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688TEU Container Vessel technical specification

TABLE OF CONTENTS General and Hull part

目 录


1. General船舶总体……………. 1.1 General Description总述

1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2

Purpose and Navigation Area用途和航区 Ship Type船型

Classification, Rules and Regulation, Certificate船级、规范、规则和证书 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3


Rules and Regulation规范和规则 Certificate证书

1.3 Principal Dimensions and Particulars主要尺度

Principal Dimensions主要尺度 Deck Heights甲板间高 Camber and Sheer舷弧和梁拱 Frame Spacing肋距

Double Bottom Height and Side Tank Width双层底高度和边舱宽度

1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.4

Speed, Propeller and Endurance航速、螺旋桨及续航力 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3

Speed航速 Propeller螺旋桨 Endurance续航力

1.5 Dead Weight Determination载重量的核定 1.6 Dead Weight and Tonnage载重量和吨位

1.6.1 1.6.2

Dead Weight载重量 Tonnage吨位

1.7 Trim and Stability纵倾和稳性

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1.8 Freeboard干舷

1.9 Cargo Hold and Opening Dimension舱数货开口尺寸 1.10 Container Capacity集装箱容量 1.11 Complement船员定额

1.12 General Arrangement总布置概况

1.13 Material, Workmanship, Standards and Measurement Unit 材料、工艺、标准及单位制

1.13.1 Material材料 1.13.2 Workmanship工艺 1.13.3 Standards标准

1.13.4 Measurement Unit System量度单位 1.14 Inspection, test and trial检查、试验和试航

1.14.1 General总则

1.14.2 Inclination experiment倾斜试验 1.14.3 Sea Trial and Test海上试航和试验 1.15 Name Plates铭牌 1.16 Finish Drawings完工图纸 1.17 Delivery交船

2 Hull Structure船体结构 2.1 General概述

2.1.1 2.1.2

Design Basis设计依据 Structure Type结构型式

2.2 Design Keypoints设计要点

2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6

Shell Plating外板

Cargo Hold Structure货舱结构 Engine Room Structure机舱结构 Forepeak Structure首部结构 Stern Structure尾部结构

Superstructure and Deck House上层建筑及甲板室

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2.2.7 2.2.8 2.2.9 2.2.10 2.2.11 2.2.12 2.2.13 2.2.14 2.2.15 2.2.16


Stern Frame and rudder horn尾推进器柱、挂舵壁 Bilge Keels舭龙骨 Chain Locker锚链舱 Engine Casing机舱棚 Bulwark舷墙 Foundations基座

Suction, Air hole and Water hole吸口、气孔、流水孔 Ice-B Strengthening B级冰区加强 others其他

2.3 Main Member Dimension of Superstrure Deck House上层建筑及甲板室主要构件尺寸

3 Deck Machinery甲板机械

3.1 Electric-Hydraulic Windlass电动液压起锚机 3.2 Steering Gear舵机

3.3 Hydraulic Mooring Winches液压系泊绞车 3.4 Electric Driven Rescue Boat Davit电动救助艇绞车 3.5 Electric Driven Life Boat Davit电动救生艇绞车 3.6 Accommodation Ladder Winches舷梯绞车

4 Outfitting Equipment舾装设备 4.1 Outfitting number舾装数 4.2 Mooring Equipment锚泊设备 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6

Anchor锚 Anchor Chain锚链 Hawse pipe锚链筒 Chain Stopper掣链器 Chain Quick Release弃锚器 Chain Pipes锚链管

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4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9

Foundation of windlass锚机基座

Accessories and spare parts of anchor chain锚链的附件及备件 Operation platform操作平台

4.3 Mooring equipment系泊设备

4.3.1 4.3.2

Mooring rope系泊缆索 Mooring outfitting系泊属具

4.4 Rudder Equipment舵设备

4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5

Rudder blade舵叶 Rudder stock舵杆

Rudder carrier bearing上舵承 Rudder Pintle舵销 Others其它

4.5 Steel door, window and cover金属门、窗、盖

4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4

Steel door钢质门

Porthole and window舷窗和窗 Manhole Cover人孔盖 Screen Window纱窗

4.6 Stair, railing and handrail扶梯、栏杆、扶手

4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.6.8

Steel stair钢质斜梯 Vertical ladder直梯 Accommodation ladder舷梯 Draught ladder吃水挂梯 Pilot ladder引水员梯

Railing and bulwark栏杆及舷墙 Handrail扶手

Eye plate and lift ring眼板吊环

4.7 Sunshade天幕 4.8 Canvas covers帆布罩 4.9 Life saving equipment救生设备

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4.9.1 4.9.2 4.9.3 4.9.4 4.9.5

life boat and davit救生艇及艇架 inflatable life raft气胀式救生筏 life buoy救生圈 life jacket救生衣

life rope throwing appliance抛绳设备

4.10 fire fighting equipment消防设备 4.11 mast equipment桅樯设备

4.12 accoustic and light equipment声光信号设备 4.13 navigation equipment航行设备 4.14 corrosion-proof equipment防蚀装置 4.15 others其他

4.15.1 bottom plug船底塞 4.15.2 bell船钟

4.16 spare parts and tools备品和属具

cabin outfitting舱室舾装 5.1 fire proof structure防火结构

5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3


Space division处所分类 fire proof door防火门

5.2 joiner and outfitting木作绝缘 5.3 deck covering甲板敷料

5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3

Deck cement covering甲板敷料 Rubber floor covering橡胶地毡 Wood grating木质格栅

5.4 crew living cabins and public cabins船员居住舱室和公共舱室

5.4.1 5.4.2


Furniture and equipment家具和设备

5.4.3 Living cabins furnishing居住舱室的设备

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5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7

Public cabins furnishing公共舱室设备 Curtains窗帘织物 Beddings卧具织物

Hardware in cabins舱室小五金

5.5 Shelves in store储藏室搁架 5.6 Provision store干粮库 5.7 Galley equipment 厨房设备 5.8 Sanitary spaces卫生处所

5.9 Laundry room and drying room洗衣间、烘衣间 6

Paint and cement油漆和水泥 6.1 General总则 6.2 Paint油漆 6.3 Cement水泥

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688TEU Container Vessel technical specification

1 GENERAL船舶总体 1.1 General description总述

1.1.1 purpose and navigation area用途及航区

The purpose of this Vessel is mainly for container and other dry cargo transportation. It shall be capable to berth at any Chinese seaports as well as ports of in South Asia, Japan, and Korea etc.

