大学英语语法-Exercises for non-finite verbs-key

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Exercise 1

Directions: Choose the answer that best completes each of the following sentences.

1. I was at last able _______ him to take the job.

A. to persuade B. persuade C. persuading D. to be persuading

2. It is a pleasure _______ to Professor Smith.

A. to introduce B. introducing C. to be introduced D. to have introduced

3. He promised _______ at home.

A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. to have stayed

4. It is a mistake _______ that robots will completely take the place of man.

A. to thought B. to think C. as to think D. to thinking

5. Would you like _______ us how you overcame the difficulties?

A. telling B. tell C. to be telling D. to tell

6. The scientist showed the students how steam could be made _______.

A. do work B. doing work C. to do works D. to do work

7. He was pleased _______ to the college.

A. to be admitted B. to admit C. admitting D. to admitting

8. It requires 2 calories _______ 1 gram of water 20c.

A. to warm B. to warming C. warming D. to have warmed

9. The teacher told them _______ at the books first.

A. not look B. to not look C. not to look D. not looking

10. Ten people were reported _______ in the building fire yesterday.

A. to die B. died C. to dying D. to have died

11. Our plan is _______ better use of these medicinal herbs.

A. to have made B. to make C. make D. to making

12. The car broke down and the only thing we could do was ______ there.

A. walking B. to walking C. to be walking D. walk

13. What I would suggest is _______ work at once.

A. start B. to start C. we started D. to have started

14. They found the answer _______.

A. satisfied B. be satisfactory C. to be satisfactory D. is to be satisfactory

15. He followed instruction _______ three pills twice a day.

A. to taking B. for taking C. to take D. taking

16. _______ the truth, that is what I know about the test.

