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五 年级 上 册 英语 教学进度计划表

周 次 教 学 内 容 课时 主备课人 第一周 Module 1 2 周小燕 第二周 Module 2 2 于海萍 第三周 Module 3 2 陈君 第四周 Module 4 2 周小燕 第五周 Module 5 2 于海萍 第六周 Module 6 2 陈君 第七周 Review Module1-3 2 周小燕 第八周 Review Module4-5 2 于海萍 第九周 Mid-term Examination 2 陈君 第十周 Module 7 2 周小燕 1

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第十一周 Module 8 2 于海萍 第十二周 Module 9 2 陈君 第十三周 Module 10 2 周小燕 第十四周 Review Module 6-8 2 于海萍 第十五周 Review Module 9-10 2 陈君 第十六周 Final-term Review 2 周小燕 第十七周 Final-term Review 2 于海萍 第十八周 Final-term Review 2 陈君 第十九周 Final examination


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第 一 单元教材分析

单元课题 Module 1 London 本模块的教学内容是询问和谈论过去发生的事情。 课序 单元课 时分配 课 题 课时 Unit1 Unit2 Did you come back yesterday? We bought ice creams. 总 课 时 1 1 2 课 题 Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday? 1.能够听懂会说本课新词:meet,above those,icecream,with,finish,drop, 词组:come back,hurry up ground 2.听懂会说动词的过去式meet—met ,come—came , drop—dropped 教学目标 3.能够听懂会说句子:Did you come back yesterday?能做出回答:I came back __. 4.能理解课文内容。 教学重点:单词:met , come—came , drop—dropped 教学重点教学难点 教学难点:句子:Did you come back yesterday? Yes,/no I came back ___. 教学准备 教学时间 PPT,卡片 3

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教 学 过 程 (一) Warm-up 1.Greeting T: Hello , how are you? Nice to see you! 2.Free talk T: Did you have a good time in summer holiday ? How do you feel on summer holiday this year ? What did you do on summer holiday ? If you feel happy on summer holiday this year,please hands up! (二)New concepts 1.引入 (1)新词的教授 T: Well, I went to Guilin , I came back last Sunday. (2)板书讲解back , come back (3)学生用come back造句 (4)T: Did you come back yesterday?(引导学生讲出Yes,/no I came back ___. (5)T: ok , I think everyone is happy in summer holiday . What about our friend ? Ok , let‘s have a look ! 2.课文教学 (1)播放第一幅图的录音 T: Where did Lingling go ? whom did she meet? Where did they visit ? (教师边提问边引导学生理解对话内容) (2)播放第二幅图的录音 T: Did Amy come back yesterday? Does Lingling live in London too? 4

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(3)播放剩下的录音 T:Did they buy ice creams? (教师边提问,边引导学生理解对话内容和新词those ,drop) (4)播放录音,跟读课文 (5)自由读 三.Homework 《Activity book》 unit1 Did you come back yesterday? 板书 go—went 设计 buy—bought do—did finish—finished Did you come back yesterday? come—came We came back last Sunday. wait—waited drop—dropped 教学后记 课 题 Unit 2 We bought ice creams. 1.复习已学过的动词过去式。 2.能够听懂会说met(meet的过去式),ran(run的过去式), dropped(drop的过去式) 3.学会Did 的一般疑问句,并进行肯定和否定回答。 教学目标 4.能够理解课文内容。 5.元音字母 a,e,i及字母组合ea的发音 能力目标:讨论过去的事情和活动 情感目标:继续培养孩子学习英语的兴趣。 1. met(meet的过去式),ran(run的过去式) ,dropped(drop的过去式) 教学重点教学难点 2.学会Did 的一般疑问句,并进行肯定和否定回答。 教学准备 PPT,卡片 教学时间 5

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教 学 过 程 一.Warm-up (一) greeting (二) review 1.教师说说暑假出行, 以复习学过的动词过去式 T:I came back from Guilin. I went to the 乐满地 . I bought a hat there.I saw an old friend.I had lunch there . I ate an ice cream . (教师边说边板书动词go—went see –saw have –had buy –bought eat—ate ) 2.齐读 3.学生回忆学过的动词过去式(教师板书) 二. New concepts 1.引入 T: We know Lingling is in London.She writes to Daming.Let's look! 2.课文教学 (1)播放录音 T: What did she say ? (学生边回答,教师边引导理解课文内容) (2)讲解新知met(meet的过去式),ran(run的过去式), dropped(drop的过去式),并在小组内用动词过去式造句。 (3)播放录音,学生跟读课文 (4)ask and answer(教材P4 第二部分),先口头练,再书写在书上。 6

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(5)(引入)T: I ate an ice cream yesterday. Did you eat ice cream yesterday ? S: Yes, I did. (6)讲解句子:Did you ___yesterday?Yes,I did.No,I didn‘t. (7)操练句子 T—Ss T—S S—S (8)pair work (9)展示对话 3.Pairs work (教材P4 第三部分) 4.语音教学 让生明白a,e,i及字母组合ea在单词中的发音规律。 三.Homework 1听录音,熟读课文。 2 抄写本单元单词。 M1U2 We bought ice creams. 板书 —Did you...? 设计 —Yes, I did. No, I didn‘t. We bought ice creams. send-sent run-ran 教学后记


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第 二 单元教材分析

单元课题 Module 2 Shopping 本模块的教学内容是询问和陈述购物的情况。 课序 单元课 时分配 课 题 课时 1 1 2 Unit1 Unit2 What did you buy? How much cheese did you buy? 总 课 时 课 题 Unit 1 What did you buy? 1全体学生能运用单词list, need, first, can, lost, how much, cheese, any, use, over there.,听懂句子What did you buy? How many bananas did you buy? How much cheese did you buy? 教学目标 2、全体学生能运用单词can, how much, any, use, half.能说What did you buy? How many bananas did you buy? How much cheese did you buy? 3、部分学生能认读并运用单词list, need ,first, lost, cheese, over there 1.重点:能听懂,并认读Part2 Listen and read表述的信件的内容。 2.难点:能用What did you buy? How many bananas did you buy? How much 教学重点cheese did you buy?来询问别人.并学会问答。 教学难点 教学准备 PPT课件、单词卡片 教学时间 教 学 过 程 执教随笔 8

