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2013-2014 学年度八年级英语上学期期中检测试题人教新目标版

(满分 150 分,时间120 分钟)


I .根据所听到的描述,选择与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片为多余的,每题读2遍。(10




1234 5


() 6 . A. For ten days.B. With his friends.C. San Francisco.

() 7 .A.Go to the countryside.B.Three or four times a week. C.No, I don’ t. () 8 . A. That ’ s a good idea. B.You should see a doctor.

C. That ’ s too bad. Maybe another time.

() 9 . A. Yes, he can. He has too much homework. B . No, he can’ t. He is free.

C. No, he can’ t. He has to study for a math test.

() 10 . A. On foot.B. 5 kilometers.C. Twenty minutes.

III.根据你所听到的对话完成邀请信, 每空一词 , 对话读 3 遍。 (10 分 )

An Invitation

It ’ s a ____11_____ party!

From whom: Helen

Time: at ____12____ next ____13____

Place: her ____14____

Come and 15us!


一: 单项选择。(共 20 小题,每小题一分,满分20 分)

() 1.--Where did you go on vacation?--I ___________.

A. stay at home

B. went to the beach

C. visit my uncle

( ) 2.I bought __________ for my mother.

A. special something

B. anything special

C. something special

( ) 3.He decides ________ to New York city next summer vacation.

A. to go

B. going

C. go

( ) 4.We can’t go to the mountain ________ the bad weather.

A. because

B. because of

C. although

( ) 5.--_______ do you visit your grandparents?

--Two or three times a month.

A. How long

B. How many

C. How often

( ) 6.She doesn’t like eating eggs at all,so she ______eat them.

A. always

B. never

C. sometimes

() 7._____ she is only 4 years old, ______ she can plays the piano.

A. Although, but

B. Although, \

C. But , \

( ) 8.Tara’s hair is longer than _______.

A. me

B. my

C. mine

() 9. My friend Jane works as _______as his brother.

A. hard

B. harder

C. hardest

() 10. _____ do you _____ the game show?

A. What , like

B. How, think of

C. What , think of

() 11.Which is ______, the basketball, the soccer ball or the tennis?

A. bigger

B. biggest

C. the biggest

( ) 12.Thanks for____me this good news.

A. tell

B. telling

C. to tell

( ) 13.You can buy clothes _______ in Mary’s Store.

A. the cheapest

B. the most cheaply

C. the most cheap ( )

14. -- How often does she use the Internet?

-- ________.

A. She hardly ever uses it.

B. Yes, she is

C. She likes using it.

( ) 15. I’m so thirsty(口渴), but there is ______ water in the cup.

A. a little

B. a few

C. few

() 16. I think Zhang Ziyi is much ________.

A. beautiful

B. beautifuler

C. more beautiful

() 17. Eating more vegetables is good _______ our health.

A. with

B. for

C. at

( ) 18. ---______ hours do you sleep every day?---Nine.

A. How long B. How often C. How many

( ) 19. You must try to _______why he didn’t come to school today?

A. bring out

B. think out

C. find out

() 20. Everything_______ well, and everyone ______ a good time.

A. go, have

B. goes, has

C. goes, have


二.完形填空(每题 1 分,共10 分)

I have a good friend. Her name is Betty. She is 12 years old. I ‘m one year older than her.So I am 21 years old. Her eyes are 22 than mine. Her hair is black and long. My hair is longer than 23 . Betty is 156 centimetres ( 厘米 )tall. I'm two centimetres taller 24 her. She is about 40 kg. I'm 50 kg. So she is 25 than

me. Betty is a beautiful and 26 girl. She does 27 in English than me. She 28 helps me 29 my English. We'll be good 30 forever( 永远 ).

( ) 2 1.A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13

( ) 2 2.A . big B.bigger C.biger D.small

( ) 2 3A. she B.her C.hers D.she ’s

( ) 2 4.A. than B.then C.with D. as

( ) 2 5.A.fat B.fatter C.thin D.thinner

( ) 2 6.A.helps B.helpful C.help D.more helpful

( ) 2 7.A.well B.good C.better D.worse

( ) 28.A.often B.hardly C.never D.likes

( ) 29.A.to B.with C.studies D.studying

( ) 30.A.friend B.brother C.friends D.sister

三:阅读理解(共15 小题,每小题 2 分,共30 分)

阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳答案。


Peter ’s grandpa lived in the countryside. Once Peter went to stay with his

grandpa for a week. One afternoon they went out for a walk. They saw a lot of people and his grandpa waved( 握手 ) to them all. Peter said, “ Grandpa, do you know everyone here? ”

“ No, I don ’ t, ” said his grandpa.

“ Then why do you wave to them all? ” asked Peter.

“ Well, Peter, ” answered his grandpa, “ When I wave to someone and he knows me, he will be happy. WhenI wave to someone he doesn’ t know me, he will say to himself, “Whois that man? Why did he wave me? ” And then he will not be tired on his way.

So I make everyone happy.

( ) 31. Peter ’ s grandpa lived in_______.

A. the city

B. the town

C. the countryside

( ) 32. One day, they went________.

A. out for a week

B. home

C. to a park

( ) 33. Peter ’ s grandpa knew _______ of the people.

A. one

B. each

C. some


() 34.Peter __________.

A. Waved to people

B. didn’ t understand his grandpa

C. made everyone happy

() 35.His grandpa wave to everyone because _____.

