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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:谢海艳 颜丽霞


摘要:目的:探讨翻转课堂教学模式在老年健康照护教学中的应用及效果。方法:采用整群抽样的方法选择我校医学院2012级老年服务与管理专业78名大专学生,其中实验组39人,对照组39人,实验组采用翻转课堂教学法进行教学;对照组则采用传统教学法,通过考核成绩、主观问卷调查方式以及教师的课堂反馈分析对翻转课堂教学模式进行教学效果评价。结果: ;实验组学生考核成绩与对照组比较,实验组成绩高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);实验组学生对翻转课堂教学效果满意;教师的课堂反馈分析,实验组学生较对照组学生在团队合作与协调能力、综合分析能力、收集资料能力、沟通交流以及动手能力方面有优势。结论:翻转课堂教学模式有助于提高教学效果,能够充分发挥高职学生学习的能动性,加强学生综合能力的培养。

关键词:翻转课堂 ;教学模式 ;老年健康照护

Abstract: objective to explore the flip of classroom teaching mode in the teaching of elderly health care application and effect. Methods using cluster sampling method to choose our university medical school class of 2012 elderly services and management of 78 college students, including experimental group 39, the control group, 39 people turned used by classroom teaching method in teaching; Control group using traditional teaching method, examination results, subjective

questionnaire and teachers' classroom feedback analysis to reverse the effect of classroom teaching mode in teaching evaluation. Results from the inspection results compared with control group, experimental group scores higher than the control group, the difference is statistically significant (P < 0.01); The experimental group students satisfied with the flip effect of classroom teaching; Teacher's classroom feedback analysis, the experimental group than the control group students in team cooperation and coordination ability, comprehensive analysis ability, ability,

communication, and the collection of data has an advantage. Conclusion flip classroom teaching model helps to improve the teaching effect, can give full play to the initiative of the higher vocational students' learning, strengthen the cultivation of students' comprehensive ability. Keywords : turn classroom teaching mode Elderly health care

翻转课堂教学模式是从英语“Flipped Class Model”翻译过来的术语,也被称为“翻转课堂式教学模式”,简称翻转课堂或反转课堂,起源于美国科罗拉多州落基山林地公园高中的 Jon Bergmann 和 Aaron Sam两位化学老师,这种教学方式是将知识传授和知识内化这两个学习阶段进行了颠倒,课前学生通过观看教学视频完成知识的传授,然后在课堂上参与同伴和教师的