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Step1. Warm-up T: Good morning girls and boys. Ss: Good morning Miss Deng. T: Welcome to my class. Now, everyone let‘s do it. (播放前一段歌曲,并跟着做动作if you are happy and you know it ) Boys and girls, Are you happy now? Today we will learn the new lesson: Step2: Lead-in T: What did you do yesterday? Ss: do homeworkers, help my mother cook dinner? T: Now I‘m so happy to share something to you. Yesterday I have to do dinner. Then I went shopping. Who can guess what did I buy? I bought some apples, oranges, and fish, meat, some vegetables? Step 3: Presentation Everyone if you go to the supermarket what do you want to buy? (引导学生们回答有关这节课要讲到的单词,互动) Now prepare one paper, listen carfare and write down the massage. Q:What did dad ask Sam to buy? –some fruit. And where is the fruit? –Sam ate it all. (听一遍录音,全班回答后,然后打开课本全班跟录音读一遍并赞 扬他们 perfect, big hands to yourself. ) Boys and girls, maybe if you go to the supermarket maybe someone buy ice cream, hamburger, drink, but do you know what did Sam want to buy? T:Ok, close your book, next we listen the tape and answer the questions. (在听录音的过程中,板书动词go,meet,come,buy,eat,drop,拿出板书好问题的小黑板,听完录音并回答问题后,开始全班复习一遍动词过去式) Q: 1. Did dad make a shopping list? --- yes, he did. 2. Did they lose the list? --------- yes, they did. 3. Did they buy bananas? ----------- no, they didn‘t. Read and draw tick(?) or cross(?). 1. Lingling likes bananas. (?) --likes apples. 2. Mr Smart and Amy lost the list. (?) 3. Mr Smart and Amy bought four pears. (?) 4. They bought some bananas. (?) --didn‘t buy any 5. They bought 12 eggs. (?) Open your book, page 23.before that look at the blackboard, let‘s review the past tense. Go-went, meet-met, come-came, buy-bought, eat-ate, drop-dropped.(齐读一遍后,教师讲解一遍文章,注意新的单词和句型,便开始 9

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表演角色) T: Who can read the first paragraph? Volunteer, I need two students. (教 师举手示意鼓励学生回答问题) S1: me? T: Nice, big hands. Need means is want (需要),is a verb. List just like you want to buy something and write down a paper, such as we need bananas?books?apples?fish?any more, and write down, or we can say shopping list. Contrary if I write the name for a paper, you should call the paper -- name list. (解释need,list,知道意思就不需要做跟过多的解释) T: Next part who want to try? S: me? T: Perfect, Big hand. Everyone do you notice? How many and how much, they are different? Think about they are different or the same? (板书how many和how much, 并解释,重点句型) (他们都是用于询问―多少‖,不同的地方是,一个用来提问可数名词的数量,另一个用来提问不可数名词的数量,并举例,解释新单词cheese) T: do you understand? The last paragraph, who want to try? This is a good chance. S1: me ? T: big hand. Good for you! Now listen the tape and read it right away. (学生跟读一遍,模仿语音语调) Ss: ??? T: boys and girls, we need you with your partner to role play. Who want to try? (根据课本进行角色扮演,根据时间而定,两组队员就好了,纠正读音,检查错漏) Ss: ??? Steps 3 Practice (12mins) T: page 24, in this part, let‘s play a game. Pay attention to me, if I‘m go to the supermarket, and Huangxiaoming is a sale assistant. Ok. Xiaoming ask me how many apples\\books do you want. (举例示范,并让这位学生开口 问自己,自己再回答) ---I need six apples\\books. T: and how much this apples? Step 4 Practice . 1.Listen point and say 2.Read it by yourself ,If you have questions ,you can ask me or your pattern. 3.read it together. Step 5Production 小组合作 ,表演购物剧。 Step6 Summary T:What did you learn? 1.read these sentences(齐读板书) 10

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2.(学生自己总结自己的收获) Step 7 Homework . T:Homework for you.After class,you can go on finishing the postcard.We‘ll communicate next class. T:Class is over.thank you for your listening.Bye! 这个作业是对拓展环节的一个延伸,由于学生的学习水平有差异,因此,拓展环节的书信练习有很多学生没能完成,将其延伸到下一堂课的课前三分钟Free talk,给学生提供了更广的思考空间。 板书 Module2Unit1 What did you buy? 设计 What did you buy? How many bananas did you buy? How much cheese did you buy? 教学 后记 课 题 Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy? 1.语言知识目标: 能掌握以下单词和句型:单词:bottle,half, kilo, a lot of,over there, use . 句型:How much cheese did you buy? 2.语言技能目标:使学生学会如何询问数量,如何谈论购物。 3.情感态度目标: 在英语课堂中培养孩子们的英语涵养, 教学目标 把学生情感态度的培养渗透到英语教学之中,让学生体会学习英语的乐趣。 学习策略目标:对学生的学习进行指导,让学生完成具体学习任务并采取有效的步骤和方法。在教学过程中合理利用多种媒体进行学习和运用英语。 11

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能掌握并熟练运用以下句型 How many /much...do you want? 教学重点教学难点 How much is it going to cost? 教学准备 PPT ,卡片 教学时间 教 学 过 程 一、 准备活动 用手势帮助学生复习数词,以此来引出句型―How many?‖,并通过图片和实物进行操练。再让学生运用How many do you want?自由对话,然后点名汇报。如: 1、T: How many? (教师出示不同数量的手指。) S: Seven. 2、T: How many books? S: Two books. 二、呈现新课 1、教学新单词 (1)出示各种食品图片,让生齐读出来。 (2)最后一张出示奶酪,引入单词cheese。教说该单词,分小队,分排练读。告诉学生cheese是不可数名词。 (3)引入单词kilo.使生理解该单词意为―一公斤‖。教说、练说该单词。 (4)引入词组half a kilo。使生理解为―半公斤‖。教说、练说该词组。 (5)将所学新词齐说一遍,并利用cheese练说。E.g. a kilo of cheese。 2.教学新句子 (1) T:Tomorrow, we are going to have a picnic. What are we going to take on our picnic? Who can say?找学生说出野餐时想带的东西,老12

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师板书,并适时穿插说‖What about cakes?‖‖ Let's have some ice cream.‖当黑板写满时,引出There is a list.教说单词list. (2)老师利用板书中的可数名词问:How many ...do you want ?再用―How much...do you want?‖问板书中的不可数名词.让学生理解这两个句型是物品询问数量的.然后让他们总结出两个句型分别用在何种情况。 (4)老师仍然利用板书提问How much is it going to cost?启发学生理解该句意思是询问价钱。在练说时速度要由慢到快,拍手有节奏地练说该句。 (5)Game:More or less 依次出示三种物品,找一个学生上前面来猜价钱,其它同学根据他说出的价钱说 more或less来给他提示。 三、扩展性活动 1、T: Today is Mid-Autumn day。Lets have a party at tonight。But , there is Nothing。S: Make a list at first。And then ,lets go shopping. 让学生 6 人自由结组,并发给他们每组一张纸,让学生先来列一个清单。待学生列好清单后,利用实物投影展示几组。大家一起看一看,说一说清单上都有什么东西。 2、学生自编对话。 3、对话展示。 四、板书设计: a kilo of rice two bottles of milk six boxes of juice half a kilo of meat How many ______s do you want? How much _______ do you want? 13