The Vessel shall mainly navigate in distant seawaters.

The Vessel is designed in accordance with Technical Regulation for Statutory Survey of Seagoing Ships Statutory (CCS, 1999), and the hull is strengthened according to Ice B requirement.



1.1.2 Ship type船型

The vessel to be built as steel structure, single deck, single-screw, single rudder, diesel-engine driven container ship with bulbous bow and bulb stern. The Vessel to be provided with forecastle, poop deck and aft supperstrure of five floors of deckhouse. The double bottom tanks and side tanks to serve as ballast tanks.


1.2 Classification, Rules and Regulation, Certificate船级、规范、规则和证书

The vessel will be registered to Classification Society CCS with notation, 本船由中国船级社登记,并取得如下船级:


1.2.2 Rules and Regulation规范和规则

The Vessel to comply with the Rules and Regulations as follows,

- Technical Regulation for Statutory Survey of Seagoing Ships (international navigation), 1999 - Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Clssiffication of Sea Going Steel Ships, 2001

-Convention of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, and amendment 1982.

本船按下列规范、规则和公约进行设计 国际航行海船法定检验技术规则(1999) 钢质海船入级与建造规范(2001)


1.2.3 Certificates证书

The Builder to obtain following certificates and deliver to the Owner at the time of ship's delivery. - Nationality Certificate - Classification Certificate - Certificate for International Service Ship - International Loadline Certificate - Safety Construction Certificate

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688TEU Container Vessel technical specification

Safety Equipment Certificate

Radio-Telegraphy Safety Certificate Builder's Certificate MARPOL Certificate

Certificate for Sewage Water Prevention Deratization Certificate

Certificate for Anchor, Chains

Certificate for Mooring and Life Boat Ropes Test Report for Castings and Forgings Life Saving Equipment Certificate Fire Fighting Equipment Certificate

Certificate for Smoke and Light Signal Equipment

Magnetic Compass Adjustment Certificate and Magnetic Compass Certificate Certificate for Communication Telephone on Board Fog Whistle Certificate Potable Water Certificate

本船取得下列主要证书,并在交船时提交给船方。 国籍证书 船级证书


国际航行船舶载重线证书 结构安全证书 设备安全证书 无线电设备证书 建造厂证书

国际海船防止油污染证书 国际防止生活水污染证书 除鼠证书


系泊绳索及救生艇绳索证书 铸造、锻造件试验报告 救生设备证书 消防设备证书 烟火信号设备证书

磁罗经证书及磁罗经校正证书 船上通讯电话证书 雾笛证书 饮用水证书

1.3 Principal Dimensions and Particulars主要尺度 1.3.1 Principal Dimensions主要尺度

Length over all总长 : 140.0 m Length Water Line 设计水线长: 133.0m Length betw. pp垂线间长 : 130.0m Breadth, mld. 型宽 : 19.8 m Depth, mld. 型深 : 10.25 m Design draught设计吃水 : 7.50 m

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Deck heights甲板间高

between upper deck and forecastle deck: 2.50m between upper deck and poop deck: 2.80m between poop deck and boat deck: 2.60m between boat deck and crew deck: 2.60m between crew deck and captain deck: 2.60m between captain deck and nav. deck: 2.60m between nav. deck and compass deck: 2.60m

上甲板~首楼甲板 2.50m 上甲板~尾楼甲板 2.80m 尾楼甲板~艇甲板 2.60m 艇甲板~船员甲板 2.60m 船员甲板~船长甲板 2.60m 船长甲板~驾驶甲板 2.60m 驾驶甲板~罗经甲板 2.60m

Camber and Sheer舷弧和梁拱 forward sheer: 首舷弧 0.399m stern sheer: 尾舷弧 0.088m

central line of the upper deck be parallel to base line上甲板中心线平行于基线 upperdeck camber:上甲板梁拱 0.25m

poopdeck, forecastle deck camber:尾楼甲板、首楼甲板梁拱0.25m other decks’ camber: 其他甲板梁拱 0.15m


1.3.4 Frame Spacing肋距 Stern to E/R aft bulkhead (FR9): 从尾至机舱后端壁(#9),肋距: 600mm E/R aft bulkhead (FR9) to FR174: 从机舱后壁(#9)至#174,肋距: 700mm FR174 to stem: 从#174肋距至首肋距为 600mm

1.3.5 Double Bottom Height双层底高度

Double Bottom Height: 1200mm

双层底高度为1200mm。 1.4 Speed, Propeller and Endurance航速、螺旋桨及续航力 1.4.1 Speed航速

The speed to be 13.0 knots, propeller design to be with 15%M/E power margin, at design draught T=7.5m, shell plate clean, in calm and deep water, under Beaufort scale 3.


1.4.2 Propeller螺旋桨

The propeller to be of 5 blades, AU type, Φ 4.02m, area ratio 0.560, pitch ration 0.727, material Cu3, Ni-Al-Bronze.

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船底骨架取纵骨架式,船中心设13×1200mm 中纵桁材。左、右各设三根11×1200mm 旁桁材。双层底分别设置纵骨,纵骨间距为615和645mm。船底纵骨规格为BP240×54×14 和

BP200×44×10 球扁钢,内底纵骨规格为即BP240×52×12 和BP200×44×10,每隔四档肋位设实肋板,厚度为11mm。旁桁材、实肋板均设相应加强筋。按规范要求对首部底部作砰击加强,每隔两档肋距设置实肋板,每隔二档纵骨间距设置旁桁材,以提高船底抗砰击能力。

3) side structure舷侧结构

The side structure of c/h area to be of combination framing, below the platform to be transverse framing and above to be longitudinal framing.

货舱区舷侧为纵、横骨架式,距BL7720 设水密平台,平台纵骨为BP160×36×8。平台以下为横骨架式,设普通肋骨和强肋骨,另设2 道舷侧纵桁支持肋骨。平台以上为纵骨架式,舷侧纵骨为-200×16。

4) upper deck structure上甲板结构

The structure of upper deck out of the hatch opening to be longitudinal framing and inside area to be transverse framing. Longitudinal girder and strength beam to be set appropriately and hatch-end-beam to be provided for hatch openings.

