新版人教版新目标 八年级下册英语初二第二学期全册导学案

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课题:Unit1 Will people have robots?

第一课时 section A 1a-2c

【学习目标】 学会用将来时态预言。 【重点,难点】

1.will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。 2. There be 句型的一般将来时。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】


2.小组合作讨论预测未来世界的变化完成1a 。 3.小组合作训练

1)will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。 2)There be 句型的一般将来时。 4. 听力技能提高。

1)听录音完成1b 。 2)听前预测2a/2b 。 3) 听录音完成2a/2b 。

5.综合运用能力提高。小组合作运用将来时的句型对未来作出预测。完成1c/2c 。 《二》小组交流 将来时态的构成 《三》分享表达 一般将来时的理解 《四》拓展提升 一般将来时的应用 【课堂练习】

一、根据汉语意思,完成句子。一空一词。 1. 书籍将会仅仅在电脑,而不在纸上。

Books _____ only _____ on computers, not _____ paper. 2. 今后在这座城市将会有更多的树木,更少的污染。

Will _____ _____ trees and _____ pollution in the city in future. 3.你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?

Do you will be in people?s homes? 4. 他们不会去野营。我确信他们将来参加我们的聚会。

They _____ go . They _____ come to our party, I?m sure. 5.100年后孩子们还要去上学吗?---不,他们将不用上学. ------ kids go to school 100 years ------ No, they 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新句型:


第二课时 section A 3a-4


1.理解并会用句型what do you think …will be in 10 years?预测未来。 2.会用过去.现在.将来三个时态谈论自己的经历与打算。 【重点,难点】

用will句型预测未来。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】


1)在高中 2)在大学 3)5年前 4)5年后 5)更多的高楼 6)打网球 7) 你认为5 年后Sally 会什么样? 8) 我认为有更多的高楼。 9) 我认为没有更多的高楼。

10) 将会有更少的小车、更多的公共汽车吗? 课堂流程

1. five years ago now in 20 years 根据以上时间段谈论自己的情况,如:

Five years ago I lived in a small house . now I live in a big and clean house , in 20 years,

I will have my own house with a big garden and a swimming pool . 2.小组合作看图3a 描述Sally 的情况完成3a 。 3.做Pair work: 3b 练习目标语言,完成下列句型:

1)那儿将有更少的污染 2)每家都会有一个机器人 3)你认为人们100年后还用钱吗? 4) 孩子们将在家里通过电脑学习 4.独立完成P4的3c: Write about yourself.


5.综合技能提高 小组完成Part 4 。 《二》小组交流 一般将来时态的构成 《三》分享表达 一般将来时的理解 《四》拓展提升 一般将来时的应用 【课堂练习】

一、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. They _________ ( not have ) any classes next week. 2 . Betty _________ ( write ) to her parents tomorrow. 3. Look at those clouds. It _________ (rain ). 4. He _________ ( read ) an English book now. 5. Look! Many girls _________ (dance) over there. 【小结】:今天我学会了


新单词: 新短语: 新语法:

第三课时section B 1 a-2 c


1.听力练习。通过三种时间的对比,简略复习一般过去时和一般现在时。 2.掌握新词汇astronaut, apartment, rocket, space station . 【重点,难点】 听力技能提高。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

一 、自主学习1a 填出合适的词汇 完成1a 。 1.A place to live in space.

2.Something kids will use to study at home. 3.There will be in every home. 4.Yang Liwei is a famous Chinese. 二、教师导学2b听力 1. 听力练习:


2)2b 听第二遍,学生选词填空,并核对答案。 3)2a , 2b 听力填词:

A: What do you __________ your life will ___________ __________in the ____________?

B: Oh, I think I will be an _____________. A: An astronaut? Are you kidding?

B: No , I?m serious. I?ll _____________ rockets to the moon. Maybe there ___________be flights to other planets

A: Oh, and where will you _____________? B: I live on a _____________ station.

2.通过三种时间的对比,简略复习一般过去时和一般现在时。 三、综合技能提高 小组合作完成2c 。 《二》小组交流 将来时态的构成 《三》分享表达 一般将来时的理解 《四》拓展提升 一般将来时的应用 【课堂练习】


1.10年后我将成为一名医生 2.你会做什么运动? 3.我在这儿附近工作





新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

第四课时section B 3a-4


【重点,难点】 理解P6 3a的课文,能理解并运用其中的重点短语或句子。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】


1)live in 2)fall in love with 3)go skating 4)be able to 5)the World Cup 二.请画出3a中用将来时的句子。 三、教师导学

1. 阅读文章回答下列问题

① What is the article mainly about?

②What does she think of Shanghai? ③ What does she think of her job? ④ What will Ming be in ten years?

⑤ Why will she live in Shanghai? ⑥ Why will she be a reporter?

⑦ Why will she live in an apartment with friends?

⑧ Why can?t she have any pets now? 2.再读一遍课文,完成表格。 四、能力提高

1.独立完成,设想十年后你的生活情况。 2.小组朗读文章并猜测文章的主人。 五、综合运用

小组合作完成self-check 。 《二》小组交流 将来时态的构成 《三》分享表达 一般将来时的理解 《四》拓展提升 一般将来时的应用 【课堂练习】


Won?t, study, fewer, credit card, predictions, true 1.There ________ be any paper money. Everyone will have a ________ _ _______. 2.I think there will be ________ trees.

3.There were many famous ________ that never came ________.

4.Kids ________ go to school. They?ll ________ at home on computers.



新单词: 新短语: 新语法:

第五课时section B Reading


1.通过阅读这篇文章,了解世界上机器人发展的历史。 2.学习文章中出现的重点单词,词组和句型。 3.培养学生的阅读能力。 【重点、难点】

了解世界上机器人发展的历史,,学习文章中出现的重点单词,词组和句型。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

温故知新 小组讨论本单元的重点知识: 重点知识讲解:

1. They help with the housework, and do the most unpleasant jobs.


help sb.with sth.表示在……方面帮助(某人),help sb.(to) do sth.表示帮助(某人)做某事 2.Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future.However. They agree it may take hundreds of years.有些科学家相信在将来会有这种机器人.然而,他们认为这可能需要数百年的时间。

1) take 花费it takes sb.some time to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事

It takes me an hour to do my homework every day.做作业每天要花费我一个小时的时间。 2) hundred 数词, 百,用于a、one或含有数量意义的词之后, 其后接可数名词的复数形式. e.g. There are four hundred students in our grade.我们年级有400名学生。 当这类数词前面有具体的数字时,数词不能用复数形式:

当数词前没有具体数字时,数词用复数形式,后面接短语,再加可数名词的复数形式。 3.Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance. 日本电脑公司已经使机器人行走和跳舞。 1)have made made是make的过去分词

have/has+ 动词的过去分词构成现在完成时态。指动作已发生,但对现在产生一定的影


e.g. We have seen this movie.我们已经看过这部影片.( 我们对影片的故事情节有所了


2)make sb.do sth.使某人做某事,make 后面接宾语和省掉了to的不定式作宾语补足语。 e.g. My father makes me play the piano every day. 我爸爸让我每天弹钢琴. 4.He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. 他认为对于一个机器人来说与人做同样的事情是困难的。



在宾语从句中,如果主句是一般现在时态,从句可根据实际情况确定时态; 如果主句是过去时态,从句也要用过去时态的某种形式。

e.g. I hear(that) he won the first prize in English competition.我听说他在英语竞赛中获得


2) it be+adj+for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是…… e.g. It's easy to do this thing.做这件事是容易的。

5. They think that robots will be able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years. 他们相信在25至50年以后机器人将能够和人对话。 1) talk 谈话,对话(1)talk to...跟……谈话(对话)

2) talk of...谈到;谈起 e.g. We often talk of you.我们常常谈到你。 3)talk about...谈论某人或某事 e.g. What are you talking about?你们在谈论什么? 4)talk with...同……交谈 e.g. He is talking with a friend.他在和一个朋友谈话。 学习过程:


2.阅读文章,找出文中的重点短语句型,并罗列在笔记本上。 3.理解熟记文中的重点短语句型。 4.完成课后练习。、 《二》小组交流

小组讨论知道的机器人信息 《三》分享表达 文中的重点短语句型 《四》拓展提升 一般将来时的应用 【课堂练习】

利用P9的内容进行造句并记忆本文中的好段落。 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新语法:


科 目:英 语 年 级:八年级下册 主备教师:王 荣 参加讨论教:杨仕宏、苏海丽

备课时间:2013年1月23日 集体讨论时间:2013年2月25日 备课组审批: 教科处审批: 阳光校园,阳光课堂,阳光心态,阳光人生!