A. To tell B. To have told C. Telling D. Having told

17. It is not practicable _______ an atomic engine in an airplane.

A. fixing B. to fix C. to have fixed D. to fixing

18. It is common practice _______ machine parts of metal.

A. to have made B. to making C. to be making D. to make

19. All he did was _______ others with their study.

A. helping B. help C. to be helping D. to have helped

20. There are plans _______ at once.

A. to have been made B. being made C. to making D. to be made

21. The PLA men helped the villages _______ for water sources.

A. to be looking B. to have looked C. to looking D. look

22. She is known _______ on this problem for many years.

A. to be working B. to work C. to have been working D. working

23. In 1920,women gained the right _______ in America.

A. voting B. to have voted C. to voting D. to vote

24. It is not hard _______ a bit of good.

A. of one to do B. for one doing C. for one to do D. for one as doing

25. It is careless _______ me to mistake this umbrella.

A. of B. for C. to D. with

26. It takes a lot of power _______ an airplane travel faster than sound.

A. making B. to make C. to have made D. to making

27. The soldier had him _______ with his back to his father.

A. to be standing B. stand C. to stand D. stood

28. We were sorry _______.

A. to see them to go B. to have seen them to go

C. to see them going D. to see them go

29. He made a plan _______ the project on time.

A. finishing B. to finish C. for finishing D. to have finished

30. I am glad _______ you mother on my way back home.

A. to see B. to have seen C. to be seeing D. for seeing

Exercise 2

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 我们将要做的是每天早晨练习读课文。

2. 我们的目的是要提高我们的英语水平。

3. 他们认为这个问题非常重要。

4. 坦白地说,我认为他不会接受这个工作。

5. 没有人可以告诉我哪里能买到那本书。

6. 我难以区别这对双胞胎的姊妹。

7. 学习英语是一回事,掌握它又是另外一回事。

8. 我们必须弄清楚下步做什么。

9. 她英语很好,看英语小说没问题。

10. 我认为把它们浪费掉是令人遗憾的。

11. 下课之后我有话对你说。

12. 我想要借此机会谢谢大家来捧场。

13. 他们本来定于今天早晨公布结果。

14. 这颗星太小我们看不见。

15. 我们有一些可供你们选择的书。


Exercise 1

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. D

11. B 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. D 19. B 20. D

21. D 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. B

Exercise 2

1. What we’ll do is (to) practice reading the text every morning.

2. Our purpose is to improve our English.

3. They consider this problem to be very important.

4. To be frank with you, I don’t think he will accept this job.

5. No one could tell me where to get the book.

6. It is hard for me to distinguish the twin sisters.

7. To study English is one thing, to maser it is another.

8. We must find out what to do next.

9. She knows English well enough to read novels in English.

10. I think it a pity to waste them.

11. I have something to say to you after class.

12. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for coming.

13. They were to have published the results this morning.

14. The star is too small for us to see.

15. We have several books for you to choose from.


Exercise 1

Directions: Choose the answer that best completes each of the following sentences.

1. ____________ work means moving a body through a distance by a force.

A.Having done B.Done C.Doing D.Being done

2. “Will the child recover?” “Right now, there’s no way ________.”

A.for knowing B.to have known C.of knowing D.to be known

3. “Why were you so late for work today?” “___________to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic.”

A.Driving B.To drive C.I drove D.That I drove

4. ___________ is no reason for discharging her.

A.Because she was a few minutes late B.Owing to a few minutes being late

C.The fact that she was a few minutes late D.Being a few minutes late

5. Conveying information by communications satellites ____________ a modern technique.

A.are B.is C.have been D.being

A.to clean; to do B.cleaning; doing C.cleaning; to do D.to be cleaned; doing

6. But you kept postponing ______________.

A.you to come B.for you to come C.you coming D.your coming

7. Your flat needs ____________ . Would you like me _________ it for you?

8. ____________, the doctor was invited to give a speech.

A.After having developed a new medicine B.Having been developed a new medicine

C.Anew medicine being developed D.After a new medicine developed

9. There is no ____________ what they will discuss.

A.tell B.telling C.to tell D.tells

10. ____________ there won’t make too much difference.

A.Comrade Wang goes B.Comrade Wang gone

C.Comrade Wang’s going D.Comrade Wang to go

11. In ancient times men sent messages at a distance by ___________.

A.having beaten drums B.to beat drums

C.beating drums D.beat drums

12. He had a hard time ___________ French.

A.study B.studies C.studying D.to study

13. “If you can’t come tonight, how about __________ tomorrow?”

A.to come B.coming C.you come D.you coming

14. You should work this evening instead of _________ TV.

A.watch B.you watching C.you watch D.watching

15. There was no use __________ that fact from himself.

A.of hiding B.to hide C.in hiding D. to hiding

16. There was no sense __________ a child suffer like that.

A.in making B.making C.of making D.to make

17. “Maybe I can persuade him to study more.” “There is no point ______ to persuade him to do anything.”

A.to try B.in trying C.of trying D.if you try

18. Is there any point __________ further?

A.to argue B.at arguing C.to arguing D.in arguing

19. “Are you fond of ________ fictions?” “Yes, I think so.”

A.to read B.the read C.reading D.read

20. He stopped Mary ___________ to his office.

A.from coming B.to come C.having come D.for coming

21. “How long have you worked in the library?” “Two years, but I’m thinking __________.”