上甲板在货舱开口边线外为纵骨架式,甲板厚18(B)mm,甲板纵骨为-240×20,其他地方均采用横骨架式,甲板厚10、12,14mm,横梁为BP160×36×8 和BP180×40×9 球扁钢,适当设置纵桁和强横梁,在货舱大开口端设舱口端梁。

5) bulkhead structure舱壁结构

With the cargo hold area to set 2 vertical corrugated transverse bulkheads and 2 water-tight-top transvers bulheads.

在整个货舱区设置二道垂直槽形横舱壁,板厚为10,11 mm 和二道水密平面横舱壁,垂直扶强材为BP180×40×9。舱壁板厚度为10、8mm。

2.2.3 E/R structure机舱结构

The E/R to be designed with transverse framing.


1) shell plate外板

the sheer plate, bottom plate and side plate to be 12mm thick.

舷顶列板和船底板分别为12mm 和12mm,舷侧板为12mm

2) upper deck上甲板

The upper deck plate to be 10mm thick except for local transition and strengthening.


3) bottom frames船底骨架

Double bottom, solic floor to be 10mm thick, water tight floor 12mm, at central line to set central girder 13mm thick, side girder 10mm, water tight side girder 12mm, inner bottom plate 13mm.

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双底:设置实肋板厚度为10mm,水密肋板厚度为12mm,中间设13mm 中桁材。旁桁材,板厚为10mm,水密旁桁材,板厚为12mm,内底板板厚为14mm。

4) side framing舷侧骨架:

No more than 4 frames to use T section bar as strength frame for side and between deck structure.

每档肋位设BP220×11 球扁钢为主肋骨,不大于四档肋位设置组合材为强肋骨。甲板间每档肋位设BP200×10 球扁钢为甲板间肋骨,不大于四档肋位设组合材为甲板间强肋骨。

5) upper deck framing上甲板骨架

Every frame to use BP160×8 as beam, no more than 4 frames to set strength beam, appropriate T bar to be used for deck longitudinal.


6) E/R platform framing机舱平台骨架

The platform deck to be non-water tight structure.


7) pillar支柱

Between upper deck and E/R platform to be with support pillar ф159×9, between platform and inner bottom pillars ф159×11, both at port side and stb.


2.2.4 bow structure首部结构

The bow structure to be transvers framing and to be strengthened locally.


1) bottom bumping area strengthen船底砰击区加强

In way of bumping area solid floor to be set every two frames, the flat bottom plate to increase to 18mm thick.


2) side structure strengthen舷侧骨架加强

4000mm and 6500mm above base line to arrange perforated platform and the side plate to strengthened in compliance with Ice B requirement. Inside of the bulbous bow, there to be perforated horizontal and vertical plates for strengthening.

距基线4000和6500mm 处设置开孔平台,并作B 级冰区加强。首球内设水平开孔板及垂向开孔板进行加强。

2.2.5 stern structure尾部结构

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The stern structure to be transverse framing and to be strengthened adequately.


1) side strengthening舷侧加强

Apart from main floor, every 5 frames to be set strength frame.

除设主肋骨外,还设间距不大于5 档肋位的强肋骨,舷侧横向得以有效加强。

2) stern frame and rudder horn area strengthening尾推进器柱、挂舵臂区域加强

In way of stern frame there to be perforated floor and the connection plates to increase to 16mm thick.

尾推进器柱区域设厚度为16mm 开孔实肋板,与尾推进器柱相连的外板增厚至16mm。

3) stern longitudinal frame尾部结构纵向框架

The central longitudinal bulkhead runs to stern transom plate and FR9 bulkhead.

在尾部船中处设有中纵舱壁,通至尾封板及#9 横舱壁。

2.2.6 accommodation and deck house上层建筑及甲板室

The end of forecastle to be on FR174 and accommodation on FR28. The bulkheads of accommodation and deckhouse should be keep straight in line for transferring force and reducing vibration.

首尾楼端部分别设在#28 横舱壁及#174 横舱壁上。


2.2.7 stem首柱

The stem to be of weld plate structure, bulbous type and properly raked. The stem outline to be in line smoothly with the hull line and the bottom to be firmly connected with keel plate.

The stem iron nose under 1000mm above summer loading line to be 18mm thick and tapered smoothly with shell plates. The stem member scantling to comply with Class requirement.


首柱包板夏季载重水线以上1000 处以下区域厚为18mm,以上部分逐步过渡到一般外板厚度。首柱构件尺寸满足B 级冰区加强要求。

2.2.8 stern framing尾推进器柱

The stern framing structure to be designed of marine steel casting welded with hull shell plating. Before casting members welding, they should be annealed. On appropriate position of stern framing and rudder horn, there to be set adequate number of 2-year-life zinc for corrosion protection.



2.2.9 bilge plate舭龙骨

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On both side of the the bottom to provide a bilge plate. The bilge plate to be welded to doubling plating that is welded to bottom plate. Fore and after ends of the bilge plate to be tapered and there to be split-proof hole on the plate. The ends of doulblings to be smoothly round.

船底两侧的舭部各设置1 根舭龙骨。舭龙骨焊接在覆板上,覆板和船底舭部外板采用电焊连接。


2.2.10 chain locker锚链舱

Between FR179 and FR181 there exist 2 chain lockers of size 1200mm×1200mm, one on p/s and stb., symmetrically arranged.

Suitable foot holes are provided through the main deck level to the bottom. Perforated steel gratings are laid above the bilge well. The chain lashing device to be fitted together with the chain quick releaser on the lock bulkhead.

首部在#179~#181 设有锚链舱,锚链舱尺寸为1200mm×1200mm,左、右对称设置。锚链舱中设有通道和踏步作为人员进出。锚链舱底设有穿孔钢板的污水井。锚链舱系固装置装于锚链舱侧壁上的快速释放器上。

2.2.11 engine casing机舱棚

On top of engine case there to be funnel and installed with some silencer and moderately strengthened by stiffeners.


2.2.12 bulwark舷墙

The steel bulwark to be fitted on both sides of upper deck forecastle and poop deck, height 1000mm.

上甲板首楼及尾楼舷侧均设置钢质舷墙,舷墙高度为1000mm,舷墙顶部用BP180×40×9 球扁钢为上缘材,舷墙板取厚度为7mm 钢板。

2.2.13 foundations基座

The M/E foundation to comply with the Rules requirement as well as the requirement of the maker. For A/E, deck machinery and other equipment, the foundation to be firmly installed and the adjacent area to be strengthend.

