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2018届江苏高考英语一轮复习精品资料●模块五 Unit 2 重点知识突破 一、重点词汇 词汇-1. debate

【原句呈现】Today’s debate question is, ‘The economy or the environment—must we choose?’ 【考点聚焦】

▲debate 作为名词和动词意义的识别; ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①They had a fierce _______ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.

A. contest B. disagreement C. debate D. conflict

【答案与解析】C。debate 争论,辩论,指持不同观点的各方据理力争,并最终做出决定。句意:他们


②He _______ whether to set aside the minor differences, then he did. A. calculated B. predicted C. plotted D. debated

【答案与解析】D。debate 辩论,仔细考虑,思考,盘算;predict 预言,预测,预示,预告;plot 密谋,

以图表画出,为(文学作品)设计情节;calculate 计算,估计,打算,计划。句意:他考虑了是否要搁置 小小的差异,然后决定还是搁置吧。

③He said it was beyond debate that the climate has changed markedly over the last century.

A. beyond the lines B. beyond recognition C. beyond debate D. beyond repair

【答案与解析】C。beyond the lines 意为:弦外之音;beyond recognition 认不出来;beyond debate 无可

争辩,毋庸置疑;beyond repair 无法修复。句意:毋庸置疑,在过去的一个世纪中,气候的确发生了显 著的变化。 【归纳拓展】

debate vi. & n.争论,辩论,讨论

debate with sb. about sth.与某人就某事辩论 have a debate 进行讨论,辩论

under debate 在辩论中,在讨论中 beyond debate 无可争辩,毋庸置疑

词汇-2. responsibility

【原句呈现】 They think of greedy businessmen hiding from their responsibilities and only worrying about money. 【考点聚焦】

▲responsibility 及其形容词意义的识别; ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①In addition, college students who have work experience tend to be more confident and be able to take more _______.

A. suggestions B. consequences C. risks D. responsibilities

【答案与解析】D。suggestion 建议;consequence 结果;risks 冒险。句意:此外,有工作经验的大学生


②In regard to the terrorist attack that happened in the city on March 1,the spokesman said that all suspects _______ for it would be severely punished. A. faithful B. similar C. responsible D. vital

【答案与解析】C。be faithful to 意为“忠实于??”。be similar to 与??相似;be responsible to 对某

人负责;be vital to 对??极端重要。句意:关于 3 月 1 日发生在该市的恐怖袭击,这位发言人说所有

对这个罪行负责的嫌疑犯都会受到严厉的惩罚。 【归纳拓展】

have the/(a)responsibility to do...有责任/有义务做??

bear/take(on)the responsibility for 应对??的责任,为??负责,对??负有责任

a sense of responsibility 责任感

be responsible for 应对??的责任,为??负责,对??负有责任 词汇-3. conflict

【原句呈现】 Many people think that economic development and environmental protection conflict with each other. 【考点聚焦】

▲conflict 作为名词和动词意义的识别; ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _______ in personality.

A. contact B. contrast C. connection D. conflict

【答案与解析】 D。 contact 接触, 联系, 交往; contrast 对比, 差别, 对照物;conflict 争论, 冲突; connection

联系,关系。句意:在处理公共关系时,我们应该努力防止性格上的冲突。所以选 D。

②She often _______ with her husband over money. A. explains B. combines C. shares D. conflicts

【答案与解析】D。conflict with 与??发生冲突。句意:她经常因为钱与丈夫发生冲突。

③She found herself _______ her parents _______ her future career. A. on conflict with, with B. in conflict over, on C. in conflict to, about D. in conflict with, over

【答案与解析】D。in conflict with...over...就??方面与??相冲突/有分歧。句意:她发现自己在将来择 业的问题上与父母存在着分歧。 【归纳拓展】

conflict with 与??发生冲突(动作) come into conflict with 与??相冲突(动作)

(be)in conflict with 与??相冲突/有分歧(状态) (a)conflict over sth.关于??的冲突 考点-4. measure

【原句呈现】The centre has over 300 scientists devoted to finding measures that will stop desertification. 【考点聚焦】

▲measure 作为名词和动词意义的识别; ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】


①A fully grown blue whale _______ 110 feet in height and _______ several tons.

