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目 录

第一部份 第一节 第二节 第三节

第二部份 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节 第五节 第六节 第七节 第八节 第九节 第十节

第三部份 第四部份 第五部份 语法概论

词类………………………………………………………………….….2 句子……………………………………………………………..……….3 从句…………………………………………………………………..…. 3


名词……………………………………………………………………….4 冠词…………………………………………………………………….….7 代词…………………………………………………………….….……. 10 数词………………………………………………………….………….. 15 介词……………………………………………………………………….17 连词…………………………………………………………………….….20 形容词和副词……………………………………………………………. 24 情态动词……………………………………………………………….….27 动词时态……………………………………………………………….….29 动词语态…………………………………………………………….…….36

句子种类……………………………………………………………..…. 38 主从复合句………………………………………………………..…….43 直接引语与间接引语……………………………………………….….46

第一部份 语法概论


第一节 词 类

1、 词的分类


词类 名词 代词 动词 副词 形容词 数词 冠词 介词 连词 感叹词 2、词类关系






第二节 句 子

1、 句子分类

noun Pronoun verb adverb adjective numeral article preposition conjunction interjection 英语名称 n. pron. v. adv. Adj. num. art. prep. conj. int. 缩写形式

例词 Paper, bike They, everyone Play, learn Often, quite Great, long nine, first a(an),the in, on but, though oh, aha


句 子 结 构 句 子 功 能 疑问句 主从复合句 简单句 Tom usually plays football in afternoon 汤姆经常下午踢足球。 He is tall but I am short. 他高可是我矮。 It is obvious that he did that thing. 他显然做了件事。 She has not had her lunch. 她还没吃早餐。 Can you give me a piece of paper? 你能给我一张纸吗? Let’s go swimming. 让我去游泳吧。 What an interesting story it is. 多么有趣的故事啊! 并例句 陈述句 祈使句 感叹句 2、句子成分 英语的句子成分可由单词、词组或从句构成,具体划分与汉语相差较大,需特别注意。 (1) 主语(The Subject) (2) 谓语(The Predicate) (3) 宾语(The Object) (4) 补语(The Complement) (5) 表语(The Predicative) (6) 定语 (The Attribute) (7) 状语(The Adverbial)

第三节 从 句


分 类 主语从句 例 句 Whether he’s coming or not doesn’t matter too much. 他是否来无关紧要。 That is what he meant. 这是他的意思。 She asked me which I like best. 她问我喜欢哪一个。 表语从句 宾语从句

定语从句 The letter which I received yesterday was from my mother. 昨天我收的信是我的母亲来的。 We must hurry off lest we should miss the train. 我们是赶快走了,以免误了火车。 The fact that you told a lie is unforgiveable. 你撒谎这一事实不可原谅。 第二部份 基础知识

状语从句 同位语从句 第一节 名 词

名词是表示人或物名称的词,它分为专有名词和普通名词两大类。具体情况见下表: 普通名词(common noun) 个体名词 如:student, computer 集体名词 如:物质名词 抽象名词 : 专有名词 如:China, Li Hua, London team, 如:water, milk 如energy(精力) information, anger family, class 一般可数,有单复数形式 一、可 数 名 词 1.可数名词复数规则变化 A)名词直接加s变复数;

一般不可数,没有单复数形式 B)以s, x, sh, o结尾的单词加es变复数;如bus, watch, fish, tomato, potato等。 注意:zoo, radio, photo直接加s变复数。

C)辅音字母+y结尾的单词,把y改为i再加es;如baby, factory, library等。 D)以f或fe结尾,去掉f或fe,变v再加es;如knife, wife, leaf, life, shelf等。 2. 可数名词复数不规则变化。 A)改变单数名词中的元音字母,如:

Foot→feet man→men tooth→teeth mouse→mice B)在词尾加 –en, 如:

Child→Children ox→oxen(公牛) 有少数名词是单复数同形,如: Sheep fish people


①单复数同形,如:Chinese, Japanese

②词尾加-s,如:German→Germans American→Americans Roman→Romans ③变-man为 –men,如:Englishman→Englishmen D)复合名词的复数变化:

① 变中心词,如:A son-in-law → sons-in-law ②在最后加-s,如:a grow-up→a grow ups.

③前后名词都变,如:woman-doctor→women doctors

④boy/girl在前时,变后面的词,如:a boy-student→boy students 二、不 可 数 名 词


1. 物质名词和抽象名词借助单位词表示一定的数量,如:

A cup of tea a sheet of paper a loaf of bread a piece of advice 2. 有些物质名词和抽象名词变为复数后意义有所不同,如:

air→airs神气 good→goods商品 paper→papers考卷 time→times时代 三、常用国籍的单、复数

名称 总称(谓语用复数) 一个人 二个人 中国人 the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese 日本人 the Japanese a Japanese two Japanese 法国人 the French a Frenchman two Frenchmen 英国人 the English an Englishman two Englishmen 澳大利亚人 the Australians an Australian two Australians 俄国人 the Russians a Russian two Russians 美国人 the Americans an American two Americans 德国人 the Germans a German two Germans 归纳记忆:中国人和日本人单复数相同,英国人和法国人把a改为e, 其余的在后面加- s。 四、名词所有格

A)名词所有格用于人或动物的名词词尾,以及表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词后。Tom’s pens, Lucy and Lily’s room( 共同所有 ), Lily’s and Lucy’s room( 各自所有 ), Children’s Day, twenty minutes’ walk, Guangzhou’s building.

B)当表示两个或几个人共同所有的人或物时,只在最后一个人或物后加’s。 C)of所有格(名词+ of+名词):常用来表示无生命的名词所有关系。如: The windows of the house the photo of the family a plan of Jim’s D)有些名词如诊所、家、店铺所有格后加’s后,可以省去名词。如: The doctor’s (医生诊所) at White’s (在怀特先生家) the book-seller’s(书店) 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. September 10 is ______ Day.

A. Teacher’s B. Teachers’ C. the teachers’ D. the teacher’s ( ) 2. Every morning he takes a ______ to his office. A. 20 minutes walk B. 20-minute’s walk

C. 20 minutes’ walk D. 20-minute walk

( ) 3. There is only one ______ doctor and three ______ nurses here.

A. man; woman B. man; women C. men; woman D. men; women ( ) 4. How many ______ are there in those______?

A. tomatos; photos B. tomatoes; photos C. tomatoes; photo D. tomato; photos ( ) 5. Have you seen ______ at the foot of the hill?

A. any sheep B. some sheeps C. any sheeps D. some sheep ( ) 6. I am thirsty. Would you bring me ______, please?

A. some bread B. some water C. some cakes D. some eggs ( ) 7. If these ______ are too big, buy a smaller pair.

A. trouser B. trousers C. trouseres D. trouserses ( ) 8. This pair of shoes ______ much.

A. cost B. costs C. costes D. costed ( ) 9. The news ______ for my father.

A. were B. are C. be D. is

( ) 10. What ______ bad weather today! A. an B. a C. the D. /

( ) 11. My English teacher gave us ______.

