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Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions 1. C

A. A TOEFL examination.

B. Any English language examination. C. Good luck. D. Ill luck. 2. A

A. keep evil away.

B. To wish for more money. C. To show friendliness. D. To treat a wound. 3. D

A. She will paint it brown.

B. She wants the man to paint it brown. C. She asks the man to climb up the ladder.

D. She asks the man not to walk under the ladder. 4. B

A. The building is a 13-floor one.

B. The building does not have a 13th floor.

C. The building has a 13th floor but nobody lives there. D. The building has a 13th floor but few people live there. 5. C

A. It causes a car accident. B. It causes an injury. C. It prevents bad luck.

D. It makes plenty of money. 6. D

A. The woman doesn't believe in any superstitions. B. The man doesn't believe in any superstitions.

C. The two speakers will probably go out for an outing. D. The two speakers will probably stay at home. 7. C

A. Teachers. B. Lawyers. C. Sailors. D. Doctors. 8. C

A. The man learnt the news of UFO from the newspaper.

B. The woman learnt the news of UFO from the newspaper today.

C. The woman probably mistook an airplane for a UFO. D. The man doesn't believe in UFO at all.

Part 4 Short passages and multiple choice questions

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.

B1. When did people begin to record animals falling from skies? A. Hundreds of years ago. B. Thousands of years ago. C. In 1877. D. In 1957.

D2. What did Dr. Smith notice? A. An alligator climbing ashore.

B. An alligator falling to the ground, seriously wounded. C. An alligator falling to the ground dead.

D. An alligator falling to the ground and crawling towards the tent. A3. How many alligators did Dr. Smith find within 200 yards? A. Eight. B. Seven. C. Six. D. Two.

C4. How did Mr. and Mrs. Tucker conclude that the alligator dropped from sky? A. They heard the soft sound of a falling object. B. They heard a groan.

C. They heard both a thump and a groan.

D. They saw a dark object dropping to the ground.

D5. How did the airship officer know that the alligator had fallen from the sky? A. He saw it falling with his own eyes. B. One of his crew members saw it falling. C. The crew of another airship saw it falling. D. The officer did not take an alligator aboard.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. D6. Why does one of the aliens stay on the Earth? A. It wants to continue to collect vegetation samples. B. It has been caught by U.S. government agents. C. Other aliens dislike it.

D. The other aliens fled in a hurry, leaving one behind.

B7. What does the boy Elliott do to lure the alien into his bedroom? A. He leaves candy on his desk. B. He leaves candy in the forest. C. He pretends to be asleep. D. He pretends to be ill.

A8. Whom does the mother Mary see after she comes upstairs? A. Only Elliott.

B. Elliott and Michael.

C. Elliott, Michael and Gertie.

D. Elliott, Michael, Gertie and the alien. C9. What can the alien do?

A. It can fly to the solar system quickly. B. It can leave the solar system quickly. C. It can make a dead plant live again. D. It can quickly kill a plant.

C10. Why does Elliott become irrational when the alien becomes drunk? A. The alien has told him to kiss a girl.

B. The alien has told him to watch it kiss a woman.

C. He has developed a supernatural connection with the alien. D. He has lost the supernatural connection with the alien. Part 5 Short passages/dialogs and multiple-choice questions C1. What does the man report to the policewoman? A. A car accident.

B. A case of drunk driving. C. A UFO.

D. An alien killing people. B2. What did the man see?

A. A bright light rising over a hill.

B. A bright light disappearing behind a hill. C. A light moving towards him. D. A light exploding in front of him.

A3. What did the man do when he sighted what he believed to be a UFO? A. He drove towards it. B. He ran away from it.

C. He immediately reported it to the police. D. He called his friend for help.

D4. What does the man say the \ A. He overturned the car to injure the man.

B. He knocked the man out before putting him alongside the road. C. He knocked the man out before carrying him to a flying saucer. D. He carried the man on his shoulder to a flying saucer.