课题:Unit 2 What should I do? 第一课时section A 1a-2c



1.能掌握并运用情态动词could / should;

2.能正确运用“What should I / he / she / they / you / we do?”句型寻求帮助;

3.掌握并运用“What?s the matter? What?s wrong?”等句型询问对方遇到的问题。 【重点、难点】

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】


2. Look at these problems. Are they serious or not? Write them in the appropriate box. 3.听力技能提高

1)1b Listen and circle the problems.

2)2a and 2b. Listen and circle the word “should” or “could”, Then listen again and match the advice with the reasons.

3)学生总结需要掌握的重要知识点并探讨should,could的用法。 4.综合能力提高

小组合作运用句型“What should I / he / she / they / you / we do?”句型寻求帮助; 掌握并运用“What?s the matter? What?s wrong?”等句型询问对方遇到的问题。 《二》小组交流

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《三》分享表达

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《四》拓展提升

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 【课堂练习】


1.怎么了?_________________? _____________________?

2. 与……争吵 _________ 3. 过时的___________________ 4.时尚的 __________ 5.用电话交谈 ___________________ 6.打电话给…… _________ ________ __________

7. 不许进入_________ 8. 使……惊奇 _________________ 【要点归纳】

1.重点词组和句型:What?s wrong? / What?s the matter?

What should I / he / they do?

2.情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 【拓展练习】

熟练掌握本节课的重点词汇句型。 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语:



第二课时 section A 3a-4


1.学习给别人提建议。 2.判断建议是否是好建议。 【重点、难点】

给别人提建议;判断建议是否是好建议。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】


1. I need to get some money to pay for summer camp. 1)summer camp 夏令营

2)pay 表示支付、花费在句中主语是人。 I paid five Yuan. 我花了五元钱。

pay for + 某物:为某物支付钱。

I don?t have enough money to pay for the car.

pay +钱+物 为…付… I paid 60 Yuan for the dictionary. 3) spend 花费 在句中主语是人

The girl often spends three yuan every day. pay…on 在…上花了…时间或金钱 She often much money on her clothes. pay… (in) doing sth. 花时间,金钱做某事

2.borrow sth. from sb. 从某人处借进某物 lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人 borrow sth. from sb. 是指该句的主语从别人处(往里)借进某物

例:He borrowed the dictionary from Lucy yesterday. 他昨天从露西处借了那本字典.

lend sth. to sb. = lend sb. sth. 是指该句的主语把某物(往外)借给别人用

3.① either adv.(用于否定句)也

I can?t play chess. She can?t, either.我不会下国际象棋,她也不会。 ② too 也(用于肯定或疑问句)

I?m a teacher.He is a teacher, too.我是老师,他也是老师。


一、自主学习 1.课前准备根据上句完成下句或短语翻译,且使上下两句意思相符,每空一词。 1) What's wrong with Jim? What's _________ _________ with Jim? 2) get a part-time job____________ 3) 为...付款;付钱_____________ 4)向某人借某物_____________ 5) 给某人提建义_____________ 6)have a fight with… _________ 7) enough money___________ 8)leave my homework at home 二、阅读能力训练



2. 面对下面问题:I need to get some money to pay for summer camp.


3)学生判断建议的好坏并填空。 三、综合运用能力提高

1. 学生读课本的对话,然后两人练习新对话。最后小组展示。完成3b. 2.小组合作完成Part 4 《二》小组交流

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《三》分享表达

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《四》拓展提升

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 【课堂练习】

一、用could或should 填空:

1)_____ you tell me about it? 2) The fat woman ____ keep exercising. 3) You ____ act on the teacher?s device. 4) She ___ not ride a bike last year.


新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

第三课时 section B 1a — 2c




3.听力技能提高。 【重点、难点】

1.学习13页的单词 。

2.掌握句型:My friend is more popular than me.

You could be more friendly. You should try to be funny.

《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】 一、小组合作


1)新颖的__________________ 2)不贵的__________________


3)和….相同_______________ 4)时尚的__________________ 5)过时的__________________ 6)和…不同_________________

2.小组讨论挑选衣服的重要因素,完成1a/1b 。 二、听力技能提高

1.认真听录音,选出Erin?s problem .

2.再听一遍完成2b 。 3.听力训练,听并复述关键句型。 三、综合训练

为Erin提出自己的建议。 《二》小组交流

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《三》分享表达

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《四》拓展提升

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 【课堂练习】


( )1. The young man often _____ his CDs too loud in the evening. A. plays B. played C. will play D. play ( )2. She said she _____ enough money for summer camp. A. hasn?t B. didn?t have C. doesn?t have D. won?t have

( )3. She shouldn?t _____ her mother because her coat is out of style.

A. have a fight with B. argue with C. have talk with D. A & B ( )4. —Look! Linda?s new hat looks so cool! — Yeah. And it?s _____ style, too.

A. on B. with C. in D. out of ( )5. —What?s _____, Bill? —I?ve a fight with my brother.

A. wrong B. the matter C. your trouble D. Both A, B & C 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

第四课时 section B 3a — 4



2.培养学生的交际能力,能对别人的建议作出评价,在处理问题中学会自省与人际交往。 3.语言方面:except的用法 【重点、难点】



《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

1.阅读3A并找出作者的问题。用自己的语言整理出来。 2.用所学知识给作者提建议。完成3b


1)I found out that my friends are planning a birthday party for my best friend. 2) Everyone else in my class was invited except me. 3) I?m very upset and don?t know what to do. 5.熟悉掌握3a 中重点句型结构。 二、写作训练


2.仿照对话,根据4 中的问题,提出建议,编写两组对话。要求学生用所学知识提建议。 For example: A: You could get a part-time job.

B: That?s a good idea./ bad idea / okay idea. 《二》小组交流

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《三》分享表达

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《四》拓展提升

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 【课堂练习】

( )1. If she wants to get enough money, she may _____ a part-time job. A. get B. think C. look D. has

( )2. She doesn?t go to the evening school, _____. A. too B. either C. also D. so

( )3. You shouldn?t _____ your parents for too much money. A. send B. help C. tell D. ask

( )4. —You could sell your CDs for enough money. —I don?t think _____.