A. is measured, weighs B. measures, weighs

C. is measured, is weighed D. measures, is weighed

【答案与解析】B。measure 和 weigh 作为不及物动词时,都不用于被动语态。句意:一条成年蓝鲸的长 度为 110 英尺,重有几吨。

②It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some _______ over 90 metres.

A. raising B. measures C. measuring D. rises

【答案与解析】C。该词在这里用作系动词,意思是:有??长或高等。所以用主动表被动,相当于 some

of which measure?。句意:那里湿度高,所以树木长的极高。有些树木高达 90 多米。

③All the measures we have _______ against the price rising have proved completely right. A. put B. made C. taken D. acted

【答案与解析】C。此句中 we have _______ against the price rising 是个定语从句,修饰先行词 measures,

且引导词在定语从句中充当宾语,take 与 measures 构成固定搭配,意为“采取措施”。句意:我们


④In addition to dessert, they served fruit _______ , making us satisfied.

A. for a change B. for good C. for good measure D. for a song

【答案与解析】C。for good measure 附加的,额外的,符合句意;for a change 为了改变一下,为了换

个口味;for good 永远;for a song 廉价。句意:除了餐后点心外,他们还额外增加了水果,让我们感 到很是满意。 【归纳拓展】

measure n.措施,方法,尺度 vt. 测量,估量,判定→measurable adj.可度量的,明显的

→measured adj. 慎重的,仔细斟酌的→measureless adj.无限的,不可估量的

take measures/steps to do sth.采取措施做某事 make ...to one’s measure 依照某人的尺寸定做??

beyond measure 非常地,过度地,无法估量的 measure against 拿??和??比(长度)

for good measure 附加的,额外的 词汇-5. range

【原句呈现】Nor is it good news for the wide range of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river. 【考点聚焦】 ▲range 的意义识别; ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①“American will fulfill the commitments that we have made: cutting our emission in the _______ of 17 percent by 2020”, said Obama.

A. form B. range C. state D. need

【答案与解析】B。in the form of 以??的形式;in the range of 在??的范围内;in the state of 以/在??

的状态; in need of 需要??。 句意: 奥巴马说: “美国将履行已经做出的承诺: 到 2020 年减排 17%。 ”

②She and her roommate silently warred over matters _______ from when the lights should be turned off to how the furniture should be arranged.

A. ranging B. exchanging C. transforming D. varying

【答案与解析】A。range from...to...范围从??到??;exchange 交换,更换;transform 改变,改善;

wary 不同,改变。句意:她因从什么时应该关灯到家具该如何摆放等琐事与室友们暗地里闹矛盾。

③At the news conference, the spokesman said, “Keeping the meat price under control is within the _______ of the government’s responsibility.” A. field B. limit C. extent D. range

【答案与解析】D。within the range of 在??范围之内。句意:在新闻发布会上,发言人说:“把肉价

保持在可控制下是政府的职责范围之内的事情。 【归纳拓展】

range vi. & n. 范围,界限,(在一定范围内)变化,变动 range from?to ?/range between?and?在??范围内变化 beyond/out of one’s range 超出了??某人能承受的范围 a range of 一系列

within/in the range of 在??范围内

out of/beyond/outside the range of 超出了??的范围 词汇-6. appreciate

【 原 句 呈 现 】 The efforts of the Chinese government and people to protect this much-loved river will be appreciated for years to come. 【考点聚焦】

▲appreciate 及其名词意义的识别; ▲appreciate 的相关句型和搭配。 【考题研读】

①The reporter said that the survivors greatly _______ the firefighters’ rescue after the big fire.

