精编 - 快乐英语六年级试题辽师大版

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快乐英语 (1)

二、Read and match. 读一读,将反义词连接起来.(每空2分,计10分) thick heavy long thin light short big small old young

三、Read and choose.读一读,选一选(每空3分,计15分) ( )1.我的书包最重。A My schoolbag is the heaviest. B My schoolbag is too heavy. ( )2.这座城市最古老。A This city is the oldest. B This city much older.

( )3.李明宇在班级最聪明。A Li Mingyu is very clever in the class.

B Li Mingyu is the cleverest in the class.

( )4.比利跑得最快。A Billy runs very fast. B Billy runs very fastest.

( )5.这座楼是这个城市中最高的。

A This building is the highest in this city. B This building is very high in this city. 四、Let's write.写写看(每题3分,计15分)

Model:Helen's hair is long.(Mary) Mary's hair is longer. 1.Miss Liu is young.(Miss Sun) _____________________________ 2.Zhao Wei runs fast.(Yu Min) _____________________________ 3.Mount Tai is high.(Qomolongma) _____________________________

4.The Yellow River is long.(The Yangtze River) _______________________

5.Dalian is big(Shanghai) _____________________________ 五、Reads and write.读一读,完成句子(每题3分,计15分) 1.Dongdong's hands are _________(big)than Mingming's. 2.Liu Yang runs _________(fast) than Jenny. 3.Tom is __________(happy) than Billy. 4.Mike is _________(strong)than Bob. 5.The man is _________(tall)than the woman.

六、Read and write.读一读,写写(每题2分,计8分) I have two friends.We are in the same class.Ma Ming is ______(short/shorter)than Yang Li and Yang Li is

___(thin/thinner)than Ma Ming.Every day we play football together.Ma Ming runs _____(fast/faster)than other boys.Yang Li

runs______(slowly/more slowly).But he can catch the ball and passes it to Ma Ming.They cooperate(合作)very well,So they're aluays on the same team.

七、Read.Guess and Match(每题3分,计15分)

①What's the smallest room in the world?( ) A sunlight ②What's the shortest bridge in the world?( ) B sea-horse ③What's the smallest horse in the world?( ) C mushroom ④What's the longest bed in the world?( ) D nose bridge ⑤What's the brightest light in the world?( ) E riverbed 八、Make sentences with the words given.用所给词组句子(每题3分,计12分)

1.at, hippo,look,that ___________

2.than,cars,faster,buses,run ________________

3.youngest,the,Yang Ling is,class,in,my____________________

4.my bag,lighter,is,yours,than ________________


一、1.My cake is thick.Yours is thin.

2.My grandma's house is small.Mine is big. 3.The black bike is heavy.The red one is light. 4.Mr Liu is tall.Mr Wang is short.

5.It's good to be quiet in a library.It's bad to shout in a corridor.

二、thick--thin long--short light--heavy big--small old--young

三、1(A) 2(A) 3(B) 4(B) 5(A)

四、1.Miss Sun is younger. 2.Yu Min runs faster.3.Qomolangma is higher. 4.The Yangtze River is longer.5.Shanghai is bigger. 五、1.bigger 2.faster3.happier 4.stronger 5.taller 六、shorter thinner faster more slowly 七、①(C) ②(D) ③(B) ④(E) ⑤(A) 八、①Look at that hippo.

②Cars run faster than buses.

③Yang Liang is the youngest in my class. ④My bag is lighter than yours. 英语 快乐英语 (2)


一、Read and fill in the blanks.(读对话,填空)(每空2分,计32分)

1.A:What ______ you ______ ______ do this weekend?

B:May be I _____ going to the zoo.

A:What ___ you going to see?

B:I _____ ______ ______ see lions,tigers,pandas and monkeys.

2.A:Hello,Peter.What _____ you going to ___ tonight?

B:I am ___ to play basketball with my father.What ____ you?

A:I'm going to see a ______.

B:Great!I would like that too.Do you _____ any tickets?

A:Yes,I have two tickets.

4.Miss Yang ______(go) to Wuhan last yesr.

5.Mr.Wang _____(have)breakfast at 7:30 this morning. 三、Read and write.读一读,写一写(每题2分,计28分) What did you do yesterday?