A. a advice B. an advice C. some advice D. some advices

( ) 12. There is so _______ milk in the glass.

A. much B. many C. lot of D. few ( ) 13. Mr. King is a friend of ______.

A. Mr. Wang’s B. Mr. Wangs C. the Wangs D. Mr. Wang ( ) 14. He often gives us ______ by e-mail.

A. a good information B. some informations C. some good information D. some good informations ( ) 15. ______ work has been done today.

A. A great deal of B. A lot C. Many D. A large number of

第二节 冠 词


① 不定冠词的用法



Li Ping has an apple in her hand. 李平手里拿着一个苹果。 There are twelve months in a year. 一年有十二个月。

B)冠词用a在以辅音开始的名词或名词词组之前,而冠词an则用在以元音开始的名词或名词词组之前,如: a photo, a king, an example, an English class.

注意:上面讲的冠词an在以元音开始的名词或名词词组之前,指的是―元音‖而不是―元音字母‖,因此以元音字母u开始的名词之前只能用a而不用an(字母u的发音是 /ju:/,它的第一个音素 /j/ 是辅音而不是元音)。有些词虽然不是以元音字母开始,但如果它的第一个音是元音音素则用不定冠词an,关键是以发音为准。如:a university, an hour等。 C)一些固定搭配必须带不定冠词a,如:

have a walk 散步 have a meeting开会 have a look 看一下 have a rest休息一下 have a talk谈心 have a party举行晚会 a lot of 许多 a piece of 一片的 a pair of 一双的

a bottle of 一瓶的 a cup of一茶杯的 a glass of 一水杯的 a box of一箱的 have a fever发烧 have a headache头疼 have a good time过得快活

② 定冠词的用法

定冠词the有this, that, these, those等意义,用于单数名词或复数名词前。主要用来特指。使一个或几个事物区别于所有其他同名的事物。

1. 定冠词特指某(些)人或某(些)事物,以区别于同类中其他的人或事物。

Is this the book you are looking for? 这是你要找的书吗? 2. 定冠词用来指上文中已提到过的人或事物。

I saw a film yesterday. The film was ended at eight o’clock. 我昨天看了一场电影。电影八点钟结束的。

3. 定冠词用于表示世界上独一无二的事物或用于自然界现象或方位名词之前。

the sun/ the moon/ the earth/ the sky/ the world/ the winter night the sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大。 4. 定冠词与单数名词连用,表示毫米一类人或物。

The dog is not too dangerous.狗不太危险。

5. 定冠词与某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,表示某一类人。

the rich 富人 the poor 穷人 the young 年轻人 the sick 病人 the new 新和事物 the right 正确的东西 the true 真的东西 the beautiful 美的东西 6. 用在序数词,形容词最高级的表示方位的名词前。

This is the most interesting book on my hand. 这是我手中最有趣的一本书。 7. 定冠词用在演奏乐器的名称的文艺活动,运动场所的名称前。

The are going to the cinema tonight. 他们今晚要去影院看电影。 8. 定冠词用在江河,海洋,山脉,群岛的名称之前。

The Changjiang River is the biggest one in China.长江是中国最大的河。 9. 定冠词用有姓名复数之前,表示一家人。

The Greens are very kind to us. 格林一家人待我们很好。

③ 不定冠词(零冠词)的场合

1. 在交通工具、学科名称的名词前不加冠词,如:

By plane by boat Chinese American history 2. 在节日、假日、星期、月份、季节等名词前不加冠词,如:

National Day Monday spring October

3. 在一日三餐、体育类等名词前不加冠词,如:

He prefers milk and egg for breakfast. 他宁可早餐吃鸡蛋,喝牛奶。 I cooked some noodles for supper. 我晚餐煮了一些面条。 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Is Canada ______ English speaking country?

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. Canada is ______ English speaking country?

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 3. I can see a little white sheep in the field. ______ sheep is Nancy’s. A. A B. The C. An D. / ( ) 4. That is ______ useful book.

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 5. There is ______ ―s‖ in the word ―bus‖.

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 6. My brother is _____ driver.

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 7. ______ elephant is much heavier than a horse. A. A B. An C. The D. /

( ) 8. When he was in trouble yesterday, _____ young man gave him a hand. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 9. He ran at two kilometers ______ hour.

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 10. The boy on ______ bike is Jim.

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 11. The Yellow River is ______ second longest river in China. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( ) 12. ______ moon goes round ______ earth, and ______ earth goes round ______ sun. A. A; a; a; a B. An; an; an; an C. The; the; the; the D. /; /; /; / ( ) 13. There is ______ egg on the plate. ______ egg is for you. A. a; A B. an; An C. an; The C. an; An

( ) 14. One morning he found a bag. There was ______ ―s‖ on the corner of _______bag.

A. a; a B. a; the C. an; a D. an; the ( ) 15. People often go swimming in _______ summer. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( ) 16.----Is there ______ map of China on the wall?

----Yes, there is.

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 17. ----Have you had ______lunch yet.

----No, not yet.

A. / B. a C. the D. an ( ) 18. _______apple on the table is Wei Fang’s.

A. An B. A C. / D. The

( ) 19. What can you see by the lake? I can see _______old man sitting on the chair. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 20. ______September is Teachers’ Day.

A. The ten B. The tenth C. The ten’s D. Ten

第 三 节 代 词

① 代词的分类


名称 主格 人称你词 I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they 单词 宾格 Me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them 形容词性 物主代词 单数:My, your, his, her, its 复数:our, your, their 反身代词 指示代词 疑问代词 名词性 单数:Mine, yours, his, hers, its, 复数:Ours, yours, theirs. 单数:myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself 复数:ourselves, yourselves, themselves this, that, these, those, such Who, whom, whose, which, what

1. Rose has ___________( 三只 ) dogs.

2. There are _________( 十五个 ) windows in that buildings. 3. The fish cost about _________(十一 ) yuan.

4. We are going to study ________(第九) lesson tomorrow. 5. Lesson ________(九) is very difficult.

6. There are _______ ( 四十三 ) classes in our school.

7. We have learned ___________________( 六百五十四) English words. 8. Who is the girl in the ____________(第二 ) row.

9. There are ____________ (成千上万) of people in the street. 10. He bought __________________ (二百) stamps last week. 二、单项选择。

( ) 1. Hun Mei and Lucy are good friends. They are in __________.

A. Class Three B. Three Class B. Class Third D. Third class ( ) 2. ----How far is it, please? ----It’s about _________ away. A. hundred of metres B. a hundred of metres

C. hundreds of metres D. hundreds of metre

( ) 3. Peter often gets up at ___________. A. half past six B. half past five

C. a quarter to six D. a quarter to five

( ) 4. Sam said we would meet at ______ in front of the museum.

A. one thirty B. half an hour C. one and thirty D. one past half ( ) 5. _______of the students are girls in our class.

A. Two three B. Two threes C. Two thirds D. Second three ( ) 6. About _________ of the workers in the clothes factory are women. A. third fifths B. third fifth C. three fifths D. three fifth ( ) 7. He’s been a soldier for nearly____________.

