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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.What does the woman mean?

A.The rain is expected to last much longer.

B.Sunny and warm days were forecast for those days. C.The next few days won't be sunny and warm. 2.When did the woman have her breakfast? A.At 11∶10. C.At 11∶50.

3.What does the man say about his grandmother? A.She can't hear well. B.She loves him deeply. C.She has forgotten her children. 4.What do we know about the man? A.He wants both pieces of cloth. B.He doesn't like either piece of cloth. C.He can't tell the two pieces of cloth apart. 5.Which of the following can best describe Tony? A.Dangerous. C.Rude.



第 1 页 共 24 页

B.At 11∶30.


听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What is the documentary about? A.How people raise horses in ancient times. B.How people use horses for various purposes. C.How horse races are held in many countries. 7.When will the speakers go horse riding together? A.Tomorrow. C.Next weekend.


8.What does the woman ask the man to show her? A.His passport. C.His ID card.

9.What is the date today? A.October 21st. C.October 27th.

听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.How does Tom feel now? A.Annoyed. C.Upset.

11.What has been broken by Tom? A.A vase. C.A basketball.

12.What does the woman advise Tom to do? A.Apologize to Mr. Henry. B.Give Paul a call. C.Invite Mr. Henry to tea.

听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.What does the man want to confirm? A.The woman's educational background. B.The woman's work experience.

第 2 页 共 24 页

B.This weekend.

B.His business card.

B.October 24th.


B.A window.

C.The woman's nationality.

14.Where does the woman work now? A.In New York. C.In San Francisco.

15.How much is the woman's present salary? A.$ 2,200. C.$ 2,260.

16.What are the employees allowed to do for further education? A.Attend college night courses at the weekend. B.Go abroad to have further education every year. C.Take up six hours a week to attend college courses. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17.What actually made Liz determine to achieve her goal? A.Willpower and determination. B.Scholarship.

C.Love and respect for her parents. 18.How old was Liz when her mother died? A.25 years old. C.5 years old.

19.Why did Liz think she had only experienced a small part of society? A.She could hardly understand society. B.She had little experience of social life.

C.She understood there was a whole other way of living. 20.What is the passage mainly about? A.How Liz struggled to change her life. B.How Liz loved her drug-addicted parents. C.What a hard time Liz had in her childhood.

[答案] 1—5 BAACB 6—10 BCCAC 11—15 BAACB 16—20 CABCA [听力材料]

第 3 页 共 24 页

B.In Singapore.

B.$ 2,280.

B.15 years old.

Text 1

M:It would be nice if the last few days of the holiday in Shanghai were sunny and warm!

W:But that was what they forecast,wasn't it? Text 2

M:It's already 11∶30. Shall we go now? Or we'll be late.

W:No,I just had my breakfast 20 minutes ago and haven't packed my case. But we will try to get to the airport within 2 hours.

Text 3

W:We all used to enjoy those long talks with your grandma when we were children.

M:Yes,she must have forgotten having us around. Now she is so deaf that it's impossible to talk to her at all.

Text 4

M:What are these cloths made of,please? W:One is silk and the other is an artificial fabric. M:Amazing! I really can't tell them apart.

W:Quite! Even I couldn't distinguish one from the other until someone told me. Text 5

W:Tony is great! He saved an old man when he was trapped in a burning building yesterday.

M:Well,this is not the first dangerous situation he has been in. W:Really? Tell me more about him.

M:Well,last month he saved a little boy from a river. Text 6

M:What were you doing when I called you last night? You seemed to be watching TV?

W:Yes,I was watching a documentary about horses on TV. M:Oh,I love horses. The documentary must have been interesting.

W:Yes.The documentary is about how people use horses for various purposes. M:Horses are useful to people. We use them for sports and recreation. We can

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see horse races in many countries.

W:Yes. By the way,can you ride a horse?

M:Of course. But I don't ride regularly. How about you?

W:I can ride,too. Perhaps we can go horse riding together next weekend. M:What a good idea! Text 7

W:Good morning,sir. Can I help you?

M:Good morning! I have a reservation for a double room here. W:May I have your name,please? M:Bradley,John Bradley.

W:Just a moment,sir,while I look through our list. Yes,we do have a reservation for you,Mr. Bradley. Would you please show me your ID card and I will help you check in.

M:Sure. Here you are.

W:Thank you,sir. When is your departure date? M:I am leaving on October 24th. W:So you will stay for three nights. M:Yes.

W:OK,now everything is in order. And here is your key,Mr. Bradley. Your room number is 1420. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

M:Thanks. See you later. Text 8

W:What's wrong with you,Tom? You look upset today. Is there anything wrong?


W:Come on,son,tell me what has happened?

M:Well. What shall I do? I happened to break a window in Mr. Henry's house with a basketball.

W:Oh,did you apologize to Mr. Henry? M:But the trouble is...

