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Chapter 1 Introduction (4h)

1.1 Definition of translation

What is translation?

Translation: the act of translating something; something that is translated

Translating: the process of translation

All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (Leo Tolstory)

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.

Proclaiming himself humbled and delighted, Microsoft founder Bill Gates received an honorary knighthood last Wednesday from Queen Elizabeth II.

He?s now shed crocodile tears over the misfortunes of the people he had helped to ruin.

1.1.1 Oxford English Dictionary: What is translation – to turn from one

language into another

1.1.2 Catford’s definition

Catford (linguist and translator from University of Edinburgh (1965)) defines translation as ―the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).‖ (用一种等值的语言(TL)文本材料去替换另一种语言(SL)文本材料。)

1.1.3 Eugine. A. Nida’s definition

An approach based on the importance of preserving the effect of the original is reflected in Nida & Taber‘s definition: “translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.(1969/1982:12) (翻译是首先从语义、其次从文体上在译语中用最近似的自然对等值再现原语的信息。)

---- Reproducing the message: Translating must aim primarily at ―reproducing the message‖. To do anything else is essentially false to one‘s task as a translator. But to reproduce the message one must make a good many grammatical and lexical adjustments.

Bowels of mercies (Hebrew idiom) – tender compassion (English)


---- Equivalence rather than identity: The translator must strive for equivalence rather than identity. Well, it happened that …

Here, ―well‖ is only a transitional word which marks the beginning of a new episode, so we can only use a Chinese natural transitional way to justify the meaning of the source utterance.

---- A natural equivalent: The best translation does not sound like translation. Quite naturally one cannot and should not make the Bible sound as if it happened in the next town ten years ago, for the historical context of the Scriptures is important…

---- The closest equivalent: A conscientious translator will want the closest natural equivalent.

---- The priority of meaning: This means that certain rather radical departures from the formal structure are not only legitimate but may even be highly desirable.

---- The significance of style: Though style is secondary to content, it is nevertheless important. One should not translate poetry as though it were prose, nor expository material as though it were straight narrative.

---- A system of priorities: 1) Contextual consistency has priority over verbal consistency (or word-for-word concordance), 2) Dynamic equivalence has priority over formal correspondence… The first views the translation in terms of its linguistic forms. The second is based upon the reactions of the receptors.

Nida’s definition:

---- Specifies explicitly what is to be translated: message.

---- Implies that the TT can only be relatively equivalent to ST due to the linguistic and cultural differences in two languages: closeness. ---- Takes the acceptability of the TT into account: natural.


The old focus in translating was the form of the message. The new focus, however, has shifted from the form of the message to the response of the receptor…. This new response must then be compared with the way in which the original receptors presumably reacted to the message when it was given in its original setting.


---- Each language has its own genius.

---- To communicate effectively one must respect the genius of each language.

---- Anything that can be said in one language can be said in another,


unless the form is an essential element of the message. (poem; play on words: marginal notes) At this point, languages just do not correspond (we can‘t expect a perfect match between languages), and we must be prepared to sacrifice certain formal niceties (fine points, fine things) for the sake of the content. (P112)

---- To preserve the content of the message the form must be changed.

Message first, form second:

He is the last person I will ask for help. 他是我会要求帮助的最后一个人。*

Tomorrow is a minimum day, could you pick me up at noon?

1.1.4 Other views

---- Lawendowski defines translation as ―the transfer of ?meaning‘ from one set of language signs to another set of language signs‖.

---- Translation is a linguistic undertaking (activity) which involves two languages and requires a vast (wide) range of knowledge. Translation is the faithful representation in one language of thought, content, feeling and style written in another language.

---- Peter Newmark: … is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way the author intended the text.

---- Malcolm Cowley: Translation is an art that involves the re-creation of a work in another language for readers with a different background. Translation is also regarded as a cultural phenomenon. ---- Anna Lilova: Translation is (1) a social activity, (2) a cultural phenomenon, (3) a special language phenomenon, (4) an art, (5) a creative activity, (6) a complicated psychological activity, and (7) a historical phenomenon.

1.2 Nature of translation

As far as the nature of translation is concerned, many definitions are offered.

Translation is a science. Translation is an art. Translation is a skill.

Translation is communicating. Translation is an operation.

Of the above schools, two are more popular and more acceptable: science and art. On the one hand, translation is a science with its own laws and methods; on the other, it is an art of reproduction and re-creation.

1.2.1 Translation is a science


We say that translation is a science, because it has its own laws and methods. The school of science maintains that translating should reproduce the message of the original by means of the transformation of linguistic equivalence. It puts stress on the study of description of the process of translation, and the structures and forms of language so as to reveal the objective laws inherent in translating. If we want to translate well, we must be entirely familiar with the content of the original and all the knowledge it concerns. In addition, we should have a comparatively comprehensive and thorough study of the original and the target language so that we may do our work with high proficiency.

I am very indebted to Prof. Tan Zaixi for having introduced my ideas about translation theory and practice to numerous students and translators. ------Eugene A. Nida

Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Take the Chinese and English languages, for example. Although the two languages have a lot in common because the two languages are the same in one thing ---- used to reflect the objective existence, we must admit that the languages in which various peoples think and express their thoughts are quite different in characteristics and usage. Therefore, corresponding laws do exist in translation.

A basic difference existing between the two languages lies in the fact that English sentences are usually longer than Chinese sentences. Furthermore, in Chinese, more verbs are used and repetition in Chinese appears more than in English. This phenomenon shows the special features occur in different languages.

Any person not putting litter in this basket will be liable to a fine of 5 pounds.


He is a better swimmer than I.

1.2.2 Translation is an art

The school of art advocates recreating a literary work by using expressions of another language. It emphasizes the effect of translation.

The school of art emphasizes the creativity of the translator and


keeps questioning whether linguistics is a necessary part of translation. The German scholar Mary Snell-Hornby emphasizes the dynamic role of the text and the translator thus:

The creativity of translation reflects itself in that the translator, instead of simply reproducing the form of the original, faithfully and adequately reproduces the essence of the original.


Max Weber

Fainter, dimmer, stiller, each moment, Now night.

Version 1: 愈近黄昏, 暗愈暗, 静愈静, 每刻每分,

已入夜境。(by 郭沫若)

In version 1 artistic conceptions of the original is successfully reproduced. It‘s a little too far from the original but it reads like a poem.