A. half and two years B. two and half year C. two years and a half D. two years and half a year ( ) 8. The building is more than _______ high.

A. 20-metre B. 20-metres C. 20 metres D. 20 metre ( ) 9. In ________ Marx began to learn Russian.

A. 1870 B. 1870s C. the year of 1870 D. the 1870’s

( ) 10. When Mr. Lin was _______, he became a famous writer. A. on his thirties B. in his thirties

C. in the twenty D. in his twenty

第 五 节 介 词

介词是虚词,不能单独做句子的成分,其后面一般有名词、代词(宾格)或相当于名词的其他词类、短语做它的宾语。介词与动词、名词、形容词常有比较固定的搭配。 一、介词的种类

1. 简单介词:at, in, off, on, about, under, of, over, past, after, before 2. 合成介词:into, inside, onto, without, outside

3. 短语介词:according to, because of, in front of, out of, instead of 二、下面是部份常用介词的用法:

● 表示时间时: at强调 ―点钟‖, on强调 ―日‖和 ―某日的早、中、晚―,in强调 ―段‖,与表示月份、季节、年等词连用。

例:He left home on a cold winter evening.

We came to Guangzhou in July, 1992. She got up at six o’clock this morning.

●表示在一段时间之后时,―in+时间段‖用于将来时,―after+时间段‖用于过去时。 例:He will be back in two weeks.

She went shopping after his supper.

●表示―直到…‖或表示―…才‖时,用―till(until)+时间点‖。Not…until是―直到…才…‖。 例:He didn’t go to bed until he finished his homework.

●―During+时间段‖是表示―在…期间‖,而―by+时间点‖表示―到…为止‖,―在…之前‖ 例:My daughter wants him to give her some work to do during the holiday. ●表示―延缓的一段时间‖,用for+时间段,表示将来时间,而since+过去的时间点。 例:He has been in Guangzhou in 1995.

●表地点时,at表示在―范围较小的地方‖,强调―点‖; in表示―范围较大的地方‖,强调―空间‖或―范围‖。

例:—When did your father arrive in China?

—He got to Shenzhen on the morning of the 4th of April.

●―across+表面‖表示―横过‖;―through+空间‖表示―穿过‖; over表示从上面―越过‖ 例:The bird is flying through the window.

●表示―之间‖时,between表示―在两者之间‖,而among表示―三者或三者以上之中‖。 ●在与方位名词‖east, west, south, north‖连用时, ―on‖强调―接邻‖;― in‖表示―在内部‖, 而―to‖则表示―在外部‖

例:Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国东部。 ●表示―用‖时,―with+手段‖,―by+交通工具‖,―in+语言。

●―in+颜色‖如:in red, in a blue shirt‖, ―on+电器‖,如on TV, on the internet, on the telephone. ●to, of, for, with接人称代词,表示不同意义,to强调方位转移,of本身,for为,with和。 ●above表示―高出,在……之上(位置)‖,―以上,超过,高于(数量、年龄等)。 常用的介词短语:

★带about的短语:talk about(谈论,议论,讨论), throw about(到处扔), think about(考虑, 回想), worry about(担心), what about…(怎样)?, be excited about(对某事感到兴奋)。

★带with的短语:talk with(与...交谈,想说服), agree with(同意), quarrel with(跟...吵架, 不同意) come up with(赶上, 提出), help…With(帮助某人), catch up with(赶上, 逮捕, 处罚), be angry with(对某人生气), be filled with(充满着), be fed up with(厌烦), be pleased with(对...喜欢, 满意于), get on well with(融洽相处)。

★带over的短语:go over(复习), all over(全部结束, 到处), trip over(绊倒), look over(从...上面看,察看,调查), come over(过来,抓住), turn…over(打翻,周转,移交给,翻阅)。

★带down的短语:sit down(坐下), get down (从...)下来, cut down(砍倒), turn down(向下折转), slow down (使)慢下来, shut down(关闭), fall down(倒下), come down(下来,病倒), write down(写下), up and down(上下地), put (something) down(放下某物)。 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. He will come ________ a week. A. in B. on C. at D. for ( ) 2. She often helps ________ our maths.

A. with B. on C. at D. in ( ) 3. The TV play have been on __________ two hours. A. for B. to C. in D. at

( ) 4. We usually begin to watch TV _______ seven________Sunday. A. in; in B. at; in C. in; on D. at; on ( ) 5. I’m glad to make friends _________you.

A. about B. for C. by D. with

( ) 6. Have you heard ________ your mother?

A. in B. with C. by D. from

( ) 7. What’s wrong _______you. A. with B. about C. for D. by ( ) 8. He will give us a report ________ the history of our town. A. in B. on C. at D. for

( ) 9. She is ______ her twenties. A. on B. at C. in D. for ( ) 10. Summer comes _______ spring.

A. before B. behind C. with D. after ( ) 11. Eating too much is bad _______your health. A. with B. to C. of D. for ( ) 12. There is a tall tree _______ the house.

A. on front of B. before C. after D. in front of ( ) 13. Can you write a letter ________ English?

A. with B. by C. at D. in ( ) 14. Thank you ________ giving me so much help.

A. for B. to C. on D. with ( ) 15. Would you like to go ________ a walk?

A. for B. to D. over D. about ( ) 16. When he was a boy, he was interested ________ science. A. in B. at C. with D. about ( ) 17. It’s foolish _____ you to give up what you should have. A. of B. with C. at D. to ( ) 18. Tomorrow morning we’ll leave _______Beijing. A. from B. to C. over D. for ( ) 19. Pay attention _______ your spelling.

A. for B. by C. of D. to ( ) 20. How do you go to work, _______foot or _______bus?

A. on; with B. with; on C. by; on D. on; by 二、用of, to, for, in填空。

1. They went into a shop ________ clothes. 2. Have you found the key ________ the room. 3. Here is a letter _______ you, Rose.

4. There is a hospital at the end _______ the road. 5. Please look at the notes _______ the text.

6. She asked me ―What’s homework _______ today? 7. It’s very kind ______ you to come here.

8. It’s quite good _______ you to go on morning swimming. 9. It seems impossible ______ me to finish such a job without help. 10. Which is the way _______ the post office?

第 六 节 连 词


子的作用。按其意义可分为并列连词和从属连词两大类: 种类 并列连词 功能 连接平行的词、词组及句子。 引导从句 连词 And, but, or, as well as, both…and, not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor.等。 That, if, whether, when, after, as soon as, since, now that, so that等。 从属连词 下面是关于从属连词的种类说明: ①引导时间状语从句的连词:as, when, whenever, while, before, after, till, until, as soon as… Example: The days get longer when spring comes.

②引导条件状语从句的连词:if, unless(除非), as/so long as, in case(万一)… Example: Please tell me if he is at home. We shall go there tomorrow unless it rains. In case I forget, please remind me about it.



Example: If you leave at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning, you’d better get to bed now. You can not leave until you have finished your homework.