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u, o ar, a a, er ir, ur duck arm balloon bird mother glasses teacher nurse 五、作业布置: 从以下作业中选择一道自己喜欢的作业: 1、课文录音,模仿课文句子,能够熟读课文; 2、用今天所学的句型询问朋友周末购物情况 板书Unit2 How much cheese did you buy? 设计 How many ...did you buy? Four. How much ...did you buy? Half a kilo\\Two bottles. 教学后记 第 三 单元教材分析

单元课题 Module 3 Weekend Activities 本模块的教学内容是询问和陈述过去的行为。 课序 单元课 时分配 课 题 课时 1 1 Unit1 Unit2 Where did you go? Daming took a photo of his father ? 总 课 时 14

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课 题 1.学习单词 British, museum ,thanks,weekend,place,museum,how,best,took Trip,river,hour,minute,twenty. 2.用一般过去时表达过去发生的事情 What did you do at the weekend ? We visited lots of places. Where did you go? We went to the British Museum. 能力目标: 1、学会运用一般过去时表达过去发生的事情,尤其要掌握部分不规 则动词的过去式。 2.通过学习培养学生听、说、读、写和灵活运用语言的能力,培养学生的 教学目标 竞争和参与合作的意识。 情感目标: 通过学习动词的过去式,培养学生敢于开口说英语, 并让学生明白时间的可贵,学会合理安排自己的作息时间。 学习策略:1.景点资料、单词卡片、课文语境设置情景学习新单词和短语。 2.采用激励性评价,在教学活动中充分激发学生的求知欲和表现欲,通过小组合作学习,培养学生自主运用语言的能力 教学重点: Sentence Structures: A: What did you do at the weekend ? B: We visited 教学重点lots of places. A:Where did you go ? B:We went to the British Museum . 教学难点 教学难点: 1.掌握单词和词组: 15

Unit 1 Where did you go? 学英雄风范 做时代新人


museum,place,trip,river,hour,minute, lots of places,the British Museum,Big Ben,the London Eye,like..best,along the river. 2.学习并掌握句型―What did you do at the weekend?‖和― Where did you go‖的问答表达。 教学准备 图片,单词卡片,多媒体课件 教学时间 教 学 过 程 Step 1.Warming up and Revision 1.Sing a song. ―Where did you go?‖ (以过去式的歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,为本课起了一个铺垫作用) Step 2 .Presentation 1. T: This summer I went to Dalian .And what did you do this summer? Ss: I went to the park ./I did my homework. T: Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy. Do you know what did they do at the weekend ? Now this class we‘ll learn M3U1 Where did you go? (板书课题领读两遍) Please turn to Page 14. 1.Listen to the tape and understand the text context. 2.Listen again and circle the new words. (这一环节学生交流预习中遇到的重点难点,小组试着讨论解决一些单词的读法。)小组交流之后,再请学生举手询问自己不理解的单词和句子。 New words and phrases on the board: weekend , places museum,trip,hour,minute,river. a.在自主学习、 小组讨论的基础上,利用单词卡片辅助教学新单词和词组。在学习16 执教随笔 学英雄风范 做时代新人


单词的过程采用了多种方法练习。 (Follow me ./Read together. / Read one by one./Read two by two. /I speak Chinese , you speak English. I speak English , you speak Chinese./Spell the word. etc. b. Listen again, answer the questions:(课件展示) ①What did Amy ,Lingling and Sam do at the weekend ? ②Where did they go? ③How did they go to these places ? ④Did Lingling like the bus ride best? Answer the questions by yourself, then talk about in Your group. Now Check the answers.(以抢答的形式回答,尽量做到公平,每个小组回答一个问题) ①They visited lots of places. ②They went to the British Museum and they visited Big Ben and the London Eye. ③They went by bus. ④Yes, she did. c. Group work: ①Read the text in roles: Daming ,Amy .(分角色朗读课文,有助于培养学生的角色意识) ②Know the Chinese meaning of the text. (让学生在活动中参与小组学习、交流、探索、提高)。 Step 3.Consolidation and Extension a. Look at P16. Look at the dialogues. For example: A: Where did you go last Sunday? B:I A :What did you do ? B:I A:When did you go? A:How did you go? Ask and answer in pairs in your group. Then let‘s check. Who wants to be the little teacher?(把交流答案的过程交给小老师处理,根据回答17

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情况进行评价得分, 同时仿照以上环节对小老师适时鼓励)。 b. Homework: (作业布置可以使学生更好地掌握过去式的重点内容,同时也锻炼了他们的口头表达能力) Ask and answer with your friends: Where did you go at the weekend ? What did you do ? When? How? Who? 板书What did you do at the weekend? 设计 Where did you go ? How did you go these places? the British Museum, Take-took Go-went Like-liked Visit-visited 教学 后记 课 题 Unit2 Daming took a photo of his father ? 1. 知识目标: 1)全体学生能理解并认读单词of, arrive, wall, mountains, with, plants. 全体学生能运用of, 部分学生能运用arrive, wall, mountains, with, plants. 教学目标 2) 大部分学生能通过找关键信息回答Who/How/When/What …?等特殊疑问句,来理解课文内容。 3)大部分学生能正确、流利地朗读课文。 2. 能力目标: 1)学会寻找关键信息,理解语篇,掌握重点语言。 18

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2)能根据关键信息复述课文并并转述朋友过去的经历,发展综合语言运用能力。 3) 描述过去发生的事情。 3. 情感目标: 1)培养学生的合作精神,在学习交际中感受学习的乐趣和成功的喜悦。 2)激发学生爱旅游、爱生活的情感,教育学生做一个文明的游客。 重点: 1. 全体学生能理解并认读单词of, arrive, wall, mountains, with, plants. 全体学生能运用of, 部分学生能运用arrive, wall, mountains, with, plants. 2. 能通过找关键信息回答Who/How/When/What …?等特殊疑问句,来理 教学重点解课文内容。 教学难点 难点: 1.词语arrive的理解和运用。 2. 能通过找关键信息回答Who/How/When/What …?等特殊疑问句,来理解课文内容。 教学准备 卡片 教学时间 教 学 过 程 执教随笔 19