Version 2:

一刻比一刻缥缈,晦暗,安宁, 于是夜来临。(by 辜正坤)

Version 2 is closer to the original. It‘s more in conformity with the original form. The last line of version 2 is excellent.

A model presents a creation by designer Laura Driz as part of her Autumn / Winter 2005 collection show during the Mexico Fashion week in Mexico City Match 7, 2005.

It was a cold winter day.

*这是一个寒冷的冬天。 *这是寒冬的一天。


Translation can show the translator‘s artistic level. He must first understand the content and style of the original thoroughly and profoundly, and then creatively and accurately reproduce it with the aid of his outstanding art of translation. Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》:This translation gives the reader a vivid image of both the hero and the background of the story. Compare: 《奥列佛.退斯特》


1. 3 Criteria of translation

1.3.1 Criteria: traditional Chinese views Yan Fu: Faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance

―译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信已大难已!顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚达焉,??译文取明深意,故词句之间,时有所颠倒附益,斤斤于字比句次,而意义则不倍本文。??《易》曰:‘修辞立诚’。子曰‘辞达而已!’又曰:‘言之无文,行之不远’。三者乃文章正轨,亦即为译事楷模,故信达而外,求其而雅。‖ (严复:《天演论.译例言》,1898)

In translation there are three difficulties, namely, faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. It is already very difficult to achieve faithfulness. Without expressiveness, mere faithfulness would mean work

to no avail. This shows that the latter is quite important in translation. In recent decades, whenever the question of criteria of translation is under discussion, the three characters信达雅 (faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance) formulated by Yan Fu are thought of and supported as the one and only maxim all translators must observe.

Faithfulness: faithful to the content of the original; ---- most difficult to achieve

Expressiveness: achieve expressiveness in wording; readable; easy to

read; intelligible

Elegance: The vocabulary and syntax existing prior to the Han Dynasty should be used in translation.

However, in the application of this principle, people have come to find some limitations to the three characters. If the original is not elegant, how can the version achieve elegance since translation is the reproduction of the original? We cannot make all the translations graceful in style. Therefore, it is necessary to make a re-evaluation of them though we can neither negate nor affirm them as a whole. Some theorists put forward a variety of revised standards. Other views

---- Faithfulness, expressiveness, and closeness (切)/ fitness(贴) by Liu Zhongde / Si Guo

While adopting the first two characters of Mr. Yan Fu‘s principle, this view discards the character雅 and tries to find some other new criteria instead. Noticeably, there are revisions such as 信达切(faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness), 信达贴 (faithfulness, expressiveness and


fitness,符合译文所在的语境), and so on. The former interprets the closeness as close to the style of the original, while the latter defends its chosen term of fitness, meaning whatever is translated, the most similarity achieves. A translation should reflect the style of the original. Faithfulness: to be faithful to the content of the original; Expressiveness: to be as expressive as the original;

Closeness: to be as close to the original style as possible.

---- An aesthetic approach: Spiritual conformity / spiritual resemblance (神似) by Fu Lei (1908-1966)

Fu Lei: As to the effect, translation ought to be like copying a picture; the ultimate aim lies in the resemblance in spirit rather than that in appearance.

By casting away the three-word guide, Fu Lei proposes some new principles or criteria of translation: spiritual conformity (神似), emphasizing the reproduction of the spirit or flavor of the original.

Form similarity and spirit similarity are a pair of terms in translation, the former meaning that the form of the version is similar to that of the original, and the latter meaning that the version and the original are alike in spirit. It is ideal to obtain both; otherwise spirit similarity is something that must be obtained. And theses two terms are mostly applied in the translation of literary works.

---- An aesthetic approach: Transfiguration / sublimation / transmigration theory (化境) by Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998)

Qian Zhongshu: The highest standard of literary translation is ―transmigration‖(化). A piece of writing taken from one language to another without showing stain inflicted by differences in language customs while perfectly preserving the original style can be said to be in a state of ―transmigration‖.

Qian borrows the Buddhist term ―transmigration‖ to illustrate his view toward literary translation, during the course of which the soul or the spirit of the original remains in the target text even though its carrier, the language, has been changed.

Advocated by Qian Zhongshu (钱钟书),this view focuses on the translator‘s smooth and idiomatic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader. A translation should read like an original work..



---- Faithfulness and smoothness by Lu Xun

Lu Xun had put forth his criteria of translation: faithfulness and smoothness. “凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当然力求易解,一则保存着原作的风姿。”However, Lu Xun placed faithfulness above everything else. He once wrote: ―Rather be faithful in thought than smooth in language‖宁信而不顺.

1.3.2 Criteria: the western views Alexander F. Tytler:

1) That the Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. 译文应完全复写出原作的思想。

2) That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. 译文的风格和笔调应与原作相一致。

3) That the Translation should have all the ease of original composition. 译文应和原作一样通顺。/ 译作应具备原作的流畅。

Tytler‘s laws are quite similar to that of Yan Fu‘s.

A literary work has a different style from a scientific style.

Visitors should go up the stairs at once. Formal 正式体 来宾请立即上楼。

Would you mind going upstairs right away, please? Consultative商议体


Time you all went upstairs, now. casual 随意体 现在你们都该上楼了。 Up you go, chaps!

伙计们,上去! Intimate亲呢体

His mother described him at two as “round, fat, and strong as a five-year-old.”

母亲描绘他两岁时候的样子时说他“长得圆圆的,胖胖的,壮壮的,像个五岁的孩子。” Eugene A. Nida: Dynamic equivalence / Functional equivalence; Equivalent effect (Reaction of the TL receptor) 动态对等/功能对等;等效论



Many happy returns of the day. 祝你生日快乐。/祝你寿比南山。

Eugene A. Nida:

Dynamic equivalence is a term introduced by Nida (1964) in the context of Bible translation to describe one of two basic orientations found in the process of translation.

Dynamic equivalence is the quality which characterizes a translation in which ―the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors”. (Nida and Taber 1969/1982:200) (原文翻译成译入语要达到这样的效果:译文接受者对译文的反应要基本上等同于原文接受者对原文的反应。)

Dynamic equivalence is replaced by Nida later as Functional equivalence, a more widely used and more influential term for the sake of emphasizing the function of communication and avoiding misunderstanding. According to Nida, a TL item chosen to translate an ST word or phrase not for its formal similarity to this ST item but because it offers target readers a clearer understanding of the contextual meaning of the original.

