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Keys to Model Test 2

Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A 1-5 ACBCC 6-10 DCDBC Section B 11-15 BCDDA 16-20 BCADB Section C 略

Part II Reading Comprehension

Section A Section B

31-35 CCDBA

36-40 BBDDC

41-45 ADDBA

46. 选K。首先判断此处应填动词。其次,该句的主句部分 “before much longer, plastic bags might be no more.”的意思是“过不了多久,可能就不会再有塑料袋了”,而while引导的让步状语从句 “While such bags…common today”的意思是“尽管这种袋子今天……很普遍”,故应选择表示“仍然、依旧”的动词的现在时形式。最后,从句中common是形容词,因此所缺动词应为系动词,故只有remain符合这一词性要求。选项中的其余动词“continue”的意思是“继续”, “dismiss”是“解散;开除”, “release”是“释放;发布”,均和原文意思不符。

47. 选I。首先判断此处需要名词。其次,试将gained与选项中的名词,即 “choice”, “acceptance”和 “paper”相搭配,可知只有选项I “acceptance”“接受、认可”在意思上是成立的。从句部分 “While it quickly gained acceptance in the manufacture of many items”的意思是“尽管塑料袋在许多东西的制造中都很快得到了认可”。

48. 选E。此处考察的是not…until结构,即“直到……时候”,故只能选E。选项O “unless”的意思是“除了……之外”,并且只能作连词,在意义和结构两个方面都不正确。 49. 选H。首先句子 “In the United States of America, plastic shopping bags became … used in 1982”的结构完整,因此应填入的只能是副词。但选项A “normally”的意思是“正常地”,不符合句子的意思,故选项H “widely”,即“广泛地”为正确答案。

50. 选M。首先从 “offer their customers plastic bags instead of … ones”这个部分可以判断出,此处应填入一个形容词或名词,修饰ones,即bags。那么此处在意义上唯一能够成立的就是 “paper”,即“纸口袋”,故M为正确选项。选项N “available”意思是“可获得的”,在意思上是说不通的。

51. 选G。首先这个空格之前是介词of,因此应填入名词。由于 “paper”与 “acceptance”都已经被选过了,因此正确答案只能是唯一剩下的名词 “choice”。名词加上of choice这个词组表示“大家所偏爱之物”。全句的意思是“自从1982开始,塑料袋就成了广大消费者的首选了。”

52. 选J。首先,此处应选动词。其次,在时态上,由于有have的存在,因此应填入动词的过去分词形态。因此正确答案只能在 “opposed”, “disposed”和 “objected”这三项中产生。第三,由于该词承接介词to,而这三个动词中唯一有此搭配的只有 “objected”,因此J

为正确答案。全句 “However, in recent years, many people have increasingly objected to the use of plastic bags.”意思是“然而,近年来许多人开始越来越反对使用塑料袋了。”应该注意到的还有“opposed”在作形容词时,可以出现在 “be opposed to”这个词组中,意思也是“反对”,但其作动词时为及物动词,不需要介词to,故该选项不正确。而 “dispose”一般出现在 “dispose of”这个词组中,意思是“处理”,因此意义上也不正确。

53. 选N。此处应填形容词,修饰 “supplies”,即“供应”。选项中唯有available在此处能构成合理的意义,即“有效的供应”。全句 “The use of oil and natural gas to manufacture the bags reduces the available supplies of these raw materials”的意思是“为制造袋子而使用的油和天然气减少了这些原材料的有效供应”。

54. 选D。首先,从句子结构判断,此处缺少一个能与of相连用的动词。其次,该结构与be … used这个被动态结构相并列,因此所填入的应为动词的过去分词结构,由于 “opposed”不能与of相连用,因此只能选 “disposed”。全句 “Polyethylene plastic bags also are usually only used once and then disposed of in the trash”意为,“聚乙烯塑料袋一般只被使用一次,然后就被扔进垃圾堆中处理掉了。”

