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Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was a large,

unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes were fixed

on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make conversation.

'A new play is coming to "The Globe" soon,' I said. 'Will you be seeing it?'

'No,' she answered.

'Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?' I asked.

'No,' she answered.

'Will you be staying in England?' I asked.

"No," she answered.

In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner.

"Young man,' she answered, 'if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!"

Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold.

在宴会上at a dinner party

面在宴会上at a banquet ['bæ kwit ]

面在宴会上at a feast [fi:st]

面1(场所,价值,顺序等)最接近的,在 旁边,紧接着 的next to

At the dinner party, I sat next to a large lady. 在宴会上,我坐在一位身材高大的女士旁边。

2在...后面,跟在... 之后

Birminghan is the largest city in Britain next to London. 伯明翰在英国是次于伦敦的第二大城市。 I am next to nobody in the test. 我考试得了第一名。

I came next to last in the exam. 我考试得了倒数第二名。

Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.


衣衫褴褛,穿着破烂dressed in rags

衣衫褴褛,穿着破烂clothed in rags

n破布,碎布;破旧衣服;(质量差的)报纸rag [ræ ɡ]

戴帽子的男士the man in the hat

穿白衣服的女士the woman in white

她穿着高跟鞋。She is in high-heel shoes.

She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her.



Even a child can answer such an easy question. 甚至一个小孩都能回答这样简单的问题。

He wants me to work even late at night. 就连深夜他也要我们工作。

The man couldn’t even write his own name. 这个人甚至连自己的名字都不会写。

修饰比较级,相当于 still even

This book is interesting, but that one is even more interesting. 这本书有趣,但那本书甚至更加有趣。

1查看,查阅词典look up

I looked up the word in my dictionary. 我在字典里查阅这个词。



坐上指定的席位take one’s seat

坐下,就坐take a seat

坐下,就坐have a seat


请坐。Please be seated.

请坐。Sit down, please.

请坐seat oneself

He seated himself next to her. 他坐在她身旁。

2v容纳 (hold)

This theatre seats 2000 people. 这家剧院能容纳二千人。

beside → next to

Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating.

be busy at sth 忙于某事

be busy with sth 忙于某事

be busy (in) doing sth 忙于做某事

She is busy at her homework. 她忙于写作业。egegegegegegegegegegegegegeg

egShe is busy at her wedding.她忙于准备婚礼。

她忙于写信。egShe is busy writing letters

as busy as a bee 忙个不停


的人I tried to make conversation.

闲谈,聊天 (mean:try to think of things to say)make conversation

informal conversation 不拘礼节地交谈

和某人交谈have a conversation with sb

egI had a conversation over drinks with him. 我边喝酒边与他聊天。


和...谈话talk with/ to sb

egHe refused to talk with me.他拒绝和我谈话。

他拒绝和我谈话。He refused to talk to me.

egI am talking seriously. 我是说正经的。


egI tried to make conversation with her. 我试图找个话题跟她聊一聊。

egWhen she had made the beds, she went downstairs. 她整理床铺后,下楼去了。

egYou mustn’t so much . 你不要制造这么多噪音。

egI never to see him again. 我发誓再也不见他了。

egHe’s the sort of person who always makes trouble. 他是那类总是惹麻烦的人。

egHe is learning English but he hasn’t made much progress. 他正在学英语,但是没有取得多大进步。egHe made a lot of money in South America. 他在南美洲赚了很多钱。

egI was asked to make a speech. 我被要求做演讲。

egI’ll never the same again. 我再也不会犯同样的错误了。

egI found it difficult to . 我发现下定决心很难。

eg像 make 这样的词,很常见,被称为万能词,再如 do 的用法:

egHe always does his best.他总是尽力而为。

egWhen did you do your homework? 你什么时候做作业的?

eg please.请帮我一个忙。

egI about the house. 我干了一些家务活。

egI can’t do any more work today. 我今天再也不能干活了。

egI want you to do exercise 24 on Page 16. 我想要你做 16 页上的练习 24。

egI did a lot of shopping yesterday. 我昨天买了许多东西。

egThat shop does very good business. 那家商店生意很火。

egThe new teacher didn’t know what to the class. 这位新教师不知怎样应对这个班的学生。egI’ll do the dishes, mommy.妈妈,我来洗碗。

‘A new play is coming to “The Globe” soon,’ I said. ‘Will you be seeing it?’

用将来进行时询问别人的计划、打算,比一般将来时更显礼貌。will be doing

egWill you be spending your holidays abroad this year? 您今年出国度假吗?

egWill you be staying in England? 您打算呆在英国吗?

egWill you be having supper with us this evening? 你今晚和我们一起吃饭吗?

‘No,’ she answered.

‘Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?’ I asked.

‘No,’ she answered.

‘Will you be staying in England?’I asked.

‘No,’ she answered.

In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner.

Whether 引导的这句话实际上是把引号去掉转述过来的,原句是:

Are you enjoying your dinner?

‘Young man, ’ she answered, ‘if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!’ “if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner" 是对现实情况的假设。 事实上应该是:But, you are talking too much. So both of us are not enjoying our dinner.

ate more and talked less 结构非常简洁,形成鲜明对比

egEvery one wants to earn more and work less. 每个人都想多赚钱,少干活。

egSome students hope to play more and study less. 有些学生希望多玩少学习。

Special Difficulties用 make 和 do 的正确形式填空:

1He a mistake and I told him to the exercise again.

2He does business in Australia and makes a lot of money.

3I know you are doing your best but you are not making very much progress.

4After I had made the beds, I went out and did some shopping.











3ExercisesThe new play is coming to`the Globe` soon. It hasn`t come yet.hasn`t come yet还没来,同is coming含义相符is here在这儿has already come已经来了came来过I asked her if she was enjoyed her dinner.weathern天气万一in case是否,是个连词,可以引导间接疑问句if除非unless本句的谓语动词是asked,后面应该接间接疑问句,需要选一个能引导间接疑问句的连词。Her eyes were fixed on her plate. She it. were fixed on表示目光,注意力等集中Awas glancing at看一下,看一眼Bwas staring at 凝视着,盯着看Cwas thinking 考虑,思考Dwas stuck to固守,坚持4He sank into despair afte his business failed.Adestructionn破坏,消灭Bdespairn绝望Cshortagen短缺Dchassn混乱,紊乱