D5. What does the policewoman imply by asking \you been taking any medication, drugs, or alcohol in the last 24 hours?\ A. She wants to use medicine to cure the driver. B. She wants to throw the driver into jail. C. She wants to see the UFO for herself. D. She does not believe the man's story. Part 6 Long dialogs and True/False questions

F1. The man speaker is not hungry, for he swallowed three hotdogs only a short time ago. A. True B. False

T2. The Indian mystic has lived on air instead of on food and drinks for most of his

life. A. True B. False

F3. To ensure the Indian did not eat or drink during the 11 days, scientists took turns watching him from various angles. A. True B. False

F4. The Indian did not eat or drink for 11 days though he relieved himself. A. True B. False

T5. NASA was interested in the Indian mystic because the secret of his minimal diet would make space travel simpler. A. True B. False


Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions 1. C

A. A one-day trip to the waterfalls. B. A two-day trip to the waterfalls. C. A trip to the caves. D. A free travel book. 2. A

A. He was exhausted from the whirlwind tour of Europe. B. He was surprised by the beautiful scenery in Europe. C. He was robbed and almost killed on his trip to Europe. D. He enjoyed his trip to Europe tremendously. 3. B

A. The man cannot download photos from the Internet. B. The man's phone can take pictures.

C. The woman will lend her camera to the man. D. The woman will e-mail her photos to the man. 4. D

A. She will buy a good camera.

B. She will use the negatives to make copies.

C. She will ask the man to e-mail her some photos. D. She will e-mail the photos to the man. 5. B

A. It was perfect.

B. It was excellent though there were some minor problems. C. It was bad though there were a few good points. D. It was very bad. 6. B

A. The woman is changing a room for the man. B. The man is fed up with the noise next door.

C. The woman will charge some money for changing a room for the man. D. The man is checking out at the counter. 7. D

A. 2 a.m. B. 12. C. 2 p.m. D. 2:30 p.m. 8. D

A. Hang gliding.

B. Whitewater rafting. C. Rock climbing. D. Mountain biking.

Part 4 Short passages and multiple choice questions

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. C1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The reasons juggling attracts more attention.

B. A comparison between juggling and other forms of entertainment. C. The development of juggling.

D. A comparison between ancient and modern juggling skills.

A2. Why did jugglers fall into disfavor after the decline of the Roman Empire? A. Because religious people disliked them. B. Because they did not get enough tips. C. Because they did not have good skills. D. Because they really had very low morals.

B3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of Philip Astley's circus? A. Clown acts. B. Magic.

C. Horse performances. D. Juggling.

D4. What was true of the jugglers in the 19th century Variety and Music Hall theatres?

A. They performed before the musical acts. B. They performed after the musical acts. C. They performed in the center of the stage. D. They performed in front of the drawn curtain.

D5. What happened to juggling in the early to mid-20th century? A. It prospered because of the better economy. B. It declined because of the Great Depression.

C. It prospered because of the publicity it received from the mass media. D. It declined because of competition from other forms of entertainment. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. D6. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The most popular forms of vacations in the U.S. B. Favorite vacation spots in the U.S.

C. Effects of vacations on Americans. D. Types of vacations in the U.S.

A7. Which of the following is true of traveling in recreational vehicles? A. It is more comfortable than staying in tents. B. It is less comfortable than staying in tents. C. It is less adventurous than living in motels.

D. It is more expensive than living in a luxurious hotel.

B8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason why Americans prefer to travel within the United States?

A. America is large and has many tourist attractions. B. America has more tourist attractions than Europe. C. It is cheaper than traveling abroad. D. There is no language barrier.

C9. Which of the following is true of America, according to the passage? A. Its major cities are more attractive than its natural scenes. B. Its natural scenes are more attractive than its major cities. C. Both its major cities and its natural scenes are attractive.

D. Its major cities and natural scenes are less attractive than those in Europe. D10. How can environmentalists benefit from \ A. They can observe plants closely.

B. They can look at flowers at close quarters.

C. They do not have to upset the balance of nature. D. All of the above.

Part 5 Short passages/dialogs and multiple-choice questions A1. What is the movie about that the man recommends? A. It's about the reunion and separation of lovers. B. It's about lovers turning hostile to each other. C. It's about the Second World War.

D. It's about a woman who loves icecream.

B2. What is true of the song Sam the piano player sings? A. It's funny. B. It's moving. C. It's militant. D. It's happy.

D3. What does the man suggest to make the woman stop worrying her little head? A. Inviting some friends to join them.

B. Leaving the theater before the sad movie ends. C. Watching a movie with a happy ending. D. Buying something good to eat. C4. What did the woman bring? A. Ice cream floats. B. Milk shakes . C. Apple juice. D. KFC.

A5. What does the man say is sometimes good? A. Junk food. B. Healthy food.

