三年五年中考错题 学生版

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1. When you finish reading the book, you will have _____ better understanding of _____life.

A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. a; /

2. –Have you seen ______Audi car parked here? --Is it ______black one? A young man has driven it away. A. an; a B. the; the C. the; a D. an; the

3. –Do you want to give him _____ third chance? –Yes, he’s ______only child in the poor family. A. the; a B. a; the C. a; / D. the; the

4. They had _____ wonderful train ride to Chengdu before they went on to _____Mount Emei by bus. A. a; the B. /; the C. a; / D. the; a 代词:

1. –This book on idioms is interesting. I’d like ______; where did you buy it, Simon? –In the Amazon Bookstore.

A. it B. this C. that D. one 2. We must protect plants. They are friends of _______.

A. we B. us C. our D. ours 3. –Hello, Linda speaking. Who’s _____? --Hello, this is Martin. A. he B. one C. that D. this 4. I turned to bookshops and libraries looking for information and found ______. A. none B. both C. one D. neither

5. –Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world. –That is, it is larger than _____country in Asia. A. any B. any other C. other D. another 6. –Which share is meant for me? --–You can take ____half. They are exactly the same. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 7. My brother would like to buy a good watch but _____ was available from that shop. A. nothing B. neither C. no one D. none 8. Allen didn’t choose ______of the ties and went away without looking at a third one. A. many B. either C. all D. any 9. We feel ______ our duty to make our city a better place.

A. it B. this C. that D. one 副词:

1. _____after the explosion happened in a factory in Dehui, Jinlin on June 3rd, a lot of firemen rushed to put out the


A. Sadly B. Softly C. Shortly D. Suddenly

2. –I’m sorry, sir. I’ve make a lot of mistakes in the exam. –Never mind. _____, the exam is a little difficult. A. In all B. First of all C. After all D. Above all 3. A traffic jam will make it possible for most drivers to sit and wait ______. A. slowly B. quietly C. quickly D. happily 4. It seems that he is doing nothing, but _____he is just waiting for a chance. A. expecially B. mostly C. properly D. actually

5. –Do you thik the weather today is suitable for an outing? –It will be _____five and sunny, with a few drops of rain in the afternoon.

A. most B. almost C. mostly D. possibly 6. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _____known for his plays. A. better B. more C. the best D. the most 情态动词:

1. –May I take this magazine out of the reading room? –No, you _____. You read it here.

A. mightn’t B. won’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t


2. –I don’t care what my teachers think. –Well, you ______.

A. could B. would C. should D. might

3.—Mr. Smith must have been to your home this morning. –No, he ______, because he didn’t know my address. A. couldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. may not

4. –Who’s singing in the garden? –It ______ be Mr. Brown. He always practices singing at this time. A. must B. can’t C. need D. may 5. –Is that Kate’s car? --It _____ be hers. She has just gone for a meeting. A. can’t B. should C. mustn’t D. may

6. –Will the new iPhone cost a lot? –I _____think so. Apple’s products are usually expensive. A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. would D. must

7. It is said that Liu Xiang ______ attend all the matches in 2013 because of the hurt. A. must not B. needn’t C. would not D. may not

8. –Can I walk across the road now, mum? –No, you _____. You have to wait until the light turns green. A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. won’t

9. –No one _____ be compared with Messi in playing football. –Oh, you are really his big fan. A. might B. could C. must D. can

10. English is a language that many people around the world ____ not speak perfectly but ___ at least understand. A. may; can B. would; might C. can; must D. should; can

11. –What’s the weather like in Xiamen?—Very hot and wet in summer, but it _____be quite cold in winter. A. should B. can C. will D. must 12. You _____believe what he has said. It _____be true.

A. needn’t to; shouldn’t B. needn’t; can’t C. don’t need; may not D. don’t need to; mustn’t 非谓语动词:

1. Spring Buds Project is an organization that raises money ____poor young girls return to school.

A. to save B. saving C. helping D. to help 2. The boy spends at least as much time reading as he _____.

A. writes B. is writing C. does to write D. does writing 3. The talk show on TV is very popular. It often makes people ______. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed 4. Don’t forget _____thanks when other people help you.

A. accept B. to accept C. say D. to say

5. –Grandpa has changed a lot. –So he has. He spends more time than he used to _____games with the children. A. play B. playing C. played D. plays 6. Chinese parents should learn to let their children _____everything!

