新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课后习题答案完整版UNIT 6

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Listen and Respond

Task One Focusing on the Main Ideas Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements according to the information contained in the listening passage.

1) According to the speaker, happiness ________.

A) is not easily obtained by poor people

B) is what movie stars are most eager to obtain

C) does not naturally follow wealth or success

D) necessarily results from wealth or success

2) According to the speaker, happiness lies in the following EXCEPT ________.

A) wealth obtained through honest effort

B) wealth obtained by winning lotteries

C) your contribution to others’ happiness

D) your successful work

3) Instead of being an end, happiness is a(n) ________.

A) beginning

B) process

C) unattainable goal

D) business of the community

4) The passage is mainly about ________.

A) the secret to happiness

B) the definition of happiness

C) the misunderstanding of happiness

D) the relationship between happiness and wealth

Task Two Zooming In on the Details Listen to the recording again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard.

1) The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell .

2) If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means , you will not be happy with it. You will think you are a mean person.

3) Long-term happiness is based on honesty , and productive work, contribution, and self-esteem.

4) If your happiness depends on external circumstances , you will always feel unfulfilled because there will always be something missing .

Read and Explore

Task One Discovering the Main Ideas 1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.

1) Why did the author bring the news story about Ted Turner to Morrie? Because he wondered how Morrie would react to Ted Turner’s failure in

―snatching up the CBS network‖. At the same time he wanted to know if Ted Turner would still lament his failure if he were stricken down by the same terminal disease as Morrie was suffering from.

2) What problem did Morrie think Ted Turner actually had?

His problem was a typical one that Americans all have: Americans tend to value the wrong things.

3) Who paid a visit to Morrie the night before? And how did he feel about it?

A local acappela group came to visit him. He showed an intense interest in their musical performance and felt excited.

4) What did material things mean to Morrie?

They held little or no significance to him, especially at a time when he knew his days were numbered. He seemed to know the expression ―You can’t take it with you‖ a long time ago.

5) According to Morrie, what are Americans brainwashed into believing? What do they expect from material things?

They are brainwashed into believing that it is good to own things. Actually, they are hungry for gentleness, tenderness or for a sense of comradeship and, therefore, they desperately seek after material things as substitutes.

6) Does the author think that Morrie was rich? Why or why not?

Morrie was far from better off in material things, but he was wealthy in spiritual ways. For years, Morrie hadn’t bought anything new — except medical

equipment. And his bank account was rapidly depleting. But he was rich in love, friendship, caring and he derived plenty of satisfaction and gratification from teaching, communication, and such simple pleasures as singing, laughing, and dancing.

7) What did Morrie suggest that we should do to find a meaningful life?

He advised us to devote ourselves to loving others, to our community around us, and to creating something that gives us purpose and meaning. In other words, if we want to find a meaningful life, we should be ourselves and never show off either for people at the top or for people at the bottom. Instead, we should be kind and candid and ready to offer others what we have to give. 2 Text A can be divided into four parts, with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.

Part Paragraph(s) Main Idea

One 1–3 The author brought Ted Turner’s news story to Morrie for his opinion.

Two 4–9 Morrie explained that Ted Turner’s problem was caused by the endlessly repeated stress on the significance of material things.

Three 10–14 In order to get happiness, people are trying to substitute material things for love or tenderness, and they fail to distinguish what they want from what they really need in life.

Four 15–30 The way to get satisfaction is to offer with an open heart to others what you have to give: devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

Task Two Reading Between the Lines Read the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say by the italicised parts.

1) The night before, he had been entertained by a local acappella group that had come to the house to perform, and he relayed the story excitedly, as if the Ink Spots themselves had dropped by for a visit. (Para.5)

What Morrie really cared about was spiritual gratification. Even the

performance of the local acappella group, whose performance was by no

means professional, could give him as much excitement and gratification as the famous Ink Spots would have.

2) He would listen to opera sometimes at night, closing his eyes, riding along with the magnificent voices as they dipped and soared. (Para. 5)

Sometimes at night he would indulge himself in listening to opera, feeling intoxicated and gratified. Though he was not rich in material things and was suffering from an incurable disease, he spent each day happily.

3) The average person is so fogged up by all this, he has no perspective on what s really important anymore. (Para. 8)

As the average person has been brainwashed into believing that material things alone could bring happiness, he or she has lost the ability to think about and decide what is really important in life.

4) And then they wanted to tell you about it. Guess what I got? Guess what I got? (Para. 9)

The repetition of ―Guess what I got?‖ shows the speaker’s uncontrollable excitement and gratification at gobbling up something new.

