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第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)

做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。

第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)


试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. 答案是C。

1. Where does the conversation probably take pace? A. In a library.

2. When will the man call his wife? A. 9:30 a.m.

B. 10:00 a.m.

C. 10:30 a. m.

B. In a cinema.

C. In a bookstore.

B. £9.15.

C. £9.18.

3. What sports course will the woman probably take this term? A. None.

4. What can we infer about the girl? A. She dislikes her mom. B. She cannot afford a present. C. She is not good at study. 5. What?s wrong with the man? A. He ate something wrong. B. His tongue hurts. C. His head aches.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项选出最佳选项。

B. Football.

C. Swimming.

听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每段对话或独自读两遍。每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将



给出5 秒钟的作答时间。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What does the man think of Jennifer? A. Mysterious.

B. Cool.

7. What books does Petty like reading? A. Detective stories.

B. Fantasies.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What is the man worried about? A. Higher tax.

B. Lower orange prices. 9. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Buy some insurance. B. Consult some experts. C. Wait for the government?s help. 听第8 段材料,回答第10 至12题。

10. How much did John weigh when he was born? A. 8 pounds.

B. 7 pounds.

11. Why is the woman worried about John? A. He isn?t putting on weight. B. He isn?t sleeping well. C. He isn?t eating much.

12. What does the man tell the woman? A. The baby is healthy. B. The baby is big for his age. C. The baby should stop crying soon. 听第9 段材料,回答第13 至16题。 13. What is the woman probably? A. A teacher.

B. A reporter.

14. What gave Ben the idea of designing clothes? A. A birthday present.

B. An art class.

15. How did Ben put designs on his T-shirt?

C. Scary.

C. Romances.

C. Weather disasters.

C. 5 pounds.

C. A doctor.

C. A TV program.



A. By sewing the designs on it.

B. By drawing the designs straight onto it. C. By ironing special paper with the designs. 16. How did Ben?s school friends react to his behavior? A. They followed him. B. They laughed at him. C. They took photos of him.

听第10段材料, 回答第17 至20题。

17. How many young artists will be selected to train in the U S. ? A. Around 10.

B. Around 15.

C. About 100.

18. What will the young musicians do at the end of their training? A. Study in the university in New York. B. Play in some well-known concert halls. C. Have a conversation with music masters.

19. What is the National Youth Orchestra dedicated to doing through this program? A. Showing Chinese cultures. B. Exchanging talented young artists. C. Providing world-class education resources

20. When will the winners head to the Western Connecticut State University? A. In July.

B. In February.

C. In December.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


The world’s 4 best spots for wild swimming

Eco-Arqueological Park, Chichen Itza, Mexico

Vines surrounding around the pool, pure blue water and schools of friendly catfish all combine to give Ik Kil Cenote in Chichen Itza a supernatural quality. “This place offers a swim like you?re on another planet, ”says TripAdvisor user David T from Anaheim, Southern California. “Dive into the water like it?s your last swim in paradise. You won?t find another like it.



Grotta della Poesia, Roca Vecchia, Italy

“You have to see this place to believe it—when I first saw the pictures I wasn?t sure it was real!”says TripAdvisor user Chaitdesh from London. The Grotta della Poesia is in Roca Vecchia. Sitting on the Adriatic coast, the grotto is made up of two turquoise(绿松石)and blue karst sinkholes. “When I arrived at the natural pool my breath was taken away by its beauty, ”says Joan R from New York City. Las Grietas, Puerto Ayora, Ecuador

There?s the ocean water pool Las Grietas, positioned between two tall cliffs on the central island of Santa Cruz. “It was the most amazing experience I had ever had,” says user Belepv from Buenos Aires. “We could dive here and see the coral reef.” Belepv offers a tip:”Even if you can?t swim, you can ask for a life vest. ”Visitors have to take a boat ride from the main dock on Santa Cruz to get to the creek. Veterans suggest bringing your own snorkeling(浮潜)gear, but you can also rent equipment in Puerto Ayora. Blue Lagoon, Grindavik, Iceland

It?s obvious why the Blue Lagoon is a hit in chilly Iceland. This naturally heated geothermal pool has a constant temperature of 40℃. Even better, you don?t have to leave the water to get a drink at the Lagoon?s outdoor bar. Ryan B from Atlanta agrees, “Drinking beer in a geothermal spa? YES!”And Rachel Raven from Quincy describes the experience as “like bathing on the moon”.

21. From the passage, we can know that . A. the Blue Lagoon is very popular in chilly Iceland B. the Grotta della Poesia consists of two sinkholes C. catfish swim individually in Ik Kil Cenote in Chichen Itza

D. the ocean water pool Roca Vecchia is a naturally heated geothermal pool 22. If you want to take a hot spring bath, where should you go? A. Roca Vecchia, Italy.

