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西南科技大学2011-2012-1学期 《科技英语阅读》本科期末考试试卷

课程代码 2 0 8 9 0 0 6 0 命题单位 外国语学院:大学英语教研室 Part I. Technical Term Translation (30 points)

Directions: Translate the following technical terms from English into Chinese and vise versa. (共20题,每题1.5分,共30分。) 1. 防火墙 firewall 3. 城市化 urbanization

2. backup files备份文件

4. biomaterial生物材料

5. 计算机病毒 Computer Virus 6. city and countryside integration城乡一体化 7. 变形金刚 Transformers

8. nuclear reactor核反应堆 10. bionics仿生学 12. DNA脱氧核糖核酸 14. clone克隆

9. 信息论information theory 11. 机器人仿真 robot simulation 13. 基因gene

15. 跨学科的 interdisciplinary 16. Artificial Intelligence人工智能 17.

遗传工程genetic engineering 18. Stone Age石器时代

20. assembly line装配线

19. 人口密度 population density

Part II. Sentence Translation from English into Chinese (20 points)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(共5题,每题4分,共20分。)

21. As the scope of sharing personal information expands from a few friends to many sundry individuals grouped together under the Facebook label of “friends”, disclosure becomes the norm and privacy becomes a quaint anachronism. (paragraph 2, P.67)

22. Along with the wheels, a self-balancing system and a motor with a top speech of five kilometers per hour make the robot mobile. (1st sentence of paragraph 4, P.99)

23. Both nanotechnology and biotechnologies have successfully made the transition from basic research to the development of products and services. (3rd sentence of paragraph 6, P.153)

24. Primitive people attributed such natural phenomena, to a pantheon of gods and goddesses, who behaved in a capricious and whimsical way. (3rd sentence of paragraph 1, p.208)


《综合外语A1/BL1/BW1》-A卷 第 1 页 共 3 页


The IAEA makes two annual projections concerning the growth of nuclear power, a low and a high. (1


sentence of paragraph 2, P262)

Part III. Reading Comprehension (20 points)

Directions:Do Discourse understanding on P.271-272. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (共5题,每题4分,共20分。) 答案: D E A F B

1. D. What Are the High-mileage Black Holes

2. E. The Astronomers’ Calculation of the High-mileage Black Holes’ Conversion 3. A. The Incredible Speed Efficiency of the High-mileage Black Holes 4. F. The Remaining Question of the High-mileage Black Holes

5. B. Scientists’ Discoveries of the High-mileage Black Holes’ High Efficiency of Making X-rays

Part IV. Summary Writing (30 points)

Directions:Write a summery with more than 180 words based the articles form P.244 to P.249(Reading B, Unit 9). You must write more than 180 words in your summery. 答案:

According to the 1987 Brundtland Commission, the issue of sustainable development has become the core of urban policy and planning concerns. Throughout the 1990s, urban planning has still not been satisfactorily achieved. There are conflicts between the “green agenda” , the “brown agenda” and the “red agenda”.

The most important environmental issue now is climate change, which will affect the basic elements of life for people around the world. The poorest countries are most vulnerable to it. The second major environmental concern is oil depletion. It is predicted that peak oil will be reached in 2010, meaning an equivalent form of energy will take its place. The impact on cities, urban life, and the economy will be profound.

At the same time, the current nature and scale of urbanisation and city growth are also causing many impacts of central concern to planning. Cities cause negative environmental impacts through consumption of natural assets and modify the environment and generate new hazards. Poorer and more vulnerable groups will suffer more.

Therefore, the environmental and natural resources are challenging urban planning. People begin to more appreciate the interrelationships between natural resources and human impacts and understand the impact of cities on climate and resources globally.

From the 1070s, new urban forms were promoted which responded to environmental concerns. More recent



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developments of these ideas have explored how they can be guided by spatial planning focusing on city-wide infrastructure.

The New Urbanism approach is a reflection of many of the spatial principles of the compact city and the sustainable approaches at local scales.

More recently, addressing climate changes has become the most important environmental issue. It is expected that urban planning can be a mechanism for changing urban impacts.

Many local measures are voluntary and not yet implemented. The main planning innovations are probably still to come.


《综合外语A1/BL1/BW1》-A卷 第 3 页 共 3 页