5) Only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone. (Para. 23)

If you want to be accepted equally and respectably by people both at the top and at the bottom, you must be open-hearted instead of showing off your social status. In other words, you must be yourself, feel free in expressing your real thoughts, opinions, and feelings, be candid and ready to offer others what you have to give.

Checking Your Vocabulary

Word Detective 1 Put down the right word from Text B in the space provided according to the given definition. The first letter of each word is already given.

Example: incredibly: extremely; in a way that is hard to believe

1) diminish: cause to become or seem smaller

2) temporary: lasting only for a limited time

3) inform: give information or knowledge to

4) truthful: (of a person) who habitually tells the truth

5) rewarding: (of an experience or action) worth doing or having

6) scale: a set of numbers or standards for measuring or comparing

7) cultivate: improve or develop (esp. the mind, a feeling, etc.) by careful attention, training, or study

2 Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from Text B. Both the explanation and the number of the paragraph in which the target

word or phrase appears are given in brackets. Be sure to use the proper form.

Example: He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life.

(a way of behaving, living, operating, etc.: Para. 2)

1) Sometimes you may fail even though you’ve tried hard — it’s a fact of life . (sth. that exists and that cannot easily be changed: Para. 1)

2) My shoes wear out easily since I like jogging at dusk every day.

(be reduced to a useless state by long use: Para. 2)

3) He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.

(except: Para. 6)

4) I’m not sure what her job is, but it has something to do with marketing. (have some connection with: Para. 7)

5) The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every day. (exercise to improve physical fitness: Para. 7)

6) The salary they’re offering is very attractive , but I still don’t want the job. (causing interest or pleasure: Para. 7)

7) At school Trudy always excelled in languages but didn’t do well enough in mathematics.

(be the best or better than: Para. 7)

8) He has found contentment at last — he now feels he’s the happiest man on earth.

(a feeling of happiness or satisfaction: Para. 9)

Checking Your Comprehension 1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text B.

1) How do we feel when we get something we really want?

We feel happy, but only for a short time. Over time, we get bored with the thing we’ve got.

2) What is the difference between material happiness and spiritual happiness? Material happiness is derived from our purchasing power while spiritual

happiness means something else altogether, like good friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and a satisfying job. Such things bring us contentment that lasts and has meaning.

3) What is the philosophy of the author’s friend?

His philosophy is: No matter how much money you make, you always want more. So, one should break free from this cycle and find time to do what he wants.

4) What are the ―scales‖ by which we can measure wealth according to the author?

The author lists seven ―scales‖ by which we can measure wealth: friends, health, strength, family, knowledge, skill and character.

5) What is special about those different types of wealth that is not measured in dollars?

They are not taxed.

6) What can bring you lasting and meaningful happiness?

They are good friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and a job you truly enjoy. All these things can bring us lasting and meaningful happiness.

7) How can we find lasting happiness?

Take a look at the world around you and think about what it is that you enjoy and what makes you truly happy.

2 Read the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say in the following sentences.

1) Excellence has its own rewards. (Para. 7)

If you excel in the skill you practice daily, you will get a sense of achievement and pride, which will bring you lasting happiness.

2) Presumably, knowledge is the one thing you might be able to take with you to Heaven. (Para. 8)

If money or anything else has brought you some happiness in life, you have to give it up when you die. But it is not true of knowledge, because the

contentment and happiness that knowledge brings might be with you forever even when you die.

3) These things are often quite beyond the simple-minded teenagers, but as you mature these things become more important. (Para. 9)

We only appreciate such things when we are older, and not as thoughtless teenagers.

4) Think about what it is that you enjoy and what makes you truly happy. (Para. 10)

Try to find out what really makes your life enjoyable and meaningful. Then you will understand what is most important in life and what is meant by happiness.

5) Man does not live by bread alone. (Para. 10)

Material happiness is not the only happiness we need. We should have spiritual happiness as well.

Enhance Your Language Awareness

Words in Action

Working with Words and Expressions 1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.

Text A envious extravagant interpret purchase snatch soar substitute trivial Text B attractive cultivate inform scale spiritual temporary

1) — I regret to inform you that there’s nothing we can do to help you. — But I think you should have told us earlier.

2) How envious I am that he can attain whatever he desires while I can’t.

3) She’s not beautiful, but I find her very attractive because she seems so full of life and fun.

4) He snatched the photos from my hand before I had a chance to look at them.

5) I prefer to take a bus rather than drive to work since the price of petrol is soaring .

6) It’s difficult for us to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.