③引导目的状语从句的连词:that, so that, in order that, lest=for fear that(唯恐, 以免), … Example: I shall write down your phone number that I may not forget. We will tell you the truth so that you can judge(判断) for yourself. ④引导结果状语从句的连词:so that, so…that, such…that, … 注意so…that和such…that的区别:

Example: It is such an interesting novel that all of us want to tread it.(such是形容词,后接名词)。

=It is so interesting novel that all of us want to read it.(so是副词,后接形容词或副词)。 ⑤引导原因状语从句的连词:because, as, since, now that,…

Example: I do not want to go because I am tired of any party. (be tired of厌烦) As he didn’t know much English, he looked up the word in the dictionary. 注意:①英语中because和so两者不能并用,二者只可用其一。

②because, for, since和as作为连词,都有―因为‖的意思,都可以用来作为一个动作或情况提供原因或理由,但它们从用法上是有区别的:


接明白地说明因果关系。因此,在回答why的提问时或原句的just, only, not…but all等副词强调原因时必须用because.




⑥引导让步状语从句的连词:though, although(虽然), even if(即使), even though(即使), while, whether…or, however, no matter how/what/who,…

Example: I will not trust you although you have told me the truth.

We were not tired though (although) we had worked all day.

注意:―虽然……但是‖是中文中常用的结构,但在英文中―虽然(though, although)‖―但是(but)‖两者不能并用,二者只可用其一。

⑦引导方式状语从句的连词:as, just as(正象), as if(好象), as though(好象...似的), the way(方式,意愿), …

Example: I was never allowed to do things the way I wanted to do them.他们从不让我按自


She looks as if she is ill. 看上去她好像是生病了。

⑧引导地点状语从句的连词:where, wherever, …

Example: Where there is water there is life. 哪里有水,哪里就有生命。

You are free to go wherever you like. 你可以随意到你喜欢的任何地方去。

⑨引导比较状语从句的连词:as…as…, not as/so…as, the same…as, such…as, … Example: Mary is as old as my sister. Mary和我姐姐一样大。 并列连词的种类: 1.并列连词and和or:

Example: We were singing and dancing all evening. 2.表示意思转折的连词:but, yet:

Example: I would like to come but I am so busy. 3.表示因果关系的连词:for, so, therefore: It rained, therefore the game was cancelled.


( ) 1. Our house is small, _______ it’s quite warm and clean. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 2. He didn’t go to school, ________ he was ill. A. for B. but C. and D. so

( ) 3. That was our first lesson, _______ she didn’t know all our names. A. for B. but C. so D. or ( ) 4. Work hard, ________ you’ll catch up with others.

A. or B. and C. but D. because

( ) 5. My grandfather could _______ read _______ write because he was too poor to go to

school in the old days.

A. either…or B. neither…nor C. both…and D. not only…but also ( ) 6. John told the shopkeeper that the shoes were _______ too big _______ too small. So

he couldn’t buy them.

A. neither; or B. either; nor C. not; not D. either; or ( ) 7. You should ______ help each other _______ learn from each other.

A. neither…nor B. not only…but also C. either…or D. both…and ( ) 8. I’ll give the note to her ______ she comes back.

A. until B. as soon as C. before D. since ( ) 9. _______ you eat bad food, you may be ill.

A. Before B. Why C. If D. Which

( ) 10. I’m ______ busy getting ready for Christmas ______ I have no time to write to you. A. not; until B. too; to C. so; that D. neither; nor

( ) 11. He knew nothing about the matter ______ Mary told him yesterday. A. because B. if C. until D. since ( ) 12. Mr. Read has taught in that small town ______ he left Canada in 1988. A. when B. after C. for D. since ( ) 13. He is listening to the music ______he is washing clothes. A. after B. before C. that D. while ( ) 14. ----Why did Li Ping borrow her a pencil? ----_______ his pen was broken.

A. Because B. When C. Until D. If ( ) 15. Can you tell me ______ the Red Star Hospital is?

A. what B. which C. where D. how ( ) 16. Alice wants to know _______ her grandma liked the present. A. that B. if C. which D. what ( ) 17. I don’t know _______ Jane was late for class this morning. A. who B. what C. whom D. why

( ) 18. Mr. Green asked me _______ I was going to speak at the meeting and I said ―Yes‖. A. how B. when C. whether D. why ( ) 19. My mother was cooking ______ I came in.

A. when B. what C. why D. where ( ) 20. ----Is that a boy swimming in the lake?

----I can’t find out ______ it’s a boy _______ a girl.

A. if; and B. that; and C. whether; or D. either; or

第 七 节 形 容 词 和 副 词


2.形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成。 ★单音节的在词尾加-er和-est。


★不规则及不双写字母。Little, well等常用形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的形式是不规则的,需要重点记。New, slow, few等词不双写w,因ow和ew是―字母组合音节‖,而不是


Good/well—better—best, bad/badly—worse—worst, many/much—more—most, little—less—least, far—farther/further—farthest/furthest, old—older/elder—oldest/eldest late—later/latter—latest/last.

3.形容词修饰复合不定代词Anybody, anyone, anything, somebody, someone, something, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, none, nothing时,应放在复合不定代词之后。 Example: Suddenly Lily came in and said he had something important to tell the class. 4.Enough放在后面。形容词作定语时,一般要放在修饰的名词前;但enough作副词时,它必须放在它所修饰的形容词或副词之后。

Example: I was not careful enough with the knife. I cut myself.

5.原级。Very, quite, enough后接原级, as+原级+ as(和…一样);not so/as原级+ as(不如…)句型也用原级。

Example: You should study as hard as Tom.

6.★两者比较用比较级。Than, or(连接两个)表示―较…一些‖等两者之间的比较用比较级形


★三者或三者以上用最高级。表示―在…中最…‖用最高级形式。常与in, of, among, or(连接三个或三个以上)短语连用。―the second/third biggest…‖也用最高级。

7.降级less/the least+原级。降级比较时,无论是单音节词还是双音节词、多音节词,无论是规则词还是双音节不规则词,一律用―less+原级+than从句‖表示―不如…‖,用―the least+原级+in/of/among‖等短语表示―最不…‖。

8.在比较级前边,可以使用一个副词或短语来表示程度。如:a little, a bit, a lot, far, much, even, still, four years等。

Example: Now the air in our hometown is much worse than it was before.

9.句型―比较级+and+比较级‖或者―more and more+比较级‖,表示越来越…,说明本身程度的改变。

10.句型―the+比较级…the+比较级…‖表示―越…越…,说明随着前面条件的变化而变化。 Example: The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. This kind of shirt looks _______ and sells_______.

A. nice; well B. nice; good C. well; well D. good; nice

( ) 2. ----Can you understand me? -----Sorry, I can _______ understand you. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. ever ( ) 3. Which one do you like _______, this one or that one? A. well B. good C. best D. better ( ) 4. This radio is ______ of the three.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest ( ) 5. This is the third ______ city in England.

A. largest B. larger C. large D. the large ( ) 6. She doesn’t fell _______, though she is ________.

A. alone; lonely B. lonely; lonesome C. lonely; alone D. alone; lone ( ) 7. It was really a wonder that ______ little food saved _______ many lives. A. so; such B. so; so C. such; so D. such; such ( ) 8. Who studies ________ in your class?

