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1. Opinions vary when it comes to…

2. “Every coin has two sides”, there is no surprise that… 3. However, others who hold the opposite opinion argue that… 4. As to whether…, there is a long-running concern as well as controversial debate. 陈述客观事实或现实问题:

1. There is no escaping the fact that…=No one can escape the fact that…

2. Along with the development of society and technology, an increasing number of problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that…

3. In this constantly changing world, how to… has intrigued numerous modern people.

4. With…, sth. has arouse serious concern of the public. 5. It is a truth universally acknowledged that…

6. Throughout the ages, there is no one but wishes to get somewhere. 古往今来没有人不希望将来能有所成就。

7. Recent years have witnessed an increasing trend in… 最近几年有一种愈演愈烈的趋势,那就是…


1. There is no doubt/denying that… 2. By no means can we deny that…

3. As for my personal viewpoint,I support the former / latter one. 4. From one’s perspective,… 5. As far as I’m concerned, … 6. To my way of thinking, … 7. It’s shocking to notice that… 描述漫画内容:

1. As is vividly depicted/ revealed in the picture above, … 2. As is depicted graphically in the cartoon, … 3. Simple as the picture is,…

4. Given is a stimulating and thought-provoking cartoon, in which… 5. The picture presents us a thought-provoking scene, in which… 从漫画或谚语得出结论:

1. Conspicuously, it subtly/ironically demonstrates that in order to… 2. It aims to convey a message that …

3. Apparently, the cartoonist is trying to convey the message that… 4. That is to say…

5. Actually, history abounds with examples to prove this saying. 6. What can we learn from it is that…

7. What an ironical drawing it is! It reveals that…

8. Simple as the picture is, the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean. Such a remark draws our attention to the fact that… 引用名言或谚语

1. When we talk of the famous proverb “…” we should not simply label it as right or wrong, but explore It in depth. Simple as it is, the meaning conveyed by this proverb is clear and profound. It indicates that… 2. There is a famous saying going like this,… 引出原因:

1. A multitude of reasons can account for the phenomenon.

2. There are several possible reasons accountable for this phenomenon/ statement.

3. The reason why such phenomenon emerges can be interpreted as follows. 提出总结性观点:

1. From what have been discussed above, it is necessary that… 2. As is indicated/ illustrated above, … 求职信结尾:

1. I enclose a resume and could be available for an interview at your convenience.


life notion=concept of life 生活观念

in a dilemma about… 处于…进退两难的境地 give priority to 优先考虑 be competent to 能够胜任 be of value to sb. 对某人有价值

in consequence 所以

to a large extent 从很大程度上来说 battle life’s challenges 对抗生活带来的挑战 pose/pose pressure on 对…施加压力 be based on 以…为基础

physical and mental health 身心健康 an increasing number of + n.(pl.)越来越多的 put too much emphasis on 过于重视… preschool education 学前教育 confronted with 面对… suffer a setback 受挫折

national college entrance examination 高考 law enforcement 法律的实施

integration between A and B. A与B之间的融合

a great majority of=a host of=a multiple of大多数的,大量的(next only to 仅次于

cn.pl.) be entitled to 有…的资格 in acient time(s) 在古时候 be unique to China 中国特有的 form the bedrock of 为…打下坚实基础 seriousness=severity严重性 an increasing number of 越来越多的 be no exception 不例外 a wealth of 丰富多彩的

under many threats 面临许多威胁 in most cases 大多数情况下 social transformation 社会变迁 live in harmony with 与…和睦共处 be attributed to 归结于 keep up with 跟上,与…同步 to our amusement 令人感到好笑的是 on second thought 进一步思考后 exert an impact on 对…产生影响 large collections of information 大量信息 be convinced that 相信

give rise to=cause=lead to=result in=contribute to=provoke=arouse=stimulate something clicks/strikes me 灵机一动

be associated with=be relevant with=be connected to=be related to=be in connection with=have something to do with era=epoch=age 时代 make sense 有意义 information age 信息时代 on the contrary 相反的是

play on one’s sympathy 利用某人的同情心 make the most of 充分利用 deliberately=on purpose 故意的 dispose of 处理 at any time 随时

there is nothing more adj. than sth. 没有什么比某物更(怎么样)的了 a double-edged sword 双刃剑 by no means=never nevertheless 然而 come up=arise 出现 fall prey to 深受…之害

tell the right from the wrong 辨别是非 take the initiative in 采取主动

eliminate extreme poverty 消除极端贫困 respond to the challenge 应对挑战

captivate the attention of sb. 引起某人的关注

advocate 提倡

pay a price for sth. 付出代价 differentiate A from B 区分A和B

The worst is still to come. 更糟的还在后面。 cling to 坚守 conquer 征服 dissatisfaction 不满 even so 即使这样

on some level=in part= in a way 在某种程度上来说 be composed of= be made up of= consist of be faced with=be confronted with be averse to doing不愿意 vary in kind种类繁多 originate from源自 vast territory广大的地域

provide a sharp contrast in sth. to sb.与某人在某方面形成鲜明对比 cuisine culture饮食文化 inform sb. of sth. 告诉某人某事 serve as 作为 dig into 挖掘、探索 end up with 以……结束 it’ s estimated that…预计

call for 号召

make successes 取得成功 abound with 充满 a case of point 一个例子 be convinced that 相信 specialize in 专门从事于…

it’s cannot be overstated 对某事再强调也不为过 call off 移开,取消

take sth. for example 举个例子来说

one’s minds race from one thing to another 走神



It is impossible to mention Chinese culture without mentioning Chinese food.

以人为本的理念 “People-oriented” concept 汉朝the Han dynasty

在汉朝统治期间 during the reign of the Han dynasty 对外贸易兴旺excel in its foreign trade

开放丝绸之路 pave the Silk Road

各类艺术一派繁荣 all sorts of art schools flourish 在公元100年 in 100 AD 测量地震 detect earthquake 统治者的腐败最终导致了它的灭亡。

The corruption of its rulers finally led to its collapse. facing volatile economic situation 面对多变的经济形势

make great efforts to promote opening-up and innovation 大力推动开放创新

act along the trend of our times 顺势而为 advance free trade 推进自由贸易 PM2.5排放 PM2.5emissions 污染源 pollution sources 机动车 motor vehicles 建筑灰尘 construction dusts

城市垃圾处理 municipal waste treatment 未来三年 in the coming three years