A.to quit B.of quit C.to quitting D.of quitting

22. It is not difficult to apply automation to simple tasks like _________ the heating system of a house.

A.regulated B.regulate C.regulating D.being regulated

23. Another group of engineers devote their major efforts to _________ new and better materials.

A.develop B.developing C.developed D.being developed

24. Naturally, the first step to improve your comprehension is to ________ for the main idea.

A.practising to read faster B.practise to read faster

C.practise reading more faster D.practise reading a bit faster

25. I don’t know of anything to prevent __________ at home.

A.you to study B.for you to study C.from your studying D.your studying

26. I could not recall ________ anyone __________ that before.

A.to hear; to say B.to have heard; saying

C.hearing; saying D.having heard; say

27. I don’t think it’s any use __________.

A.in you to run away B.in you running away

C.you to run away D.your running away

28. I must admitted _________ my conduct.

A.feeling shame of B.to feel shame of

C.feeling ashamed of D.to feel ashamed of

29. I advised ___________ at once.

A.him starting B.to start C.to have him start D.his starting

30. It is possible to avoid __________.

A.understand B.understanding C.misunderstanding


31. I realized we should do something to avoid _________ to death.

A.freezing B.to freeze C.to be frozen D.being frozen

32. I would appreciate __________ it a secret.

A.you to keep B.that you could keep C.your keeping D.that you are keeping

33. “How are you planning to travel to California?” “I haven’t decided, but I’m considering _____ a train.”

A.take B.to take C.taking D.of taking

34. Why have they delayed __________ the new school?

A.to have opened B.having opened C.opening D.being opened

35. He denied ____________ these cameras before.

A.being seen B.to see C.having seen D.to have seen

36. I dislike _____________ to like that.

A.to speak B.speaking C.to be spoken D.being spoken

37. He recommended ___________ this dictionary. He recommends _________ that one.

A.to buy; me to buy B.buying; me buying

C.buying; me to buy D.to buy; my buying

38. I should suggest __________ the meeting off.

A.we would put B.us to put C.for us to put D.our putting

39. She spent the last day of vacation giving gifts and __________ the harbor.

A.took a look finally around B.taking around a look at

C.taking a finally look around D.taking a final look around

40. Excuse __________ your letter by mistake.

A.me to open B.for me to open C.for my opening D.my opening

41. The students have just finished _________ about their lessons.

A.talking B.to talk C.talk D.being talking

42. He forbids ____________ during office hours but also forbids others _________ in the offices.

A.smoking; smoking B.to smoke; smoking

C.smoking; to smoke D.to smoke; to smoke

43. Why are you late again? Have you forgot __________ me that you would never be late again?

A.promise B.to promise C.promising D.promised

44. I know it isn’t important but I can’t help _________ about it.

A.but to think B.thinking C.to think D.think

45. I could easily have imagined ___________ a man of fine quality.

A.her regarding him as B.her regarding him to be

C.to regard him as D.to regard him to be

46. I prefer ____________ to ____________ .

A.to drive ….. be driven B.to drive ……. Rather than being driven

C.driving …….. being driven D.being driven ……. Drive

47. It is no good wasting strength _____________ .

A.for shouting B.shouting C.to shout D.to have shouted

48. All the family were busy __________ their various tasks.

A.doing B.to do C.done D.of doing

49. They are busy ___________ for the trip.

A.to make prepare B.making prepare

C.to make preparation D.making preparation

50. Housework involves ____________.

A.to cook, wash dishes, sweep and clean. B.to cook, wash dishes, sweeping and cleaning.

C.cooking, washing dishes, sweep and clean. D.cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning.

Exercise 2

Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with the proper form of the given verb in the bracket.

1. The book is well worth ___________(read).

2. -- Have you seen the new play yet?

-- No, but I’m certainly looking forward to _________(see) it.