Dynamic equivalence is therefore to be defined in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language.

A translation which attempts to produce a dynamic rather than a formal equivalence is based upon “the principle of equivalent effect”. In such a translation one is not so concerned with matching the receptor-language message with the source-language message but with the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message.

Functional equivalence means that the version should be equivalent in terms of the message, instead of the equivalent in terms of the form of language. The response of the receptor is substantially equivalent to the response of the original receptors.

The functional equivalence is based on the concept of receptor-orientation. If we look at translation in terms of the receptors,


rather than in terms of their respective forms, then we introduce another point of view; the intelligibility of the translation. Such intelligibility is not, however, to be measured merely in terms of whether the words are understandable and the sentences grammatically constructed, but in terms of the total impact the message has on the one who receives it.

Equivalent response:

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为牛头,不做凤尾。

“Did you say ?pig? or?fig??” said the cat. “I said ?pig?”, replied Alice.

“你刚才是说‘猪’还是‘____’?”那只猫问道。 “我说的是‘猪’”,爱丽丝说。 After holiday you look darker. 度假之后你更健美了。

Later the success favored me. After rain comes sunshine.

That woman walks the street. *那个妇女常在街上走。

He pressed us into singing carols, our froglike voices contrasting with his musical gift of perfect pitch.


However, advocating functional equivalence does not mean to negate the function of form. Actually, Nida argues that as form also expresses meaning, the change of form sometimes changes the meaning. What he advocates is that not only translation of functional equivalence lies in the equivalence of message, but also the translator should try to achieve the equivalence in the form.

1.3.3 Our view: Faithfulness & Smoothness

Despite the variety of opinions, two criteria are almost unanimously accepted, namely, the criterion of faithfulness/accuracy and that of smoothness. In translating anything, attention should be paid to two points: one is to keep the essence of the original, the other is to make the version as intelligible as possible.

10 Faithfulness (fidelity)

By faithfulness, we mean to be faithful to the original contents, to the original meaning and views, meanwhile, we should try to correlate to the original form and style as much as possible. Let‘s have a discussion of how to translate the following expressions or sentences in accordance with the criteria of translation------faithfulness.

---- Faithfulness in meaning

Cry and you are a dead man. *喊,你就是一个死人。 A Red, Red Rose

By Robert Burns O my love?s like a red red rose That?s newly sprung in June;

O my luve?s like the melodie That?s sweetly played in tune. ………….

And fare thee weel, my only luve! And fare thee weel awhile!

And I will come again, my luve, Tho?it were ten thousand mile.

This poem consists of four stanzas. Here only the first stanza and the last stanza are quoted for discussion. Version 1



Version 2



This aircraft is small, cheap, and pilotless.

*这种飞机小巧玲珑,价廉物美,无人驾驶。 *这种飞机体积不大,价格便宜,无人驾驶。

I cannot keep these flowers alive and I have watered them well, too.


---- Faithfulness in style

As everybody knows, different works have different styles. The style of your translation must correspond, or at least, be close, to that of the original you are working. You must always try your best to reproduce the original style in your translation as faithfully as possible.

Let‘s make a comparison between the two translations of the poem.

Visitors should go up the stairs at once. Formal 正式体 来宾请立即上楼。

Would you mind going upstairs right away, please? Consultative商议体


Time you all went upstairs, now. casual 随意体 现在你们都该上楼了。 Up you go, chaps!

伙计们,上去! Intimate亲呢体 Smoothness

By smoothness, we mean not only easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic expression in the target language, free from stiff formula and mechanical copying from dictionaries.

She liked to be with him better than with others.

*他喜欢和他在一起,并不那样喜欢和别人在一起。 *他喜欢和他在一起,胜过和别人在一起。 He was a good father, within his limitations. *在自己的限度之内,他是一位好父亲。

I said nothing because I could feel the resentment from where I sat by the coffee table.


This nation?s best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic and humorous as anyone has ever imagined.


Petroleum is not normally used today in the crude state. *现在一般不使用天然状态的原油。 现在人们通常不使用未加工的石油。


1.4.1 Translator competence Bilingual competence Broad knowledge

Secondly, he must constantly broaden his range and scope of general knowledge----knowledge of major political, economic, cultural, environmental and social issues (both domestic and international) and of new advances as well as fundamentals in modern sciences. Bicultural competence

1.5 Types of translation

Translation covers a very broad range.

1.5.1 Intralingual translation and interlingual translation

In terms of language, it can be divided into two categories: intralingual translation and interlingual translation. The former is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language; the latter is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language. (Roman Jakobson)

1.5.2 Oral interpretation, written translation and machine translation In terms of the mode, it can be divided into oral interpretation in which there are consecutive (instantaneous) translation and simultaneous translation, written translation and machine translation. 1.5.3 Translation of different texts

In terms of materials/styles to be translated, there are translation of scientific materials, translation of literary works such as novels, stories, prose, poetry, drama, etc., translation of political essays such as treaties on social problems, reports, speeches, etc., and translation of practical writing. Since different materials are used to convey different contents which involve different styles. 1.5.4 full-text translation,abridged translation or adapted translation In terms of disposal (处理方式), it can be either full-text translation (全文翻译),abridged translation (摘译) or adapted translation (编译).


一. 教学目标:



二. 教学步骤:


STEP 1 Qualifications for Translation

1. A good command of the English language and culture. Look at the sentences and phrases:

(1) John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game. (2) Wall Street is a dog-eat-dog place.

2.A good command of the Chinese language and culture. 3.We should have a wide range of knowledge. 4.Necessary theory and techniques of translation. STEP 2 The Criteria of Translation

1. First of all, we know Xuanzang once said about translation 既需求真,又需喻俗,which means both faithful to the original and easy to understand.

2. The next is Yan Fu. In1898, Yan Fu said in the Preface of his translation of the book Natural Selection(《天演论》) ―译事三难:信、达、雅‖ and later people take信、达、雅as the criteria of translation.

STEP 3 Faithfulness and Smoothness


(1)This nation‘s best-loved author was every bit adventurous, patriotic, romantic and humorous as anyone has ever imagined.


