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必修1 Modules 3-4综合测试题


第一部分阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A

Whale Camp at Marine Science Institute Camp Type: Overnight, Family, International Age of Campers: 10-18 Year Established: 1984

No other marine (海洋的) science program enables you to closely observe and study whales, dolphins, and seals in their own natural habitat. Board our 60-foot sailboat for unmatched observations of marine life. Help collect data to document whales’ distribution patterns and behaviors. Gain hands-on experience using our marine science equipment. Explore the powerful and endangered processes of life in the sea.

Some summer programs teach you about marine science and oceanography with lots of time in a classroom, lab or museum. We take you directly to the source for the best observation and experience. This is why the Whale Camp is the place where inspiration, exploration and discovery abound. This is why there’s only one Whale Camp.

We are located on beautiful Grand Manan Island which was recently named the third best small island in the world to visit by the travel experts. The location is ideally situated in the Bay of Fundy where the highest tides in the world create one of the world’s richest and most diverse marine ecosystems.

In our years of experience, we’ve observed numerous whales on over 98% of our research trips. Whale Camp offers more research trips per session than any other summer camp program. The diversity of bird life at sea and on land is extraordinary. Only the Whale Camp takes you to the highly restricted Machias Seal Island to be surrounded by many rare creatures. Each day at Whale Camp is a life-changing experience. With our seas and planet in danger, we believe it’s more important than ever for us to learn how to protect the .systems of life that sustain us. 1. According to the passage, the program __________. A. is part of the in-class education B. is about great scientific researches

C. mainly focuses on endangered marine species D. offers chances to get close to sea creatures

2. Some summer programs are mentioned to show that __________. A. Whale Camp is very unique

B. Whale Camp is the best summer camp C. people can observe whales at Whale Camp D. schools take education of marine life seriously

3. The marine ecosystems are diverse because __________. A. the location is close to the bay B. there are high tides in the area

C. experts make efforts to protect them D. the island is rarely visited by people

4. Who might be mostly interested in this article? A. Teachers. B. Travelers. C. Scientists. D. Teenagers. B

The new year is an excellent time to reflect on your accomplishments and your disappointments at about the halfway point in the school year, as well as to plan how you will improve in the future. Reflect on your first school term: Honestly review your school year thus far. List your classes and your grades in each. What did not go as well as expected? Such as the exams you scored poorly on, projects you rushed through and long-term goals you did not meet. Revisit those plans you may have made related to selecting after-class activities or maximizing your senior year.

Be positive: As you are working on your list, remember to highlight (强调) the positives. Honesty is more than just telling the bad results — it is also offering proper praise. Include your high grades and impressive test results on your list as well. Remember that excellence is not only a result, but also a process. As you are recording your accomplishments, list the times when you made significant progress. Note the projects you started on time, the papers you outlined before you wrote and the study plans you followed.

Set new goals: Television shows sometimes reflect a world view that suggests success comes from a few weeks of competition rather than a lifetime of hard work and devotion. In truth, success in life is largely a result of continual small improvements that finally lead to great changes. With this in mind, make a short list of areas or tasks you wish to improve upon in the coming year. Keeping your list short is important, as creating too many goals can become overwhelming (压倒一切的). Build on strengths: Include your strengths when you set goals. If you did well in algebra last year, determine to do just as well in geometry or calculus this year. If you submitted all your assignments on time, determine to finish your work a day earlier in order to allow for checking. Successful people build on their strengths to reach true excellence.

5. Based on Paragraph 2, when considering what didn’t go as well as expected, we should be _________.

A. absorbed B. specific C. modest D. optimistic

6. What should we do while we are making our list according to Paragraph 3? A. Remember to think about our weaknesses. B. Remember to be honest about our test results. C. Remember that we also deserve praise.

D. Remember that the process is the most important.

7. What do television shows convey to the viewers at times? A. Success is a result of a lifetime of hard work. B. Success is from constant small improvements. C. Success lies in constant competition with others.

D. Success lies in efforts made in a certain period of life. 8. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses to improve yourself in the new term B. Bear in mind the four methods to get rid of your academic weaknesses

C. Think about how to improve yourself mentally and physically in the new tern D. Make plans for your new term to improve your academic performance C

Mobile spyware is any type of program or software in a mobile phone with the purpose of stealing

data and listening to calls. It has become a problem for many users of mobile phones. One of the easiest ways to block mobile spyware is to make sure that you buy a phone that has anti-spyware software installed (安装) on it. This type of software functions similarly to the anti-virus and anti-spyware software that is commonly found on computers. Getting a phone that can protect itself can save you quite a headache.

If you already have a phone, but it is unprotected from mobile spyware, you can look into downloading an anti-spyware program from the third party. This type of program can be downloaded directly onto your phone, so you won’t have to go through the trouble of downloading it onto a separate device and installing it on your phone afterward. Make sure that you download the anti-spyware software only from legal websites. Many spyware threats disguise (伪装) themselves as being solutions to malware (恶意软件).

Try to turn off your phone’s Bluetooth when you are not using it. This makes it difficult for random cell phone users to contact you and send you spyware. Spyware is commonly sent through Bluetooth using pictures and text messages. You should open and read messages that come from the sources that you know or trust. Text message attachments often carry mobile spyware. You might have the option to block spam numbers on your phone, but most consumers will have to call their cell phone carrier’s customer service department to block these numbers. Reporting spam can warn your cell phone company of a threat that could be targeting other customers as well.