B. Blue Lagoon, Grindavik, Iceland. C. Eco-Arqucological Park, Mexico. D. Las Grietas, Puerto Ayora, Ecuador.

23. Which of the following statements about Las Grietas is FALSE? A. It is located on the central island of Santa Cruz.

B. It is recommended that visitors take their own snorkeling gear. C. Visitors need to get to the creek by boat.



D. Life vests are necessary for all people diving here.


When I moved to Rome from Washington D. C., one sight struck me more than any ancient column or grand basilica: people doing nothing. I?d frequently glimpse old women leaning out of their windows, watching people pass below, or families on their evening strolls, stopping every so often to greet friends. Even office life proved different. Forget the rushed desk-side sandwich. Come lunchtime, restaurants filled up with professionals tucking into proper meals.

As we fill our days with more and more ?doing?,many of us are finding that non-stop activity isn?t the apotheosis(神话)of productivity. It is its adversary. One meta-analysis found that long working hours increased the risk of heart disease by 40%-—almost as much as smoking (50%). Another found that people who worked long hours had a significantly higher risk of stroke, while people who worked more than 11hours a day were almost 2. 5 times more likely to have a major depressive episode than those who worked seven to eight. In Japan, this has led to the disturbing trend of karoshi, or death by overwork.

Whether it?s walking away from your desk for 15 minutes or logging out of your inbox for the night, part of our struggle is control the fear that if we relax a grip for a moment, everything will come crashing down.

That?s all wrong, says poet, and life coach Janne Robinson. “The metaphor I like to use is of a fire. We start a business, and then after a year, it?s like, when can we take a week off, or hire someone to come in? Most of us don?t trust anyone to come in for us. We?re like, ?The fire will go out?,”she says. “What if we just trusted that those embers(余火) are so hot, we can walk away, someone can throw a log on and it?ll burst into flames?”

That isn?t easy for those of us who feel like we have to constantly ?do?. But in order to do more, it seems, we may have to become comfortable with doing less. 24. What impressed the writer most after moving to Rome? A. The ancient column and grand basilica. B. People?s relaxing lifestyle. C. People?s hurried lunchtime. D. The ways to greet friends.

25. Janne Robinson uses the metaphor to tell us that we need to . A. take time out B. do nothing C. take quick action



D. hold on

26. According to the article, . A. in most cases, more hard work means more productivity

B. after Janne Robinson started a business, she hired someone to take it over C. walking away from desks for 15 minutes is impossible for busy business people D. long working hours may increase health risk

27. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage? A. Devote yourself more to work B. Quit work for longer life C. Work a lot less!

D. Achieve a high productivity


Once a thief, always a thief?—Washington Post, November, 21st, 2017. Martha Stewart was charged, tried and convicted(定罪)of a crime in 2004. As she came nearer to the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was “paying off her crime”and that “there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start a new life”.

Surely, the American ideal of second chances should not only belong to the rich and powerful. Unfortunately, many laws set post-conviction restrictions on a shockingly large number of Americans, who are prevented from ever fully paying their debt to society.

At least 65 million people in the United States have a criminal record. This can result in severe punishments that continue long after the sentence is completed. Many of these punishments are set regardless of the seriousness of the

crime. Laws can restrict or-ban voting, obtaining public housing, and getting business licenses. They can affect a person?s ability to get a job and qualification for benefits.

In all, more than 45,000 laws and rules serve to stop vast numbers of people from fully participating in American life. Therefore, these law are also counterproductive, since they make it harder for people with criminal records to find housing or land a job, two key factors that reduce backsliding(重蹈覆辙). A recent report makes several recommendations, including the cancel of most post-conviction punishments, except for those specifically needed to protect public safety.

The point is not to excuse or forget the crime. Rather, it is to recognize that in America?s vast criminal law



system, second chances are important. It is in no one?s interest to keep a large number of the population on the edge of society.

28. As for the example of Martha Stewart, the well-known columnist?s remark suggested that . A. the public think it wrong to release Martha Stewart B. Martha Stewart went on making big money while in prison C. Martha Stewart?s past record might stand in her way to a new life D. the lawyers recommended a longer prison sentence to Martha Stewart

29. What do we learn from the second paragraph about many criminals in American ? A. They commit more serious crimes after leaving the prison. B. They live freely and happily after the prison sentence. C. They receive severe punishments for committing small crimes. D. They got fewer chances to turn over a new leaf.

30. The closest explanation of the underlined word “counterproductive” in Paragraph 4 is“ .” A. enlarging the number B. booming the rise C. having the opposite effect D. making a response

31. The author wrote this news to . A. create opportunities for criminals to reform themselves B. call people?s attention to prisoners? conditions in America C. reduce the criminal rate in America

D. demand changes in America?s criminal law system


What are the differences between human life and animals life? Group life is an outstanding feature of human life. What influences human life is that man lives in groups. He is the product of a group (mother and father); he is raised by a group (family or family substitute <替代> ); and he spends all his life interacting with and within groups of various kinds.