A. he didn’t know them

B. he wanted to make them happy

C. he knew some of them

( B)

The 16th Asian Games were held from November 12th to November 27th, 2010 in

Guangzhou ,China. The following shows the medals of the five countries.

Rank Country Gold Sliver Bronze Total Medals


2South Korea766591232




( ) 36. How long did the 16th Asia Games last?

A. About half a month

B. About a month

C. About a week

( ) 37. How many gold medals did China win?

A. 199

B. 119

C. 98

( ) 38. South Korea won?

A. 74 silver medals

B. 98 bronze medals

C. 232 medals in all

() 39. Which country won the second most bronze medals?

A. South Korea

B. Japan

C. Iran

() 40. Kazakhstan is the ______ according to the number of total medals.

A. first

B. third

C. forth

( C)

Hard work pays off


Two sisters found work as saleswomen in a company. The first month was not easy. They worked very hard but sold nothing. The younger sister gave up (放弃) in the second month. She left the company and found another job. The older sister stayed.

She said she wanted to have one last try.

One year later,the older sister owned ( 拥有 ) a car and a house. But the younger sister was still poor (贫穷的). She asked her sister,“ Why?”

The older sister said,“ I got my first order ( 订单 ) the day you left.They liked my work. So they gave me more orders. Now life is good for me.”

So, keep working and never give up. You’ ll get what you want.


根据短文内容判断正(T) 误 (F) 。( 10 分)

() 41 . The two sisters worked in the same company at first.

() 42 . The two sisters didn ’ t work hard, so they sold nothing.

() 43 . The older sister gave up in the second month.

() 44 . The older sister was richer than the younger sister one year later.

() 45 . If you want to get something, you should keep working and never give


四:口语应用(共 6 小题,每小题 2 分,满分12 分)




B:I went to the mountains.


B:I went with my parents.

A:Did everyone have a good time ?


A:Oh,I just stayed at home.

A. Who did you go with?

B .Yes, and what did you do?

C. Where did you go on vacation?


Ted: Let ’s pla y computer games.

Kay: That sounds good. Where’s your computer?

Ted:49Do you have a computer?

Kay: No, I don’t, but I have a TV.50

Ted: No, that sounds boring. Let’s play tennis.I have a tennis bat.

Kay: Good.51.

Ted: OK.

A. Let ’s watch TV.

B. I don’t have a computer.

C. Let ’s go.









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


第 II卷(非选择题共48分)


第一节:根据提示写出单词( 4 分)

52 It’ s hot and_______(sun) today.

53. My father reads a newspaper _______(two) a week.

54.Jerry is _______(thin) than her brother.

55.You should ______ __ (完成)your homework every day.

第二节:用所给单词的适当形式填空(8 分)

parent food children go

Many people like animals. 56 like animals best. Usually we can only see dogs, cats, ducks or chickens around us. We can ’t see other animals such as elephants, tigers, pandas, or monkeys. On Sunday, 57 often take their children to the zoo, the children are very happy, they jump from one place to another. They want to give animals all kinds of 58 . They don ’ t want 59 home.

56 57 58 59

第三节:根据短文内容和首字母提示,把文中所缺单词填写在短文后的横线上。( 10 分)My family like Sundays very much. Because on Sundays we can do what we want

to do. I like p 60 basketball very much. My brother, Jack doesn ’ t like it. He likes playing the guitar, but he can ’ t play it w 61 . My mother likes watching

TV, Chinese Cooking is her favorite TV s 62 . My father likes watching TV, t

63 . He likes sports show. He thinks they ’ re exciting. But he can ’t s 64 soap operas, because it ’ s too boring.

60 61 62 63 64

第四节:汉译英(10 分)

65.我希望有一天成为一个电视台记者。( hope )

66.你去哪里度假了?( on vacation )

67.他多久看电视一次?(how ofen )

68.你与你的姐姐一样友好吗?( friendly )

69.我的性格比妹妹外向。(outgoing )


书面表达( 16 分)

请根据下列表格所给的信息写一篇简短的题为My friend Sara and I的作文。

My friend I

long hair short hair

quiet outgoing

friendly friendly

run fast jump high

work hard lazy


My friend Sara and I



I .根据所听到的描述,选择与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片为多余的,每题读2遍。1. My brother and I usually take the subway to school.

2. Walking a lot is good for health.

3. I ’ m babysitting my uncle’ s baby for vacation.

4. Li Ping plays the piano very well.

5. Alice and her sister look the same.



II .听句子,选择恰当的答语,每题读2遍。

6. Where did Tom go on vacation?

9. Can he go to the baseball game?

7. What do you do on weekends?

8. I have a cold.

10. How did you go to school yesterday?


III.根据你所听到的对话完成邀请信, 每空一词。

Alice: Hello, Helen.

Helen: Hi, Alice.I ’ m having a party next week. Please come and join us!

Alice: A party? Tha t ’ s cool! Of course,I ’ d love to. What’ s it for?

Helen: I t ’ s my birthday on Wednesday.I ’ll be sixteen years old.

Alice: Oh, dear!I ’ m afraid I can’ t come on Wednesday.

Helen: It doesn’ t matter. My birthday is on Wednesday, but the party is on Friday. Alice: Oh, that’ s OK. What time is the party?

Helen: At 6:30 pm in my home.

Alice: OK, that would be no problem. See you then.

Helen: See you.