Lastly, you should always exercise caution when using the Internet on your phone. Malware can easily cause harm to the computers. Cell phones are just as susceptible to malware attacks as computers are. Visit only safe websites. If you are not sure whether a website is malware-free, you should at least have an anti-spyware software tool on your phone to reduce the risk of infection. 9. According to the passage, the anti-spyware program_________. A. is user-friendly

B. is usually free of charge

C. is difficult to be found online

D. is originally developed for computers

10. What should you do if you get a message through Bluetooth? A. To ignore the message completely. B. To delete the text message attachments. C. To check the source of the message.

D. To report it to the customer service department.

11. What does the underlined word in the last paragraph mean? A. Being beneficial to something. B. Being predictable about something. C. Being qualified to handle something. D. Being likely to be affected by something. D

Speaking in an interview, Nicky Morgan, the UK Education Secretary said that reality TV shows, such as the X Factor make people think they can have instant success, but it isn’t the case. Realistic, inspiring role models should be put in front of youngsters and children must be taught that there are no shortcuts to success and that instant fame and money do not happen overnight. Speaking to The House Magazine — the weekly magazine of the Houses of Parliament (国会),Ms Morgan said,“It took me 21 years from joining the Conservative Party as a 16-year-old to

being elected as a Member of Parliament for the first time in Loughborough. It’s a long journey, but when you get there, the feeling of accomplistonent is huge. The entrepreneurs (企业家) and successful actors and great musicians always worked really hard to fulfill their dream.”

As for the part of teachers and schools, Ms. Morgan said, “What I want to see in teacher training is more about character education and getting teachers to really think about it.” She added, \should know character education is much more important than the transmission of knowledge and we think the best schools and the best teachers should know how they can build strong, resilient (适应性强的), courageous and determined young people. It is about setting high expectations and ambitions for them.”

In response to the recent figures from the previous analysis of the Education Select Committee: just 28.3 per cent of poor white boys achieved five GCSEs at grade A to C, including English and maths. Ms Morgan said, “In working class families, parents often have no idea what it means leaving school without qualifications and all they should do is support their children to learn some skills.”

12. From what Nicky Morgan said in Paragraph 1, we can learn _________. A. people are likely to be misled by reality TV shows

B. some successful people know the factors of success better C. the adults are supposed to set good examples for the young D. what people think is different from what happens in reality 13. Why does Nicky Morgan mention her experience? A. To prove the truth that time and tide wait for no man. B. To remind people to enjoy the pleasure of travelling. C. To show that it’s no use daydreaming about success. D. To make people know success comes from hard work. 14. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. The purpose of educating the young people. B. The advantage of best schools and best teachers.

C. Training teachers to own good character is important. D. Character education is important in the school. 15. What should parents in working class families do? A. Try to improve themselves by teaching themselves. B. Accept the different results of their children’s exams. C. Be aware of the importance of receiving education. D. Teach their children some effective learning skills. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Invaluable lessons you learn from volunteering

We are not unfamiliar with volunteering. 16 However, that’s not to say you can’t take away a lesson or two along the way. These lessons could not only shed light on the principles of doing good, the community in need, but also on yourself. Everyone has a story

When volunteering for a community in need, you come to realize that every person has a story — a story of who they are and how they came to be where they are. 17 Acknowledging everyone’s individual circumstances and stories makes for a more complete volunteer experience.

18 Picking up trash, pulling weeds or donating clothes may not seem like much, but with the right mindset, these actions can be seen to have far-reaching implications. Think of it like this: picking up trash and pulling weeds contribute to the beautification of a community, while donating clothes might mean keeping someone warm in winter. Gratitude

19 And helping those in need is a firm reminder of what really matters, like family. It’s not uncommon for volunteers to see their own lives in a different light, perhaps when they are taking notice of the small things or during the moments that bring them joy. Thus, volunteering can make you feel grateful for the things in life that really matter. Once a volunteer, always a volunteer

20 The fulfillment that comes with helping another human being, arid the satisfaction from knowing you’ve made a difference are just a few reasons why being a volunteer once is never enough.

A. The simple things are always hard. B. Small changes have very big impacts.

C. Volunteering is actually beneficial to all of us.

D. Volunteering is an experience that stays with you forever.

E. As volunteers, we’d better respect, appreciate, and understand it. F. Volunteering is best known as an act done for the benefit of others.

G. Volunteering brings with it a deep appreciation of all that you have in life. 第一节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I jumped off the bus, running back home. It was 21. Opening the door, I was 22 by the smells of pine and oranges. Just then I heard a (n) 23 voice, “You’re home, brother! Come 24 with me!” Melissa, my baby sister, looked at me 25. Too old, I felt, for her 26. So I thought of a (n) 27 to make her not cry. “OK,” I said, “28 you share your red car with me, I will. I only like the car.” Melissa quickly 29 the car, ran to her bedroom and screamed, “No!” She never let others even 30 the car. A moment later, Melissa asked me, “Have you got me any 31 yet?” “Not yet, but I 32,” I said. “I’ve got what I’m giving you,” said Melissa.

The day of 33 gifts quickly came. I sent Melissa a 34 statue bought at the local dollar store. The whole family were excited to receive and open gifts. “We need a 35 for the package paper,” Dad joked, sweeping up the wastes.

“Wait, Daddy!” said Melissa. “I’ve another gift for my brother.” Clearly she had 36 the gift herself. It had at least four layers of paper. I peeled back the package’s paper, saying, “Melissa, I can’t …” “What is it?” asked Mom 37. I pulled back the rest of the paper so as to 38 the gift to my parents—Melissa’s favorite red car. Looking at the 39 statue I’d given her, I was flushed (脸红) with 40. The statue seemed to be barking and laughing at me.

21. A. Christmas vacation B. National Day C. Children’s Day D. summer vacation 22. A. absorbed B. greeted C. surprised D. blessed

