
更新时间:2023-09-09 10:12:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



(时间:120分钟总分:150分) 听力部分(共四大题,计30分)


根据你所听到的句子,选出你所听到的单词。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1.A.reason B.raising C.seeds D.season 2.A.worth B.words C.worthy D.world 3.A.public B.pub C.publish D.politics 4.A.clearly B.knew C.newly D.nearly 5.A.invented B.signed C.unkind D.designed II.句子理解(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分)


6.A.Jane doesn't like cooking.B.Jane doesn't have time to do much cooking. C.Jane spends lots of time cooking.D.Jane is tired of cooking. 7.A.They didn't want to go sailing.B.It was too windy. C.They didn't think the weather was right. D.They planned another activity.

8.A.He is usually too tired to play tennis.B.He plays golf most of the time. C.He plays golf more often than he plays tennis. D.He usually prefers tennis to golf.

9.A.Peter didn't want to be a doctor.B.Peter couldn't make up his mind. C.Peter wasn't interested in studying medicine.

D.Peter was advised that a law course would be best for him.

10.A.Eric would have one roommate.B.Eric wanted to have two roommates. C.Eric wanted a room alone.D.Eric would have two roommates. III.对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分)


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11.A.By car.B.Standing up.C.By bus.D.No,hedoesn't. 12.A.Japanese.B.Chinese.C.American.D.English. 13.A.That she will correct the exams.

B.That her teaching assistant will correct the exams. C.That she will collect the exams.

D.That she will not give her students the final exams. 14.A.Go to a dance.B.Go to a lecture. C.Go to the Student Center.D.Stay at home. 15.A.Five years old.B.Six years old. C.Four years old.D.It is new. 16.


17.A.An exhibition of paintings.B.A Broadway play. C.An opera.D.A modern dance production.

18.A.Tour guides.B.Musicians.C.Artists.D.Travellers. 19.A.In the early 18th century.B.In the early 20th century. C.In the late 17th century.D.In the late 19th century. 20.A.Fascinating.B.Huge.C.Cold.D.Popular. IV.短文理解(Passage)(共10小题,计10分)


21.What is the passage mainly about? A.How to greet people wherever you go.

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B.Different greetings in Asian countries. C.Different greetings in European countries. D.Greetings and introductions.

22.According to the passage,what do people in most Asian countries do when they meet each other?

A.Greet with a kiss on the cheek.B.Shake hands. C.Bow.D.Kiss and shake hands.

23.If you are introduced to someone in the United States,often you will be given _____ .

A.the name the person wishes to be called B.a name card C.the address of the person you want to meet D.a book about communications

24.A person will appreciate it if you use a title when you address him or her if_____ . A.the person has no title

B.the person has a title such as doctor or professor C.you are uncertain

D.nobody tells you what he or she is

25.It's all right to address a person with only his or her first name _____ . A.whoever he or she is B.no matter how old he or she is C.if the person is the same age as you or younger D.if the person is older

26.It's always best to be polite and use a title with a business associate,but for the most part,_____ with greetings. A.the average American is very informal B.the average American is very formal

C.a few Americans are informal D.all Americans are formal 27.A hug and a kiss are used with people_____ . A.who are in love B.who are women

C.who are introduced to each other for the first time D.who know one another well

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28.He or she might think that you are _____ if you look away while he or she is speaking to you.

A.deaf B.uninterested C.afraid D.blind

29.If you stand in the personal space of an American,he or she might _____ . A.welcome you with open arms B.shout at you angrily C.stand still D.move to avoid contact

30.According to the passage,where are you likely to meet people who may not seem very friendly?

A.In small towns.B.In big cities. C.In restaurants.D.In supermarkets.



A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1.—Did the medicine make you feel better? —No._____ ,the worse I feel.

A.Taking more medicine B.More medicine taken C.When I take more D.The more medicine I take

2.The Rolls Royce,_____ in almost every country,is one of the most expensive cars. A.buy and sell B.having bought and sold C.buying and selling D.bought and sold 3.—Alice looks sad.Did you tell her about the accident? —Yes,but I _____ her just before as her final examinations.

A.shouldn't have told B.should have told C.ought to have told D.must have told 4.To carry out this plan will cost you _____ money.

A.a large number of B.a large sum of C.a good many D.large quantity 5._____ ,so the sports meet has to be put off.

A.Because of the bad weather B.As it has been raining for days C.As the bad weather D.It has been raining for days

6.Computers that once took up entire rooms are now _____ to be put on desktops and

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into watches.

A.as small as B.small enough C.smaller than D.so small 7._____ must be no more time wasted. A.It B.That C.There D.They

8.If too many of these rare animals are killed,they will _____ . A.shorten B.disappear C.lose D.increase

9.Mr.Cox lost his job;_____ ,he was unable to support his family. A.what's more B.as a result C.by this means D.by the way 10.—How beautiful your garden looks in this dry weather! —Well,we've just had the flowers a short time ago.

A.of being watered B.watering C.watered D.to be watered

11._____ temperature at which air holds as much water vapor as it can is called the dew point.

A.As the B.The C.It is the D.It is

12.After the teacher gave an explanation,Jim,_____ his mistake,corrected his answer.

A.realizing B.realized C.having been realized D.he realized 13.—How many times have you seen the actor? —Oh,_____ ,I think.

A.hundreds of times B.a hundred of times C.hundred times D.hundreds times 14.There will be plenty of activities here tonight because the French delegates have just hit town.

The underlined phrase means _____ .

A.arrived in town B.made speeches in town C.gone on strike D.given performances 15.He has worked hard all year,and should be able to make light work of passing the exam.

The underlined phrase means _____ .

A.to burn the midnight oil B.to make all lights bright C.to do something easily and without much effort D.to know the answers beforehand

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