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课前准备: 1. Listen to the song ―High 歌‖. 2. 2. Watch the video ―Beautiful scenery of China‖. Step1:Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song―Where did you go?‖ 【设计意图:学生边唱歌边做动作,既使学生很快地进入课堂的英语学习气氛,又感知回顾了特殊疑问句及一般过去式,为课文的学习做好铺垫。】 Step2 Pre-reading 1. 师讲述自己的旅行经历。 2. 学习Daming‘s trip, 整体感知,语篇全文。 Watch the video and answer the questions. 1) Who went with‘s father? 2) How did they arrive? 【设计意图:通过讲述自己的旅游经历,引入文本情境,激发学生的阅读兴趣并引出评价arrive at the Great Wall。带着问题有目的地看,引导学生根据自己所需有针对性地提取信息,并整体感知课文内容, 为精读课文做好准备。】 Step3 While-reading 1. 设问质疑,深入阅读。 Read the lesson and find out the answers. 1)When did they arrive? 2) What did they do? 2. 问题深入,推进阅读。 What did Daming do? 3. 听读结合,加深理解。 【设计意图:问题牵动下,让学生有目的地自读课文,深层次理解学习重点内容,引导学生在寻找细节信息时放慢阅读速度,在关键信息处划线或做标记。并结合课文插图、动画,让学生在文本情境中理解课文。把提取的关键信息直观、形象地呈现在黑板上,帮助学生理解语篇,掌握重点语言,也为后面的复述课文做好铺垫。】 20

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Step4 Post-reading 1. Try to retell the lesson. 2. Describe your friend‘s trip. 【设计意图:引导学生学会根据关键词复述课文,加深对课文的理解。鼓励学生将所阅读的内容与自己的生活联系起来,将阅读技能与语言技能进行整合,对学生进行综合语言训练。】 Step5 Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read the passage fluently. 2. Tell your parents about your friend‘s trip. 【设计意图:布置此开放性作业,旨在培养学生运用英语交际的意识,锻炼学生用英语做事情的能力。】 Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. 板书 单词hour mountain wall arrive with plant 设计 句子 What did Daming do at the weekend? Where did you go? Where/How/When/What did…? 教学后记

第 四 单元教材分析

单元课题 Module 4 Prossessions 21

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本模块的教学内容是陈述和询问过去的行为,以及对他人表示关心。 课序 单元课 时分配 课 题 课时 1 1 2 Unit1 Unit2 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. What‘s the matter with Daming? 总 课 时 课 题 Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 1、语言技能 能用Sam took my T-shirt .He wants to wear it.But it isn‘t your T-shirt.Mum bought it for me. 2、语言知识 全体学生能听懂Sam took my T-shirt .He wants to wear it.But it isn‘t your T-shirt.Mum bought it for me. 3、情感态度 通过各种形式多样的活动,以及在真实环境下,教授新知教学目标 识,激发学生的学习兴趣。 4、学习策略 对所学内容能主动复习和归纳。 5、文化意识 教育学生不要与人发生争吵,遇事要沉着、冷静的分析。 1、重点 陈述运用过去的行为及对他人的关心。 教学重点2、难点 对一般的请求和道歉能做出适当的反应。并学会用恰当的方式教学难点 表达对他人的关心。 教学准备 单词卡片、图片、PPT、stickers. 教学时间 22

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教 学 过 程 (一)复习导入Revision and lead in(5分钟) 1、Class begins. 2、Free talk T:Did you have a good time on holiday? Ss: Yes! T:Me, too. I bought a new T-shirt on this holiday. Look! I wear my new T-shirt. 【设计意图】对过创设情境来进行热身,将学生带入一个英语环境当中,能够使学生变得活跃。 (二)任务呈现Task presentation(2分钟) Look listen and say.播放书上第一题的动画。 【设计意图】呈现学习本课内容后的运用任务,即学了本课内容后,要做什么。与后面的任务完成环节遥相呼应。 (三)课文学习Text learning(15分钟) 1、 Listen and point(第一遍听录音,让学生用手指着,来整体感知课文) 听音回答问题What is the matter with Sam and Amy? 2、 Listen ,point and repeat.(听读指,同时学习本模块的单词) 单词教授方式:教师领读 小组内组长带领学生读单词 小组展示(通过邀请小组展示来看学生们的掌握情况,同时纠正学生的发音) 游戏:快速猜单词 (采用快闪法,露头法,这样既提高了学生的注意力,同时也使学生得到相对的休息,得到了预想的效果) 3、分角色朗读课文。 (设计意图:通过分角色朗读课文,学生初步了解在怎样的情境中运用这一句型,并更进一步理解课文的内容。) 执教随笔 23

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4、Imitation show T:Read the text by yourself, then act the dialogue out. I need 4 students to come here. (分小组来表演,说明可以选择某个精彩片段来表演,也可以表演整篇) (设计意图:act the dialogue out难度增大,进一步拓展学生的思维能力,提高口语交际能力。同时采用任务教学法,使学生的语言知识得到运用,也有利于调动学生的积极性。) (四)训练巩固 Practice(7分钟) 1、Listen and say.课后第三题。 设计意图:对本课的重点句子反复操练。 (五)任务完成 Task completion(5 分钟) 2、Make a dialogue.课后第四题 设计意图:创造失物认领的语境,对本课的知识进行操练。 (六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework(3分钟) 1.Summary :What did you learn today? Any questions? 根据学生汇报,总结动词过去式。 (让学生自己总结一下今天本堂课所学的知识,同时教师再次点拨) (设计意图:培养学生勤于动脑、善于总结的学习习惯。) 2.Homework :Listen and read the text fluently. Write the new words three times. (设计意图:课后布置作业起到巩固新知识的作用。) 板书Module 4 Unit1: Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 设计 Sam took my T-shirt . He wants to wear it. But it isn‘t your T-shirt.Mum bought it for me. 24

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教学 后记 课 题 Unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming? 1、理解和把握句型This is a cap.以及单词lost sports shoes。 教学目标 2、培养学生用所学的知识来指出事物的主人,以及用所学的知识来获取他人的信息的能力。 3、能听懂、理解课文内容,并就课文内容回答问题。 教学重点:理解和运用名词性物主代词。 教学重点教学难点 教学难点:区分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 教学准备 PPT,卡片 教学时间 教 学 过 程 一、 Warm-up(口语交际) Greetings and free talk: Hello, everyone! How are you? Wherd did you go at the weekend? How did you go there? Ben,Daming and their friends went to the zoo at the weekend, too. They took many things. Look, this is Ben‘s bag. Let‘s see: What are they? Read loudly.(课件呈现:一个大包,里面飞出不同的东西:帽子, 鞋, 短裤,苹果,牛奶等) They‘re very happy. But Ben isn‘t happy. Let's ask: Ben, what‘s the matter? 二、 Presentation (一)Part 1 1、What‘s the matter with Ben? Let‘s watch the video and find out the answer (放第一部分课件,进入到第一部分的文本,听一遍,跟25