译文二:这位全国最受欢迎的作家的冒险精神 、爱国热情、浪漫风格和幽默感不亚于人们所想象的程度。

(2)In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas,and this is a source of strength. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive. (3)It is a position which if we endorse,it will really mean endorsing the rule of the jungle, that is, a world without law.



了解词义的选择、引申及词义的褒贬,通过练习掌握它们的用法。 二.教学用具:多媒体 三.教学步骤:

STEP 1 Choosing the meanings of words

1. Choosing word meaning according to the word classes(根据词类



2. Choosing and deciding the meaning according to the context (上下文)and collocation (搭配)

STEP 2 Commendatory and Derogatory Colours of Word Meaning Both the English words and the Chinese words can be divided into commendatory terms(褒义词), neutral terms(中性词) and derogatory terms(贬义词).

(1) Lincoln was respected by his people for his foresightedness. (2) China is always against hegemonism and power politics.

STEP 3 The Extending of Word Meaning

The meaning of words are not fixed, we can infer(推测) the derived meaning (衍生意义)of words from its context. But this is not enough, very often we have to find their extended meaning(引申意义), so as to understand the words more deeply.

In this section, we are going to discuss three points:

(1). from concrete meaning to abstract meaning. (From the solid to the empty)

Father represents ―severe‖ Mother represents ―tender love‖ Rose represents ―love‖.

The thorn of the rose- ―sorrow‖,―pain‖. The tiger - ―strength‖, ―mighty power‖.

(2). from abstract meaning to concrete meaning. (From the empty to the solid)

(A)The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green.

(B) All the irregularities of the students in that university resulted in punishment.

(3). from the original meaning to the new meaning. It is regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter.

Omission 减词法 I. What is Omission

?Omission: to leave out some unnecessary words.

?One of the differences in syntax between English and Chinese is the disparity in wording.

What is regarded as a natural or indispensable element in one language may be regarded as superfluous or even ―a stumbling block‖ in the other.

?For the sake of succinctness, functional words in English such as the article, the preposition are

usually omitted in translation.

?The time-keeping devices of electronic watches are much more accurate than those of

mechanical ones.


?He took off his coat and shoes. Then he put on his slippers,went to the sofa and began to watch

TV. After a moment, he asked his wife to bring him a cup of tea.

?3) A difference arose between the neighbors over the height of the fence. ?邻居之间为了篱笆的高度惹起了一场争论。

II. Omission of pronoun

?1. 在英语中,代词充当主语的情况相当多。为了使译文前后的句子意思紧凑,避免重复


?He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable.

?He was well-favoured, bright, a good dancer, a fair shot and a fine tennis player. He was an

asset at any party. He was lavish with flowers and expensive boxes of chocolate, and though he entertained little, when he did it was with an originality that pleased.

?2.英语中的泛指人称代词作主语时,常常可以省略,翻译成无主句。 ?As you come into the room, you‘ll notice a piano. ?One can never be too careful in one‘s work.

?Fight when you can win; move away when you cannot win. ?We have 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.

?1) The significance of a man is not in what he attains but rather in what he longs to attain.

?2) Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and

if we do not plant it while young, it will give us no shade when we grow old.

?3) Even as the doctor was recommending rest, he knew that this in itself was not enough, that

one could never get real rest without a peaceful mind.

?4)We live and learn.

?3. 作宾语的代词,翻译时也可以省略.

?Please take off the old picture and throw it away.

?Gathering facts, confirming them, suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findings–

this is all work of science.

?4. 物主代词在英语中出现的频率非常高,翻译时完全可以省略他们。

?So the train came, he pinched his little sister lovingly, and put his great arms about his mother‘s

neck and then was away.


?Halliday put his pipe down, crossed his hands behind his neck, and turned his face towards the


?Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face was short, her upper lip short ,

showing a glint of teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight.

?5. ―It‖ 作代词时,也常常可以省略。

?It is not entirely right to say that if there is food, let everyone share it. ?Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs.

?Be a place what it may, one gets to like it, if one lives long in it.

?―It‖ 用于强调句中,没有实际意义,也要省略。 ?It is only shallow people who judge by appearances.

?It was only then I began to have doubts whether my story would ever be told. ?It was with some difficulty that he found the way to his own home.

增词法 Amplification 课时:2节

A dizzy height An easy writer A good table

III. Omission of conjunction



He did not sleep much, but when he did he dreamed of beautiful princesses, splendid castles, and gold and silver.

?It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to

China in May. I was delighted when, as a result of the effort of your company, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.

?If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (Shelly, Ode to the West Wind) ?As the desert is like a sea, so is the camel like a ship.

?However, such change is not easy and can be accomplished only when leaders of both sides

have no illusions, talk with candour, and meet differences head-on.

?Those who say that we are in a time when there are no heroes, they just don‘t know where to


IV. Omission of the Articles

?The article is the hallmark of English. However, we do not have the articles in Chinese. ?The moon was slowly rising above the sea.

?Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone and the

branches are bare, the trees themselves are beautiful.


?Any substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. ?A teacher should have patience in his work.

?Things of a kind come together; people of a mind fall into the same group. ?The horse is a useful animal.


?Jack often drives at 90 miles an hour. ?We enclose a cheque for US $ 10,000.

V. Omission of preposition(P101)

?Smoking is prohibited in public places.

?Now complaints are heard in all parts of that country. ?Rumours had already spread along the streets and lanes.

?但是,动词后的介词一般不省略。 ?He stood by the desk. ?She hid behind the door.

VI. Omission of verbs

?When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low. ?Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do.

?With regard to their products, they have the same concerns of the interrelationship of design, materials and manufacturing process.

VII. Omission of synonyms

?To our knowledge, advertisement and commercials do many important things for society;

they convey business information, facilitate communication and help keep the business world moving.

?The undersigned sellers and buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to

the terms and conditions stipulated below.

?Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.

VIII. Omission of redundant words

?Part-time job hunters who have worked at a job will receive preference over those who have


?There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.