55. 选L。这里的结构与上一题有相似之处,即所填入的也是一个动词,它与前一个动词to

compose相并列,也就是说填入的应为一个动词的原型形式。根据空格后部分 “harmful chemicals”,即“有害的化学物质”可知,应填入 “release”,即“释放”。

Part III Integrated Testing

Section A

56. 答案为A)。从上下文来看,找工作时,第一印象尤为重要。critical可以表示“批评性的”

意思,但也可以表示“关键性的、决定性的”意思,后者符合句意,为最佳选项。sensible (理智的)、minor (次要的,较小的)和curious (好奇的)都不符合句意。

57. 答案为C)。从句意推断,在求职场上,求职者必须要像推销商品一样将自己推销给潜在

雇主,从四个选项purchasing (购买)、yielding (产生;屈服)、marketing (销售;推销)和assembling (聚会;组装)来看,只有marketing符合句意,因此为正确答案。 58. 答案为B)。这是一道语法题。when后面省略了主语employer,后接现在分词,所以greeting


59. 答案为A)。这题考察的是文章的连贯性。前一句话的意思是:求职者需要将自己推销给

潜在雇主,而雇主在和你第一次见面时看到的正是你的着装。而后一句话则表明:你必须想尽办法让自己衣着得体。两者之间显然有一层因果关系,因此,thus为正确答案。nevertheless (然而)表示转折,above all (更重要的是)表示递进,besides (此外)表示补充,均不符合逻辑,为错误答案。 60. 答案为D)。这题考察的是四个词的词义辨析。表示工作的类型应该用type,而不是form

(形式)、diversity (多样性)或feature (特征)。

61. 答案为A)。give somebody a competitive edge的意思是:使某人更有竞争力。cooperative

(合作的)、active (活跃的,积极的)和alternative (其他的;另类的)都是错误选项。

62. 答案为C)。从上下文来看,前一句说到人们可能不会以着装取人,但后面马上用了一个

转折词,说明事实并非如此。选项中的四个词,唯有reality具有“现实”的意思,为最佳答案。factor (因素)、detail (细节)和concept (概念)均是错误选项。 63. 答案为D)。这题考察的是介词搭配。表示“在??过程中”,介词可以用in,during或


64. 答案为D)。这是一句强调句,强调的成分是主语:how you are dressed。强调句型的结

构是It is/was … that …,因此,这题的答案是that。

65. 答案为B)。从句意分析,保守的衣着方式往往最安全,而非最好、最短或最不受欢迎,


66. 答案为C)。从上下文来看,虽然保守的衣着方式是最安全的,但求职者还是应该尽量对


67. 答案为B)。在so that引导的从句中,_____ you wear to the interview充当从句中的主语,

因此空格处需要填入一个引导主语从句的关系代词。表示“所??的”,应该用what。如果将选项D改成all that,也是可以的,但all this不对。

68. 答案为D)。从句意来看,你的衣着可以让你更好地与你的就业单位的氛围相吻合。就业

单位自然是一个organization,而不一定是agency (代理处;政府等特殊机构)或association (协会),更不是society (社会)了,因此organization为正确答案。

69. 答案为A)。从句意来看,这种现象虽然_____,但还是可能会发生的。因此,空格处需

要填入一个表示“不常发生”的词。选项中的rare的意思是:稀有的;不寻常的,为正确答案。reasonable (合理的)、apparent (显然的)、bare (光秃秃的;刚刚够的)都不符合句意,为错误选项。

70. 答案为B)。care about为固定搭配,意为:在意,关心。concern可以作及物动词,表示

“有关于”的意思,也可以用在be concerned about/with的结构中,表示“关心、关于”的意思。consider (考虑)和evaluate (评估)都是及物动词,后不接介词。

71. 答案为B)。这题考察的是考生对四个短语的词义辨析。run out的意思是“用完”,和句

子中的spend a lot of money保持一致,为正确答案。work out (弄懂;想出)、figure out (想出;理解)和break out (爆发)均不符合句意,为错误选项。