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读一遍,然后回答问题) What‘s the matter with you, Ben? A. I lost my book. B. I lost my cap. Did Ben find (找到)his cap? Did Lili help Ben? Yes, we should help the others. 【设计意图】由于第一部分内容简单,孩子们没有生单词,所以直接听一遍,再跟读一遍,学生已经能掌握这一部分内容的含义,通过不同形式的两个问题,帮助学生巩固了这一部分内容,同时也进行了一定的拓展:由What‘s the matter拓展到了What‘s the matter with you?,方便下一部分过渡到What‘s the matter with Daming?第二个问题中的find更是为第二部分的学习奠定了坚实的基础。在学生回答完问题后,很自然地引出了―当朋友遇到困难时,我们应该帮助他们‖这一话题,对学生进行了德育教育。 2、检测评价: 课件呈现不同孩子及物品,集体操练句型。 (可运用原来课件的部分内容) 3、小组合作,藏起同桌的某一物品,询问:What‘ s the matter with you, XXX? 回 答:I lost my … 4、抽生展示(评价活动) 【设计意图】这一部分的评价是为了检测目标一是否达成。通过集体回答巩固句型并进行拓展,再通过小组合作进行句型的进一步拓展,通过学生的展示评价来检测目标是否达成。 (二)Part 2 1、We know Ben lost his cap and he found it , But Daming isn‘t happy. What‘s the matter with Daming?(板书课题) Let‘s watch the video and choose the correct answer. 26 学英雄风范 做时代新人


【设计意图】问题以选择题的形式出现,答案可以是单词,也可以是图片,形式多样,改变了都用问答题的形式出现给学生造成的困难。 try to answer Question 1. What‘s the matter with Daming? A He lost her bag. B. He lost his bag.(集 体回答) Yes, he lost his bag. Because Daming is a boy ,so we can‘t say ―he lost her bag.‖ Look, Can you ask and answer?Let‘s have a try. (课件呈现两幅图片,男孩和短裤 女孩和帽子,让学生区分he she his her并操练句型)小拓展,让学生起来问,自己选同学回答。(不会的,赶快找别人来回答, 不要纠结于某一个人) Well done. Let‘s go on. 2、Please read Picture 2 and choose the correct picture. What was in his bag? A. 图片呈现皮鞋 B.图片呈现运动鞋。(抽生回答) Guess: What are sports shoes? (学生自己读第二幅图,选择第二题的正确答案,然后自己猜出sports shoes 的含义) 拓展:sports cap sports shorts sports trousers. I think you did a good job. 3. Where was his bag? A. 图片呈现校车 B. 图片呈现公交车 Did Daming find his bag and his sports shoes? 【设计意图】课文的学习是带着问题进行的,不同类型的问题抓住了每一幅图的重点内容,通过选择、问答等形式,引导学生一步步发现问题,解决问题,提高了学生的自主学习能力。 三、 Drill 1、 Read after the tape. 2、 Read by yourself. 3、 Please act out the dialog with your partner. 4、 Who want to 27 学英雄风范 做时代新人


try? Come here, please. (根据举手的情况,两组展示) Good job. 【设计意图】课文分段学完后,通过跟读课文、自读课文,帮助学生整体理解课文含义。再通过小组合作分角色朗读课文,能更进一步加深学生对于课文的理解和课文内容的整体把握,为后面的意义操练奠定基础。 四、Practice 1、 Let‘s play a game 小游戏:Lucky number,选择自己喜欢的数字,然后点开,根据出现的图片邀请 两个同学一起表演完整对话,操练句型。游戏规则呈现在课件里。 S1:Hello, S2S3: Hi. S1:What‘s the matter with you,××? S2: I lost my.... S1:What‘s the matter with ××? S3:He/She lost his/her... S1:Goodbye. S2S3:Bye-bye. 【设计意图】一个小游戏,让学生根据抽到的单词,找同学配合表演对话,要求运用到课文中出现的句型,表演好的获得奖励。这个环节的设计,可以让学生在创设的情境中,完整设计对话,灵活运用所学句型,检测目标四 2、大拓展: 课件呈现一个人牙痛的图片,(后面注明名字),然后问:What‘s the matter with XXX? He had a toothache. 同样的出现胃疼、头疼、发烧、感冒,操练句型 五、 Sum and test Can you tell me what you have learned in this class? Can you do ?检测题(每人一张纸,练习书写,并到讲台用实物投影展示) What‘s the matter with Daming? He lost his _____. What‘s the matter with Amy? She lost ________ _____. 28

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___________________ Sam? He lost ________________. _______________________? She __________________. 抽两个分别到讲台展示自己的答案,然后领读这四个句子。 【设计意图】让学生总结学过的知识,再通过层层递进的检测题,帮助学生进一步总结和巩固本节课所学的内容。 We know we should help others and we should be an honest finder. Module 4 Unit 2 What‘s the matter with Daming? 板书 What‘s the matter with...? 设计 He/She lost his/her... 教学后记 第 五 单元教材分析

单元课题 Module 5 Numbers 本模块的教学内容是谈论数量。 课序 单元课 时分配 课 题 课时 1 1 2 Unit1 Unit2 There are only nineteen crayons. There are forty. 总 课 时 课 题 Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons. 29

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1. 能口头运用―How many faces can you see?‖ 这类语句对可数名词的数量提问。 2. 能识别单词及短语:crayon, begin , give out,all right,thirteen ,教学目标 fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,nineteen, floor, 3. 能书写单词:crayon,begin,floor,many,happily 教学重点1. 如何对数量提问。 2. 如何表示11----19的基数词。 教学难点 教学准备 PPT,卡片 教学时间 教 学 过 程 一.复习单词: 1. 十三------十九的基数词. 找规律:后缀teen 2. 听写单词: crayon,begin,floor,many,happily 二. 自学活动一: 1. 自读句子: 2. 同桌翻译: 3. 讲解句型: How many ??can you see? ?? we can see. How many后边跟复数 4. 练习: 十三支铅笔 十六个苹果 三. 小组合作学习活动二: 1. 小组共同翻译: 2. 班内展示成果: 师生共同点拨:Class begins. 开始上课。 Give out 分发 30