Omission of images

Achilles? heel 致命的弱点 Dog tired累得要命

Sleep like a log 睡得正酣,睡得像死猪 She is a cat. 她是个包藏祸心的女人。

Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨夜我听到他鼾声如雷。

“You Chicken” he cried, looking at Tom with contempt. “你这个胆小鬼”, 他轻蔑地看着汤姆说。


Dog eats dog. 公平竞争。 as like as two peas 特别相似

If I do that, I am a Dutchman. 如果我那样做,那我就见鬼了。 Conversion ?Look at the following sentences:

?A saw is used to saw, a bag is used to bag, a file is used to file. A flirt flirts, a snoop snoops and a spy spies.

?By conversion, we mean the change of parts of speech in translation. Owing to the syntactical differences between English and Chinese, it is usually impossible for a translator to keep to the original part of speech in the process of translation.

I. Conversion into verbs ?1. Nouns into verbs:

?1) 一些习语中的主体名词可以转换成动词 ?eg. have a rest, go for a walk

?A. We don‘t have any idea when the boy was born. ?B. She is too tired to have the faintest desire to dance.

? 2) 含有动作意味的名词可以转换成动词

?A. The abuse of drugs has become one of America‘s most serious social problems. ?B. A view of Fuji Mountain can be obtained from here.

?3) 由动词派生出来的名词可以转换成动词

?A. The government called for the establishment of more technical schools. ?B. The new situation requires the formation of a new strategy.

?C. An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs. ?D. I call for cooperation in the economic and technical sectors among the countries the world over.

?4)由动词+er构成的名词可以转换成动词 ?A. There were various possible players for the role. ?B. Some of my classmates are good singers. 2. Prepositions into verbs

1) At noon, he came home for lunch. 2) The president took the foreign guests about the campus. 3) Party officials worked long hours on meagre food, in cold caves, by dim lamps.

3. Adjectives into Verbs

Many English adjectives after a link verb indicating one‘s consciousness, feelings, emotions, desires, etc. are always converted into Chinese verbs.

1) I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.


?2) They are not content with their present achievements.

4. Adverbs into verbs

?1) Our holiday is three weeks away. ?2) When will he be back?

?3) The boy told me that his mother was out.

?5. Conjunction into Verbs ?1) Eight and seven is fifteen.

?2) Winter is the fourth and last season in a year.

II. Conversion into Nouns

?1. Verb into Nouns



?A. His image as a good student was tarnished.

?B. He was snubbed by those top-ranking officials.

?2)名词派生出来的动词,为符合汉语表达习惯,可将其还原成名词来译。 ?A. He was blacklisted and lost his job.

?B. Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear.

2. Adjective into Nouns

?Adjectives with the definite articles to indicate categories of people, things, or adjectives used as

predicative to indicate the nature of things may also be converted into nouns.

?1) They are going to build a school for the blind and the deaf.

?2) In the fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive.

III. Conversion into Adjectives

?1. Noun into adj.

?1) 有时名词在句子中充当表语,前面通常有冠词,翻译时可转换为形容词。 ?A. This experiment was a great success.

?B. Independent thinking is a necessity in study.

?2) 有些形容词派生出的名词也可转译为形容词。

?A. The puppet-show was performed with great regularity. ?B. Having heard the good news, their happiness was complete.

?2. Adv. into adj.


?1) They were deeply impressed by what he did in the critical moment. ?2) Boys think differently from girls.

IV. Conversion into Adverbs

?1. Nouns into adv.

?1) John and Kate, the instant they were married, set out in great haste for Venice.


hard fought.

3) We are greatly inspired by the glowing success of the tremendous revolution, which is now changing the whole world.

3) The children lived in terror of their stepfather, who had borne down on them so often and so hard that there was little left.

英文中有时会出现同位语,翻译时也可适当地重复先行词,例如: 4)Water can be decomposed by energy, a current of electricity.

5) The President announced, with obvious relish, that the planes took off from ―Shangri-La,‖ the fictional, remote retreat in the Himalayas.

2. 动词的重复

英语句子常用一个动词连接几个宾语或表语,在译文中往往要重复这个动词。 1) People forget your face first, then your name.

2) This requires care and, for difficult problems, great experience.

3) I owned a town house, a summer lodge in the mountains, a winter cabin in the desert, a car and a driver‘s license take myself about.

4) They were starting from scratch and needed men, guns, training. 英语句子中动词后有前置词时,在第二次第三次往往只用前置词而省略动词,在译文中则要重复动词以代替英语中重复的前置词。

5) They talked of the things they longed for — of meat and of hot soup and of the richness of butter.

6) Then he spoke of the rise of charity and popular education, and particularly of the spread of wealth and work.

7) He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength.

8) Grammar deals with the structure of language, English grammar with the structure of English, French grammar with the structure of French, etc.

3. 代词的重复

英文用代词替代前文所述的人或物,因此代词在英文句子里出现频繁。汉语则不然,往往要重复名词,代词的使用不像英文那么多。中文句子里的代词用多了,反倒意思搞不清,这也是个有趣的现像,例如She said she would spend her money. 这个句子,倘若译成―她说她要花她的钱‖,读者就会引起误会,很可能以为她要去花另一个人的钱,所以译文应为―她说她要花自己的钱‖。因此,英语中用代词的地方,翻译时往往可按汉语习惯重复其所代替的名词。

1) Ignoring a problem does not solve it.

2) But there are clues, and they seem to bear out my earlier suspicion. 3) When her eyes looked up, they were very large, odd, and attractive.

4) He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others. 5) Big families had their own difficulties.

英语中强势关系代词或强势关系副词whoever, whenever, wherever等等,翻译时常使用重复法处理。

6) Whoever works hard will be respected.


7) Wherever severe oppression existed, there would be revolution. 8) Come over to see me whenever you are free.

英语用some… and others…(some…, others…)连用的句子,译成汉语时主语往往是谓语重复形式的―的‖字结构,有时也可用―有的……,有的……‖句式。

9) Some are playing football, others are playing volleyball.

10)On Sunday afternoon, some reviewed their lessons, and others helped the cooks in their work.


11)He wanted to send them more aid, more weapons and a few more men. 12)To him, the birds sang, the squirrel chattered and the flowers bloomed. 13)He was proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator.

14)They might very well be preparing an attack against the country, hence their sizable buildup not only of troops, but of missiles, planes, and tanks along the border of the country.


英语句子中往往重复关键的词,以使读者留下 深刻的印象,英译汉时往往可以采用同样的重复手段。

(1)如果英语原文中有词的重复,译成汉语有时可以保持同样的重复 1) Work while you work, play while you play.

