Paris in Winter

更新时间:2024-04-12 07:44:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Paris in Winter 冬天的巴黎

Paris is like a pornography. You respond it even it you don’ t want to. You turn a corner and see a vista and your imagination blot away. Suddenly you are thinking about what it would be like to live in Paris, and then you think about all the lives you have not lived(想象自己没有活过的种种活法儿). Sometimes, though, when you are lucky, you only think about how many pleasures the day ahead holds(即将到来的一天会有多少快乐). Then, you feel privileged.

The lobby of the Plaza Athenee is a red-and-gold fantasia. (红金交织的幻想曲) It gives off a whiff of Moulin Rouge decadence. (它带有些许红磨坊的放纵味道) Probably as much as any hotel in Paris, the Palaza Athenee is sexy. I was standing facing the revolving doors and the driveway beyond. (面向旅馆的旋转门和车道而站。) A Ducati with a woman on its back(一辆杜卡迪摩托车载着一名女子)—a woman in a short skirt and black-leather jacket---pulled up before the hotel door(在旅馆的门前停下). She swung off and she was wearing high heels. Normally, my mind would have leaped and imagined a story for this woman. Now it didn’t. I stood there and told myself. Cheer up! You’re in Paris.

In many ways, Paris is best visited in winter. The tourist crowds are at a minimum, and one is not being jammed off the narrow sidewalks along the Rue Dauphine. More than this, Paris is like many other European cities in that season of blockbuster cultural events(极度震撼力的) tends to begin in mid-to late fall (往往在仲秋或深秋)and so, by the time winter, most of the cultural treasures of the city are laid out to be admired.(因此,冬季到来时,这座城市的大部分文化瑰宝都陈列出来供人赏鉴。)

The other great reason why Paris in winter is so much better than Paris in spring and fall is that after the end of August holidays and the return of the chic Parisiennes(时尚的巴黎女子) to their city, the restaurant-opening season truly begins hopping. By winter, many of the new restaurants have worked out their kinks and(许多新餐厅已经理顺了自己的问题), once the hype has died down(大肆的炒作逐渐平息), it is possible to see which restaurants are actually good and which are merely noisy and crowded.

Most people are about as happy as they set their mind to being. Lincoln said. In Paris it doesn’t take much to be happy. Outside the hotel, the sky was pale and felt very high up. I walked the few blocks to the Siene(塞纳河)and began running along the blue-green river toward the Eiffel Tower. The tower in the distance(远处的埃菲尔) was black, and felt strange and beautiful the way that many things built for the joy of building do. (这是许多为追求建造乐趣而建的东西给人带来的感觉一样。) As I run toward it, because of its lattice structure, the tower seemed obviously delicate. Seeing it, I felt a sense of protectiveness(起了保护之心).

I think it was this moment of protectivenees that marked the change in my mood and my slowly becoming thrilled with being in Paris. (而我渐渐因身在巴黎而兴奋不已。)

During winter evening, Paris streetlamps have a halo and resemble dandelions. (巴黎的街灯包裹在光晕中,像蒲公英) In winter, when one leaves the Paris street and enters a café or restaurant, the light and temperature change suddenly and dramatically, and there is the sense of discovering something secret. In winter, because the days are short, there is an urgency to the choices one makes. There is the sense that life is short and so let us decide on what matters. (冬天,由于白昼变短,作抉择时总显得紧迫。 给人的感觉是,人生苦短,所以我们在重要的事情上当机立断吧。)

亲友假期:Paliday 原地休假:staycation 一日游:daycation

携老幼度假:greycation 不休假:naycation 农场度假:haycation 假放假:fakecation

I arrived in Tokyo expecting Barcelona or Paris or Berlin-a cosmopolitan world capital whose straight-talking citizens were fluent not only in English but also in all the nooks and crannies of western culture.


I descended into the subway with total confidence, wearing a freshly ironed shirt—and then immediately became terribly lost and could find no English speakers to help me, and eventually I ended up surfacing somewhere in the middle of the city, already extremely late for my interview.


The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, is currently provoking dispute in Norway and Finland about it ownership, foreign media reported.

芬兰旅游局之前曾发布短片,以延时手法展现了芬兰拉普兰的北极光之美。 短片9月上传到youtube网站之后,点击率接近40万次,引发挪威民众不满,称芬兰人想要“偷走”北极光。

The tension was triggered by a short film that the Finnish Tourist Board posted on Youtube, featuring time lapse footage of the aurora in Finnish Lapland. The film has been viewed 400,000 times since septemeber,

promoting Norwegians to complain that the Finns are going to ―steal‖ the northern lights.


Back in 2009, Innovation Norway, a state-owned company that promotes tourism in Norway, launched a campaign to brand the northern lights as a Norwegian phenomenon.