A. too B. also C. either D. so

( )5. You?re good at baking bread. So you could ____ to make money. A. have yard sale B. have bake sale

C. have a bake sale D. have a yard sale 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

第五课时 self check-reading





2.进一步培养学生的阅读能力,学会如何运用上、下文猜测新单词来提高阅读能力。 【重点、难点】

1.掌握本单元用could,should,shouldn?t表示提建议。 2.训练阅读和写作能力。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

1.小组合作完成self check 。

2.个人独立阅读文章,找出重要的句型结构,理解熟记。 《二》小组交流

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《三》分享表达

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 《四》拓展提升

情态动词should和could的用法及重点句型。 【课堂练习】


1. life for Cathy Taylor?s three children _______________________ 2. send ... to _________ 3. a quick supper ____________ 4. from activity to activity ____________ 5.fit ----into 6. as much as possible ___________ 7. too much pressure ___________ 8. complain to sb. _________________ 9. complain about sth. _________ 10. a mother of three children _________11. on the one hand ____________

12. on the other hand ____________ 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新句型:


科 目:英 语 年 级:八年级下册 主备教师:杨仕宏 参加讨论教:王荣、苏海丽

备课时间:2013年1月23日 集体讨论时间:2013年2月24日 备课组审批: 教科处审批:


课题: Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

Period 1 Section A 1a--2c





3、掌握when 和while 引导的状语从句的用法。 学习重、难点


bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, bought, land, got, take off, while 2、Target languages:

The boy was walking down the street when the UFO arrived. While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO arrived. The girl was shopping when the alien got out. While the girl was shopping, the alien got out. 3、运用过去进行时谈论过去发生的事。 《一》课堂前置: 快乐自学 预习提纲

1、自学Page18-19的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记,学科组长听写过关)。 2、通读1a-2c的内容,用双色笔标出重要的短语、句型和疑难点. 3、小组合作完成1c and 2c,准备课堂展示。 4、翻译下列短语和句子。

1.在理发店__________________ 2.在图书馆前边 3.做饭______________________ 4.做奶昔 __ 5.打电话_______________ ___ 6.洗完澡出来 7.理发_____________________ 8.进入商店 ____ 9.看见他们出来______________ 10.出去_________________ 11.起飞________________ 12. .沿着…走_____________ 13.发生了什么事?_____ __ 14.洗澡____________________ 15.电视台___________________ 16.报警_____________________ 《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升


构成:was / were + 现在分词(其中was是am、is的过去式,were是are的过去式) eg. 1) What were you doing at nine last night?(昨晚9点你在干什么?)

I was doing my homework then . (那时,我正在做作业)

2) He was cooking in the kitchen at 12 o?clock yesterday . (昨天12点,他正在厨房烧饭。) 用法1)过去进行时表现过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。

eg. She was writing a letter when I came in . (我进来时,她正在写封信。) 2)过去进行时还表示过去某阶段正在进行的动作。

eg. They were waiting for you yesterday . (他们昨天一直在等你.) 过去进行时与一般过去时的区别; 过去进行时:表示正在进行的动作。 I was reading a novel last night.昨晚我在看小说。(可能还没有看完) 一般过去时:表示一个完成的动作。 I read a novel last night .昨晚我看了一本小说。(已经看完了) Ⅱ在本单元中,出现了以when和while引导的时间状语从句。

The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed.(当UFO着陆时男孩正走在街道上.) While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.(当男孩正走在街道上时,UFO着陆了.)

when 和 while 引导的时间状语从句


1) 延续性动词和非延续性动词

延续性动词指动作可以延续一段时间,而不是瞬间结束。如:work、study、drink、eat等。 非延续性动词指动作极为短暂,瞬间结束。如:start、begin、arrive、jump、go、 finish、borrow、knock等。

2) when表示“当……的时候”。它后面既可跟延续性动词,又可跟非延续性动词.如:

Mary was having dinner when I saw her .(当我看到玛丽的时候,她正在吃饭.)

主句 从句(see是非延续性动词)

3) while表示“在……的时候”、“在……期间”。While后面必须是表示动作或状态的延续性动词。如:

The weather was fine while we were in Beijing .(当我们在北京的时候天气很好.) 主句 从句(表示状态) She called while I was out .(当我不在时,她打过电话.)

While we were swimming someone stole our clothes .(当我们正在游泳的时候,有人偷了我们的衣服)

从句( swim延续性动词)

所以, when可指时间点,又可指时间段,从句中可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词。


2. in front of 与 in the front of的区别:

(1) My sister is sitting _______ the classroom to see the sun.

(2) My sister is sitting _______ the classroom to read English with her classmates. 《五》、检测反馈

I. 单项选择。

( )1. I was sleeping late ____someone knocked on the door.

A. when B. while C. as D .after

( )2._______ the police arrived, the alien left the ground.

A. When B. Before C .After D. While

( )3. What ____ you _____ at this time yesterday?

A. do, did B. are , doing C. were, doing D. did, do

( )4. There are some trees ______ their classroom.

A. in front of B. in the front of C. on the front D. on the front of II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

5. When I saw him , he ________ (wait) for the bus. 6. He __________ (not go ) to the cinema last night. 7. I saw her__________ (play) in the park just now.

8. When you __________(call) me a moment ago , I ________ (write) . 小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

Period 2 Section A 3a-4



Key structures:

What were you doing at nine o?clock last Sunday morning ? I was sleeping.

While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. 2、熟练运用过去进行时与一般过去时谈论过去发生的事。




follow sb. to do sth. have a very unusual experience, be surprised 2、运用过去时谈论过去发生的事. 《一》课堂前置: 快乐自学 预习提纲:


1.一次不寻常的经历 ________________ 2. 跟随某人做某事_______________

3. 大约在十点左右______________ 4. 它是多么的奇怪!______________

5. 当它走进一家礼品店的时候我感到非常惊讶。 6. 当它在看纪念品时,店员报了警。 II. 读3a回答问题

1.When did the UFO land ? what was the writer doing ?

2.What places did the alien go ? what did they do ? 3.Did the alien buy any souvenirs in the shop ?

4.What did the writer do while the alien was in the museu

《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升

1.experience当经历讲,是可数的.当经验讲,是不可数的. 例如:I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. 2.around大约等同于about,另作“环绕”讲

例如:I get up at around 6 o'clock every day. 可用about替换. He likes travelling around the world. 这时不可替换. 3.follow跟随,遵从.following 下列的 ,下述的,接下来的 The boy followed his mother into the meeting room. 4.arrive ,reach, get to 三者都有“到达”之意.

1)arrive是不及物动词,要么不跟宾语,若跟宾语需用介词at 或in 2)reach是及物动词,可直接跟宾语

3)get与to合在一起即get to 才有到达之意,单单一个get是“得到,购买”等意思. 例如: Bofore the police arrived,the alien left the shop.(不跟宾语) They arrived in Beijing last night.(大地方用in)

They arrived at school gate at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon.(小地点用at)

5.surprise使吃惊,动词be surprised (某人)很吃惊,形容词主要修饰人, surprising令人吃惊的,主要修饰物. 例如:I don't want to surprise him.

I am very surprised at the surprising news.我对这个令人吃惊的消息感到很惊讶。

surprise sb. 指“让某人吃惊” I don?t want to surprise you . 我不想让你吃惊。 6.kid小孩 开玩笑

He is a kid . I passed the exam? you are kidding!

7. I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me . 当一个UFO恰好落在我面前的时候,我正在街上走。 right在这里是副词,“恰好”“?正好”的意思,表示强调。

例如:right now(现在) right here(就在这儿)

8. Before the police arrived , the alien left the shop . 在警方到达之前,外星人离开了商店。


before“在……之前”引导时间状语从句 《五》、检测反馈

I. 单项选择。

( )1. They followed Uncle Wang _______ the museum.

A. visit B. visiting C.to visit D.visited

( )2. His mother wanted to know what he ______ at that time.

A. is doing B. was doing C. has done D. will do

( ) 3. --I was doing my homework at eight o?clock last night.

--You are______. I saw you in the cinema.

A. hard-working B .kiding C. kidding D. kidded

( )4. They were playing football it rained.

A. while B. when C. as D. before

( )5. ____we were eating dinner in the restaurant, the owner?s dog took my bag away quietly.