2) It is impossible to live in society and be independent of society.

3) Dead is the monarch, dead the servant who cringed before him, dead the city in which they dwelt.

4) If once virtue is lost, all is lost.

5) Year after year and century after century the moon goes through its cycles.

6) He demanded total loyalty, not loyalty in the traditional sense, not positive loyalty, but total loyalty, not just to office or party, or concept, but loyalty first and foremost to Lyndon Johnson..

(2)英文原文中有词的重复,译成汉语有时可以用同义词重复之 1) Easy come, easy go. 2) No pains, no gains.

3) During their stay in Beijing, they visited some old friends of theirs, visited Beijing University and visited the Great Wall.


出于译文行文上的考虑,有时虽然英文原文中没有词的重复,但译者在推敲、校正和润饰译文行文的过程中,有意识地采取一些重复手段,使译文更加生动。 1. 运用两个四字词组


1) He showed himself calm in an emergency situation.


2) The questions were evidently unexpected to the slowwitted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongue-tied.

3) Instead we continued to embellish the cover story, walking blindly into his trap. 2.运用词的重迭

1) The toasts were flat.

2) I wasn‘t evasive in my reply.

3) A slanting sunlight dappled the grass.

4) The farm buildings and the wheel-house were all dim and bluish.


汉语中有不少对偶词组,在这个四字中前后两对字形成对偶,往往具有相同或类似的含义,所以也是一种重复。英译汉时我们可酌情采用此类四字对偶词组,使译文显得生动活泼。 rumors calm grotesque prosperous gratitude ingratitude vivid careless in chaos street gossip eternal glory to

great contributions

1) The trial, in his opinion, was absolutely fair. 2) She is an awful fool of a woman. 3) She told him of John‘s fancy.

4) But at that time, he was the only man there.


1. Aristocratic and democratic tendencies in nation often show themselves in its speech.

2. He wandered about in the chill rain, thinking and thinking, brooding and brooding. 3. But there had been too much publicity about my case.

? His children, too, were as ragged and wild as if they belonged to nobody.

? Only a very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him. ? You shall have enough to eat and sufficient to put on.

?Exchange of ideas is necessary. For without it, it is impossible to achieve mutual understanding.

?Mama gave him a bright smile and laboriously wrote down a sum and added and subtracted. ?I had been completely in my replies, withholding nothing.

?Nothing is more difficult than to translate a text both faithfully and smoothly.

Ask not what your country can do for; ask what you can do for your country.

All of us need to remembered that the federal government did not create the states, the states created the federal government. Do not live to eat, but eat to live.


◆In fact, the Lexicographer‘s name was always on the lips of this majestic woman, and a visit he had paid to her was the cause of her reputation and her fortune.

?But my kind reader will please to remember that this history has ―Vanity Fair‖ for a title, and that Vanity Fair is a very vain, wicked, foolish place. Full of all sorts of humbugs (花招,谎话) and falseness ad pretensions.


?2) She had the kindness to show me the way.

?2. Adj. into adv.

?1) They regarded him as a potential adversary. ?2) He whispered a hurried good-bye to his host

I. What is amplification

?By amplification, also called addition, means supplying necessary words in our translation work

on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original so as to make the version correct and clear, to make it appear more like the language translated into. Example:

?presidential historian

?For mistakes had been made, bad ones, he was severely criticized.

?Rocket research has proved the strange fact…..

?How she wished she could send that man to the Furies—for the punishment she thought he


?Furies [希神]复仇女神(―土地‖和―黑暗‖的三个女儿, 以清算罪恶为职责, 被描绘成庄严、美

丽的女郎, Fury 为其中之一) II. 根据意义或修辞的需要

?1. 增加动词:由于意义上的需要及英汉语言上的差异,英语中重复用词的情况较少,而


?1) In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would

work on the drafting of the final communiqué.

? 2) Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter.

?3) His parents cannot afford the loss of their son; our young son, his father; and I my husband. ? 4) My work, my family and my friends were more than enough to fill my time. ? 5) Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.

2. 增加形容词

?1) With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism. ?2) It will make a man of him in the college.

?3) What a girl she is! See, she is speaking loudly while eating.

3. 增加副词

?根据原文的上下文,有些动词在一定的场合可增加适当的副词,以确切表达原意。 ?1) After the thunderstorm, the clouds melted away. ?2) Now and then, his boots shone.

?3) A seagull saw the light from my window and darted up to it.

4. 增加名词

?A. 不及物动词后增加名词




?To do some shopping ?To do some washing

?He began to see things and to understand.

?He ate and drank, for he was exhausted.

?The invading troops looted and raped wherever they went.

B. 在形容词前增加名词

?1) ―It is really nice and cheap. You will regret for not buying it later.‖ ?2) She was walking in the street alone, weary and ragged. ?3) She is extroverted, smiling all the day.

?4) He is a complicated man---moody, mercurial, with a melancholy streak.

?C. 形容词派生出来的抽象名词,翻译时可根据上下文在其后面增添适当的名词,使译文


?to persuade 说服 persuasion ?to prepare 准备 preparation ?to resolve 解决 resolution

?backward 落后 backwardness ?tense 紧张 tension

?arrogant 傲慢 arrogance ?mad 疯狂 madness

?antagonistic敌对 antagonism ?patriotic ?romantic

爱国的 patriotism 浪漫


?complacent自满 ?necessary




? 1) The remedies you proposed are neat and easy but impossible.

?2) From the evaporation of water people know that liquids can turn into gases under certain


?5. 增加表示复数的词:由于汉语名词的复数没有词形的变化,很多情况下不必表达出来,

但有时需要通过增加―们,各位,诸位‖等。如―各位领导,各位嘉宾,老师们,同学们,大家好!‖ (ladies and gentlemen)


?A. 增加重叠词表示复数

?1) Flowers bloom all over the yard.

?2) Newsmen went flying off to Iraq to get the latest news. ?3) There were rows of houses which he had never seen before.

B. 增加数词或其他词

?1) The lion is the king of animals.

?2) The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men. ?3)She passed the exams with the help of the classmates.

?4) The US had a brief period of regional feudalism during the period of slavery in the southern


?5) Note that the words ―sense‖ and ―sensitivity‖ are different.

