDU D50 simultaneous TGA/DTA analyzer. The sample weight loss (TG) and rate of weight loss (DTG) are recorded continuously under dynamic conditions as functions of time and temperature in the range of room temperature to 700 °C. DTG (first derivative of TG curve) analyses share be done from weight loss profiles with respect to time. All the experiments would be carried out at atmospheric pressure, under a constant volume flow rate of air at 150 ml/min, at a constant heating rate of 10 °C/min (or 20 °C/min) using a non-isothermal type of TGA. These dynamic runs were carried out by placing about 10 mg of dried sample on a pan. The characteristics parameters will be obtained by analyzing TG and DTG profiles of the blend, Thermogravimetric studies of the behavior of N-SDF with added coal during combustion. After an initial moisture removal, the temperature at which the weight loss started can be denoted as the volatile release temperature. Temperature at which a DTG curve showed peak value will be denoted as the maximum weight loss temperature. Burnout temperature can be detected based on the mass stabilization. The ignition temperature will be decided based on the temperature at which the DTG had its peak value and the corresponding slope to the intersection with respect to the TG profile. The TGA parameters showed a good reproducibility as determined by multiple tests with standard errors were within ±3 °C. For the ultimate analysis of these fuels, Perkin–Elmer made 2400 Series II CHN organic elemental analyser will be used.

Economic Analysis: using Life-cycle Assessment (LCA) to access the economic feasibility of N-SDF.


Namioka T, Morohashi Y, Yamane R, Yoshikawa K. 2009. Hydrothermal Treatment of Dewatered Sewage Sludge Cake for

Solid Fuel Production. Journal of Environment and Engineering, 41: 68-76.

Prawisudha P, Muthuraman M, Yoshikawa K. Production of low chlorine content solid fuel from MSW using innovative

hydrothermal treatment for coal co-fired application.

Vaxelaire J. Cézac P. 2004. Moisture distribution in activated sludges: a review, 38: 2215-2230

García-Mesaa J.J., Poyatosa J.M., Delgado-Ramos F., Mu?io M.M., Osorio F and Hontoria E. 2010. Water quality

characterization in real biofilm wastewater treatment systems by particle size distribution. 101: 8038-8045.

Catallo W.J., Comeaux J.L. 2008. Reductive hydrothermal treatment of sewage sludge, waste Management, 28:


Jiang J. G., Du X.J., Yang S.h. 2010. Analysis of the combustion of sewage sludge-derived fuel by a thermogravimetric

method in China. Waste Management, 30:1407-1413.

Heukelekian H, Weisberg E. Bound water and activated sludge bulking, 1956 Sewage Ind. Wastes 28: 558–574.

Muthuraman M, Namioka T, Yoshikawa K. 2010. A comparison of co-combustion characteristics of coal with wood and

hydrothermally treated municipal solid waste, Bioresource Technology, 101: 2477-2482.

Murakami T, Suzuki Y, Nagasawa H, Yamamoto T, Koseki T, Hirose H, Okamoto S. 2009. Combustion characteristics of sewage

sludge in an incineration plant for energy recovery, 90: 778-783.

Muthuraman M, Namioka T, Yoshikawa K. 2010. Characteristics of co-combustion and kinetic study on hydrothermally treated

municipal solid waste with different rank coals: A thermogravimetric analysis, Applied Energy, 87: 141-148 科研工作时间安排Time Plan:

2011.9-2011.12 taking courses and enhancing the ability of English communication, initiating to design the

experimental devices;

2012.01-2012.05 studying on the influence of hydrothermal conditions (Temperature, Pressure, Residence Time ) on

particle size distribution of sludge or other waste;

2012.06-2012.09 studying on natural drying characteristics of N-SDF produced from solid waste, conducting heat

value analysis and finishing the research on the mechanisms of Hydrothermal Treatment improving sludge dewaterability and N-SDF drying properties;

2012.10-2012.12 studying on combustion characteristics of N-SDF;

2013.01-2013.05 studying on co-combustion characteristics of N-SDF and coal; 2013.06-2013.08 economic analysis of N-SDF system, final data analysis, and paper writing. 回国后工作/学习计划The Study/Work Plan After Returning To China:

After returning to China, he will finish my doctoral dissertation, and do some research on recycling waste biomass and co-combustion characteristics of N-SDF and Chinese coal. 国内导师签字 Signature Of Domestic Supervisor:

Date(yy/mm/dd) :

国外导师签字Signature Of Hosting Foreign Supervisor:


García-Mesaa J.J., Poyatosa J.M., Delgado-Ramos F., Mu?io M.M., Osorio F and Hontoria E. 2010. Water quality

characterization in real biofilm wastewater treatment systems by particle size distribution. 101: 8038-8045.

Catallo W.J., Comeaux J.L. 2008. Reductive hydrothermal treatment of sewage sludge, waste Management, 28:


Jiang J. G., Du X.J., Yang S.h. 2010. Analysis of the combustion of sewage sludge-derived fuel by a thermogravimetric

method in China. Waste Management, 30:1407-1413.

Heukelekian H, Weisberg E. Bound water and activated sludge bulking, 1956 Sewage Ind. Wastes 28: 558–574.

Muthuraman M, Namioka T, Yoshikawa K. 2010. A comparison of co-combustion characteristics of coal with wood and

hydrothermally treated municipal solid waste, Bioresource Technology, 101: 2477-2482.

Murakami T, Suzuki Y, Nagasawa H, Yamamoto T, Koseki T, Hirose H, Okamoto S. 2009. Combustion characteristics of sewage

sludge in an incineration plant for energy recovery, 90: 778-783.

Muthuraman M, Namioka T, Yoshikawa K. 2010. Characteristics of co-combustion and kinetic study on hydrothermally treated

municipal solid waste with different rank coals: A thermogravimetric analysis, Applied Energy, 87: 141-148 科研工作时间安排Time Plan:

2011.9-2011.12 taking courses and enhancing the ability of English communication, initiating to design the

experimental devices;

2012.01-2012.05 studying on the influence of hydrothermal conditions (Temperature, Pressure, Residence Time ) on

particle size distribution of sludge or other waste;

2012.06-2012.09 studying on natural drying characteristics of N-SDF produced from solid waste, conducting heat

value analysis and finishing the research on the mechanisms of Hydrothermal Treatment improving sludge dewaterability and N-SDF drying properties;

2012.10-2012.12 studying on combustion characteristics of N-SDF;

2013.01-2013.05 studying on co-combustion characteristics of N-SDF and coal; 2013.06-2013.08 economic analysis of N-SDF system, final data analysis, and paper writing. 回国后工作/学习计划The Study/Work Plan After Returning To China:

After returning to China, he will finish my doctoral dissertation, and do some research on recycling waste biomass and co-combustion characteristics of N-SDF and Chinese coal. 国内导师签字 Signature Of Domestic Supervisor:

Date(yy/mm/dd) :

国外导师签字Signature Of Hosting Foreign Supervisor:




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