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现随函附上我们公司可供出口产品的目录表及价目表各一份。 一旦收到贵公司的具体询盘,我方将立即航空邮寄给您您询价产品的样本。 敬候佳音。

Dear sir,

Your name and address have been given to us by \ now think your company will be potential buyer of the country's cotton textile products . Cotton textile is our company's main business projects, if possible ,we will be so plesed to establish direct business relations with you.

We are enclosing our company available for export products catalogue and price list each a copy. Once receiving your specific inquiry, we will immediately mail to give you your inquiry samples of products.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Lily


你是一家小型针织企业的业务人员,目前你所在的公司希望能够发展海外客户,你从以前做该行业的朋友JENNY 那里得到她以前希腊老客户Sofia 的联系方式 (见名片),请你写一封函电推销你的公司和产品,以期从其处得到试定单,并希望与对方建立贸易关系。

Sofia Gouzioti Purchase manager 101 Kratinou str. Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 99 523 74 Fax: +30 210 99 523 76 E-mail: SofiaGouzioti@ wisebuyer.com.gr www.wisebuyer.com.gr Dear sofia,

Having obtained your name and address from my friend JENNY, we are writing to you in hope of establishing business relations with you.

We are a knitting enterprise who wants to be able to develop overseas customers. Although we are one small knitting corporation, our equipment is advanced and the quality our products is good. What’s more, the price of our products is very competitive.

If you are interested in our products, we will be pleased to place trial order with you.

Your favorable reply will appreciated. Yours Faithfully, Lily


? 假设你在北京为一家进出口中业务的商行工作,你所在的公司对意大利MELIAN公

司所生产的“FOREVER\品牌的皮鞋感兴趣,请去函一封要求对方寄来目录,样本,报出到HK的CIF 价格,报价中包括了我方5%的佣金。 ? 其它信息自己杜撰 Dear Mr. Smith,

We own your name and contact information to Guangzhou autumn trade fair. now we are writing to find out the possiblility of importing leather products from your company. Founded in 1980, our company has been import leather products from Italy for more than 30years and built up close connections with local major dealers in this business field.we placed USD1,220,000 worth of business with Italian companies last year. We specially interested in your \you would send us a full range of samples and catalogue. Besides, please quote CIF HK ports, our 5% commission included.

We wait for your quotation with keen interest. Yours faithfully,


Willam 先生,很高兴收到贵公司7月12日的询价函。按照贵方要求,现报价如下:“Music box”车载MP3。FOB 香港 每只6美元,下月交货。其他条件同我方第SP120号合同。本报盘以你方8月10日中午12点(北京时间)前答复有效。 Dear Mr. Willam,

We are pleased to receive your enquiry of 12th July. As you requested, we are offering you as follows, subject to your reply reach us before 12am, 8th, August, Beijing time. Commodity: “Music Box” MP3 Quantity:500 pieces Price:US$6 Per piece FOB Hongkong Shipment: during August

Other terms as per our S/C No. SP120.

We are looking forward to your favourable reply with keen interest. Yous truly, 5

Write a letter to your client, declining a repeat order, with the following particulars: 1 很高兴得知你方客户对我们的洗衣机质量满意。 2 目前收到来自于东南亚国家的很多订单。

3 虽然制造厂加速生产,但还不能满足各方需求。 4 暂不接受续订。

5 到明年第二季度,也许有可能大规模扩大生产。 6 一俟供应情况转好,当即报盘。

不需逐字逐句翻译,只要把以上六句话的意思表达出来即可 Dear sirs,

We are very much pleased to note ftom your letter dated Nov.6 that your clients are satisfied with the quality of our washing machines shipped to you per S.S “East Wind”, and that you wish to book a repeat order.

While we appreciate your intention ,we feel it very regrettable that we cannot at present entertain any fresh orders, as we have recently a long waiting list of export orders for washing machines from Southeast Asian countries. Although the manufacturers are trying to speed up their production to meet the demand ,they still cannot keep up with the rush of orders from various sources.

For your information ,there will be a possibility of a big expansion of production since the second quarter of next year. You may rest assured that we will make you an offer as soon as the supply position improves.

In the meantime ,please keep us posted of developments at your end .Your further information will surely receive our best and prompt attention.


Dear Mr.Crown,

? 你方六月十日的还盘内容已悉

? 很抱歉不能接受按你方还盘价格供货,由于(理由一强调产品的价格已经很

合理, 理由二:美元的不断贬值让我方在计算售价进必须考虑汇率风险。理由三:提醒对方不要把我们的产品和一些非同一等级产品放在一起比较价格) ? 如果你方仍坚持你方观点观点的话,我们只有期盼未来能有机会合作。 ? 框架式作文,不需直译,但相关意思要表达出来 Dear Mr. Crwon,

We have received your counter-offer dated June 10, contents of which have been noted. Though we are eager to conclude this buisness with you, we regret that we are unable to supply the goods at the price you mentioned. We have carefully examined the similar products in the market and found out our quoted price is already on the low side. Besides, we are forced to consider the risk caused by the continuously devaluation of US Dollar recently when we decide our selling price. Moreover, we want to mention here there is no comparability in price between our products and some products which are not in the same grade. If, having given further thought to the matter, you feel you cannot accept our price, we hope it will not preent you from approaching us on some other occasion. Yours faithfully, Frank Liu 7

