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出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别


Group 16

Adulation strong admiration, worship

Bristle to show irritation

Decoy lure, trap, trick

Erratic wandering, irregular

Histrionic theatrical, exaggerated

Laud praise

Obstreperous noisy and boisterous

Portend foretell

Retraction withdrawal, cancellation of a statement

Titter giggle quietly

Group 17

Adversity hardship

Broach start to discuss, approach

Deference respect

Esoteric obscure and difficult to understand

Hoary old

Lavish on a grand scale, wasteful

Obtuse mentally dull

Portent a warning sign, omen

Revere worship

Tome large book

Group 18

Advocate support

Brusque blunt, abrupt

Defoliate cause leaves to fall off

Espouse promote, take up, support

Hone sharpen, increase, whet

Lax careless, not strict

Obviate avoid, make unnecessary

Poseur someone who puts on an act

Riddled full of (usually full of holes)

Torpid inactive, lazy, stagnant


Aesthetic concerning art or beauty

Bulwark fortification, barricade, wall

Defunct no longer in existence

Etymology the study of word origins