A .Because B. While C. If D. Until

小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

period 3 Section B 1a-2c



2、继续学习过去进行时及when与while 引导的状语从句。 3、能用过去时态写故事。 学习重、难点


climb, jump, shout, rode, ran, happen, met, anywhere, run away, come in 2、过去进行时的运用与写作训练. 《一》快乐自学 预习提纲

1、自学Page21-22的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记,学科组长检查过关)。 2、通读Section B的内容,用双色笔标出重要的短语、句型和疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。


1. Lucy was very s________ when she saw the snakes.

2. This mountain is so high that I can?t c________ to the top of it. 3. We don?t know what will h________ in the future.

4. She s________ at Tom on the street, but he didn?t hear her. 5. Jim had a very terrible e____________ last year. 4、.翻译

1.爬树___________ _ 2.逃跑____________ 3.进来____________

4.跳下来____________ 5.一名警官___________ 6.在火车站___________ 7.四处走动__________ 8.考虑 ___________ 9.在树上__________ 《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升

1. be scared (某人)给吓坏了,害怕了

e.g. He was scared when he heard the strange voice .


当他听到了那个奇怪的声音,他害怕了。 2.Discuss:in the tree与 on the tree 的区别。 in the tree表示 : 在树上 。 on the tree表示: 长在树上 。 e.g.: There is a bird in the tree. There are many apples on the tree. 《五》、检测反馈


1. She felt ___________ (惊讶) when she saw the alien.

2. Everything seemed new and ___________(奇怪的)to me. 3. She was at the ___________(理发店)at that time. 4. What ___________(发生)last night?

5. We ___________(买)some food from the shop.

6. The boy ___________ ___________(从……上跳下来)the bed and ran out. 7. We were walking down the street ___________(当……时候)the UFO landed.

小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

Period 4 section B 3-4b



新单词:ran, met, happen , anywhere ,train station, run away , come in,

think about doing sth. 2.提高阅读和写作技能。 【重点、难点】

短文理解与看图写文章。 《一》快乐自学 一、学习新单词


train station, ran, run away, anywhere, met, come in, happen 2.通过自学,写出这些内容。

ran(原形)________ met(原形) _______ happen__________ anywhere ___________ train station____________ 逃跑_________ 进来_______考虑做某事________________ 《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升


1)表示“某人发生某事”常用___________,如:What happened to you? A car accident happened to her this morning. 2)表示“某地/某时发生了什么事”常用“sth.+happened+地点/时间”,主语是事物。如:

The story happened in 2009 . An accident happened in that street. 3)表示“某人碰巧做某事”用 “sb.+happened+to do sth.”,如:

I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday. 2. run away 逃跑 3. walk around the station 在车站走来走去

4. She didn?t think about looking outside the station . 她没想到过要往车站外面看一看。 think about 考虑 looking outside the station 是动名词短语,做think about的宾语。


look outside 往外看 think about doing sth考虑做……



1)用法:表示在过去某一时刻或某段时间内正在进行的动作。 2)谓语结构:be ( was, were )+ Ving 3)时间状语:at that time/moment

at +点钟+ yesterday/last night (at eight o?clock yesterday /last night) from +点钟 + to +点钟 + yesterday (from seven to nine yesterday) this time yesterday ,just then

when he came in, ….(when引导的时间状语从句是过去时,并且动词是短暂性动词

时,主句使用一般过去进行时态) 《五》、检测反馈


( )1.She said she a paper kite at 7: 00 yesterday.

A.makes B.is making C.will make D.was making

( )2.I on the phone when a friend went into a barber's shop.

A.talked B.was talking C.talk D.is talking

( )3.What about more trees to keep the air clean?

A.to plant B.plant C.planting D.planted

( )4.When the UFO took , the girl was in the shop.

A.out B.off C.on D.up

( )5.It will be to work out this problem in some years.

A.enough easy B.easily enough C.easy enough D.very easily

小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

Period 5 Self Check & Reading




3、培养学生通过标题与各段落的首句猜测文章主旨的能力。 学习重、难点


accident,plane, modern, kill, murder, bright, playground, bell, rang, told, close, silence, meaning, became, earth, hero, flew, hear about,, take place, as.. as, in silence 2、培养学生的阅读能力。 《一》快乐自学


1、自学Page23-25的单词。(拼读—纠正读音—记忆—对桌互查—小组检查)。 2、英汉互译:

1.发生 _________ 2.听说__________ 3.在诊所__________ 4.住院____________ 5.在那时___________ 6.在历史上___________

7.日常的活动__________ 8. 在操场上______________ 9.默默地______________ 10. have meaning to__________ 11. in modern history __________

12.all over the world_______________ 13. fly around the earth____________


3、仔细阅读Page24-25的课文并回答以下问题: ○1. When was Dr Martin Luther King murdered? ○2. When was the World Trade Center destroyed ? ○3.When did man first walk on the moon ? ○4. How long did Yang Liwei?s flight around the earth last?

5. Do you remember what you were doing when you heard about the event? ○

《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升

1. say to sb. 对某人 say to oneself 自言自语

e.g.: He said to himself, “Don?t be afraid.” 他自言自语,“不要害怕” 2. look for 寻找(强调找的“过程”) find 找到(强调找的“结果”) eg. He looked for his lost key everywhere but couldn?t find it. 3. It was difficult to get out of bed. 从床上爬起来很难。 It is difficult/hard to do sth. 做某事很难。

He found that it was difficult to learn physics well.

4. be killed 被杀害 be destroyed by… 被……摧毁…… 5. walk home together in silence 沉默着一起走回家 。 in silence 状语(状态)

6. Not all events in history are as terrible as this.

并不是所有历史上的大事件都像此事这样可怕。 not all 并不是所有的(部分否定)

as…as… 与……一样(as与as之间用形容词、副词的原级)

7. become the first Chinese astronaut in space. 成为中国首位进入太空的宇航员

8. His flight around the Earth Lasted about 22 hours. 他环绕地球的飞行持续了22个小时。 9. Do you think sth. good can come out of sth. terrible? 你认为坏事能变为好事吗? 《五》、检测反馈


( ) 1. I was reading a book _______ my mother was watching TV. A. after B. while C. during D. before ( ) 2. The water is an important part of our________ life.

A.every day B.every days C. everyday D. everydays ( ) 3. What ______ to him yesterday evening?

A. was happened B. happened C. happening D. happen ( ) 4. The teacher asked the students ________ him _______ the text.

A. to follow, to B. follow, to C. to follow, to read D. to follow, reading ( ) 5. This book _________by Lu Xun.

A. write B. wrote C.written D. was written

II. 根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。 11. 并非所有的学生都喜欢运动。

________ _________ students like sports.

12. 当他返回地球时, 他成为了一位民族英雄。

He ________ a ________ _________ when he returned to the earth.

13. 人类是什么时候开始进入太空的 ?

When did man first _______ ________ _________ ?

14. 这座建筑物被一些恐怖分子毁坏了。

This building some .


小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语: 新句型:


科 目:英 语 年 级:八年级下册

主备教师:王 昌 参加讨论教:王荣、苏海丽、杨仕宏

备课时间:2013年1月23日 集体讨论时间:2013年2月24日 备课组审批: 教科处审批:


课题:Unit 4 He said I was hard -working?

第一课时 Section A (1a-----1c)

【学习目标】1.学习并记忆 P26词汇mad be mad at。2. 语法功能:间接引语。 【重点,难点】把直接引语变成间接引语。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

1. 自学本课词汇,并熟记。

2. 自读教材P26词汇及对话,理解其意思。 3. 完成以下练习。

(1) “I am a student.” She says. (变成间接引语) She says ______________________________. (2) He said :“I go to the park every Sunday. (变成间接引语) He said ___________________________ 《二》小组交流


教师点拨:间接引语中从句时态由主句时态决定。“主现从不现,主过从限”。 《三》分享表达 1. 完成听力1b.

