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Self-help Traveling




Self-help Traveling

An increasing number of college students choose self-help traveling rather than arranged tours when they plan to travel. The reason may be that by arranging the route

[ru:t], booking inexpensive hotels and taking cheaper transportation means by themselves, they can save a lot of money.

Convenient and economical as self-help traveling sounds, it still has some potential [p ten l] problems. Perhaps the most crucial [ kru: l] one is the safety hazard. [ hæz d] Being alone without a group or a tour guide, a traveler ['trævl ] may be helpless in face of danger, that is, robbery [ r b ri], wild animal attacks etc. In addition, they are more likely to be at risk [r sk] of getting lost when traveling alone in a strange [stre nd ] city or in the remote countryside.

From my standpoint, self-help traveling can be exciting and challenging which is worth trying. However, before starting out alone on a tour, travelers should make detailed preparations [prep 're nz]. Besides, they should bear security

[s kj riti] in mind all the time and keep in touch with their friends or relatives. Only by doing so can they enjoy the pleasure of exploring a strange city safe and sound.


The Importance of Innovation

Innovation [ n ve n] drives the development of a society and underlies the prosperity [pr sper ti] of a nation, yet there is difficulty putting the innovation into practice. Just as is depicted [d p ktid] in the picture, an employee [ m pl i:] submits an innovative proposal [pr p zl] to his leader, but the leader declines

[d kla n] his proposal due to the fact that they have never tried it before.

The attitude to innovation is conveyed without exaggeration [ g zæd re n] through the picture. Some enterprises, [ ent pra siz] short of spirit [ sp r t] of innovation, would rather stick to established [ stæbl ] conventions than embrace

[ m bre s] something innovative. Further, some far-sighted innovation is nipped

[n p] in the bud [b d] owing to lack of objective conditions or spirit of adventure. In my viewpoint, it is a wise person who embraces [ m bre s] new things. Innovation promotes social progress and benefits all human beings. For example, computers, as a new thing at the beginning, were considered dangerous. However, they have proven to be powerful helpers of people after many years. In addition, new things will definitely def n tli] take the place of the old ones, and only by embracing new things with open-mindedness [ ma nd dnes] and keeping innovative can we obtain [ b te n] competitive [k m petit v] edge.


No Success or Failure [ fe lj (r)] Is Necessarily Final

A result-orientated [ :ri nte t] method is often applied to evaluation [ vælj 'e n] of a person’s performance, and the results are often divided into two types: success or failure. However, it is quite unfair to judge [d d ] a person’s achievement in this way as no success or failure is necessarily final.

No doubt people encounter [ n ka nt (r)] a large amount of success or failure in life. It is natural that we feel delighted when accomplishing something and wretched ret d] when being defeated. Actually, whether it is success or failure, we might as well maintain [me n te n] a peaceful mind because success and failure are not absolute [ æbs lu:t] and they can be converted [k n'v :t d] under certain circumstances. ['s :k mst ns z] As long as one learns lessons from the failure, the loser can regain success. On the contrary, [ k ntr ri] if a winner makes no effort [ ef t] to guard gɑ:d] the fruit, he or she may plunge [pl nd ] into failure.

Thus, we should view success and failure reasonably and stay calm when being successful or defeated. In addition, we should adjust our states in time and move towards the next aim because life consists of a string of events instead of being determined by one success or failure.


Grow Up and Become Who You Are

People tend to look on childhood memory as the best time of their whole life and feel the temptation [temp te n] of resisting growing up as growing up usually comes along with pains and struggles. Indeed, it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

Growing up not only involves [ n v lv] coming of age but also entails maturity

[m t r ti] of mental development and flexibility [ fleks 'b l t ] of doing things. Surely, it is inevitable [ n ev t bl] that we will suffer from difficulties on the way of growing up because becoming who you really are requires sense of responsibility and courage. For example, when you feel mature [m t (r)] enough to choose a major or a career, [k r (r)] your parents may think otherwise and advise you to perform what they think is the best for you in the name of love. Under such circumstances, you definitely need courage to follow your heart.

In conclusion, growing up may not seem fascinating, [ fæs ne t ] but it is a threshold [ θre h ld one must step across. One day, when you find yourself capable

[ ke p bl] of shouldering your own responsibility without fear and panic, you may realize all the tears and pains in the process of growing up are worthwhile.


Holiday Economy

Holiday economy is not new to people all around the world. In China, it stands for the nationwide one-week holiday starting from October 1st (the National Day). The government established [ stæbl ] the week-long holiday back in 1999 to stimulate [ st mjule t] domestic [d mest k] spending. Tour operators, retailers, and wedding halls have been cashing in ever since.

However, there are shifting perspectives about holiday economy. Many people, including some economists, think positively about holiday economy. They believe that tourism-based holiday economy has increased consumption [k n s mp n] and helped to spur the domestic demands. While others, who worry about the negative effect of holiday economy, argue that holiday economy do more harm than good. For

example, during the extended holiday, scenic [ si:n k] spots are overloaded with tourists, and it not only spoils the relaxing mood of the tourists, but also overburdens the tourist attractions.

In my opinion, both sides are reasonable. We should take good advantages of the holiday to develop economy while trying to tackle [ tækl] the problems existed with practical measures. In this way, not only can we enjoy the pleasure that the golden week endows [ n da ] us, but also promote the development of holiday economy soundly.


Confidence Matters

A famous person once said: “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.” The saying emphasizes [ emf sa z] the importance of confidence and ignorance to success because confidence paves the way for success and ignorance gives birth to fearlessness.

Confidence is knowing what you are capable of. Evidence [ ev d ns] shows that confidence and success are closely related. Only with confidence can one draw on all the resources to fulfill his dream, while without confidence, one can hardly has the courage to fight for what he wants even with great competence.

Those who appreciate themselves radiate faith, passion and enthusiasm

[ n θju:ziæz m] which spur them on to succeed. Besides, confidence is the silver lining in desperation. When it seems that everything is against you, confidence can help you to manage the situation. On the contrary, people tend to be daunted [d :nt] by difficulties due to lack of confidence.

Therefore, it is essential [ sen l] that we cultivate [ k lt ve t] confidence for the sake [se k] of success. For one thing, we should put faith in ourselves and always keep a positive attitude towards life. For another, we should know what we are good at and be brave enough to accept our weaknesses. Only in this way can we be closer to success.