3. Tom said that he wouldn’t mind _______________(wait) for us.

4. Until I was twenty-one I never missed __________(attend) four nights a week.

5. My transistor radio isn’t working. It needs __________(repair).

6. He would insist on __________(move) to another hotel.

7. He quit practicing ____________(speak) English to take a walk.

8. Don’t put off __________(do) the work on account of my being unable to solve the problem.

9. I don’t remember ____________(see) the letter but perhaps I read it.

10. Do you remember __________(introduce) to professor Smith during your last visit?

11. He reported _______(see) no one come in.

12. When with them, he could never resist __________(make) a joke.

13. I must go now, I can’t risk __________(lose) the last bus.

14. By means of this device the motor can stop __________(turn) of itself.

15. I suggested ___________(go) to the opera.

16. I can’t understand __________(you laugh) at that poor child.

17. I am used to _________(study) with Mr. Jones and therefore prefer not to change to another teacher.

18. The radar station has never stopped _________(work) for a minute.

19. I’m so busy that I shall have to discontinue __________(pay) these weekly visits.

20. I enjoy _____________(take) photographs.

21. By taking the back way he escaped __________(see).

22. There’s no ____________(say) what he’ll be doing next.

23. There’s no use wasting time in ____________(discuss) how it happened.

24. My roommate lost a lot of weight by ___________(exercise) every day.

25. The students sometimes complain of __________(give) too much homework to do.


Exercise 1

1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C

11. C 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. A

21. D 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. D 26. D 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. C

31. D 32. C 33. C 34. C 35. C 36. D 37. C 38. D 39. D 40. D

41. A 42. C 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. D

Exercise 2

1. reading 2. seeing 3. waiting 4. attending 5. repairing/ to be repaire 6. moving

7. speaking 8. doing 9. seeing 10. being introduced 11. having seen 12. making

13. losing 14. turning 15. going 16. your laughing 17. studying 18. working

19. paying 20. taking 21. being seen 22. saying 23. discussing 24. exercising

25. being given

Exercise 1

Directions: Choose the answer that best completes each of the following sentences.

1. I need a book ________ with anti-pollution problems. c

A.deal B.dealt C.dealing D.to be dealt

2. Power stations employ _________ water to produce electricity. a

A.falling B.fallen C.filling D.filled

3. The pen ____________ belongs to me. b

A.which it is on the table B.lying on the table

C.is on the table D.which is being on the table

4. He looked rather untidy as there were two bottoms _________ from his coat. d

A.loosing B.losing C.away D.missing

5. A __________ achievement of electronics is the electronic computer. c

A.widely knowing B.being widely known

C.widely known D.having widely known

6. Dick is depressed. He doesn’t like ________ life. c

A.marriage B.marry C.married D.marrying

7. Mr. Tanner can’t walk because he has a _________ leg. b

A.broke B.broken C.breaking D.break

8. They found out a _________ soldier on the battlefield. b

A.wound B.wounded C.wounding D.being wounding

9. That ___________ the case, we’d better do the experiment all over again. d

A.is B.has been C.was D.being

10. Accustomed to climbing trees, __________ . a

A.I had no difficulty reaching the top B.reaching the top was not hard to me

C.the top was not difficult for me to reach D.to reach the top was not a problem for me

11. Doctor Wang is engaged in a study ___________ at the cure of a serious disease. b

A.aiming B.aimed C.to aim D.to be aimed

12. This is one of the questions __________ at the meeting last night. c

A.being discussed B.to be discussed C.discussed D.discussing

13. The author gave a detailed description ___________ on his personal observation of nature. b

A.to be based B.based C.basing D.base

14. They found the conditions there ___________. c

A.much improve B.much to improve

C.much improved D.be much improved

15. I found my home town completely _____________. a

A.changed B.changing C.to be changed D.to change

16. “Why did you leave the meeting early?” “I found the discussion ___________.” a

A.boring B.bored C.bore D.boredom

17. I am sorry I have kept you _____________. c

A.to wait B.to have waited C.waiting D.to be waited

18. At this moment she notice _____________. d

A.the secretary’s coming in B.the secretary to come in

C.for the secretary to come in D.the secretary coming in

19. I observe __________ . b

A.the barometer to fall suddenly B.the barometer falling suddenly

C.the barometer fallen suddenly D.the barometer to be falling suddenly

20. Traffic on the highway was blocked for an hour, ______ many drivers to have cold suppers. b

A.which was responsible for B.causing

C.thus having necessitated D.this causing

21. ___________ , the problem seemed solved. b

A.Being discussed B.Having been discussed

C.Having discussed D.Discussing

22. There are many kinds of building materials, each _________ its particular uses. a

A.having B.would have C.seems to have D.has

23. _________ every difficulty, Xiao Wang made great progress in his English study. d