A. to decide B. decides C. decide D. deciding 7. My shoes are worn out. They need ______.

A. to repair B. be repaired C. repaired D. repairing 8. –Have you heard of the activity called ―Clear Your Plate‖? –Sure. It suggests ____food by eating up the food on our plates. A. save B. saved C. to save D. saving 9. The teacher often tell their pupils ____ across the road when the traffic light is red. A. not go B. not to go C. don’t go D. didn’t go 10. The kind lady devoted her lifetime _____those homeless children.

A. helped B. helping C. to help D. to helping 11. Stop ____! It would _____your health.

A. smoking; harm to B. to smoke; do harm for C. smoking; do harm to D. to smoke; be harmful for


12. It’s stubborn ____ you ____ your parents’ advice.

A. for; don’t listen to B. of; not to listen to C. for; not to listen D. of; not listening to 13. The research group _____15 members has made great achievements in recent years. A. is made up of B. makes up C. made up of D. making up of

14. –There is no apple juice _____ in the bottle. Could you please give me another bottle of apple juice? --Ok. Wait a moment.

A. leaving B. left C. to leave D. to be left

15. –Mum, why don’t you have the robot _____housework for you? –Oh, it caught a virus. I should have it ___at once. A. done; repair B. do; repaired C. done; repaired D. do; repair 16. Which one do you think you’d like _____with you, Tom or Millie?

A. to let to go B. to let go C. letting to go D. letting go 17. –My computer doesn’t work. It needs _____. –OK. I’ll have an engineer _____ it for you. A. repaired; checked B. repairing; check C. to be repaired; checked D. repaired; checking 18. Why not ____ your teacher for advice when you don’t know ___ the problems?

A. ask; what to do with B. to ask; how to deal with C. ask; what to deal with D. to ask; how to do with 19. ―Things ____never come again.‖ I couldn’t help _____ to myself.

A. lose; talking B. lost; to talk C. to lose; to talk D. lost; talking 20. I can’t help ____the housework at home because I am busy _____ for the entrance examination. A. doing; preparing B. to do; preparing C. done; to prepare D. with doing; to prepare 21. –Do you often see Daniel ____ in the playground?—No, but he is often seen ____kung fu in the park. A. run; play B. run; to play C. running; play D. ran; to play 22. There are five pairs ____, but I’m at a loss which to buy.

A. to choose B. to choose from C. to be chosen D. for choosing 动词时态和语态:

1. –Don’t forget to come to our school assembly tomorrow morning. –I won’t. I ______just now.

A. reminded B. was reminded C. reported D. was reported

2. –Why are you worried? --I’m expecting a call from my daughter. She ____New York for three days. A. has gone to B. has been in C. has been to D. has come in 3. This listening material, together with its CD-ROMs, ____well.

A. sells B. sell C. is sold D. are sold 4. –Would you like to watch the three-D film Titanic with me? --Certainly. I don’t mind seeing it again although I ____it twice.

A. saw B. was seen C. have seen D. had seen 5. The film made by Walt Disney_____ all over the world.

A. is used to show B. is used to showing C. used to show D. used to be shown 6. In Chongqing, you can often see many people dance outside together if it ______in the evening. A. rains B. doesn’t rain C. will rain D. won’t rain 7. –Are you going anywhere? --I ____about visiting my sister, but I have changed my mind. A. think B. have thought C. will think D. thought 8. As we all know, the Silk Road _____China to the West in ancient times.

A. connects B. connected C. will connect D. is connecting 9. Betty can play the piece of music very well because she _____many times.

A. practiced B. will practice C. is practicing D. has practiced 10. I ______my hometown for many years. I miss my friends there.

A. will leave B. have left C. will be away from D have been away from 11. Tom wants to be a singer and he _____singing lessons to do it.


A. took B. has taken C. is taking D. was taking 12. The soldier was probably feeling excited when he ____down the stairs. A. came B. comes C. has come D. will come 13. The mobile phone has influenced people’s life a lot since it _____.

A. invents B. invented C. is invented D. was invented 14. –Have you finished your project?—Not yet. I’ll finish it if I _____ten more minutes. A. give B. am given C. will give D. will be given

15. –Do you know if he ____ to play football with us? –I think he will come if he ____free tomorrow. A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; is D. will come; will be 16. Your donation _____ and the money will be used to help the students from poor families.