C. A marriage ceremony.

D. A movie mixing comedy and tragedy. Part 6 Long dialogs and True/False questions B1. The dance machine is no longer fashionable. A. True B. False

B2. The woman's left foot moves better than her right foot. A. True B. False

A3. The dance machine has three levels of difficulty. A. True B. False

B4. The man believes the woman has good footwork for dancing. A. True B. False

A5. The machine moves too fast for the man. A. True B. False


Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questaions 1. C

A. He does not want to eat GM foods. B. He wants GM foods labeled.

C. He does not care if GM foods are labeled. D. He agrees with the woman. 2. A

A. She agrees with the man. B. GMO spreads diseases.

C. GM fish are abnormally large. D. Trees grow too fast. 3. D

A. She wants the man to go to the meeting. B. She wants the man to pick up the children. C. She wants to clone the man.

D. She does not want a clone of the man. 4. B

A. Evolution is more efficient than lab experiments. B. Evolution is less efficient than lab experiments. C. Evolution produces better strains.

D. Lab experiments produce more strains. 5. D

A. The woman wants to be coaxed to clone herself. B. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. C. Love is blind.

D. The man wants copies of the girl through cloning. 6. B

A. The man is against organ cloning. B. The woman is against organ cloning.

C. The man is a scientist devoted to organ cloning. D. The woman will let her organ clones once it fails. 7. B

A. The two speakers have a lot of common interests.

B. The two speakers have both chosen Mr. Green's elective course. C. The woman has a lot of knowledge on genetics. D. The man is beginning to like genetics. 8. D

A. Both the man and the woman are against GM food. B. Both the man and the woman are for the GM food. C. The woman is probably a consumer of GM foods. D. The man is probably a consumer of GM foods. Part 4 Short passages and multiple choice questions B1. What is the Iceland company doing?

A. Creating a detailed map of the genes of the Icelandic people. B. Creating a detailed map of all human genes.

C. Creating a map as detailed as those by some other projects.

D. Creating a map less detailed than that by the American company.

D2. Why do the people of Iceland present a special opportunity to study the human genome?

A. Iceland has a small population.

B. Most of the Icelanders have a small group of ancestors. C. Plenty of records of their ancestors are available. D. All of the above.

C3. Why is the Iceland genome project superior to the American genome project? A. Because it observes 200 million people. B. Because it observes 14 large families.

C. Because it observes more families than any other project. D. Because it observes more families than many other projects.

A4. Why can the study of genes help to identify the causes of diseases? A. Small genetic differences may be related to some diseases. B. Large genetic differences may be related to some diseases. C. The genetic similarity may throw light on some diseases. D. Similar genes will cause similar diseases.

C5. What is the passage mainly concerned about? A. Finding out the history of Irish families.

B. Finding out the special genes of Irish people to cure their diseases.

C. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identify disease-causing genes. D. Creating a detailed human genetic map to identify abnormally small genes. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

C6. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Dog Cloning: A Recent Scientific Advance.

B. The Superiority of Normal Dogs over Cloned Dogs. C. Cloned Dogs in Training to Sniff for Drugs. D. Sniffer Dogs: Best Candidates for Cloning.

B7. What does South Korea's customs service hope the cloned dogs will become? A. Experts at finding human smugglers at airports. B. Experts at finding explosives and drugs at airports. C. Efficient guards at the custom house. D. Efficient guards at railway stations.

D8. How much does the training of a normal sniffer dog cost? A. $300,000. B. $30,000 C. $60,000. D. $120,000

C9. How many puppies continue until the end of the training? A. Eight. B. Seven. C. Six. D. Five.

A10. When will the cloned dogs complete their training? A. Early next year. B. Late next year. C. Late this year. D. In half a year.

Part 5 Short passages/dialogs and multiple-choice questions C1. Why was the woman sad?

A. Because of unfair treatment of Dolly.

B. Because of the beginning of human cloning. C. Because of the death of a sheep clone.

D. Because of the man's loss of interest in her.

D2. What does the dialog say about Dolly's offspring and death? A. She produced no offspring before dying at the age of 11. B. She produced six little ones before dying at the age of 11. C. She produced three little ones before dying at the age of 6. D. She produced six little ones before dying at the age of 6.

A3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a feature of Dolly's appearance? A. Short legs. B. Big eyes. C. A high nose. D. Curly fair wool.

C4. What did the Chinese scientist Tong do? A. He helped British scientists in cloning Dolly. B. He helped American scientists in cloning fish. C. He cloned a fish more than three decades earlier. D. He cloned a cat more than three decades earlier. B5. What happened to the Chinese scientist's research? A. It was published in an international journal. B. It was published in a Chinese journal. C. It was translated into English. D. It was widely read.

