
更新时间:2024-05-05 10:22:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


第一部分 交际用语

1.一Has Peter finished his work? 一Yes. He finished a long time ago. A. Right 2. -00 you like your joh? -I'm a nurse. B. Wrong 3. - When did you first come to China?一10 years ago. A.Right 4. -Can 1 help you? 一Yes , please. I'd like to reserve a room. A.Right 5. - How do you like the film? 一It' s very good. 1 like it. A. Right

6.–hat would you like to drink, madam? --Can I have a glass of white wine? A. Right 7. –Are you ready to order? --Yes. I’ll have a chicken salad please. A.Right 8. –How can I book a cheap hotel? --If I were you, I’d phone a travel agent. A. Right 9. –Have you seen today’s newspaper? --Yes, I am B. Wrong

10. –What’s your job? --I’m a nurse. A. Right 11、Is there a bank near here? .一Yes.I saw him this morning. B.Wrong 12.一What does he look like?——He is tall and thin. A.Right

13.一Where did you go for your holiday?一Two years ago. B.Wrong . 14.一Where did you go for your holiday?一A long time ago. B.Wrong 15.—What does she look like? —She is tall and beautiful. A.Right 16—How are you feeling today? —It‘s a nice day today. B.Wrong 17.一l went to a fashion show yesterday. —Do you love the film? B.Wrong 18、一What are you going to do this evening?ml went there with some friends. B.Wrong 19.一How can I book a cheap hotel? 一If l were you,I’d phone a travel agent. A.Right 1. -Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago. B. Wrong 2. -What are you going to do this evening?-I went there with some friends. B. Wrong

3.-Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?-Hi, Jack. We had a great time. A. Right 4. -Is there a bank near here? -Yes. I saw him this morning. B. Wrong

5. -How do you like the film?-Jt's very good. I like it. A. Right 6.-Do you like your job? -I'm a nurse. B. Wrong 5.-Do you like your job? -Yes ,very much. A、Right 6._When did you first come to China? _10 years ago. A.Right 2.- Have you ever tried windsurfing? - It's very kind of you. B.Wrong 3、一What does he look like? 一He is tall and thin. A. Right 4、- Hello. How was your trip to Shanghai? - Yes.1 went there by train. B.Wrong 5.- Could you help me to book the ticket? - No problem. When are you leaving? A. Right 2- When did he go to America? - Two years ago. A.Right 3.- How do you like the film? - It's very good.I like it. A.Right 4.- How often do you go swimming? - About twice a week. A.Right 5.- You ordered some fish, didn't you? - No, thank you. B.Wrong 5.- Where did you go in China? - I went there by train.. B.Wrong 6.- You ordered some fish, didn't you? - Yes,I did.. A.Right 7.-Shall we do something? -Let‘s go to see a film. A.Right

8.-What did you do yesterday? -I saw a film with my son. A.Right 7.-Have you been to America? -I've never been there but I hope to go there in the future. A. Right 8.-Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago. B. Wrong 9.-Hello.Is that Ivydale Guesthouse?-Yes,it is. Can I help you? A. Right

10.-Have you had a good day?-Yes,but I'm very tired. A.Right 11. --Is there a bank near here?--Yes. I saw him this morning. B. Wrong 12.--What does he look like? --He is tall and thin. A. Right 14. --What are you going to do this evening? --I went there with some friends. B. Wrong 15.--How can I book a cheap hotel? --If I were you, I'd phone a travel agent. A. Right 16. –Shall we go to a restaurant?--See you later. B. Wrong

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17. - What would you like to have? - An orange juice, please. A. Right

19. -What time will the next train leave? -At 8.19. A. Right 20. -What are you going to do tomorrow morning?-I saw a film with my son. B. Wrong 21. –How is the weather today?--I‘m fine, thank you. B. Wrong

22. - what does he look like? - He is tall and thin. A. Right 23. - Can I help you? - Nice to see you. B. Wrong 24.-Shall we see a movie tonight? - See you later. B.Wrong 25. -Shall we have something to eat before we go? -Nice to meet you. B. Wrong 1---Has Peter finished his work? ----Yes.He finished a long time ago. A right 2 ---Can I smoke in the office? ---No,you are not allowed to smoke here. B wrong 3---They live in London,don’t they? ---Yes.They’ve been there for five years. A right 4 ---Who is the man Jane wants to marry? ---Yes.Jane wants to get married. B wrong 5 ---Do you like coffee? ---I prefer to have tea. A right

第二部分 词汇与结构

(B)1-一What time will the next train leave? ---------

A.Five people B.At 8.19 C.At the i'ailway station (C) 2.——Hell0,Xiaoyan.How was the party? -------------------

A.I’m fine.thank you B.It was Friday . C.Hi,Jack.We had a great time (C) 3.一What would you like to drink? -------------

A.Nice to meet you B.I’d like a roast chicken.please C.A coca—cola for me,please (A) 4.一l’m very tired.I’ve just finished work. --------

A.Well,you’d better go home and have a good rest B.Oh,great!Congratulations 。 C.0k。I’ll give it to you tomorrow

(A)5.一l went to a fashion show last night. -----------------

A.What was it like, B.Why not C..Do you know him well

(B)6、 The food wasn' t good and we _ finish it. A. don't B. didn't C. wasn't (C)7. He's worked here 一一一_ three years. A. since B. in C. for

(A)8.1 saw them 一一-一_ towards the airport. A. driving B. drived C. to drive (B)9. We didn' t have enough staff 一-一the job: A. to B. for c. with (B)10、 Let's go to a restaurant ,__ we? A. wiU B.shall c. Are

(C)11、 1 try to _ swimming at least once a week. A. do B. play c. go (C)12. I've asked Elaine _ a list of participants. A. to B. with c. for

(A)13. After 一一一一_ in, they went to have some coffee. A. checking B. check c. to check

(B)14. _ the rain, he went on working in the garden. A. In addition to B. In spite of c. Except for (A)15. If 1 the lottery, I' d travel around the world. A.won B. win c. will win

(C)16. 1 like the new restaurant , Polly. A. s0 is B. also did c. s0 does (B)17. Customer5 find acce5S to the web page 510w, 50 l' m getting it _一up. A. speed B. speeded C. to 5peed

(A)18. It' 5 an intere5ting place. You won' t be bored 一一it. 966 A. with B. in C. from (B)19. Jack is going to buy a 一coat. He thinks it looks cool. A. leather long B. long leather C.long good

(C)20. Xi' an is only a 5-hour journey Beijing by the express train. A. away B. in C. from (A)21. remember to send my mother some flowers. It' s her birthday tomorrow. A. must B. have to C. cOllld

(B)22. The new suitcase _ you got yesterday is full already. A. where B. which C. in which (B)23. 1 haven' got 一_ to do this evening. W ould you like to go to see a film? A. something B. anything C. nothing

(A)24. 一一it is in the center of the city, the hotel is not very expensive. A. Although B. Because C. Before

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(C)25. Sally enjoys being with other people and likes parties. She is very 一 A. shy B. polite C. sociable

(A)6. She’s the person ______ owns the restaurant. A. who B. which C. what (A)7. He’s not tall ________ to play basketball. A. enough B. too C. very (B)8. _______ I missed the train, I arrived at work on time. A. Because B. Although C. If

(C)9. The book was rather expensive, but I bought it ___. A. any way B. even though C. anyway (A)10. When I saw him, I ___ him ___ some money. A. asked, for B. ask, for C. asked, with (A) 11. A: Which jumper do you like? B: The red _____ over there. A. one B. it C. that (B)12. A: Could I see the manager now? B: I’m sorry you can’t. He has _______ to Hong Kong. A. been B. gone C. Stayed

(B) 13. You didn’t order the cheese, ________? A. do you B. did you C. have you (A)14. We built the house _________. Nobody helped us. A. ourselves B. ours C. myself (C)15. You have ________ done a very good job. A. very B. indeed C. certainly (A)16. Could you please tell us what kind of work_______ you have got experience? A. in which B. which C. at that (A)17. Quick, call the doctor! I think I _______ my arm.