A. is greatly appreciating B. appreciates C. has appreciated D. is greatly appreciated 17. –Dad, are you coming with us?—I’d love to, but something terrible ______ in my company. A. would come up B. had come up C. has come up D. was coming up 18. James with the Greens ____ the Yu Shan Park if it _____tomorrow.

A. is going to;isn’t rainy B. is going to; won’t rain C. are going to; isn’t rainy D. Are going to; doesn’t rain 19. My headache ___me. I thought it was going away, but now it’s getting worse. A. killed B. kills C. is killing D. has killed 20. –Your phone number again? I ____quite catch it. –It’s 87864542 A. didn’t B. wouldn’t C. don’t D. can’t

21. –We had to walk to school two years ago, but now we can take the subway. –Things always _____. A. changed B. have changed C. had changed D. change 22. –Late again! Where ______? –Sorry, I _____ in the heavy traffic on my way here. A. have you been; got caught B. have you been; have got caught C. were you; got caught D. were you; have got caught

23. I couldn’t listen carefully in our English class this morning as I ____ of the comic book that I read before class. A. have thought B. thought C. was thinking D. had thought 24. –You seem familiar with Mr. John? -- Of course, we ____together for three years in the 1990s. A. have worked B. were working C. are working D. worked 并列句,复合句,连词:

1.—Granny, the school trip was very exciting but a little tiring. –Oh, could you tell me ______? A. how did you go to the park B. what you did in the trip

C. that you saw something beautiful D. if your friends had played with you

2. We’re going to Suzhou Amusement Park in Linda’s car. You can come with us ___ you can meet us there later. A. or B. and C. but D. then 3. They will try their best in the Dragon Boat Racing _____ they fail.

A. if B. although C. unless D. until 4. Don’t wait for people to be friendly; show them _____ a friendly person you are. A. what B how C. when D. where 5. –I don’t think your uncle really likes drama series. –No, ______ he still watches the programme. A. and B. so C. or D. but 6. Scientists say it may be a few years ____ it is possible to test the new medicine on patients. A. because B. after C. before D. since 7. John didn’t give up looking for a job _____ he got an offer from a German company. A. until B. since C. because D. after 8. Diana isn’t here, _____leave a message on her desk.

A. or B. so C. and D. but


9. Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture ______ he came to China.

A. before B. when C. until D. since 10. Our hometown has changed a lot these years. These pictures can show you _____ in the past.

A. what our hometown looked like B. what was our hometown like C. how our hometown looked like 11. Kate’s dad is getting old. She will go back home to see him ____ it is convenient. A. because B. whenever C. although D. unless 12. –Could you tell me _____? I’m going to pick you up at the airport. –At 15:45 this Friday.

A. where you met me B. who you are coming with C. what the matter is with it D. what time you are arriving 13. –Tell me ______. –Well, it’s like….

A. what is wrong with it B. what is it C. what the matter is with it D. what is it like 14. _____ you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.

A. Until B. Though C. When D. If 15. John is the boy ______ legs were badly hurt in the accident.

A. whose B. that C. who D. which 16. She didn’t know ______ she could express her ideas clearly when she was invited to speak at the meeting. A. what B. why C. how D. whether 17. Do you know_____ my mail will be received by the other end?

A. how long B. how soon C. how often D. how far 18. –Is this park _____ you’ve visited recently? –Yes, it’s the most beautiful one I’ve ever visited before. A. the one B. that C. which D. the one which

19. –Did you have a good time at Laura’s birthday party?—Yes. She has supported three children’s schooling __she is not very rich.

A. when B. before C. since D that 20. I can still remember the sitting room ____my mother and I ____ in the evening.

A. which; used to sit B. that; used to sitting in C. /; used to sit in D. /; are used to sitting 21. I never doubt _____ the places of interest are worth _____.

A. whether; visiting B. that; to visit C. whether; a visit D. that ; a visit 22. –I’m going to the post office. –______ you’ve there, can you get me some stamps? A. As B. While C. Because D. If 23. How terrible! I just wonder ____.

A. whose the rubbish belongs to B. who the rubbish belongs to C. whose does the rubbish belong to D. who does the rubbish belong to

24. –How long will it be _____ the Stock Market returns to normal? –At least one year, I guess. A. before B. when C. until D. that

25. –Mum is coming home. What present ____ for your birthday?—How I wish Mum could buy me a new skirt! A. you expect she has got B. you expect has she got C. do you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got

26. Nancy enjoyed herself so much ______she visited her friends in Sydney last year. A. which B. that C. where D. when



1. ________ wonderful furniture! Congratulations to you on moving into such a nice house.