主机基座除满足规范要求外,尚需满足主机生产厂对基座的要求。 本船主机座面板厚度34mm,腹板厚度为24mm,横隔板为18mm。 辅机、甲板机械等安装区域需加强外,应设置牢固的底座。

2.2.14 suction, air hole and drainage hole吸口、气孔、流水孔

Adequate water holes and air holes to be fitted on section members ino liquid tanks.


2.2.15 Ice B structure strengthening级冰区加强

The Ice B strengthening requires the area of 0.2L from stem, 500mm above full load line, 500mm below light load line, the side shell to increase to 17(B)mm thick.

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Intermediate frames to be fitted in fore peak tank, vertically strengthen area is from 1000mm above full load line and 1000mm below ballast load line.

冰带区外板加强,在距首垂线0.2L 向前区域内,满载水线以上500mm至轻载水线以下500mm 舷侧外板增厚至17(B)mm。

在首尖舱内设置中间肋骨,垂向范围为满载水线以上1000mm 至压载水线以下1000mm。

2.2.16 others其他

In way of bollards on forecastle and poopdeck to fit doublings.

Longitudinal girder to be fitted under the connection of mast and deck.

The hull tightness to be tested according to the requirement of the tightness test schedule of steel hull ships to apply the test methods as water filling, splashing, kerosene etc.

首楼甲板与尾楼甲板在带缆桩等系泊设备处的甲板设置复板加强。 桅和甲板的连接处下设纵桁,保证足够的强度。


2.3 scantling of superstructure and deck house members上层建筑及甲板室主要构件尺寸(略)

3. deck machinery甲板机械

3.1 Electro-hydraulic windlass电动液压起锚机

type: single end combined Working load: 119kN Number: 2

Motor power: 45kW×2 Chain dia.: AM3 Ф50mm Nominal speed: >9m/min

型 式: 单侧式组合机 工作负载: 119kN 数 量: 2台 功 率: 45kW×2 锚链直径: AM3 Ф50mm 公称速度: >9m/min

3.2 steering gear舵机 Type: shifting yoke Max. torque: 250kN.M Number: 1

Max. rudder angle: ±35° Steering time: 65°/28S Power: 15kW×2

型 式: 拨叉式 最大转舵力矩: 250kN.M 数 量: 1台 最大转舵角度: ±35° 转舵时间: 65°/28S 功 率: 15kW×2

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3.3 Hydraulic mooring winches液压系泊绞车

Type: single drum with separated drum Number: 2 台 Working load: 75kN Nominal speed: 15m/min Drum capacity: 200m Power: 37kW

型 式: 单卷筒及付卷筒 数 量: 2台 工作负载: 75kN 公称速度: 15m/min 卷筒容量: 200m 功 率: 37kW

3.4 Electrical driven rescue boat winch电动救助艇绞车

Type: Electrical driven Number:1

Working load:48kN

Wire dia. and capacity: Φ19.5×70m Power: 20kW

型 式:电动救助艇绞车 数 量:1台 工作负载:48kN

钢丝绳直径及容量: Φ19.5×70m 功 率:20kW

3.5 Electrical driven life boat winch电动救生艇绞车

Type: Electrical driven Number:1

Working load:48kN

Wire dia. and capacity: Φ19.5×70m Power:5.5kW

型 式:电动救生艇绞车 数 量:1台 工作负载:48kN

钢丝绳直径及容量: Φ19.5×70m 功 率:5.5kW

3.6 accommodation ladder winch舷梯绞车

Working load: 2×5kN Rope capacity: 2×25m Power: 2.2kW×2

工作负荷:2×5kN 卷筒容绳量:2×25m 功 率:2.2kW×2

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4 outfitting equipment舾装设备 4.1 outfitting equipment number舾装数


To comply with the Rules requirement, the anchoring and mooring equipment mumber to be N=1390~1480.



4.2 anchoring equipment锚泊设备 4.2.1 anchor锚 Type: Speke

Number: fore anchor,2, spare anchor,1只 Weight: 4320kg each

The spare anchor to be placed on upper deck portside


数量:首锚2只,备锚1只 锚重:每只锚重4320kg


4.2.2 anchor chain锚链

Chain diameter: Φ50mm Type: AM3 stud chain Length: 550m, 27.5m×10 each 链径:Φ50mm



4.2.3 hawse pipe锚链筒

A pair of hawse pipe to be set on bow and to be built with separate pipes of welded steel. The hawse pipes exit and fluke touching plate to be strengthened adequately.

The position and size of bolster shall be designed according to model test as for the first vessel. so as the minimum clearance between bow and anchor flukes at in board condition is 500 mm.

The inner diameter of hawse pipe to be abt. 2 times of the width of anchor stock.

At the exit of hawse pipe on deck to fitted with removeable stainless steel storm cover. Jet nozzles are provided in each hawse pipe for chain cleaning.




锚链筒在甲板上出口处设有可移动不锈钢防浪盖板。 锚链筒内设有冲冼水喷口。

4.2.4 chain stopper掣链器

One pair of screw stopper to be placed between windlass and chain cable fairlead. The accurate height of the stopper to be decided by lining and the below deck to be strengthened.

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4.2.5 anchor releaser弃锚器

One pair of screw releaser to be adopted. The releaser to be put in forecastle and the operation should be easy. The chain should connect the releaser directly and release direction to be marked clearly nearby.


4.2.6 hawse pipe锚链管

The hawse pipe to be of welding structure and its down end to be of mouth type so that insure the chain to be lead to the chain locker successfully. Round bar to be welded around the mouth of the hawse pipe.


4.2.7 foundation of anchor windlass锚机基座

The windlass foundation to be of thick steel plate welded structure, the installation to ensure the

windlass to be parallel to hull base plane. The foundation to be as low as possible on condtion to ensure the requirement of the equipment installation and the cable limiting angle. At the fore and aft end to be installed with stopper chocks.

The relevant deck structure to strengthened firmly.



4.2.8 accessories and spare part for chains锚链的附件及备品

One set of anchor buoy link consists of anchor buoy shackle, cable link, big link, end link, connection link, and spares as connection link, anchor shackle, taper pin, cable hook, anchor buoy shackle, buoy hook, anchor stop rope etc.


4.2.9 the windlass operation platform to be of steel plate frame net made.操作平台设置锚机操作平台,操作平台为钢板网结构。

4.3 mooring equipment系泊设备

The arrangement of mooring equipment, number of fittings and type to comply with the requirement of the Rules and owner.

The arrangement shuld ensure the operation convenience and avoid interfering with each other.