A. have broken B. break C. am breaking

(A)18. A car hit her when she was walking ____ the road. A.across B. through C. at

(A)19. I went to his house but couldn’t get in. There was ____ there. A. no one B. nothing C. someone (B)20. Get up! Mary. Tom has ___ called you three times this morning. A. yet B. already C. never (C)21、 The school telephoned to tell me that my son had hurt ______ playing football. A. herself B. yourself C. himself

(B)22、You ______ wear a uniform at school. You can wear anything you like. A. have to B. don’t have to C. mustn’t

(B) 23. ______ the rain and the wind, he came on time. Apart from B. In spite of C. Although (A)24. I can’t sit here; this chair is very ______. A. uncomfortable B. discomfortable C. noncomfortable (A)25. If I ______ you, I’d sell that car as quickly as possible. A. were B. am C. was (C)6.A:I’m sorry to have kept you waitin9. ‘B:Oh,not at all¨——here only a few minutes. A.will be B.was C.have been

(B)7.A:Thank you for lending me your bicycle.B:You’re welcome.But could you——to me tomorrow? A.give back it B.give it back C.get back

(B)8、I——along the street when he shouted at me. A.walked B.was walking C.walk (C)9.Tom wants to buy the book,——is very interestin9. A.that B.who C.which

(A)10.The bag was rather expensive,but I bought it——. A.anyway B.even though C.any way (B)11.—stole his camera while he is lying on the beach. A.Anyone B.Someone C.Everyone (C)12.He stopped————homework when dinner was ready. A.to do B.do . C.doing 。 (A)13.A:What do you think of the film? B.1 think it is——great. A.really B.very C.most

(B)14.Jenny,you’ve got beautiful eyes.Do you—your mother or father? A.l00k after B.take after C.100k at (C)15.He has—————gone out. A·now B.vet C.just

(A)16.Don’t——him.He is reading an important letter now. A·disturb B.disturbing C.to disturb (B)17.If you are interested in this job,you can it. A·ask for B.apply for C.100k for

(B)18·I——buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their helD. A.can B.must C.have to (C)19.I told the designers that we needed to have the website . A·to redesign B.redesigning C.redesigned (A)20.These shopping bags are——.Do you like them? A.ours B.our C.my (C)21.Beijing is l200 kilometres——Shanghai. A.of B.to C.from

(A)22.I——a flat if l won the lottery. A.would buy B.will buv C.buy (B)23.——the rain,they went to work as usual. A.Although B.In spite of C.While (C)24·I have no idea who stole his wallet.It——anyone. A·must have been B.should have been C.could have been (A)25.I haven’t seen such an interesting film . A·for a long time B.a long time ago C.since a long time

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(B)6、A:——you watch television last night? B:N0,I didn't. A.Do B.Did C.Can (A) 7.1 went to see a film yesterday.The film Was——great. A.really B.very C.to (C)8.A: ---- is at the door? B:It must he our new neighbour,Mrs Jones. A.What B.Which C Who

(B) 9.He answer my phone call yesterday. A.doesn’t B.didn’t C.wasn’t

(A)10.She———0ur car to go to Bristol yesterday. A.borrowed B.returnedC.1ent 。 (B) 11.1 was watching TV————the telephone rang. A.while B.when C.since (B) 12.They finished————一tennis at seven. A.to play B.playing C.on playing (B)13、It was——cold to go for a walk. A.very B.Too C.enough (B)14.The young girl——fluent French. A.says B.speaksC.talks

(B)15、~went shoppin9——I needed a new pair of shoes. A.although B.because C.SO (A)16.I have no idea who stole his wallet.It—anyone. A.could have been B.should have been C.must have been B) 17.——stole my purse when l was on the train. A.Anyone B SomeoneC.Something (C)18·The computer doesn’t work.You should get it A·to repair B.repairing C repaired

(B)19·A-Which of these newspapers have you read? B:I,we read——them. A.both B.both of C.any of (C) 20·I can’t arrive before 6.00.I’11 try to be there 6.30. A.until B.Till C by

(B)21·——a problem with the laptop yesterday,but it wasn't very serious. A.It was B.There wasC.There iS (A)22.I——smoke before,but I do now. A.didn’t use to B.used t0 C.am used to (C)23、It was raining and we went h;)me. A.that B.becauseC.SO (B)24、Kunming is—————the southwest of China. A.on B.in. C.to (B)25.She is very patient the children.She never shouts at them. A.in B.with C on (C)21. When Eric that she had a lot of talent, he gave her a new violin. A. put up B. looked at C. found out

(B)22. I got . very late this morning. I watched too much TV last night. A. in B. up C. together

(A)23. A film that usually takes place in the future, often with space travel, is a film. A. sci-fi B. thriller C. comedy

(A)24.I my breakfast at 8, but I lunch yet. . A. had, haven't had B. had, didn't have C. have had, didn't have

(A)25. -Did Mike phone you or Tim? -No, he didn't phone us. A. either of B. both of C. neither of

(C)26. I worked 12 last night. Of course, then I was really tired. A. till, after B. at, till C. till, by

(B)27. it started to rain, 1 still want to go to the Beihai Park. A. Because B. Although C. And (C)28. The dress was rather expensive, but I bought it . A. any way B. even though C. anyway (A)29.I want to help me with my homework. A. somebody B. anybody .C. something (C)30. My mum helped me to ready for my trip to America. A. make B. put C. get

(A)31. Jim every week, but he does not now. A. used to swim B. swam C. was swimming (B)32. They were late they had to drive fast. A. because B. so C. until (A)33. While I to the supermarket by bus, I an old friend. A. was going, met B. went, met .C. was going, was meeting.