A. charged B. appreciated C. harmed D. solved

【答案与解析】B。句意:记者说,火灾的幸存者们非常感激消防员们的营救。appreciated 感激,感谢,

欣赏;charged 收费,指控;harmed 有害于;solved 解决。

②I’d appreciate _______ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. A. it B. you C. one D. this

【答案与解析】A。本句句式:I would appreciate it if/when?如果??我感激不尽??;句意:如果你能

提前让我知道你是否回来我将感激不尽。故 A 正确。

③As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate _______ from you now and then _______ me how everyone is getting along.

A. hearing; tell B. to hear; tell C. hearing; telling D. to hear; to tell 【答案与解析】C。appreciate doing sth 感激做某事。句意:因为我要外出至少一年,我非常感激收到你 的来信并告诉我们一切事情的进展情况。

④With no better way to express feelings of love and _______, it’s easy to see why students turn to the flower shop on Teachers’ Day.

A. glory B. inspiration C. appreciation D. guidance

【答案与解析】C。glory 光荣;inspiration 鼓励;appreciation 欣赏;guidance 指导。句意:由于没有更

好的办法来表达爱和感激之情,因此很容易看到为什么学生们会在教师节这天去花店买花。 【归纳拓展】

appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏,感谢,领会→appreciation n.欣赏,感激 appreciate doing sth.感谢做某事 appreciate one’s doing sth.感谢某人做某事

I would appreciate it if ...假如??我将不胜感激 词汇-7. particular

【原句呈现】In particular, metal products and paper products require s lot of energy to produce,... 【考点聚焦】

▲particular 意义的识别; ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①—The difficult maths problem has been solved by Tom at last. —Indeed; and the _______ way Tom worked out the problem impressed the teacher deeply.

A. outstanding B. unique C. particular D. strange

【答案与解析】C。句意: “那道数学难题终于被汤姆解决了。 ” “真的,并且汤姆独特的解决问题的方式

给老师留下深刻的印象。 ”outstanding 杰出的;unique 独一无二的;particular 特别的,挑剔的;strange 奇怪的。

②She has already tried her best. Please don’t be too _______ about her job.

A. special B. responsible C. unusual D. particular

【答案与解析】D。句意:她已经尽力了,请不要过分挑剔她的工作。be particular about...对??苛求、 挑剔,是固定结构。

③In our international engagement, we will uphold principles, promote justice and practice equality. _______, we

will advance and protect the rights and interests of developing countries.

A. As a result B. In a sense C. In particular D. By choice


们将促进和维护发展中国家的权益。 as a result 结果; in a sense 在某种意义上; in particular 尤其; by choice 出于选择/自愿。 【归纳拓展】

be particular about/over 对??挑剔/讲究 in particular 特别,尤其 词汇-8. absorb

【原句呈现】Last but not least, you can plant a tree, because trees absorb the carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen. 【考点聚焦】

▲absorb 意义的识别;

▲absorbed 作状语; ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①In the past years, China has changed a great deal and _______ the attention of the whole world. A. paid B. absorbed C. lost D. adopt

【答案与解析】B。absorb the attention of the whole world 吸引全世界的关注。句意:最近几十年里,中


②_______ in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching. A. To absorb B. To be absorbed C. Absorbed D. Absorbing

【答案与解析】C。句意:全神贯注于绘画中,约輸没有注意到夜幕降临了。absorbed in 全神贯注于, 在句中作状语。

③She was so _______ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.

A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated

【答案与解析】B。固定搭配 be absorbed in?全神贯注于??,专心致志于??;句意:她全神贯注于 她的工作以至于她没有听见敲门声。 【归纳拓展】

absorb one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力 be absorbed in 全神贯注

be lost in 全神贯注于,沉湎于 be occupied in 使忙碌于,使从事于 be addicted to 沉迷于 be devoted to 致力于,献身于 词汇-9. cut back on

【原句呈现】It is our duty to try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. 【考点聚焦】

▲cut 动词所构成的短语。 【考题研读】

①She found it hard to keep both ends meet, so the hostess decided to _______ daily necessities.