Part 6 Long dialogs and True/False questions

B1. People can be divided into right-handed and left-handed, but not into right-eyed and left-eyed. A. True B. False

A2. People are cross dominant if they cut with their left hand, but look with their right eye. A. True B. False

A3. People are cross dominant if they can kick with both feet. A. True B. False

A4. In some old cultures left-handers were considered evil. A. True B. False

B5. Einstein was left-handed, and Newton was right-handed. A. True B. False


Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions 1. A

A. Decrease imports. B. Increase imports.

C. Decrease its deficit by 5%. D. Increase its deficit by 5%. 2. B

A. Raise the oil prices. B. Import less oil. C. Use less oil.

D. Take buses more frequently. 3. C

A. It benefits the developing nations a great deal.

B. It increases the developing nations' GDP a great deal.

C. Developed nations may benefit more than developing nations from it.

D. Developing nations may benefit more than developed nations from it. 4. D

A. The richest people have contributed most to the nation. B. The richest people should contribute more to society.

C. A smaller middle class is favorable to equality for all people. D. A larger middle class will benefit all people. 5. D

A. The same as the woman's opinion. B. WTO is a good thing. C. WTO is no good.

D. WTO is good but not without problems. 6. C

A. Introduction. B. Growth. C. Maturity. D. Decline. 7. D

A. 120 pesos. B. 200 pesos. C. 240 pesos. D. 300 pesos. 8. C

A. The woman speaker is having an interview. B. The man is telling the woman she gets the job. C. The woman is a reference of the man's interviewee. Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions

B1. What does a \ A. To give up their patents completely.

B. To give up their patents in case of health crises. C. To shorten the period of their patents. D. To keep their patents intact.

C2. What is true of large drug companies under \ A. They are compelled to sell their drugs at low prices. B. They are compelled to sell their drugs at high prices.

C. They must allow other companies to produce their drugs at low costs. D. They are not compelled to disclose their intellectual property.

D3. Why do international drug companies oppose the Doha agreement?

A. They think it will prevent drug companies from seeking cures for diseases. B. They must pay a great deal for their research.

C. Patents help drug companies recover the costs of developing new medicines. D. All of the above.

A4. What do developing countries want during health emergencies? A. They want to produce and import low-cost drugs.

B. The want to produce and import high-cost effective drugs.

C. The want to produce and export low-cost drugs. D. The want to produce and export high-cost drugs. C5. What is the passage mainly about?

A. WTO debate between rich and poor countries on drug production.

B. WTO debate on the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory licenses. C. WTO agreement on drug patents.

D. WTO agreement against compulsory licenses.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

D6. What does the passage say about the future real estate market? A. It will go up. B. It will decline.

C. It will go up and then decline. D. Opinions about it are divided.

D7. What does the leading economist say about the real estate recovery? A. It will help economic recovery. B. It can create great wealth.

C. It is the basis of sustainable economic growth. D. All of the above.

A8. Why do some economists doubt whether the property market revival can be sustained?

A. They see price bubbles. B. They see stable prices. C. They see price declines.

D. They see price fluctuations.

C9. Why have many prospective home buyers become cautious? A. They want to buy better homes. B. They want to save more money.

C. They worry that the government may tighten credit.

D. They worry that the government may collect property taxes. B10. What are the developers doing? A. They are building fewer homes. B. They are building more homes. C. They are building cheaper homes.

D. They have stopped building new homes.

Part 4 Short passages/dialogs and multiple-choice questions A1. Why has the man come to talk to the woman? A. To apply for a job.

B. To do business with her.

C. To make an investment in her company.

D. To withdraw his investment from her company.

C2. What is the sales volume of the woman's company at present? A. 150 thousand U. S. dollars. B. 105 thousand U. S. dollars. C. 105 million U. S. dollars.

D. 115 million U.S. dollars.

D3. What is true of the woman's company when it was founded? A. It was founded in 1993 with a capital of 35 million U.S. dollars. B. It was founded in 1993 with a capital of 33 million U.S. dollars. C. It was founded in 1997 with a capital of 35,000 U.S. dollars. D. It was founded in 1997 with a capital of 33,000 U.S. dollars. D4. To what does the woman attribute her company's fast growth? A. The good quality of their products. B. The loyalty of their employees. C. The hard work of their staff. D. All of the above.