(A)34.If you time, will you send the letter for me, please? A. have B. are having C. have had (B)35.I've always enjoyed football. A. to play B. playing C. play (C)36.I was my to school when I saw him. A. on, time B. in, way C. on, way (B) 37. The boss told all the employees late for meetings. A. not be B. not to be C. be not (B)38. -I'm thinking of going away for the weekend. go to Beidaihe? You can swim in the sea there. A. How about B. Why don't you C. You should

(C)39. At night the road outside my bedroom was very noisy and I was all night. A. kept waking B. keeping awake C. kept awake

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(B)40. When I was by myself, I felt A.alone B. only C. lonely (B)6. He loved____ A.doing B.playing C.going (C)7.I have to go now.I have to pick____my son from school. A.in B.with C.Up (A)8、 The child was named _ his grandfather. A. after B. in C. to (B)9. A: This skirt is ----------- small for you. B: No. I think it's big_ . A. enough, too B. too, enough C. too, yet

(B) 10. They are building a bridge----- . the river. A. through B. across C. in

(A)11. Are you familiar ----------_ the bus and subway lines in Beijing? A. with B. in C. about (B)12、 He _ me he was leaving on Wednesday. A. said B. told C. tell

(A) 13. _it is raining, she decides not to work in the garden A.Because B. Although C. Before (A)14. As a news reporter, James --. many places in the world. A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to (B)15、 Who is the man standing over there? A. thin, tall B. tall, thin C. thin,short (B)16、 When I was sitting in a traffic jam, the car --- dowm A. was breaking B. broke C. breaks (A)17. We____ in a small village in the countryside. Now we all live in cities.

A.used to live B.live C.lived

(B) 18. She —answer my phone call yesterday. A.doesn't B.didn't C.wasn't

(A)19.I____. A.would buy B.will buy C.bought (A)20. She be over forty. She must be in her twenties. A.can't B.mustn't C.shouldn't (B)21. Table tennis is____popular sport in this country. A.more B.the most C.the best

(A)22.Jenny,_ was a hardworking student, was killed in the traffic accident. A- who B.that C./ (C)23.I didn't go____ in the summer.I stayed at home. A. somewhere B.everywhere C.anywhere (A) 24. With his help, you will have____to worry about. A.nothing B.something C.anything (C)25.I____table tennis quite well, but I haven't had time to play since the New Year.

A. will play B.have played C.play

(B)1.I'm not helping you. You must wash your socks A. you B. yourself C. itself

(B)2.A: is at the door? B: It must be our new neighbor, Mrs. Lones . A. What B. Who C. Which (A)3.We used to bicycles to go to work.. A. ride B. riding C. to ride. (A)4.Her homework is in her class A. the best B. good C. better. (B)5.It's to learn how to play tennis. A. easily B. easy C. lazy (B)6.My parents have been to the Great Wall. A. sometime B. never C. yet

(A)7. A: What does she ? B: Oh, she's very beautiful with long dark hair. A. look like B. take after C. like (A)8.The baby was named his grandfather A. after B. in C. to (B)9.If I you, I would buy a house at the seaside. A. was B. were C. am (A)10.I her my computer last weekend. A. lent B. hired C. returned (A)11.If I Peter, I him about the meeting. A. see, will tell B. see, tell C. will see, tell (C)12.With his help, you will have to worry about. A. something B. anything C. nothing (A)13.China and Canada are the same size. A. about B. under C. over (A)14.He bought two books. She. A. So did B. So was C. So does (C)15.The man is . He is rude to others. A. polite B. impossible C. impolite (C)16.Tianjin is a two-hour journey Beijing. A. across B. in C. from (B)17. they landed, they went to the conference. A. Until B. After C. When (B)18.-Would you like to go to the cinema? -I'd to go to the museum. A. rather B. Prefer C. have (C)19.This sweater is not for me. I need a bigger size. A. enough big B. smaller C. big enough (B)20. the rain and the wind, he came on time. Apart from B. In spite of C. Although ( B )20.Mary is bored -------the same work. She wants to do something exciting. A. At B. with C. In ( C )20.This idea hit me when I~ thismorning. A. awoke up B. woke C. woke up A A.for B.to C.in

A.have been to B.have gone to C.went to A

A. to B.from C.in C

A. sometimes B.some times C.some time C

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What is Jack responsible for?

31. I can‘t design the gardens,She can‘t design the gardens.(用neither 改写句子) I can‘t design the gardens and neither can she.

26They smashed the window.(改为被动语态) The window was smashed by them. 27 Jack is responsible for all the training.(用what针对划线部分提问) What is Jack responsible for?

28 She sold the radio.the radio was in her bedroom.(用that将两个句子连接起来) She sold the radio that was in her bedroom。

29”I heard a noise in my living room”,he said.(将句子改为间接引语) He said he heard a noise in my living room。

30.Although it rained,she liked the trip.(用in spite of将两句连成一句) She liked the trip in spite of the rain。

第四部分 阅读理解 (共计20分)


Xiaoyan: Packing is never-ending. I just have to give things away. I can't take all of that stuff that I've put on the bed back to Shanghai.

Mary: That new suitcase which you got yesterday is full already.

Xiaoyan: Yes. I know. I've even got two radios. I think I'll give that radio that Polly gave me to Steve.

Mary: Who? Oh, yes. He's the one that you spent all evening talking to at the party, isn't he? What's that there?

Xiaoyan: It's a menu. Do you remember that meal that Franco cooked for my birthday? Well, that's the menu that he wrote out. If you look inside, you'll see everyone signed it. So I'm not throwing that away. Oh, dear. I'll never finish.. I have so much stuff. Mary: What about your leaving do?

Xiaoyan: Yes. I must think about that too. It depends on the weather really. I thought of having a picnic on Hampstead Heath, but if it's going to rain, that idea's no good. Mary: The forecast for the weekend is for showers and sunny intervals.

Xiaoyan: I know. I think I might just have a little party here. I must get some caterers. The caterers who do meals for us at work are very good. (B)31. Xiaoyan is going to - .

A. take all of her stuff back to Shanghai B. give some stuff away C. leave the stuff to Mary (B)32. Xiaoyan got a radio from A, Steve B. Polly C. her mother (C)33. Franco --------- for Xiaoyan's birthday.

A. bought all the food B. took photos and signed on it C. cooked meals and wrote the menu (A)34. At first, Xiaoyan's idea for her leaving do is to

A. have a picnic if the weather is fine B. have a little party at her place C. have a party in a pub

(C)35. According to the weather forecast, it's going to --------for the weekend.

A. rain B. be sunny C. rain but with sunny intervals 阅读短文2

Mary has just returned to the USA after studying in England for three years. Shedecided to study at a British university rather than an American one because her mother is from England and she wanted to get to know her mother's family better. She studied English Literature at Goldsmiths' College, which is in London. She lived with her grandmother while she was studying. The college was recommended by a friend's brother who had studied in England for his MBA. Mary told her friends that she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England so much. (B)31.Mary is now in A. England B. the USA C. France

(A)32.She studied at university. A. a British B. an American C. a Chinese

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(C)33.Most probably, her grandmother .

A. worked in the college B. studied English Literature C. lived in London (B)34.Her friend's brother recommended her to .

A. study for her MBA B. study in the college C. work for his company

(C) 35.Mary would return to Europe to A. study B. spend her holiday C. work 阅读短文5

Polly: Franco, who do you take after in your family?

Franco: Definitely my mother. We're both quite moody and impatient. We used to argue a lot when I was

growing up, because she's quick-tempered. Also, we' re both tall and thin. Polly: Do you look like her as well?

Franco. No, I look like my dad, but he's very calm. I am more romantic. What about you?

Polly: People say I look like my mum. We've got the same nose, unfortunately. But I'm not like her in

other ways. She' s shy whereas I' m much more sociable -- I love being with my friends and meeting new people, but she hates it. I'm more like my dad, I think. What about you, Mary?