Li Ming is a student is Guangming Primary School.He _____ in ____ 3,Grade 3 last yesr.Yesterday he _____(起床)at 6:30 and ______(洗脸)his face at 6:40.

He and his parents had breakfast at ____.Then he ______ to

school.Classes started at 8:00.He _____ hunch at school at 12:10.Then he _____(玩游戏)with his classmates.School ____ over at 4:20.After school he _____(踢足球)with his friends.But yesterday he ____ or duty.He swept the floor first and then ____(锁门)the door. After dinner,he ____(看电视).He ____ to bed at about 9:30. 四、Read and write T or F.

Mr Brown always went to a bar near his home,but he never took his son there because he was too young.One day when his son,Bill,was 18 years old,he took him there for the first time.They drank for about half an hour.Bill drank a lot,then Mr Broun said,\not to drink top much.\


\street?When they look like four,you have drunk enough and should go home.\


( ( ( ( maths.

( street. 一、 二、)1.Mr.Broun always went to the bar with his son. )2.Bill went to the bar when he was eighteen.

)3.We can see that Bill drank a little for the first time. )4.Mr Broun might be a teacher,and he taught Bill how to leam )5.In fact(实际上)there were two lights at the end of the


1.Hello!May I speak to Jim,please? 2.This is John speaking. 3.Hold on,please.

4.That's my favorite book. 5.Who's calling,please? go leg in dinner please

三、1.get-got 2.buy-bought 3.eat-ate 4.go-went


一、1.(B) 2.(B) 3.(A) 4.(B)

二、1.played 2.got 3.bought 4.went 5.had

三、was class got up washed 7:00 went had

played games was played football was locked watched TV went

四、1.(F) 2.(T) 3.(F) 4.(F) 5.(F)




A)根据首字母写出恰当的单词,使句子意思完整。(每小题1颗星) 1.My book is h____. Yours is light. 2.My bag is b____ than yours. Your bag is smaller than time.

3.A: Which is the h____ mountain in the world? B: Mount Qomolangma.

4.A: What are you going to do this w____? B: I'm going to the beach.

5.I'm going to climb Taishan Mountain. I'm going to see the s____. B)英汉互译。(每小题2颗星)

6.have a look at ______ 7.今天下午 ______ 8.in the world ______ 9.借几本书 ______ 10.at the same time ______ 11.制定计划 ______ 12.draw some pictures ______ 13.旅游 ______ 14.grow up ______ 15.最聪明的 ______ III.句子(25颗星) A)选择题(每小题1颗星)

( )1.I get up at 6:00 ____ the morning.

A.on B.at C.in ( )2.Here ____ some jumping ropes.

A.can B.are C.is

( )3.We kept ____ and ____.

A.talking;laughing B.talk;laughing C.talking;laugh

( )4.There is no coke ____ juice in the country. A.or B.and C.nor ( )5.Well, I want to read all the ____ in our library. A.bookes B.book C.books B)用适当的疑问词填空(请注意句子的第一个字母一定要大写哟!)(每小题2颗星)

例:--What are they? --They're shirts. 6.--____ ____ is the kite? --It's blue and white. 7.--____ ____ are they? --They're 20 yuan. 8.--____ are the books? --They're on the desk. 9.--____ is the little girl?

4. His bag is heavier than her bag. (变成同义句) His bag is ____ than ____.

5. I have a story-book. (变为一般疑问句) ____ ____ have a story-book?


( ) 1. Are you like animals? _______________________________ A B C D

( ) 2. I have a story-books, too. _______________________________ A B C D

( ) 3. Hehave many toys. _______________________________ A B C D

( ) 4. The boy is tall than his sister. _______________________________ A B C D

( ) 5. I'm thinner than he. _______________________________ A B C D 八、连词成句 (注意加标点)。 1. rope, is, than, my, longer, yours _______________________________. 2. can, the, how, use, shorter, you, one _______________________________? 3. world, what, the, is, horse, smallest, the, in _______________________________? 4. book, me, your, pass, please

_______________________________. 5. believe, I, it, can't



Wang Dong is my deskmate. He's taller than me. I'm thinner than him. His hair is shorter than mine.