系泊设备的布置、属具的数量和规格应满足规范及船东的要求。 系泊设备的布置应保证操作方便,各属具工作时不互相干扰。

4.3.1 mooring rope系泊缆索

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Mooring rope:

180m×4, Φ64, polypropylene yarn rope 180m×4, Φ64, Nylon filament yarn rope

Towing rope: 200m×1

Param.: 6×37- 43.0-1570


数量:180m×4 根

规格:Φ64 八股长丝丙纶绳 数量:180m×4 根

规格:Φ64 八股长丝锦纶绳 拖索:

数量:200m×1 根 规格:6×37- 43.0-1570

4.3.2 mooring outfittings系泊属具

Mooring fittings to comply with relevant Chinese standard,

带缆桩、导缆孔、导缆滚轮采用国家有关标准,其规格和数量如下: Name spec. and standard Number forecastle Poop deck Upper deck Bollard A450 GB/T554-1996 6 6 带缆桩 towbitt A800 GB/T544-1996 1 拖桩 3-roller fairlead Φ300ZG CB*39-66 2 2 三滚轮导缆器 Cable chock A400×260 CB34-76 2 5 导缆孔 Mooring cleat 300ZG CB*436-83 2 2 羊角导缆滚轮 winch 72 CB/T498-1995 2 2 卷车 Cable chock D1000×310 CB34-76 3 2 导缆孔 Cable chock C400×280 CB34-76 2 导缆孔 The under deck to be locally strengthened. The bulwark chock to be added with bracket for strengthening.

带缆桩、导缆器、导缆滚轮等下方甲板均局部加强 导缆孔与舷墙板焊接并加肘板加强。

4.4 rudder equipment舵设备 4.4.1 rudder blade舵叶

One partly underhung balanced rudder to be provided, the rudder blade area to be about 17m2, rudder section type NACA-00.

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The rudder to be steel plate welded structrure, the rudder flange seat and lower rudder pintle seat to be cast steel. The rudder scantling to comply with Rule requirement.

The steel plate welded with casting area to be grooved and pre-heated before welding. Inside the rudder to be fitted with horizontal and vertical plates with water holes.

On top and bottom of the rudder to be provided with 3 holes c/w stainless steel plugs. Lifting holes to be designed on the rudder.

Inside the rudder to be coated with tar epoxy paint.

本船设流线型半悬挂平衡舵1 只。舵面积约17m2。舵叶剖面形状为NACA-00。舵叶为钢板焊接结构,舵叶与舵杆及挂舵臂连接的舵叶法兰座和下舵销座为铸钢件。舵叶的结构尺寸满足规范要求。铸钢件与钢板焊接时铸钢件需预热,钢板与铸钢件焊接处开坡口。舵叶内部设水平和垂直隔板,隔板上开有排水孔以保证良好的内部泄水。舵叶的顶部和底部设有三个不锈钢的注入和放水旋塞。舵叶上还装有起吊孔。舵叶内部涂焦油环氧漆。

4.4.2 rudder stock舵杆

The rudder stock to be of carbon steel forging made and the design to comply with Rule requirement. Lower part to be flat flange connected to rudder blade with bolts and the upper part to be connected with rudder tiller with key.


4.4.3 rudder carrier bearing上舵承

The rudder carrier bearing to be Plane frictional watertight rudder carrier. The 20mm thick stainless steel sleeves to be added to upper rudder stock and lower stock. The bearing seat to be welded plate structure and welded to hull structures.

上舵承为平面磨擦水密上舵承。在上舵承上部舵杆和下部舵杆外加20mm 厚不锈钢衬套。上舵承座为钢板焊接结构与船体焊接连接。

4.4.4 rudder pintle舵销

The rudder connected with the rudder horn with upper and lower rudder pintles which is of marine steel forging made. The pintle friction part to be with casting aluminium bronze sleeve.


4.4.5 others其它

The builder to provide a set of special bolt wrench and the wrench to be fixed on appropriate place in steering gear room.

At the stern shell plating to fit appropriate number of eyeplates for lifting the rudder and propeller.


4.5 Metall door, window and cover金属门、窗、盖 4.5.1 steel door钢质门

The storm door to cabins on upper deck to be fiited with steel weather tight door type AY1475-8-75×9, the threshold height to be 600mm.

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The doors on both sides of poop deck to be fitted with AY1475-8-75×9 steel weather tight door, the threshold height to be 380mm.

On nav deck the upper funnel fore side door to use AY1675-6-75×6 steel weather tight door, the threshold height to be 250mm.

The side doors of wheelhouse to be fited with aluminum alloy weather tight sliding door.

上甲板上进入舱室的外门,采用AY1475-8-75×9 的钢质风雨密门。门槛高度为600mm。 尾楼甲板甲板室两侧进入甲板室的门、均采用AY1675-8-75×9 的钢质风雨密门。门槛高度380mm。


驾驶甲板上烟囱前侧的门采用AY1675-6-75×6 的钢质风雨密门。门槛高度250mm。驾驶室两侧采用B1700×750×250 铝合金风雨密移门。

4.5.2 scuttle and window舷窗和窗

The following rooms to be fitted with windows: steering gear room, paint room, pump room, refrigeration room, changing room, living room, tally room.

Φ350 scuttle c/w storm cover and eye brow to be fitted for rooms at side bulkhead and front plate: steering gear room, drying room, rope store and gym room.

The windows for cabins above poop deck to use 500×710 aluminum side-open rectangular windos. The front window of wheelhouse to be mounted with 1200×710 aluminum window total 3.

The middle window to be fixed type, the other two at both sides to be fixed type with wipers. Two pieces of movable blue shade glass to be provided.

All scuttls and windows to be mounted in frame with drain channel.

舵机舱、油漆间、泵房间、冰柜库、更衣室、船员室、理货室。舵机舱、烘衣间、索具间和健身室的舷侧和正面板上采用Φ350 舷窗,均带有风暴盖,并设有眉毛板。

尾楼甲板以上甲板室的窗采用500×710 铝质左右开式船用矩形窗。

驾驶室前端壁配置1200×710 的铝质窗,共设3 扇,其中中间一扇为固定式,中间向左、右第一扇为带离心式雨雪器固定矩形窗。另配二块兰色活动遮阳玻璃,可按需挂放于驾驶室窗前。


4.5.3 manhole cover人孔盖

Water tight or oil tight man hole cover to be provided for double bottom tank, fore peak tank, fresh water tank and F.O tank etc. and the type to comply with CB.