There are two types of groups where human life goes on. The type of group most important to man is one in which the members are personally involved with each other on both an emotional and physical level, in which relations are carried on by informal ways, and in which these relations are stable. Such a group is known as a



primary group, and its best example is the family.

In small, non-technological societies, with members ranked on a more or less equal base on wealth and status, such a society is referred to as a communal(共同的)society.

In large, technologically advanced, competitive societies, where different kinds of labor are practiced, and where the wealth and status are not equal among members, it becomes necessary for one person to expand their interaction to secondary group. Members of a secondary group do not tend to be emotionally involved with each other. Relations are mostly formal since the members come together for a temporary reason. Teacher and student, seller and buyer, doctor and patient are examples of secondary groups.

Because of the nature of life in technologically advanced societies, man has had to rely increasingly on secondary group relationships. In the meantime, some of his primary group life has been gradually disappearing. The extended family, which was still typical in American life at the turn of the century, consisted of grandparents, unmarried aunts and uncles, and various other relatives who lived either under the same roof or in the same community, and gave mutual aid and comfort to each other.

Today?s family, however, is reduced to the nuclear (核心的)father, mother, and children. Visits to grandparents and relatives are impossible. The supportive role which the extended family played has not been replaced by relationships within the secondary group.

32. Members in a primary group tend to . A. communicate with each other in informal ways B. pass religious belief to other generations C. be quite formal to each other on certain occasions D. keep a casual relationship with other people 33. In a communal society, members . A. usually show no interest in new technology B. value their family status rather than the social one C. adapt the standard of a family to the whole society D. enjoy relatively equal relations with others

34. In comparison with a communal society, in a secondary society. A. people stress formal relations for a temporary reason B. people with skills are highly admired C. high advanced technology is useless



D. people enjoy wide relations with strangers

35. According to the author, in a nuclear family, . A. family members are indifferent to each other B. a close tie with other family members declines C. grandparents no longer love their grandchildren D. the primary family relation is between father and son 第二节(共5小题;每小题2 分,满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 Variety is the spice of language. The words listed in this book are not intended to replace those that most people use most of the time. Rather, they are variations on the theme. We tend to use the same old words over and over again, to limit our powers of expression by limiting our vocabulary. There is nothing wrong with the “old words”. 36

How often have you spoke not having an accident? 37 Everyone talks of the usual thing to do or expect. Might not one, to enrich his speech, speak of the customary thing or why not occasionally describe a situation as aggravated instead of worsened?

38 Vary them with the “new words”. English is an especially rich language, and often there are tiny differences between two words that are generally regarded as the same. Thus, a mishap is not merely an accident ;it is an unfortunate accident. (There can be fortunate accidents, like bumping into an old friend you haven?t seen for years and whose address you?ve lost. ) 39 Other examples: fragrant, for smelling good, or having a nice smell; morsel, for bit, deft, for skillful or clever.

No doubt a good many words in the list will be familiar to you, but do you use them, or do they remain the“property”of others? They are included to introduce variety, into your speech and writing. 40 Let them compete, and make your language all the richer. A. Don?t throw away the “old words”. B. Our interest in learning will be discouraged.

C. But why not enhance your speech and writing by learning to use new ones from time to time as alternatives? D. English words are grouped according to their origins. E. Can we use the alternative mishap (小事故)once in a while?

F. So, in using mishap instead of accident, you must be sure of the distinction.

G. Try to make these words your own, as companions or friendly rivals of the ones you have managed with in the




第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 (共20小题:每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 This month has been a 41 roller coaster of emotions and stressful moments—I?m beginning to see the physical signs of my 42 . I 43 myself with a whole mass of work for college, thinking that I had weeks to start it all, 44 suddenly deadlines are coming. I find myself 45 blankly at a computer screen every night 46 the library shuts, wishing I had the organizational skills I never 47 from my mother! This doesn?t actually feel 48 stressful at the time—it?s only when I think I?m finally relaxing that I 49 the signals.

There seem to be a lot of little things the body does in 50 to stress that are 51 noticeable when you are in the midst of things but 52 later on—like finding your jaw is clenched(咬紧)and your hands in fists when you are in bed trying to sleep. It can also make your hair 53 more than normal—quite distressing.