?6. 增加表达时间的词:由于英汉语言的差异,英语动词随时态的变化而变化,而汉语动词

没有词形的变化,但有时为了表达的需要和准确性,需要增加一些表示时间的词如:曾,曾经,已经,过了,了,那时,此时,当时,在,正在, 着,将,将要,就要,就会,便等。

?1) She came to the school in 1998. She had taught English in two schools. ?2) The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him.

3)Whereas Kissinger had once needed Nixon as a channel to power, Nixon now needed Kissinger to help him remain in power.

?4) They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are. ?5) My father is cooking, but my mother watching TV.

?6) I knew it quite well as I know it now.

?7. 汉语中的语气词很多,如:的,吧,呢,啊,呀,嘛,啦,了,罢了,而已,在翻译


?1) Don‘t take it seriously. I‘m just making fun of you.

?2) As for her, she did not love him from the very beginning. ?3) That shop has been moved for ages, don‘t you know?

?8. 增加量词:英语中数词与可数名词直接连用,他们之间没有量词,而汉语必须借助量


?A. A bike ?A computer ?An apartment ?A gift

a desk a tractor a full moon a paper

?1)A stream was winding its way through the valley into the river.

?2) This too was a complete lie.


?B. 英语中有些动词或者动作名词,翻译时需要增加一些表示行为、动作量的动量词。 ?Eg. Have a rest, have a wash (洗一下) ?1)He gave her a sly look.

?2) Please come in and take a look.

9. 增加概括词


?1) The Americans and Japanese conducted a completely secret exchange of message.

?2) The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers, artificial satellites

and rockets.


principal functions that may be performed by vacuum tubes are rectification,

amplification, oscillation, modulation and detection.

?4) You and I are good friends. We should trust each other.

?10. 增加承上启下的词:在翻译时,特别是进行语篇翻译时,更需要目的语的连贯性,以


?1) For mistakes had been made, bad ones.

?2) Yes, I like Chinese food. Lots of people do these days. Sort of the fashion.


?1) He intends to drop names.

?他常常提及名人或有权有势的人,以便提高自己的身价让人对自己刮目相看。 ?To be more nice than wise ?To see how the cat jumps

?To run as fast as one‘s legs can carry one ?To be a back-seat driver

?2) Their ―May-December‖ marriage ended in a stormy divorce.

?3)Britain suffered a considerable brain drain to the United States after World War II.

?4)Taking cars off the streets does not create a new city centre; something must be added such as

beauty and usefulness, as well as a good transportation plan.


必须增加一些诸如美和有用的东西。X Appreciation

?Only the rain continued to pour. ?The hungry boy devoured his dinner.

?Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, and thrift stingy. ?He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.

?They make the verse like real speech while preserving the tension and exaltation of poetry.

Note that the words, ―velocity‖ and ―speed‖ require explanation. She is more royal than the royals.

Speed and reliability are the chief advantages of the electronic computer. What they wanted most was an end of the uncertainties.


The sight of his native place called back his childhood.

I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it.


课时安排:2节 教学目的要求:帮助学生了解英语和汉语都有从正面和反面来表达某种概念现象以及翻译中


教学重点:英译汉中的正反说法习惯。 教学难点:



Please take a look at the following examples: 1) –Hey, it late. Where is Tom? ----He‘s still in bed. 他还没有起床。

2) Without reasoning one is apt to be beyond control. 没有理智容易变成不受约束。 3)---Are you not going tomorrow?

--- No, I‘m not going. (是的,我不去)

1.原文形式上为肯定,译文形式上采用否定。 1)Such a chance denied me.

2)The first bombs missed the target.

3)While colder than usual, the weather held.

4)If he had kept his temper, the negotiation would probably have been a success. 5) The explanation is pretty thin.

6)I‘m at my wits end to keep the children quiet. 7) The subversion attempts proved predictably futile.

8)Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.

9) Everybody was waiting for her but she was talking to Ms. Zhang while slowly walking out of her classroom.

10) Miss Mary kept to her room all day.


11) It‘s long time since I enjoyed myself so much. 12) His explanation is far from being satisfactory.

13) All the prison guards treated us like dogs.

2. 原文形式上为否定,译文形式上采用肯定: 1)I don’t doubt China will be reunited.

2)He never spared himself and so he made me work hard.

3)Hitler‘s undisguised effort to persecute the Jews met with worldwide condemnation. 4)He manifested a strong dislike for his father‘s business. 5) He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious. 6) Don’t make your conclusion before the end of the year. ―You will try to tide me over, won‘t you?‖ ―Won’t I!‖

3. 原文形式上为肯定、意义上为否定,翻译时可以直接表达出暗含的否定意义。 1) It was more than I could bear.

2) The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered.

3) Both sides thought hat the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity. 4) She would rather have her room painted milk-white than have it painted sky-blue.

5) In addition to providing a cool sitting place in the open air, a balcony can also protect the window below from the direct glare of the sun. 6) The last thing I want in this world is to hurt you.

4. 原文形式上双重否定,就相当于肯定,翻译时需要表达肯定的意义。 1) There can be no sunshine without shadow. 2) You can’t buy things without money. 3) He was nothing if not a hypocrite.

4) ―You are too beautiful and gifted not to make me fall in love with you!‖ 5) There is not any advantage without disadvantage. 6)There is no story without coincidence.

5. 原文含有否定形式的惯用语时,要根据实际情况进行翻译: 1) You can‘t be too careful when you drive a car.

2) She can‘t help laughing when she heard the funny story.

6. 带有―all‖的不完全否定句,翻译时要格外小心: 1)All that glitters is not gold.

2) All criminals are not murderers. 3) But all men are not born to reign. 4) Both children are not clever.


1) All that flatter you too much are not faithful friends.


2) Mr. White has refrained from making an official comment on the coup in that country. 3) That served to strengthen instead of weaken our determination. 4) The evidence is conclusive, excluding all possibilities of doubt. 5) Please tender exact fare.

6) You should seize the opportune moment to put in a good word for me.