72. 答案为C)。从句意来看,每个人都必须有两套职业装,因此at least (至少)为正确答案。

at length (详细的;详尽的)、at any rate (无论如何)和at best (充其量)均不符合句意。 73. 答案为A)。depending on是固定搭配,意为“视??情况而定”。rely和count虽然可以

与介词on,都有“依靠”的意思,但不能用在relying on或counting on的结构中,充当状语,因此为错误选项。

74. 答案为D)。这题考察的是连词的用法。unless相当于if not,意为“除非”;since可以表


75. 答案为C)。从句意来看,此处应填入具有“来源、资源”等词义的词,resources符合句

意,为正确答案。outcomes (结果)、issues (问题;争论点)和difficulties (问题)均不符合句意。

Section B

76. remembered turning off the light

77. in spite of/despite the doctor’s warning over and again 78. must have been to Europe 79. was too excited to fall asleep

80. getting used to/adapting to the new environment

Part IV Writing Sample

The Energy Problem

Energy is one of the biggest problems that have aroused wide concern among the public. Many far-sighted scholars and scientists have pointed out that our natural resources are very limited. If we keep consuming our resources at the present rate, the world will soon be on the verge of a serious energy crisis threatening mankind’s survival. So from now on, we will have to make serious and continuous efforts to practice economy in using energy and cut down on waste of any form so as to slow down the present drain on our limited resources. Otherwise, we will leave our descendants a devastated world and a vast stretch of wasteland.

But this is not all the answer. The best way to keep human beings far away from the energy crisis is to develop new sources of energy. It is obvious that even if we save much energy by using it in a controlled way, our natural resources, however abundant, will run out eventually. And when they are gone they are gone forever, for resources cannot reproduce themselves. To find new supplies in unexplored areas seems to be the only way out or our predicament.

Tapescript (听力文字稿) Section A

1. W: How long can I keep the book?

M: Six weeks. You can renew it if you need if for a longer time. Q: What is the possible relationship between the speakers?

2. W: It looks like the economics course is going to be a lot of work. M: Didn’t you see the reading list is enormous? Q: What did they think of the economics course? 3. W: May I borrow your electronic dictionary?

M: Yes, but be sure to turn it off between each problem so the battery doesn’t run out. Q: What does the man imply?

4. W: Do you think Tom will run for the chairperson of the Student Union? M: I imagine it’s just a question of time. Q: What does the man think about Tom?

5. W: How about going to dinner and a movie with me tonight, Antonia? M: I’d love to, but I haven’t packed well yet, and my flight leaves at five. Q: Why didn’t Antonia accept the invitation?

6. W: The air conditioner in my room is broken and I can’t work. M: Why not go to the library? Q: What does the man suggest?

7. W: May I ask where Nike Store is located?

M: Of course. Just keep walking down for another 3 blocks and it’ll be on your right just between the post office and the theater.

Q: Where does the conversation take place? 8.W: Let’s take a taxi to the party tonight. M: Can’t we drive the car?

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

9. W: This movie is one of the best I’ve ever seen on American history. Don’t you agree? M: Most definitely. I couldn’t agree more. Q: What does the conversation imply?

10. W: If I were you I’d live in the city instead of going to work by train. M: But the country is so beautiful in spring and fall. Q: Where does the man prefer to live?

Section B Passage One

When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time. A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down! Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. Which of the following statements is true about Big Ben? 12. How has Big Ben maintained accuracy?

13. Why did Big Ben once fail to give the correct time once?

Passage Two

Mr. Lewis was a dance teacher. He was a nice man and always had a lot of students who used to come to his classes every week. One year he moved to a new town, and was soon teaching a lot of students in the dance school there, but then he decided to move again to a big city where he would have more work.

When one of the ladies who regularly came to his classes heard that he was going to leave, she said to him, “The teacher who takes your place won’t be as good as you are.”