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All right.好的 3. 重点句子: There are only… 只有… 4.跟录音读: 四. 操练: There are three crayons. But there are four children. 六个学生 五把椅子 四顶帽子 五个学生 两件体恤衫 三个学生 Module5 unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons. 板书 There are only nineteen crayons. 设计 But there are twenty children in the class. 教学 后记 课 题 Unit 2 There are forty. 1. 能口头运用― There are so many!‖这类语句表示数目很多。 2. 能 教学目标 识别单词及短语:thirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,number,many,happily。 3. 学习感知字母组合ou, ow,ear ,air,在单词中的发音,了解发音规律。 教学重点1. 如何表示20-----90中表整十的基数词。 2. 本课音标的发音。 教学难点 教学准备 卡片 教学时间 教 学 过 程 执教随笔 31

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一. 复习单词: 1. 二十------九十的基数词. 找规律:后缀ty 2. 听写单词: many,begin,floor,many,happily 二. 自学活动一: 1. 自读句子: 2. 同桌翻译: 3. 师生共同点拨: Numbers are having a party. 正在进行时,be + v.ing 数字正在聚会。 All of them are dancing happily. 他们都在欢快地跳舞。 4.have(现在分词)having dance(现在分词) dancing Happy(副词)happily 三. 小组合作学习活动二: 1. 小组共同翻译: 2. 班内展示成果: 师生共同点拨:fourteen十四 forty四十 两者的区别后缀不同 3. 重点句子: There are so many. 有这么多啊! 4.跟录音读: 四. 操练:(活动三) A: There are seventy pupils in Lake school. B: There are ninety pupils in Park school. 1. 同桌互相说说: 2. 班内展示: 32

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Module 5 Unit 2 There are forty. 板书How many ...are there in? 设计 There are... number,thirty,foty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety happily 教学后记

第 六 单元教材分析

单元课题 Module 6 Abilities 本模块的教学内容是谈论能力,同时进一步巩固一般过去时的运用。 课序 单元课 时分配 课 题 课时 1 1 2 Unit1 Unit2 You can play football well He ran very fast. 总 课 时 课 题 Unit 1 You can play football well New words: well, team, control, badly, good at, catch, goalkeeper. Sentence: 教学目标 You can play football well. ② You can catch the ball well. ③ Can you control the ball. 33

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教学重点You can play football well. 教学难点 教学准备 PPT课件 教学时间 教 学 过 程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Say a poem. 3. Have a match with some words. Step 2 Presentation 1. Last month in our school, there was a sports meeting. And I remembered you are the winner. You‘ve got a best score. Today we are going go learn about sports. Do you like sports. And do you know any sports. For example: football, basketball and so on. Ss:… (提问四个学生,给组加分然后给个人加分) 2. T: Now, let‘s have a race. I‘ll do the action and you guess what am I doing? (师做动作,如:football, basketball, table tennis and swimming给组加分然后给个人加分) 3.T: My class, in this class, if you can do something, I hope you can speak loudly: I can… and others say: great, great, you are great! Ok? Now let‘s practice first. T: Can you sing? S1: Yes, I can. T: Great, great, you are great. ( Do this about six times) ① Can you run? ② Can you jump? ③ Can you play basketball? ④ Can you play football? ⑤ Can you sing? ⑥ Can you dance? 4. Show the picture. T: Look, what are they doing? Ss: They are playing football. T: All right, they are playing football. And they can play football well. (教授单词well ) and then practice the word?well‘. 34

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And look at the man, he is controlling the ball. (教授单词control ) and then practice the word ?control‘. And let them spell the word?control‘. Step 3 Practice 1. 师出示模型(江津接球) Look, what‘s he doing? Ss:… T: Yes, he is catching the ball. Teach the new word?catch‘. And then practice the word?catch‘. Let the students spell the word?catch‘. 2. Show the ball and say: Look, this a ball. Can you catch this ball?叫学生一个一个传下去。如果接的好,师就表扬。T:Oh, he/she can catch the ball well.如果接得不好,师就说:he/she catch the ball badly. Practice the two sentence?I can catch the ball well ‘and?I catch the ball badly.‘ 3. T: We know play football use feet.(我们知道踢足球只能用脚,但是足球场上还有一个人是例外的。Do you know who? Ss:… T: Yes, you are very clever. Now, look at this man. He can use hands. So he is goalkeeper. Teach the word?goalkeeper‘ 4. T show the picture about Ronalao(罗纳尔多). And say: Look at this man, he is playing golf. But he is Mr. Football. He can play golf well. But he is good at football. Let the students learn the phrase ?good at‘. And now he is in Real Madrid football team. Let the students learn the word?football team‘. 让学生想还有什么队呢? Step 4 Consolidation 1. T: Look at this picture―How many people are there in this picture?‖Ss:… T:看图,他们的球衣是红色的,但是为什么这个人穿蓝色上衣呢?Who can tell me? Ss: … 2. T: Now, Look at the blackboard. 今天老师把你们分为4个队,师指着各组说。This is team one. You are…(colour) team. This is team two. You are…(colour) team. This is team three. You are (colour) team. This is team four. You are (colour) team.那你们想知道Linging在哪个35

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队呢?My class, do you know where Lingling is? Yes, she is now in England, and they are going to play a football match. Let‘s go and see. 3. Listen to tape and then answer my questions. Q1: Can Lingling run fast? No, she can‘t. Q2: Can Lingling control the ball? No, she can‘t. Q3: Can Lingling jump high? Yes, she can. Q4: Can Lingling catch the ball well? Yes, she can. Step 5 Homework 1. Copy the new words three times. 2. Review today‘s lesson. 板书设计 Module 6 Unit 1 You can play football well. Can you run fast? Yes, I can. / No, I can‘t. Can Lingling run fast? control the ball? jump high? catch the ball well? Yes, she can./ No, she can‘t. 教学 后记 课 题 Unit 2 He ran very fast. 1、语言知识目标:全体学生能理解和运用:well 、 team 、 really 、 good at 、 catc h 、goalkeeper 、 think 、fantastic、 fan 、 swam 全教学目标 体学生能听懂和运用:You can play football well .He ran very well. 36 学英雄风范 做时代新人


2、语言技能目标:全体学生能听懂能说和运用:You can play football well .He ran very well. 全体学生能认读:well 、 think 、fan 、 swam 、 slow 、healthy 全体学生能运用―can‖说明能力,进一步巩固一般过去式的运用。 3、学习策略:积极与人合作,共同完成学习任务。 4、文化意识:知道世界上主要的文娱和体育活动。 5、情感态度目标:能体会到英语学习的快乐。 用 You can play football well .He ran very well. 来描述他人做某事的能 教学重点教学难点 力程度。 教学准备 单词卡片 教学时间 教 学 过 程 (一)热身导入 1、教师热情地与学生打招呼。 2、播放SBU Nnit2活动1的录音,请学生听录音,理解语境。 3、再次播放录音,学生依次进行全班跟读、小组跟读、个人跟读。 4、学生分角色读课文。 (二)课文学习 1、播放SB Unit2活动2的录音,请学生听录音,理解语境。 2、再次播放录音,学生完整地听一遍。播放第三次录音,学生逐句跟读。 3、使用图片、单词卡片等教具,带领学生学习新单词。 执教随笔 37

