
更新时间:2024-05-07 16:10:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


一、 根据汉语意思写出正确的单词

1、你的 2、墙壁 3、图片 4、讲台 5、英语 6、时间 7、数学 8、是 9、音乐 10、写字板 11、风扇 12、为,给 13、课程 14、我的 15、语文 16、灯 17、这个 18、地板 19、课程 20、什么 21、一 ~ 十 二、汉译英,英译汉

1、画室(art room)在哪里?它在二楼。 ? . 2、这是电视机房(TV room)吗?不,它不是。它是电脑室(computer room)。 ? 3、这是办公室(teacher’s office)吗?

? 4、这是我的电脑。那是你的电脑。

. . 5、Water the flowers. 6、Read a story-book. 7、Hand in the homework. 8、A: Welcome to our school. This is the teacher’s office. That is my classroom. B: How many students are there in your class? A: Forty-five.

B: Do you have a library? A: Yes.

B: Do you have lunch at school?

A: Yes! The canteen is on the first floor. This way, please. Look! This is our playground. B: Oh, your school is beautiful. 9、You are right. 10、现在几点了?五点。

? . 11、到午饭时间了。



14、Drink some milk. 15、Read and write. 16、That one is correct. 17、A: School is over.

Let’s go to the playground. B: OK.

A: Let’s go home. B: What time is it now? A: It’s 5:00.

B: Just a minute. C: Go home, kids. B: What time is it?

C: It’s 6:00. It is time for dinner.

A&B: Oh! Let’s run! 18、Breakfast is ready.