A. How B. What C. What a D. How a 2. --_____ will the dinner be ready?—Just a minute.

A. How much B. How long C. How soon D. How often 3. –Did you use to have long hair or short hair, Sally? --_______.

A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn’t C. Long hair D. Curly hair

4. –Put some butter on a slice of bread and add a teaspoon of butter. What else? –Next _____some tomatoes. A. cut up B. cuts up C. to cut up D. cutting up 5. Do you want to be healthy? ______. Smiling can help you stay healthy.

A. Smile B. Smiling C. To smile D. Smiled

6. –You haven’t been to the West Lake, have you? --- ____. But I will go there with my parents this summer vacation. A. No, I haven’t B. No, I didn’t C. Yes, I have D. Yes, I did

7. –It’s time to go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow, ______. –Yes, my class is going camping tomorrow. A. aren’t you B. haven’t you C. don’t you D. can’t you 8. --_____ is a boat ticket for children? --How old is your child? It’s free for kids under 3 years old. A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How soon 9. Half of the class _____done most of the work. The rest of it ______rather difficult. A. has; is B. have; is C. have; are D. has; are 10. What do you think _____first for the project?

A. that Lucy should do B. Lucy should do C. that should Lucy do D. should Lucy do 11. –Has Jim finished reading the novel?—Not yet. There ____still _____ of it left.

A. us; three-fourths B. are; three-fourth C. is; third-fourths D. are; three-fourths

12. Paul invited us to go on trip to Jinming Temple tomorrow. --_____? Have the flowers on each side of the roads. A. Why not B. What for C. What time D. Who else 13. –David’s seldom late for school, _____he? --______, even though the weather is very bad. A. is; No B. isn’t; Yes C. has; No D. hasn’t; No 14. The boats take different routes, but they all ____ in the same place.

A. give up B. clear up C. end up D. make up 15. –This is quite a new phrase. –Right. It has already _____ the language.

A. spoken B. used C. entered D. covered

16. Every night at 7:00, the garbage man appears on the street to ____the garbage that people take out of their houses. A. pick B. hide C. drop D. collect



1. ________ wonderful furniture! Congratulations to you on moving into such a nice house.

A. How B. What C. What a D. How a 2. --_____ will the dinner be ready?—Just a minute.

A. How much B. How long C. How soon D. How often 3. –Did you use to have long hair or short hair, Sally? --_______.

A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn’t C. Long hair D. Curly hair

4. –Put some butter on a slice of bread and add a teaspoon of butter. What else? –Next _____some tomatoes. A. cut up B. cuts up C. to cut up D. cutting up 5. Do you want to be healthy? ______. Smiling can help you stay healthy.

A. Smile B. Smiling C. To smile D. Smiled

6. –You haven’t been to the West Lake, have you? --- ____. But I will go there with my parents this summer vacation. A. No, I haven’t B. No, I didn’t C. Yes, I have D. Yes, I did

7. –It’s time to go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow, ______. –Yes, my class is going camping tomorrow. A. aren’t you B. haven’t you C. don’t you D. can’t you 8. --_____ is a boat ticket for children? --How old is your child? It’s free for kids under 3 years old. A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How soon 9. Half of the class _____done most of the work. The rest of it ______rather difficult. A. has; is B. have; is C. have; are D. has; are 10. What do you think _____first for the project?

A. that Lucy should do B. Lucy should do C. that should Lucy do D. should Lucy do 11. –Has Jim finished reading the novel?—Not yet. There ____still _____ of it left.

A. us; three-fourths B. are; three-fourth C. is; third-fourths D. are; three-fourths

12. Paul invited us to go on trip to Jinming Temple tomorrow. --_____? Have the flowers on each side of the roads. A. Why not B. What for C. What time D. Who else 13. –David’s seldom late for school, _____he? --______, even though the weather is very bad. A. is; No B. isn’t; Yes C. has; No D. hasn’t; No 14. The boats take different routes, but they all ____ in the same place.

A. give up B. clear up C. end up D. make up 15. –This is quite a new phrase. –Right. It has already _____ the language.

A. spoken B. used C. entered D. covered

16. Every night at 7:00, the garbage man appears on the street to ____the garbage that people take out of their houses. A. pick B. hide C. drop D. collect