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(三)训练巩固 1、完成SBUnit2活动3.。 学生朗读例句,然后按照图片的内容独立填写句子。 2、完成SBUnit2活动4。 学生听音,跟着录音逐句朗读单词。每读完一例,学生主要观察其中的彩色字母,告诉学生,这些字母或字母组合的读音相同,体会其中的读音规则。 3、完成SBUnit2活动5. 学生先看图,说说看到了什么,它能做什么?播放韵句,学生整体感知韵句。 4、完成SBUnit2活动6。 (四)任务完成 完成SBUnit2活动7. 学生看图、读例句。理解活动要求。学生两人一组,使用照片或图片进行句型操练。 (五)布置作业 1、向家人展示自己跟读模仿本单元所学的韵句。 2、打着拍子向家人或同伴展示本模块新学的韵句。 3、按要求完成成语的书写。 4、根据自己的喜欢练习英问绕口令。 38

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Module6 Unit2 板书 He ran very fast well. 设计 You can play football well . team really good at catch goalkeeper think fantastic 教学后记 第 七 单元教材分析

单元课题 Module 7 Inability 本模块的教学内容是谈论能力的不足。 课序 单元课 时分配 课 题 课时 1 1 2 Unit1 Unit2 He can′t see. This little girl can‘t walk. 总 课 时 课 题 1、学习目标语句: Unit 1 He can′t see. this man is blind. he can't see. can we have a dog? 教学目标 单词:programme, useful, blind, deaf, firemen, mum , sausage 39

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2、能口头运用he can't see.这类语句表达某人没有的能力。 3、能识别单词programme, useful, blind, deaf, firemen, mum , sausage,并能书写单词your, dog。 教学重点能口头运用he can't see.这类语句表达某人没有的能力。 教学难点 教学准备 卡片 教学时间 教 学 过 程 1)、教师出示乐器、球类的实物或图片。师:can you play football? can you play the flute? … 让学生回答:Yes, I can. /No, I can't. 并展示给全班看。教师出示其他的图片,让两个学生起来进行练习。 2)、复习巩固: can you ---?句型。谈论能与不能(15分钟) 学习单词\。 教师出示一支钢笔和一支铅笔说:\are very useful, too. \。 教师出示单词卡片,领读单词 师:\如:\等。 并让学生看到它的汉语意思。请学生用\造句。 学生模仿造句。 用身边熟悉的事物来学习新单词,学生易于理解。 教师说:\教师在黑板上画出狗的图画。说:\ 40

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Listen to the teacher. 承上启下,顺利过度到正文。 身体语言的使用,易于知识简单化。 blind,教师装作看不见,用手乱摸一通,让学生理解是盲人。教师说:\教师接着板书\。 教师接着出示一张盲人的图片。指着图说:\n′t see. \学生看图说出这句话。 deaf,hear教师画出一只耳朵,说\教师指自己的耳朵, \can hear. \接着板书\。 教师叫几个学生的名字学生站起 教师说:\某某 you can hear.\教师再次指向自己的耳朵,摆摆自己的手说:\can′t hear. I′m deaf.\教师再次出示聋人的图片来,学生站起来,领着学生说出:\让多个学生依次说出这句话。 firemen出示有消防员的图片,教授单词。教师领读单词后,问:\教师引领学生回答:\people.\教师带领学生读\。并且用动作表示寻找的动作。学生都跟老师做一做动作加深印象(8分钟) 3)、sentences and learn part 1 教师再一次的表示自己看不见,并问学生:\help me?\(教师可以教师抓住一个学生的胳膊或手),问学生:\can′t see. can you help me?\ 学生回答:\ 帮助学生回答:\教师适时的引导很重要。 I can′t hear, you can help me.I can′t see.you can help me. but this man 41 学英雄风范 做时代新人


can′t see. who can help him? this girl is deaf. who can help her? the firemen can′t find people. who can help them?\students listen and think. 4)、让学生学会听英语,感受英语的氛围。 Now, let′s listen to the recorder, and think: what can this dog do?\学生听录音跟读课文。采用跟录音齐读、分组读、个人读相结合的方式。 有目的的听录音,能加深学生印象,使学生的注意力集中。 \接着,教师依次出示图片。 (1)教师出示盲人的图片 (2)教师出示聋人的图片, (3)教师出示消防员的图片,学生说出:\学生说出:\ helps her.\学生说出:\图片的使用使知识简单化。(5分钟) Practice练习 出示几组图片,一人看图描述,另一人通过他的描述,用不同的语言来描述。如:出示盲人的图片A: He can′t see.B: This man is blind.(10分钟) production 任务完成完成activity book活动1,听音判断。 教师带领学生把问题疏通一下。请学生把10个问题依次读一下。 教师带领学生检查答案:\,amy and lingling are listening to the radio.\they are watching tv.\检测学生对课文内容的了解和掌握。完成activity book活动3,看图写句子教师带领学生看图:\42

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at the picture, this man can′t ______.Yes, he can′t walk. the second, he_________. you , please. ok, in pairs do this work. you please.\学生起来交流让学生在看懂图的基础上再写,把句子补充完整。(2分钟) Summary课堂小结 教师一一展示图片,让学生再一次的把目标语句说出来。 学生说出:this man is blind. he can't see. 单词:programme, useful, blind, deaf, firemen, mum , sausage 板书 M7U1 He can‘t see. 设计 This man is blind. This girl is deaf. She can‘t hear. This dog helps him/ her. useful 教学 后记 课 题 Unit 2 This little girl can’t walk. 语言知识目标 功能:谈论能力的不足 语法:全体学生能运用:This little girl can‘t walk. 教学目标 词汇:kind 语音:感知―kite‖中―k‖与―music‖中―c‖的读音,―green‖与―dog‖中―g‖的读音,―fish‖中的―f‖与―coffee‖中―ff‖的读音,―visit‖与―love‖中―v‖的读音。 语言技能目标 43

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全体学生能听懂、会说:This little girl can‘t walk. 全体学生能认读:kind 全体学生能按要求完成语句书写。 情感、态度、价值 乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。 教学重点教学难点 教学准备 教学时间 教 学 过 程 Step1 Warm-up.(热身活动) 学生互致问候。 请学生打着拍子说上一单元所学的韵句。 播放SB Unit 2 活动1 的动画或录音。让学生看动画理解语境。提醒学生注意时态,一般过去时与一般现在时的不同。 Step2 Presentation.(呈现活动) 1、任务呈现 告诉学生:―这节课我们要开展认识动物能力的比赛。我们先学习今天的课文,为比赛做好准备‖ 2、课文学习 播放SB Unit1 活动2 的动画,帮助学生理解课文语境。 再次播放动画,请学生完整地听对话,进一步理解语句。 44