2. 看P26图画,小组内根据图画内容练习直接引语变成间接引语。 3. 三人一组编新的对话:

Eg: A: How do you get to school every day? B: I get to school on foot every day.

A: What does he say? / What did he say?

C: He says he gets to school on foot every day./ He said he got to school on foot every day. 《四》拓展提升


1. The girl said,\

2. He said,\ 3. Mary said,\e Chinese.\ 4. He said,\


5. Kate said,\

→ Kate said ____ ____ go to New York ___ ____ ____. 6. My mother said to me, \→My mother told me that the sun ____ bigger than the earth. 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

第二课时 Section A (2a------grammar focus)


1. 词汇:学习并记忆P27词汇anymore direct speech reported speech。 2. 语法功能:把直接引语变成间接引语。

【重点,难点】 把直接引语变成间接引语人称,时态的变化:。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

1. 自学本课词汇,并熟记。

2. 自读教材P27词汇,对话及句子,理解其意思。 3. 翻译下列词组。

1) next to 3) pay phone 5) post office 2) in front of 4) between … and…

《二》小组交流1. 2a, 小组内朗读2a句子,翻译句子后,听录音,并判断正误。. 2. 2b, 听录音,圈出正确答案,并复述材料。

3. 2c, 小组内使用2b图片,利用句型What did he(she ) say?问答,并展示。 《三》分享表达

: 直接引语变成间接引语的变化。 《四》拓展提升 1. 肥皂剧________ 2. 生…的气________ 3. 不再__________ 4. 把…带来________

5. 为…举办晚会________ 6. 首先_________



新单词: 新短语: 新语法:

第三课时 Section A (3a---------4)


1.学习并记忆 P28词汇。2. 语法及交际功能:学习一些问路的对话并学会使用编新对话。 【重点,难点】问路的交际运用。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

1. 自学本课词汇,并熟记。

2. 自读教材P28词汇及短文,理解其意思。 3. 翻译下列词组。 (1) first of all _________

(2) a surprise part _________ (3) pass… to …_________ (4)work on _________ (5) at the bus station _________

《二》小组交流1. 3a, (1)根据p27页2b 填空。 (2) 理解短文,并翻译,小组内互帮。 《三》分享表达

根据短文内容编新的对话。 《四》拓展提升

1. Tom does well in Chinese; however Lucy does Chinese _______ (good) than Tom.

2. Lily isn?t good at math, in the end-of-year exam she did __________ (bad) of all the students. 3. When I heard the_________ news, how _________ I am! (disappoint)

4. We are___________ (luck) enough to have bought the last tickets for the World Cup. 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新语法:

第四课时 Section B (1a-------2c)

【学习目标】 1.学习并记忆 P29词汇hardworking do well in 。 2.转述老师给自己的成绩报告单。 【重点,难点】听听力并完成2a ,2b中的内容。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

1. 自学本课词汇,并熟记。

2. 自读教材P29 1a,勾出跟自己情况相同的句子。 3.完成1b


《二》小组交流1. 完成2a听力。

2. 理解2b 内容,小组内互教互帮,并完成2b 听力。 《三》分享表达

. 仿照2c 对话,根据2b 内容编新的对话。 《四》拓展提升

1. _________(one)of all you must close the door.

2. Everybody is_________(suppose)to know the dancer.

3. You must take care of yourself and keep_________(health). 4. She is a_________(luck)girl.

5. The boy is_________(bad)than yesterday. 6. He_________(choose)a toy just now. 7. We are_________(Asia).

8. The_________(speak)are Tom and Linda. 9. These are our_________(report card).

10. She_________(copy)my homework every day. 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新语法:

第五课时 Section B (3a------4)

【学习目标】 1.学习并记忆 P30词汇in good health report card nervous envelope semester true disappointing lucky。 2.能向父母或朋友报告自己的成绩单。 【重点,难点】短文的理解。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

1. 自学本课词汇,并熟记。

2. 自读教材P30短文,完成以下内容。 1) 翻译下列词组。

1. 期末考试________ 2. 成绩单________ 3. 被期望……_________ 4.保持健康____ 2) 朗读短文,理解文中句子。

《二》小组交流1. 3a, 小组内理解短文,互助完成。 2. 3a, 小组内理解短文, 个人先完成,小组内交流。 《三》分享表达

仿照3a 完成3b。 《四》拓展提升


1. Dick said he____________ (report) some important things to us the day after tomorrow. 2. First of all, you must tell me what you____________ (do) at nine last night.

3. My best friend tells me he _____________ (send) some gifts to me for my birthday. 4. Listen, some beautiful birds____________ (sing) in the tree.

5. ________you _________ (argue) with your father when I knocked at the door? 6. I was surprised___________ (find) that Ann got mad after hearing the bad news. 7. I don?t know if Lucy___________ (come) to see me in five days.


8. The teacher told us the earth__________ (travel) round the sun.

9. I don?t think you are____________ (suppose) to smoke in the classroom. 10. He said he _____________ (clean) his bedroom at this time yesterday。


新单词: 新短语: 新语法:


科 目:英 语 年 级:八年级下册 主备教师:苏海丽 参加讨论教:王荣、杨仕宏

备课时间:2013年1月23日 集体讨论时间:2013年2月25日 备课组审批: 教科处审批:


课题:Unit 5 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!

第一课时section A 1a-2c


短语: have a great time, stay at home,be late,study for the test, half the class, let sb in. 句子:—I think I?ll ride my bike. —If you do, you?ll be late.

—I think I?m going to stay at home. —If you do, you?ll be sorry.


【重点,难点】 if引导的条件状语从句。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】


1.根据词汇表大声朗读生词并能熟记这些生词。 2.关上书又快又好地写出:

⑴have a great time___________ ⑵let you in_________ ⑶wear jeans________⑷study for the test__________ ⑸(班里)一半学生______ ⑹呆在家里_________⑺迟到____________ ⑻做食物_________ 二、新句型学习



2.小组合作快速完成1a。并熟读搭配后的新句型。 三、听力训练

1.认真听录音1b并检查自己1a中的答案。 2.认真听录音,完成了2a和2b 。 3. 听录音复述关键词句。 四、综合技能提高


1.小组合作根据1a中的句子,运用1c的句型进行对话练习。 2.小组合作根据2a/ 2b中的句子,运用2c的句型进行对话练习。

五、总结if引导的条件状语从句。 《二》小组交流

条件状语从句的构成 《三》分享表达 条件状语从句的理解 《四》拓展提升 条件状语从句运用 【课堂练习】


1. Will you help me ____(make) the food? 2. When is a good time ____(have) the party? 3. If he ____(walk) to school, he?ll be late.

4. If he ____(have) enough time tomorrow, he ____(meet) you in his office. 5. It?s cold. We?d better keep the door ____(close) 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

第二课时 section A 3a-4


1.学习新单词和新句型。clean-up, flower,take away, bring food to the party 。 2.巩固if引导的条件状语从句。 【重点,难点】 原因状语从句。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】


1.大声朗读单词和短语,并能写出下列内容: take away_________ clean-up_________

bring food to the party flower_______ 二、阅读训练

1.快速阅读3a ,找出含有if引导的条件状语从句。 2.能大声朗读3a并完成3a 。 3.翻译关键句子

⑴Don?t bring food to the party. If you do, the teacher will take it away(拿走). 译:___________________________________ ⑵—I?m going to the school party.

译:___________________________________ —Me, too. Let?s bring some snacks.