我们已经查阅了您方目录,我们对型号为MQ150的MP3产品质量及报价很满意,我们在此很高兴的通知您我们已在随函附件中为此产品向你方下了合同号为FC-674号的订单。 因为我方急需此产品,请尽你方所能立刻交付货物。

我们以前所使用的付款方式均为L/C ,而这一次我们想做一些改变。当货物备好装船时,请你方打电话给我们,我们将立即电汇全款。


我们期盼着得到你方对我方订单及新的付款方式的确认。 Dear sirs,

We have examined your catalogue and are very satisfied with the quality and the price of your MQ150 MP3. At this moment , we are pleased to place an order with you for the above mentioned product. Enclosed please find our Contract No. FC-674.

As we are in urgent need of the product. We would be grateful if you would deliver the goods as soon as possible.

In the past we have traded with you on a L/C basis. However, we would now like to propose a different arrangement. Once the goods are ready for shipment, you phone us and we then remit the full amount by T/T.

We did such arrangement since our clients are in urgent need of this consignment and hope to know the specific delivery date. Moreover, for us, this arrangement can save the our expense of opening the L/C. As we believe such arrangement should bring no risk or difficulties to you, we trust that you will agree to our request.

We look forward to receiving confirmation of our order and new payment arrangement. Yours Sincerely,

8 Write a letter as per the following particulars:


信用证第5589 号, 已通知开证行展延装船期和信用证有效期分别为12月10日 和12月30日;有关展期的电报想必现在已到达贵方。

请马上与轮船公司联系,订好舱位, 务必在12月10日前发运。 如果用户满意这批货,我们可以保证将大量续订。

感谢贵方在这方面的合作, 同时我方等待贵方电开装船通知。

9 COMPLAINT 李先生,您好!

您十月十一日的来函已收到。由于以前从来没有收到过您对于交货耽搁的抱怨,我们很惊讶的得知发给您的货物总是不能及时的到达你处。 按照我们的惯例,我们总是在承诺的发货期之前发货,并且您所提及的这一批货物的装货船只早在十月一日就驶出装运港,我们也不能理解货物为什么到现在为止还没有抵达您处。我们将立刻联系船运公司,在得到相关解释后立刻告知你方。 我们一直十分重视及时交货,我们很感谢您让我们知道了此事,因为很有可能我们其它的客户也受此影响。


Susan 10


你方在12月25日上述标题订单已收悉,谢谢! 我们很高兴的在此通知你方,除了包装条款以外,订单中所列其条款我们均能接受.





我们很高兴的通知您合同DF6282号所涉及的500 盒核桃仁已经装上了”大庆”号轮船,预期到达您港口的时间为九月十号左右.

为了便于您方提货,我们另函邮寄给您一整套货运单据如下: 1 发票 NO.2523 一式三份

2 不可议付清洁海运提单 NO. BB 2076 一式二份 3 装箱单 NO. SX 5868 一式四份 4 保险证明 NO. 868568 一式二份 5 原产地证明 NO. 868 一式二份





关于我方No. BS20858 购买合同下所涉及的30 公吨 “中国绿茶” 的包装问题 ? 发往洛杉矶十吨绿茶的包装:用胶盒板装( in plywood cases ), 每盒净重35公斤 ? 发住法国十五吨绿茶的包装: 用硬纸板箱(In cardboard cartons) 每箱净重50公斤 ? 发往新西兰五吨绿茶的包装: 麻袋, 每麻袋40公斤

货物应严格按照要求包装妥当,刷好唛头,交给发往以上各地的第一艘可装货的船只在本月底之前送出. 13


关于我方销售合同NO.2868 号所涉及的1000台运动自行车,现通知贵方,我们已由花旗银行开立了保兑的, 不可撤销的信用证NO. 8685-5, 总金额为225000 美金, 信用证的装船日期为九月前,信用证的有效期至九月十五日.

请注意上述货物必须在九月底前装运,保险须按发票金额的130% 投保水渍险和包装破损险.我们知道,如按照你方的一般惯例进行投保,你们只按发票金额的110% 投保,因此额外保险费由我方负担.


您真诚的 XXX


(1)感谢11月1日 贵方的报价单和样品 (2)对产品质量及价格非常满意

(3) 随函附上我们的定单 No.228号


(5) 如不能按时发货我方将保留取消定单并要求你方赔偿5%的货款的权利 (6) 我方常用的付款方式为60天的付款交单,请告之你方是否能接受 15





我们真诚的感谢您的合作。 Dear sir,

We are glad to receive your NO. 655 L/C for 1000 dozen nylon stockings order. We are very

sorry to inform you of our suppliers because some delay, we can't finish the end of August this batch of goods delivery.

But, we can guarantee that the goods will be ready in early September. And these goods will be Shipped by SS.”DONG FENG” arrived at your port from GuangZhou port.