重点 用―can‘t‖说明能力的不足。 这一内容难度不大。 多媒体课件,单词卡片 执教随笔 学英雄风范 做时代新人


播放第三遍动画,请学生逐图跟读语句。对于学生跟读有困难的语句,按照意群和节奏带读,请学生注意模仿语音语调。 使用单词卡片带领学生学习―kind‖并对This little girl can‘t walk. 进行运用训练。 鼓励学生分组朗读对话和看图复述课文,提醒学生注意自己的语音语调。 Step3 Consolidation.(巩固活动) 1. 完成SB Unit1 活动3.教师说明活动要求:看图写图片说明,然后陈述图片内容。请学生看第一幅图,朗读例句,然后独立书写第二幅图和第三幅图的内容。最后请部分学生念出他们写的句子,全班核对答案。 2. 完成SB Unit1 活动4.请学生听录音,跟着录音逐列朗读单词。每读一列后,请学生注意观察其中的彩色字母,告诉学生,这些字母或字母组合的读音相同。最后请学生再次朗读单词,体会其中的读音规则。 Step4 Extension.(扩展活动) 完成SB Unit2 活动6,最后展示各小组练习成果。 完成SB Unit2 活动7 按照课本上表格的样子绘制一张挂图,分发学生笑脸和哭脸的贴纸,请学生以小组为单位依次到黑板前贴纸。对全部贴对的小组进行奖励。 Step5 Homework.(布置作业) 向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。 45

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按要求完成语句书写。 Module7 Unit2 This little girl can‘t walk. 板书 设计 This little girl can‘t walk. 教学后记 第 八 单元教材分析

单元课题 Module 8 School 本模块的教学内容是谈论时间。 课序 单元课 时分配 课 题 课时 1 1 2 Unit1 Unit2 What time does your school start? Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy‘s school. 总 课 时 课 题 Unit 1 What time does your school start? 46

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1、知识技能目标: (1)能听懂、会读、会说单词exercise,playground,before,skip,coffee,tea. (2)能口头运用What time dose school start?这类语句询问事情发生的时 间,并能口头运用My school starts at nine o‘clock.这类语句回答。 教学目标 2、情感态度目标: 通过学习课文,让孩子们了解中西方学校教育的差异,开阔知识面,同时扩展视野。 重点:1、识别认读单词:exercise,playground,before,skip,coffee,tea. 2.学习使用句型:What time dose school start? My school starts at nine 教学重点o‘clock。 教学难点 难点:1、正确运用动词的第三人称单数形式。 2、运用所学句型描述自己的学校生活。 教学准备 多媒体课件,单词卡片 教学时间 教 学 过 程 (一)交流热身,预习导入 1.热身复习 读Module7 中短诗,边读边做动作,创造良好氛围。 2.谈论,导入 在黑板上写出school,问学生每天几点到校,每天的日常活动。问他们是否了解英国小学的情况,英国小学和中国小学有何不同。简单地谈论各项内容。(课件出示英国小学学校生活) 执教随笔 47

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(二)小组合作,自主学习 1.自主学习单词(Task 1) (1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words. (2) Listen and read the new words and the difficult words 3 times. (3)Read the words by yourself. 2.小老师检查单词(Who can teach?) 3.小组合作 (1)Task 2:以小组为单位,用所学词汇造句,进行运用,找出本模块重点句型进行替换、拓展、对话等情景练习,然后小组进行展示。 (2)中英小学对比 把全班分为两个大组——中方和英方。在黑板中间划一竖线,左右两边分别写上China 和England。 就学生对中英小学不同之处的了解,要求双方各自介绍自己的学校。双方可派出一个代表进行描述,其余同学负责提供信息,当一方介绍本方学校的某一情况时,另一方要迅速做出回应。 如:英方:We start school at 9 o‘clock. 中方:We start school at 8 o‘clock. 英方:We play in the playground. 中方:We do morning exercises in the playground. 教师将学生的陈述对应着写在黑板上,以便得比总结。(此活动也可以两人小组或四人小组的形式进行。) 4.学习课文 (1)第一遍让学生听对话并完成任务 What time does Lingling get up? What time does she have breakfast ? What time does Lingling go to school ? 48

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(2)学生听第二遍录音后,回答问题并核对答案 (三)归纳探究,词汇点拨 1. 在黑板上写出中国小学的特点,听录音,让学生找到相应的英国小学的特点。 2. 学生两人一组讨论。 3. 复习西方国家信筏的格式和地址的写法。 4. 播放录音,让学生们认真听,回忆原文。 5. 展示:以小组为单位朗读课文,小老师组织每个小组展示学习情况。 (四)拓展应用 1. 给外国朋友写信介绍中西方小学的不同。 (教师给学生提供尽可能多的有关西方国家小学的信息,如班级的人数、桌椅的摆放、上下学的时间等。) 2.学生可任意选择一位在国外的朋友,根据自己掌握的情况和老师提供的信息,把中西方学校间的不同写信告诉对方。教师应及时帮助那些有困难的同学,另外可指导学生通过互联网结交笔友、互通书信 (五)课堂检测 1听音,写时间 2.选择,填空 ( )Lingling to Amy‘s school. A. go B. going C. goes ( )They all play the playground. 49

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A. to B. in C. under ( )Do you go to school? A. walks B. walking C. walk (六)课后作业 仿照本课的信,给英国的小学生写信介绍自己的学习生活。 Unit 1 What time does school start? What time does Amy’s school start? 板书Amy‘s school starts at nine o’clock. 设计 A: What time do you…? B: I… at …. 教学 后记

课 题 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school. 1、知识目标: 1)学生能听懂,会读―三会‖单词:bell. rang(ring的过去式) 2)学生能听懂、读、会说句型yesterday I went to Sam and Amy‘s school. I skipped with girls. The bell rang at nine o‘clock. We went into the classroom. 3)能谈论别人的作息时间安 教学目标 排。 2、情感目标: 1)感受中西两国不同的校园生活习惯,培养学生的跨文化意识。 2)培养学生学会增进友谊。 3、能力目标 能够用所学描述学校日常生活。 重点:学生能结合第8模块第1单元和第2单元描述学校生活。 难点:学教学重点生能正确发音rang 这个单词 教学难点 教学准备 PPT,卡片 50

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