Mary: I'm a natural optimist, just like my dad. He is never pessimistic. I always think that everything

will work out well in the end and so does he. I've got the same sense of humor as my mum. We both laugh at stupid things. I suppose I look a bit like my grandmother. We've got the same smile, and we both have very dark hair.

(A) 31. Francois is tall and thin. A. mum B. dad C. daughter (C)32. Francois dad is A. quick-tempered B. romantic C. calm (B)33. Polly's mum is and meeting new people.

A. sociable; loves B. shy; hates C. shy; loves

(A)34. Mary is a(n) , just like her dad. A. optimist B. pessimist C. artist (C)35. Mary has the same like her grandmother. A. eyes B. nose C. smile

阅读短文9 Dear Vicky,

I live in Aberdeen, in the north of Scotland. My family live in Cornwall, at the other end of the country. My parents are getting old now, and I really want to go and see them this Christmas. The problem is my boss. He only gives us 2 days‘ holiday at Christmas. It‘s 500 miles to go from Aberdeen to Cornwall and then 500 miles back again, and I‘ll be exhausted (筋疲力尽) when I get back. I want to ask for more time off, but I don‘t get on very well with my boss. A few months ago, he walked into the room and heard some of us saying rude things about him. Since then the atmosphere (气氛) has been very difficult. Anxious in Aberdeen

Dear Anxious in Aberdeen,

It‘s obvious to me that you need to rebuild your relationship with your boss. You have hurt his feelings, and now that you need something from him. You have realized what you have done. There is only one thing to do: it‘s time you apologized. I‘m sure your boss will be relieved (宽慰的). If you explain why you need the time off, he will probably be more than happy to let you go. Good luck! Vicky

(B)1. What does the letter-writer want to do at Christmas?

A. He wants to have a long holiday abroad (海外的).

B. He wants to visit his parents who live quite far away. C. He wants to change his job. (C)2. How many miles will the letter-writer travel to go to and come back from Cornwall?

A. 500 miles. B. 1500 miles. C. 1000 miles. (B)3. Why doesn‘t the letter-writer get on well with his boss?

A. His boss is a very rude person.

B. His boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things about him. C. The letter-writer doesn‘t like the atmosphere at work.

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(C)4. What does Vicky advise the letter-writer to do?

A. To make his boss feel sorry about what happened. B. To have a good relationship with his boss. C. To apologize to his boss for what he has done.

(A)5. What does Vicky think the letter-writer‘s boss will do after he hears the explanation (解释)?

A. He will probably be very happy to give the letter-writer a longer holiday. B. He will not be happy to let the letter-writer go.

C. He will probably give the letter-writer a raise (涨工资). 或按此提问题如下:

(C)31、 The letter-writer wants to at Christmas. A. have a long holiday abroad B. change his job

C. visit his parents who live quite far away

(B)32、 The letter-writer will travel _ miles to go to and come back from Cornwall. A.500 C. 1500 B. 1000

(C) 33. The letter-writer doesn't get on we11 with his boss because _一一

A. his boss is a very rude person B. the letter-writer doesn' t like the atmosphere at work c. his boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things about him (C)34、 Vicky advises the letter-writer to 一一-一--

A. make his boss feel sorry about what happened B. have a good relationship with his boss C. apologize to his boss for what he has done

(A)35. Vicky thinks the letter-writer' s boss will 一一--一_ after he hears the explanation. A. be very happy to give the letter-writer a longer holiday

B. not be happy to let the letter-writer go C. probably give the letter-writer a raise 阅读短文10

When I first knew Mike, we lived in a small village in Scotland. It was very different from Mike‘s life in London now. We went to school together on our bicycles. Every morning I went to his house and

knocked on the door. Every morning Mike‘s mum said, ―I‘m sorry. He‘s a bit late this morning‖, and so I had to wait. Each day we were late for school, and I remember the teacher got very annoyed with us. I never told her we were late because of Mike. Now, 25 years later, I play tennis with Mike. I usually drive him to the tennis club. I go to his flat and he opens the door and says, ―I‘m sorry. I‘m a bit late today.‖ The only reason he wasn‘t late for his own wedding is that we lied to him about the time!

As boys we spent a lot of time out exploring on our bikes. We went walking and fishing. I didn‘t like fishing because I couldn‘t swim. Probably the funniest thing we did was when we stole a bottle of whiskey from my Dad. We cycled about 5 miles away to drink it in one of our favorite places. When we finished drinking it, we couldn‘t cycle back – it was a long, slow walk. I‘m sure we looked awful. We still do, when we come back from the pub on Friday nights. Nothing‘s changed really. Oh, and I still can‘t swim. (B)1. Mike now lives in __________.

A. a village in Scotland B. London C. a village near London

(A)2. ______ got up late every morning. A. Mike B. Mike‘s mum C. I (B)3. 25 years later, Mike __________.

A. is early in doing everything B. still is late as in the past C. is never late again

(B)4. As boys both of them liked __________. A. fishing B. riding bicycles C. swimming (C)5. They walked 5 miles back home because they __________. A. were tired B. enjoyed walking C. were drunk 或者如以下提问:

(A)1、Mike and l went to school together in——· A.Scotland B.London C.England

(B) 2、—always late{or school every mornin9· A.Mike WaS B.Mike and l were C.1 wa5 (C) 3、Mike wasrl’t late for his wedding because——·

A.he was very excited to get married B.his mother told him not to be late

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C.we didn’t tell him the real time of his wedding

(C)4、We used to spend a lot of time t0——0il bicycles·

A.fight and play . B.work C.search and discover (A)5、We walked 5 miles back home because We——· A.were drunk B·were tired C.eni oyed walking 或者如以下提问:

(B)1. Mike now lives in ______ A. a village in Scotland B. London C. a village near London (A)2. ______ got up late every morning. A. Mike B. Mike‘s mum C. I (B)3. 25 years later, Mike __________.

A. is early in doing everything B. still is late as in the past C. is never late again (B)4. As boys both of them liked __________.

A. fishing B. riding bicycles C. swimming (C)5. They walked 5 miles back home because they __________.

A. were tired B. enjoyed walking C. were drunk 短文理解12 Hi, Tim,

Well, I am back here and – how do you say it – nose to the grindstone again. Actually it is good to be back although I do miss London already. Shanghai has changed a little – there are more buildings going up everywhere and I think that there are even more cars. At present I haven‘t got a car, and nowhere to live. My family is putting me up at the moment, but I am thinking of buying a flat. Big news! They‘ve promoted me. Three days after I got back, the General Manager called me into his office and told me he wants to put me in charge of the ICT Division, with responsibility throughout China. He asked me if I would like the job – I said I certainly would. It‘s wonderful. Thank you so much for all your help – I learnt so much in London. I get a big rise, of course, which means I can get a flat in the middle of town. I probably won‘t bother about a car – if I live centrally, then I can use public transport or taxis.

The GM also said he thought it would be a good idea if you came out to talk about ICT with us. And so do I. I told him it was a very good idea indeed ( his idea, of course! ). So you can expect an invitation next month. I‘d really like you to meet our team out here.

I‘ll be in touch again. Please give my love to everyone. Xiaoyan

(A)1. What does ? nose to the grindstone ‘ mean here?