W:Come on,dear,please tell me the truth.

第 5 页 共 24 页

packages of hot dogs?

Kathy: Wait... I'd better write____67____down. Dave: And you'd better pick up some chicken for those____68____don't like hamburgers or hot dogs.

Kathy: Okay. How about five or six bags of potato chips?

Dave: Humm. Better make that eight. And you'd better pick up some salad and tomato sauce too.

Kathy: Okay. What else? Uh,we're going to need some soft drinks. How about ten of those big 2-liter bottles?

Dave: Sounds fine,but be sure to buy a variety of drinks. Kathy: Okay. And what about dessert?

Dave: Well,maybe we can have____69____few cherry pies____70____(make) by ourselves.

Kathy: A good idea.

61.____________ 62.____________ 63.____________ 64.____________ 65.____________ 66.____________ 67.____________ 68.____________ 69.____________ 70.____________

61.[解析] 考查副词比较级。难度中等。根据“I'm going to”提示可知,去超市买食物和饮料发生在野餐之前,野餐是后来的事情,故用later。

[答案] later

62.[解析] 考查名词。难度中等。根据下一句答话“why don't you...”可知,此处是征求对方意见,故填suggestions或advice。

[答案] suggestions/advice

63.[解析] 考查非谓语动词。难度中等。need和meat在逻辑上构成被动关系,故用过去分词作后臵定语。

[答案] needed

64.[解析] 考查副词。难度中等。后面表示的情况和前面的情况一样,并用在句尾,表示“也”,应用副词too。

[答案] too

65.[解析] 考查情态动词。难度中等。根据下句所举的例子可以看出,说

第 21 页 共 24 页


[答案] may/might

66.[解析] 考查动词时态。难度中等。根据“last picnic”可知,此处是对过去事情的陈述,故用一般过去时。

[答案] went

67.[解析] 考查代词。难度中等。此处them代替上文提到的对方建议要买的东西。

[答案] them

68.[解析] 考查定语从句。难度中等。who引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语,修饰先行词those。

[答案] who

69.[解析] 考查冠词。难度中等。pie是可数名词,且此处表示肯定概念,故用a few表“一些”。

[答案] a

70.[解析] 考查非谓语动词。难度中等。make和句子谓语have之间没有连词,且由“by ourselves”可知,此处用过去分词作定语修饰cherry pies,故用过去分词made。

[答案] made

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

(2013·河北衡水中学高三上学期期中)In modern society,competition is everywhere.No wonder a English philosopher considers competition the source of a

第 22 页 共 24 页

series of problem such as frustration and anxiety.Therefore,if we stress cooperation too much,there would be no progress.In my opinion,all are important and necessary.

Let's take the competition at school for example.Even a gifted student won't make a remarkable progress if he is in a class without competition.That's because competition,and rather,challenge is a driving force made him go forward.On the other hand,if we don't cooperate with each other,it's impossible for us learn from each other.And that's why most of the great discoveries or inventions in the modern world are the result of cooperation.

To conclude,those who laugh last are the people who can successful cope with the relationship between competition and cooperation.


In modern society,competition is everywhere.No wonder a English

anphilosopher considers competition the source of a series of problem such as

problemsfrustration and anxiety.Therefore,if we stress cooperation too much,there would

Howeverstressedbe no progress.In my opinion,all are important and necessary.

bothLet's take the competition at school for example.Even a gifted student won't make a remarkable progress if he is in a class without competition.That's because competition,and rather,challenge is a driving force made him go forward.On the

ormakingother hand,if we don't cooperate with each other,it's impossible for us∧ learn from

toeach other.And that's why most of the great discoveries or inventions in the modern world are the result of cooperation.

To conclude,those who laugh last are the people who can successful cope

successfullywith the relationship between competition and cooperation.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

(2013·辽宁省五校第一联合体高三年级考试) 假设你是Jenny,要给某手机专卖店写一封投诉信。 写信日期:2015年1月15日 内容包括:

第 23 页 共 24 页

1.今年1月初在你商店购买了一款新手机; 2.手机使用不到一个星期就出现故障; 3.已经维修了两次,仍然不能正常使用; 4.要求调换或退款。

注:手机型号、价格、具体故障自拟。 参考词汇:退款 refund;调换 replace(ment) 注意:


2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ [答案]

Jan 15th,2015

Dear Sir,

I feel bad to trouble you,but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about the new mobile phone that I purchased from your store.

I bought a Nokia 5820 mobile phone from your store for about 2,100 yuan early this month.It was less than a week after I used it that I found something wrong with it.I couldn't turn on the phone.I tried many times but failed.Although I have repaired it twice,it still doesn't work.

This problem has affected my normal life.Would you please let me know whether I could return the mobile phone to you for a replacement or could get my refund?I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.

Sincerely yours,


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