A. hardest B. harder C. hard D. the harder ( ) 9. She didn’t feel ______ last night, but she’s _______ now.

A. good; much well B. well; much well C. good; more well D. well; much better ( ) 10. His sister can draw _______ an artist(艺术家).

A. as well as B. not so well as C. as better as D. as good as ( ) 11. She walked so ______ that she missed the last bus.

A. fast B. quiet C. faster D. slowly ( ) 12. We have never seen _______ film before.

A. so a good B. a so good C. such a good D. a such good ( ) 13. ----I will give you some books. ----Good. The ______, the_______. A. more; better B. much; better C. most; best D. many; good ( ) 14. China is one of _____ in the world.

A. the oldest country B. the oldest countries C. much older country D. much older countries ( ) 15. He made the _______ mistakes in the exam.

A. less B. least C. few D. fewest ( ) 16. He drives _______ than he did two years ago.

A. much careful B. very more carefully C. more careful D. much more carefully ( ) 17. It’s getting ___________.

A. dark and dark B. more and more dark

C. darker and darker D. more dark and more dark

( ) 18. Tom is taller than Mike, but he is not ________ Mike.

A. strong as B. so strong as C. so strong D. as strong ( ) 19. _______ will the rainy season last?

A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How many ( ) 20. He wasn’t ______ with his knife. He cut himself. A. careful enough B. enough careful

C. carefully enough D. enough carefully

第 八 节 情 态 动 词


常用的情太动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would, need。 部分情态动词有过去式,但也有些情态动词没有过去式,如must. can—could, may—might, shall—should, will—would, have to—had to ①can和could

用法:表示 ―能力、许可、可能性‖等。在口语中can可以代替may表示―许可‖,而may比较正式,could可以代替can,表示较为婉转。 Example: Can/Could I go now. (表许可)

Some of us can use the computer now, but we couldn’t ten years ago. (表能力) I thought the story could not be true. (表可能)

注: can和be able to都可以表示能力,意思上没有区别,但can只有现在式和过去式(could),而 be able to则有更多的形式。 ② May和Might

用法:表示许可或征询对方许可,有能性 ―可以‖的意思。它的否定形式是may not. 译为不可以。但―禁止、阻止‖等意思时常用must not(mustn’t)代替may not。


Example: They may/might be from Canada. ③ Must和Have to

用法:表示 ―必须,应该‖。否定形式mustn’t表示‖不应该、不许可、不准、禁止等。在回答Must的问句时,否定式常用needn’t或don’t have to表示不必,而不用mustn’t。因为mustn’t表示―不可以―。表示―一定、必须‖等推测意义,一般只用在肯定句中。 Example: There must be something wrong. (表推测)

而have to 表示―必须,不得不‖。在这个意义上与must很接近,但must表示说话人的主观看法,而have to却表示客观需要。

Example: Every student will have to know how to use the computer. ④ Shall和Should

用法:在疑问句中,Shall用来征询对方意见或请求指示,用于第一、三人称。Should作为情态动词,表示―劝告、建议‖常译为―应该‖。 Example: You should keep your promise. ⑤Will和would


Example: I will tell you about this.

I promised that I would do my best.


1. ----_______ we play football now? -----Good idea!

2. ----Need I begin with Lesson One? ----Yes, you _________. 3. We ________ (not) walk on the grass.

4. ----I’m sure that sweater _______ be mine. ----No, it _______ be yours. 5. Jim left his book at home. He ________ borrow one from his classmate. 6. John ______ be at home because he has just phoned me from a nearby town. 7. ----______ you lend me your bike? ----Yes, of course. Here you are. 8. ----______ I do it now? ----No, you ________. You may do it next week. 9. There is some paper for you. You ______ buy any. 10. ----Could I borrow your pen? ----Yes, you _______. 11. _______ I have your name, please?

12. He said he _______ get up earlier the next morning. 13. The book _______ be returned before Sunday.

14. Mother is ill. She ________ stay at home and looks after her.

15. Now David _______ speak a little Chinese, but he _______ speak Japanese.

第 九 节 动 词 时 态




英语动词的五种基本形式为:动词原形,第三人称单数,现在分词,过去分词和过去式。如:work – works – worked – worked。


形式 构成 不带to的动词不定式形式,动词原形 也就是词典中的一般给出的形式 在动词原形后加-s 以ch, sh, s, o, x结尾的动词,在词尾加-es runs, likes teach----teaches wash----washes go----goes be, have do, learn 例词 第三人称单数 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,study----studies 先将y变i再加-es try----tries 以元音字母加y结尾的动词,stay----stays 在词尾加-s play----plays

续表 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,live----living 去掉e再加-ing 以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有现在分词 一个辅音字母的词,双写该辅音字母后再加-ing 少数几个以ie结尾动词要变ie为y,再加-ing 在动词原形后加-ed sit-sitting begin-beginning die-dying lie-lying tie-tying work-worked write----writing 以辅音字母加y结尾动词,先carry-carried 将y变为i再加-ed 过去式和过去分词) (规则变化) 以e 结尾动词,直接加-d 以重读闭音结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,双写此辅音字母后再加-ed 二、动词常见的八种时态

现在时:谓语动词用原形或第三人称单数 常 一般 过去时:谓语用动词的过去式

见 将来时:谓语用will / shall / be going to +动词原形 八 进行时:谓语用am / is / are +动词的现在分词 种 完成时:谓语用have / has +动词的过去分词 时 进行时:谓语用were / was +动词的现在分词 态 过去 完成时:谓语用had +动词的过去分词

stop-stopped plan-planned live-lived study-studied 现在

将来时:谓语用would / should或was / were going to +动词原形

1. 一般现在时

含义: 主要用来表示经常发生或习惯性的动作、现在的状态、客观存在的普遍真理等到。 结构:主语 + 动词用原形 (第三人称单数)

常与表示频度的时间状语连用。如often, always, sometimes, usually, once a week, often 等。如:

He usually goes to work at 7 o’clock every morning.

The earth goes around the sun. Guangzhou is situated in the south of China. The harder you study, the better results you will get. 2.一般过去时

含义:表在过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。 结构:主语 + 动词的过去式

常用的时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, at that time, in 1982 等。另外还有after, before, when引导的时间状语从句。如: I wrote a letter last night.

考点:used to + do 表示过去经常但现在已不再维持的习惯动作。to为不定式符号,后接动词原形。

比较:be / become / get used to + doing 表示习惯于

He used to smoke a lot. He has got used to getting up early. 3. 一般将来时

含义:表示在将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。 结构:主语 +will / shall / be going to +动词原形

常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如tomorrow, next year, in 2008,in a few days, one day等,其表现形式多达5种。

考点一:一般将来时总是用在一些时间状语从句或条件状语从句的主句中。 We will begin our class as soon as the teacher comes.


考点二:某些表示短暂性动作的动词如arrive, come, go, leave, start等,用现在进行时形式表示将来。

I am leaving for Beijing tomorrow.