I?ve been dealing with these 54 by attempting to 55 the cause. I decided my work tactic from now on will be to start every assignment the week I get it, and 56 the work out over weekends. 57 the muscle spasms(痉挛)and the hair loss, yoga is the 58 . My yoga 59 headaches, gives me energy even after a busy day, and 60 the muscles I never knew I had. I come after an hour session feeling like I could do my day again, and then I always get a good night?s sleep. 41. A. changeable 42. A. mood 43. A. left 44. A. if 45. A. matching 46. A. until 47. A. passed 48. A. instantly 49. A. extend 50. A. touch 51. A. likely 52. A. pass away

B. slow B. emotion B. assisted B. but B. typing B. because B. benefited B. particularly B. notice B. case B. actually B. hold on

C. common C. stress C. presented C. so C. staring C. unless C. fetched C. wonderfully C. invent C. reaction C. almost C. go through

D. urgent D. disorder D. adjusted D. and D. watching D. since D. inherited D. voluntarily D. explore D. regard D. barely D. turn up



53. A. fall out 54. A. aches 55. A. admit 56. A. spread 57. A. In addition 58. A. research 59. A. cures 60. A. increases

B. pick out B. illnesses B. handle B. break B. Apart from B. identity B. protects B. solves

C. hold out C. symptoms C. reject C. stand C. Regardless of C. answer C. affects C. strengthens

D. stand out D. conditions D. blame D. leave D. As for D. credit D. fights D. wonders

第二节(共10小题;每小題1. 5分,满分15分)


China from 2018. should gradually delay the 61 (retire) age for women by one year once every three years , and by one year for men once every six years, gradually reaching the age of 65 by 2045, said a report 62 (publish) by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on December 3.

The gradual delay is necessary for several reasons. For instance, the current age limit 63 (set) in the early 1950s 64 China?s life expectancy(寿命)was 65 than 50 years old. Now that the life expectancy of the average Chinese person has increased 66 75, people should also retire later. Also, it?s a necessary solution for 67 (handle)China?s 68 (age)population. Gradually delaying can ensure 69 stable pension system.

The public?s interests should be taken into account if and when the government sets the age limit. The biggest problem for China?s existing pension system is 70 the pension contribution is high while the replacement ratio is low.

第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)

第一节: 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)

假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文,文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/\\),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\\) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Nowadays the old saying, “Listening is important than talking”, becomes popularity. The saying told us the true



meaning of communication with others. We need to master some communication skills in a competitive society, which mean paying attention to other?s opinions is more important than expressing one?s own words. Listening shows your respect for others. Willingness to listen can make you gaining trust and friendship. A talkative person without hearing others contributes to fail to be popular. However, listening can really benefit from yourself. You are the one to make choices in your life. According to that is said above, listening is truly important. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 阻拦高铁发车的行为是违法行为,妨碍了公共交通运输的安全;

2. 在未能及时赶上高铁的情况下可以改签其他列车或者交通方式,不能因为个人原因而影响其他人的出行;

3. 在乘坐高铁列车时,乘客应该在车厢内保持安静,不大声喧哗,保持车厢的卫生。 注意:

1. 词数100 左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头与结尾已给出, 不计入总词数, Dear Tom,

Last Monday, students in our class held a meeting to discuss the incident that a bullet train was stopped by a woman.

Yours, Li Ming





听力部分 1-5 CBACB 阅读理解 21-25 ABDBA 完型填空 41-45 ACABC

46-50 ADBBC

51-55 DDACB

56-60 ADCAC

26-30 DCCDC

31-35 DADAB

36-40 CEAFG

6-10 BACAB

11-15 BABCC

16-20 ACBCA

61. retirement 62. published 63. was set 64. when 65. less 66. to 67. handling 68. aging 69. a 70. that 改错

Nowadays the old saying, “Listening is/\\ important than talking”, becomes popularity. The saying told us the more popular tells true meaning of communication with others. We need to master some communication skills in a competitive society, which mean paying attention to other?s opinions is more important than expressing one?s own words. Listening means others?

shows your respect for others. Willingness to listen can make you gaining trust and friendship. A talkative person gain

without hearing others contributes to fail to be popular. However, listening can really benefit from yourself. You are failing Therefore

the one to make choices in your life. According to that is said above, listening is truly important. what

[参考范文] Dear Tom,

Last Monday, students in our class held a meeting 1o discuss the incident that a bullet train was stopped by a woman. The incident has become a hot topic throughout the country. Students in our class expressed their own opinions on it.

At the meeting, all students thought it illegal to stop the regular arrival and leaving of the bullet train just for



personal reasons, which would cause the possible traffic accident. If failing to catch the train, you could change to the next train or switch to other transportation ways.

The bullet train, which brings much convenience to people?s travel, has been developing rapidly in recent years. More and more people choose bullet trains as the first alternative to travel. Therefore, it is everyone?s duty to obey the rules on the train, such as not being noisy during the journey, or keeping quiet on the train. A clean and pleasant carriage promises a happy traffic journey.

Students in our class raised their public awareness and social etiquette through this class meeting. Each of us is determined to apply these rules to our daily life in the future.

Yours, Li Ming