译: ___________________________________ 三、综合运用提高



2. 根据Part4的海报,讨论我们加入这个活动能做些什么。


if引导的条件状语从句的定义 《三》分享表达

if引导的条件状语从句的理解 《四》拓展提升

if引导的条件状语从句运用 【课堂练习】

1. You can see many beautiful f___________ in the graden. 2. What will h__________ if I don?t have an ID card? 3. Will you help me o_________ the party, Jim?. 4. It?s a formal party, please don?t wear j____. 5. I don?t want the pen, please take it a______. 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新语法:

第三课时section B 1a-2c


1. 掌握下列生词和短语:

Agent,around the world, go to college, be famous, get an education, make a lot of money, join the lions 2. 掌握重点句型:

If you join the Lions, you?ll become a great soccer player.


【重点,难点】 进一步巩固if引导的条件状语从句。

《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

一、新生词和短语学习 1.自学词汇: 代理人________ 在世界各地__________ 谋生___________ 出名_______________ 受到教育________ 赚许多钱__________ 加入雄狮队_________ 上大学_________


1.小组讨论Part1选出三项中最重要的: 三、听力训练

1.认真听录音完成了2a和2b。 2.再听录音核对答案。 3.认真听录音复述故事。 四、综合提高

小组分角色表演听力材料中的对话。 《二》小组交流


《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升 【课堂练习】 一、汉译英

1.If I have time, I will ________ _______ _______ ____________(周游世界). 2.My dream is to _______ ______ ________(上大学). 3.中国因为长城而闻名。

China is __________ _______ the Great Wall. 4.我们应帮助那个穷孩子接受教育。

We should help the poor child _____ ______ ____________. 5.为了赚许多钱他努力地工作。

He works hard to________ ____ ___ ______.


新单词: 新短语: 新语法:

第四课时section B 3a -3c

【学习目标】1. 掌握下列生词和短语:make a living, all the time, get injured, have a difficult time

(in) doing/with sth, be against 2. 掌握重点句型:

3. 通过阅读3a提高写作能力。 4.巩固复习本单元所学内容。 【重点,难点】 3a理解 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】



2.快速写出这些内容。 反对____________ 机会________________受伤的______________今晚____________ 谋杀__________一直_______________受伤____________ lawyer__________ sincerely________ 干得好___________

写信给某人_____________________ have a difficult time knowing____________have a hard time with/(in) doing sth._______ 二、阅读训练

1.快速阅读找出成为职业运动员的优点与不利之处: 2.再读课文完成表格并翻译课文内容。 三、写作训练

1.通过熟读3a,完成3b的回信。 2.小组评比,找出范文。

3. 一起来讨论如何用“if”和“will”的句子写自己的计划。能很快完成3c。 四、综合运用提高

小组完成Self check 。



我还学会了 5个短语,大大丰富了我的语言积累。 1.have a great time__________ 2.take away____________

3.在世界各地_________________4.谋生________________ 5.all the time____________6.laugh at___________________


1.If you go to the party, you______ _______ _____ _____ _______ (将会玩得很开心). 2.If you become rich, you will have a difficult time __________ (知道) who your real friends are.

3.If you become a professional athlete, you?ll be able to ________ ____ _______ ________ 《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升 【课堂练习】


1.Tom ___________(organize) the party last night.

2.I want to do some work ________(help) the poor children who can?t go to school. 3.Lu Xun was a __________(fame) writer in China. 4.Why do you ______(laugh) at the poor man? 5.He makes a ________(live) as a taxi driver.


新单词: 新短语: 新语法:

第五课时Section B4—Self Check.



2、阅读理解3a并能复述。 3、写作训练。

4、全力以赴,高效学习。 【重点,难点】提高写作能力。 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】

1、自学Page38-39页的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记,学科组长检查过关)。 2、自学完成 Self Check练习,学科组长检查。

3、用双色笔标出重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。 4、独立完成导学案

1、课前检查 2、合作探究

3、导学案释疑(展示与点评) 4、课堂小结


《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升 【课堂练习】



●might:是情态动词,可表may 的过去式和表推测。在本文中表 ,其表达的可能性比may (大或小)。(参考学习Page95页关于情态动词的语法)

●can与be able to :二者都可表示能力、能够。Can主要用于 和 两种时态,而be able to则可用于 。can表示“能力”时,和be able to相当,许多场合都可以互相替换。但当叙述过去经过一番努力才能完成的事情或前面有特殊说明,表示你有能力时,只能用 .

●all the time 与always:all the time 意为“ ”,多用于句末,表示从某一特定阶段开始一直到结束,不表示频度。always 表示动作的反复、状态的持续,是表示频度的副词。 ●sometimes、sometime 、 some time 、some times:sometimes是频度副词,意为“ ”,多用于一般现在时或一般过去时;sometime是副词,意为“ ”,可用于将来时或过去时;some time是名词词组,意为“ ”; some times是名词词组,意为“ 或 ”。 三、当堂检测 一、自学检测:


1.Please find some reasons a becoming a professional player. 2.Everyone has a c to go to college.

3.He got i (受伤)in the basketball match. 4.If I become a l , I?ll try my best to help people. 5.She is going to take part in the party t (今晚). 6. Happy birthday to you s .

写作训练:结合3c范例谈谈如果你想当一名英语老师,你打算怎么做,设想一下会出现一些什么样的结果。 If I want to be an English teacher

If I want to be an English teacher,I am going to

新单词: 新短语: 新语法:


科 目:英 语 年 级:八年级下册


主备教师:杨仕宏 参加讨论教:王荣、苏海丽

备课时间:2013年1月23日 集体讨论时间:2013年2月24日 备课组审批: 教科处审批:

阳光校园,阳光课堂,阳光心态,阳光人生! 课题:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shell ?

Period 1 Section A 1a--2c


1、掌握Page44-45页的单词和短语。 2、理解运用现在完成进行时态。

3、学会用how long谈论做某事多长时间了。 4、激情高效地投入学习。 学习重、难点:

1、重点单词与短语:collect shell marathon pair skate since Hilltop School Collect shells for four hours since nine o?clock a pair of how long

2、句型:How long did you skate? I skated for two hours. How long have you been skating?

I?ve been skating since nine o?clock. I?ve been skating for five hours.

《一》课堂前置: 快乐自学 预习提纲

1、自学Page44-45页的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记,学科组长检查过关)。 2、自学Page99页关于现在完成时态的语法知识。 3、小组合作操练1c、2c句型,准备课堂展示。 4、翻译

收集贝壳 计四个小时 自九点钟 一双、一副 多久 昨天晚上 5、根据首字母或汉语提示填空: 1.Do you like c shells?

2.I have many beautiful s (贝壳) .

3.She wants to buy a p of s (溜冰鞋).

4.The boy has been learning English s he was three years old. 《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升

1.I'd like to collect stamps because they are interesting.我喜欢集邮,因为它们特别有趣。

(1)would like to do表示“想要做某事”。

例如:Would you like to come to join my birthday party? 你愿意来参加我的生日晚会吗?

(2)collect意为“收集,搜集”,常用作及物动词,后跟名词或代词作宾语。 例如:I like collecting all kinds Of Chinese stamps very much.

我非常喜欢收集各种中国邮票。 2. interest,interesting与interested


(1)interest作名词,意为“兴趣,趣味”,用作动词时指“使(人)产生兴趣”。 例如:He shows an interest in music. 他对音乐感兴趣。

What you said interests me. 你的话引起了我的兴趣。


引起兴趣。 例如: The film is very interesting. 电影非常有趣。

He is an interesting man. 他是一个有趣的人。


常用于be/get/become interested in结构中,表示“对……感兴趣”。

例如:When he was only a child,he got interested in science.当他还是个孩子时,就对


3. How long has he been collecting kites?他收集风筝多久了? how long,how often 与 how soon

(1)how long 的意思是“有多长”,用来提问有多长时间,答语通常是more than two wewks等表示一段时间的话。

例如: --How long are you going to stay here? 你打算在这里待多久? --Five days. 5天。

--How long did he live in China? 他在中国住了多长时间? --More than two years.两年多。

(2)how often的意思是“多长时间一次”,用来提问在某一特定的时间内进行某个动作的次数,

答语通常是never,sometimes,quite often,usually,three times a year等表示频度的副词或短语。 例如: --How often do you go to the library? 你多长时间去一次图书馆? --Once a day. 一天一次。

(3)how soon用来询问“需要多长时间能,过多久”,谓语动词多用终止性动词,即某一动作

要花多长时间才能完成或发生,常与将来时连用,答语常用in a week/month/year等。 例如: --How soon can you finish the work? 你完成那项工作还要多久?