A. It means working very hard. B. It means returning to one‘s home.

C. It means looking for better opportunities.

(C)2. How has Shanghai changed according to Xiaoyan?

A. The public transport and taxis are better. B. There are more ICT companies. C. There are more buildings and cars. (C)3. What is Xiaoyan‘s family doing for her?

A. They let Xiaoyan live with them. B. They support Xiaoyan in her work. C. They give Xiaoyan money to buy a flat.

(C)4. Is it possible that Xiaoyan can buy her own flat? Why?

A. Yes. Because she‘s got a better job. B. Yes. Because she‘s got a higher pay. C. No. It‘s very expensive to buy a flat in Shanghai. (B)5. What will Tim probably do next month?

A. He will probably come to Shanghai to study ICT.

B. He will send Xiaoyan a letter inviting Xiaoyan to his place.

C. He will probably come and talk about ICT with Xiaoyan‘s colleagues.


Ivydale Guesthouse*―Bath Tourist Association Approved

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Ron and Ann welcome you to Ivydale, where modern comforts and traditional specialty meet.

·Conveniently located 一a short walk from the city centre ·Well-equipped一all rooms have an en suite bathroom, colour TV with satellite channels, tea/coffee-making facilities, mini bar and phone.

·Excellent food一we offer full English and buffet breakfasts. Vegetarian food available on request.

·Peace and quiet一Ivydale is situated in its own gardens offering the perfect atmosphere for business travellers and tourists. ·Please note that we operate a strict no-smoking policy. ·Mini-break deals available.

For reservations or a brochure, please call (01225) 1212355

(B) 1. The owner of the guesthouse is/are _. A. Ivydale B .Ron and Ann C. Bath (A) 2. The guesthouse is_the city centre. A. near to B. far from C. in (A) 3. Guests can _____________ A, make tea in their room

B. get online with their computer C. smoke in their room (B) 4. The guesthouse is ___________

A. boring but quiet B. peaceful and quiet C. noisy and busy (C) 30. People___________ smoke in the guesthouse.

A. can 13. don't want to C. are not allowed to


David and Xiaoyan arrived at the airport in good time. After checking in at the BA (British Airways) desk, they had their boarding passes checked, put their bags through the x-ray machine and went through the passport control on their way to the departure lounge.

They didn‘t have anything to eat because they would eat on the plane, but they had a coffee and then they looked round the shops. Xiaoyan bought something for Mary, but David didn‘t buy anything.

Then they went to the gate. They had about 20 minutes to wait before embarking. Suddenly David realized that he hadn‘t got his camera with him. They went back and looked everywhere to see where he could have lost it—in the shops, in the café, at the X-ray machine, at the passport control and at the checking-in desk, but nobody had seen it.

―I must have left it in the café,‖ said David, ―I should have put it in my bag. I suppose someone must have walked off with it!‖

(B)31. When they arrived at the airport, they had ________________. A. hardly any time B. plenty of time C. just enough time (A)32. They first went __________.

A. to the check-in desk B. through customs C. through the passport control (C)33. David realized that his camera was missing when he was __________ A. in the cafe B. in the departure lounge C. at the gate (C)34. They looked for the camera everywhere except ___________

A. in the shops B. at the X-ray machine C. on the plane (A)35. David thought he must have left it _____________. A. in the cafe B. in the taxi C. at home 阅读短文20

Police officer: Good afternoon, sir.

Tim: Oh, hello. Come in please, officer.

Police officer: thank you, sir. When was this discovered?

Tim: At about 2.30. My neighbour, Mr Timson, was disturbed by a noise.

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He came downstairs. He saw them leaving. Then he phoned me and later phoned you. Police officer: Can I talk to Mr Timson? Yes. He's waiting upstairs now. Tim:

Police officer: Thank you, and is there much damage? Well, the window at the back is smashed, this study door is damaged

Tim: and the lock over there on the front door is broken. Police officer: We think we know who did this, sir. Tim: Really? That's quick.

Police ofbcer: Well, it looks like the work of Larry Hipkin. He's a local builder's labourer. He does jobs like this in the afternoon in this district instead of his building work. He has an accomplice - Jim Grundy. We need some evidence and I think this will be very good evidence, especially as your neighbour saw them leaving. 1 will take somephotographs and check for fingerprints. Don't touch anything, please. Then I-ll take a statement from you and your neighbour, if I may, please.

Tim: Yes, that's fine. Please go ahead. I'U make a cup of tea. Do you want one? Police officer: Yes, please, sir. Two sugars, please. |(A)31. Mr Timson came downstairs because____.

A. he heard some noise B. he wanted to leave his house C. he saw some strange men (B)32. Which of the following was NOT damaged? A. The window. B.The chair. C.The study door.

(C)33. Larry often steals things____. A. in the morning B.in the evening C.in the afternoon (A)34. The police will first _____....._____________一. A. take some photos B. talk to the neighbour C.arrest Larry

(B)35. The police officer would like to____. A. have a cup of coffee B. have a cup of tea with two spoons of sugar C.eat something sweet

(A)36、 Mr Timson came downstairs because he heard some noise. A. Right (B)37、 The study door was NOT damaged. B.Wrong (A)38、Larry steals things together with Jim. A. Right

(A)39、The police will take some photos. A. Right (B)40、The police officer will have a cup of coffee with sugar. B.Wrong 阅读短文21 Flat 3.

CheyneyHouse, Grant Road, Chelsea,London 21 June 2004 Customer reference number: cw0 261537 Dear Madam/Sir,

I'm writing to claim for the insurance on my camera, which.was stolen during my honeymoon last month in South America.

It was mid-morning on 3 June. My wife and l were lying on the beach outside our hotel. A man came up to us to ask for directions. We had a small map of the island. As we were showing him ourmap,a group of children came along. We thought they were with the man who was asking directions. The children started to ask my wife some questions andshe took their picture. The man sat down and talked to us while the children were playing nearby. As he was leaving, we realized that the children were not with him. Suddenly, one of them

grabbed my wife's handbag and ran away along the beach. I chased him, and my wife followed me. The child dropped the bag, and so we got it back. We were walking back along

the beach when we realized that we had left the camera behind. When we got back to our

place, the camera was not there and nor were the rest of the children. The same day I reported the matter to the local police.

I bought a replacement camera the next day and I enclose a receipt. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Tim Manning (A)31. The man came to us to____.

- 16 -

A. ask for the way B. ask for some money C. tell us about his children (A)32. We thought the children____.

A. knew the man who was asking directions

B. wanted to ask for directions C.didn't know the man (C)33. My wife and I____thechild who took away the handbag. A. grabbed B.shoutedafter C.ran after (C)34. Our camera____ when we came back to our place.

A. was still there B. was broken by the other children C. was taken away by the other children (B)35. The writer of the letter wants the insurance company to____.

A. pay for their unlucky holiday B. give them insurance on their camera C. report the theft to the police 阅读短文(判断) 阅读短文(判断)1

If I lived on a desert island, I wouldn’t be bored or lonely. I prefer being on my own, and I think I’d enjoy that. I’d make my own entertainment. If I had a pen and some paper, I’d write a novel. I’ve always wanted to do that, but I’ve never had time. If I didn’t have to go to work, I’

d have lots of time, wouldn’t I? I’d be happy to leave my job as I don’t like my boss; she’s always complaining.