考点三:―祈使句 + and / or + 句子‖,这种结构中and后面的句子谓语用一般将来时。 Use your head and you will find a way.

考点四:―be going to + 动词原形‖,表示打算要做的事或可能要发生的事。 ―be about to + 动词原形‖表示按照预定计划或打算准备着手进行的动作。 ―be to + 动词原形‖表示必须、必然或计划将要做的事。 They are to be married in May. 4. 现在进行时

含义:表说话时或目前一段时间内正在进行的活动; 结构:主语 + am / is / are + 动词的现在分词


We are having English class. The house is being built these days. The little boy is always making trouble.

考点一:在时间状语或条件状语从句中表示将来正在进行的动作。 Look out when you are crossing the street.

Don't wake him up if he is still sleeping at 7 tomorrow morning.

考点二: 表示在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作(这时多有表示将来的时间状语)。 Marry is leaving on Friday. 5. 现在完成时


在。现在完成时有一些标志性的时间状语。 结构:主语 + have / has +动词的过去分词 ①:for + 时间段;since + 时间点

They have studied English since 1985.

②:常见的不确定的时间状语:lately, recently, just, already, yet, up to now; till now; so far,

these days。如:Has it stopped raining yet?

③:英语中有些常用的单词如:come, go, begin, start, finish, find, die, buy, borrow, sell, put

on, get up, arrive, receive, become为瞬间动词,不能和表示一段时间的for短语和since短语连用,也不能用于how long引导的疑问句中。比如说,我们可以说She has come back. 不能说She has come back since last week. 这些瞬间动词常常与它相对应的可以表示时间段的词语转换。如:

become ---- be borrow ---- keep begin (start) ---- be on buy ---- have open ----be open die ----be dead

How long can I keep this book? (句中keep表达borrow―借‖的意思。)

此外,瞬间动词还常常用It is / has been + 一段时间+ since 从句(从句用过去时) 来表示从某事情发生以来已有一段时间了。

It is / has been two years since my brother joined the army. 我哥哥参军已经有两年了。 ④:现在完成时与过去时的区别


He has lived in New York for eight years. 他在纽约住了有八年了。(他仍在纽约) 6.过去进行时

含义:表示过去某个时间点或某段时间内正在发生的动作。 结构:主语 + were / was +动词的现在分词

常用时间状语:at that time, at this time yesterday, for 8 to 2等。

The boy was doing his homework when his father came back from work. He was taking a walk leisurely by the lake when he heard someone shouted for help. What were you doing at nine last night?

The radio was being repaired when you called me. 7、过去完成时


去‖,句中有明显的参照动作或时间状语,这种时态从来不孤立使用。 结构:主语 + had +动词的过去分词

By the end of last term we had finished the book. They finished earlier than we had expected.

用于hardly/scarcely...when; no sooner ...than句型中,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。

I had hardly finished my work when he came to see me. I had no sooner got into the room than it began to snow.

No sooner had I arrived home than the telephone rang. (注意倒装) 8.过去将来时

含义:过去将来时表示从过去的某时间看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 结构:主语 + would / should或was / were going to +动词原形 They were sure that they would succeed. 他们肯定自己能成功。 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. By the time he was twelve, Edison ______ to make a living by himself. A. would begin B. has begin C. had begun D. was begun ( ) 2. ----Han Mei ______ the exam, didn’t she? ----Sure. She is at the top of the class.

A. failed B. passed C. fail D. pass ( ) 3. ----Hi! Where are you going? See what the sign _______? ----Sorry, I _______ it.

A. speaks, don’t notice B. says, don’t notice C. speaks, didn’t notice D. says, didn’t notice

( ) 4. Again and again, the doctor _______ the crying girl, but he couldn’t find out what was

wrong with her.

A. looked over B. looked after C. looked for D. looked out ( ) 5. ----Don’t forget to ask him to write to me.

----I won’t. As soon as he ______, I’ll ask him to write to you. A. will come B. come C. comes D. is coming ( ) 6. ----Do you know Jane?

----Yes, I first met her three years ago, she ______ at a fruit shop at the time. A. had worked B. worked C. was working D. has worked ( ) 7. ----May I speak to John?

----Sorry, he ______ Japan. But he ________ in two days. A. has been to, will come back B. has gone to, will be back C. has been in, would come back D. has gone to, won’t come back ( ) 8. It was the third time that she _______ the History Museum.

A. had visited B. has visited C. will visit D. visited ( ) 9. He says he _______ Dalian several times already this year. A. went B. has gone to C. has been D. has been to ( ) 10. ----____ you _____ the magazine from the school library yet? ----Yes, I _______ it for two weeks.

A. Have, borrowed, have kept B. Have, borrowed, have borrowed C. Did, borrowed, borrowed D. Did, borrow, have kept ( ) 11. I ______ to leave the room when there was a knock at the door. A. had been B. am coming C. was going D. has gone ( ) 12. He told me he _____ her with her maths the next evening. A. will help B. would help C. helps D. is helping ( ) 13. He told me he ______ care of my child while I _______ away.

A. will take, am B. took, was C. would take, was D. has taken, am ( ) 14. How long ______ the film ______ when you got there?

A. has, begun B. had, begun C. has, been on D. had, been on ( ) 15. Lucy is always busy, she ______ only five hours every day. A. is sleeping B. will sleep C. would sleep D. sleep

第十节 动 词 语 态




时 态 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 现在完成时 过去完成时 现在进行时 过去进行时 过去将来时 带情态动词 不定式

如何将主动语态变成被动语态: ㈠主语+谓语+宾语结构

宾语提前(若宾语是代词,要将宾格转换成主格。后面相同)加上be动词的正确形式和该谓语动词的过去分词形式再加上by和主语。 即:宾语 + be + 动词过去分词 + 主语

Example: People speak English all over the world.

→English is spoken all over the world.


在我们英语中有很多词,如:ask, buy, sell, show, give, tell…后常接双宾语,如果用ask/buy/sell/show/give/tell…Sb. Sth.句型,在变被动语态时: 直接宾语作主语,要在前加介词to/for。


构 成 模 式 am / is / are + done was / were + done will / shall/be going to + be +done have / has + been +done had / been + done am / is / are + being + done was / were + being + done would + be + done can / may / must / need…+ be + done to be + done

Example: My father bought me a birthday gift. →A birthday gift was bought for me by my father.


( ) 1. Most international business letters _______ in English.

A. is written B. are written C. is writing D. are writing ( ) 2. The old man was quite weak after the accident, so he __________. A. must be take care of B. must take care of C. must be looked after D. must look after ( ) 3. A new bridge ______ over the river next year.