On the manhole cover to be marked with the tank name or symbol. Extra 5% of the total manhole cover gasket and tightening fittings to be provided on board.

The manhole cover bolts to be stainless steel and the nuts to be bronze made.

在双层底舱、首尖舱、淡水舱、燃油舱等液舱均设有水密/油密人孔盖,规格符合CB 标准。



4.5.4 window screen纱窗

All rectangular windows and scuttles for living cabins, mess room and public rooms to be fitted with aluminum alloy frame, bronze net and movable screen.


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4.6 stair, railing and handrail扶梯、栏杆、扶手 4.6.1 steel stair钢质斜梯

The indoor, outdoor and staircase inclination stairs on all decks to be 800mm or 700mm wide, inclination angle smaller than 50°, one side with handrail, the step surface fitted with bronze anti-slide strips fixed to the steps with bronze bolts.

各层甲板的室内、室外、梯道设置钢质斜梯,梯宽800 mm和700mm,倾角不大于50°。设有单面扶手,踏步端设有铜质防滑条,用铜螺栓与踏步固定。

4.6.2 vertical ladder直梯

In fore peak tank, ballast tank, emergency pump tank, fresh water tank, deep FO tank, at manhole and other necessary place to mount 400mm wide steel vertical ladder. When it is unconvenient to do that, steps can be mounted.


4.6.3 Accommodation ladder舷梯

At stern of both sides of the upper deck to be mounted with two 24-step accommodation ladders. The ladder to be of aluminum alloy made, the step being arc and fixed type, swivel upper platform and hinged lower platform, aluminum alloy handrails, maximum working angle 55°(to base line), width 600mm. Steel parts of the ladder to be galvanised.

The accommodation ladder to be controlled by electric winch.



舷梯上所有钢质部分均为镀锌件。 舷梯由电动绞车控制其升降。

4.6.4 draft hang ladder吃水挂梯

A 12m aluminum draft ladder to be provided for checking ship drafting.

On the bulwark to mount seats for fixing the ladder. The ladder to be store in near place. At the hanging position to mount pipe-handrails.

本船尾部配置一部长12m 的铝质吃水挂梯,作为测看吃水值用。 在舷墙上应安装固定挂梯的底座,平时梯固定贮放于工作处所附近。 在挂梯位置应设置人员上下的管子扶手。

4.6.5 pilot ladder引航员梯

Two fiber pilopt ladder, 8.00m in length, wood steps, to be provided.


4.6.6 railing and bulwark栏杆及舷墙

Railing to be flat bar stanchion, steel pipe hand rail, two round bar walings, and complying with GB standard.

All railing height to be 1050mm and within 3.0m scope of the mag compass to be of stainless steel made. The bulwark on poop deck and forecastle deck to be 1100mm in height.

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罗经甲板上栏杆高度为1050mm,其余各层甲板上栏杆高度为1050mm。离磁罗经3.0m 范围内栏杆采用不锈钢材料。尾楼、首楼甲板的舷墙高度为1100mm。

4.6.7 handrail扶手

The storm rail to be mounted on outdoor bulkhead on every floor of deck, 1050mm from deck. Storm rail to be mounted in passageway, 1050mm from deck. In toilet unit to fit storm rail. All storm rail to be of st/s made.

各层甲板室外围壁设置防浪扶手,距甲板高度为1050mm。 居住舱室内走道设置防浪扶手,距甲板高度为1050mm。 浴厕所内设置防浪扶手。


4.6.8 eye plate and lifting ring眼板、吊环

Moderate number of eye plates and lifting rings to be fitted to fore and aft side shell plate, funnel and mast etc for support the stagings when the hull to be derusted and painted.


4.7 sunshade天幕

Out of wheelhouse from FR24 to FR28 to mount steel structure and corrugated GRP ceiling sunshade.

驾驶室两侧外走道#24~#28 肋位设置玻璃钢瓦楞板固定天幕,其支架为钢结构。

4.8 canvas cover帆布罩

Canvas covers to be provided for (with legible marks),

Master controllers of compass, search light and windlass, accommodation ladder winches, stern winches, ventilation heads, lound speakers, shore cable box, boat winches and controllers.




4.9 life saving equipment救生设备

The life saving equipment to be provided according to the Rule concerning domestic navigation bulk carriers.

One 20-man complete-closed life/rescue boat to be mounted on stb boat deck, at p/s and stb of stern ship to equipped with 2 inflatable 15-man life rafts. The life buoy, life jacket and other life saving equipment to be supplied according to the Rule requirement.


本船在艇甲板后部的右舷设一艘20 人封闭钢式救生艇/救助艇,在艇甲板后部的左右舷还各配备15 人抛投式气胀式救生筏1 只,救生圈,救生衣等设备按规范要求配齐。

4.9.1 life boat and davit救生艇及艇架

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Common type completely closed GRP life/rescue boat, approved complement 20 men, the distance from boat to propeller to be 1.5 times of the length of the boat.

An embarkation platform to be provided.

One set of canvas cover with bundle rope to be provided.

The boat to be with marks in Chinese and English shown ship name, hailing port name and boat number.

救生艇为普通型全封闭玻璃钢救生艇/救助艇,额定乘员为20 人。救生艇到螺旋桨距离为1.5 倍艇长。

在吊艇架之间设有适当长度的登艇平台。 救生艇设有一套带捆索的帆布罩。


4.9.2 inflatable life raft气胀式救生筏

The raft to be inflatable falling type, rubber made and equipped according to the Rule requirement. On both side on boat deck to provide two 15-man inflatable life rafts, at fore ship to provided a 6-man inflatable raft.

The raft to be with marks in Chinese and English shown ship name, hailing port name and expiration date.




4.9.3 life buoy救生圈

10 life buoys among which 3 with self-igniting buoy light, 2 with smoke signal and self-igniting buoy light, 5 with floatable life rope (no less than 30m in length).

The raft to be with marks in Chinese and English shown ship name and hailing port name.

全船配置认可型救生圈10 只,其中3 只带自亮浮灯,2 只带自发烟雾信号和自亮浮灯,5 只带有长度不小于30m 的可浮救生索。



4.9.4 life jacket救生衣

26 approved life jackets to be provided, among which 22 for the crew, 2 in ECR and 2 in wheelhouse.