A.Overcome B.Overcoming

C.To overcome D.Having overcome

24. His health __________ . Jim had to leave the army in 1971. d

A.had failed B.failed C.was failed D.failing

25. Today the police can watch cars ________ on roads by radar. c

A.to run B.run C.running D.to be run

26. __________, he washed the cup and put it away. c

A.Having drank the coffee B.Drinking the coffee

C.Having drunk the coffee D.After drank the coffee

27. The eagle uses the same nest year after year, _________ new material each time. d

A.and B.which C.adds D.adding

28. The results of the experiment were not _________ to publish. a

A.interesting enough B.too interesting

C.enough interesting D.so interesting

29. ______________ the letter she left the post office in a hurry. b

A.Posting B.Having posted C.Posted D.Being posted

30. The computer works very fast, ________ millions of data with the speed of light. b

A.being handled B.handling C.having handled D.to be handled

31. Wang knew how to operate the machine, _________ a worker many years. a

A.having been B.being C.becoming D.been

32. _______________short of trucks, they had to carry the machine parts to the worksite with their hands or on their backs. a

A.Being B.Been C.To be D.To have been

33. __________ an answer for a long time, he wrote another letter to the professor. c

A.Did not getting B.Having not got

C.Not having got D.Having not been got

34. I asked for help, ___________ , however, whether anyone would volunteer. a

A.doubting B.doubted C.being doubting D.was doubting

35. The human body is composed of organs, each ____________ a different job to do. d

A.have B.has C.to have D.having

36. ___________ , the invention is useless. d

A.To speak practical B.In speaking practical

C.Speaking practical D.Practically speaking

37. Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs ________ carefully in hr hands. c

A.to be held B.were held C.held D.holding

38. There are four factories in our institute, __________ . b

A.each have over 100 workers B.each having over 100 workers

C.which there are over 100 workers D.with each that has over 100 workers

39. John is a good student, ___________ his best subject. c

A.as English B.English as C.English being D.being English

40. ________ in the fog, we were compelled to spend two hours in the forest. c

A.To lose B.Losing C.Lost D.Having lost

Exercise 2

Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with the proper form of the given verb in the bracket.

1. It _________ (be) a fine day, we decided to go out on a picnic.

2. __________ (make) of plastic, the machine is light in weight.

3. Alice, _________ not (know) where to find the book, asked her mother where the book was.

4. Why do you stand and watch the milk _______(boil) over?

5. Experiments ________(lead) to modern television took place more than a hundred years ago.

6. I helped with the Johnson report because I was in charge of the work _________(do) on it.

7. The later rice was reported _________ (grow) better than last year.

8. In the evening, man-made satellites can be seen __________ (travel) high in the sky.

9. I’ve just seen Mary __________ (walk) towards the village.

10. -- What was the people’s opinion of their leader?

-- He was _________ (think) to be clever but dishonest.

11. He kept us ______ (wait) for three hours.|

12. We have to pay the education ______ (receive) by our children.

13. You are cordially invited to an English evening ______ (give) at our institute at 7: p. m.

Dec. 23.

14. He didn’t want to get himself ______ (involve) in the matter.

15. The road ______ (build) now is one of main road in this city.

16. ______ (place) in water, this kind of paper will completely dissolve.

17. It is very encouraging to see these matter ______ (look) into.

18. I have never noticed the word ______ (use) that way.

19. ______ (talk) of food, what time are we going to have dinner?


Exercise 1

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. A

11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. B

21. B 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. B

31. A 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. C

Exercise 2

1. being 2. Made 3. knowing 4. boiling 5. leading 6. being done 7. growing

8. traveling 9. walking 10. thought 11. waiting 12. received 13. to be given

14. involved 15. being built 16. Placed 17. looked 18. used 19. Talking