We both have new bags and pencil-boxes, but my bag is smaller than his. His bag is heavier than mine. He often puts some toys in it. ( ) 1. Wang Dong is my teacher. ( ) 2. I'm shorter than Wang Dong. ( ) 3. Wang Dong is heavier than me.

( ) 4. I have new bags and Wang Dong has new pencil-boxes. ( ) 5. Wang Dong often puts some toys in his pencil-box. 第一单元(一)答案

一、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 二、略

三、1. thin 2. short 3. light 4. thin 5. bigger 6. yours 7. my 8. youngest/newest 四、1. of 2.at 3. world 4. have 5. one 6. are 7. do 8. than 9. so 10. in 五、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. C

六、1. longer, than 2. is, a 3. Yes, can 4. heavier, hers 5. Do, you

七、1. A改为 do 2. D改为 story-book 3. B改为 has 4. B改为 taller 5. D改为 him

八、1. My rope is longer than yours. 2. How can you use the shorter one? 3. What is the smallest horse in the world? 4. Pass me your book, please. 5. I can't believe it!

九、1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

Unit 1 测试题(二)(辽师大版)


( )1. A. fun B. run C. music D. sun ( )2. A. want B. what C. name D. watch ( )3. A. knife B. sun C. nine D. monkey ( )4. A. we B. best C. let D. better ( )5. A. between B. teacher C.great D. tree 二、根据汉语意思,把字母组成单词。

1. 厚的____(i, t, c, k, h) 2. 重的____(a, h, v, e, y) 3. 动物____(n, a, i, m, a, l) 4. 绳子____(p, o, e, r)

5. 胖的____(a, f, t) 6. 阳光____(s, n, i, u, h, g, t, l) 7. 强壮的____(t, s, g, o, r, n) 8. 快的____(s, f, t, a) 9. 年轻的____(g, o, y, u, n) 10. 亮的____(h, b, i, g, r, t) 三、用所给词的适当形式填空,不得重复使用。

in, but, up, again, both, of, outside, to, nor, or 1. What did the cat want ____ say? 2. They are talking ____ our house. 3. He is the oldest ____ our class.

4. You're older than me, ____ I'm taller than you. 5. The baby is growing ____ so fast. 6. Let me try ____.

7. The water is neither deep ____ shallow. 8. We ____ have new e-books.

9. The sun is the biggest ____ the three. 10. Which is bigger, the earth ____ the moon? 四、单项选择。

( )1. ____ is faster, he or she?

A. which B. what C. who D. when ( )2. Why don't you try ____?

A. you B. your C. yourself D. yours ( )3. I have many pencils, all of ____ I like the blue one. A. their B. they C. theirs D. them ( )4. --I'd like some chicken, ____? --Me, too.

A. How about you B. How are you C. How do you do ( )5. Who is ____, Tom, Susan or Henry?

A. thin B. thinner C. the thinest D. the thinnest ( )6. Which is smaller, the basketball ____ the baseball? A. and B. or C. but D. then ( )7. Look at my hair, mine is shorter than ____.

A. his B. him C. he D. her ( )8. ____ are the biggest animals on land.

A. Elephants B. Blue whales C. Giraffes D. Pandas ( )9. Who ____ the highest?

A. jump B. jumps C. to jump D. jumping ( )10. Zhang Meng is ____ cleverest ____ our class. A. the, on B. /, in C. the, with D. the, in 五、找出下列句子中的错误并改正过来。

( ) 1. The cat is try to sleep. __________________ A B C D

( ) 2. The sun is biger and brighter than the moon __________________ A B C D ( ) 3. She is taller than his. __________________ A B C D

( ) 4. He often put some toys in his bag. __________________ A B C D

( ) 5. He can't goes back to ask his mother. __________________ A B C D 六、根据汉语意思完成下列各句。 1. 你为什么不自己试一试呢? ____ don't you try ____? 2. 在海里哪个是最大的动物? ____ is ____ ____ animal in the sea? 3. 我比你高。 I'm ____ ____ you.

4. 我能看一看你的电子书吗? Can I ____ ____ ____ ____ your e-book? 5. 这两个球同时着地。

The two balls fell to the ground ____ ____ ____ ____. 七、英汉互译下列句子 (注意加标点)。 1. 我的腿比你的长。

______________________________________ 2. 她妹妹的头发比她妈妈的头发短一些。