A. cut off B. cut down C. cut up D. cut back on

【答案与解析】D。句意:由于发现入不敷出,女主人决定削减日常必需品开支。cut off 切断,中断;

cut down 砍倒;cut up 切碎;cut back on 削减。

② Facing a number of investigations, the Michigan authorities finally had to acknowledgethe fact that the

educational fund had been _______ a tight budget. A. cut off B. cut down on C. cut up D. cut back

【答案与解析】B。cut off 切断;cut down on 和 cut back on 可以互换,意为“削减,减少”。cut off 切


承认这样的事实——由于预算紧 张教育基金一直在减少。

③My uncle hasn’t been able to quit smoking, but at least he has _______.

A. cut out B. cut down C. cut up D. cut off

【答案与解析】B。句意:叔叔戒不了烟,但是至少已经少吸了。选择 cut down(减少)。cut out 剪裁;剪 下;cut up 切碎;抨击;cut off 切断,中断。

④Military helicopters dropped food and medicine to the earthquake survivors that remained _______ in remote mountain villages.

A. cut off B. paid off C. put off D. laid off


外界隔绝。cut off 中断供应;pay off 终有回报;put off 推迟;lay off 解雇。 【归纳拓展】

cut back on/come down on 削减,减少 cut across 走捷径,抄近路 cut down 砍倒,压缩 cut in 插话

cut off 隔绝,断绝,中断,(电路)切断,剪下,砍掉 cut out 剁碎,砍碎,剪裁,剪下

cut through 凿穿,穿过,穿透,抄近路 cut up 切割开来,切碎

词汇-10. use up/run out

【原句呈现】The number of people in the world keeps growing, and we are producing more rubbish and using up more raw materials. What if they run out? 【考点聚焦】 ▲相关短语的辨析。 【考题研读】

①Cambridge University researchers have analyzed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells _______.

A. run out B. are used up C. are run out of D. use up

【答案与解析】D。use up, run out, run out of 都有“用完”的意思。但是 use up 常用于主动语态,即某

人用完某物,或者用于 sth. be used up;run out of 用法跟 use up 相同。句意:剑桥大学的研究人员分析


②Having walked in the desert for several days, they felt exhausted, but they had to find a pool before the water in the bottle _______.

A. put out B. let out C. ran out D. used up

【答案与解析】C。put out 生产,扑灭;let out 放出,泄露;run out(某


语态;use up 用完,花完,可用于被动语态。句意:在沙漠上走了几天,他们感觉很累,但是在瓶子里 的水耗尽之前他们必须发现池塘。

③I’m _______my money, so I have to call my parents saying that I am missing them.

A. running out B. used up C. run out D. running out of

【答案与解析】C。句意:我的钱快用完了,所以我不得不给爸妈打电话说我想他们了。run out of money 用完钱。 【归纳拓展】

run out/run out of/use up 的辨析

run out 用完,耗尽 不及物动词短语,其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等

run out of 用完,耗尽 及物动词短语,其主语一般为人 use up 用光,用完 及物动词短语,其主语一般为人 词汇-11. pick out

【原句呈现】There are also things that can be done at a national or international level, such as sharing information

between countries and using satellites to pick out areas likely to be affected by desertification. 【考点聚焦】


参看模块二 Unit 2 词汇-12. pick up 【考题研读】

①The students all wear the same uniform, so it’s hard for me to _______ my son among them.