We know that the late delivery will bring some inconvenience, but I hope you can understand it's not belong to the things we can not control. In addition, we try our best to give you a 5% discount as compensation. We believe that you will receive your l/c will extend the shipment date to the September 15,, so that we can arrange the shipment of above mentioned products. We sincerely thank you for your cooperation.


非常感谢您2011年8月26日的来信, 我们很高兴的给你另函寄上关于自行车的样本和祥细信息。

按你方要求,我们很高兴的向你方报如下实盘,以你方确认在这个月底抵达我处为准 产品: “永久”牌自行车 型号: 225 尺寸:180 CM * 200 CM 颜色: 各种颜色 数量: 1000台

价格: 50英镑 以成本保险+运费至伦敦为准,所报价格中包括你方3%的佣金。 装船日期: 八月至九月

付款方式: 以我方为受益者的保兑的,不可撤销的即期信用证,议付有效期至九月十日 我们期盼着您的回复。

Dear sir,

Thank you for your letter dated August 26, 2011, we are so pleased to enclose the samples and

specific informations

According to your request, we are glad to offer you for the following firm,subject to your final confirmation at the end of the month: Commodity:”Yong Jiu”bicycle Model:225

Specifications: 180 CM * 200 CM

Colors;all kinds of colors Quantity:1000 sets

Price: GBP50CIFC 3% London The price includes your commission of 3% Date of shipment: August to September

Payment: By comfirmed irrevocable L/C , Negotiation validity to septemper 10

We look forward to your reply.


Write a letter as pre the following particulars.

You are asked to write a letter to a foreign company for a trial order of table –cloths. The letter should cover at least the following points

(1) How did you get the information of the foreign company? (2) What is your desire? 18

We have seen your advertisement in “The Financial Times”. We are considering the purchase of table- cloths. Please send us your catalogue, price list and your best delivery date. We may be able to place a large order if your prices are competitive and deliveries prompt. We are looking forward to receiving your early reply. 19

Write a letter as per the following particulars.

You are asked to write an offer to a foreign company. The letter should cover at least the following points.

(1) Confirm the letter you receive on May 20, 2011 (2) Send catalogue, price list and sample books. (3) State terms of payment.

(4) State your products enjoy great sale, so urge the other party to place the order a.s.a.p (5) Look forward to an early reply. 20

贵公司于2月25日所发出的询盘已收到,谢谢! 我们在此向贵方就所需要型号的彩电报盘。一经收到贵方的订货,所有尺寸的彩电在下月初都能供货。

贵方所需要“长虹”牌34寸彩电价格为哥本哈根到岸价, 每台450美元。

“长虹”牌49寸LED 价格为哥本哈根到岸价,每台630美元。 “长虹”牌50寸3D价格为哥本哈根到岸价,每台880美元。 在与其他优质彩电的报价相比后,您会发现我方报价非常有竞争力。盼贵公司多多订购。

Dear sir,

We thank you for your inqury of 25th February .We confirm you that the inquir have been

received by us

Now we make the offer for the colorful television you required. As soon as we receive your order, all of the size of the color television can supply in early next month. The CIF on GeBen Hagen of the “changhong” brand34 color TV you need is us$450 per set

Comparing to the price of other supplyers, you will find our price is very competitive.

We wish you great order

21、您从 Ancient China 订购了一套三个花瓶,于六月三号收到了这批货物,但 发现其中一个在运送过程中被损坏。请撰写一封电邮要求更换一个相同的花瓶 (当然由对方付费),如果没货则要求退还三个花瓶的款项,并且问清楚如何将您 手上的另外两个花瓶退回。 (注:写这封信时,注意指出对方包装不妥。 )

Dear Sir, I received delivery of three vases on June 3. However, one of them was broken during shipment. Therefore, I would like you to send me a matching replacement at no charge, or if this is not possible, a refund for all three vases will be required. In the case of a refund, would you pleae let me know what I should do with the remaining two vases in my possession? Incidentally, the vases were not carefully packed, which is probably the 6 reason for the damage. Would you please pay more attention to packing next shipment? Sincerely Yours,

22事由:地方银行开立的第 1234 号信用证 你方第 215 号定单项下 8 公吨核桃仁,金额计 7,540 英镑的标题信用证收到。 你方信用证金额似嫌不足, 你方定单正确的成本加保险费运费的总值应是 8, 000 英镑,而不是 7,540 英镑,相差 460 英镑。 鉴于上述情况,请将你方信用证金额增加 460 英镑。一俟接到你方信用证修改 通知书,当安排交货不误。 Dear Sirs, Re: L/C No.1125 Issued by Districk Bank We acknowledge receipt of your letter of … and wish to express our sincere apologies for the error in the captioned L/C , which is mainly due to an unfortunate oversight . We have , this morning , instruted our bank to amend the L/C No.1125 by fax and trust the amendment will reach you in due course . As we are badly in need of the goods , we shall highly appreciate it if you will arrange immediately shipment . Should this shipment prove satisfactory to our customers , repeat orders will be possibly placed before long . Thank you in anticipation for your close cooperation in this respect . Your faithfully,