本船配置认可型救生衣灯26 件,其中居住舱按船员人数配齐22 件,机舱监视室2 件,驾驶室2 件。

4.9.5 life rope throwing appliance抛绳设备

One set of approved type rope throwing appliance c/w 4 projectilesor which can throw the rope 230m away in windless condition, 4 ropes with breaking force no less than 2kn and instruction book.


每具抛绳设备包括4 个能在无风天气中将绳抛射至少230m 远的抛射体,4 根具有破断张力不小于2kN 的抛射绳,以及阐明抛绳设备用法的简要说明书。

The life saving equipment to comply with life saving equipment arrangement plan.

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4.10 fire-fighting equipment消防设备

Fire fighting water system system and CO2 sysetm to be used for the ship, CO2 system mainly for E/R and C/H fire fighting. Other fi-fi equipment, e.g portable fire extinguisher, hydrant and nozzle etc. to be provided to meet requirement of the Rules and according to life saving equipment arrangement plan.

The hydrant box to be flush mounted in stern main deck passageway.

本船主要采用水灭火系统和CO2 灭火。CO2 灭火主要用于机舱和货舱。



4.11 mast equipment桅墙设备

One fore mast on forecastle deck and one radar on compas deck to be provided and the structure design to meet the equipment installation requirement and Rules.

On fore and radar masts to fit with flag pole c/w block, rope, cleat and other accessories. The lower deck structure to be strengthened adequately. On the masts to mount vertical stairs and railings.

本船首楼甲板设有前桅一根,罗经甲板上设有雷达信号桅一根。 首、尾装有首尾旗杆,旗杆应配齐滚轮,绳索,羊角等附件。 各种桅的底座处船体结构应加强。


4.12 acoustic, light and signal equipment声光、信号设备

Nav light, signal light, acoustic signal device, smoke signal to provided according to Rules and regulation requirement.


4.13 nav equipment航行设备

Nav equipment, code flag, navigation shape to provide according to Rule and practical requiremnet..


4.14 anti-corrosion equipment防蚀装置

CB/T14-1995AZL type zinc-aluminum-cadmium alloy sacrificial anode to be applied to for corrosion protection and arranged at stern frame, rudder, bilge keel, seachest, shell plate and within ballast tanks.

本船防蚀装置选用CB/T14-1995AZL 锌、铝、镉合金牺牲阳极块,布置安装在尾柱,舵、舭龙骨,海底阀箱和船壳板等处,所有压载水舱内也设置适量的牺牲阳极块。

4.15 others其他

4.15.1 bottom plug船底塞

All tanks bordered to shell to be fitted with stainless made drainage plug.


4.15.2 ship bell船钟

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Near windlass on forecastle to mount a Ф300mm bronze bell.

在首楼甲板锚机附近处设置1 个直径300mm 的铜质船钟。

4.16 spares and tools备品和属具

All spare parts and fittings to be supplied according to Spare parts, fittings and stores list.


5. cabin outfittings舱室舾装 5.1 fire proof structure防火结构 5.1.1 general总则

All insulation and fire protection shall be fitted according to Class rules Chapter 2-2, fire-proof, fire

detection and extinguishing to according to SOLAS IIi-2. IC method to be applied for living space and service space protection and meet the requirement of bulhead/deck ingegration.

fire -retarding bulkhead and deck structure to be Class approval type, the Class approved fire-proof and thermal insulation material to be ceramic wool, rock wool board or TC board.

本船防火结构按“法规”第2-2 章构造—防火,探火和灭火国际航行货船的要求设计(SOLAS 为第Ⅱ-2),采用IC 法保护起居处所和服务处所,并符合舱壁和甲板耐火完整性的要求。 耐火舱壁和甲板的结构为船级社认可的型式,选用的绝缘防火材料为船级社认可的不燃材料。

防火隔热材料为陶瓷棉,复合岩棉板或TC 板。

5.1.2 space division处所分类

The space division to be as follows,

(1)control station—E/G room, wheelhouse, CO2 station, emergency fire pump room, battery room. (2)passageway

(3)accommodation space—conference room, bathroom, toilet, living room, hospital, messroom. (4)staircase—inner staircase and around space leading to the case. (5)minor fire risk service space—laundry room , drying room.

(6)Category A machinery space—engine room, engine casing, E/R ventilation channel on all decks, ECR, separator room, workshop.

(7)other machinery space—hydraulic control room, steering gear room, cable channel on all decks. (8)greater fire risk service space—galley, paint store, light fittings room, electrics store, provision store, rope store and store.

(1)控制站——应急发电机室、驾驶室、CO2 室、应急消防泵舱、蓄电池室。 (2)走廊

(3)起居处所——会议室、浴室、厕所、居住舱室、医务室、餐厅。 (4)梯道——内部梯道及通往梯道的环围。


(6)A 类机器处所——机舱、机舱棚、各层甲板机舱通风管弄、监视室、分油机室、机修间。



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5.1.3 fire-proof door防火门

The fire-proof door structure and arrangement to be meet the requirement of the bulkhead fire-proof integrity.

The fire-proof door to be of Class approved type, and the following doors to be with self-closing device: escapes, engine casing, around staircase doors.



5.2 joiner work and insulation木作绝缘

At A-60 divisions to apply ceramic wool, for accommodation cabins to be covered with composite rock board or TC board.

At A-0 and B class divisions to apply composite rock board or TC board for bulkheads and ceilings. For cabins without fire-protection requirement to use composite rock board or TC board, and for those close to open space to be laid with ceramic wool behind the boards.

All deck’s inner passageway steel bulkheads to be covered with composite rock board or TC board.

在A-60 防火分隔处采用陶瓷棉,对于舱室部分,在外面铺设复合岩棉板或TC 板。 在A-0 和B 级防火分隔处的围壁和室顶,采用复合岩棉板或TC板。


尾楼各层甲板走道内的钢围壁处均铺设复合岩棉板或TC 板。

5.3 deck coverings甲板敷料 5.3.1 deck covering甲板敷料

In fire-resisting divisions to apply fire-resitant deck covering.

For the areas without fire-proof requirement to apply non-flammable deck covering.

On the deck covering surface to pave quartz mat in living cabins, wheelhouse, mess room, smoking room, passageway and staircase.

On galley floor covering to be paved with anti-slippery terra bricks.

In the bathroom and toilet unit, the floor to be covered with anti-slippery ceramic brick and the bulkhead and ceiling to be covered with GRP board or TC board.

In the laundry room and drying room, the deck covering surface to be paved with anti-slippery ceramic brick and the bulkhead and ceiling to be covered with GRP board or TC board.