--Maybe in three days.大概3天后。

--How soon will he get here? 他到这儿需要多久? --In half an hour.半小时。 《五》、检测反馈 1、单项选择:

1. They been skating for three hours . A.has B.have C.is D.are 2.Mr Li has his bike since five o?clock. A.mend B.mended C.mendind D.to mend 3.He has been writing the composition two hours. A.for B.since C.at D.in 4. have you been working ? A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How much ●5.The boy has been collecting shells . A.since he was six years old B.for six years ago C.since six years D.for he was six years old

●6.---Alice ,how long ? ----I for five hours . A.did you skate skated B.have you been skating have been skating


C.have you skating have been skating D.have you been skating have skating 7.—When the book ?----I the book two days ago . A.did you read read B.do you read read

C.have you been reading have beenreading D.have you read read ●8.My brother has been basketball for two years . A.liking B.hating C.loving D.playing

2、句型变化:She has been dancing since this morning.

否定句: 一般问句: ? 对划线部分提问:

小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

Period 2 Section A 3a-4



2、继续学习和运用现在完成进行时态。 3、阅读理解3a短文,提高阅读理解能力。 4、热情高效地投入学习。 学习重、难点

1、重点单词与短语: raise several skater talk to raise money for charity

the whole five hours an hour ago three and a half years

2、句型:Students are skating to raise money for charity. When did you start ?

How long have you been playing ? 《一》课堂前置: 快乐自学

1、自学Page46页的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记,学科组长检查过关)。 2、自学完成Section A 3a、3b 、4中的练习,学科组长检查。 3、小组合作操练Part4句型,准备课堂展示。 4、翻译

为慈善机构募捐 整整五个小时 一小时之前 三年半 同....交谈 一些溜冰者 他溜冰整整五个小时了 李诚一个小时前开始溜冰的. 5、根据首字母或汉语提示填空:

1.I want to r some money by selling some old books. 2.S (几个)runners have been running for four hours . 3.He likes skating ,he wants to be a professional s .


《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升

●Students are skating to raise money for charity.

此句中的动词不定式短语表示同学们溜冰的 ,在句中作 (定语或

状语)。除此用途外,动词不定式还可作句子的 、 、 等。 ●each与every: each一般指两个或两个以上人或事物中的“每个”侧重指个体,作形容词时,常修饰单数名词谓语用单数,作代词单独使用谓语用单数,在复数名词或代词后作同位语谓语用复数,each of them结构后的谓语形式可用单数也可用复数。Every一般指三个或三个以上的人或事物中的“每个”,侧重指全体,常修饰单数名词,谓语用单数形式。

●several: several意为“几个的、数个的”,指三个以上的人或事物,修饰可数名词,与 、 同义。 《五》、检测反馈 1、单项选择

1.They have been skating .

A.for three hours ago B.since three hours ago C.three hours ago D.since three hours 2.He was the first to come here a better seat. A.choose B.to choose C.choosing D.chose 3.Each of them here ,. A.is B.are C.be D. both A and B

4.Each of us anEnglish—Chinese Dictionary .Don?t listen to music eat food in the libraury . A.have B.has C.there is D.there are 5Every worker there and did his work. A.is B.are C.was D.were 6.We English two years ago. A.learned B.learn C.to learn D.have been learning 7.Each student ten yuan charity . A.raise for B.raises to C.raise to. D.raises for 8.They have been playing games for .Why not basketball? A.two hour and a half B.two hour and halfs C.two and a half hours D.a half and two


1.We have been waiting for you for two hours.(变同义句)

We have been waiting for you since . 2.She studies English.(用for two years 作时间状语改写) She English for two years. 3.Several visitors came to our school yesterday.(变成同义句) visitors came to our school yesterday. 小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语:



period 3 Section B 1a-2c




3、通过对话练习继续学习和运用现在完成进行时态。 4、听力训练。

5、全力以赴,高效学习。 学习重、难点

1、重点单词与短语:stamp kite would like to

2、句型:I collect shells because they are beautiul.

I?d like to collect stamps because they ars interesting. How long has he been collecting kites ?

He?s been collecting kites since he was ten years old . 《一》快乐自学 预习提纲

1、自学Page47页的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记,学科组长检查过关)。 2、自学完成Section B 1a ,学科组长检查。 3、翻译

世界各地 环游世界 上大学 挣许多钱 接受教育 出名 一名职业足球选手 4、根据首字母或汉语提示填空:

1.I think you should (上大学). 2.If I have a lot of money, I will t around the world . 3.Yao Ming is a p (职业的) basketball player.

4.He is a soccer a , he sells all kinds of things about soccer to make money. 《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升 原因状语从句:

由because 、since、as、for 等连词引导的状语从句叫 状语从句。这四个连词语气由强至弱依次为 ,because意为“因为”,表示直接原因,一般放在主句后,回答why的提问,since意为“因为、既然”,侧重主句,表示显然的或已知的理由,as意为“由于、鉴于”,主从句并重,主句说明结果,从句说明原因。For意为“因为、由于”,表示附加或推断的理由,从句常放在主句后,用逗号隔开。

《五》、检测反馈 1、单项选择

1、----Why do you like pandas? ----- they are cute. A.For B.As C.Because DSince 2、He must be ill today , he isn?t here today.


A.For B.As C.Because DSince

3、--- have you been studying English ? ----For five years. A.How many B.How far C.How long D.How soon 4、I saw the man put the money in the bag and go out. A.all B.whole C.his D.every 5、Could you tell me ?

A.where Tom was B.Where was Tom C.Where is Tom D.Where Tom is 6、Tony in the factory since he left school. A.worked B.is working C.has been working D.works 7、If he to school late , the teacher won?t let him in . A.go B.goes C.will go D.went

8、-----Do you know if back next year ?-----If he back ,please let me know. A.he comes will come B.will he come comes C.he will come comes D.will he come will come


1、He started to play soccer 8 hours ago. Now he is still playing.(用现在完成进行时合并成一句)

He soccer for 8 hours .

2、She has been helping me with my English since last year.(对划线提问) she been helping me with my English ? ●3、Tom has been collecting stamps for three months.(对划线提问) Tom been for three months ?

4、It is raining heavily outside. I won?t go for a walk.(用because合并为原因状语从句) . 小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

Period 4 section B 3-4b



2、阅读理解3a并能复述,增强阅读理解能力。 3、写作训练,提高写作能力。 4、全力以赴,高效学习。 学习重、难点

1、重点单词与短语:monster globe anyone store cake particularly collector common

extra coin topic been writer run out of by the way thanks for be interested in in fact have to all around tell you about my hobby on my seventh birthday 2、短文理解与写作训练 《一》快乐自学


1、自学Page48-49页的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记,学科组长检查过关)。 2、自学完成Section B 3a 、 3b、4a练习,学科组长检查。 3、翻译

用尽 顺便一提 对....感兴趣 为....而感谢 实际上 不得不 遍及 告诉关于我的兴趣 在我的第七个生日 4、根据首字母或汉语提示填空:

1. Don?t tell a about the thing.

2.He r all his money yesterday. 3.I need a room to s my books.