A. is build B. will build C. will be built D. is built ( ) 4. English _______ in China.

A. is speaking B. speak C. speaks D. is spoken ( ) 5. Library books should ______ on time.

A. give back B. is giving back C. be given back D. returned back ( ) 6. Fruit trees may ______ on the hill next spring.

A. be plant B. be planted C. been planted D. be grown ( ) 7. The book ______ in Chinese.

A. writes B. is writing C. is written D. wrote ( ) 8. When _____ the hospital ________?

A. was, built B. did, build C. does, build D. is, built ( ) 9. The new computers _____ to the village school as presents last month. A. are given B. given C. were given D. gave ( ) 10. We are happy that our new school ________ by next year. A. will be built B. will build C. are building D. build

第三部份 句子种类




① 陈述句

陈述句主要说明一项事实或提出看法,通常用降调朗读、句末用句号―.‖。 掌握do类陈述句,be类陈述句,涉及助动词和情态动词句子的肯定式和否定式。 例:Li Lei does his homework at seven.(否定句) Li Lei _____ ______ his homework at seven.

导析:原句中的does为实义动词, ―做‖变否定句需别加助动词do。答案为doesn’t do.

② 疑问句



(A)谓语动词为to be,一般疑问句的句型为―Be + 主语 + 其他 ?‖ Are you an English teacher?


Is your mother washing clothes? May I come in?

Have you been to Beijing?

(C)谓语动词为实义动词时,句型为―Do/Does/ Did+主语+动词原形+其他?‖ 例:Do you like playing football?

Did he finish his homework last night? Does your brother work in an office?



(1) ---Will you go to Beijing with me tomorrow? ----I’m afraid not.

(2) ----Can you finish reading the book? ----I think so

2.特殊疑问句:是针对句中某个成分来提出问题,回答时,不用yes和no,只对提问部份作出具体的答复,句尾用降调,疑问词分疑问代词和疑问副词两种,如what, who, whom, which, whose, how, why等,语序为倒装语序,但如果疑问词是主语,则用陈述语序。 构成:what, who, whom, which, whose, how, why+一般疑问句 例:What are you doing? How do you go to school?

3、选择疑问句:提出两个或更多的事物让对方选择,事物和事物之间用or 接,回答要用所选的完整句子,不用yes和no。

结构有两种:(A)一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句?or后面的句子与前面的句子相同的部份可省略。例:-----Is your friend a boy or a girl? ----My friend is a girl. (B)特殊疑问句,选项A+or+B,

例:----Which do you prefer, this bike or that one. ----I prefer this one.

4. 反意疑问句是在陈述句之后附加一个简略问句,对所陈述的内容提出反问,其基本结构是: (A)陈述句(肯定式)+简略的否定问句 ----You are a student, aren’t you?

----Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. (B)陈述句(否定式)+简略的肯定问句 ----You can’t sing, can you?

----Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 不,我会唱。/是的,我不会唱。

注意:1、反意疑问句疑问部份的系动词或助动词与陈述部份的谓语动词在时态上要一致。 2、反意疑问句的答语要根据事实来确定,事实肯定的,就用yes+肯定的简略答语回


3.陈述部份如果有no, never, little, few, hardly等否定词,疑问部份用肯定结构。 Le Lei has never been to Tianjin, has he?

③ 祈使句

祈使句是表示命令、请求、建议、祝愿或邀请的句子。 (1)肯定祈使句


Tell me the truth. Open the door, please. (B)谓语动词是Let结构的祈使句。如:

Let’s go fishing this afternoon. (主语是we,指说者和听者双方) Let us have a party.(不包括听话人) (C)另外还有一种无动词祈使句。如: Just a moment, please. 请稍等一会儿。

(2)否定祈使句:否定式加Don’t / Do not; Let not / Don’t let… 例:Don’t open the door.

Don’t let him play in the street. Let’s not open the door.

④ 感叹句


What a/an+adj+单数可数句词; What a good day!

What+adj+复数可数句词/不可数名词前;What delicious food! How+adj +a/an+单数可数句词;How good a girl she is! How+S+V;How fast time flies! 二、简单句,并列句和复合句

① 简单句



英语就是酷,主系表要记住,主谓动词不及物,主谓宾主谓双宾主谓宾宾补。 1、主系表(SVC)

此句型中谓语动词是系动词,后接表语。常用系动词除be外还有look, become, get, feel, seem, keep, turn, smell, taste, sound等。如 1)I am a teacher. 2) He is feeling better.


1) She is waiting in the rain now.

2) They are standing. 3、主谓宾(SVO)

1) They often play football on the playground. 2) We watch TV in the room..


句型中的谓语动词是带双宾语的及物动词,常见的这类动词有give, tell, send, bring, leave,

show, buy, borrow, lend等:

1) My father gave me a gift yesterday. 2) Grandparent bought me a book Last year. 5、主谓宾宾补(SVOC)

1) We have to keep our classroom Clean. (形容词做宾补)

We will try our best to make our country more and more beautiful. (形容词做宾补) 所谓宾补是宾语补足语是说明宾语的情况,宾语和宾语补足语一起被称做复合宾语。(做宾补的词可以是:形容词、名词、介词短语、副词、不定式、to be、不定式的完成式,不定式的进行式,不带to的不定式,现在分词等)

② 并列句

两个或两个以上的简单句由并列连词或用分号连在一起的句子叫并列句。其结构是:简单句+并列连词+简单句。常用的连词有:and, so, but, or, then, both and, neither nor, either or, while等。

例:I study English and she studies Chinese.(并列关系) He felt a little tired, but he still went on working.(转折关系)

Li Lei got up late this morning, so he didn’t catch the early bus this morning.(因果关系)

③ 复合句(见下节) 一、按要求改写下列句子。

1. My sister is an English teacher. (改为一般疑问句) ______ your sister an English teacher? 2. She gets up at six every morning. (改为否定句 ) She ______ ______ ______ at six every morning. 3. My mother has a bath once a week. (对画线部份提问 ) ______ ______ does your mother have a bath? 4. You come from Australia. (用America完成选择疑问句 )

______ you come from Australia ______ ______? 5. It was rainy yesterday. (对画线部份提问) ______ was the ______ like yesterday? 6. Come to the office, please. ( 改为否定句 ) ______ ______ to the office.

7. Shall we go out for a walk after supper? (改为同义句) ______ ______ ______ a walk after supper?

二、用with, and, or, but, so, for, therefore, however填空 1. I didn’t go to bed until eleven last night, ______ I got up late. 2. He wanted to see the film very much, ______ he couldn’t get a ticket. 3. Be quick, ______ the bus will leave.

4. We love peace(和平) ______we are not afraid of war.

5. Grandma Wang is getting better now. ______, you needn’t worry about her. 6. Jane loved to work, ______ she hated the boss.

7. They failed six times. ______, they have made up their mind to try the seventh time. 三、把下列句子译成英语。 1、这本书花了我20块钱。

______________________________________________________________ 2.你今天早晨几点起床的?

______________________________________________________________ 3. 这个故事听起来很有趣。

______________________________________________________________ 4.妈妈给我买了一辆新自行车。

_______________________________________________________________ 5.请递给我一杯茶好吗?


第四部份 主从复合句

第一节 定语从句

我们说定语从句不是一个词,也不是一个短语,而是一个带有主谓宾关系的完整句子。在复合句中,定语从句是用来修饰某个名词、名词词组、代词及整个句子的。 在学习定语从句之前,我们先弄清下列几个问题:



①关系代词:关系代词在定语从句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。其引导词有: Who (指人作主语、表语) Whom (指人,作宾语)

Which (指物,作主语、宾语、表语) That (可以指人和物,作主语、宾语、表语) Whose (指人,作定语) Example:

A plane is a machine that can fly. (that作主语) The noodles that I cooked were delicious. (that 作宾语)

They planted some trees which didn’t need much water. (which作主语) The fish which we bought this morning were not fresh. (which作宾语)


When (指时间)、Where(指地点)、Why(指原因)、How(指方法) Example:

This is the place where (= at/in which) we first met. The hotel where (=in which) we stayed wasn’t very clean.