第三章 词义的选择、引申和褒贬

教学目的:让学生在翻译时能灵活对词义进行选择、引申和判断褒贬 重点、难点:词义的选择、引申 方法:讲解、提问、讨论 教学步骤

选词,就是在翻译过程中,有些词不能按原文字面的含义来译,而需要适当改变、扩充或缩小词义,以便更好地表达原文的思想内容。 词的选译与词义的转换


现代英国语言学派创始人Firth曾说过,―每个词在不同的上下文中,会成为含义不同的另一个新词(Each word when used in a new context is a new word.)。‖ (-)必须根据上下文以及词的搭配关系来吃透原文的确切含义

英国哲学家Wittgenstein: ―一个词的含义只能从该词在语言的应用中去获得。‖(The meaning of a word is its use in the language.) 今天天气很好。 (2)我的病好了。 (3)你们对我真好。 (4)这事好办。 (5)好景不长。 (6)形势有好转。

(7)我已经好久没有看见他了。 (8)我好几个星期都不在家。 and


He was sick and took some medicine . (2)表示结果

He told her the bad news and she wept. Water the seeds and they will grow. (3) 表示条件:

Be bold but cautious in whatever you do,and you will attain your goal for sure. One more such loss, and they are ruined. (4 )表示目的 :

Be sure to come and see me. (5 )表示转折 :

Eat to live and not live to eat.

He promised to give me a quick answer and he didn‘t. (6 )表示选择 :


All his property will be bequeathed to a person and his daughters. (7 )表示对比:

Always be true in word and resolute in deed.

Cherish lofty aspirations, and study perseveringly. (8 )表示同时发生的动作: He sat and watched television.

(9)表示先后相继发生的动作: I woke up and got out of bed.

(10)表示继续重复发生的动作: She knocked and knocked. (11 )表示强调:

The people and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of history. (12 )表示各种各样:

There are friend and friends.

(13)and前面与good或nice连用,表示―很‖―非常‖的意思,相当于very: It was good and cold yesterday. This room is nice and warm.

(14) and用于连接两个数字时,表示―加‖的意思,相当于plus: Three and three makes six.

(l5)and用于连接两种职称时,表示―兼职‖的意思,相当于in addition to being: Comrade Li is Chairman and Party secretary.

(16) and用于连接两种食品时,常表示二者合成的一种(而非两种)食品,相当于served with或covered with: bread and butter ham and eggs meat and potatoes


―to wash one's hands of‖ ― 洗手不干‖

― 断绝关系,不再来往‖ ― 不再承担责任‖

―I‘ll wash my hands of the matter.‖ He washed his hands of his wife.

I don‘t know why my son turned to be a good-for-nothing,I‘ll wash my hands of him.

(C)英汉两种语言的褒义词(commendatory terms)和贬义词(derogatory terms)翻译。 Ambitious

This student is bright and ambitious.

―The gang of four‖ was an ambitious political Clique. hand in glove

Those two comrades are hand in glove with each other. The reactionaries work hand-in-glove with the imperialists. invade

In 1931 the Japanese troops invaded the Northeast of China.


We had been conferring with our allies on the question of whether and when the island should be invaded. success

I am rejoiced at your success.

Notice how the cold,colourless men,without ideas and with no other passion but a craving for success get on in this society. experience

Have you forgotten the ten years‘ experience of the Cultural Revolution? 试译:

He is a bad drunk. I felt myself at home.

Suddenly he felt a call of nature. I know he meant business.

The lecture carried his audience with him. He lost a cool thousand dollars. free living

small talk sweet water dry goods American cloth China rose French chalk Indian meal

to eat one's words

to think a great deal of oneself to carry the ball

to bring down the house personal remark What a shamed!

(B)翻译时要尽量避免只看词语字面的一般意义(normal,central meaning)而不分析其特殊意义(unusual meaning),内含的意义(connotations)和联想意义(associative meaning)。 (1)This failure was the making of him. (2)I could do with more leisure time. (3)I have no opinion of that sort man. (4) He is dead, as I live.

(5) Every culture has its own rules and values. (6) He has come off second best. (7)There is no come and go with him.

(C)有些英语词语按字面意思译不能表达原作的确切含义,而在词典中又找不到恰当的对应词。这时就需要根据上下文关系将原文的词语含义加以引申,选择更为恰当的词义来表达。 1.将词义作转译的引申,就是在原有词义的基础上转向他义。

(1)When we are introduced to new people, we should try to appear friendly and self-confident.

(2)We Zambia would like to build a colourblind society where all men can have full



2.将词义作抽象化的引申,就是把原有比较具体的词转换为比较抽象的词。 (1)I hope all these possibilities will enable us to round the corner.

(2) The shortest distance between raw material and a finished part is casting.

(3)Between midnight and dawn,when sleep will not come,all the old wounds began to ache. 从午夜到黎明,辗转不能成寐时,一切悲惨的往事开始折磨我。

(4)The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era -- the Industrial Age. Money had become king.

3.将词义作具体化的引申,就是将原有比较概括、抽象的词转换为比较具体的词。 (l)The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing.

(2) Cars are used for more than pleasure. They are a necessary part of life. (3)Lazer is one of the most sensational developments in recent years. (4 )The Socialists have decided to go in to the opposition. 第一,要看一看上下文关系; 第二,要查一查字典; 第三,要想一想词语的内在含义和联想意义,有时要在思想上转个弯,将词义作适当的引申。


(一)为了明确 1.名词的重复


1) We should learn how to analyze and solve problems. 2) A good play serves to educate and inspire the people. 3) I had experienced oxygen and / or engine trouble. 4) It is our duty to rebuild and defend our homeland.


1) Every single woman I ever know is a puzzle to me, as, I have no doubt, she is to herself . 2) This has been our position — but not theirs. 3) Peter is your enemy as much as he is mine. 4) She became a millionaire — all by herself.

(3)重复英语前置词短语中所省略的名词 重复使用前置词是英文的一大特点,并常常将第二个,第三个前置词前的名词省略,翻译成汉语时则往往要把此名词重复,以代替英语中的前置词。

1) Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.

2) The prisoners often got into argument with each other or with the guard. 3) A government of and by and for exploiting class cannot possibly survive.

4) We caught a glimpse of the leading horses and of a horseman vanishing through the rain.

(4)重复英语中作先行词的名词 英语定语从句常用关系词引导,它一方面代表定语从句所修饰的那个先行词(名词或代词),一方面在从句中担任一个成分。汉语中没有关系词,往往需要重复作这个先行词的名词。

1) My uncle was born in Beijing, which is the capital of China.

2) The issues of principles that divided the General Assembly in recent weeks were deeply felt and