Mr. Lewis was happy when he heard this, but he said, “Oh, no! I’m sure he’ll be as good as I am --- or even better.”

The lady said, “No, five teachers have come and gone while I’ve been here, and each new one was worse than the last.”

Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. Why did Mr. Lewis decide to move again to a big city? 15. According to the woman, which teacher was the best?

16. How must Mr. Lewis have felt when he heard the woman’s remark on the five teachers?

Passage Three

Pat Hogan was traveling around the country in the car. One evening he was driving along a road and looking for a small hotel when he saw an old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, “I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?” “Yes”, the old man answered, “I’ll show you the way.”

He got into Pat’s car, and they drove for about twelve miles. When they came to a small house, the old man said, “Stop here.”

Pat stopped and looked at the house. “But this isn’t a hotel,” he said to the old man.

“No”, the old man answered, “this is my house. And now I’ll show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and got back nine miles. Then you’ll see the Sun Hotel on the left.” Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. What was Pat doing that evening? 18. Why did Pat stop his car on the road?

19. Why didn’t the old man stop Pat when they passed the hotel?

20. How far away was the hotel when Pat stopped the old man to ask the way?

Section C

Gold has long been valued, not only for its beauty, but also for its resistance to chemical reactions, and for its electrical qualities. But some people have always valued gold most as an investment, even without any guarantee of growth in its value.

For years, gold prices fell. Now gold is in the news because prices have risen to their highest levels since the early 1980s. Gold is trading above 500 dollars a troy ounce, about 31 grams.

There seems to be no simple explanation for the increase in gold prices. Experts say investments in precious metals have increased in general. This is true even without the economic warning signs that have traditionally led many investors to buy gold. In any case, the common belief in the security of gold has a long history. From 1900 to 1933, United States money was fully based on gold. In fact, under the gold standard, anyone who wanted could exchange paper money for gold coins.

But President Franklin Roosevelt and Congress began to cut the link between gold and money. All United States money, paper or metal, became acceptable as payment for all debts, public and private. In 1934, the Gold Reserve Act made it illegal to use gold as a form of currency within the United States. But the gold standard remained important to international trade. Today, gold remains important to the wealth of nations. But money supplies and gold supplies no longer have the relationship they had in the past.

He got into Pat’s car, and they drove for about twelve miles. When they came to a small house, the old man said, “Stop here.”

Pat stopped and looked at the house. “But this isn’t a hotel,” he said to the old man.

“No”, the old man answered, “this is my house. And now I’ll show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and got back nine miles. Then you’ll see the Sun Hotel on the left.” Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. What was Pat doing that evening? 18. Why did Pat stop his car on the road?

19. Why didn’t the old man stop Pat when they passed the hotel?

20. How far away was the hotel when Pat stopped the old man to ask the way?

Section C

Gold has long been valued, not only for its beauty, but also for its resistance to chemical reactions, and for its electrical qualities. But some people have always valued gold most as an investment, even without any guarantee of growth in its value.

For years, gold prices fell. Now gold is in the news because prices have risen to their highest levels since the early 1980s. Gold is trading above 500 dollars a troy ounce, about 31 grams.

There seems to be no simple explanation for the increase in gold prices. Experts say investments in precious metals have increased in general. This is true even without the economic warning signs that have traditionally led many investors to buy gold. In any case, the common belief in the security of gold has a long history. From 1900 to 1933, United States money was fully based on gold. In fact, under the gold standard, anyone who wanted could exchange paper money for gold coins.

But President Franklin Roosevelt and Congress began to cut the link between gold and money. All United States money, paper or metal, became acceptable as payment for all debts, public and private. In 1934, the Gold Reserve Act made it illegal to use gold as a form of currency within the United States. But the gold standard remained important to international trade. Today, gold remains important to the wealth of nations. But money supplies and gold supplies no longer have the relationship they had in the past.