A. bring out B. pick out C. pick up D. bring up


pick out 辨认出,挑选出,符合句意。bring out 拿出,阐明;pick up 捡起来,接收,学会;bring up 教 育,培养,抚养。

②It took Mary quite a long time to _______ a new dress at the store. A. pick up B. pick out C. work out D. take up

【答案与解析】B。表示“挑选”之意,用 pick out。pick up 捡起;work out 算出来;take up 占有。句


③“Take a look at these pictures, and see if you can _______ the criminal.” The policeman said to the witness. A. pick up B. pick off C. pick out D. pick at

【答案与解析】C。pick up 捡起,获得,偶尔学到,加速;pick off 摘掉,拔去,截取;pick out 挑选出,

辨认出;pick at 挑毛病找茬儿。句意: “看这些照片,看看是否你

能辨认出罪犯” ,警察对目击者说。 选 C。

④They showed their displeasure by continually _______ her. A. picking up B. picking at C. picking out D. picking off

【答案与解析】B。pick at 挑毛病,找茬儿。句意:他们不断挑她的毛病以示他们的不满。

⑤The twin sisters were shopping for hours on Women’s Day and managed to _______ bags of bargains. A. come across B. pick up C. deal with D. take in


pick up 获得,得到,符合本题题意。come across 偶遇;deal with 处理,应付;take in 吸收,理解,欺 骗。


pick out 挑出/找出/辨认出/辨别出,领会

pick up 拿起/捡起/拾起,(没有通过正规上课或培训而)学会,习得,恢复,把??接走,染上(疾病),


pick off 摘掉,拔去,截取 pick at 挑毛病,找茬儿,批评,少量地吃


1.it+连系动词 be+表语+that 从句

【原句呈现】It is clear that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment. 【考点聚焦】

本句中使用了“it+连系动词 be+表语+that 从句”的句型。句中“that”引导的是主语从句。It 代替真正的主 语作形式主语。

▲引导主语从句的连接词。 【考题研读】

①It is obvious to the students _______ they should get well prepared for their future.

A. as B. which C. whether D. that

【答案与解析】D。此处要分析句子结构,看出 it 为形式主语,代替 that they should get well prepared for

their future,并且本句意思完整,故选 D 项。句意:很显然, 学生应该为将来做好准备。It 为形式主语, that 引导的真正的主语。

②It is uncertain _______ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it.

A. that B. what C. how D. whether


位语从句。 【考题研读】

①There is no doubt _______ we will win the match, with the best players and our experienced coach. A. why B. which C. that D. when

【答案与解析】C。句意:毫无疑问有最好的球员和有经验的教练我们会赢得比赛的。选 C。

②There is some doubt among people _______ $ 749 is too much for an iphone4.

A. that B. whether \' C. what D. if

【答案与解析】B。句意:许多人怀疑是否花 749 美元买一个苹果四手机太贵了点。There is some doubt

whether?是个固定句型,doubt 是名词,后面跟 whether 引导的同位语从句。故选 B 项。

③While experts advocate delaying the retirement age, _______ some doubt among citizens whether they can adjust easily to the new age of workforce.

A. It has B. They have C. It remains D. There remains

【答案与解析】D。句意:尽管专家提倡推迟退休年龄,有些人怀疑他们是否能适应新时代的工作。 5. “the more...the more...”句型

【原句呈现】Therefore, the more petrol and electricity we consume,

the more carbon we are letting off. 【考点聚焦】

▲“the more...the more...”句型常表示“越??就越??”,是一个复合句,其中前面的句子是状语从句,


从句的谓语动词就要用一般现在时表示将来。 【考题研读】

①In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go, _______.

A. our holiday will be better B. our holiday will be the better C. the better our holiday will be D. the better will our holiday be 【答案与解析】C。句意:近年来旅游公司已经成功兜售给我们这样一种观念,走得愈远假期愈好。

②The more seriously we take the safety standards, _______ we can speed up the development of the school bus industry.

A. farther B. the further C. further D. immediately

【答案与解析】B。句意:我们越是认真对待安全标准,我们就越是能更加促进学校公共汽车行业的发 展。