If I had some tools, I’d have a garden and grow my own food. I’

m quite good at gardening and really enjoy working outside. I’d grow lots of vegetables and fruit. I’d eat fish if I could catch them. I haven’t been fishing since I was a child, but I’m sure I could remember how to do it. I wouldn’

t miss watching television or driving my car. The programmes are all boring, and the roads are too busy these days. I’d miss my family and friends, but I think I’d be happier than I am now! 36. I wouldn’t be bored or lonely if I lived on a desert island. A. Right 37.37. I’ve never had time to read a novel. B. Wrong

38. I would grow my own food. B. Right 39. I’m sure I could remember how to fish. A. Right 40. I would miss TV. B. Wrong 阅读短文(判断)1

Polly now works for Green Fingers. Her main job is managing the office, which meanskeeping the diary and filling in everybody's appointments. She also answers the phone and checks the emails. As she is new, she has to ask a lot of questions.

The accounts, which are a bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month, which is the end of the tax year. Polly has to prepare the tax return and so she is working on them at the moment. They are in a mess because Karen and Robert, who do all the designing, are not at all good at keeping accounts and have neglected them. In addition to keeping the accounts, Polly has to make sure that bills are paid.

Polly is also responsible for taking new bookings. She visits customers~ houses and discusses ideas about their gardens with them. She comes back and talks to the designers. The plans are then drawn, after which she is responsible for negotiating the price with the customer. Next month \a job for Jean Jenkins, the actress, whose garden is very big. If she is happy with their work, it will be a very good thing for the reputation of the company.

(B)36. Polly answers phone calls and checks emails. B. Wrong (A)37. Polly is working on the tax return now. A. Right

(A)38. Karen and Robert have always been careful about accounts. A. Right (B)39. Only Karen and Robert visit customers' houses. B. Wrong

(B)40. \ B. Wrong 阅读短文(判断)2

When I leave university in July, I don't want to get a job straightaway. I've worked hard for 3 years, and now I need a long holiday.I'11 have to work for the rest of my life, snow is a good time to take a break.

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I'd like to travel around the world for a few months. I've already bought a ticket to go and visit my relatives in New Zealand. I leave on August 14th?I plan to work there for awhile. On the way back from there I hope to visit an old friend of mine in America, and I want to go to Canada as well. I might stop in some other places, too. I haven't decided yet. When I finish traveling, I will have to get a job. I studied economics at Bristol University , and my father works in a bank, so I'11 probably work there at first. I'm not looking forward to that, but I want to buy a house one day, so I'11 have to earn some money. (B)36.1 want to get a job as soon as possible. A. Right B. Wrong (A)37.I‘ll first go to New Zealand. A. Right B. Wrong (B)38.I have relatives in America. A. Right B. Wrong (A)39.I'11 probably work in a bank first. A. Right B. Wrong (B)40.I want to earn enough money to buy a car. A. Right B. Wrong


Tim: Hello. Where have you been? You look hot.

Xiaoyan: Yes,I am. I've been to the tennis club. I've had a tennis lesson. Tim: How did you manage?

Xiaoyan: Not too badly. I've never played tennis before. Tim: Don't you play tennis in China?,

Xiaoyan: No. We don't play much. I've played table tennis a lot.I play quite well, but I've never tried tennis.

Mary: Would you like a drink?

Xiaoyan: Yes, please. Could I have a fruit juice, please? Have you eaten yet? Mary: No. We haven't.

Xiaoyan: I had a sandwich before I played, but I'm very hungry now. I'd like to eat. Tim: Let's go to Franco~s.

(A)36. Xiaoyan has had a tennis lesson. A.Right B.Wrong (A) 37. She has had a lesson at a tennis club. A.Right B.Wrong (B) 38. She has played a lot of tennis in China. A.Right B.Wrong

(B) 39. She has eaten a hamburger before she played. A.Right B.Wrong (A)40. Mary and Tim haven't eaten yet. A.Right B.Wrong 阅读短文(判断)24 Xiaoyan,

I thought you'd like to know what has happened to your report about improving the website.

Last week I had a meeting with the designers. I gave them a copy of your report and Itold them that we needed to have the website redesigned. - I've had the first page simplified.

-I have asked them to make the icons larger. - The coloursare now different too.

- There are more functions, as you suggested, so that customers will be able to transfer funds to an account in another bank.

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- Customers also find access slow, so I'm getting it speeded up.

I'm going to make a presentation about these changes at the Paris conference and would like to talk to you about that. There are some things I can do myself, but I would like your help with some technical aspects. I must get some slides made too, and would like your opinion about them.

Have you got time for a coffee on either Wednesday or Thursday morning? David (B)36. David had a meeting with the designers yesterday. A. Right B. Wrong (B)37. David had made the icons larger. A. Right B. Wrong

(A)38. The speed of access has been made quicker. A. Right B. Wrong (A)39. David is going to make a presentation inParis. A. Right B. Wrong (A)40. David would like some help from Xiaoyan. A. Right B. Wrong 阅读短文(判断)25

A comedy and action film.Ronnie is a lion who escapes from the z00.He walks about The city looking for somewhere to live,but everywhere he goes people are frightened of him.

The plot is hilarious as the young lion tries to make friends with different people.When he gets hungry,he decides to try to find food in a restaurant.The customes are amazed and the waiter runs away,leaving the lion tO enjoy whatever he wants from the kitchen. The actors are good and the soundtrack is lovely.

(A)1、The story is about an anitaal. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Doesn’t say. (A)2、The film is very funny. A.Right.B.Wrong. C.Doesn’t say. 。 (B)3、.Ronnie has made lots of friends. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Doesn’t say. (A)4、The waiter is scared of Ronnie. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Doesn’t say. (C)5、Ronnie is played by a boy. A·Right. B.Wrong. C.Doesn’t say. 阅读短文(判断)26

In Europe sales of new motorcycles have increased by 12 percent this year.This is probably because more and more people are using them to travel to work in cities shere the roads have too many cars using them.Most of these motorcycles areimported from Japan,but many are built in Europe.Italy is the largest producer of motorcycles in Europe.Most custermers are buying small mototcycles because they have not ridden before,and these motorcycles are best for people who want to learn how to ride.Britain and germany only produce large motorcycled,but both these countried have also seen sales of their products rise.

More people are also watching motorcycle sports on television.This is because of more television programmes about motorcycle racing,and also because of new yoong riders whe are like pop stars and have lots of fans.Many governments think that an increase in the number of motorcycles on the roads is a good thing,and are palling new laws to help motorcyclists.this is because they think than motorcycles are better than cars on busy city streets and also produce less pollution.

Because motorcycles can be mor dangerous than cars,riders have to wear helmets in most European conutries.