In the battery room, the deck covering surface to be paved with acid-resistant brick.





浴厕所地面铺防滑陶砖,四周围壁和顶均设玻璃钢板或TC 板。

洗衣间、烘衣间地面在甲板敷料上铺防滑陶砖,四周围壁和顶均设玻璃钢板或TC 板。 蓄电池室在甲板敷料上敷设防酸地砖。

5.3.2 rubber mat橡胶地毡

Rubber isolation mat to be applied on the floors in front of switch boards in ECR, in front of control station in cargo oil control room and electrics room.

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688TEU Container Vessel technical specification

The mat surface to be of elastic synthetic rubber, 4~6mm thick, and glued to the deck covering according to maker’s requirement.



5.3.3 grating格栅

The wood gratings to be made of Grade 1 wood which to be seasoned and the surface to be painted. The size of grating to be moderate for easy dismantling and installating again. The gratings to be flatly when laid to their positions.

Wood grating to be applied for the places in paint room, provistion store, steering gear room platform and operation place in galley.

Plastic grating to be applied on ground of wheel deck wings, beneath the shower in bathroom.


木格栅要设计成大小尺寸适宜,便于拆卸清洁和重新安装,放置后应平整,无翘动现象。 油漆间、干粮库、舵机舱平台的部分地面设置木格栅。 厨房炉灶操作处设置木格栅。


5.4 accommodation cabins and public cabins船员居住舱室和公共舱室 5.4.1 general总则

Tatol 22 accommodation single-cabins, 1 hopstipal, and public cabins include conference room, gym room and mess room etc.

本船船员居住室共计22 间,全部都是单人房间。 另外设有医务室一间。


5.4.2 furniture and equipment家俱和设备


The cabin furniture and equipment to be arranged according to owner approval, all drawers to be fitted with slide-stopper. The fixing for furniture to bulkhead and ceiling to be according to Builder’s practice.

On appropriate position to mount framed decoration pictures: living room to mount 1 picture, conference room, smoking room and mess room to mount 4 pictures each. Electrostatic eliminating panel to be mounted on the side wall of upper deck doorway. Anti-pollution slogans to be arranged at appropriate positions.


各船员舱室内在适宜的位置,配置装饰画一幅。会议室内配装饰画4幅,吸烟室和餐厅内各配装饰画4 幅,柜架均相应配妥。



The hardware to be chromalized or made of stainless steel. Standard marine type products to be applied as far as possible.

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688TEU Container Vessel technical specification

The door of all living cabins, public rooms, working spaces, hospital to be with locks and every lock to be with 3 keys that have the cabin nameplate. There to be one master key for all locks kept by the captain, three sub-master keys kept by chief officer, chief engineer and 1st engineer respectively.

All living room doors to be fitted with door hook and door holder, the doorknob to be stainless steel made.




5.4.3 living cabin’s furnishing居住舱室设备

The accommodation cabins to be furnished according to grade as, 居住舱室内的设施按其各自的级别布置。

Captain living room船长室

Bed: 1, 2000×900×650 一斗单人床 Desk: 1, 1000×600×780 办公桌

Two-door wardrobe: 1, 1100×550×1850 单人双门衣橱 Bedstand, 1, size 400×500×600 床头柜

L-sofa with armrest, 1, size 1800×600×420 L型四人沙发(带扶手) Table, 1, size 600×500×440 茶几 Book shelf, 1, size 500×240×220 书架 Sofa, 1, size 1800×600×420 长沙发 Swivel armchair,1, 扶手转椅

170L regrigerator,1 170 升冰柜 Key box ,1, size 400×70×550 钥匙箱 Safe,1, 小保险箱

In toilet unit 卫生套间: Toilet:1, 坐便器

Duplex shower,1, 双联淋浴器 Washbasin: 1, 洗脸盆


Bed: 1, 2000×900×650 一斗单人床 Desk: 1, 1000×600×780 办公桌

Two-door wardrobe: 1, 1100×550×1850 单人双门衣橱 Bedstand, 1, size 400×500×600 床头柜

L-sofa with armrest, size 1800×600×420 L型四人沙发(带扶手) Table, 1, size 600×500×440 茶几 Book shelf, 1, size 500×240×220 书架 Sofa, 1, size 1800×600×420 长沙发 Swivel armchair:1, 扶手转椅

170L regrigerator,1, 170 升冰柜 In toilet unit 卫生套间: Toilet: 1, 坐便器

Duplex shower,1, 双联淋浴器

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688TEU Container Vessel technical specification

Washbasin: 1, 洗脸盆

Chief officer, second officer, 1st engineer, 2nd engineer rooms 大付室、二付室、大管轮室、二管轮室 Bed: 1, 2000×900×650 一斗单人床 Desk: 1, 1000×600×780 办公桌

Two-door wardrobe: 1, 1100×550×1850 单人双门衣橱 Bedstand, 1, size 400×500×600 床头柜 sofa, 1, size 1800×600×420 沙发 soft chair, 1, 软椅 wash basin, 1, 洗脸盆

Duplex shower,1, 双联淋浴器 Toilet: 1, 坐便器

3rd Officer, 3rd Enineer, motor man,electrician, boatswain, mechanic, purser, seaman, cooks,pilot rooms三付室、三管轮室、水手长室、机匠长室、电匠室、水手室、机匠室、事务长室、大厨室、二厨室、引航员室:

Bed: 1, 2000×900×650 一斗单人床 Desk: 1, 1000×600×780 办公桌

Two-door wardrobe: 1, 1100×550×1850 单人双门衣橱 Book shelf, 1, size 500×240×220 书架 sofa, 1, size 1800×600×420 沙发 soft chair, 1, 软椅 wash basin, 1, 洗脸盆

tally room,理货室:

Desk: 1, 1000×600×780 办公桌 File cabinet, 1, 1100×550×1850 文件柜 sofa, 1, size 1800×600×420 沙发 soft chair, 1, 软椅 wash basin, 1, 洗脸盆

5.4.4 public room equipment公共舱室设备

Confrence room:

4000×800×780 conferenc table: 1 pc Soft chair: 10 pcs 600×420 L corner table: 1pc 2400×600×600 conbination cabinet: 1pc

Mess room:

Long table: 3pcs Round stool: 24 pcs TV cabinet: 1pc Water Boiler: 1pc


4000×800×780 会议桌 软椅 10只

600×420 L型 (现场定做)

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