外贸函电写作Chapter 4 Offer and Counter-offer

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Teaching objectives

Upon completion of this chapter, the students will:

Chapter Four

Offer and Counter-offer

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understand the difference between firm offer and non-firm offer and grasp their relative expressions. be familiar with the terms & conditions involved in an offer and be able to write them independently.

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basic knowledge


1. 询盘(Inquiry)是交易的一方向对方探询交易条件,表示交易愿望的一种行为。询盘多由买方作出,也可由卖方作出,内容可详可略。如买方询盘:“有兴趣东北大豆,请发盘”,或者“有兴趣东北大豆,11月装运,请报价”。询盘对交易双方无约束力。

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2. 发盘(Offer)也叫发价,指交易的一方(发盘人)向另一方(受 盘人)提出各项交易条件,并愿意按这些条件达成交易的一种表示,包括实盘(firm offer) 和虚盘(non-firm offer)。


发盘多由卖方提出(Selling Offer)。也可由买方提出(Buying Offer),也称递盘(Bid)。

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3.还盘(Counter Offer): 受盘人不同意发盘中的交易条件而提出修改或变更的意见, 称为还盘。

在法律上叫反要约, 新盘。原发盘人成为新盘的受盘人。 还盘又是受盘人对发盘的拒绝,发盘因对方还盘而失效,原发盘人不再受其约束。 可以反复进行

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4. 接受(Acceptance): 受盘人在发盘的有效期内,无条件地同意发盘中提出的各项交易条件,愿意按这些条件和对方达成交易的一种表示。



An offer is the expression of the wishes of the seller to sell particular goods under stated terms (including quality, prices, time of shipment, terms of payment etc.).

The person making the offer is called “offeror”报盘人, while the person receiving the offer is called “offeree受盘人” In international business, offers can be divided into two kinds: firm offer and non-firm offer. Firm offer 实盘

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A firm offer is made when a seller promises to sell goods at a stated price within a stated period of time. Once it has been accepted it cannot be changed or withdrawn and the transaction will be concluded.

When the validity [v??liditi](有效期) is overdue, this offer will cease [si:s] (终止) to be effective and the offeror will no longer take the responsibility of carrying out the commitments stipulated [?stipjuleit;](规定) in the offer.

Non-firm offer 虚盘

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Non-firm offer is an informal offer made by the offeror, which has got no validity terms but with clear indication of its confirmation conditions, such as “subject to our final confirmation”.

It can be considered as an offer which are not upon binding [?baindi?](法律约束的,必须遵守的) the sellers and the details of the offers may change in certain situations.

实盘和虚盘: 发盘分为实盘和虚盘。实盘是指含有确定意思的发盘。 实盘特点:(1)必须提出完整、明确、肯定的交易条件; (2)必须规定有效期限。


实盘对发盘人来说,具有法律拘束力,如果受盘人在有效期限内表示接受,合同即告成立。E.g. “The offer is valid till March 15”

虚盘对发盘人没有法律向束力,发盘人可以随时撤回或修改虚盘的内容。即使受盘人对虚盘表示接受,仍须经过发盘人的最后确认,才能成立一项对双方都有拘束力的合同。 E.g. “subject to our final confirmation” 虚盘的特点有:(1)在发盘中附有保留条件;(2)在发盘中不规定有效期。


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1990年,阿根廷某公司应中国某公司的请求,报出镁矿石初级产品200公吨,每公吨2 150美元,即期装运的实盘。但中方接到阿方报盘,未作还盘,而是一再请求阿方增加数量,降低价格,并延长有效期,阿方公司将数量增到350公吨,每公吨价格为CIF上海价2 100美元,有效期经三次延长,最后延长至9月25日,中方公司于9月20日来电表示接受该盘。

阿方接到该电报时,得知国际市场镁矿石价格上扬,因此决定拒绝成交,于是向中方发电,称:“由于国际市场镁矿石价格发生变化,货物已于接到你方电报时售出。”而中方对此拒绝接受,认为中方是在发盘有效期内接受了阿方发盘,坚持要求按发盘的条件执行合同,阿方如不执行合同,则要赔偿中方的损失,即差价25万美元。 中方公司9月20日来电表示接受的发盘是实盘还是虚盘?此时合同是否成立?双方应该怎么样做?



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Structure of an offer

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1. An expression of thanks for the inquiry you have received 2. Give favorable comments on the goods needed if possible

3. Informing them of the detailed terms and conditions about the supplied commodities, such as names, quality, quantity, specifications.

4. Give details of price, discounts, terms of payment, packing, insurance, and delivery date etc.

Structure of an offer

5. Informing them of the validity of the offer (for firm offer) Usually use such phrases as “subject to your reply reaching us by (before)…” P56

6. Expressing the hope that the offer will be accepted and assure the customer of good service, and your sincere expectation of receiving their orders

Firm offer


We are now making you a firm offer for 10 metric tons of rice. 现为你方报实盘如下。

We are now offering you firm as follows,

Firm offer’s validity (实盘有效期)

1.We make you the following offer subject to your reply within 10 days.

2. We make you an offer, subject to your reply reaching us not later than noon time October 21 Beijing time. 3. The offer is valid for 3 days. 4. The offer is valid till March 15.

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Non-firm Offer subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为准

We are now making you an offer subject to our final confirmation.



?without engagement ? 此报盘无约束力

? We are now making you the following offer without engagement. ?


?subject to the goods being unsold ? 以货物未被售出为准

? We are now making you a special offer subject to the goods being unsold. ?


?subject to prior sale ? 以先售为准

? We are now making an offer for air-conditioners as follows, subject to prior sale. ?


?counter-offer ? offerer ? offeree ? offer list/book ? offering period ?

lump offer

Warm-up expressions

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还盘,还价 报盘人 受盘人 报价单 报价日

综合报盘(针对两种以上商品) 递价;出价;递盘(由买方发出)


In this module, you are expected

Qiu Xiaoyun has just received an inquiry on Nov. 11 from Allen Johnson, Purchasing Manager of Coast Co., Ltd., Republic of Ireland. As there is a big demand for half-sleeved cashmere sweater, she is making a prompt offer. Could you read this offer carefully and make a counter offer?

Zhejiang Sunshine Cashmere Co., Ltd Address: No.25 Kangtai Road, Huzhou,

Zhejiang Province China

Nov. 15, 2009

11Emerald Drive Shannon Park Cork CO6 18TS Republic of Ireland

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Half-sleeved cashmere sweater

We thank you for your letter of Nov. 11 inquiry for 2000 pieces of half-sleeved cashmere sweater for shipment to Dublin.

Based on your demand of the items, we are making you, subject to your acceptance reaching us no later than Dec. 12, the following offer:

Price: £220 per piece CIF Dublin Packing: In cartons

Payment: Irrevocable letter of credit payable by sight draft. Delivery: 15 days receipt of the L/C

As you know, our half-sleeved cashmere sweater is a perfect combination of warmth, softness and easy care. We are confident that you can do some profitable business.