(A)36 Sales of new motorcycles have increased in Europe. A Right (A)37 Many of the new motorcycles sold in Europe are produced in Etaly. A Right (A)38 Sales of large motorcycles have also increased. A Right (B)39 Young motorcyclists like pop stars very much. B Wrong (A)40 In Europe you have to wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle. A Right 阅读短文(判断)27

Last week Polly decided to give up her job. She is fed up with it, she finds it boring and she wants to change her career. Her employers, \as free lunches and paid holidays, but she does not get on with her boss. Her salary is quite good, but, because she is not happy, she wants to look for something else. Last Saturday she talked about it with David and Xiaoyan. They agreed with her. They said she should design and try another career, so she took action. She looked at advertisements in the paper and picked out three jobs that looked interesting. She had

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to write out her CV to apply for a job, and she did that on Wednesday evening. Xiaoyan helped her with it. She has a lot of experience of selling and good business training but is worried about her lack of experience in some areas.

( B )26. Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary。 B Wrong (A )27. She doesn‘t like her boss. A Right ( A)28. Her friends agreed that she should resign. A Right ( B )29. She has no experience of selling. B Wrong ( A)30. She's worried about her lack of experience in some areas. A Right

第五部分 翻译(共计30分)


1.Sandy is wearing a long, black, silk dress. 桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙。 2.I had the windows cleaned yesterday. .昨天我请人把窗户给擦了。 3.I came to London when I was 18. .我18岁的时候来到伦敦。

4.It takes 45 minutes to get to the city centre from the hotel. 从宾馆到市中心需要花45分钟时间。 6. While she was waiting, her phone rang. 她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了。

7. Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long. 虽然这部电影非常令人愉快,但是太长了。 8. We have enough money to improve the website. 我们有足够的钱改进网站。

9. He came across an old violin at his friend's house. 他在朋友家偶然发现了一把旧提琴。

10.Although it is very enjoyable,the film is too long.虽然这部电影非常令人愉快,但是太长了。 11.I need to be at the airport by 6.00 o‘ clock.我得在六点前到达机场。 12. I must have left the camera in shop.我一定是把相机丢在那家商店里了。

13.The accounts,which are in a bit of a mess ,have to be ready for next month.


14. She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday. 她借了那本书,后来星期一把书还了。 15. I've got the same sense of humor as my mum. 我和我妈妈一样,有幽默感。 16. He used to play basketball every Sunday. 他以前每个周日都打篮球。

17.Football is played by more than 20 million people in more than 140 countries.


18.He got on well with his classmates. 他和同学关系处得很好。

19.He used to work very hard when he was young. 他年轻的时候工作非常努力。

20.My family is putting me up at the moment, but I am thinking of buying my own flat.

我现在跟家人住在一起,但是我正考虑买一套公寓自己住。 21. He got on well with his sister. 他和他的姐/妹相处得很好。

22. He used to play basketball every Sunday. 他以前每个星期天都打篮球。

23. She would buy a large house if she won the lottery. 如果中了彩票,她会去买一个大房子。 24. That box is too heavy for her to carry home. 那个盒子太重了,她抬不回家。 26. The hotel is surrounded by fields and woods. 饭店四周田野树林环绕。 27. The flat was in a bit of mess.房间里有点乱。

28. Both of the boys are good at singing. 两个男孩都擅长唱歌。

29. They enjoyed themselves at the party. 他们在晚会上玩得很开心。 30.I need to be back home by 6 pm. 我得在(下午)六点之前回到家。

31.He studies in a university west of Beijing. 他在北京西郊的一所大学里读书。

32.He came across an old painting at his friend's house. 他在朋友家偶然发现了一幅古画。 34.They walked slowly along the road. 他们沿着那条路慢慢地走着。 35.I‘m in a meeting until 1.00. 我开会开到一点钟。

37.I must get some slides made. 我必须(让人)做一些幻灯片。

38.The new suitcase which Xiaoyan(晓燕) got yesterday is full already. 晓燕昨天新买的箱子已经装满了。

39. I can‘t find the key. I must have left it in the car. .我找不到钥匙了。我肯定是把钥匙丢在车上了。

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40. She needs to return the book by next Friday. 她得在下周五之前把书还回去。

42. He pointed out that she needed a better violin. 他指出她需要一把更好点儿的提琴。

46. She doesn‘t like swimming and neither does her sister.她不喜欢游泳。她姐姐也不喜欢。 47. I‘ve been learning English for three years.我学英语已经学了三年了。 48. Dave‘s picking up the van tomorrow.戴维明天要用大篷车运货。

49. I‘m going to buy him a violin for his birthday.我打算买一把小提琴给他过生日. 50. I‘m tired. I‘ll take a taxi to go there.我累了,我要坐出租车去那儿. 51.Do you take after your mother or father.你长的像你的母亲还是父亲?

51、When I finish travelling,I am going to get a job in a bank.旅行结束后,我打算在银行找份工作做。 56.The hotel surrounded by fields and woods.这家旅店周围是田地和树林。 57.My home is far from the city centre.我家离市中心很远。 58.He walks towards the window.他向窗户走去。 59.They went down the road.他们沿着小路走下去。

60.Beijing is an hour‘s frive from Tianjin.北京离天津开车要走一个小时。 61.Chengdu is northwest of Chongqing..成都在重庆的西北方。 62、I should have put the bag at home .我本该把书放在家里。


1. I didn‘t get up until 11.30 this morning. 我今天上午十一点半才起床。

2. Football is the most popular sport in the world. 足球是世界上最流行的体育运动。 4. I‘ve never been to Greece, and I‘d love to go there. 我从没去过希腊,我很想去那儿。 6. They lived in a village north of London. 他们住在伦敦北边的一个村子里。

7. I‘ve played table tennis a lot, but I‘ve never tried tennis. 我乒乓球打得很多,网球却从未打过。 9. Polly(波莉)is worried about her lack of experience. 波莉担心自己缺乏经验。 11. The hotel is surrounded by fields and woods. 饭店四周田野树林环绕。 12. The bride was dressed in a long white dress. 新娘穿着白色的长裙。

13. The window was smashed and the lock on the front door is broken. 窗户给砸了,前门的锁也被弄坏了。

14. My dad used to be a farmer and so did my grandfather. 我爸爸从前是农夫,我爷爷也是。 18. I‘ve got the same sense of humor as my mum. 我和我妈妈一样,有幽默感。 19. While she was waiting, her phone rang. 她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了。 26. I didn‘t have breakfast this morning. 今天早上我没有吃早饭。

29. I‘ve asked John to check the computer. 我已经让约翰去检查计算机了。 30. It would be great to see you again. 能再见到你那该多好啊。

33. I didn‘t get up until 11.30 this morning. 我今天上午十一点半才起床。

34. Let‘s watch something exciting like an adventure film. 咱们去看场像惊险片之类的令人兴奋的电影吧。

35. I‘m fed up with my job and I want to change my career. 我对我的工作感到厌倦,我想要换个职业。 36. I can‘t take all of that stuff that I‘ve put on the bed back to Shanghai.


37. While I was having a cup of tea, someone stole my wallet. 我正在喝茶的时候钱包被人偷了。 38、 We've become good friends since last summer. 从去年夏天起我们就成了好朋友了

39、Your neighbour says your flat was burgled this afternoon. 你的邻居说你的房子今天下午被盗了 43 Whe have enough money to improve the websits. 我们有足够的钱改进网站. 52.I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant.


5.One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic Games. 奥运会是世界上规模最大的体育比赛之一。

55.It would be great to see you to catch up on all our news.