7) Smith wasn’t at his best; therefore, he was substituted in the second half of the match.

8) Our friendship is strictly spiritual ; we never seek material benefits from each other.

9) All details concerning the event are to be taken into consideration and nothing will be regarded as trivial .

10) The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient’s blindness was temporary and he’d be able to see again after some treatment.

11) I want a thermometer that has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit (华氏温度)and the other in Centigrade.

12) The teachers in the training center are making great efforts to cultivate in their students the habit of speaking English.

13) She wanted to buy those two expensive dresses, but I said it would be too extravagant to buy both of them.

14) My parents offered me an amount of money adequate to purchase an apartment, but I’ve decided to buy one myself.

2 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.

Text A cross off cry over drop by look down on on the contrary show off Text B fact of life have a clear conscience have a great deal to do with other than wear out work out

1) — You always look fit. How do you manage it?

— I work out in the gym two hours every day.

2) You didn’t do anything wrong. You should have a clear conscience .

3) We missed the last bus; so there was no choice other than to walk home.

4) Whether you accept it or not, we must all die some day: it’s just a fact of life .

5) — Didn’t you find the film exciting?

— On the contrary , I nearly fell asleep half way through it!

6) I still cried over his misfortune and prayed for him even though he’d hurt me so deeply.

7) The old lady lives alone; some of her nephews drop by to see her occasionally.

8) Last night Robin didn’t walk but drove to the pub in order to show off his new car.

9) No one should be looked down on because of his origin, appearance or education.

10) She wrote down all the things she planned to do and crossed them off one by one after she did them.

11) His old radio finally wore out and it was beyond repair. The poor old man had to go without it.

12) Naturally, people do not like being kept in the dark about anything that has a great deal to do with themselves.

Increasing Your Word Power

1 Find the preposition from Column B that best matches each adjective in Column A, paying attention to the be+adj.+prep.

collocation. Some of the prepositions can be used more than once. Column A Column B

1) be fearful of a. for

2) be free from/of b. from

3) be honest with c. in

4) be hungry for d. of

5) be intent on/upon e. on

6) be keen on f. to

7) be overwhelmed with g. upon

8) be remindful of h. with

9) be rich in

10) be envious of

Now fill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper collocation you ve just formed. The verb “be” has already been filled in for you.

1) I’m so envious of you getting an extra day’s holiday!

2) He was so intent upon/on his work that he didn’t notice the night had fallen.

3) The country is quite rich in oil but rather short of water.

4) My roommates want to have a party for my birthday, but I’m not keen on the idea.

5) After two years of hard work, the family was finally free from/of debts.

6) Being fearful of running into that mad man, Emily didn’t take her usual way to the company.

7) To be honest with you, I don’t like his casual style of speaking. It was not appropriate for the occasion.

8) After reading the advertisement, she immediately logged on to the e-store to order the product she had been hungry for .

9) He has kept the broken typewriter on his desk for years, because it is remindful of the days when he was striving to have his first novel published.

10) When I started my office job, I was completely overwhelmed with the paperwork: filling in forms, writing emails, minutes (会议记录) and reports for the department. What a load!

2 The suffixes -ee, -eer, -ese and -ess are used to form nouns. Study the box below and form words by adding -ee, -eer, -ese and -ess to the words given.


someone who is being treated in a particular way e.g.

payee 收款人,领款人

someone who is in a particular state or who is doing something e.g. absentee 缺席者

escapee 逃跑者,逃犯


someone who does or makes a particular thing e.g.

auctioneer 拍卖商,拍卖人


the people or language of a particular country or place e.g.

Chinese 中国人;汉语

Viennese 维也纳(市)的;维也纳(市)的人

-ess a female e.g.

lioness 母狮子

Now do the following exercise according to the example given below. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

Example: employ → employee 雇员

1) act → actress 女演员

2) mountain → mountaineer 登山运动员

3) profit → profiteer 牟取暴利者,投机商人

4) refuge → refugee 避难者,难民

5) Vietnam → Vietnamese 越南人;越南语

6) train → trainee 受训者,实习生

7) address → addressee 收件人,收信人

Now complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have just formed, using the plural form where necessary.

1) No one at the office could figure out the addressee of the letter, because of the illegible (难以辨认的) handwriting.

2) The mountaineer had a leg broken while climbing a cliff and was hospitalized for a month.

3) To their greatest amazement, the best film award went to a film featuring (由…主演) an unknown actress .

4) In the field work (实习), the trainees will learn skills that are most valued in our company, such as teamwork and communication skills.

