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Unit 1
1.我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持。 I know I could rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happened. 2.一般来说,年轻一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是对过去更感兴趣。但这两代人如果不互相尊重对方的需要,就都会遭受损失。 As a rule,the younger generation tends to be more interested in the present rather than the past unlike the older generation,but both generations will stand to lose if they do not respect the other’s needs. 3.中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。
The chinese written language has been a major factor for intergrating the whole nation.
In traditional chinese art and literature,the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moral intergrity and uprightness.
Queen elizabeth I ruled england for 45years,and the nation prospered under her rule.
Democracy means that the majority rules .but that’s not all.respect for
minority ‘s right to disagree is also an integral part of democracy.the two rules are of equal importance.
7.一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但在地理上,而且在政治、经济和文化上都是一个整体。 A
political,economically,culturally as well as geographically.
The party was boring,so he slipped out of the room and went home.but the road was so muddy after the rain that he slipped and fell into a ditch. 9.她身体糟糕到了这种程度,以至于冬天不敢见太阳,怕中暑。 Her bealth was such that she would not dare to be exposed to the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.
I was drowning my sorrow one night in a small restaurant when he came over to me and slipped a roll of money in my pockey.
1.他因收受贿赂而正在接受调查。 He is being investigated for receiving bribes. 2.政府开始向被洪水围困的地区空投食品。
The goverment started airdroppign food to areas being cut off by the
People are much concerned about how the charity money is being used. 4.出于安全的原因,这些实验室的具体地址保密。
The exact locations of the laboratories are being kept secret for reasons of security.
What’s the matter with jim today?i think he’s being rather rude,not his usual self.
The local public security bureau is being criticized for being soft on white-collar crime.
The car accident investgator is accused of being one-sided.favoring the offender.
8.项目协调人抱怨说他机会一半时间都花在开会和写报告上。 The project coordinator complains that almost half of his time is being spent on meeting and reports.
His latest novel being adapted for TV has been on the new york times best-seller list for forty-two weeks.
10.发言人断然否认了当前流行的关于总统健康问题的种种谣传。 The spokesman flatly denied all rumors being circulated at the moment about the president’s health. 二单元
1、表现自己男子汉大丈夫的气概:assert one’s manhood 2、在头脑中掠过:cross one’s mind 3、丈量土地:measure the ground 4、设法弄到食物:secure one’s food 5、驱散黑暗:scatter the darkness 6、揉揉他的眼睛:rub his eyes
7、大声咀嚼她的面包和黄油:munch her bread and butter 8、抑制住了恐惧的感觉:overpower that feeling of dread 9、(声音)传得很远:carry a long way 10、弯下他们的腰:bend their backs 11、燃烧着的煤:live coals
12、他那张长有雀斑的脸:his freckled face 13、淡淡的八字须:a fair moustache
14、事情的紧迫性:the imminence of the event 15、一位精明的妇女:a shrewd woman 16、一家之主:the head of the family 17、一颗砰砰直跳的心:a throbbing heart 18、一群山间小屋:a cluster of cabins
19、一块狭长的地:a strip of ground
20、一副凶猛严厉的表情:a fierce and hard look
21、诸葛亮装作十分镇静,成功地瞒过了司马懿,使他不知道这座城实际上是没有守卫的空城。他证明了自己值得受到人们的崇拜和尊敬:Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeeded in hiding the fact from Sima Yi that the city was really unguarded. He proved himself worthy of the admiration he had received.
22、他知道大战在即,而且他的军队和敌人众寡悬殊,所以他假装正在迅速往后方撤退。实际上他是在给敌人准备一个大陷阱:He knew that a bloody battle was imminent and his army was terribly outnumbered. So he pretended to be retreating quickly to the rear. Actually he was laying a trap for the enemy troops.
23、社会达尔文主义者认为我们可以把人类社会比作动物世界。他们头脑里似乎没有想过人和动物会有不同。人所依靠的是他们的头脑,而不是动物本性:Social Darwinists asserted that we can compare human society to the animal world. It did not cross their minds that human being could be different from other animals. They relied on their brain rather than their instinct.
24、这种大规模养殖的鸡和我们以前家养的鸡没法比。现在的养鸡场也许提高了产量,但鸡的美味给弄没了:These mass-produced chickens do not compare with the chickens we used to raise at home. Chicken farms may have increase the output, but they have robbed the chickens of
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