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Lesson 8 The best and the worst

Do you often go for some competitions (race, match比赛,竞赛), like drawing, sports, or chess competitions? Have you visited some gardens happily?

‘The Nicest Garden (花园) Competition’

Which one is the best? which one is the worst (最坏 的)?

Can you guess which kind of garden will win ‘The Nicest Garden (花园) Competition’ (比赛,竞赛)?

According to (根据) the text, the garden should first have neat (tidy,整洁的) paths (小路), then it should have a wooden (木头 的) bridge (桥) and lastly it should have a clear pool (水池).

competition (n.) a drawing/chess competition/ compete (v.)竞争、比赛 参加赛跑 compete in a race 与丽丽竞争第一名 compete with Lily for the first place

Listening comprehension

1. What does everybody enter for each year?Everybody enters for ‘The Nicest Garden Competition’.

2. Is Joe’s garden more interesting?

Yes, it is more interesting.

enter for

nearly和almost意义相 似,表示“几乎”、 “差不多”、“差点儿” 的意思。I have nearly forgotten his name. 报名参加(各种竞赛,考试等活动 )

enter for the exam each every均可译为“每一个”,两者常可互换。 win(wonShe ,won) v. 赢 entered (her 和 name/herself) for the every 只能是形容词性,强调整体,常用来指一个 ① vi. 赢Imathematics win. /I lose. ( 输了) competition. 她报名参加数学 名词加 -’s表示所属关系,构成名词的所有格。比 大的、不确定的数目,不能直接做主语; ② vt. 赢得……win something 竞赛。 较的东西都是同类的事物 joe’s 的“’s”不能省 each 既可作形容词,又可作代词,强调个体,常用 后面往往是奖品 ,不能接对手 enter ① vt.&vi. 进入 enter+地点名词 略 以一个确定的并通常是有限的数目,在作代词时, I win the book. Always knock on the door before you enter. win a prize 赢了奖 ② vt.&vi. 直接作主语或宾语,使用第三人称单数 参加,加入 Every/Each time I wash the car it rains. win a prize for…entered 因为…… 而获 We’ve into an agreement. 我们已达 奖 成一项协议。 defeat+对手 He soon I defeat you. their conversation. entered

make 和 build 在 这 里 是 同 义 词 , “修建,建造”。 make 的词义比较笼统、广泛,可 解释为“做、作出、制造”等 Have you made the skirt by yourself? They have made a road along the river. build 主要限于建筑业,指“建造, 建设,盖房子,修筑(桥梁)等”

Read fast and answer: 1 Does the writer live in the same town as Joe Sanders? (Yes, he does.) 2 Has Joe got a garden? (Yes, he has.) 3 Is Joe’s the most beautiful garden in the town? (Yes, it is.) 4 What does nearly everyone enter for? (‘The Nicest Garden Competition.’) 5 Who wins every time? (Joe Sanders does.) (Bigge

r than Joe's.) 6 How big is Bill Frith's garden? (No, he doesn't.) 7 Does Joe work harder than Bill? 8 Whose garden has more flowers and vegetables? (Bill Frith's has.) 9 Whose garden is more interesting? (Joe Sanders'.) (Neat paths.) 10 What has he made? 11 Is there a pool in the garden? (Yes, there is.) 12 What has he built over it? (A wooden bridge.)

Retell(复述) the story 1 Joe Sanders-most beautiful-town 2 Nearly everyone-competition-each yearJoe-every time 3 Bill Frith's-larger-Joe's 4 Bill-harder-more flowers & vegetablesJoe's-interesting 5 neat paths-wooden bridge-pool 6 I-gardens-but not-hard work 7 Every year-enter-competition tooalways-prize-worst garden-town

形容词的比较级-er, more和最高级the -est, the most




Zhou Xun has long hair. Fan Bingbing’s hair is longer than Zhou Xun’s. Liu Yifei’s hair is the longest of all.




Zhou Jielun is tall . Liu Xiang is taller than

Zhou Jielun .

Yao Ming is the tallest of them .

单音节形容词的比较级:加er 单音节形容词的最高级:加est small er rich er smallest richest

Li Yong is funny. Sun Nan is funnier than Li Yong. Pan Changjiang is the funniest.

y结尾单音节形容词的比较级:去y加ier y结尾单音节形容词的最高级:去y加iest windy ier lucky ier



lucky iest

The first cake is big. The second cake is bigger . The third cake is the biggest .

以重读闭音节结尾的形容词的比较级和最高级: 要双写尾字母加er, est


hot test



500 RMB

50,000 RMB

250,000 RMB

The bike is expensive.The red car is more expensive than the bike. The green car is the most expensive.

双、多音节形容词的比较级和最高级: 在前面加more, the most

more careful

the most careful

more exciting

the most exciting