随着近年来中国富裕人群迅速增加, 不少人将目光瞄向了一个高品位投资领域—葡萄酒。今年甚至还出现了首个葡萄酒投资私募基金。

China’s growing numbers of well-off people are increasingly considering investments in a new high-taste industry – wine. This year, China also approved its first private equity fund.


Wishington’s need for reassurance is exasperating British officials, who have privately raised concerns about the meddling. The committee conceded that it had underestimated the number of security guards needed.


According to the latest EU legislation that will take effect Friday(18th), all cigarettes that sold in the EU will have to be self-extinguishing in a bid to cut down on smoking-induced fire deaths.

中国汽车工业协会日前公布的数据显示,去年我国进口各类汽车81.36万辆,同比增长93.3%。有业内人士指出,进口品牌车尤其是豪华车备受热捧,原因是公车消费对其的青睐。 据了解,去年政府采购公车金额攀升至800亿元,占总采购规模的的14%,平均年增速超100亿元,“豪华公务车”频频被媒体和网友曝光。

Imports of automobiles in China reached 813,600 last year, 93.3% raise year-on-year, according to the statistics from China Association of Automobile Manufactures. Some insiders point out that government procurement is one reason for the hot sale of foreign cars especially the high-class luxury cars. The buying of government cars rose to RMB 80 billion last year, accounting for 14% of the overall government’s procurement. The number is increasing by an average RMB 10b each year. Luxury official cars

are frequently spotted by media and netizens.

胡锦涛: 中国将会坚定不移地深化汇率改革机制,确保实现以市场为基本及导向的汇率浮动体系与货币一揽子计划紧密联系的目标。

China will steadily advance the reform of exchange rate mechanism with the goal of ensuring the market-based and managed floating exchange rate system that is tied to a basket of currencies.


Instead, the US should loosen its export control on high-tech products to China and make it more convenient for Chinese firms to invest in the US.


Friction is inevitable and problems needed to be addressed through dialogue rather than being politicized.

为了一出口为主的企业能够预测到未来的合作伙伴,中国的货币体质改革正在逐步、有控制地开展中。 Chinese reform of currency regime is conducted in gradual and controllable way to allow the export-reliant enterprises to predict future partners.


China respects the US’s legitimate interests in Asia-pacific region and welcome the US to play a constructive role in the regional affairs. Yet China also hopes that the US will respect China’s legitimate interests in the region and properly manage matters of major concern of each side by promoting regional peace and cooperation.

The US will continue to pursue the one-China policy based on the three China-US Joint Communiques and will never support ―Taiwan independence‖, Obama said.




Chinese puppetry had been added to the List of the Intangible Culture Heritage Humanity, UNESCO said in a statement released Sunday in Bali.

The safeguard committee made the description to recognize that puppetry art spreads knowledge, preserves folk traditional culture value, as well as entertain the committee majored by the youth.

皮影人物用皮革或纸张制成,由艺人用棍子操纵。Puppeteers make the figures from leather or paper and manipulate them with rods.


Civil National Service exam is underway, and the competition for the public service position is driven by various reasons. According to a survey made by Baidu’s recruitment channel shows that 65% of interviewers looks to government jobs because they offer stability, 52% covet welfare benefits, 27& believe the civil servants enjoy higher social status.



46 ultra-thin cut-pieces of Einstein’s brain were on display by a private American museum for the first time. Allowing visitors to see what a genius’s brain looks like.

民间贷款: private lending, 指,出具资金的就是individual creditor(个人债主),同时央行还将继续打击illegal fundraising(非法集资),usury(高利贷)和money laundry(洗钱)。E.g. The Chinese government is considering establishing a monitoring sys. for private lending activities after a severe debt crisis of small firms in eastern China had brought the informal lending market in the spotlight. 我国政府正考虑建立一套针对民间贷款活动的监督机制。此前,在我国东部地区的一场严重的小型企业债务危机将非正规借贷市场推向前台。

有关负责人表示,今后将推进 bring the private lending into the sunlight(个人贷款的阳光化运作),发展 multi-level credit market (多层次信贷市场)。此前,由于信贷紧缩,导致 cash shortage(资金短缺),不少 small-and-medium enterprises (中小型企业) 出现停工现象。

As an uncertain economy and a stagnant hiring climate continue to freeze people out of the traditional job market…they discover that homesteading offers more rewarding work, and possibly more security, than entering the white-collar fray.



106 fishermen filed a lawsuit against ConocoPhilips China in the maritime court in Tianjin on 13th, requiring the company responsible for the oil splits in Bohai Bay to pay compensation for economic losses of over RMB490m, Zhaojingwei, a partner of Yingke Law Firm, revealed. When it comes to working out the amount of compensation, Zhao suggested that the oil split had caused the death of huge amounts of seafood farmed by the fish farmers along the coast of Bohai, such as sea cucumbers and scallop, and that their losses were severe.