Do you know the afternoon when (= on which) we first me three years ago?




3.从引导词与先行词的选择上:在限制性定语从句中,其关系词根据先行词(名词或代词)来确立相应的关系代词或关系副词;而在非限制性定语从句中,先行词除了名词、代词外,还可以是一个短词、一个句子,且不能用that来表人或物,只能用who, whom, which.. Example:

There is someone who wants you to take part in his party. (限制性定语从句) I told the good news to Xiao Wang, who told it to his girl friend. (非限制性定语从句)

第二节 名词性从句

主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句在复合句中的作用相当于名词。因此,这四种从句被称为名词性从句。 1.表语从句

表语从句在复合句中作句子的表语。引导表语从句的词有连词that, which, as if; 连接代词有who, what, which; 连接下来副词when, where, how, why等。 Example: Her wish is that she could lose weight soon. The question is whether it is worth doing. That is why the brothers wanted no make a bet. 2.宾语从句

宾语从句在复合句中起宾语作用,可以作动词的宾语,也中以作介词的宾语。引导宾语从句的词有连词that, if, whether;连接代词who, whose, what, which;连接副词when, where, how, why等。

Example: Do you know why he was late? Please tell me when Jody comes. 3.主语从句

主语从句在复合句中作句子的主语。引导主语从句有连词that, whether;连接代词who, what, which;连接副词when, where, how, why等。 Example: Who will go makes no difference. Which kind of food is the best is still no certain. 4.同位语从句

在主从复合句中,用作同位语的从句称为同位语从句。它一般跟在某些名词的后面(如:fact, idea, news, promise等),用以说明或解释前面的名词,引导同位语从句的词有连词that;连接副词how, when, where等。

Example: We were very excited at the news that our team had won.

The fact that women can work as well as men is clear. 一、单项选择。

( ) 1. Can you see ________?

A. what he’s reading B. what is he reading C. what does he read D. he reads what ( ) 2. Mary didn’t think ________.

A. him right B. he be right C. he was right D. him to be right ( ) 3. ----Can you tell me if it _______ tomorrow? ----If it ________, I’ll go to the zoo.

A. will rain; won’t rain B. rains; doesn’t rain

C. will rain; doesn’t rain D. rains; won’t rain ( ) 4. I didn’t see the man ______ stole my handbag. A. which B. what C. where D. who ( ) 5. This is the room that Mr. Wang _______.

A. lives B. lives in C. live D. live in ( ) 6. I didn’t go to bed _______ my mother came back. A. until B. after C. while D. when ( ) 7. You are sure to succeed _______ you work hard. A. if B. though B. that D. but ( ) 8. I didn’t go to school ______ I was ill.

A. because B. if C. until D. before

第五部份 直接引语与间接引语



Example: Mr. Black said, ―I’m busy.‖ (直接引语) Mr. Black said that he was busy. (间接引语)


直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,通常用that连接,在口语中that常省略。从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要作相应的变化。在这一方面,汉语和英语有许多相似之处。 1) 人称变化

Example: He said, ―I like it very much.‖→He said that he liked it very much. He said to me, ―I’ve left my book in your room.‖ →He said to me that he had left his book in my room. 2)时态的变化:

如果主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态方面要做相应的变化。 直接引语转换成间接引词时的时态变化 ①一般现在时→ 一般过去时 ②现在进行时→ 过去进行时 ③现在完成时→ 过去完成时 ④一般过去时→ 过去完成时 例句 直接引语 ―I don’t want to write down this,‖ said Anne. He said, ―I’m using the knife. 间接引语 Anne said that she didn’t want to write down this. He said that he was using the knife. She said that she had had She said, ―I have had dinner.‖ He said, ―I saw her in the street.‖ He said, ―I had finished my ⑤过去完成时不变 homework before supper.‖ dinner. He said that he had seen her in the street. He said that he had finished his homework before supper. ⑦一般将来时→ 过去将来时 3)指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化。 直接引语转换成间接引语时,指示代词等的变化:

this→that, these→those, now→then, ago→before/earlier, today→that day,

Lisa said, ―I’ll do it after class.‖ Lisa said that she would do it after class.

yesterday→the day before, tomorrow→the next/following day, come→go, here→there Example: She said, ―I will come this morning.‖ (转换成间接引语) She said that she would go that morning. 2.祈使句

转述祈使句时,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加上tell, ask, order等动词,如果祈使句子为否定式,在不定式的前面加上not. Example: She said to us, ―Please sit down.‖ →She asked us to sit down. He said to him, ―Go away!‖ →He ordered him to go away. He said, ―Don’t make so much noise, boys.‖ →He told the boys not to make so much noise. 3.疑问句


1)一般疑问句:如果直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,谓语动词是say或said时,要改为ask或asked,原问句变成由连词if (或whether)引导的宾语从句,没有间接宾语的,可根据情况加上。

Example: He said, ―Are you interested in English?‖ →He asked (me) if I was interested in English. She said, ―Did you see him last night?‖

→She asked (me) whether I had seen him the night before.

2) 特殊疑问句:如果直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,仍用原来的特殊疑问词引导。 Example: ―What do you want?‖ He asked me. →He asked me what I wanted.

―When did you go to bed last night?‖ Father said to Anne. →Father asked Anne when she had gone to bed the night before.

yesterday→the day before, tomorrow→the next/following day, come→go, here→there Example: She said, ―I will come this morning.‖ (转换成间接引语) She said that she would go that morning. 2.祈使句

转述祈使句时,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加上tell, ask, order等动词,如果祈使句子为否定式,在不定式的前面加上not. Example: She said to us, ―Please sit down.‖ →She asked us to sit down. He said to him, ―Go away!‖ →He ordered him to go away. He said, ―Don’t make so much noise, boys.‖ →He told the boys not to make so much noise. 3.疑问句


1)一般疑问句:如果直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,谓语动词是say或said时,要改为ask或asked,原问句变成由连词if (或whether)引导的宾语从句,没有间接宾语的,可根据情况加上。

Example: He said, ―Are you interested in English?‖ →He asked (me) if I was interested in English. She said, ―Did you see him last night?‖

→She asked (me) whether I had seen him the night before.

2) 特殊疑问句:如果直接引语是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,仍用原来的特殊疑问词引导。 Example: ―What do you want?‖ He asked me. →He asked me what I wanted.

―When did you go to bed last night?‖ Father said to Anne. →Father asked Anne when she had gone to bed the night before.