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36.You’ll be here tomorrow,——?(是不是) won’t you

37.They said——.(他们不知道书在哪儿) they didn’t know where the books were

38.When I see her,——(我会告诉她有关她儿子的事情). I’11 tell her about her son 39.A:Do you like those tWO websites?‘ B:N0, (两个我哪个都不喜欢). I don’t like either of them

40.A:Hurry uP,we haven’t got much time.The film is about to begin·

B:Yes,we have enough time(我们有足够的时间). We can get a taxi to get there· 1. I‘m late, aren‘t I _(是不是)?

2. I used to like singing(我曾经很喜欢唱歌), but I don‘t sing anymore. 3.Because it was late _(因为时间晚了), we didn‘t go to the film. 4.The wall can be either blue or red __(或是蓝色,或是红色). 5.I would buy a car _(我就会买一辆车)if I won the lottery.

6.A: Did you use to get on (well) with your brother? (你曾经和你哥哥/弟弟关系处得好吗?) B: Not too well. We used to fight a lot. 7.A: Do you ever do any exercise?

B: I used to swim(我以前一直游泳,)but I haven‘t lately. 8.You‘ll be here tomorrow, won‘t you?(是不是) 9.She looks like her mother, doesn‘t she(是不是)? 10.There‘s enough salad, isn‘t there? (是不是)

11.He asked me if I‘d(would) like a cup of tea. (我是否想喝一杯茶)

12.They said they didn‘t know where the books were.(他们不知道书在哪儿) 13.A: Shall we go out for a drink, Mary?

B: I‘m afraid I can‘t, Bill. I‘m having the TV repaired now.(我正在让人帮我修电视呢。) 14.Peter, you need to have your hair cut. (该理发了)

15. I‘ve had the website changed.(我已经请人修改了网站。) Now it‘s much better. 16. Which is the best football team (最好的足球队) in the world?

17. Soccer is one of the most dangerous sports (最危险的体育活动) in the world. 18.If my brother calls, tell him to meet me at six/6. (告诉他六点钟和我见面。)

19.A: What shall we do this evening? B: Let‘s go out for a meal / Let‘s eat out. (我们出去吃顿饭吧。) 20.A: John didn‘t come to the party yesterday. Where did he go?

B: He could / might have gone (可能去) to visit his parents in Bath. 21.A: I put a folder here. Where is it now?

B: I don‘t know. There isn‘t any folder here. You must have put it (一定是把它放在) somewhere else. 22.A: Who is playing the Irish music? B: It must be Dave.

A: No, it can‘t be him (不可能是他) . It must be Paul, who is really keen on Irish music.

23. A: Would you like to order now? B: Salad for me, please/I‘d like a salad, please (我要份沙拉。). 24.A: Where is Jack? B: He is over there. He is in blue jeans. (穿蓝色牛仔裤的。)

25.A: We have plenty of time before the film. We could/can have something to eat _ (可以吃点儿东西) after the film or go to a pub. B: Sounds great. 26.A: Do you ever do any exercise?

B: __I usedto play tennis___,(我以前一直打网球,)but I haven‘t lately. 27.She‘s your girlfriend, ____isn‘t she____?(是不是)

28.They said they didn‘t know where the books were .(他们不知道书在哪儿) 29.My computer is not working. I need to have it repaired.(让人帮我修一修。) 30.Soccer is one of the most dangerous sports (最危险的体育活动) in the world.

31. When I see her, __I‘ll tell her about her brother_ (我会告诉她有关她弟弟的事情). 32. _ We‘ve known each other__ (我们就互相认识了)since we went to school.

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33. He _ didn‘t use to smoke _(过去不常吸烟), but he does now. 39. I didn‘t get up __(才起床) until 11 this morning.

35. This T-shirt is mine and ____that one‘s /one is yours _(那件是你的). 36.I‘m late, __ aren‘t I ____(是不是)?

37._ I used to like singing ___ (我曾经很喜欢唱歌), but I don‘t sing anymore. 38._Because it was late _____(因为时间晚了), we didn‘t go to the film. 39.The wall can be ____either blue or red ___(或是蓝色,或是红色). 40.__I would buy a car ___ (我就会买一辆车)if I won the lottery. 41. Your hair is too long. You need to _have your hair cut_____ . (理发了)

42. I‘m very hungry now. I want to buy _something to eat____ . (一些吃的东西) 43. He asked me _whether I want to drink a tea_____ . (我是否想喝一杯茶)

44. Mr Hilton is not good at sports. __His child isn‘t good at sports___ . (他的孩子也不擅长体育) 45. The room, _which _is messy__ , (乱七八糟的,) needs to be cleared up immediately.

46. _ It is a very enjoyable/interesting film (这是部非常有意思的电影),but it's not a film to watch before bedtime!

47. She borrowed the book from rne last week and gave it back /returned it to me (她还给了我)on Monday. 48. She said she used to live here (她曾经住在这里) 49. A: How shall I get to the post office`?

B: You can go there either by bus or by subway .(可以坐公共汽车,也可以坐地铁) 50. Which is the best football team (最好的足球队)in the world?

51.A:Do you like those two websites?B: No, I don‘t like either of them (两个我哪个都不喜欢). 52.A: Hurry up, we haven't got much time. The film is about to begin.

B:Yes we have enough time (我们有足够的时间).We can get a taxi to get there. 53. She's your girlfriend, isn‘t she (是不是)?

54. A- Would you like to order now?B. I‘d like a salad, please (我要份沙拉。) 55. Peter, you need to have your hair cut (该理发了) 56. A: It's very cool outside. Shall we take a walk?

B: I‘d rather (我宁愿) listen to some music at home.

57. A: Where is Richard? B: He is over there. He‘s wearing a green shirt . (他穿着一件绿色的衬衫) 58. You'll be here tomorrow, won't you (是不是) ?

37. A: Shall we have something to eat (吃点儿东西好吗) before we watch the film? B: Sounds great. I know a very nice restaurant close to the cinema. 39. Mary said that she wanted to buy a book . (她想去买本书) 40. You can wear either a T-shirt or a shirt (或者是T恤衫,或者是衬衫)to the party. 41.These shoes ___are too larger__(太大了). I need to get them changed.

41.A: Where is Richard?B: He is over there. _He is wearing a green T-shirt_.(他穿着一件绿色的衬衫) 43.My mother said __she didn‘t know where the books were .(她不知道书在哪儿) 44. I‘m afraid_ (我恐怕)I don‘t know where the books are. 45. I‘d rather (我宁愿)stay at home watching TV. 46. A: Did you manage to go to the park?B: No. It started raining, so we went home. (所以我们就回家了。) 47. He must have left his wallet/must have left the wallet(一定是把钱包忘在)in a shop. 48. A: Jill is happier on her own. She is a little anxious about meeting others. B: She is very shy. (她很羞涩) 49.A: Did you see Sandy? Is she at the party too? B: That‘s her. She‘s wearing a long black silk dress. (黑丝绸的长裙。) 50.A: Can I sit here?___ _( 我可以坐在这吗? ) B: Yes, you can. 51. Did you have a good time last night ?_ __(昨天晚上你玩得高兴吗?) 52._My room is a real mess._ ( 我的屋子很乱。 )

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53. You can get there by ship ( 乘船 )













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B. prefer B. play C. s