B5. What growth does the woman predict for her company? A. About six percent a year for the next six years. B. About six percent a year for the next five years. C. About five percent a year for the next six years. D. About five percent a year for the next five years. Part 5 Long dialogs and True/False questions

B1. The man has left his car in the garage because of a mechanical problem. A. True B. False

B2. By saying, \little drop of their oil\to charge just a little money. A. True B. False

A3. The man believes that the high oil prices are caused by high consumption. A. True B. False

B4. The woman says that the oil price has increased 60 percent compared with a year ago. A. True B. False

A5. The man thinks high oil prices are good because they can reduce resource consumption. A. True B. False


Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions 1. A

A. Buy shares when prices are comparatively low. B. Buy shares while they are rising.

C. Start buying shares as quickly as possible. D. Buy a million shares of a high-tech stock. 2. D

A. Nasdaq takes an average of all its stocks while Dow does not. B. Dow takes the average of its all its stocks while Nasdaq does not. C. Neither uses the average of its stocks. D. Both take an average of all their stocks. 3. C

A. A depression is approaching. B. The stock market may crash. C. The stock market is stable. D. The stock market is rising fast. 4. D

A. He believes in the importance of getting secret information. B. He believes it is time to buy online stocks. C. He agrees with the woman. D. He disagrees with the woman. 5. B

A. Many high-tech companies have been launched. B. Many high-tech companies have been delisted. C. One should buy stocks listed on the Nasdaq. D. One should buy stocks listed on the Dow. 6. B

A. Stocks.

B. Government bonds. C. Corporate bonds.

D. Stocks and corporate bonds. 7. D

A. The woman will follow the man to buy the company's shares. B. The man's stocks have gone up.

C. The man suffers a great loss caused by the company's bad performance. D. The woman suggests the man think carefully before he acts. 8. B

A. The man lost a lot of money in the stock market. B. The stock market is in a slump.

C. The woman is surprised at Jack's bad luck.

D. Jack has stayed away from the stock market to avoid losses. Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions

C1. How much did an Apple Computer PowerBook G3 250 laptop cost in 1997 according to the passage? A. $3,700. B. $5,500. C. $5,700. D. $7,500.

D2. Who has hundreds of examples on his personal Website that show what would have happened if one had decided to purchase Apple stock? A. A stock broker.

B. An economist. C. A manager. D. A student.

C3. When was the iPod Shuffle released? A. 1998. B. 2001. C. 2008. D. 1997.

A4. How much did the first generation iPod cost? A. $400. B. $40. C. $11,500. D. $350.

A5. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. If You Bought Apple Stock Instead of Its Products B. If You Bought Apple Products Instead of Its Stock C. You Should Invest Your Money in Stocks D. Stocks are Your Best Choice to Make Money

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. C6. Which of the following is NOT true of the stock markets? A. The Hong Kong stock market fell. B. The Australian stock market fell.

C. The American stock market declined, but did not touch the bottom. D. The American stock market hit an all-time low in the past five years.

B7. What effect do the massive government interventions have on the markets? A. They have begun to pick up. B. They have continued to drop. C. They have remained stable.

D. They have fluctuated a great deal.

B8. What will the U.S. government get in exchange for the bad mortgage debts it buys?

A. A band interest. B. A stake.

C. Executive positions in banks. D. Cash.

A9. On what condition can British banks use the loans of £250 billion? A. They must pay a fee.

B. They must give the government a stake. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A not B.

D10. According to the passage, what is the impact of the credit crisis on smaller businesses?

A. Most of them having gone bankrupt. B. Most of them will go bankrupt.

C. Lower interests on loans. D. Higher interests on loans.

Part 4 Short passages/dialogs and multiple-choice questions C1. What does \ A. Always. B. Frequently. C. Rarely. D. Never.

B2. When did Nasdaq begin trading? A. In 1969. B. In 1971. C. In 1987. D. In 1999.

A3. How many of the companies traded in the United States are listed on the Nasdaq? A. Over half. B. Nearly half.

C. About 90 percent. D. Almost 30 percent.

C4. Which of the following is mentioned as a way of Nasdaq stock trading? A. Through a broker. B. On the trading floor.

C. On a computerized system. D. All of the above.

D5. What is the result of many people's investment in dot-coms? A. America Online has grown fast. B. Nortel is saved from bankruptcy.

C. A lot of bubbles were created, which will soon burst. D. A lot of bubbles were created, which have burst. Part 5 Long dialogs and True/False questions B1. The man says he does not speak Greek. A. True B. False

B2. The main building of the New York Stock Exchange is located on Fifth Avenue. A. True B. False

A3. Neither Intel nor Microsoft is listed on the New York Exchange. A. True B. False

A4. New York Exchange trades always involve face-to-face communication, never virtual exchanges. A. True B. False

B5. After hearing what the woman says, the man can now write a good term paper. A. True

B. False