4.I want to eat c (蛋糕)with meat in it .

5.He p (特别)likes playing computer games.

6. The old man is a c , he has been collecting hundreds of stamps. 7.Do you want to be a w ,writing articles is very difficult. 8.Wang Hai is i in English , he is the best at it in his class. 《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升

●thanks for 与thanks to:前者意为“ ”,其后可接名词或动名词,同义语是 ;后者意为“ ”,无当面感谢之意,其后可接名词、代词或名词性从句。

●run out 与run out of:二者都表示“ ”之意,前者通常以 作主语,而后者通常以 作主语。

●The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday.

此句中的one 是代词,指代后边的globe。用one 来指代前边已经出现过的名词,以避免重复。指代复数事物时应当用其复数形式 .二者都不能直接用于物主代词后,如前边有形容词,则可用。 《五》、检测反馈 1、单项选择

1.Thanks my teacher, I can finish my work on time. A.for B.to C.in D.with 2.I got my first birthday present my tenth birsthday. A.in B.on C.at D.for 3.In order to buy a new car ,he all his money. A.run out B.run out of. Cran out D.ran out of 4. ,do you like singing ? A.By the way B.For example C. As for D All right 5.Mom ,my shoes are too old ,Could you please buy for me ? A.one B.pair C. ones D.it 6.I still have some oranges, would you like to eat one ? A.another B.the other C.other D.others 7.Please make for the old man.


A.a room B.room C.rooms D.some rooms 8.What do you know about the thing ? A.other B.else C.thing D.anything 9.He particularly loves globes pandas . A.have B.has C.there is D.with 10.I snow globes for seven years . A.collected B.collect C.have been collecting D.hasbeen collecting 小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

Period 5 Self Check & Reading


1、掌握Page50-51页的单词和短语。 2、阅读理解短文,增强阅读理解能力。

3、继续学习巩固现在完成进行时态和条件状语从句有关知识。 4、激情参与,高效学习。 学习重、难点

1、重点单词与短语:dynasty character capital European Russian Astralian thousand emperor foreigner quite certain miss the Olympic Games

far away Chinese dynasties think of Chinese history be from the capital of Heilongjiang Province some of be hard to be able to the more...the more far from be certain 2、短文理解与写作训练 《一》快乐自学


1、自学Page50-51页的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记,学科组长检查过关)。 2、自学完成Section 1 、3a of Section 3、Section 4练习,学科组长检查。 3、操练3b句型,课堂展示。 4、翻译

奥林匹克运动会 遥远 中国朝代 想出 中国历史 来自 的首府 四川省 ....中的一些 当然,毫无疑问 距离某地远 5、根据首字母或汉语提示填空:

1.How many Chinese d (王朝) do you know ? 2.The c of China is Beijing.

3.Many E come to visit China every year.

4.There are over one t students in our school . 5.Who was the first e in Chinese history ?


6.That is q (很)a beautiful picture. 7.I really m my old days.

8.I am c (确实)I am going to visit you. 《二》小组交流 《三》分享表达 《四》拓展提升

●probably: 其意为“ ”,表达的可能性较大,其同义语为 、 。 ●the more...the more:此结构为“the+比较级,the+比较级”句型结构,表示“越…就越…”,这种主从句的时态常用 或 .

●quite:其意为“很、十分”,与very同义,但在使用时二者的位置不同,quite置于冠词 ,而very则置于冠词 。

●thousand: 表数量的名词,类似的还有hundred、 million(百万)、billion(十亿),当它们表达实际数量时,用数词+数量名词 (单数或复数),当它们表达不确切的数量时,用这些数量名词的 (单数或复数)+of+名词复数。 《五》、检测反馈 1、单项选择

1.The first Jews by the Song Emperor. A.welcome B.welcomed C.was welcomed D.were welcomed 2.I in China for two years. A.teach B.taught C.have been teaching D.am teaching 3.The capital Sichuan is Chengdu. A.in B.of. C.at D.for 4.China is a great country a long history . A.with B.without C. has D have 5.Some of the old buildings are European style. A.of B.in C. for D.with 6.I have been waiting for you for long time . A.very a B.a quite C.quite a D.a rather 7.Chinese history is vey hard . A.understand B.to understand C.understood D.understanding 8.The we learn , the we know. A.more much B.much more C.more more D.much much 9.There are over students in our school . A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of 10.Since I to this school, I for twenty years . A.come teach B.came taught C.come have been teaching D.came have been teaching

小结:今天我学会了 新单词: 新短语: 新句型:



科 目:英 语 年 级:八年级下册

主备教师:王 昌 参加讨论教:王荣、苏海丽、杨仕宏

备课时间:2013年1月23日 集体讨论时间:2013年2月25日 备课组审批: 教科处审批:


课题:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?

第一课时 Section A (1a------1c)


1. 学习并记忆 P52词汇not at all turn down yard right away 。 2. 提出建议/ 请求和应答。

【重点,难点】提出建议/ 请求和应答 《一》课堂前置

【自主学习】1. 自学本课P52词汇,并熟记。 2. 自学课本P52,完成以下内容。 1)给出所给词的现在分词形式。 (1)turn — (2)play — (3)move — (4)play — (5) clean — 2)翻译下列词组

(1) turn down ___________ (5) clean the yard __________ (2) turn up______________ (6) not at all (3) turn off______________ (7)right away (4) turn on________________ 3. 朗读对话,理解对话 《二》小组交流

1. 看图,把活动和图片match,完成1a, 组内检查。 2. 完成听力1b。

3. 朗读1c对话,根据1a图片,小组内两人一组, 交叉对话,对每一个人的活动做问答,展示对话。


提出建议/ 请求和应答 《四》拓展提升

1. Wound you mind ___________( turn ) down the music ?

2. Would you mind ______________ (not play) basketball here ? 3. Would you mind ______________ (move ) your bike ? 4. Could you please _____________ ( wash ) the dishes ? 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新句型:


第二课时section A (2a------grammmar focus)


1.学习并记忆 grammar focus。2. 学会提出建议/请求和应答。 【重点,难点】学会提出建议/ 请求和应答 《一》课堂前置

【自主学习】1. 自学本课P53词汇,并熟记。 2. 自学课本P53,英汉互译。 1)wear jeans___________ 3)in a minute __________ 5)a pair of jeans________ 2)get up______________ 4) put up ______________ 3. 朗读对话2a.2b,理解对话 《二》小组交流

1. 看图,把活动和图片match,完成2a. 2ba.. 组内检查。 2. 完成听力2a.2b。

3. 朗读2c对话,根据2c图片,小组内两人一组, 交叉对话,对每一个人的活动做问答,展示对话。


提出建议/ 请求和应答 《四》拓展提升


1. --Would you mind cleaning cleaning your room ? --Sorry ,____________________________. 2. --Would you mind not playing basketball here ? --Sorry, We?ll ___________________. 3. --Would you mind moveing your bike ? --No, ________________.

4. -- Could you please wash the dishes ? --OK, __________________________________ . 【小结】:今天我学会了

新单词: 新短语: 新句型:

第三课时sectionA (3a-------4)


1.学习并记忆 P54词汇。2. 通过教师指导,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。 3. 通过阅读 3a和看图,学生能理请求和应答大意。 【重点,难点】能理请求和应答大意,并能应用。 《一》课堂前置

【自主学习】1. 自学本课P54词汇,并熟记。 2. 自学课本P54,完成以下内容。

(1) 阅读Section A, 3a,理解课文大意,并完成各部分的任务。 (2) 翻译下列词组。

1. leave a note _____________ 5. go to a movie __________ 2. be at a meeting____________ 6. make dinner ___________ 3. go shopping 7. help me with my homework___________ 4. have to


